liijolr will rzTImmii ' mmm 5M DISTRICT ICIHIIIEfl SUFE iMJUMGING BOARD Christmas Suggestions Ti TO BE SELECTED SSB EXAMINE JAILSl dOfa COUNTY LEAD C Marshficld for First Time in Years Has School Census , Exceeding Bandon's i Richard O'Connor, Under Ar- With Small Number Plans for Buns in Jails Should Not Be, rest in California, Said to I Care of Unemployed Can he , Sav Thcv and Investitiation Have Confessed to Crime Tor tlio flr-t time In cara the UOSKIUMKJ, Or., Dor. 11. -lllrh- rchool census of Marshfleld exceeds aid O'Connor, who Is licltl nt Kalr- tlint of Uanilon. TIumikIi tho differ- fluid, Cal., for alleged robbery niul once is but Blight, In fuel Is only n mitrdcr, 1ms confessed nibbing the WjfsB 1 SilW'lWi HI ww Perfected is Belief Will Be Ordered To appoint ii tnniMKiiiK bonrd oT , , ,int wn)k ti, .;1 n,.P tn about five to oMit members who will for a ,,, KriicllliiK; they nrojto be hnvo charge of the curing for tho, tabooed for getting too frisky n nil unemployed of tho city Is tho plnn insistent. No longer shall Jdinn lend of one, nevertheless It Is a lead Gardiner Mill Company and declares! of tho Service Committee of the Kel-iDug piny In l'n Orn.vhnek'H back nnl and Is so designated. Tho latest re-1 confession of tho Oregon crime us- j low-ship Club. At tho meeting on Wltli little Salllo, his loving dutiKhur port from llnndon gives that district tablishos an alibi for him and should Monday of representatives of nliuitt I nn, nn m r(,Ht 0f XQ tribe. In u total of !)G0 pupils between the ages of four and 120 years, wltllo the total from this city, just sent in to tho county court, gies us 001 pupils. Tho fact that llnndon ranks high In schol attendance, being less tli'in half tho size of this city, might on first notice make even Teddy Koosc velt grin, but It must be considered that tho school district of tho south is wide In Its territory. Its south ern boundary Is the Curry county line, Its western limit the Pacific ocean and north and east tho ex tension runs far. Tims' it Is possible , for Uanilon to bring up Its school census, get astonishing sums for the J I support of Its school and unable It for . years to scrnpo out ahead of Marsh field in school nttondnnco. In district number nine, which In cludes tho city, tho lines aro sharply drawn. There aro several schools ' In tho vicinity and thus each district Is strictly limited "unto Itself."! rolonso lilm from tho California , 17 organizations of charges, both crimes having been committed about the sumo tlino last summer. Photographs huvo boon sent to (lurdlnor In un attempt to Identify O'Connor. Tho (Inrdlner Mill Company's store wns robbed of $ii000 and a quantity of Jewelry. O'Connor wns extradited from Pendleton, Or., on the chnrgo of robbing a store at Ulu Vista, Cal., and killing the night watchman there on August 20. lie Is fit! years old. tlio city It was ti,er words tho grand Jur ban de tho tnunibors, numilod nn Invoslliriillnn of the tails r i .ui.rf..i.i ...i v....i i. tt...i 'm.n iui .wuinui iuiii iiini iMiiin lu-nu. in'- largo body and that plans should i.,ilct 1ms koiio forth that the ilt plainly evident, say mat notliing can no done wltli sucii ,,r MurMlirtulit and North Itend AT THE HOTELS Cliiiiitller Hotel. rirst bo outlined by a committee and then submitted to this larger body ' for their sanction or criticism. This managing bonrd, believes ' A. Hold of tho Fellowship Club, should bo appointed In such a man ner as to give tho churches a rejire-, tentative, another for tho labor un ions, and so on, thus giving each typo of organizations a personal In terest In tlio mutter. At tho Inst meeting held Mrs. prisons must bo cleaned. The Jailor of tho county jail has declared In deep wrnth that this side of tho Hay Is most "obstreperous" In sending prisoners to the county sent that "aro troubled with vermin." Ho (lectures tho bath tub Is nlw.-ni necessary and Hint ench recruit must bo put through n vigorous course of sprouts before being turned over to tlio cells of tho Coos county Jail. Hut, -say tho Mnrshfleld officers Peiigstacken outllnod tho plan of Is- jf tllor,, lB KolnK (0 ))0 nn votlgn- 1 K. It. Kodllch, Seattle; W Peters, Portlnnd: J. X. Hynn, Port land; J. II. Miller, Tillamook; K. 11. Kryor, San Francisco; C.' II. Albert, Pot'tlllllil! W fl tfirlnufmi 1irlltni,l There Is a school at Hunker Illll, at j ,,. )ummn ,,' wf hnstsldo. in Mist Addition. To,Jnmofl Ko ,., , llmurt tiinnjtn t II 4 lift Itn uf iim m it "" ' , ' i . '. Coiiulllo: Frank Dunn and wife, f linPn linl'ii IiSintt til tt II unit w tl a t n t ",u,u ""'. "".', ' "" , ','"u Spokane; James II. Nottlnhofor, Portland; J. M. sholloloy. Portland; suing meal tickets, somewhat after the fashion of stamp books, and to would In turn give them to mou they ' . .1 i ,. ; uiiiiki (.'iiiiiiii v in ciii. ur nn hi mum rons moving but even with these losses district number iiluo has made a gain of II over its total of last yonr. MOOSi; DANCK, Kukhoff Hall, North lleml SATl'ltDAV KVKNINd. DANCK nt SU.MXKIt, SATUUDAV evening, DKCKMmin 11!. Motorcycle, Quick Mossngo and Parcel Delivery will open for busl nuss nt lir.O Central Avenue, phone Hfi, Saturday morning. Send us qour orders. MOl'NT HOOD fllKA.MKHY Itt'TTKIt Host on Knrlh 1! pound roll, Tn cents COOS DAY OYSTKIl CO. At Palace Market. Phono HUM. II. H. Donnhey. Portland; .T. K. Paulson, Coiiillle; C. F. Johnson, Hettinger, N. I).; ChnrleH Klimuur nian, Coiiulllo; C. F. Johnson, Myr tle Point. l.loyd Hotel. K. llrlgs, Portlnnd, (1. Carp, Port lnnd; P. Clmmliio, lloaver Hill; J. Halloy, Portlnnd; L. J. Swnn, Myr tle Point; N. Gcrhnrd, Gardiner. Illmico Hotel. W. K. Floyd. Glonadn; Kills Uhoilos, Myrtle Point; (1. C. Wash burn, Tacoma; C. Miller, Myrtlo Point; J. (irlffln, llakur Creek; P. A. Ilrownell, Gardiner: Albert Mor ris, Tarheel; W. II. Myers, Myrtlo Point; Alvln Smith, Coos Itlvor. St. I.nurciieo Hotel. I.orrn Larson, Tacoma; W. llar tholomow ami wife, Km pi re; M. J. Jordan, Kugono; Joe Taylor, Spokane. or to tlo odd Jobs about (lie homos Kucli ticket would ho good for a iiucai ni some rosinuruni. I However, tho committee believes this plan would result In an effort ! of a few men to corner tho supply of meal tickets nud thus In a few hours woik thiough n neighborhood give them board for a week or moro. And to overcome this defect It would bo necessary to have a penimnont headquarters and from there Issue the meal tickets un the order of some Hon tho root of the mntter must be dug up. "Whnt aro you going to do," they say. "when wo gel 'oni (meaning prisoners) already in this condition?" And then there opens another phnso of tho mutter. That cleanli ness is uoxt to Godliness has not been taught to us nil alike nud the poor unfortunates, ninny of thorn, come to tho Jail vermin covered. "All t'e king's horses and all the king's men" would bo ncrossury to clean up satis factorily every morning. Tho plnn has been suggested that ench morning tho brigade Hint has spent tho night In Jail should be put to work with a big bucket of lye TWELVE MORE SHOPPING DAYS BE ' CHRISTMAS o Your Buying Now ASSORTMENTS AND SIZES ARE COMPLETE THE EARLY BUYERS HAVE THE MOST COM PLETE STOCKS TO SELECT FROM ' u oney Talks" flub (lotliinjISlioe Co, BANDON HtiSSSSSSSSSS THREE. STORE'S MARSHFIELD MYRTLE PT. nousowue. water and brooms, thus to make the To have a permnnont organization I oenB n B,R uKht of tho "Spot-1-as boon often miggostod. Twice nt inM Town" true Kvory two wooks, at the present the Inst meeting propositions were Hindu by men who volunteered to care for such a place and soo that It Is run properly providing a room Is secured and fitted out. Until n managing board Ik seloctod and plans perfected for furthor movomonl tho Service Committee of tho Fellowship Club will outiuue to attend to certain cases that come be fore them for Immediate aid. lime, the quilts from tho Jail arc soul (o the laundry for renovating. A now plan advanced Is to fill ticks, with straw which can bo thrown nwny every so often and Hum send the ticks to tlio wnsh, all of which would lie a cheap procedure. ( One officer suggested Hie plan of rigging a derrick at tho edge of a NORTH INLET WILL HAVEP0ST0FFICE MOVKMKNT KOIt KSTAItMSIII.N'O MAIIi KACIMTIKS XV I..VXDIM8 XAMK I'OU XI3W ( itv-to-iii: J. II. Pinkcrton was In from North Inlet yesterday and says tho residents In the vicinity of tho laud ing are taking uctiou on having a postotflco established there. A meeting of the residents wns called one evening last week to dlscUss a name for (lie new postofflco but, mmmmumm$mmg!mmm C. DANCIJ laC'liKS Vl'l'l'ltll W ..I. .1.1 it.... to .-. I I It.... JllftUl. .l't. IM TIN'S On lustra. COMK e.ire. HAM, MA It- If you I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I I DAY AND NKJIIT SKItVrciJ For taxi, phone ltU, Ideal Cafo. For touring cars, jihono 20 Chandlnr Hotel I.VXX I.AMIIirni, Prop. New Cain : : New Cars LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo .t Trtut Co., Abi'jiti thoroughly dependable. Iut. dlsto bfrvlce. iironint ittntki to all interests of our cllttttj i i n i ii u si cost I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. ItKS IWSVK KAfiliKS' IIAI.b SATl'ltDAV night, Dee. 1L. MAD TIN'S Oriheitru. COMK If you euro. dock and with a pice of rape douse "wing to u storm tlio uttuiiiliiiuo each Individual prisoner n certnln . w" "t '''W. length of time liofore admitting lilm Tll 1110 Howard was suggested to the Jail. i uk the now postofflco will bo lo- -: entod on the Howard ranrh, hut as th ore was another postofflro of that AMONG THE SICK anmiiUJiram -nirimuMrTVvmamnJJL&mJWXSaZi FINAL tssxsaasisxmaaiBExsnBUSi & Sacrifice Reduced Prices on- Ladies Suits, Coats, Raln LMir.yE5.:l, - y m9 lis) ill li flilli coats, Dresses and Furs, .). II. Flanagan bus boon confined to his homo for sevornl days on account of n sovoro cold. Tlio llttlo foiir-yoar-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Axol Krlckson of Hun ker Hill, had his tonsils removed yeslordny. Mrs. Charles IlatoH of Wagner, wns down yesterday rooolviiijf treat ment for a fracturod anklo which she rocolvod In an nccldont nbout a mouth ago, Mrs. A. C. Jonson of liny who rocontly wna lirouglit from tho hospital, Is rapidly ering hop health. Albert Jncobson Is sufforlng from a sovoro case of blood poisoning in ills nrm. A few dnys ago ho got a sllvor undor his flngor nail but thought nothliiK of tho occiirrenco until pains started up along his entire- arm. I iiumo In Oregon, It could not bo adopted. Among (ho other mimes suggest ed wore North Inlet, Ceilurvllle, Co dnr City and White Codnr. DAXCH nt Sl'.MXKH, SATtritDAV evening, DKCKMIIKU l'-. hk; da( i: kagi.ks' ham. SATl'ltDAV night, Due. la. .MAI5 TIX'S Orchestra. COMK If you care. II , DRY WOOD i n n "20 AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Btreet. Phono :i7. Park, homo rocov- ACCriOX snlo LADMiS' K.MPOIt IVM fine stock at III, i! AJVD 7 o'clock SATl'ltDAV. DON'T mT.SS IT. .Il'XK MAHTIN NATCItOPATH . . Diseases trenlml by latest Kuropeitn drugloss meHiods. Office: Williams lllnelc. Phoiiu -"m-.I for appointment.. IIOTKIi DOTSON ranmniinrn i i. i it lWil T.lbhy CO.h. The kind YOU have PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard McClure AT'l'OUXKV AT LAW Practices In all courts. Ivooni iu, I'lauagKii .V- Heuiielt Haul. '. A. Hanson, Proprietor. Now open under now inaiiagomont. A home place with homo cooking i served In family style. Hoard and ' room. $i;.."0 per week. III.' South Socond St . Mnrsliflelil. Commutation ( Tickets $2.00 ill Urhlifleld-Xoitli Ilmd Atto Lta r cvery Icm inhiutii tnra 1 1 lo It! p. in.; to Kimlli S(in;titMl day, leaving at II n. m. tol't I lute trips a tiny. oniwT Kivn. Pmm OU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS four Rood cars with csrtfnl dHin For day service, phone IIW, Itlsiiro IllllnrJ l'Mlort Kiir night hcrvkc, IIiobj MU lt.'RtU Cnfc. 0. I.F00TE. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prinns Rflnsonable, Cor. Commercial & B'dtj( llavo jour LinWlt rA heads, etc.. printed atTHKlDW office. t J v....... .11.1 .I. ll lllll- (J .j j. AIAVAVS I'SKD. l'lione 7L. Pacific " riarper Livery niul Transfer Company. 1IOUSIJ ItUILDKR (lonornl Itepnlriug and Cabinet Making. I'hono 319-J. C3GI22nnBao These Final Reductions Extend to ail lines of Fall and Winter Garments. SAGETEATURWS y .1. M. Wright 1 Oni . . Pliono 188-n. HUILDrNO CONTHACTOU EBtlmntos furniahod ou requeBt Anyone contemplating any purchase in this line for Xmas will find rare oppotunities here to their advantage. Mincing words with you is not necessary; you all know about the sales at THE FASHION STORE NORTH BEND, OREGON It's (.'rainlniolh'V.s recipe lo bring color, limiiv and L'llckuess to hair when laded, slivakcil or gray, That heantlful, ovon shade or dark, glossy hair can only bo had by brew-In-,' a uilNture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mnrs tho face. When It f..iles. turns gray, streaked and looks dry. wispy nnd scraggy, just an ap-, plication or two of Sago and Sulphur enhances its nppearanuo a hundred fold. Don't hothor to pro pa re the tonic; ou can get from any drug store a -lo-cent bottle of "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Compound," ready to use. This enn nhvnjs bo depended upon to bring bail; the natural color, thick ness and lustre of your hair and re moe dandruff, stop scalp Itching' and falling hair. Kvorybody usos "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur because it dnrkons so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It lias been applied. You sim ply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it ami draw this through the' hair, taklug one small strand at a time; by morning the gry hair has disappeared, and after another ap plication It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundviut. I Or. H. M. Shaw Kye, Kar, Nn nnd Throat. Cil.AS.SKS ITrTKD Hit. MATTIK II. SHAW JH?01?? of Women nud Clillilrea Ouko Phono 3;io-J. ltooms aoo, 201, 202, Irving Ulock. Beniamin Ostlind CONSUI.TIXO KNfilNKKU AND AHCIIlTUrr Offices. 200 Irving Block ?hono 103-k or 2C7-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregoi W. G. Chandier AHCIIITKOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke nulldlng Marshfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpcn AKOII ITKCT Marshfleld, Oregon. Announcement THE PIONEER HARDWARE COMPANY has taken over the stock of the North Bend Hard ware and Supply Co., and will continue the busi ness at the old stand on Sherman avenue.. This will give our patrons TWO STOCKS TO DRAW FROM TWO POINTS TO SHIP FROM With this advantage we expect to serve our - friends better than ever and to earn a continuance of the patronage of all the old friends of both stores. Mrs. Olivia Edman. M. T. D. SWKDISH .M.1SSAC1K AND MKD- !lU, OY.MXASTICS , FOU Mth IHSKASKS 3.t7 Commercial me. I'liono !M2.J loel Ostlind ' mxo Tuxnn and itRi.inun LenTo orders at W. It. Haines' Mm le Company. U5 S. Sixth Street. Phone 103-L Perl Riley Ballinger Resldeuco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phoue 308-L. MARSHFIELD Largest Stock in Coos County. ' i pip n NORTH ecu