mUJSbsm .j 'ia,;h uu lVtl.s AJWRYCHRISTMAS" GRKTING THAT'S SINCERE IS THE ONE BEST GIFT Of All iiiWmiiiinmi imm Shop Early Dy so doing you not only got tho beat goods and tho beat assortment to chooso from, but you are, kind to yoursolf and tho Bnlcs-p-aople, Christmas la drawing very nonr. Start now! MEMDEll OP HTK ASSOCIATED P11H.N3 tLliiMfAt vs One mnm VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 n Tim Onast Mntl. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. rmains Claim Gain Aj a nflo n TF?v o JMIies aura Km FRENCH AMD RUSSI AMS SAY eEHMJUiS- AHE CTJ LOSING GROUND Fighting Occurred a Few Weeks Ago. ! ALLIES OFFICIAL STATEMENTS CLAIM GERMAN ' ADVANCE TOWARDS WARSAW HAS BEEN CHECKED French Claim Germans Are Retiring in Disorder in Poland and Declare Servians Have Won Important Victories Over Austnans in Northwestern Servia. (Dy AsBoclatcd Proas to Coos Dny Times,) LONDON, Dec, 12. Tho French war office announced to day that three German batteries had been destroyed and oth ers silenced, that severa Garmnn tmnHme u .." that the allies made successful infantry attacks and that they European warring tVchrislm W0I1 DaCK DOSSGSSIOIl Of Oil fiXlmidnrl KPPiinn nlnnrr 4l. .., season. "Tho nffortM nf !,, I(l bank of tho Ysor Canal In Belgium to cantum wlilrTi Hip Rpi- ""fortunately rniuii. according to tho1 of th0 Vistula nulX ' no maHS Ongaged in tllG mOSt deSflPtafp llirl flnnJ firrl l, It VuUcnn announcement, "owing to,0111' operations nro do I n Snr Tn ilip vine peRUO QI1U deadly fighting Of Ul0 0M)OH,tloil of u cortan I,wor..., Southern Poland, tho SIXTEE.V PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mftl) and tConi Xlnv AilrpHlir No. 123 lamu RUSSIA STOPS XMAS TRUCE IN THE WAR! ttlr AmocIiIpiI !' la Coo. njr TlmM. HOME, Dec. 12. Tho Vatlcnn nntliorltlos today mado public a docu ment sotting forth tho efforta mado Declare Russian Cavalry is Worsted on East Prussian Front; Advances in Poland , says Austrian's and i GERMAN FORCE GAINS Denies French Claims of Suc cess in Belgium and France Berlin Version ' Ilr Anoolttnl I'mi to Coo I)f Tlmn. ) DEIIMN, Dec. 12. (lly Wireless). Tho Oormnn official statement to by tho Popo to obtain a truco In tho, l,n' sa'B! "0n ,ho Prussian front, repulsed tno Russian ;ainst Today DUTCH TAKE GERMAN GRAIN SHIPMENT Wr AnorUInt I'mi In Coot nr Tlmw.l AMSTERDAM, Dee. 12. A cor respondent at llanswoert declares tho Dutch authorities bnvo seized fifteen rlvor boats containing enrgoes of grain nud other goods which It Is the war in tho west. tii nni'nlnu as. "" "" .... I m vnlrl. fnlfltll? !lfn nrlanhnrfi Rnlltlt .. ..... nint, "'' " - -- .. . . uiiegcu mat tlio Germans woro try- ruioru roinnu , ... ...,,.,. hv. . n, ,,, ,, developing. In a,,,,,,,.,, -m... n ..A.m... UiibsI.iii at-' .,.,., ,.,... ,, . OW...UH..U,, mm uiu tuiKuuB wuro pri .. ... tllnlli, i.,i,(. V1..I.1 ctfl.1 til .!, A llalni... Pplmrrmrl rllsnniplmc ct4o ll, f, -fi,. r r uornmny ngreca to tno truco, It Is, - """""" '"""""' I vato property. ..,t,.u v,,UKuwM1u oiuio mo hum UI UIU UC.illtlll TOrCeSi said, but Ilussla opposed It. 01 AMENDMENT IS Considereu Soon .make l'. S. DItV. I injf AMocltla.) I'lft. lo Coot Itojr TlniM.) j WASHINGTON', I). C, Dec. 12. Tho problliltlou question j will bo brought Into tho IIoiiho on Ik-comber 22, and whou It is j disponed of woman suffrngo will I bo taken up. I llr AmnhIiIrI 1'r.M lo Coo. Ilr TlniM.l WASHINGTON', I). C, Dec. 12,-1 Hungarian and Gcrniau troops. In KlnndorB, tho French yestorday , mado attacks In tho region of tho Enngomnrk, which woro ropulsed. They loHt 200 klllod and 340 prison ers. Our artillery bombarded tho railroad to Intel faro with the t'omcutH of tho enemy's trpops. mado Homo progross near ArraH. ittnckod UK near success. In Trench for weeks past litvvo limited themHolvus I to very weak attacks and everywhoro woro ropulsed. On tho othor hand ; tho (lormnns havo takon possession of nu Important Kroneh position of era. On SYpres ra movoineii Wo mndi which havo been advancinn toward Wnrsnw fmm iim nnrii west has been pjerced in two places. The French official 11(11 IP V IHfll I HflTr statement, referring; to tho same phase of the Eastern cam-1 1 I UdL IflIL I V T and tho Germans are retiring in disorder. Along tho Ger man contor, west of Warsaw, it is said, the attacks of the Imrmnrc wnrn .'nniilcnd 111II1 Imnim Innnnn piSfrtorS mihttt felatn0ffS.thi!bWoma" Su'and National J?ZX C?iJUTnlVf&S CTJiSW?! Prohibition Proposition to bo :''! '! ' ,",l,""ul vivuuiut, 1.1 1 u nuiuumu lllll ill IIUIIIIVVUOI UUI Vlll , and capturing two towns. FRENCH GLUM AWE'S ARTILLERY M WORSTED CE NU'B (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Dec, 12,Tho official bulletin this afternoon says:, "Tho onomy has completed the evacuation of tho west bank! fl 4 li f rst Hrtilftl 4 IUa nA4 t 1 ia K IftA A 4ln t n uttt i.m k ! ui uiu ioui uuiiui iu uiu iiuiiii ui uiu iiuuou ui 1110 luiiyuiuiii Yo mJ . .,..... ii0lg0 and we occupy this bank. In tho region of Aijas there havqLociai mios for tho consideration t neon many artillery engagements, In the regions of Nampoeli proposals to submit tho woman1 ' and the Aisno, our batteries reduced to silence tho onomy's j suffrage ami prohibition nuestionsCoos County Man Seeks legal uauenes. iNorineasi or vaiuy one or men uowiizer uauenes ,u uiiiuihuiioiu wUrU eparauons irom I wo wo was completely destroyed, , , . , . I SSSJi.? ti5ncll0B f th cu,3! men at Same Time ' rigilllllg III UIU IUIIIIU lUglUII UIIU LUIUIIU IUIUOI IOOUIIUU, in an advantage to us, un tno Mouse iieignts our artillery demolished at Deuxnoudo two batteries of tho enemy, ono composed of guns of largo caliber and tho othor Used for firing upon the aviators, In this samo region, wo have blown up a blockhouse and destroyed several trenches, Botween the Mouse and the Moselle there is nothing to report, In tho Vosges there have been artillery engagements, In the Senones region, wo consolidated tlio positions gained by us the even ing before," CRUISER ORESBEi REPORTED HIDING li INLET OF .ALLIES MAY BE ABOUT TO START ' GENERAL ASSAIJLTON GERIN LINE Renewed Military Activity In France is Believed to Indicate Great Effort to Throw Geramn's Entire Force Back ' Into Confines of Kaiser's Domain. GERMAN ADVANCE ON WARSAW REPORTED TnnAY tyi HAVE BEEN CHECKED BY RUSSIANS; ALLIES RELIEVED King Peter of Servia, Aged Seventy, Goes to Front and by Dramatic Appeal to Army Succeeds in Changing Defeat to Victory, Repulsing Austrian Advance. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Dec, 12, it has become apparent that the re newed military activity in France, the precise nature of which has been left in doubt by the indefinite official commu nications, has not yot attained the dimensions ot a general assault, Berlin Is speculating whether tho allies, taking ad vantage of tho Gormans pro-occupation with Russia, will seizo tlio opportunity to begin a goneral movement designed to push back the wholo Gorman lino, Tho campaign In Eastern Prussia is now vlowod more com placontly by tho allies, Potrograd reported yesterday that tho Gormans woro within fifteen mllos of Warsaw, but it is now said that this advance has boon checked, Tho mystery of Sorvla's sudden reversal or form Is rit-" J tributod In Paris to a draamtic incident, It Is said that King i rotor, soma's u-year-oiu ruior, wont to the tront at tile uirAffttaMrftHtanNNitarTimMi timo his army was apparently being pushed to oxtremitles by niowyouk, Dec. 12 wan street I tho Austrians and said to tho soldlors! "Your old King has come to oio witn you tor tno tatnonand," I hereupon a gen oral assault was ordered, resulting in tho recently reported iiepuiso or tno Austnans, WAL L STREET IS T OPEN 0 y oanio Into Its own today. Tho Stock UxcLango, closed for nearly four and one-half months, except for n limit ed trading In bonds tho last two. woekB, rooponed UiIb morning. Not for many years has thero lionn such! support by moans of explosions of a . a throng of brokers on tho floor, mine. Tho onomy bun suffered heavy losses In klllod." PECULIAR PLIGHT , OF LEV GRAHAM F 0 0 D HTH DEEDS 111 MILLIONS K COQUILhi:, Ore, Dec. 12At tho present term of tho Circuit Court l.ovl (Irahum la suing for tho dis solution of tho marriage bonds from two soparnto women, :.'o, ho is not Mormon nud tho ovents loading such a sltuntlon lie so far back that thoro Is nothing sousa- - ,. , . .. , , tlonnl nbout tho afiair. Years ago EniOry EdWardS, Believed tO arnham married n woman In Ponn- be from ColvillC, Wash., ylvnnla and they separated at onto, SllCCUmbs in NeW York "vor living togothor ns mnn nnd , wlfo. Tho Justice of tho Peaco ,llr AmocUIuJ I'rfM to Coo lUr Tlmn 1 ... , ... . ,, ' i who performed tho ceremony told NEW YOHK, Dec. 12. An Oxnml- nrahnm hn poul.l ant him n .llvoren I nation of tho porsonal offects of nnil n,o now brldogroom took his Kraory Bd wards, 43 years old, who word for , coming r.'est, Oranam, was found dead In n modest boarding thinking ho was freo, married again, j houso Inst night, rovealed old doedb but thlo couplo havo now boon sop- and documnots Indicating thnt tho arated for years. Now to cloan up ilnnrl tnnn ivas Min rnnrnnantnllv. nf in tn oni.n. ... ...... . i.n.. n. ah it i rnnnrta, n,o fiormnn1 .::';:.;'":: '"":v" i,u ." .-k " Ucu. l, u 10 io,Jwiiu "iu uvmiium ma r.uwurus nsmie, wnicn ni ono tno dissolution of tlio first mar SOUTHERN PATAGONIA FIRE IN FAKE SHOW IS COSTLY Flrn flamed up In tho window ot tho Hed Cross Drug Storo at 3:30 this afternoon, spread rapidly along tho cotton "snow" nud before It tould ho extinguished bud done about 'i00 worth of damago, Thorn was about 11000 worth of Christmas jowelry on display at tho tlmo. Though tho flro department responded nt onco tho blnzo was out beforo they arrived. Jowolor 0. II. Wilson was stand ing at his work bouch bohtnd tho window at tho tlmo. Kloctrlo light glohoB, hidden In tho cotton, becamo ovorhontod and tho flro starting on nn Instant circled tho window In a damago. Tho company carried In puff. Bmoko and water did tho surnuco, MIDNIGHT FIRE THREATENS CORNER AT FRONT AND MARKET (Dy Associated PreBS to tho Coos Day Times,) ai PARAicn Mio. npn. 19. It s reDorted 1 cruiser Dresden has taken refuge in an inlet on tho coast of! time ownod t:.o sito ot tho post- ringo to nattio b. araimm which Pdoirnna Tin MrAcHnn S tlft on V VeSSe O 10 UBIIIIclll , u"tu " "'" "u "'" l,,u rtBlu' was n mero ceremony, this wouiu i uiciftuiuu, (i nu '-''""""" D ... I f. i ii Qft,,4, Atlnntip'' Houso and an $8,000,000 estato In leavo him tho lognl husband of tl squamon wnicn mui mu biiuoh nw mi u.w. .. December 8, that has not been accounted for, SMTH S C.A. OUTLOOK BETTER Entire Block in Danger When Coos Bay Bakery Has Midnight Blazo : x I Carl Kvortsen, proprietor of ( tho Coob liny Dakory, this after- noon declared that ho haB not j I yot estimated his loss, but that j j ho carries Insurance It Is not j bollovod that tho loss will bo j moro than $300. Mannger j j Hampton, of tlio Central Dooms, nlso declares ho carried lusiir- unco. Tho roof on tho south- j wost corner ot tho building, j j which Is owned by A. O. Hog- j era, wnB burned through and tho j water damaged flvo rooms. nt work In tho bakery When -the flro started. They had just fin ished mixing thotr UouKhrStid Ponco had turned about, going to the big oven to start tho night's baking whou ho notlcod a -small flame Nliootlng up tho wall along sldo ot tho boiler, Ho Immediately yelled "riro" nnd Hnnk Wolls In the Hlght Cafo, but n fow foot away sounded tho nlnrm. f Oordou Smith rosponded at once wltli tho nuto flro truck and HftU Btutsman followed with tho stean oiiglno which, with tho aid ot thej firemen, was run to tho toot of' Commercial street and a salt water, stream played on tho flame a few ' mtnutos later. Three streams woro played on the' Flro nt 11 o'clock Inst night tiro from tho gasoline engine that broko out In tho roar of tho Coos I onco again demonstrated Kb worth1 Dany Dakory on Market street as a flro protector. Bmoko cloud' between Front street and Droad-, Ing out ot tho bakory blinded the way strootB and for a tlmo throat-' flromon. They groped tholr way ened tho entire block of wooden through tho alloy bonouth the Cen-, buildings. Tho flro dopartmont with , tral Hotel, Tho flro windows ot' two engines, had four hosos playing .tho St. Lawrence Hotel noxt door on tho flnmoB In loss than flvo mln- woro Immediately closed and that utoB nftor tho nlnrm was sounded. . building was at no ttrao In danger. Sinoko botched out through tho' Dosplto tho wntor and smoke the bakory making tho detection of tho ; bnkora re-continued tholr work, tiro nlmost Impossible mixing tho dough for today's bak- Ab tho flro burnod In tho rear ofln. refusing to bo driven from tho TURKISH FLEET BOMBARDS B TUM AND KILLS LARGE NUMBER THERE fDv Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times,) PHMOTAMTIMnDI C nor. 19. The Turkish fleet yeSter- I to natural causes. 1 IjIJIMO I AIM I IU I-1-1 Uuui - . r, , - 1 .day bombarded the environs of Batum, tn Kussian seapori; ;on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, Hundreds of Rus sians were killed and a number were wounded by the fire. , ARRtS AMtmuHiM on j ,n Aied Press to Coos tfay Times.) PARIS Dec. 12. The police of Geneva, Switzerland, says I nniO fuli ti . i "u rv' . . i nnirn Vnorl Amormnn I Holland. Tho proporty inontlouod second wlfo, I.ovlnn Graham from j In tho deeds In Ed wards' room Is whom ho hns beon so long parted, now worth several hundred millions and from whom ho now seeks a i of dollars. Edwards camo to Now divorce York about throo weoks ago and It I Is believed that his homo was Iu jcolvlllo Washington. Ho attracted attontlon because of his oxpenslvo ! clothing and Jewolry. It Is bollovod thnt ho camo hero to roproseut tho Edwards estate Ills doath was duo Business condition lmprovlno'i!;.:tSo:'';o:i';,Vn '.at .Tv,., , u. 111 Quai unu may ouun uuii- efit Western Lumber SECOND R NIC TO I there cult task to got tholr streams play- nro vorai oiocina ugnt wires. Ing on tho seat of tho blazo. 8omo hollovo that the fire waa Tmi . .1. .! . . .. . ' tttnrlml liv rntu nrhnrn liAlloa C. A. Smith and his son, Vornon "rougn ino iiigui uaio iwo lines,------"',"- m"""m ":" " A. HmlMi rrlv,l lmr lnHt nvmilnir I wOrO lirOUgllt llllO tllO IlrO, nn- ,011 tlio Adeline Smith, nrrlvlnu so!otllor cnino through tho Dakory j ' I that tho former could again spend part of his birthday on Coos Day. During tho last fow years It has so nnd a fourth shot down from tho standplpo on tho top ot tho Cooa building next door. In tho darkness and through tho OTLN IN I.UGIIIICMI OUY OYOIUII, mm " Principal cities of Eastern France, itialed. POAL FOR BRITISH FLEET (BySated Press to Coos Day Times., PANAMA, Dec, 12, It lJ!fflMCMwM came from Australia, VE LI I L I LI I 111 ' warning AuotUtal TltM to Cooa Pr TlmM 1 ASO, Dec 12.Tho second I nuriuiig i rum uiu yyubiiiueipu kuv- j eminent to Matorowiia was received Fred TrQnson Sentenced for "oro today demanding that Muytor Killing btenographer Mc hanponed that ho has boeu ablo to bo hero for his anniversary, u rather , ,mso ot back nlley flro traps, tho linnnv cfrmimitthtipn for Mm AH thnrn fight WOS a (llftlVUtt One. TllO llnltorl oto Coirl l u.,n l nothing that ho enjoys moro than!""'"08 Bl,ranK P tho woodon wall United States Said tO HaVe b0nK noar tJ0 Broat Jnl,la whoB0'of the bakory within a foot of tho NUUimu IVIuyiUIUim HO IVIUbl development has boon part of his dream ot suecoss and accomplishment. Withdraw From Naco Ginn Scores Criminal (Or AMOiUtfrl I'rcw lo Coo Ilr TlmM. . POUTDAXD, Or., Dec. 12Kred Tronson, an elevator pilot, was sen toncod to life Imprisonment for tho murder of Emma Uirlch, a 21-year- ona withdraw immediately from within tango of tho American bor dor town. It was given verbally, It was understood, to one of Maytor cnu's agonts In Washington. JIAYTOKBNA'H YKItKIO.V I Hr Auotlllol l'fM to C004 IHf TIuim Js'ACO, Ariz., Doe. 12. Governor They had a flno trip up on tho Adeline, Cupt. Olson making tho run up In tweuty-nluo hours, Mr. O. A. Smith Is suffering from a rather so lera cold. However, tho sunshine today mado him fool good and ho was out most of tho tlmo Inspecting the ioeal plants and changes that have I been mado since his last trip hero. Mr. Smith holds a rather optimistic view concerning tho general business condition of tie country and says tho oven flro was tho cause ot the conflagration. Had tho auto tiro . truck been "hooked" onto tho Dny Instead ot the hydrant It Is bolloved that quick er action could havo been started on tho flro and also that the alt water Is much moro effective In staying tho flames. Tho steam engine, In chargo of Hal Stutsman, ran a line up from tho Day. II. A. Wells ot thQ flight Caf, fc opoulng hi placo and having' the firemen string a Una of hose through tho place, aided groatly In xtli gtilshlng (ho blaze. This waa the oldstonographer who refused Tron-;MaytorQna mW today tJBt ,0 ha(, ,hat ft congI(orau,0 ,mproveroeIlt , 7" " , " "' " ,,l, '7""' '" ' reculved no order from Provisional already notlceablo In tho oast. How- UO Circuit COUrt. Had this lUUr- ,,.,,,, fJllHnrrn , ,. flrlno-Lv l,n ln,l,nr mnrUol l,n ,,nf der boon committed before election, Mand w, cont,nuo th MMk ,,, j pokea up any blt ,,0 , ,,opoflI brick wall ot tho Coos building. A hole was hacked In tho wail noar the oven nnd through this u stream of water played. Directly above tho west wing of tho Centrul Hotel caught flro. thoueh thoro woro no roomora la this soctlon. Tho Mr8t stream on the flro and cowlag flames burst out on tho roof nnd.fr01" wlero It did was more effect over tho big oven tho flro shot Ivo than from any other point. ucross to tho storeroom and had It' . , . not boon Intercepted early It Isi JAMES WA.T8Q.V IAV I" probablo that tho tiro would havo' spread on through tho framo build-. Ing to front stroot as stored in tho; storo room woro barrels of lard and j oil, all highly Inflammable. Water dronchod down Into this room, ruining a supply ot Christ mas cakes and nbout 1100 louves I UK COUNTY JUDGK j According to n point raised j j by Governor West, the terms of ' tho county Judges expire this j year Instead of bolng prolonged two years ns a result ot an elec- ( Hon law amendment, Governor I of bread which a few minutes la- I est una pointed the matter oit SIJDi: IX CL'LKIHIA Cl'T. tnr ah-ui4 rw u coo u7 thm.i SAN FUANCIS'CO. Dec. 12 A Private dlsnatch to W. D. Grace a Sots. Co., received today from tho Ianaraa1aro Conumny Nww- ' said tho court " OroKon would never ' ' ..-,..... 0I ur0au wnicn a. lew iniuuies la- i i " puimeu me manor oit , Canal Zone, stated that a now '"'0!ha"o abo8,lod ,, punl8,uaent I ho receives such an ordor. Ho said, that tho general Improvement wlll'ter would havo beon baking In tho to tho Supremo Court anil If hfc J' ' " ni niivniB uYuiy iu-buuh nwito noun iuii iii nun iniu. oven. About 160 sacks of flour contention Is sustained, the term I i i.uiuu ubaiuBi Limb uiu" mu n uiiu (c.iiuii oiumi muiu miiiuov woro practically unuamagou, a or jonn nan win expire tins I uimi '', border. .direct from ci Icago, whore thoy huvo largo tarpaulin bolng thrown over. month and James Watsoa, who I i spout several weeks. Thoy will re- them beforo tho water enrao was elected on the ltepUblicau j Hiiiiuut turn to Dorkeley to spend Christmas through. ticket, will succeed him. I 'with their families, H. Penco aud It. W. Keator wnrT In the Culobra cut would causo a de-, jay of about two days 10 smi-im.. No details were given. A'man Sinning Hurtltrai-o C. CoinmunHy SlIvei-MUie. Sumner j GalvauUciI h uglo uallx. Hiimiu-i lllauliaic Coiupany, Senium iimcliliio iii't'illt'N. Haidiwiio Co, . t-t. 12. . . i - fl illBf 111, 1 .jdttooA trim i I i nitiiliav'lv"--' HHWSBUHawwwiaaiiMiHHHii KilMflMMHMIiiiiHNHttHI yjjflmfmtmmtimmmmmmmmmm$i!!!bZ