mmmw BIGGER IS OUR DISPLAY, BETTER THAN EVER ARE OUR PRICES-EVERYTHING TO DELIGHT THE YOUNG AND OLD AND ESPECIALLY THE BOYS AND GIRLS. NOW, BOYS AND GIRLS SANTA CLAUS IS A SHREWD BUYER; HE KNOWS WHERE TO GET HIS MONEY'S WORTH THAT'S WHY HE MAKES HIS HEADQUAR1ERS AT THIS STORE. si dud 15c MARK OUT THIS LIST, IT WILL HELP YOU Partial List for the . tfk o Boys and Girls Iron Trains Tin Trains Carts and Wagons Automobiles Mechanical Toys Tops and Whistles A. B. C. Blocks ' Building Blocks Wagon Blocks Sulkies Picture Blocks Trumpets ' Clarinets Horns Violins ' Zithers Accordians Donkeys Clowns Dogs, Rats and Bunnies Drums Wash Tub and Bowl Sand Pails Sand Sets Coal Hod and Shovel Roly Poly Row Boats Sail Boats ' Rattles and Reins Stock Farms Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Doll Beds Doll Shoes ' Doll Stockings Doll Furs Doll Bottles Doll Jewelry Doll Toilet Sets Doll Heads Doll Furniture ' Sewing Sets Books and Games Handkerchiefs Rubber Balls Toy Irons Sewing Baskets Fork, Knife and Spoon Kitchen Sets Tea Sets Wash Boilers M W7!iR Wrwrt Sv&iri SiiHfc w MAKE OUT THIS LIST, IT WILL HELP YOU ' ,.,..,, Crepe Paper, Decorations, Bells, Stars, Tree Ornaments, Tinsel, Christmas Snow. Along with our regular tinsel we imported a big line of large Dolls on which wc will save you ONE-THIRD from regular prices asked by others. A dollar saved is a dollar made, espe cially these war times. Buy where you can g et the most value for your dollar. SOMETHING NEW I kewpie I China 'IVa Hot j j yiMMoeo Sot, .SI. 10 j Burned Wood Boxes Fancy 25c Neckties in Holly Boxes, 15c .. Hand-Colored Pictures and . CLOWN I Plnnrlo I nrlino' Cinotl Cm. I vcuuiiucuo, iauii;o i nnuy i-m- i I hrnirlnt'nrl UanHI'orohinfo llAn 17-PlecoTon Sot, 91.10 "' n i n Tc k.B.u ' ; in Holly Box, 15c the Box. - I (lilnii Ten Sot I'iiio Wlilto ( liliiu Ton Set IT-PIocc.s, H."o. - I I I - FIFTEEN DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDY, PbR POUND, 15c RHYMES AND JINGLES ARE ROLLING IN FAST BOYS AND GIRLS GET BUSY SHOP EARLY AT C3) o Y LAND RJlaBMEAHBLiAl4;X3'4AffH.E!7?lmiJI MYRTLE POINT THREE STORES BANDON MARSHFIELD sseaiimssasssw AT T HE r u (if TTTrTYTFWfyr TTTTVTV JrfiylrSZz Eliuy, Mjrtlo Conkl'..-, (ioorgo Mur-i HOl'TII MAHSIIFIELP SCHOOL ) ,,,iy jWlcr ,,,,,, ,, j()lmM)ll ,.i i . T I Cecil Holl, (Jrnco McElroy, Wiiltor Eighth (int(?t. ,, ... r, , ,. ,i Sneddon, Atl nil no Clurdnur, Katie In ii mmoo toHl glvon Thursday Kromlnillt Kl,,urt N,BM TI.o1i.hi tho following iiiado hooiI grades: ,lU(,k ,,, ,)lllluiBy( Frederic' ItoKtuultl McCurboriy, tOO; Clara j0Hgi(j Ferguson, ion; Aiiiiii StnriiHiil. 7; ' Br,;,imoll(. imi Hio ,,0rfet CI...8. Doiuio, !H.; (Jrnco Farrln, VI.; woro wrU,n ,y Abort W,,,.. Ruth (lulilun, Uti; Mubul Lingo. 97; , viiKlulu Johnson, Cod! Doll. Ernest Whornt. 97; Arthur Wl.on.t, cln,co ,1 1)oiml(, alllIoy ., ti..j Until Anderson, 90; Mary -, .un i),,Hlinoy. lo McArtliur, 98. MrH Eugono Kromlngu vlsltod I a tho weekly apo lug tost tlii'0 ,., Woilll(Mlllll.. following made 100: Citation Doano, . Clara Ferguson, I.ooim Tout, En- MRU (.rude, gone Kolloy. ltiitl. (Soldo.., Kdwurd1, lUT '"". ' lml ' '" ",M,U' Johnson. Franc Hi.,, Anna Sto.-. '" , wo",! 1"ort ,0'or". Al" Kiir.1. (ilcndu Farrol, (Irnro Farrln. "hl ba.upson, Edward miuo. Ty-, Koitoit r,U woro give, out In "u!iiKm"w!:' V1"'1 ""f ' the Rnulu thta woulc. "!,,n"' K'v1'1 Chiirrh, KranoU , Flanagun and Horhurt Murphy. i feor, (.m.lo. Mni Wr h, UBUm, 0Up rqom Tlio following pupil had porfect JMt ltr,iBy I i.Hl!l,.R ilon.,,,,,, all weak: I,U II.-, k,,, loft Rcho( 0 ford, lie ty Frlxoun Hutu Colllni. Ww,ueUny , tQ WMt-r WmU'. Myrtla .lohimou. Margart Wood, jnB0 Ilolon I'nyne, Harry Walteri, Ku- ',..., ,, b.,,.., 111.11. xu, .,.,... SM nulo. nu,M llll ' (It JW MV lVIWt UHI Auona llildobraud, i.bhiib Ii.iIou, I'uplls who havo in 11 do 100 In Lolu Uliuk, L!lllt. I'oolo. TIliKl (J.wlo. uuellluv Iobiouh and toals a 10: J011- nctttt Wllion, Margaret Power, ' (illlilVH Ii'iirrav llnrui'lml Plianuun Tho rolliiHliijr pupil have bum, Tho ro of ,,,. fop N(llBinber noltl.or HlwoHi or lardy for t ,0 ., lwenty.l0ur name, school month of Novomher: Violet , I II . Mil ,.- '."iZS&t hit; ami iirania iatlon of a'orloa by II.h flint made. Various pooiu woro rocllod, mtim'K vo.i Hung and In all, tho ihlldrou ahowod n very marked ability. I.cillo Union or the suooud grndo Ihou gavo 11 very offoctlva rondlng ot tho "Three I.tttlo Kltteiu." Some of Uiloy'g poonu woro rocltal by Mm'Karot Wood and I.oIm IIiihx ford. Uthor pooiua woro givou by William Daahney and Anona llil dobraud. "The Town MuhIcJmis" waa pltiaRlngly diiuuatixml t a iiumbur of pupils wMlo othoiu oem omttratod tludr work In arithmetic and Kpulllng. Moro aonga by both Kradea complotiHl tho program. Ton waa served, tho MIhwh llarrlugtou and lloknm acting m hoateason, as Blttel by tho otghth grado glrlti. AmoiiR thoso proeent woro: Mr. Frlioon, Mrs. lVawfoid, Mrs. Me Manomon, Mr. Walters, Mrs. Wood, .Mrs. Vmtoy, ilrs. Hall. Mrs. Wilson. Mi. N'agel, Mri. Nordrum, Mrs. Daahney, Mrs. Iliad;, Mrs. Watts, .Mr. Drown, Mrs. Jamos, Mrs. Un ion, Mrs. lllldobrnud, Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Wright. Mr. Hall. Mrs. Four lor, .Mr. Coffin, .Mrs. llohaos, Mrs. Mil.auKl.lln, Mrs. UCIalr. Mrs. lb dou and Mrs. Abbott. 1 coiumttteo from tho Pretbytorlnn I'hurcu In on tho stroot with a sub- i hcrlptlon list, ruder the Kiildaneo ol A. T. llalues and Souator I. 8. Smith n rapid fire gain was made this morning, enough to malco both I momhora or tho oommittou appear 1 quite Klooful. ' "U'n linvn Ivaiinil nn call na vnl." doclared Mr. llnluea this inorulug. "Wo are not ante that wo will. The first thing v to rind out how much mouoy wo cm get. .So far wo have bad protty good lu(d, but wo can niaho nn prudlctlopt." : The BiiUcrlptlons are for ainounlK ' U bu p.Id In to the churcU treasury 'Annually and In this way will tho church member gnow a doflnlto unount on wbleji they may flguro In making tholr oarly budgets. At the present time thoro Is no poruiAuont pastor of tho Presbytariuu church in this olty. It was Intlmatod that a call had boon Issued to a min uter who came horo from Klamath ' Kails sovoral weuka ago, but this ro I ort I denied. "Aftcv we find out tho finnnelal Lacking wo aro to havo," said Mr. Smith, "then we will call a mooting of tho congregation and It Kill bo up to then to dicldo any further steps. No iall 1 lit. et botn Issued to any rue." '"Profanity tho Most Noedless of 1 Sins." 1 A cordial wolcomo la extended to iall. -1 r UMTKI) llltKTIIHKN UIIUIICII NOHTII 1JKNI) Mru. R. N. Lewis, Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a. m. I Christian Cudoavor at 7 p. in. j Preaching nt 1 1 a. in. and 8 p.m. j Prayor Meeting Wodneaday ovo-1 nlng at 8 o'clock. , , NOItTII nU.VI) CIIU1STIAN CIIUHCH I Mrs. S. GroKK. Mlnlator Pronehlng at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. llllile School, 10 a. 111. 1 Evangelical meotlug tolitlnuod nor today. ! .NOHWKfilA.V liUTIIKUAN. llov. It. O. Thnrpo Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Nor waglan Lutheran church, at Maiah fleld Sunday at J 1 a, 111. Sunday school moots at 10 a. m. Sorvlcos will bo held In tho Mor woglau Lutheran Chapol at North Pond Sundny ut 7:15 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. 111, KWKDISIl KVANOKLICAL lutiii:kax CIIUHCH. Rov. I). 1 ltoniitson. PiiRtnr. Rosldouco 294 IUghlnnd avonuo. Phono t l-H. Morning service, U n. m. ' 1 Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. No Evening Sorvlce. ' Swedish Lutheran Church of' North Mend. Servleo: 7:110 p. m. I KPLSCOPAL UHUHCH. t tit mid Market. fr II. 13. Drowning. Rector 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 9::i0 n. in. Sunday School. S p. in., Servleo In St. Mary's Church, North Rend. , 1 1 n. in,, Morning sorvlco nnd Bornion by tho rector on tho apodal topic: "Rotation ot Christianity to tho Industrial DIkcuho." 7:110 p, in, Sorinon and sorvlco, St. Luko'a Church, Hmplro, I MKTIIODIST KPIHCOPAL. I ,'osoph Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. 111. Morning Sorvlco nt 1 1 u. m. Sor inon: "Adam's Sin and Christ's Atonomont." All are cordially invltod. lOpworth Longuo nt C:30 p. m. Junior Leaguo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon at 3: 15, Prayor Mooting Thursday oven Ing nt 7:30 o'clock. 7:30 p. in., Evening Sorinon: "Phillip's Converts." Mrs. McKnlght will sing In tho morning and a mnlo Qitartotto In tho ovonlng. 1 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. I Local Eldor, J. H. Quails. oovouin uay Aiiveniisi services mo conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Till. In O....L. i 1 I .. ... iJiwiu niuiiy ut 11 11. in. Young People's Sotloty at 3 p. m. Prayer 1 7:30 p. m. 1 - ....ii.- r..Mhril .MUUUUS ii-i j . CATHOLIC Clll'BCll I II .11. ilia". .1 Mass will bo cdrtriW J o'clock SnnJny inormiij father McDovui. ,ranv runifll I'liHiniio.i v".r.v.;:. i .. Samuel Grf. 25 I Residence, 280 North EJ '"ono ,VV ..ri Sorvlroa as follows it W& cornor sixtn ana ""-lBtof Illblo Pchool a 'g) Proachlng service 11 " 1 7:30 p. m. O JEVttfjS Norm 'lu" Tho services Suudir " follows: . . , , b. Sundny School k - Vesper Clrclo snd tpo""7 and s n m : 7jn7Dc niMf LADY'S .. miiu.11 ar or vt ..ri;i.,if . twekarbr r'- "fi , t '"."rtVi irr; ?.''?. '"': " I. .- o.rlf n .1 .(oil- Intfffi" J "' '. 'r. h J 7... t Rumrocn. r (JRADE PARTY Curroy, Auguatus lloffmau, PIoiv ouco lUrdell, Evelyn Kooutc, Jack y. .s.icclii, Joiepliiuo savage. Floide Krlday aftoruoon the children of Scott, (loom Scott, Alice McDuffe. (h fhst and second grade of the aordon Neff. Ell Saiupsou. liirqrjusjh t-'ohool, entertained their Wnlp. Lorna Wilaon, Charlea Wls'e. niothors with an iaforuinl exhlbl Twos pupils havo had 1 00 In tlo of their work. Tho rooms .polling for tho past wook. , Wire lMlljr .orated with Chrtst- I'uuiili (tPNile. i ma greeus and aawple of the Thoae having perftMt spelling test ohlhlnm'a woik. The afternoon was inpr tor the week are: Virginia ' begu with aongs given by both Johnoa, Albert Webber, Alfmt Me- grade. Then olloweU the read PRESBYTEHIAMS II HIKE PASTOR With tho pnrpoae .a niliul of isau ' i.ea n call fr a minuter, providing uittcient ruaaa are avaUftbie, ith vLircleS A I I ufcli I'lltST D.VPTIST CHl'RCIl Albert 1.'. lttiKr.inl m a I Roslilt.iu. t!03 Si) 11th street 1 nu-. 1 P.iblo Fchool nt 10 a. m., with graded classes and competeiu teach ors. Wo.-ahlp at 11 a.m. nnd":30 p.m with rnion8 by Pastor Haaaford Pastor Uaeaford will give the soconij of eerie q sarwous Suuday eveu lag on the "Ten ComuisnJmeuts Down to Date,." They are worth , while MrmoM. The eirbject will be 1 I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE , Christian Sclonco Hall. 237 Third Streot North Services at 11 n. m.. Sunday ami 1 3 p. m. Wednesday. Svbject: "Cod, tho Prosorvor of Man." , j Sundny School nt 12 Sunday. ' Reading room opon every dny; excopt Sundays and Holidays from 1 , 0 4 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH REND Rov. Father Monnvllt a , Mass will be colobrntod Sunday 1 iiornlng nt S by the Rov. Father I 1 McDevltt. . ; 1 Xnifl'll lll.'VII IIIM'I'IIIWIMIIIV I I Rev. Frodorick Shlmian, Pastor Suulay School, 10 n. in. Preaching. 11 n. m. ChrUtian Kudeavor, 1 p. m. Preachiua, 8 p. in, Do Your Christmas ShoDPine Now d0 jx NO' Don't wait to do your Christmas anopplng carI t!t nt n.,. . ni, in tholr fullness. fresh, coinploto nnd inviting. Je ariet! pl if you shop now chooso nt loliuro from v got the best the markets afford In the way or TJmCS al Just turn to tho advertising columns of T making out yoitr Christmas lists. ..lrertu"1 a ... ..-.n , .!, vn,,r Will yOU find the holpful moro gnvlnjr of your time and men O tfljLLa