aw BRFVTPS y . raAY$. ftBa4E0e ' fe? L Blu snow in y fip.&f W jr-S'- V" J UV ' ' "JSi'N5B yZJ I LOCAL TILMPKHATl'HE ?. t-...mmiE?mr' TPffl kJJim K i. BHIiHHIMBHMHBBBimuB. - S ' iiiiMMIIIIIIMIIUHHIIlltlu - I bUKIM IlGGA'fS srHHHlfflfl LUbS lib1'! fiiiiHttfrF I nncfroc rHH'vsH NtAn ALLEGANYI ic cmi tond i mi niiiii ii I ot Lm I U Im I I I I U Lb 1-1 wns In n restaurant and that ho was therefore not to blame. Judge' BetWCGtl 5000 and 6000 Pllt mttier, believing little In clrcum- m Cfrnmil frnm RnnlrPc stantlal evidence and testimony, lev- p.... -led a fine of $r. that Uohr paid. Uclllip I Several wltnosses testified that Uehn ALLEGANY. Ore. Dec. 11. From rtllfl IVSL fine stock at 10, x AKTF,7 ScfopJi HATCltDAV. DON'T .MISS JT. fLASSIHE Hank Wells' Popular Place Is Greatly Improved by Increased Size WKATIIEK FOHKCAST tBf AmoiIiI.,1 rmt tn f0oi 1U TltnM.l OIlhGON I-air III West; I lma nlu-nva iirnvlnnali. nlmv.,l 1n'nnnlira f'n..,.. .... . I.V...I. ... A l. " .....,. i'. v . u.u.j ..WV.'Vl. HIC x.(.,r w. ,l.o I' Ul l, lit I v.isi, casieriv i.nffi ...i .!.... ... ........ .1... ..... ...... .... . ... i winds. i .-.....ii u....i fr.i '(. n.. . i . .. . . Tno "iK'it Cafo has been trans- l ( otttrlliuio Services The names, tweon five and six thousand obs. ' ,,,,, ,, ., . , : 1 ?' "-Id Musson and L II. lle.sner'xhe end of the Silver CreeU bridge Z L" XTLZTll:. linvo been added to the list of ex- raved In. It Is Impassable, ltoad- ,, .;,,, , ,,., ...... . .. .. pressmen who have kindly volun- master Stull has Kono there to see lrartlM , ,:" ?7. ..-.." -i I'... .d Wl ...lit 111 ll.llllllUll IU 11IU nlwnvn nonulnr liinrli rnnnlnr Tim aollk'" , additional apnea while not laiBo, be- Iiik only HO Inches, has worked won- Jilk H BtNBti. ir For the 21 hours cndlpg nt teurci1 t,ller Bcrvlc0 nl tho serv- about repairing it. 1:43 n. m., Dec 11, by HenJ ,ccs of t,10,r lrllck9 for tll "loving An Inch of snow foil at Oold Ostllndi special government mo- of U, ,,ul,Uc 1H,rnry Sn'""'" " Kn"" on Tuesday, teoroloirlst Sunday. Yesterday nnd also this t Mr. C. H. Kroegor of Allegany roil SAI.K CIIKAl 20 pullots and 5 old chickens, Phono 13-H. VOH IlKXT Two rooms furnlfilica for housekeeping with stovo nnd gas rango. Also one nlcovo room, .TJo S. Fourth St. ! teorologUt Maximum no Minimum 34 At 4:13 a. 111 33 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, I 1911 30.90 I Precipitation Borne period lust year ic.50 I Wind: West: partly efomly. Is afternoon .tlto boys of the grades a visitor In Marshfleld. school aro donating their help to- Mr. (.ould Is n Marshfleld visitor .ward moving the books and with, today, 'tho use of hand trucks aro getting! tho stacks of magazines and the! KdDKIt SAILS XOItTII less used volumes over into tho new .building, it is expected that nil of Omles ."U Passengers on I,it ami tho transfer will bo completed on. Fair Cuigo of Freight. Sundny nnd .that Monday morning' With a passenger list of 2 per Cviiyr!litUwtScWrocr &Mux I tho doors will opon nt 10 o'clock.' son8 and a fair cargo of freight tho i,pgt inl cn ,)0 pc, " 1 their rcgulnr hour for opening. ! (leorgo W. Klder loft out at .1 mnrPt nm lt ia tlltB w dors In tho transformation of Hank' Wells' popular eating place. Tho improvement will permit tho ontertatument of smnll private din ing parties and will add to the pop ularity tho Itlght Cafo has already achieved among tho people of Coos Hoy who enjoy good cooking pre pared In 11 cleanly nnd sanitary manner. Everything served Is tho secured In thu WANTED - 1 WAXTUI) Clil or woman for work In prlvnto family, 480 Uonnott nvo bet. Fourth and Fifth. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes For Christmas Gifts tltrtlt tut d tvll- IkIJ f MlttlU k!l(tK ll.-m 1 I k. n' .-i j 1 ..l . .. 1 ; 'u , , , . ' .... "lltr""-" ,or on It a cdnstantly Increasing patron cr sailed for Oardlner today and Portland. With her went Con- .... .r.rr.. , ni . . ...n.. nMl .. C...l rl.. -1.1.. 4-1. .nn...n.. nAI.i n x .r-i.ii -- " ..... w ..v 111.. .iijiiici, uonnn ni ineir 1101110 In South """ ru,t UL " - i'. " 'hri.iu-i.iv.ii . .. .MCArmur, re- nmny ,mvo 1cpl, ,mblo to gccuro Marshflold Thursday. Dec. 10. a 'B ""t 1 b'K l'r50 of H kinds of turning homo after his first visit to ,,, ,., ,..,. ..... .... son. Mothr and child nrodolng "'PI'" ff Oardlner merchants and, Coos Hay. cnmBC, wnt . pn mc , ,, 0 nicely and Mr. Noonnn Bays that l,(,oile. Sinco tho mill has been Tho following aro tho passenger , ,,, rovdo comfortably for all their Santa CInus couldn't deliver finer present to nnyono, ( tt f illlt lllflVA lln l.nnln liAim !.,& ! ..-ll. . f ..!..... oiiui. uu..u tiiL-iv, uu uiiiiib iiiiivi niiu nuiu liurili: 1". It, tMCUCIHOIl, pat TOtlH been bringing freight direct from oco. M. Xelson 8. I, Larson, .T. K ', llg ovol ,, 0(1 wlmt San LOrnnclsro nnd honco all tho Wasson, C U. Hickman, Mm. M. H.ln ,K tllfforpnco 0VCIl llrly lllchp8 Take Third oguv Harry 3.Z iT' " . . . . I , ,, .. J' ..., "m,t'B '" lll hIzu of n restaurant. Ivlllllirill T ., i ,. " ' " iitiivii liiiiiu 111 l-niui- llllllluj, Ik. J I, f llllllllllll'l Kl t IVITIt1 ............. .. i uuiiilllK ,,iy wll cnrK )f ,,olnt0CHi B()mo F you wnnt to KiV(, .somohody a really luseful prescni, one oIMhcso suits, or ovci'coafs, or .short .jackets, is flip lluii";. Hul ihissloro Is rullorsuiiublo Kj'(8 'for niou; tho lliuif?s ini'ii buy Tor ilieniselves at oilier linios. ,MUiilR nnd last evening, received ,,, 0KB ,, (1lry ,,,,. tho third degree of Masonry. This f;iil..r uhcIm...!.. ifm...... .ni.i 11...1 ..1 i. . ... . . .. I" " " " "" "" '" .....V mwrimiB no wore a uronii smile ' tlm cinrcllnos- mill would resume op- V Imti Your Chillies Pressed riti:i: of ciiAitoi: Woolen Mill Stor and seemed as spry oh over, New (.'iii-age K. V. Steele has This store Is tho homo of Hart Sehaf fnrr nnd Mnrx Clothes. MAItSIIFJICM) NORTH HUN I) Candied Cherries ON THE STEM White, Green and Red The Daintiest and Most Delicious Confection Salted Almonds Shelled Pecans Stuffed Sugared Dates Real English Holly and Holly Wreaths. Nasbucg'sGroceiy THE GOOD-IIOUSEKECriNG STORE I'Ikiiic -HI. Coiiieuiiclnl and Second Patrick, Mrs. C. Kintpatrlck, Rnm Wlcnor. K. It. Itedllch, C. N. Mc Arthur, IMchnrd Thompson, U. lt. Davis, Dan Kldwcll, John Jeffrey, orations soon. Tho Onrdlnor Mill t Itny llooney, Knthcrlne Uoonoy, V.m Cfimtiniiv'u ftftnl nrn ttwiulK Mint lit. 1 lw. ...... 'I1... 1l..i.i.n. AlVa MP I . , , . ... .. .w ... ....'.'. ,j ..v.. ..,. ... i.iwiu;j, ,, mini iifiiiii;j, ..iin, . . VZ ' , , , ,u" "l ,l " ' mm , In the Umpuun now. P. itoouny, Mnrynn Koornglnn, H. .... ......... .ni.i m uiiyuiiiK 11 Klir- ngo nnd auto Lapp property t. i i. ik ... ii uui.wi.-oii iiromiway mill l-TOIIl Inknn tn Stni-rv lnmt.llnl nml will street. He will liiHtall n complete rulinlily have to undergo an opera iiinchliio Hhop. U()Ii Th,8 lnori,K 1)!h Httlo daugh- l-or Mnnlliior Ihnik Parties from ,or, whlle playing, had her ear drum nanllnor say the now bank will ,.lorm, ,,y ,,, ,,,, nI, . bo ready to open thoro before long. crntl0 wnB ,10C0B8ary to remove the Among the prominent people of that I PIlll. ,t , 0M, tmt her hearing VliSSKI.S IN COLLISION. i IIciciiIcn and Ci-orgo W. Llder Have .Mluijt In Coluiiibta. A Portland pnper says: In n report filed with United Htntos Inspectors u is opening n gnr- oulll(. T,.u,ie. W. F. Harmon Kaiser, Jus. Kedlne, C. (1. MrNay,' !. ' W,IM umtnl "n," "",l",',t"rH repair shop on tho today mifferlng from "double! W. H. MeNay, Joseph Willis, Oiih ! 1,,wnr, '"r. nitnln Albert In North Mnrshflold. I lro,l)))o... Yesterday Mrs. Harmon (Inmorke. Mrs. N. Kvnns, W. 1). S,",H "",HU,r )f tho "" " KvmiH. W. 0. Ilostwlck, W. T.,;;,,,,B "Iiimi ..y Priine. It. O. Stevens, W. Seymour, t lll,,'t Company, i recllon who aro Interested In the bank are John Hodden of Scotts-1 burg, Fred AHseiiheliner, O. II. IIIiih-1 will bo affected permanently by the Injury. l'uiio CliiMumi. The children .1..I,. ..... iir it ....... , . ... ueueu iof Sti IiUk0. KllHC0ln ,,.,, nl,,,..,im Mooded-Many base-' K1,lro rq ,,. ,mv inniitH. In act about all In the bus-'town clir,tninB (rco wIlh , UB1I11, ness district and In tho lower sec fCHtlvltloH 01 , Vo of Christmas Ions of Mars d have been ' The eolehratlon will occur In flooded tho last lew days. There I. ...... ..-..I r..... .. .. ... .,. " n nu.L'nii niui in w.uur in ine l,nHl' pniiiirn Hotel iiil'iii. in uiu .uiihuiiiu upcra uouse now. Dig Dredging Check A chock colling for tho payment of $31,12-1.91 wns sent yesterday by tho Port the large reception room of the old the Columbia says that his von- Mr II 1.'. rimul.nll. W II Hlmwnll ' M" """ ""' "r Ill'orgU W. l-JIIIlT "'" -' " ""I " " " W. F. Sage. II. O. Klrkpatrlck, ltohort Klrkpntrlck, Odos Clawnou, II. Handier, F. (larvla, T. (larvla, A. Poppeo, J. Lakeos, C. Komi, W. Uniiseu, W. May, T. Sebnlter, Alex Ontroin. SOCIAL FUIDAY. j I.ndlen' Art Club with Mrs. W. j II. Curtis. j j N. Ii. Y. P. S. entertained by I Miss Souiite ItefMlaiid and Chris Thorpe. j Thlmblo Chili with Mrs. I. 11. Hurtle. N. L. Ladles' and Young La- I were In a slight rollislou at Mcln tyre's Landing, mi the lower Coliini- .bin Itlver, nl 1 1 : :t 0 Sundny morning 'iho Hercules wns hound up iitrunni nnd she had five empty banteii In tow, while the Klder was eu route down the river. The latter wan on her wny to Coos liny nnd Kurokii nud is yet her captain him not sent In a report of thu occurrence. FOR RENT X VOU KALI' Dairy stock; one cow nnd two heifers. V. K. Rood, phono HOI". FOIt HUNT nicely fornMied rooms with heat nnd bnth, 108 S. 2nd Gtrect. VOl 11KNT Modern furnished flats, Central anil Fourth. Phono 443-J. FOIt HUNT IIoiino in rear of for mor Times office. Huqulro of John Ferguson. I'Olt It I '.NT lloitses anil aimrlincnts funlshed nud uufuriilshcd. I, S. Kiiufmun &. Co. 177 Front ntreot l-'Olt 1II.VI Nicely fnniMe(i front rooms with linth. $1! por week. Clone In. 231) So. ltliSt. l-'Olt lin.Vl' Furnished nmilinent. Phono C3-L. Commission to tho Pugot Sound FltUD NOAII was u business vlsltof! Ladies' Aid sale nt the ehurcli. Dredging Compnny of Senttlo ns hero today from Allegnny. I llupllst Lndlim' Aid llnzanr nt their monthly pny for tho work of JOHN WASSON cnnio up on ImisIuohs AT THE FAIR LOOK AT THESE TIMELY OFFERINGS IN SEASONABLE ARTICLES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. COME AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY llnby lllnnkots, nttrnctlvo designs, pink, hluo or white, oxcollent ciunllty COi for UUl 11.00 Drossod dolls uuu .75c for Theso dolls nro Jolntod, liavo curly wig and sleeping eyes, pretty dressog, hats to inntch. Wo hnvo othors S,' 15c '"$5.00 Ladles' beautiful holiday neckwear of lace, lawn nnd organdie In nil tho new shapes; all prlco Qf pn from li.'c to i.i(Ju Hath and I.ounglnR Uum for Indies nnd men. Clioho patterns, warm nud comfort- r.$7.50 able; the prices nro so nt trmtlvef thnt wo ndvlso onrly shoppluic. Holiday Umbiollns ospo- elnlly sultod for Christmas gifts. A Ingo nsnort niont from .l.(M Suspenders, arm bands, supportors nnd Imudkerehlefs In Holiday boxou, mnko excel lent Christians gifts. (lOiiiiluo haud-mudo Navajo plllow-tojic; you will llko them, only, (M pn enth pliJU A beautiful lino of Moxlcan drawn work In lunch cloths Mini dreaeer c,vors. Those nro Kreutly iiudorprlced nt ino ureiigo honmo, in mnklng Coos f,-()m south Inlet this niornlng. Ihiy nnvlgnblo for shipping. K0Y HO.KLLK of Kniplro Is a .No Lights or Nimiber. F. Nelmo.l jrnrshflold business visitor todny. chnuffeur. wns nrrestod last evening JOHN SCHUlTHIt, of Templeton, on tho grounds thnt ho had no lights w8 buslnoss visitor here todny. on his mnchliio nnd nlso that tho kaulk YOUNKKIl, of South Inlet, number was lacking. Ho will prob- wnH lloro l0(y Bhopplng nnd visit nbly coiuo up hoforo Pollco Judu1 .I1K, . Duller In tho morning. ' M ss MARTHA IIOSS cnnio down on Department Practices Under tho the Mllllconin this morning shop guldunce ot Assistant Fire Chief ping, Muuzoy tho volunteor flro dopnrt-'.MIt. AND MIIS. NHLS MONSON wore niont Inst ovonlng took out tho flro, hero todny on husluoss from Tom onglno Riving It n rogulnr wnrmlng piston. up nnd testing up nnd down Front waltKK IJUTTIJItS of Allegnny street. About 20 mombers of tho ' cnlll0 ,lmvn ,, a ,n0w, trip this department rospoudod to tho cnil for( morning. Auly' MItS. T. CIIIUSTKNSON wns down l.o l-'orn.K For practically tho toUay 8101IIB fl0lll i,or 10lllo t first tlmo this Wlntor Ico was Temnleton .found this morning on tho surface a SKVKK80K, tho Ton Mile hotel ... ...any unci wnioring proprietor, nnd wife, nro Mursh- troughs showing thnt tho night wus f(oj,j vlwltorw colder thnn usual. Thoro hnvo boon ALFUHD LUNnSTItOM, of ilnyiio ueavior irosis innu uini or ims ,ot wns dow t0llay ,, short morning nut ino ice js now u tea ttiro of this winter on Coos liny. .Make Alert Coal lliiruei- To make tho Alort, on the run up to Allegany, the ItusHoll llulldlug. LOOK OVKU PltOSPKCTS I'Olt LAND ON COOS DAY rilC HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. Sam N'ussbaum, InstrumoutallBt, In nn eutlro chnugo. Tho eighth episode of "TUBY O IIHAHTS" by Louis Joseph Vunco, with Cleo Mndluou nud Ooorge lar kin. Have a hnnrt and bco Troy O' Hearts, Florenco Lawrenco in "A DI8-T3N-CHANTMUNT" A two-reel Victor Pnlversal farce comedy of a rich girl who ge(H n position ns maid in .tho house of nn opera singer whom sho secretly ail ml res. Her sweothenrt gats a postlon ns butler In tho house nud pokes fun nt her for hor Infntu- Dock has been buying entile for ,,, ,,, rn(.,r mv llc'a,od j '. Tho clln.nx Is reached when several there, nnd It Is possible Uinl , """"" " '" ,wmci1, nn8 l,oon i v i.,.... ;... dopod with salt. A grent scronm. ...i. .....w .(it.ii.-niuii ill nili;il i i...... r, I.. ii.. i unit, iiuhki'i iii u uveiy coinouy drniiiu produced by himself, entitled North Ilend M. K. Aid mile. Loyal Loaguo with Miss Max- j Inn Jonas. j Mluuc-Wls Club Swap Party In Inttiiinlfil 'I'.'nit ('aiiadlau Pi-omol-erx Seek LoeaL'tiu In This Section. That W. W. Johnson nud L. H. Jones, of Medicine lint, Canada, nro here seeking a location in tho general belief. Tho men for severul years have been the main boosters for tho northern town, going there In the enrly dayij of tho boom, With tho war cutting seriously Into the busi ness It Is Intimated thnt they nro now ready to coino south, Thu men aro now the guests of L THE LEMANSKI mini this morning from Coos Itlver to j, Hlmm()I t Horo Acro M Mc(,; their homo In North Ilon.l Mr..,ollM1 Mll Mr Jo,mHO , h(mvy ,. the retail trade. MItS. WILLIAMS, mother of Mrs. T. V. Angus of Oardlner, Is spend- iroJoc1 jn C()0H ,ny UK nuinii i. tun uu inn nil- iiiiwhk treatments for nu attack of para ly sis. Shu Is staying at thu homo of Dr. Carroll on (ioldcn avenue. J. A. WAKD nud wife came back to thu city this morning from their honio nt Mllllcomu, Mr. Ward Is continuing his work on the Pan- AMONG THE SICK "nu-: oni-j 11K8T hut." ,Lnst but not lenst "NOIITHWI08T Wi:i:KLY Mndo In Oregon. Show ing Interesting and local events 'of a iv tianmn., iu ...., i.i . .. "" ' every iruo uregonmn. ... ... .. ....( ... ...... ...iiu in ni. up u fow hours each day. He had a1 G of tho best reeU In tho city. Lower floor, ICc; first balcony. a coal burlier is the plan of Captain II. K. Kdwards and already he Is at work on the craft Initialling grates. husluoss trip. WALTKIt PKTKItSON enme down from Templeton today on a short business trip, N. OKItHAItD, or Oardlner, was nmoiig tho husluoas visitors in tho city today. He declares Unit with coal ho will MUSt a Wi SANFOUJ) of Haynss bo better nblo to keep up steam. The Alert Is laid up for thu winter nt Inlet was aiming thu shopping visi tors here today. .$1.50 the present time, with tho Mllllconin bdoau UANNA wus among the husl on tho run. , luma visitors In tho illy todny ( leiu- MudJen Pink It. Von Ship- fro, 8nli,. ,0,( man. owner of Iludzluu Park. toduy'MUS JON .KT,.j,SON, or Temp. klKiied up a ebutraot with K. L. Hop-, ,, WIU ,,. ,,, ,,,,,,,,. vg. per of North Ilend, for tho doming (or- j,, tl0 ,.Ity t()(y of the 10 aero tiaot. Work wns,0t j 8KKUV , ,loro fr()IU Co. started there today when M. Hop-, ,,, 0Il )IU,m 1II1(1 jd.msuro por went out with four men. The ,1(l wm rutlM. 10II10 tomorrow. contract rejuls that tho work shall' ALVIN SMITH, or, Coos Itlver, was be completed within n year's time. ,jow (od(iy (m a H,lorl )ll(iMuiH lie win eieur uu an ino trees and iiliilnflirnull (lwt irrn .1 Inir nml tln WIW t- w (IHMIIIn MM ill" I rrom Ceo, nnd Curry Counties. . Vhi5ol " I "ru iomom" ,""l-t" l UAItL DAVIS has roturno.1 rrom ., '" J " ,.. Owp, u rmMmorailuK rnnl.l. M","0,, f th "M,,llon ,)"",r M8 trlp to tho mouncalns above Myr-1 ' ' ' . , . P " ,1 ' , ' . .n! , ' i "ry." Grand To-NighJt MIKS'FRA Ho repoits thnt there"' , ,,. 'T' ' l " " i-iiiiiiiiii tun iwjH r so iieiore no cun ret in n home. He Is alilo to re- npv reive his friends nt Mercy Hospltnl fl wfk nnd ninny nro culling on him. I 'C Mrs. Perl ltlley llitllliiKor Is re- - ported iiulte sluk nt her home nt Third and Commerclul. ' Uu Point. Is rousldornblo snow above tho l!:i00-root elevation line and a lit tle wnrm weather would have (mined tromendoun rreshets, OHO. LOUD, n Hoguu Itlver mliitug man, Is. hero visiting nt the homo or A. I). Ioud. MItS. It. W. KKKPKIt nud baby, panned through here yosterday on route to Port Orford to visit at tho homo or hor parents, Mr. nud Mm. Marsh, Mr. Marsh enme up to meet her. .1. N. ItYAN arrlvod hero yoslorduy fi oiu Port Towiisend, Wush., to tuhu a position on Tho Times, 1)3 wus formerly located on the Hay. UOY KO.KLLI-: or Kniplro was u Mnrshflold business visitor yesterday. Tho LADIKS' AID SOCIHTIHS or the NOUWCOIAN LCTIIIMtANi Church of Marshfleld, will hold their i uiiuihT.M.H H,..AU la tho OIIA TIII-3 VBNKT1A.V OllC: pi:l pahloii, satphdav kvkn., playino sklkc- IN(i, DUt'RUnUlt J2, at 8 o'oloc. TIONS AND STANDAUD ItCFItKKII.ML'NTK will bu served. AI7no sale LADIUS' liMI'Olt- OVIUtTUItUS. trip, haying spent tho night here in tho city imiS IRVING BLOCrt EXTRA SPECIAL One lot of 7 Coats, heavy, all-wool Mackinaws. Colors green, red and tan: $22,50 value. Choice i. -.$7.95 g 0 bt Misses' full length all-wool Coats. Colon, blue, tan and mixtures; $19.50 values. Choice $4.98 troes having all oady been carod fori i. a UltOWNHLL or Onrdlnor ' ,tl"MMJ" ,nl"'""K- A ,M" ""0 by Mr. Shlpmnn. J CWm0 down yrsiterday to tho bayf,.,OMK MAI,': vwm wl" Bonio matters ot ""'' n ,,wv "r i"""'"' COOK'HD FOOD, APItOXS, C U Ashland, whore' ' l"S(V AIITICI.IOJ. ALL r the death of m.'KA'I'PltDAV, DliCIUIIIKII It!. SIX UMHLS OF PICTUUKS, ALL NKW, UACII ONK A FUATUUH. I F.M fine stock at IO,i! AND 7 o'clock , "WHO ICILLKD (1 K O It 0 E SATPHDAV. DON'T .MISS IT. j OHAVKS?" Bollg detectlvo Btory ill . lw ,mrtHVory good pictures with several mystery scenes beautiful uetlng Al'tTIO.V sale LADIIW ILMI'OH- lock .sent" in u to lie i'jism-.I Accord-1 to attend ing to word received from Coqulllo' business. Into this aftoruoou, Judge Coko will Dlt. H, M INO PS le pasu seiiteucu on Prod Oross of ho wus railed by natulan, who Is up for contempt of mother, for MarshHeld today mid court nnd nlso for perjury. The will arrive Sundny. man was severely scored on Tuos day when ho mnde flippant answers In court nnd showod that ho had rrom Yroka, CallL, and will reside married within six months utter on tho bay again. having been grunted a divorce MISS NKLLIK CllUnon came down There will be a later Instigation on the. Wah-ta-Waso this mom- 1 C C(Tt u-lilxh I. la tiln.n.1 will nrnl, ..... . r 111 . i . i. HOIBL .....v.. . ... .". -.... ,..wuuu. ing ..uiu juum imur iu Biiui.ii ine gather in n Marshfleld man with j dny shopping and visiting In tho MoCConCTOP .VrXir .. lltWtlt)bll.l Jsl 'vv Tho IIAITIS-P laiillW Ml will ...,. ,,,.,, ,. hold a CHHIST.MAS HAZAAIl In tho'i..,.,,. ,,... ... . ', .' ., i photognipLy and splendid t i, , I...M.H . -i.. m .-...-, (!) ''( f "l TIN'S Ortiliustra. ( ",eare. SOLD by DON or pound. Also1 nr, . .'i. in- .... -,..,. ,, .,,.,., 'lu this an exceptional oirorlngj jou ..W,u?. mkn WKAIt SKIHTaVr- MOOSi: DANCK, Kckhoff Hall, North Hoiiil KATUKDAY lA'HM.VtJ. LHONAUD MALV.I3Y and family ar- ,01 "n" stock at 10. i! AND 7 o'c i ' rived hero on tho stago yesterday SATTItPAV. DON'T .MISS IT. PHONE 1TO o B IilHil a nownug rarco-comedy made by Knluin your troubles will bo over aN ler seeing this comic. "I'IM.'A UIIIIM M,nni.,ii. ,, ,. . . , . i iiwuii. r.uison DANCK at SU.M.VKH, SATUUDAV ,,,,M" !" T.T.1, avonliiK. DI:cK.MIU-:h IS. I J,NKS- liUi 1IAHIIEU" Nowoet DH. II. I-:. KKLTV, DENTIST fomwly Uy " Jinks is n win Phono 112-J, Itoom 204, Coko Illdg ' "ur w,l" ,u Mllw to slvlng doso i shaves. "JEALOUS 952 JAMES'-rAnotUer coiuody that will tlcklo tho ribs for several minutes, , , Oross. IJglit Weio Out Ilocauso tho city. HIOUAUD 1JO0K and wife returuod MARSHFIELD CYCLERY J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUItCP.ON Surgery und Dlsoases of Women n ALWAYS THE LONGEST AND DEST Spoolnlty. ! SHOW FOIt THE PUICB OP OfHoo, 307 CoKo IJUIg. Phpno 22,.J ADMISSION. j; llos. Myrtle Anna. Phono 301.1. (Children, ac, L. Adults, 10c, - -aww?"" ,m . mnwniHawtiKUTCTni