''iM4WTNrJiin "Tr"Hfl&TVT !"w?,fWp THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SECTION TWO, PAGE FIVE i DON'T FORGET mmmmmmi iZk oats frcliKii1EAL The Horse on Christmas He will appreciate a Good Feed just as well as .a man, and don't forget that Good Feed is the only kind that HAINES .carries and his prices are always right. . HAINES WATER FRONT CENTRAL AVENUE . w DAINTY AND DIFFERENT Xmas Greeting Cards also . STICKERS, SEALS, TAOS, OIL-PAINTED CALENDAR!! OK LOCAL VIEWS. nt REHFELB'S UHO Control Ave. 4l Santa Claus'll Get Us.9' ! I I i i i Coos Bay Stationery Co Phono 43. 93 Cantral Avcpue. Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, Foun tain Pens, Stationary, Xmas Cards. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OK CARS .117 Central Av. Phono UT.I-Ij For Host r.csiills In j PAINTING, PAPKRIXG mul I) DECORATING n. f. le mieux Will Paper ami I'nlnt Store I j :il)it No. Front St. l'uiiu 115-K Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You ennnot afford to bo without health or accident Insurance You not only nooJ tlio Insuranco, but you want to bo Buro and hnvo tlio correct policy In tho beat and most rellnblo company In tlio business. 8co mo or phono mo at onco and I will explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent . Marshfleld. 300 Coko Building. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, - III , ! ! I BUY THE VERY BEST PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT """ BUTTER COOS BAY WATER CO. Marshficld and North Bend, Ore. Family water ratoa fixed by Stato Rnllrond Cdmmlwlon. w First faucet .'...'. .90 Additional faucets for bowls, sinks, etc 10 natl.s , ' 25 Additional baths 20 Toilets GO Additional toilets 25 Rntos, paynblo In ndvanco bofore tho 10th of ouch month. MAiir? uxdku sanitary conditions O IX A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICC Fioo delivery, H n. in. nnd 2 p. in. IMiono 7:i. 7&r4T m BERTRAM'S Wa unlrnmn von to nn exhi bition of all that Is beautiful and practical for gift giving. Early shopping assures a bolter chanco to see, inoro lolsuro to solect, tlmo for engraving and cholco of what Is most desir able OUR DISPLAY OP GlfT IDEAS Is romarkablo In varloty and beauty. , Artistic Jewelry for Women Brooches, Pendants, Ear Rlngs, Toilet Sets, Diamond Kings, Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Watches, Fancy Buck les and HatplnB. Useful Jewelry for Men Oold Fobs, Travollng Sots, Cuff Links, Stick Fins, Em blem Charms and Pins. Wo carry n largo lino of Masonic, Elk, Eagle, Mooso Charms and Rings. . ............ n.t ., a Flno im way Iw desired. llcl nolo Watcues at .iiu--n " - . Purchase will bo held for delivery subject to your order. Flno artistic engraving froo of chargo. F. W. BERTRAM FIJ OXT STREET QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, MAHSIIFIELD, OREGON PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard McClure ATTOHXr.V AT LAW Practices In all courts. Room 1-, Flanagan At Bennett Rani H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER General Repairing and Cabinet Making, 'bono 349-J. I. M. Wright - i , A Telephone for Xmas What will a housewife appreciate more as a Christmas gift than atii,. Sh and nil tho family will bo truly thankful for It i "' -' every day In the joar. Ask local office for rates to you. DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. FIRST NATION IL BANK RULDIXG. riiono 188-R. IIUILDIXO CONTRAOTOU Estimates furnished on roquest Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Nnso and Tbrot GLASSES FITTED ' DR. MATTIK II. 8IIAW I DicnMx of Women nnd Children Offlco Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Illock. Benjamin Ostlind COXSULTIXO ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 20C Irving Block 'hone 103-1. or 267-J. Marshfleld. Oregor A. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 3.02, Coke Bulldlne Uarshfiold, Oregon Mm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. Mrs. Olivia Edman. M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MED lOAL GYMNASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 137 CommercliiJ nvo. l'hona &12-J B POD AT i TO THE COOS BAY TIMES CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Nortl Front HtreM, I'houe 870. SPIIEDl'Li: Ol1 EXI'EXDITt'RES OF THE COl'XTV COl'IlT FOR COOS COFNTY, OREGON, REGl' LAU DECEMBER, lilt I, TERM. J. C. Juckeon, Support .... 110.00 LowIh Ingram, Support ... ft. 00 C'lms. llaydcn, Support ... 10.00 Eva Anderson, Support ... 1ft. 00 Cora B. Gllkey, Support . . . 1ft. 00 John B. Fox, Support lft.OU John Pomlirllllnnt, Support. R.00 Wnltor AndrowH, Support . : 10.00 F. J. Harrison, Support ... " ' ft. 00 .1. 11. Estos, Support 10.00 Nancy Keoler, Suppoit .... 10.00 11, (1. Camuron. Support ... -10.00 Emily Burns, Support .... p- 7.50 Nnncy Pnlmor, Suppdit .... ' 7.B0 Mrs. C. E. Covoll, Cora of Hullo Covoll '. . 10.00 Boys' nnd Girls' Aid Society, Aid from Coos county . . . 10.00 Charlos Dolpb, Suppoit .... 5.00 Vrs. Cora Gilpin, Support, . 10. U0 Mrs, Mary Wadlinm, Support 10.00 Mrs. Mnry C. Ward, Support 10.00 Mrs. Mubul Ilumpbroy, Sup port 20.00 Mrs. Holon .McLaughlin, sup port 10.00 Sophia Flltcioft, Support .. C00 Wlunlo Butler, Support ... 10.00 Bryant Robinson, Support . 10.00 Mnrla Burkl, Support 10.00 Dorso Davis, Support 10.00 Mrs. Vina ArrJiiRtnn, Sup port 10.00 Mary Culburtsnn, Support . 5.00 William Hughes, Care of Mrs. Holt nnd Children 5.0O Tiny Ray, Support lO.yO Bello Emory, Support . . . ; . . 20,00 Hannah Mlkutli. Support .. 15.00 .Myrtle Imogouo lllnku, Sup port 10.00 Mottle F. Thomas, Support 7.S0 Myrtlo F. Blnko, Support .. 16.00 Mrs. From 12.00 T. J. Stlllwoll, Support ... 10.00 Clara J. Wright. Support . ft.OO Mary Arnlto Rundo, Support 20.00 fuel. Sold. KiiiiiI. It.. W. Liindy, Allowanco for Mrs, From, Buoll, Froy, Hunoli, Whobroy, Itleh- ardH VH.QQ Mrs. O. W. Loggett, Allow ance 1.00 Dlanna T, Barrows, Allow ance , 10.00 A. J. Wilson, Allowance . , , 15.00 Avery II. Tyler, Allowanoo . 8.00 Mnrgarot Hudson, Allow ance C.00 Mary Goodman, Allowunea . COO Fiances A. Kelloy, Allow ance 0,00 Luctetla Ross, Allowanoo , COO Elizabeth Bruno, Allowance 16.00 San ford G. Jonoa, Allowance 10.00 Frank Thayer, Allowanoo . . 10.00 B. F. Hill. Allowanoo 15.00 Wldou'ri Pension. Anna Hansen 10 00 Ella G. Bowman 10.00 Perl Rlloy Balllngsr 17.10 Alice Sneddon 10.00 Annie E. Barrows 25.00 Ida P. Patterson 10.00 Elizabeth J Wyant 10 00 Bello T. I.o wo 10.00 I t i i f t I Ellen Metnilf Lucy E. Illtlior Sarah Ellun Riiudloiuuu . . . Mary M. Richards . . .' Lllllo Porry Mary E. Younkor Mai'Ktirot II. Ogrun Melliuta Niilson SaruU Williams Sntnh S. Amu '. Cora J. Conrad Haraterhlrila llrluor Juiiulo M. Conloxuu Mnry Elisabeth Tnuuur . . . Allco Stommormnu Roso Evnlluo Ovvubuy .... Froilorlka SuudqulHt - La urn Alice Mlobuul Catherine M. Clark Solnui ThomrtH Maria Grant Clara K. Cantorhury Nancy A. Holluubimk Marlon F. Lnngenburg .... IMImbeth M. Abell Maude J. Chaso Louisa J. Corliln , . Abblo Bralunrd Allco Jano King Lydla M. McLay Alma Mnrla Drolllngur .... Lllllo Dale Fish Kuto Fnielund FIumiIu Mabel Farrnri ('(unity lloiiuty, J. A. Doadmoud .......... C. O. Crosby , . , H. IiiKrum X. Stuphuns , F. J. Stock T. F. Montgomery , Junius Wutsou, Salary ns Co. Clerk Bobt. R. Watson, Salary ns 1st Dep. Clerk N. Osmuiidson. Salary ns 2nd Dap. Clork .83, lues V. Bu'nuli, Office Clork Dorothy Watson, Offlco Clk Eva L. Sehrooder, Offlco Clork Emily Hnrlookor, Of flog Oik T. II. Currlo. Offlo Clerk . . V. W. ango, Salary ns Sher iff 210 ('. A. Gno, Salary as 1st Dep. Shgrlff L. W. Oddy, Ralnry us 2nd Hop. Sheriff 83 Goo. O. Lofloh, Offlco Clerk Alma Jaokson, Stonograplier T. J. Thrift, Salary as As sessor M. O, Hawkins, Salary as Dtp. Atttfosvor A. B. Collier, Salary as Dep uty Frank Thrift, Offlso Clerk. . M. O. HawklnH, Draftsman . T. M. Dlmmlck, Salary as Troas., otc, J. A. Sullivan, Salary as CuHhlor Raymond E. Baker, Salary as Co. School Supt F. A. Golden, Salary as Co. Sohool Supvr N'. E. Laudrlth, Salary as Janitor D. L. Rood, Sul. and Exp tis Co, Sealer 10.00 2ft.()0 10.00 COD 2ft. 0U 32,ft0 10.00 2D.00 lO.O'O 10.00 lo.no 10.00 i7.no I7.R0 10.00 26.00 17.50 25.00 17.50 10.00 10.00 10,00 10,00 10.00 17,50 10,00 5C.00 32.50 32.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 3.00 COO 3,00 0.00 3,u0 150.00 100.00 33 1-3 51.00 57.00 03.00 0(5.00 51.00 .GO 2.3 100.00 .33 1-3 09.00 C3.00 112.50 90.00 ccoo 00.00 10.QO 100.00 32.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 3C95 Wnltor Culln, Salary as Co. Health Officer 20.9S Walter Culln, Investigating reports nt Bandon 10.00 Rnymoud E. Bailor, Expenses ns Co. School Supt 21.50 F. A. Golden, Expenses nn Co. Sohool Supvr 25.16 T. .1. Tlirlft, Trnv. Exp. att. Assessor's mooting ..... 51.10 W. W. Gngo, Trnv. Exp., ro. Stato vs. Mitchell ut nl . . 113.10 O. A. Gage, Trnv. Exp. In performance of duty .... 2.S.76 L. W. Oddy, Trav. Exp. In serving papers 3. GO' W. W. Gage, Serving papers, Spec. Dep. hire 9(1.55 C. J. Fuhrnmu, Office Sup plies ft. GO Glass & Prudhommo Co., Summnry sheds, for Asses sor no.ftft GhtHS & Prudhommo Co., Record for Sohool Supt. . 20.60 James Wntsou, Cash advanc ed for revenue stamps . . . 99,00 James Wntsou, Canh advanc ed for rards, freight, etc, 1 ft.OO Knowllon's Drug Storo, Of flco Supplies , . 9.85 Tho Coqulllo Valley Sontlnol, Printing for School Supt. CftO Tho Conulllo Vnlluv Sentinel. V. Pints for Co. Surveyor .. 1.60 Tho Coqulllo Vnlloy Sentinel, Printing Stntoments for Assessor , 7.00 Tho Evening Record, Print- lug Warrant Call 2.50 The Evening Record, Print ing Soml-Annunl Stnto ments , ., , , 13,11 Tho Evening Record, Pub. Co. Court Proceedings , . 9B.30 Coos Bay Times, Pub. Co. . Court Proceedings 7C00 Biishong & Co.,. Writing Paper for Assessor 1.00 II. O. Anderson, Scale for Hupt 1.G0 Coqulllo Laundry & Ice Co,, Laundry for Jail n,7B W. C. Laird, Mdso. for Court IIoiiko 21.00 S M. Nosier & Co., Soap, etc. for Court IIoiiko , , 1.25 Coqulllo Ililw. Co,, Lights, etc., Court House 9,00 Oregon Power Co., Elcctrlo Current, Co. House 31.32 Coos & Curry Telephone Co,, Tolls, Nov., Rout Dec, for 781, 701, 113, I31, 431, 231,811 G9.77 Coos & Curry Tolophono Co., Tolo. Servlco for Carter, etc., 2.60 Goodman & Goodman, Mater ial, Co. House 28.05 Harry Clousor, Labor, etc., Co. House ,, 63.25 C. N. Bower, Eleotrlc wiring, etc., Co. Housu G.70 Painting Court IIoiiko, Oeo. Goodman, Foreman .. 31.22 E. D. Goodman, Painter ... 1G.41 T. M. Drunker, Painter .... 8.76 Clnudo Ford, Painter 8.07 E. Nosier, Painter 4.59 M. O. WlBlor, Painter 5.25 W. A. Goodman, Carpenter. 3. CO H. W, Dunham, Caro and Exp. In ro Ethel Davis . . 25.76 R. N. Emory, Const, Foos, District No, 1, rfi Cum- mlugs ,' 10.45 It. N. Emery, Const, Fees, Dlst. No, l, ro MeVoy . , . 7.0B District No. il. C. L. Peunoek, J. P. Fees, Stato vs. Richards 6.75 C. L, Pennock, J. P. Foos, 8tuto vs. O'Brien 9.26 Jack Konnoy, Witness and mileage, Stato vs. O'Brien 1.70 Charles Doano, WIIiiosh and mileage, Stato vs. O'Brlon 1.70 Hal Stiitflinun, Witness and mileage, Stato vs. O'Brien 1.70 Nels Austnd, Witness and mileage, Stato vs. O'Brien 1,70 Allen Todd, Witness and mileage, Stato vs. O'Brlon 1,70 Burt Stanley, Witness and mileage, State vs. O'Brien 1,70 W. 11. Cox, Const. Foos and cxp. Ro Kelly, O'Brien, etc 10.94 Dlktrtct No. !l. J. J. Stanley, J, P. Foes, Stato vs. Dao, Eland, et nl 21.96 District No, ft. J. C. Brown, Const. Foes, Statu vs. Preston 12.56 District No. il. A. P. Miller, Arresting Don- nldson Instanco of J. P., , J.oo Mlko Burko, Witness, Grand Jury . 5.60 Fred Gross, arand Jury Wit ness , 7.20 Cuspor Heeler, Grand Jury Witness 3.20 C. W. Hill, Photos of Eilw. Day .,.., ,.. 3,00 10.G5 7.G0 7.G0 7.00 7.00 7.C0 7.G0 . 7.G0 7.55 16.00 35.00 1G.00 10.00 70.00 4.50 3.20 4.25 13.92 32.45 Commercial Printing Co., Reporting paper for Co. Reporter , 7.25 James T. Nosier, Services .ub Clr. Co. Bailiff Nov. 9, 11, and 12 ' f 9.00 Jnmes T. Nosier, Clr. Co.'' Bnlllfr. Nov. 2 1, 25 .... G.OO Edith Thomas, Steuo. cervic es for Dlst. Atty ....... 25.00 C. J, Fuhrmnu, Stationery for DlBt. Atty Thomas Proaton, Witness bo foru Dlst. Atty Wm. Preston, Witness be fore Dlst. Atty S. P. Blrdsnll, Witness bo foro Dlst. Atty James Kcllond, Witness lio foro Dlst. Atty Krod Johnson, Witness bo foro Dlst. Atty Ernest Lnrson, Witness bo roro Dlst. Atty Win. BmUli, WltncRB "bo foro Dlst. Atty Snw Jnrltx.- Grand Jury Witness ." , 7.20 Arthur Ynlto, CI rami Jur WltuesH'. .'.. 6.00 Joseph Schott, Grand Jury Witness G, GO Bam Javltz, Stato vs, Kelloy, Witness fees i. 7.20 W. W. Oago, Board 'of Pris oners , 1G2.90 C. J. Fulirmnii, Drugs, for Prisoners County liif.Vinury. Efflo L. Mnglll, Helper . . . Gllhort Plnkston, Labor . . . Mrs. J. B. Larno, Ilolpor . . Martha Stuvons, Ilolpor . . . Allan McLood, Suporlntend-dont T. N. Brawn, Smithing .... F. C. Truo, Mdso Dr. L. Harrison, Aulmnl Den tistry, etc., R. S, Kuowlton, Drugs .... P. E. Drnno, Grocorles . . . S. M, Nosier & Co., Groceries 100.94 J. A. Lamb & Co,, Hdw, . . . 33,80 II. N. Loronx, Mdvu 27.00 Geo, A. Robinson, Mdso. . . . 33. 55 Coqulllo Laundry & Ico Co., Laundry . , 3.15 II, O, Anderson, Mdso 10.95 Moss to. Jones, Moat 29.76 Walter Culln, VIhIIh to Co. patients 14.00 W. C. Laird, Mdso.,- 26.40 Water Works nt Poor Farm. Coqulllo Hdw. Co., Hdw., , . 384.80 Bandon Hardware Co., Hdw. 1.06 W. II. Mnnsell, Hailing plpo . . 12.00 Itobort O. Train, Hauling . . G.50 J. A. EiiboIo, Foromnu .,;; 15.94 Mnro Bholtoy, Labor ,,,. 10,32 Bud Mausell. Labor '. '. 11. BO John Illckam, Labor ,,,,h." 0,19 C. L. Samson, Labor W. C. Laird, Auto Hire for Co, Court ...,.,,,.,,. G. W. Dungun, Burial of Ed na Hindi . . . , S. M. Nosier & Co., Supplies for J. J. Burns Mrs. W. '.. Cotton, Sorvicos for family of J. J. Bunm A. G. Erlcksou, Auto IJIro t for Mrs, James ....,,., D. I). Campbell, Caro of J. It, Brown Warnor Grocery Co,, Grocer ies for Ellon Totton .... Cook's Grocery, Supplied for Mrs. E, Erlcksou ....... A, O. Iiootou, Registering electors, etc J, S. Gearhart, Registering 10 electors , , , A, L. Blitz, Registering 138 electors ,,. . W, T. Moffott, Rog. 0 Elec tors . , , . , 1 1 J., O. Stoinmlor, Rog. elec tors .,,.,., Hall & Hall, Rog. 130 eloo. (II dbl. reg.) - 8. II. Cuthcart, Reg. 38 elec tors ,..,,., Coos Bay Times, PrlntluK 29,720 ballot's G4G.00 Tho Coqulllo Vulley Sontlaql ' Printing Cort. Klec, Bonds, Post cards :'f 17.50 W, L. Wnlkor, Preparing booths for election, 6.. 13 1 2.SO North Inlet Social Club, Hall Rent, No. 3 2.50 Mrs. Augusta Ohman, Meals for Elec. Ild., No. 3 ... , 9.QQ Precinct No. .1. Oscar Ohman, Judgo, . . . . , 6,00 Chostor Bear. Judgo G.OO Axel Ruth, Judgo ...,,..., 6.09 R. R. FJnkerton, Clerk .... 6.08 C W. Glbbs. Clork 6.09 Louis St. Dennis, Clork . . . 6.60 North Boud Mill & Lbr. Co,, Lumber, Preo. No, 7 .... 8,ia 11.69 3.00 20.00 30.00 10.50 3.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 1.8G 1.00 13.80 .60 1,20 11.60 3.80 Coutbatuid on IRING YOUR JOB PRINTING 1 mmmmmmmmmm ' i Ilxi'lMEHHsBfwilSsiI fiji&lnJanXlBHs