. .:ft?, 1 ft i V ' . ,T f,' " $,' 4' A fT V V m. Ik u . - " . ". H r--r-Hr,'t''1J"tTt'--"","l4'llf'lf""llilllMll"llf ,lll,tffM' "" 111 ' '"ll--l-tTltIITk1rr rnw mtli i .. , n witiii i iiimjtiintni.ii. m . i i r i i ESTMENT ONLY WHEN YOU DDNT PAY MOKf fOR ITTnANTTI A Marshfield Woman $mj Shop Early fcnco said: "i uuy advertised articles bccatiso ilmv taws pro Invariably worth what I pay for thorn." The U.nrnhnn(c With tlll llPRf rnillltnlt.in ... Dy so dolng,you not only get tho bCBt goods and tho host assortment to chooso from, but you aro kind to yoursolf and tho salcs-p-oplo. Christmas Is drawing very noar. Start now! p,u'v " .-I-..I.HUUD iur integrity L...1 lmtinat mnrr.linnmstn nrn ...m...... u ....w. .........., ... n.iuuui, exrepuon, Ihoso who ndvoitiso thoir goods unceasingly. MEMBER OP TIUl ASSOCIATED PRK.ss WinlMW AtAR mi tt JOL NO. XXXVIII. nstnhilshcd 1878 n TIip Cnnst Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION.' 8IXTU1JX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const MI) nil (Ion Itnv Advertiser No. 124 If GOETHALS OF 111 GAUL ZOIIE KSIffiFOHWIHSHIPS THEBE lists United States Send Fast ZZ?? " Jraft to Prevent Violation I , InlLKl-hS sTBRTQ llhWU U I llll I u EGOH PROGRAM Wlish SnAmanim DIys Uedler ines audi Similes Turk Warship M of Neutrality ISHINGTON OFFICIALS GET BUSY ABOUT IT House Committee Chops Off couple of Millions irom Ap- stralian Collier Believed to 3e Cause Wireless and Supplies Illegally Used I III An.nclitn) I'rcu to Coos liar Tlmw.) KA8HINGT0N, D. C, Dec. 11. Duel OoothnlB, aovornor of tho inma Cnunl Zone, today roltornt-' lis request that two torpedo boat ;royors bo sent to tho Canal .ono provont violation of noutrallty i ugh tho mlsuBo of wlrolcss and Ing on of supplies by bolllgorenti tela. Fecauso of tho confidential na- of tho dlBiiateh from Goothals. rotary Garrison roftiBcd to make ' lubllc. Ho Issued this ntatoinent: , bo subntnnca of tho dispatch Is I In Goothol'B Judcmont thn mis-1 of theso waters as n baso oN ren proprhtion Bill Today ID AnocUlfJ rrp to Coos DT Tlmai.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. II. Economy was the watchword of tho appropriations commltteo In prepara tions for tho legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill, tho I first of tho big supply measures, I which was lopoitod to tho llouso to I day. Tho commltteo lopped off al most two million from tho ostlmntos submitted by tho various depart ments, cutting salary nllowaneos nil 1 along tho lino, nnd brought In n , moasiiro appropriating ?:IS,7I 1, 75:1. j no. The total of the bill sjrows an In crease of f 1.1S8.S 13 over last yoar's moasuro. lint this mcasuro Includos 'a special appropriation of ?2,2SG, 1 100 and authorizes a thousand extra employes for Inking the agricultural Tiro commltteo report says lies requires tho nrosonco of tllls ls n oxtrnordlnary expenditure t-movlng ships. Slnco tho quos-1 which will como ovory ton yoars and HtVOlVGd rotllllro COIlaldOratloll lmilnlnlnu (korof.r,. !... II, l ..nni-'a tho Stato Department nnd tho' ,..,.,.-.. i. tv nninr niinil no ...nil nu ..... 1 """ " ' mini ium, -,"-., ?V tlO IJIJ I hnvo tnkon tho matter up tho other departments and ns as tho requirements are fully brtnlned, proper action will bo Bn to moot tho omotKency." crotnry Garrison declined to In- I Wt auochi.s new to coo nr Timn j i to which noiiigeront was vloint- .noutrnllty. It Is known, bow- that tho Australian collier Mal whlch recently loft Ilnlboa bout elenrnnco papers, has been cr closo obBorvntlon by tho Pnn GKHMAN CIIANCKLI.OR'S .sox a iu'ssia.v inisoxi:it WAR THREAT BY CARRANZA MADE TODAY tnr amocUim rmi to coo cy Timn.i WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 11. Gcnurnl Cnrrnuza, through Consul Canada at Vera Cruz, today formally advised tho U. S. Stato Dopnrtmcnt that any use of forco by tho Ameri can trops nt Naro, in their efforts to keep Mexican bullets from Amerlcnn soil, "will bo considered an act of hostility, howover well disposed tho government mny be." mont nt Vera Cruz Saturday. Ho Itorntlug his previous stntments, Cnr rnuza says Hill has controlled his flro nnd thnt ho Is sending Instruc tions to his Sonorn coinmnndor to avoid nny firing thnt would endnn gor thoso across tho Amerlcnn lino, lllnino OnltK'ty, Ho doplorcs that tho Americana have been killed, but suggests that thoso accidents havo been duo to tho cnrclossnosB of tho Americans Extraordinary Exploit of Lictit. Holbrook at 'Dardanelles 1 Sinks 600 on Mcssudich ESCAPES AFTER BEING UNDER WATER NINE HOURS Old Vessel Which Was Guard ing Dardanelles Mines Sunk Heroic Work by English til Aim' Intel PrtM to Coo IUf Tlmcu. LONDON, Dec. 1 1. "Yestorda) tho submarluo 11-11, In cliargo of Muutcnnnt Commander Holbrook," says tho official bureau communica tion today, entered tho Dardanelles nnd In spite of tho difficult current, dived tinder flvo rows of mines and torpedoed tho Turkish battleship Mossudlob, which was guarding tho in I no fields. Although pursued by gun flro nnd torpedo boats tho 11-1 1 returned snfoly nftor being submerg ed on one occasion for nlno hours. When Inst scon the Mcssudich wns sinking by tho stem." Tho Mesnudloh wtis nn old bont, doing built in England In IK" I nnd reconstructed nt Genon in 1903. Sho was 322 feet long, 5!) feet beam and 10,000 tons. Her speed wns 17 1-2 knots. The main battery consisted of two 0.2 Inch gnus. In tho war with iirccco tho Messudieh was ro- SAY DRESDEN IS SAEE AT PUNTA ARENAS III A.mnl.lM 1'itm to Coo lUy Tlmn. VALPARAISO, Chile, Dec. 11. Dispatches received horo from Pun tn Arenas declare that tho German cruiser Dresden enmo Into thnt port uninjured. nnrtoil linilli ilnmntrnil In tlin linvnt or "Imprudent curiosity" nnd cites unttlo ti10 Dardanelles. Sho enr slmllar occurrences when Mndero bo-' rlod n ciow of 000. sieged Juarez and Amorlcaus ondnn-l gered their lives by Broking points of vantage to vlow tho conflict. Canal officials. Stronc ronre- Ulons hnvo been mndo to tho llh Mlalstor nt Panama. tlr Auocui.l rrc to Cooi I!; Tlmn PARIS. Doc. 14. Ronorts reaching hore today from Homo j stato that tho son of Germnn , I Chancollor Von Deth'hiann-Holl-I wcg has boon seriously wounded I ! nt Plotrkow, Rpsstnn Poland nnd I l hns been cnpturoJ by thu litis- I I slnns. ! IRE TROOPS T ARIZ.. TODAY I IU0R SELLING 01 SUNDAY RIT 0 mm 0 T c ULSEO S AiO QUIET II EASTERI MR ZONE (Ry Associated Press to Tho Coos Ray Times.) IERI IN. Dnn. 14. Thn nffidnl Rommunicntion todav savs! Ight attacks by tho French on parts of our positions bo bon tho Mouse River and Vosges Mountains were easily re- Iscd, Otherwise nothing of Importance remains to bo re- rtod from tho western theater of war. From East Prussia rl Shiithnrn Pnlnnd ihnro is nothing to lODOrt. n Nortliem and, our operations aro taking tho normal course," P OR I m UDERGO L DPERATIDWEDR THROAT TROUBLE (Hy Associated Press to Coos Ray Times.) nMnnM nno a Tninn-mnhinff from Borne, bwiizor- id, a corrospondont for tho Central -News says! "A tele- tm trom Munich states it nas ucon uuuuuu ty y.mo . lporor William's throat, but tho oporation is being doforr .owiir; to tho feverish condi tion of tho Emperor." HSATIOHAL BRNDDI GftSE GDHES II ABRUPT El II CWIUI TDDftY urges Against John Herron l-llrnich. nn I inlirr tn nil- ta Simpson Dismissed )0ND VICTJORY FOR ' JOE COACH N CASbb s. Fortner Gives Sensational restimony Concerning Al- ,ed Perjury in Hearing (Special to Tho Times.) 3QUILLB. Or.. Doc. 14. Joe ch nut tho second notch In his re btlck in tho Bandon cases this moon when JudEo Coko dlsmlss- ftho ca,se against John Horron, rged with selling or furnishing for to LVllta Simpson, a minor. Pho caso came to an abrupt close. Attorney Treadgold of Bandon. ed nrosecution after submitting evidence of the witnesses and Mediately Attorney Keener for f defense moved that the caso l pissed on tho grounds of Insuf- cy of the complaint and lnui- cy tf tho testimony. Judge passed up the former, hut ask ; Attorney Treadgold o point In any of tho evldvn.fl specif' fees that John Hejron lud fui ,,iatio,i nr sold Honor to Lollta I Simpson. Attomoy Treadgold could not be ond claiming that thero was I Jnforeiuo throughout all the testH 1 mony supporting it. I Judge Coke wild mat thero was ,10 ovideme supportlcg tho charge, i ...I. tin r tirmilrl against Jierron nuu wiv - ..-... like to submit tho matter to tho Jury but he did not feel Justified in doing so. He said thnt It was evi dent that somo of tho witnesses had not told the wholo truth in tho matter. Grand Jury Indicator. Tho termination of tho Herron !! followed Immediately by i wan .. the Coach cose. -The Herron case was taken as an Indication of the outcome of tho Bandon matter be- I fore the grand Jury. Tho Simpson girls, on whose testimony Recorder Kausrud of Uandon baaed his de- fclglon against Coach, have complete ly reversed their testimony. The ! grand jury investigation will prou- ably binge the same way. However, the grand Jury will paaa on a new phane of it which may !.roo dcidfdh sensational niiVii'o "f lVrJury. K,3,l as st.rtuug as was the On ovldcuco produced by Mlko 1 Slbln and Cy Avory In tho pollco j I court this afternoon Torosa j Washington was convicted of I j Hulling liquor without a llccnso j. In a bont housed near tho city j post hoiiso, and May Warren, j I colorod, was found guilty of j j selling liquor without a llccimu j j nnd of kuoplug n house of 111 j f n mo. Judgo Butlor levied it j fine of $100 on each woman or j j HO days In Jail, From out of j j divers pockets thoy produced I tho ? 100 aploco and wore turned j j loose. On a bootlegging cliargo which de clared ho had sold liquor on Sunday, Mlko Sllba, a Bpaulanl who has boon working for tho Smlth-Powors Com pany, was nrrulgned In pollco court this morning. Ho wns arrostod last evening near thu ferry slip on Front street by Chief of Pollco Carter. Arizona Man and 'Pittsbura ,Two wnoio. otto Maiu turn An . . . ...... i A .... Illll I.'l.ttt.. tuliri.wt fltt.t Hum GET JURY FOR JOE COACH CASE (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQUIU,i:, Or., Dec. H. A Jury was secured for tho trial of Jon Conch, who Is appealing from tho conviction In thu Ilnndou Recorder's court for furnishing liquor to Ruby Simpson, under 21 years of ngo. John Herron was tho first witness called lit tho Coach trial. Tho Jury consists of tho follow ing: .Ins. T. Guorin, of Myrtlo Point, II. W. Sanford of Sumner, M. P. Sum morlln, of Loo, A. H. Smith of Dorn, K. M. Kny of Rlvorton, W. J. Rust of Mnrshtlold, Jas. I). Clinton of Norway, J. G. Horn of North Rend, 10. It. Hodsou of Coos River, V. A. Raker of Dorn, R. R. Powndor of Co qulllo niul W. II. Harmon of Leo. F RANGE RUSSA CLAIM WHILE GERMANY DENIES ANY CHANGE Vigorous Thrust of Allies Against Kaiser's Armies in Prance and Belgium Sunday But French and German Re ports of Its Effect Are Conflicting. BERLIN WAR OFFICE SAYS FEW ATTACKS BY FRENCH WERE EASILY REPULSED BY THEM United States Has Troops of Infantry and Artillery Fac ing The Mexicans (nr Amrlilf J ITtm to Coo IUjr Tlmm. NACO,, Arl Dec. 1 1. T,ho re maining 'two troops of tho Ninth United States cavalry loft Douglas to Join tho rost of tho regiment nt Na co. Sovon troops of tho Tenth caval ry and thrco bntterlos of tho Sixth nrtlllorlcs also aro here. Tho usual quota of Mexican bullets struck to day In tho Arizona town nnd lit lonst one shell. SAY AMERICANS MEXGO Man Robbed and Killed in Sonora by Mexicans tr Amu UIM I'dm lo Cixm Hay TlmM WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 11. Thomas Krancla of Douglas, Arizona and It. F. Dunn of Pittsburg, woro klllod In Sonora, Mexico, by outlaw's Wodnosday, according to tho Amor Icuu consular agent at Cituunon. Snc rotary Rrynn dlructod an Investiga tion. Thoy woro robbed and killed whllo returning from a mine near Naooznrl. outcomo of tho Horron caso was the tostlmony of Mrs. Mary Kortnor of Bandon In tho Herron case. Sho testified on tho stand that she had testified wrongfully In Recorder Kausrud's court at Bandon. Sho said that Lollta Simpson had told her how to testify and swore thnt Lollta Simpson had told hor that unless she (Mrs. Kortnor) toutlflod against Coach and Herron, charges .would bo made against Mrs. Kortnor of keeping n hoiiso of 111 fame. She toetlfied that sho had boon with tho Simpson girls, Coach nndj Horron in Bandon In Juno and sworo that tho Simpson girls had not drank any liquor. Sho said that she had testified In Recorder Kaus rud's court that tho girls had drank i HIGH FOR EXTORTION drew Hill, Finns, tostlflud that thoy gavo Sllba mnnoy for whiskey. Tho accusod ploadod not guilty. In tho morning, declared Hill through nn Interpreter, hu gavo H1I- ba, fl.HO and thnt Sllba dlaappuarod and n fow in I nut oh Inter returned from a woodshed with two 50 cent flasks of whlskoy, Klllm contradict-1 ed tho statements, saying that ho took tho mouoy for tlo purposo of doing a kindly act for tho two men, with whom ho had worked nt Camp I, and that ho met a mystorloun stranger In a big white hat, followed , lit nt down to tho dock and tlioru In turn bought tho flasks that ho lator gave to his companions. As to who tho muii In tho white hat could be Sllba did not say. Ho know ho was tall, smooth sliavod nnd thnt he, Sllba, hud uovor seen 111 in before. So far tho procedure was satisfac tory to both Hill and Makl, but to ward ovonlng their thirst Increased and this time they gavo Sllba a S gold plcco with whloh to procure more "flro water." This time 8llba disappeared, falling to rot urn with tho whiskey or tho $5 and Hill Im mediately looked up tho pollco. Sllba this morning decltiared that dio "borrowed" the money. Aftor (Rpoclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLi:, Or., Doc. 1 1 - -Tho ro turning of "not n truo bill" against Oscar Ctarot of Myrtlo Point, who was charged with attempting to ex tort money from L. A. Roberts of Myrtlo Point, by tho grnnd Jury horo today caused a surprise Starot was alleged to havo written to L, A Roberts, who Is iiMjur of Myrtlo Point nnd formerly ouo of tlio -directors of tho Rnuk or Myrtlo Point, that ho would ttccuso RobortH In connec tion with tho Rank or Myrtlo Point safe robbery mil cms Roberts paid him u curtain amount. Imllct North llciul Mali. Goo, W. CiiiiuiiliiH or North Bond was Indicted on two counts, forgery nnd obtaining money tinder false pro toiiBOH. Win. Hchrock nnd John Volz, two well known North Bend men, mndo tho charges against Cummins. ELDER REMEMBERS Russia Maintains That German Advance on Warsaw Has Been Stopped and That Russian Position is Improved French Report Austrians Losing in Servia (By Associated PrcBs to Coos flay Times.) LONDON, Dec, 14. Vigorous thrusts at tho German lino in Franco woro mado again yesterday by tho Allies, but re ports of successes In today's official statement from Paris mo not borno out by tho Berlin communication. Tho Fronch war office states that German positions along tho Aisno Rivor ivero demolished, thnt in tho Woevre-district lino trenches 600 yards long woro captured and that further progress was mado h Argonno and Alsace, Tho German announcement says nothing of Importanco oc curred in tho west, with tho exception of a fow Fronch at tacks along tho Meuso and In tho Vosgos, which woro repuls ed easily, Thero lias been no important changes in tho East, according to tho Gorman statement, Dispatches from Potrograd, howovor, assort that tho Rus sians had definitely thrown back tho Gorman column which, was attempting to strike at Warsaw from the north, and as a result the position of tho Russians all along tho front is im proved. Tho Fronch War Offices announces that In Sorvla furthor successes woro won against tho Austrians, and In tho Monte negrin campaign, which lias almost boon lost sight of recent ly, tho Austrians suffered revorso, RUSSIANS REPORT GERMANS RETREAT IN REGION OF MLfll; VISTULA QUIET (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) ..PETROGRAD, Deo. 14. The official communication dated yesterday says: "There has been no engagement of import ance on any of the fronts. .In the region of Mlawa, wc con tinue to force back tho Germans, who are in rctroat. -On the left wing of the River Vjstula there has been na ohange. -In the region of Mount Buekla, the Austrian columns arc coming down the northern slope of the Carpathians." NS CL M T URKS LOSING IN BATTLES NEAR EUPHRATES (By Associated Press to tho Cooa liny Times.) PETROGRAD, Doc. 14. An official communication by tho Russian army staff of tho Caucasus says! "All day Friday fighting occurred on tho front extending through tho villages of Pyrusk, Asmor and Tulak, soutii of Erzorum. Tho onomy cvorywhoro was repulsed and pursued beyond tho Euphrates with sovoro lossos." AVIATOR S DROPBOMRS AMONG FREIBURG GRIDS OF PROMENADERS OL SAT US At 7 o'clock this morning tho Ooo. W, lOMor arrlvoa In, '2 hours nut of Portland, with a passougor list of 51 persons. Aboard woro many tons of Christmas freight bound hero for tho merchants and for Santa Clans The Klder will leave out this ovonlng at 7 o'clock for Kureka. Thoso who arrived from tho north were: W. Chamborlnln. James Lane, Mrs. Lauo, John Huydnn, II. L. Aldnn, Mrs. Allien, Warn I o Adams, Mrs. Adums, Georgia Adams, Roy Hnydcn, G. J. Armstrong, John F. Hal), J. R. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlraos.) BERLIN, Doc, 14, A nows paper dispntch says hostile aviators flow ovor Froidburg'ycstorday throwing bombs, Ono bomb fell among a crowd of promonadors and injured two giris, Ono house was da maged, WANTS UNITED STATES TO TAKE OVER TELEPHONES AND TELEGRAPH Wothorbeo, Mrs. Wotherbco, M. W this, in company of Cy Avery, Sllba Kellogg, U. O'Connoll, Cyril Brown. ...l.(ert ii.ftt. Iinni (ihnnnrg Tllltt la """""' """ """ -" - " ..,, . ,.,,.,..... ,,., v..,,li W.,i n llrnun Mm W H llrnu-n nw ,r I "Ulll. IU jaiiBUII B BIUIU l .lUIUii ... . f.w".. '. ... w. ...', Front street, whero ho set up tho J told K. Wasson, II. Boudro, D. M. Mc- what Lollta Simpson Mrs' Fortner' said that sho had flgars and broke tho gold piece, and Kcnzio, F. It. Wilkton, Howard Ut talked the matter ovor with her together tho men repaired to a boat- tor, Lcona Utter, John Nlelson, It. J. husband lately and he told her to houso along tho waterfront noxt door1 Steward, Wm. Mahouoy, Mrs. Soils go on the stand at Coqtillle and toll' o tho'pest house, where Sllba testl-, tad. Mrs. C. L. Wagoner, Kd. W. the absolute truth. I (,e'l a n egress sold them beer three J Thompson, John M. Wurnlck, O. 0. 1'lfinl Not Guilty. 'time ut ?t a drink. Sllba hnd 25 Richardson, Mrs. Richardson, Ken- Kramer, O'Brien and two others' cants on his porson when ho camel neth Richardson. Amies Richardson. in.nin,i ist wnk for various of- out of the houso and was apuroheiid-i Cleo. 8. Gothro, Mrs. A. K. Wholn, fenses entered pleas of not guilty' ed by Chlof Carter. tn.inv ' Tho morning sqssIoii was hero In The grand Jury Is still grinding terrupted to give tho police tlmo to Russell Sage. Mis. Sago. Nell Mc awaj Sneral secret Indlitincntft havo Investigate tho no, ond hint of Sun ' OnrUiy, Bert Rogers. .1 II. Htoldt. been returned so Jar. day bootlegging. m Turner, J. It. Katoii. Kenneth Wheln, Chug. Kern, Mrs. Kern. Hazel Kern, Mrs. K. K Jones. Postmaster General Burleson Urges Immediate Govern ment Ownership in Some Sections Parcels Post Is Growing uepartment on a1 Self-Sustaining Basis. I (Dr AMUti ritM to Cos. DJ TIdim.) I WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. H. Asserting that for tho first time slnco Its organization by Benjamin Fruuklln. the Post Offlco Depart ment Is on a relf-sustainlug basis. Postmaster General Burleson ub-( mlttcd to President Wilson today his annual report. It records enor mous growth In tho Department's btulnoss bocauso of tho parcels post uiul postal Havings bank divisions and recommends a program of pos tal legislation to Increase. tho Bcope of tho department's activities. Mr. BurleBou f oat urea his report with an estimate that a surplus of $3,56U,515, the second of his ad ministration, will bo shown for the fiscal year of 1914 when all claims and charges have been mot. Oh that showing he bases his declara (Continued ou Page. Two.) m i wtrwgre wmmwm rwmmmmwmmmm nmrni-mnw.- MB&ixmt- JUaWII IMi mmm