mmiimn mw VFAirmi tibgteaS; 'IMWliiKwjBy4SL-K' 1M.1 I J .. 1 (J i'rltJlLUlk mr Wfif Not TOliSSyCx " JAJmJi ' Premiums Electrical tjiits '--- Please Every Fashionable Woman Manv Pieces of ElGoirir: Warn A fnr. lien ti, m;m:m fable where they give a touch ki npi-rnrl In iUn Unrirrr I Elfictnn Coffee PernnlalnrR. 'ab e Stoves and Electric Toasters Mnlo Fnfimiw' cnihi nrl Practinal Rifts. f There is an electrical gift for very purse. THE LOW SPECIAL PRICES LAST Only Until Present Stocks Are Sold. This year the special holiday ig to co-operative effort of the 2ives: ). A. Langworthy Marshfield Electric Cont. Co. T Oregon Power Company Abstracts ron uuliaiim: austuacts ov titu: and ixkukmatiox AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. .MAIlSlim.M) AXD COQl'IM.i: cirv, OHUOOX onxintAL aoi:xi5, i:astsii)i: axd bkxostackkx'.s addition AGKXTS 1011 CAXADIAX IMl'll'IC HAIIAIOAD IiA.NDS lllJXItV SI'NdSTACKKX, MAN'.Uil'll TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many yoars and a lot of our cuetoinors will toll you when It comoi to Kottlng good, sound, durnblo framing material at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Juot toll what you want to build and the nmount you went to spond and we'll got busy with our pencil and tlcuro out tho best your uonoy can buy. Try ui. xl4 u. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RI'TAIh DKI'AUVMUXT COT THE FUEL MM 1 TWO IIV USIXO OUU WOOD PITON'K 100. 182 HOl'TH HHOAHWAY BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $125,000.00 (No ludobtodness.) OPPICBItS: J. W. nonnott, Proeldent Arthur McKwwn, Swrotary Tom T. Bennett, Vlco Prosldent Bennett Swanton, Trensuror Transacts a trust buslnoia only. Acts hi truitae of express trusta and also aa executor and administrator of oatate. The only Trust Company In Oregon outsldo of Portland orjpuiliwd under now trust law In this state Not Only At fl OOll But every day In tho year Conner .V oaKlunil o .!, to i.cnoji)iiltlilIioBwilllilii8 In !Mt'KIIM. i' ""J nut htv0 them every il.iy or pass their btim. but tlx-y n ,,l)Mll" ' '" Job mul tho'r Hun-mi ilolhory musoiih and uuts probnbly mj. jot r lioiuo evory Any. Speak to the liiur wlieww " " "'J'? 1ms hU InwI: uitli Him hiiiI can taKo your onlw at i in llmo 'l any plnio or phono tliom tli0ro aro two phone, .$-( mI ,; U joii have time, drop nnmnil and hoe the IimIoM oxi'l ' ! fc u "i fctoro In Coos County, vJiou It miulift. tho borWc. or eHJit peo ple to tnko caro of the trade. . . Conner Hoa.nd pride thenuolvc. .m 'tU Z ,yo'u,,,.e?t ttWlATXlr uL If- - , own hcfct Jmlgiiicut. CONNOR & H0AGLAND hOLTH IJKOADWAV. of distinction and luxury hinh- u Flnnfrio Tno umtinc cinM: everyone at a nrice to suit prices are unusually low ow- following dealers and our- T19 ay lime I'IIOM 5120, a 18 ', Cihrlstmas Cards THE TIMES Job Department will print special Christmas cards for parties desiring to give individuality to their expression of the sea son's sentiments.. Samples may be seen at the office or patrons may furnish their own cards. Your name and your favorite quotation or original sentiment will add much to your friend's apprecia tion of your kindly remembrance Cos Ba Phone We Want Everyone on Coos Bay to Know THAT WE DO AS FINE Freicli Dry Cleaning Right here at home as is done in any city on the Pacific Coast. We have recently installed equipment and with skilled and experienced workmen are pre pared to turn out work that is equal to any done in San Francisco or Portland. Kindly remember we are not merely agents sending this work out, but it is all done in our own establishment and we absolutely guarantee satisfaction. We say this confidently as our present equipment and experience enables us to do at least 75 per cent better work than the old hand work formerly turned out- A trial order will convince you. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE'S PLACE 256 CENTRAL AVENUE.' PHONE 250-X ft'-- --niiMfiir unwnian Do Your Christmas Shopping Now Don't wait to do your Christinas shopping oorly DO IT NOW. TIo storas aro groaning In thole fullness. Stocks nro now, frosh, comploto and Inviting. If you shop now ohooso at lolsuro from nmplo varlotlos and get the host tho markets afford In tho way of goods and service Just turn to tho advertising columns of Tho Times nnd bogln making out your Christmas lists. At no season ot tho yoar will you find tho advertising moro holpful moro saving of your time and inonoy. J TYPEWRITERS All standard monts npw nnH rfihiiilt. Fnx. Underwood. Reminnton. Roval. 1 Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. 1 Cleaning, repairing or notv platens, work guaranteed. Itlbbons and CArbou paper delivered. Phono u your order. Phono -1J. AIIIkucb office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE TJS A 'TRIAL l'VURYTHIXG IN THK HAKBKV MNIJ MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 133 XOKTII SKCOXD ST., NKAU OKNTHAI, AVUXUK, PIIOXE 42. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING W CIGARETTES. Camels Sell Without Premiums ' NO premiums or coupons go with Camel Cigarettes, be cause all the quality goes into the tobaccos a choice Turkish and domestic blend. With every whiff from a Camel Cigarette you notice the absence of the cigarctty taste and stung tongue. or parched throat. ri 4 20 for 10 cents nd you never smoked a more de lightful cigarette, no odds what you paid. Match a dime against a pack age today I tf your dealer can't tupply you, eend 10c far onm package, or $100 far a carton of ten pachag e 1 200 clgarettme), pottage prepaid. After emeklng 1 package, if you don't find CAMELS a repre i tented, return the other nine pack aget, and ice will ttfunJ your money, R. J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO. Wlntlon-Salem, N. C. To im 133. makes, sold on easy pay TO THE COOS BAY TIMES -- NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS coqimllu mill sold K. 12, Johtioit Itttls in Property nt Herelvoi-'s Sale. Tho property of tho Copullo Mill & Morcnntllo Company was solil by ltccolvor W. 1). :owluu mul bid In by U. 10. Johnson, tho John son Lumber Co. holding one or tho two mortgages on tho property under which It was sold. Tho nmount pnld was $12,300; but Mr. Johnson Informs ua Hint existing claims ogolnst tho property thnt nniRt bo taken enro of will bring tho amount of tio Invostmont up to $14,000. Mr. JolniRon linn operated tho mill under leaic for some montliB past, and will continue to run It to meet local demand for the present. As soon ns the condition of tho lumbor market will warrant he Informs us that ho expects: to In creaso his output and nintiiifnrturo for the Bhlplng trade. CopuNIa people nro glad to sco this property In Mr. JohiiHoti'fl hnudR and nro satisfied thnt It Is a good thing for the city that ho becomo owuor. Coqullo Sontlnnl COL'ItT CAKCS DKtUTX. The following canes havo boon fil ed hero In tho Circuit court bIiico our lust Issue: Alexander llnkvlst vb, Kmll Holmo and W. A. Ackormnn. Clirlsslo May Shearer vb. Win, 1). Shearer. Suit for divorce. J. II. Olmstend vx. Coos Bay Oro eery Co. Appeal from Justice Pon nock'fl court nt Mnrshflold. fl. T. TrendKoid vs. C. C. Carter and J. 11. Homers. William WIckmuI vs. II. II. Wilson nnd Lottie WIIhoii, partners dolm; business under tho immo of tho Pa cific Monumental & BulldlnR WorliB. First National Bank of Coos Bay vs. n. II. Fish. Homo Mortgngo Co. vs. lCugono Arthur Hormlso. II. V. Kntzoiibitoii vn. OoorRo W. Ileal, Stella T. Currlo and h. C. Cur rlo. Suit to quiet title. W. D. Nowton, receiver of Corpillje Mill li. Murcmitllo Co.', vs. Leonard Hartley. Mrs. 1 A. Barton vs. Borthn Dot tltiKS, Bortha S. (lettliiKH, C. M. Doyle, Frank Flam, ot al. Applica tion for Judgment tnx lion. Tho Statu of OroKon vs. James O'Brien. Indicted for burglary. Tho State of OrvRan on tho rela tion of II. B. Wclgar vs. Dan Steou. Coqulllo Hontlnol. L'XIQl'l' CKI.I'IIIIATIOX HUM). OldoKt Living. Whlto Man Born Wwt or llio Heckle KiiJojn UN 7(l(h Blrlhdiiy. , ALBANY, Or., Doo. II. Cyrus Unmllu Wulhor, oldost living white child born west of tho Kocky Moun tains, celebrated IiIb 70tli birthday nt his homo hero and tho occasion wns unusuiilly noteworthy bocnuso of the arrival here on n visit of his brother, Itov. J, Klkanah Walker, for 42 yoars n missionary in China. Cyrus Walker was bom Decomber 7, 1838, nt tho Marcus Whitman Mission, noar Wallu Walla, Wash., tho scono lator of the famous Whit- mnii massaoru. Ills fathor was Itov. Blkannh Walkor, n missionary to tho Indians. Ho has lived In this stnto tall of his life, is an Indian war vot- . ornn and has boon vory prominent In the work of tho statu grango, hav ing boon chaplain of tho state or- gniilmtlon for many years. Ho Is past grand commander of tho Indian I War Votoians and of tho North Pad t flo Const. I J, lilknnah Walkor is a nntlvo son 'of Orogon, 70 jonrs of ago, and Is an onrly graduate of Pacific Univer sity at Forost Orovo. Aftor gradu 'atlng from tho Bangor, Mo., Theolo 1 gloal Somlunry, from whloh his fath i or graduated In 1838, ho wont dlroot l to Chlnn as a missionary of tho Con- Ktutuiiuiui UllUIUtl BUitKIIOLDlIK llOXOIti:!). ' Frank Burkholder of this city, ouo , of five Coos county dologatos to tho i annual statu mooting of tho Farmers' Union nt Tho Dulles last wook, ro ' turned Monday, At tho luminous section nil tho old officers, with tho exception of vlco president being, re elected. For that position Mr. Ilurlc holdor was chosen. Coqulllo Senti nel. TWINS ABU HOH.V On Wcdnosday Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Oalbrnlth who live a mllo wost of this olty becamo tho happy paronts of twin baby girls, Thoy cnmo a llttlo early for a Christmas prosont, but at least aro an augury that tho war is not to contlnuo much longor for war tlmo Is always said to bring an excess of boy babies. Coqulllo Sentlnal .T'INH CHHISTMAS PHKSUNT Tho County Court last wook or dered that a bill for ?SQ0 bo sent to Dr. Dlx nnd Bon Mullen for a brldgo on tho Middle Fork of tho Coqulllo Itlver. Coqulllo Sentlnal SUi:S dAHDIXUB MILL. W. C. Woodman Wants $10,000 Damages fop Personal Injuries in Accident. PORTLAND, Or.. Doc. 14. W. C. Woodman filed suit for $10,000 ngnlnst tho Gardiner Milt Company In tho I'nltrd States District Court yesterday on the chnrgo thnt one of the sawmill dogs had damaged him to thnt extent. "Dobs," as tho Urn berjock knows thorn, nro sharp stool hooks that hold tho log firm on tho carriage while they arc bolus B.iwort Woodman wns docsettor for tho mill at Qnrdlner, Oregon, llo declares1 that March 0, whllo engaged In his1 work, another of tho mill employes throw n log against the cnrrlago In, such a way that tho dog handle flow, up and smashed lllm on tho Jaw. The suit wna the result. WANT OHKGOX .VAVAIj MILITIA TO PAILVDU OX TIIU OHUGOX Xatloual 'Nnvul Mltlliit AHortnllon ScoUm Kperlal Appropriation I'tii' Piirposo. To hnvo tho Naval Mllltln of tho United Stntes take tho trip through tho Panama Canal this summer aboard tho Bhlps of tho Navy Is ouo of tho main efforts of tho Nat ional Naval Mllltln Association. With tho battleship Orogon heading tho floot, tho Oregon mllltlamon nro ex tremely anxious that they bo given n chnuco to mnko tho trip. A lottor asking that tho Chamber of Com merce here ntd in inducing tho Con gressmen nnd Senators from this statu In getting n special appropria tion, wns rcculvod today. "The battleship Oregon," says the letter, "Is known nnd honored by every citizen of our country. It will head tho procession through tho Canal nnd bo tho first ship In San Francisco; hundreds of mon will bo wearing her nnmu. It our naval inllltlnmon can bo nbonrd, so much tho bettor ndvertlsomont for tho stnto." Aftor tho trip tho stnto commit tee wishes thnt tho Oregon will bo brought to Portland In tlmo for tho Itosu Carnival. KDITOH AXD HIH PAPKIt AHK TOWN'S HICST AKSICT I lend of Department, of JoiirtinllNiii (live New Hennoim Why Ads Aio Meir'mut'N Bet In vcNtinenl. KUOHNl', Dec. 1 1. "Advertising In tho country pnper is tho best In vestment a country merchant can mnko," says Uric W. Allen, head of tho department of journalism at tho Stato University. "Tho morohnnt's udvortlslng should bo news. It should toll something vory doflnlto about whnt tho store offers, nnd tho copy should bo chang ed frequently. Tho advertising col umns should bo made as Interesting as any other part ot tho papor, and tho merchants 'ad' Should uppour with tho Bumo rogulnrlty as tho edi tor's news. An ndvertlsomont in tho local papor Is by no menus charity. It brings big returns; first, In dlroct business when It Is handled with a llttlo common scuso; second in building up tho community, "Tho paper should' bo mndo ns Im portant nn agent of n town's Improve ment nnd prosperity ns tho church or school. Tho great problem ot tho small town in theso days of contrail zatlon nnd parcel post Is to mnko it self a good place to live In nnd a ploasaut placo for tho country peo ple to como to, If It doesn't do thnt It Is doomed to disappear. "So no town should bo so short sighted as not to glvo every eiicour ngemont to tho man who Is trying to mnko n newspaper there. Ho Is In ono Bonso tho most Important citi zen. Ho enn do moro for tho town both at homo nnd ubrond than any other one man. Ilo should bo backed up In his effort to do business at business prices and in a business wuy It would bo just ns sensible for you to lot your sohools run down, or your stores run down, or your churches run down, as to lot your nowspnpor run down." DHOWXiri) AT KMCTO.N Onrur Warner Iom'h Llfo In Uinpqim During I'Ycfthct, KLKTON, Or., Doc. 1 1. Oscar Warner, who had onoratod an ax handle factory on tho Kent ranch, near Ulkton, was drowned In tho Umpquu rivor. Warnor had no known rolatlvos in this section of tho statu. Warnor and another man were in a boat, nnd nt tho tlmo of tho drowning wero working on tho construction or repairing of a boom In tho river. In some unex plained muunor tho boat capsized and both mon wore thrown Into tho chilling waters. Tho tragedy hap pened noar tho mouth ot Ulk Creok. Tho body was quickly recovered. Mr. Warnor was u single man and was about 4G yoars of ago. Ho hud operated a small factory noar Ulk ton for a number of yours. wins SPUXT MUCH. KxiHMided Over $:I3,(H( in Fighting Prolijhltlon in Oregon. Tho following dispatch from Salom will bo of Intorost, especially in view of tho fact that tho Taxpayers and wngeearnors' i.oaguo, which conduct ed consldorablo of tho auti-prohlbl-tlou campalgu, has ben ropudlutlug ANTS T OOP T Gov. West's Letter to Supreme Court in R. 0. Graves' Case ' Indicates Feeling Tho Snlom Capital Journal o'flnst Tuosday, prior to tho Oregon Su premo Court reinstating It. O. OraYOS, printed tho following .which will bo of Interest horo: Fooling thnt onds ot lnw nnd jus tlco havo boon served In securing tho conviction of. It. O, O raves and his associates, of violation ot tho lnw against tho enforcement of mob Mile In tho caso of tho mobbing nnd doportntlon of thrco members ot tho I. W W. organization from Mnrsh flold last year, ns n result of which Mr. droves, n prominent nttorney of Mnrshflold, was last wok susponded from tho prnctlco of law In tho Btato courtH for.n period of thrco months, (lovornor Wost Joined In tho movo ment to securo n suspension ot sen tence of tempornry dlsbnrrment Im posed upon Mr. droves and wroto n letter to tho supremo court recom mending Mr. Ornves' restoration to tho right of practice At tho tlmo ot tho mobbing of the thrco members of tho I. W. W. by tho lending citizens of Mnrshflold and their forcible deportation from tho city :i ml Coob county by londtng them upon n gasollno launch nnd Inking thorn across tho Bay with tho admonition novor to return tn Coos county, nn nppual was mndo to Gov ernor West by tho I. W. W.'s for protection ot their rights as cltlzons and Governor Wost Interceded in their bohnlt acting undor tho belief that tlicro was nn olomont of porno outlon and vlndlctlvonoss on tho part of tho citizens of Mnrshflold in thus tnklng tho law Into their hhnds. " ' It has since developed, upon Inves tigation, thnt tho thrco I. W. "W.'s woro tho principal agitators) In n strlko movement nmong tho workors In tho lumbering Industry nnd that thoy deserved tho treatment thoy re ceived, nnd porhnps worse, for tho unlawful methods ndoptod by tho I. W. W.'s In trying to promoto dissat isfaction nmong tho workmen and to bring tho employers to terms. Tho full toxt of Governor West's lottor to tho supremo court, recommending a remission of tho bnlanco of Mr. Graves' punlshmont, follows: "Hon. J. C. Morolnhd, Clerk of tho Supremo Court, Sutom, Oregon. "Donr Sir: Boforrlng to tho rccont dlsbnrrmont of Attornoy 11. O. Ornves on itccount of his participation In tho Coos county doportntlon affair, 1 wish In say that I bollovo tho deci sion of tho court has already had Its offoct and has taught its lessons to both Mr. Graves and his associates. "In vlow of this, tho circumstances which led up to tho deportation, nnd tho pnst good record of Mr. Craves, I ask that your Ilonornblo Court at this tlmo bo kind enough to romlt tho bnlnnco of tho punlshmont imposed. "Christmas nnd tho Now Year nro at hand nnd this offorn a splondld opportunity for tho judicial and exe cutive departments to join hands and through tho performance of this kind net closo an Incident which while u'n fortunato has taught us nil n whole some lesson. "Hospoctfiilly yours, "Oswald West, aovornor." ninny of tho claims thoy contractod: "According to nn expense state ment filed with Secrotury or Stato Olcott by A. II. Green burg, secre tary of tho Oregon Browor's & Wholesnlo Liquor Dealors' Associa tion, that body oxpoudod 133,478,03 In tho rocont general election to de feat tho constitutional amendment for state-wide prohibition. "Tho statoment shows that $35, 000 wns turned ovor by tho associa tion for campaign purposes; that II&01.30 wns expended for office ex ponecs, including salaries; $3013.29 for printing; $300 for office rent; $2075.94 for newspaper advertising: $211. CI for oxpressngo on literature; $22,510.80 for speakers and field moil's salaries, and $SCG.G1 for lit oraluro and stumps, leaving a balance of $1021.38." SMAM.PO.Y AT BOSUBUHG Conductor Afflicted With DIsohs Whllo HiiiiiiIiik Truln. nnRKimnn. rr n. u n. ductor Shearer, who was In" chance or train no. n, rrom tho South, was placed in charge of tho county Hnnltll OfflrOr fnllnU'lttir liln nrrlnnl horo, on account or having small pox. It Is said he broko out with tho mulady whllo on tho train, and nt tho station horo ho was met by local physicians who dotormlnod it to bo smallpox, By order of Judgo Hamilton, J. Jones, of Glondnle, has been excused from sorvlng as a juror at the Do combor term of Circuit Court. Mr. Jones Is said to havo smallpox, An other juror was excused at Yon calla for tho same reason. HKFUND TAX PUXAIA'IUS It wna ordered by tho County Court that Treasurer Dlmmlck take erodlt tor and rotund the money for all penalties paid on the first half of taxes for tho year 1013. Theso ponaltlos woro collected' before tho courts deslded that half pay meats could still bo legally made undor tho new tax law. Coquills Sontlnnl, HE PROSECUTION 1 f t 41 41 HI taib4ai