wir. m ju- - - - - '- --"- aj -. jo-- - a e a j.- a. - " i i 'I - s MM MEN ARE COMING i mm m -ph. i Some Christmas Sentiments A COLLKCTION OV VlMtCS'lO M'CiMl'ASV CHRISTMAS GIFTS ESPECIALLY ELECTED FROM MANY SOURCES l-'OIt THE COOS RAY TIMES; Commission Will Visit Coos Bay to Confer With Local Committee That tho RoBoburg Railroad Com mission will visit Coob liny within tho next few woolen to malco dcfl nlto nrrnngoracnts for tho work on tho rond to tldo water from tholr town, for which they havo already voted $500,000 In bonds, Is tho statement of a letter received this mornlnfe from W. II. Richardson, secretary of tho commission. Unburdening of their hearts to tho Railroad Commlttco of tho Chamber of Commcrcoj tho unfold ing cf tholr plans which all along havo been kept secret Is tho hopo hero. At tho last meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce Hugh Mc Laln, of tho commlttco, then re ported that his body will tako no further action until thoy nro ac quainted with tho Rosoburg plans. With this visit of tho Rosoburg Commission to Coos Day, It Is thought probablo this will open tho way for doflnlto and co-oporntlvo action. "Wo hopo you aro Just as anx ious to roach tho Interior as wo nro to reach tldo water" Is a stato mont In Mr. Richardson's letter. Ho wroto asking Socrotnry Motley for maps, data and other Information regarding Coos Ray. From thoBo queries It Is taken that tho commission In Rosoburg Is preparing Itsolf In n sort of ammunition supplying way for tho attack on Coos Day when thoy swoop down with tholr plana for a railroad lino from tho vnlloy to tho coast. Our old acquaintance Is not forgot And nt this Joyous time, I send this llttlo greeting card For tho sake of "Auld Lang Syne." You'ro over In that foreign land, Across tho seas of blue. And so I send this Christmas card, From U. S. A. to you. It carries my good wishes nnd Tho things thnt I would say If I were thcro or you woro hero In dear old U. S. A. rhnnic you for your Christmas gift, And for your grcotlng, too. My day was much tho richer Bccauso they camo from you. Of all tho "Morry Chrlstinascs" Which havo been wished to you. Thoro no'cr wns wish excooded this In bolng warm and truo. SERVICE MONDAY PEN EH I Empire and North Bend to Have Mail Delivery Almost 12 Hours Sooner North Ilond and Kmplro's revised mall schedule cutting nt least IS hours from tho delay of outgoing mail, will go Into offect on Mondny morning, according to tho announce ment of Poatmnstor W. II. Curtis. hla la tho chnngo being asked for by tho pntroiiH of tlioso two offices. At n mooting of tho North Ilond Chnm bor of Commorco hold on Wednesday evening a lottor was then rond from James S. Hanslcy of tho I'ostofflcc Department declaring that tho peti tion had boon gmnotd. Under ho now schedule mnll will lenvo Kin pi ro nt 7:30 a. in. and go ing to North Ucnd will collect mall thoro, delivering It In Marshflold nt 10 o'clock. This will bo In plenty of tlnio to catch tho outgoing train to Myrtle Point and hotwoen 10:15 nnd 12 o'clock tho roiurn trip will bo innilo with tho morning mall for dollvory. HHIKI'S 01 RAN HON. Xohb of niy-by.tlitf-Koii Ah Told by Tho Recorder. HORN to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Wato, Thursday, Derombor 3. a 7 1-2 pound son. John F. Dnno, who h'ns boon on tno sick llBt for thu past mouth as u result or a badly sprained back caused by lifting, Is again out on tho street. Mr, llano snys ho hopes to do back nt ma regular work soon. but nt thu present tlmo can not tackle nenvy lifting. llort Chninborlnln nnd Hans Ad olphson, Ilnndou auto men, wont to MarBhflold tho past week to Inves tigate tno feasibility or establishing an auto stngo lino from Marshflold to Ferndnlo, ono of tho outlying sec tions of thnt city, situated along tho hill botweon Marshflold and North Ilond. A labor suit botween J. W. loach, R Ih alleged, and Hans .Ad olphsen, Involving the car proposed to bo used, cnused tho project to bo given up. fn splto of miles botweon. us, . I thought you'd llko to know, Thnt you nro not forgotton And that this will toll you so. Just a good, old-fashioned greeting, Just a glad halloo to say, I wish you "Morry Chrlstmnst" In tho good, old-fashioned wny. Just tho samo .old-tlmo roraom branco I'll olncoroly wish onco more, With n morrlor Morry Chrlstmns, Than you'vo oro had boforo. Every day I think of you And snys to myself, says I: "I must wrlto," It Is truo, But seldom do It, do I? U A bit of bright silver To mnko your day shlno, And tho heartiest wishes From my heart to thlno. My wishes nro bo strong and stout I was afraid they'd all get out, And so I'vo bound them up. togothor And send them In this bit of leather. Rules For Christmas Mail I'vo hooked up so many bright fan cies of you, Whllo making this bit of croqhot, That I hopo tho sweet plcasuro I'vo had In tho 'work Will bo yours on this glad Christ mas day. Somo stationery I send this Christ- maa day With greetings fond nnd truo, May every shcot and onvolopo too, I pray, Bring Joy gnloro to you. This llttlo enrd, gooff rrlcnd of tnlno Comes with my gift to sny I'd bring Jt to you If I could And wish you Joy this day. Twns n dear old-fashioned garden In which those blossoms grow, And lavondor scent, oo lasting sweet Reminded mo of you. - (TT Woo, swcot bluo-oyed forgot-mo-not, It gives mo so much plcasuro To find you nnd to pass you on To bo nnothor's treasure Violets with tho breath of Spring, Soft and sweet as April showers; Fond romombrnnco may thoy orlng Drcnms of happy dayB and hours. Whon you don your evening dross And other mcanB you lack, Just put somo powder on my wool And gently tap your bnck. Then bo yo glad, good pooplo, This night of all tho year, And light yo up your candles For Ills star It shlnoth clear. Somo wreaths I'm sanding you today On lop n wronth of poslos, And undorncnth a useful wreath A careful look discloses. And nil about nro wreaths of lovo Although thoy enn't bo soon. And so you see, your fnco should bo All wreathed In smiles sorono. Hall, guest, wo ask not what thou art, If friend, wo grcot thco hand nnd heart; If strnngor, such no longor bo; If foo, our lovo shall conquer thoo. This tiny plum pudding of spicy blond, With Joyous Yulotldo grootlngs I send. When It's goodnoss unfolds to your longing oyes, Remember tho proof In tho eating lies. IIA.VDOX GRANGE ELECTS. At tho regular mooting or tho Ran don branch, No. 308, of tho state grango, tho following officers for tno coming yonr wero elected: Mastor, C. D, Jarmnn; Ovorsoor, Mrs. Dora Hnnloy; I.octuror, Mrs. Mabol Jar man; Chuplaln, F. M, Sandorlln; Troasuror, V. O. Fuhy; Soerotnry, Geo. McDonald; Assistant Steward, Clam Canterbury; Onto Koopor, K. M. Rnndlomnn; Stoward, T. J. Raz or; Ceros, Mrs. R. II. Hunt; Pomona, Polly Randleman; Flora, Mrs. C. II. JJeok. Tho mooting was hold at tho I. O. O. F. hall and following tho election tho uaual dinner wns served. Randon World. How many meet who no'or havo mot To part too soon but novor to for- Bot. Whatever years may bring, or years havo brought You dwell forever In an old frlond's though. Wo sing of Joy nnd Christmas choor And blessings for tho coming year. Tho Bweotest thing that I can say, Tho denrost wish I know, Is just to wish you joy today And ponco whoro'or you go. 11AXDOX K. 1". ELECTION. Tho work of tho hands Is a wco thing to show In a world that is as busy ns this Is, Bui perhaps 'twould scorn hotter If ono woro to know Thnt lovo wnB caught up with tha stitches. Whon forth upon tho street you faro I hopo thoso gloves you'll sometimes wear Neath over bright nnd sunny skies, And oh, I hopo I got your slzo. Much ns I llko you nnd know you too, To find n gift Is hard to do. But nt last I havo found theso stockings rnro And hopo thoy'U fit nnd bo flno to wonr. Cnll It not a triflo 'TIs tho biggest thing on earth For thoro's lovo nnd friendship In It Without theso 'twould havo no worth. Umlornonth tho mlBtlotoo Oh, oh, ' what would happen thoro I know If I could but mnko It so. It Isn't a gift pretentious This llttlo thing I send, But 'twill kcop tho plnces In your book And I hopo 'twill provo n friend. A honrly greeting with slncero wish es for n Morry Christmas nnd n Happy Now Yonr. Tho season's greetings to you, with tho host wishes for your Now Year, too. I'm not much good nt writing But I'm sura that you must know Tho reason why I send this card Is bccauso I thank you so. Horo nro,"Tlinnk you's" by tho yard Upon this llttlo thank you card, And If you listen you will hoar Them wishing you a glad Now Year. May you stand under tho mlstlotoo of Good Fortuno nnd bo kissed by tho Good Fairy of Happiness. It Isn't Your Town It's You If you want to live In tho kind of n town Llko tho kind of a town you'd llko, You needn't slip your clothes In n grip And start on a long, long hike You'll only find what you loft bohlnd, For thoro's nothing that's really now. It's n knock nt yourself whon you knock your tovn It Isn't your town It's YOU. ' ' l Rcnl towns nro not inndo by men nfrnld Lest somebody cIbo gets ahead. When ovoryono works nnd nobody Bhlrks You can ralso n town from tho dond. And If whllo you mnko your porsonnl atako Your nolghbor can mnko one, too, Your town will bo what you wnnt to boo. It Isn't your town It's YOU. HUHLKSON 1SSUKS RULES OX TIIM CHRISTMAS MAHj Tells What Is Perinl.Msblo on the l'nrcebt Annual Problems Confront Department WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. M. Postmaster General Burleson Joined tho "shop enrly" campaign whon he Issued his Chrlstmns suggestions to tho public headed with tho Injunc tion: "Mall your parcels early." Offi cial sanction for tho use on par cels of tho caution. "Do not open until Christmas" also was announc ed. Among other official suggestions Is n warning thnt names and ad dresses of senders should bo writ ton on each packago nnd also In cluded In tho package Tho Post Offices annually aro confronted with tho problem of disposing of thous ands of parcels thnt havo lost tholr tags or outer covering nnd benr nothing to Identify tho sender or addressee The suggestions -sint out that books or boIi of boolM -ay now bo sent by pnrcol post, packnges weigh ing eight ounces or less taking a rate of ono cent for ench two ounces or fraction inorcof. Regular zono rates apply nbovo that wolght. Following aro additional official rules applying spcciuuatly to Chrlst mns packnges: t "You may Insert In pnrcol mall written or printed Inscriptions such ns 'Merry Chrlstmns, 'Happy Now Year' or 'With Best Wishes.' Upon fly leaves of books you mny wrlto slmplo dedicatory Inscriptions not of a porsonnl nnture Other written additions or Insertions subject n pnrcol to letter postage "If you dcBlro n w?:tcn commun ication to nccompnny your pnrcol Incloao It In nu onvolopo, affixing firs'. clnBs postngo nnd tlo It secure ly to outsldo of tho pnrcol. Placo tho stnmps to cover tho postago of tho parcel upon Its wrnppor and thoso to pay poBtago of tho com tnunlcatlon upon tho envelope" As to Christmas Presents Do not think of cutting down your Christmas presents. Glvo free ly according to your means. If your heart Is heavy for tho agon ized pcoplo of Kuropo you need not bo frivolous In giving. But whether tho giving Is Joyous or In tho minor koy, thoro novor was a Christmas whon tho obligation to glvo was moro pressing. Tho proposal to cut off Christmas prcBonts grows out of that well moaning, but mlstnkon, vlow of Ilfo which dwells so much on tho su porflclally "practical" sldo that Is blind to all tho practical consider ation underlying tho mainly grnco ful or decornttvo aspects of life A gonoral contraction of Chrlstmns present making this yenr would un questionably havo far reaching dls nstroiiB effects. It would moan to manufacturers nnd Jobbors henvy unsold stock; to retailors It would menu shrlnkngo of trado and dlsnppearanco of prof its; to tho transportation Interests It would mean tho loss of regular annual buslnoss; to tho wago work ers It would mean widespread lack of employment. With many out of work In this city at present It la pitiful to think of tho engorncss with which somo thousands of men nnd women must look forward to tho Christmas flurry ns a hopo for UNITED STATES TODW P ES 1 'OHM Kit IIAXDOX GIRL DIES. Local frlonds of Mr. nnd Mrs. Na than Hanson received word tho past wuuk oi uiu iiuiiin in uiu limui a 1--yoar-old daughter, Lola, which oc- ciinnrl n short tlmo nun lit. tholr I present homo In Glondora, Cnl. Doatli was duo to spinal meningitis, Ilnn dou World. Bit. If. K. KELTY. DENTIST PUouo U3-J, Room soj, epko Rids ' At tho regular weokly meeting of tha K. of P. Lodgtj officers for tho coming year woro olected and other lodge business of importance trans acted. Tho now offlcora nro J. W. Mast, Clmncollor; Victor Breuor, Vlco Chancellor; Ilulpn Dlppol, Prol ato; W. Hoover, Mastor at Arms; J. 11. Jonos, Inner Guard; R. Cor son, Outer Gunrd; Sam Johnson, Muster of Work; Al Garfield, Mas ter of Flnnnco; 11. Horrlngton, ICeop or of Records nnd Seals. Two trus tees woro nlso olected at tho meet ing. It. G, McNalr was olected trus tee to servo for threo years and R E L. Bedllllou was chosen for n ono year (orm, llnndon World, A thing of uso I'vo always thought Is what n gift should be And so this towel I havo mado To bo my gift to theo. WSrtAVWWNAWWWVW IIAXDOX .MAX TO OIVK BAD BOY A CHANCE i t Tho Rnudon World says: J. Ira) Sldwoll has takon an Interest In Wes- i ley (Jack) Phenonger, tho lad whoi during tho past few months had caused constdornblo trouble to truant officers. Mr. Sldwoll offered to' Bhnro his bacholor homo with Wos-, loy nnd send him through school, providing ho would bo a good boy.' Tho llttlo follow Jumped at tho op- portuulty. Ho was flttd out wltiif now clothos from head to foot, given i a placo In Mr. Sldwoll's living apart monts, started to school, and given a' Job In tho storo for nfter school' hours nnd Saturdays. Ho has been I plnced an his honor and so far hnsi made good lu ovory respect, ' tlou that tho Dopartmont "has been securely placed upon a self-sustain lug basis." "It is safe to say," the roport adds, "that unless unusual condi tions should nrlso, resulting in ab normal depression of buslnoss, thoro Is no danger of recurring deficien cies." For Government Ownership Tho leglslntlvo program recom monded Is ns follows us to Its most Important features: Early action toward government ownership of tolograph and telo phono lines nnd Immodlnto taking over of theso systems lu Hawaii. Alaska and Porto Rico. Transfer of tno Alaska canlo from tho War to Post Offico Department control. Tho govornmont already owns consider able pf tho lines In theso districts. Substitution of contract "star routo" systom for salaried rural car rier sorvlco to olimlnnto $10,000,000 annual loss on rural delivery. Post Offico co-oporatlon with stato government in road building whoro improvements insuro better postal sorvlco. Raising mnxlmum balnnco nccopt nblo at postnl banks from $500 to $2000, Interest pnymouts to bo lim ited to $1000. Romovnl of monthly deposit limit rostrlctlon. Aorlal mnll sorvlco, whoro topog raphy warrants, nnd oxtonslon of motor truck nnd nutomnbllo sorvlco In vlow of recont suceossful experi ments. Passage by Senate of pending bill provldlug space basis of CQinpousa.- cnrnlug a few duyn' pny. How much moro pitiful would It bo If this hopo woro dofoatcd. Wlso givers will nnturally ndnpt tholr Chrlstmns remembrances in this troubled yenr to tho prevailing lompor. utilitarian considerations will bo likely to guldo thoin to an unusual extent. But It Is to bo hop ed that tho Inspired triflo will not bo entirely droppod out of currency. Tho pretty enrd with genuine good will bohlnd Its conventional wlshos, tho foolish bits of flnory or unnec essary houso ornnment thnt ex presses a sympathetic thought, tho sparkling stono which Is ultra-precious bccauso of tho sontimont It botokens, will servo not only to warm tho festival of poaco with somo of Its nccuBtomod glow, but further nnd horo lot tho prnotlcnl folk tako heed tho inonoy spont on thorn, filtering bnck ovor tho countor through tho chnnnols of trndo to tho starting plnco of tho toy or Its mntorlals, will holp In somo degree Brent or llttlo, n lono lino of anxious capitalists and work ers, grcnt nnd smnll, to weather hard times. It Is tho gonial prlvllogo nnd Joy ous duty of nil to rolnx tholr purso strings this yenr for Chrlstmns pres ents Just ns far as prduonco will nllow. Hon for railroads on mnll carrlod Instond of wolght basis. Ponding chnngo In rural dollvory systom, computation of cnrrlors snl arjos on bnsls of services porformod, dopendont on bulk of mnll carried, to stlmulnto business. Roadjustmont of Post Masters' sal aries on bnsls of changes In busl noss handled duo to parcel post de velopment. Rnlslng of second class rates on publications other than nowspupors Issued onco a weok from ono to two cents a pound. Grnntlng tho Dopar.mont lognl Jur isdiction over selection of sites nnd doslgns for postal buildings. Panels Poht Growth. Of tho parcels post during tho ai yvuv (iio report says: "Rapid growth of tho parcols post vastly Increased postal buslnoss dur ing tho year. Tho Dopartmont's Hold of sorvlco has expanded at a Phenomenal rate, It Is still expand ing. Notwithstanding tho decreases of parcols post rates authorized Jan uary 1, 1011, economics of admin istration havo kept expenses within tho revenues." Of tho Department's financial con dition, tho roport says: "Tho postal rovenuos for 1914 amounted to $287,031,505.07, nn In e,roa.SQ. ovor tho procollng yenr of slightly less than 8 per cent, as compared with n corresponding In crease of slightly moro than olght por int for 1013. Tho nudlted ex- tSc'i Vir,08 for tll yonr amounted to ?bJ,ul3.lO. Tho excess of audited QnJu., t0 flre burglary, ote. to H,J23-4G. Tho oxcoss of audited rovernw over nudlted oxpensos nnd lossos m, therefore $4,370,163.05. Llbhy COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS VdVA). Pliono 72. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. Havo your IA2TTUR heads, "bill bends, etc., printed at THE TIMES office. First Grand Symphony Concert UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE MARSH,,, OF OWLS AT LEMANSKI THEATeJ t H Thursday Evening, December 17 ' Twenty-four piece orchestra under tlircollnn , FentonandPrkH.A.RcS01" Admission 50 cents and 25 cents. Tickets on sale at the Candy Shop jn immllh Theater. m ' ,RVING t'?FTrRrrrr i Jmr XMAS SUGGESTIONS Full aYess and Tuxedo Suit. Fownes Gloves, Knox Hats. Suspender and Garter Sets Sox, Handkerchiefs and Tie Sets Garter, Arm Band Sets Belt, Garter Sets; Sox, Tie Sets Suspenders. Bath Robes Smokintj Jackets, Pajamas ' Silk Underwear, Silk Mufflers All in Christmas Boxes. SEE WINDOWS. ' Wc are closing out all Boys' Suits, Ovcrcoals, Hals, Caps and Underwear. Now Is tho tlmo of year to lay In that winter's luppbottm les, but boforo you buy hero or sond your order away to total or San Francisco como In nnd kco us nnd let us figure vita m; which wo wllPbo Kind to do and will submit bids on ilort ton Wo havo floine splendid homo-mndo snuor kraut, l-j gtUorlit When In the mnrket for'drled fruits come In and lookoTura line. 11KLLKLEUU AND 11ALDWI.V APPMvH, Pint II0X ... M Mnko your Now Yonr'H resolutions enrly ami lnclud tk!i otr Resolved, tl.nt durliiK tho yonr 1015 I am going to tndtttUt Coob liny Ten, Coffee and Sjilco IIoiuo as thoy can lawmipouj on my grocory bill. If you do this wo will guarantee ion i Hj ly Now Yenr. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice piio.ni: :ini-J. The Delicatessen Co. 1-1.1 North Second Street. EVERYTHING IN COOKED FOODS READY TO SERVE We Specialize in Salads, Salad Dressing, Meats, Pies, Cakes, Pis! and Health Foods. ' Let us Know What You Want. We will Prepare it for Yd Special Attention to Special Orders. THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. 4 PAIHSIAN CLKANINQ AND DYKING WOHKS 200 West Markot Avo., corner Second Street. Under now mnnngomont. Prlcea low, nnd all work satisfactory. Ladles' work a specialty. Phono 17C-J, J. S. STKVEXS, Prop. I MATT L. MAY Westorn Oregon ReprosontaHvo HAAS mtOTIIKRS Importers nnd Wholesale Grocers Marshflold, Oregon Tel. 304-n. Res. Myrtlo Arms THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrahflold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NOR1H IJKND n A Afotlln. Iron. " ' ' A ROOFING ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, i FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. i r Rates for . Handling TrtU tor reasonable rate'. fl) meat I-0"1' ls: Jgsraass?r' MttS OASOLINBFOR BATri:R,FnoKn SKiSderson corset a" P.r.,.nc,p-niDET mftj I S.Jtm" N0 SAW E3 rWlNOITYj 7SF35 BBH