iHnnnHMi nNHmMPSttfflflri TIM X30S 9 I u a MAIONBV, Editor and Tub. ,!u R MALOXKY, Nowb Editor OttloUl Taper of Coos C"Pty Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh Held. Oregon, for tranBrnlaaion "rough tlio malls as iBcond-class stall matter. THE CHIUSTMA8 Sl'IlUT. 1 Rs . . ' ' sssJmM'smmmMSb- , . M CHhlSTMAS! One dayBprlnR of cheerfulness and freedom from cankering care and sclflshnoss nnd envy In a year of toll and strife and consuming unrest. Christmas, marvelous boon to humanity, spring ing legitimately from tho brief, eventful life of tho carpenter's Son, Is a fixed Institution. Tho twentieth century could not spnro It If It would; wouldn't It it could. Tho Christmas spirit Is everywhere per vading tho world for this brief, blcB (tcd day. Lovollng ranks, silencing BolflahncsB, dwarfing care, Ignoring toll, forgetting creed nnd cult and birth and environment, It makes pcaco and good will not only possl blo but Inevitable Tho gifts It bears arc the spontaneous fruit of tho omnipotent, all porvadlng spirit of Christmas a wellsprlng In tho dcBort, a sunbeam on a wintry day, u Blnglo exception to n steadfast rule. Tho spirit of ChrlstmaB novor cloys. Wo cannot havo too much of It. Mornlntr. noon nhd night, for brcak- .fflst. dlnnor and supper, tho first. thing on awaking and tho last thing -on going to sleep, ovcry hour of ev ery day of every week of evory month of tho year wo want tho spirit of Christmas, for It Is tho (spirit of mlnlBtrnllon, of giving, of Borvlcc, of doing for others. "Not to bo bo ministered unto, but to minister," says an exchange this motto lived out on every day of tho year would dispel tho sorrows of tho ini mibi iinnii n n n i i i 1 ul rn n. nv i FORGE SCHEDULE That thoro Is nvallablo moro rcnl currency than tho united States needs wbb Bhown by dovornor Ham lin of tho Federal Rpsorvo Board. In his address boforo tho Amorlcnn Dankcra' ABSOclntlon. Thoro nro $1, 200, 000, 000 of Aldrlch-Vrcolnnd notes which may bo used, nnd yet only f310.000.000, or but littlo moro than a fourth, hnvo been nok- od for. Tho South Is ontltlcd to $1G0, 000,000 of this special emergency money, but It hns taken only $C0, 000,000. What tho South, ns well as tho North, East mm West, wants In not money, but bettor credit, which will onnblo It to get money nt n Icbb price. ACTORS PRIED CUOTIE Jvtk BtSSk k v EOll HUNT A house with 7 mmis FDR BIG BUTTLE Coach-Treadgold Case Ready for Monday Opening Liq uor Phase First Argument (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLH, Ore, w.e. 12. With, a trial Jury to bo Impaneled hero FOU "'lm'2 m .Wh on Monday for the trial of the housoKcep nB npar tmeut , hirntah cases of tho City of Handon against ctl or unfurnished. ensonablo. Joo Coach and John Herron for Phono 19-L. 415 So. -1th. selling liquors to minors nnd with , . i iiii r.m" !-" - P. O. llox 007, Mnrsu- world. Bmooth out It. wrinkles, abol- " ' ' h, S NniZro! ""'""B to ,,D U,10Wn "9 t,U3 Conch' .h Its poverty, sootho lta pain, com- t"nt vln J troublo. Not n or TrM, d fom, ca80 t ,B bollovcd fprt ...heartaches, heal Its diseases, J 2 i " TLm " .- "' T' . 2 $200.00. field. . I, 1,n rpi.l. I .!, lu ('"' "" l,,u "" " "" typified by every Chrlatmna trco and evory gift It bears, by every bulging littlo. stocking that hangs In tho chlmnpy cornor, by ovory wreath of holly, by every grcotlng nnd morry wish. CONI'IDEXqi: NEEDED. T JUS country la not suffering from a lack of monoy, but a doarth of credit. Tho cotton monoy-Bchome la only another form of cheap Inflation, which fnllB to holp even tho persons most dl rcctly Interested. a iobb priro. , . . . wc)1 laUBCi,ca on Ilnmlln, a feeling of con denco and, alIroundllls wlint ,B niiitunl Irtmt. Ilovonri nil ouefltlon ' . .. " "" ------- r i . ... I-. i l. l a n Mr Irtnrt11..1 FOK HUNT FuinNIH'd two-i-ooni (.....nnlrnntililn' allltn. AlllllV 413 ...inn nnn ill I - unco wini mu uiuiiuy o uuu nut , i i.,nl ImMlooi -nil sireui bo permitted to work without tho ""' """'' . ""2"":' '" " , aivo mines nn ironcnui uKruumuiii. ihuii , , ..nii... ... ..... ,, tory nnd n volumo of conflicting In a gnino bo closely contcslcil I thnt tho victory of cither Bldo was nnd bath, $18.00 per month, closoh,, ,iol,i,t nt tho finish, EnstBldo won i.. ii ttrBiisnn. finally n 19 to 18 deowton over tho ' Marshfiold basketball team In tho contest held thoro laet evening. OtlB for EnBtBldu, was largoly Instrumon tnl In Bccurlng tho lend for hla team With enthusiasm nroused over tho Indoor winter sport tho fnns nro awaiting n reply from tho manngor of tho Myrtle Point nggrcgatlon bo foro mooting to fix nn Intor-tawn schedulo for tho noxt thrco months. At tho end of tho first halt last evening tho Marshfiold bnBkct tos Rora had gained a lend of 11 to 0 over their opponents. Hut It was In """ " ..- ... ... t..t. ,. . , .. ,1.. IIIU nuvuilll Ullllltut lllltl. lliu Irani- Bultablo, a dnlo . m.. R mlloq """ K "' "" "" caro of Tlmos I1IIU llltll V Jilt 'D . wt .. i . If centrnl factors around which Iibb property us been thrown mi labrylnth of inys-l ranch on Coos II iroiicmu iiKruuiuuiii. umii , " .. , ..,,,..., I from toWH. 0 buslncBB will bo let nlono. thnt alli10, ""' " vu,u,,u "'"'",'.. n1 form, of crazy law-making Wlll1BlorIc l.h, , IW,1r. T, . i t, Z VOK SALE CIIKAI--20 pullol. and sonl. stop, that Buch fantastle Bchemea as - - rdlynUem yg c ol(1 chlckcllB, ,.. cure not BorloiiBly ongngo tho attention i.ror.iiilnir I ' L, - patlonco of tho court. Prosecuting1 nnd n grand a 1 It n AnHl.kH fr rUM Altil I II. ui mu Jiiiiuiicaii Vuiibitao, iitiu i -i k .in ..I . .1. ...... ..., n. Attorney Llljeuvlst moro money. ti10 BoUng of lltjuor to minors and Confidence In tho futuro nnd .. .... . ... .... ,, , . . ,, . in i it mo cancel nuon oi ins miioon n trust In tho present will unlock all ....... m ,, tho funds our peoplo require 1. FOR RENT eyes" nnd firing with their ontlro Bldo of the Hay down to ono field tho other two points being bo- cd on fouls. resent plans nro for tho holding 4 of n mooting noxt weolc to mnp out I l tho winter's campaign Into tho campa of tho surrounding towiiB whero hnvo ouuo dhi nno inn OHivit. tttbUUHCES IT ALWiVc HAD. IT HAS MORE DEVELOPMENT, MORE P PLE AMD BETTER PROSPECTS. IT HAS HAD GR it ACTIVITYIT WILL HAVE GREATER.' WHY S LAY THE FOUNDATION TO PROFIT BY THIS ACm ITY, NOW, WHEN PRICES ARE LOW? Bay Park offers an opportunity to tho small investor, or the man who wants his own home that is hard to find elsewhere, and which is perfectly safe. J Don't dismiss this thought with mere read, ing; let it sink in. Go and see Bay Park, cal culate its advantages, note its development and location. Then we'll make you the easiest proposition you ever heard of to enable you to own a Bay Park lot, and reap the advantages sure to come. ' I. S. KAUFMAN 177 Front Street, - A w ... ...... .... t Cnnrli nlloiroR thnt his arrest for rnn in.-vrnirMf fni-nUlicd rooms i ,.,... .... n fiiitio f i.nii in.. - . -- a-.v .... ...... - lh.UM.l i. i.rt,i.j()...u..n wt ... ja- nu i sera, reputed husky and rondy for hattlo. It Is possllilu that tho Bclied- u-ith hont nnd hath. 1C8 S. street. Have You Seen OUR Chi Display The ladies tell us we have the nicest line at the low selling them would seem to indicate that as usual selling them would seem to indicate that as usual The Ladies are Right We .received another large, new shipment yesterday. Come in and see themChina makes a splendid Christ 1 mas present. NORTON & HANSEN CO. Two Stores FRONT STREET CENTRAL AVENUE VOK IlKXT - Modern f,,ri,N,I wU.( tonm fr()m M po ,,, flats. Central and tourth. Phono CoqmQ I I 3" J. .in,. coiibo wnfl Inspired hy Trendgold, City Attorney of Handon, nna wns ttho final straw In n long series of persecutions through tho civil courtH hy which tho Conch estnto 'or Its Individual hoifs wore mulcted ; roil HUNT Houmj In rwir of for iout of many thousandB of dollars. mor Times office. Knqulro of ' O. T. Troadgold ns stoutly nBsorts j John Ferguson. that ho wan Intent only on clonn Ing up his city nnd ( that ho has heon mndo tho object of hitter nt tnclc hccnuBo ho dared to opposo n man of Concha wealth. "-" . uln will Inntiiiln nf tunnf iwn t.nmna HUNT Modern furnished .... ... ...... ..,..,",.. Illlll- don. Tho llnoup of tho Mnrshflold team Inst ovenlng was: Burrows and NIIch, forwards; Soamnn, Contorj Chnpman and McDonnld. (lunrdB, nnd for I'OIt HUNT Hmist's and iipni'tiiicntH tho KnHtsldo qulntotto: OtlH and furnlBhcd nnd unfurnished. I. 8 , Woflt, forwArds; Mntllln, Center; Kaufmnn & Co. 177 Front street Unmsdnlo nnd .loiih. (luardBj Mnrc I'OIt IlKNT FurnlhliiHl npartinent. Phono 53-U , Llhhy COAL. Tlio kind YOU hnvo AIAVAVS VSKI). Phono 7U. Pacific ,, Ilvcry and Transfer Company. TiTlISKf til u vuitvn a n viiiiii i --.- - In othor circles It Is bolus wills- FOlt HUNT Nicely furnished fronl offcnB. i.oro.l tlint Trnn.lL.nl,! la n Dr. Jnltvll rooms With hntll. 2 per WOOlt i tuiil n Mr. Ilviln In tlio loirnl liro-1 ClOSO In. 239 So. 1th St. fOBslou, hiding bohlnd tho dignity of 'his offlco whllo ByBtomntlcnlly plot ting litigation against tho Conch Intorcstn nnd which hns nlrendy ro ' milted In n coiiBldnrnblo holo bolug mndo In tho strong boxes of tho Coach Tlinbor Compnny nnd Conch ostato liolrfl. 4 Hny Tiraduidd After Mon'y, 1 Tho Conch faction dceluro thnt Troadgold was largely liiHtrumoutnl In securing n cash Bottlomout out of court for Mrs. Arthur Conch nt (ho tlmo tlio husbnnd secured n dl vorco In Novoinbor, 1013, from tho wlfo through hor fulling to appear to niiBwor Bunsntlonal chnrgosi , .,. ... mndo hy him against hor. It Is HIE HOME Of BIG FEATURES AND claimed that thousands of dollars woru concerned In tho transaction. ' . i .........i .... ...i...u . i. ,.iMi iiiiiniiuii iiir ivriiiur v.imiiii. ,.,. .. . ... ., . ., 1. 1 11 . 1 1 .. . Tlio Homo of lllg l'enttirn It Is considered significant thnt' , h, ...... . .... . 1 ... ..i. .-..1 VmnlovHIe. (I1IIII1K IIIU 1IIBL WVUK. llll Ill'llllll llllli boon tnkon in tho County Court' Tho Syndicate Film Corporal on looking to a guardianship for Ar-' Jl";"18 t'11tWol"U oplsodo or tho thur Conch to prevent his com-! "' r JHys tery, In two ploto dissipation of his fortuno and ".' tied 'The hluBlvo'lreaB- hls becoming a public charge. ur X Wr,,tt0tt. ,1w d ?' Troadgold claims to havo proof ('rath a,ld I'ucod by Wilfred Lu- llltlf nntnni IM -Tlt)inll 11. o ni,l VMP. ittntw t'uiuvinu uiiviiuii mio viih Stccklo nnd "Cilrly" Larson woro tho x HA5 THE BEST AND MOST APPRECIATED PRESENT (I THIS SEASON IS A CONTRACT FOR A HOMESITEH BUDZIEN PARK l WHERE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LIVE (HIGH, DRY AND CLOSE IN.) R. Von Shipman ' MARSHFItLU, Uttt. rt ww-"-" T THEATRETONiGHT ILVAUDEVILlEr'-'' anil CUT TO CLEAN W .... .., Mruro uao AMn MPUPR WILL PUT ON A FAKE om .r out ncco IMTfl THF PR CES OF OURU NEAR THE CLUSt Ur bAUH dchouim vvu ou, u - - .R DIES' SUITS AND COATS THAT WE MAY NOT CARRY OVER A SINGLE QH INTO THE NEXT SEASON. mgl LAST SPRING WE DID NOT HAVE ONE LADIES' COAT LE FT. WE HA TEN LEFT AT THIS TIME. THESE WE OFFER AT THE FOLLOWS rm- neerlng nnd paying for tho ontlro trip to Portland, tho ono that was Intercepted with tho kldnnplng chnrgo. Just ns conclusively Mitch oil says ho can prove by corrobo rate witnesses nt ovory stago thnt this Is not so. "Tho Fox," n Rox two-rcol dra nin of tho Canadian Northwost with liob Leonard and Hazd Ihickhnm, ''Tho Fox" la a story of tho early days laid In tho great forosts of tho Cnundlau Northwest. It's viv idness carries ono away with it's I -realism. It Is a story of bin. stroiic 1UO IUXCK KACJLICS' HALL - t'". ' ,,,.. , , , .. , .,,, lovo nnd ndvonturo with n noto of tivs olho fr! ' S,,V Pto. striking a responsive chord ca 0rchMtrn- COm' ,f ouln tho heart of tho spectator. Sco 1 ' 1 11 mu ! tho battlo botwoon tho outlaws and SPIRELLA CORSETS ' ! Wallnco Hold and Dorothy Hav- may be obtained in Marshfleld,00'1'11 "Th0 Mountuineor,- ncb- fynn tor-Uiuvorsal drama. Mpq AnniJ HnlhnH ' "Troulo80ino 1e8." Sterllng- IVIIb. Annie noiiano, llnlvorsul, A sparkling rural com- Corsetier. edy. 352 So, 5th St. Phone 200-Xj six of mo host reels in tho city . ..- - .tt-1 for, lowor floor, 15c; first balcony, T. J. HOAIFE 4C A. II. IIODQINB 1Dc5 secoa ualcony, 10c. '4P,ll( ' Special Sunday Matlnoo "Mu-. MarchfiolH PAINT AND tual Girl Weekly." Tomorrow fjlfJRHHeiU DECORATING ,C0."'sht. "The Toll of War." a throe Estimates Furnished reel war drama. Mione 8DP-J. Btarshfleld, Orco. SATl'HDAV, DKO. 1" lu $ 6.50 Coats cut to $ 4.50 $ 7.75 Coats cut to $ 4.75 $11.75 Coats cut to $ 7.50 $16.50 Coats cut to. MRRn HnntsCUt to. $25.00 Coats cut to. $9.50 '$9.85 $12.50 HM.reeWFRECJN ,.,,- n.wr cnoTvoiY i AniPQ' SUITS LEFT. AFEWUrinMu. I vvc nave rumriA wniw -w. cnLLUWIJ' RIED OVER FROM LAST SPRING. THE NEW ONES WE OFFER AS ruu $25.00 New Suits cut Jo 114;50 27.59 E Is Z tS::::si4.50 j JJSZO.OU IMW oui- $15.00 New Suits cut to $ 9.50 $17.50 New Suits cut to $10.50 1Q.Rn Mow Suits cut to $11;50 $22.50 New Suits cut to $12.50 . i ot ocAsnN. THE FOLLOWING WERE CARRIED 0VEK rriuivi lho. --- CES ncccD at prom nMF.THIRn TO ONE-HALF PRICE. NOTICE 1H THESE t $15.00 Last Season Suts cut to..$ 6.50 $18.00 Last Season Suits cut to.$ 8.50 enn rr I V 0,.r.nn Oi.lto nut tn C Q Rfl Scu.JJ uai occtaun ouuo um iu . - YOU WILL HAVE TO COME AT w $25.00 Last Season Suits cu Jo.- $27.50 Las beH-lM $35.00 Last seaauu IF YOU GET ONE OF THESE The Gold Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. gjgajg