HHBiftft Tircrvuoar u 'iiirttyr'' .. ir...!.........-. fn-irilivnf f - mllSl'UMMXT. I ft , I mmmtaiUlCataJirXti WTKItoriAMwUllI I i e -o A -vr TinTCCl SJlffiSSyilTwo Weeks to iriiii . ' . OMIcInl I'npcr of Coos County .. . . il. n..lHfMnn at Xfnrah Bold. Orogon, for transmission , through the maim ns geconu-ciuM mall matter. Christmas large army not needed. EMPIRE does not dopcnd upon physlcnl force. It springs from spiritual nnd Intellectual as cenilnncy. Nations nrc Krcnt, not through having big armaments, but In splto of building armies and fleets. If America bad been a military na tion, the great powers of Europo would not valuo Its favorable Judg ment and eeek to win It. Our great ness has como from our rejection of militarism and devotion to peace and Industrialism. HKAIj PROPERTY. REAL property does not consist of lands nnd houses. Tho fash ion of this World pasBCth away i ... -t.-rfc.1. It tlm ttt t t tin 1 life and inako tbelr own forever Is I If Not, GET ON THE JOB ! real property. Have You Done ALL Your Christmas Shopping? J GOOD EVENING It were useless to know vlr- j tuo and yet bo Ignorant of tho j I ways to acuulro her. Aristotle j - HHOTHEHHOOD It'o tbo kindly henrts of earth that mako This good old world worth while. It's tho lips with tender words thnt wako The caro erasing smllo. And I ask my soul this question when My goodly gifts I see Am I a frlond to bb many men as bavo been friends to me? Wlion my brothers speak a word of prnlso. My wavering -will to aid, I nsk If over their long, long ways My words have- brighter made. And to my heart I bring again This eager, earnest plea Mako mo a frlond to an many men As nro good, staunch friends to mo. Nixon Waterman. QUESTION FOE THE I)AV What has becomo of tho old fashloncd womnn who used to Jar tho wholo houso whou filio ground coffco for breakfast? Thoro aro scarcttlcH In lots of linos, hut thcro nro always enough poor rolattonu to go around. Sometimes a Coos Pay mnn fig ures that ho wishes n rcnl wlfo when what ho really needs Is n nurso nnd hoiiio gum. Tho nvorago Cooh Hay woman Isn't half nB senred of tuberculosis as bIio Ih of fat. OUll DAILY CONUNDRUM I I Why Hhould doctors bo Icbs j llalilo than others to bo upsot j on tho ocean? Answer tomorrow. j Answer to yesterday's: "Why j Is chloroform llko MciuIoIhsoIiii j or HoBslnl?" j Ilurnuso it 4a one of tho j greatest composers of modern j times, I Too many Coos Ilay pooplo Imaglnn back talk means talk- j lug about a man behind his j back. Don't Imagine you nro n good conversationalist Just becauso you talk a good deal. - You pcoplo who quarrel easily, romombor that no quarrol was ever really mado up. Tho hnpplcst woman on earth Is tho one who bcllovcs In tho old mntd kind of good times. Ono of tho difficult tasks In this world Is to convince n woman that oven a "bargain" costs money. THE RLAME THING. Tho blame for lost Eden Should rest to bo .fair, Not on tho red npplo Hut on the green pair. FRED WEAVER. NATURE FAKER. Now, when I wako to greet the day I wiggle each pink toe, And marvel In n youthful way How fast my whlakors grow. ARTHUR PECK. GLAD HE'S OX COOS HAY. I'm glad I'm not In Europo, I'm glad I am nt homo, Where no submarines can gut mo And no bombs bounce off my dome. HORSEY KREITZEH. You may notice that tbo mutt who Is always knocking Coos Hay novor moves out of It. "Tho biggest trust on onrth Id the , country newspapor." says nn eastern contemporary. "It trusts ovoryhody, gots cussed for trusting, mistrusted for trustliiK and If It busts for trust lug, getM ciiMori for IiiihUiik." SPLINTERS. "Last suinmor I saw a man with a wooden arm playing hall on an ama-, tour tenm In California," said a Cen tral avenuo booster. "That's nothing," sneered n knock er, "l.nst summer 1 tmw men with wooden heads ploying hull In North Hum!." AT THE HOTELS i Tho Chandler llnti'l. C. N. McArthur. Portland; .Mrs. J. E. Paulson, Coqulllo; J. .1. Herg, Portland; T. J. Casey. Portland, A I.. Cove. Portlnud: .1. I.. M. Shottd ey. Portland; A. .1. Thrift. Coqulllo. W. E. Kelly, Portland; J. C. Slur hhall, San Francisco; S. A. Carmleh aul, Sail Erauclsco; William Camilla Coqulllo; 0. W. Starr. Coqulllo: R. E. Hnriioss, ltosehurg; A. J. Groff. o- Most people who stand for somo 'thlng aro appreciated by others oven If they don't stand with them. Portland; Sam Wolnor, Portland; H N. Plxloy, Salem; S. L, I.Nrson, Port land; C. !'. Johnson, HottliiBor, N. I).; George M. I.affaw, Ilandon; E. R. Redllch, Seattlo; W. E. Potors. Port laud; .1. N. Ryan, Portland; .1. II. Mlllor. Tillamook. Tho Lloyil Hotel. H. Sander, Rosoburg; A. Camp '-'; W. 1). Evans and Homo Coos Hay men call j themselves "even toinporod" j niorely because they aro mad j all the tlmo. j It Is a compliment to liuvo j sonio Coos Hay mou call ono j names, Tho wages of sin always remain about tho samo regardless of hard times. SOME OHSEHVATIOXS Thoro Is nothing improbable to a 'joalous woman. Tho women should always ad nilro women more than the men. A man llkos that woman host who makes him tho least troublo. o You needn't bo so proud becauso you aro fat; mnybo it's dropsy. o Thoro aro all kinds of amuse ments; sonio pcoplo ovon enjoy at tending a dog show; 4 Stnrr. wife, Lakeside; Joseph Willis, Lakeside; John Collier. Heaver Hill. St. Lmuoiu-o Hotel, I Jay Richards. Sumner; M. J. Jor dan, Eugene; M. T. llartholomew nnd wlfo, Empire; Lena Larson, Ta coma; J. H. Stroll, Portland. I Tlu Hlauco Hotel. j R. Tluunpsoii, Hnndon; John' Whaloy, .Myrtle Point; A. J. Robs, j .Myrtle Point; W. H. Myoru, Myrtle Point: James lbuin. Camp fi; A. II. Pence, Myrtle Point; George A. McCiillooh. Templiton; A. II. Hlntch olly. Coqulllo; R. Hurmand, Lako-sldo. i i-. . . .,. , I Bs th Last oib Sar I row ll- Buy ! v if .4 ojvriftltjQ 1 crcrTnr, i mi .h 0 siO R .:11 1i M AM$ It Uur Speeds oney-Saving Paices After tomorrow BfflpJBS3' wS3l se8S at ths Eegul'M Prices Order ai b TfcttPQs A Poiaod The rost Econotnscal Size You Take Ho CSihiamces Remember Dyr Siiarantee Packed by Special Process In Airtight Tins To Preserve Its Flavor N,in . Ground Just Right to Make The Best Gup of Coffee CHIMNEYS FIRE I'bAUKH J. N. BAYLISS . . Ary Kind of Hrlck Work at pHm.9 That Aro Right I And all Work Oiiiiranti'wl I Call nt "Tho Fireside," Johnson Dldg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-.I. French RangeB. uouor worn lit MONET by ordering tho famous HEMRYVILLE BDM. Nut coal, per ton V:(?, Lump Coal, per ton " Or, half ton of both 9"."0 1). MUSSOX, Prop. 1 Phono 18-.T, or Icnvo orders nl Hlllyer's Clnr Sloro SMITH'S VARIETY STOKE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA TRY IT .veiling people open a Savings Account In (IiIh safe, consv lef-ulaily ten per cent, of your canilajr, ,,,, w , '"'fHi Intoifst. wo pay you'll bo 8urpilcd lmv im, ,.. , 3 I1" tm lalo a mirkhiK fiiml. " ' ' Uj J'"" "l ccj' a Saving Account 1m tho Kicat spur (i mntjltlon. T UJCDKIl TRIO UNITED KTATIS GOVERNMENT Sri'KIIVIHlo.V. s T illft LBUK OF COOS BAY So'cly Deposit Boxes For Rent, - AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. Wo never blnmo tho tailor when j our pants wo Imvo to pin, Wo novor blnmo tho shoo man when our soles grow old and thin, j Wo never blnmo tho hatter I when our lids wo hnvo to flout, Hut wo nlwayB blnmo tho laun- dry when our nhlrts wear out. COOS HAV STEAM IiAUNIHZY I Phono fti). Low Rates for ! Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwoon nny polnti In Marshflcld and do goncrnl hauling for rcasonnblo ratoo. STAR TRANSI-'ER t STOUAOE CO Levi Helsncr, Proprietor Phones: JUO-.l. 4-Ij. 8-ll FLfliCl & BEIIEIT III OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTV EstabliMicd J8HII. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 . Intercut Paid on Tlmo Deposits """" " " Officers: J. W. Itcmitilt. IVeMldcnt. I. 11. 1'IuriuKnn, Vice-President. It. V. Williams, CaOilrr. (Jco. V. Winchester, Ant. Culla. li H I IIMI 'Mil To Portland every Thursday Ztsenexxc: To Eureka every Monday KOONTZ GARAGE KxcelHlor Motorcycle Agency j LEE TIRES AUTO.AJOHII.es STORED OOOS COUNTY'S MOST COMl'LET MACHIN.E SHOP ' HUINE AND AUTOMOIHLH REWIRINO OAHOLINK FOIl SALTR .VORTII FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J . BATTERIES REPAIRED AND I CHARGED THE l'AST AND COMPOIITAULK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWIA' EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McOEOROE AGENT W. H. PiDiTtil Phono 4 4, Maruhflold Phono 421, North ErJ I M , mmm wm i ma New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend .! Pictures & Framing Walker Studio KQU1PPKD WITH VIRi:iKS8. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. 1 1 ITU AT 7 P. M., SAT., DECEMHHR H, AT II A. Jl., ITOU EVENING, DEC. U.", AT 7:!M P. M. TICKirrS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OITICE, Ifl AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. C. II. IJ.I.MIUW, F" Phono a.V-T. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshflcld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH IJEND 0. A. Mctlln, Prop. i ' " -nPCnM TRHMCPnRTAT IR . nun i h u Milium i jiiimi uuuu NO HAW EI)aE8 on YOUR COLIiARS U you hnvo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY C A. i 4 II. UODGINF r. i. HCAIFE Marshflcld S,S I B S I e i najiMirn'wu a iiiffijraaa agga3 j. v i Tho Pure Food Grocery is the j A new proposition in a now I Placo to get your ' location. See. Our New Store M. .1. H. Coffee-Til's Wclc j ami Older M. .1. II. Coffee This OM.iVANT tf WEAVER j Wivk A Good Pluco to Trado j j ST.U'FF'S GROCERY Central Ave. Phone ll) I I Phono I OH. Phono Yiiur Oitler.s for M. .1. il. Coffee to WARNER'S GROCERY Tho Phono S5 mid :tl)ii - G'ooil Coffee l Our Sptvlalty M. .1. II. AH Week at Special I Prices I COOK'S GROCERY. Phono IHt). DfCORATINO CO. Estimates Furnished . Vkono 800'J. UarsIiUvld, Orcgoa, Ut Your M. .1. H. Coffue Wl.ote You (lot Other Good Thing NASIU'RG'S GROCERY Tuo (i("'d llouseKoopina Siore Phone 'Jl;J. -t t. U't u Fill Your orders fir M. .1. Coffee This Week C. W. WOl.COTT Phono H7-.I. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. I PARISIAN CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS 200 West Market Avo., corner j Second St root. j Undor now management. Prices low, mid all work satisfactory. j Ladles' work n bpcclalty. j Phono 17C-J. J. S. STEVENS, Prop. - 4 4 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL (Formerly tho C003 Hotol) I Steam boat, hot and cold'wator..j No liquor. I I We Invito you to investigate our j winter rates. Spoclal Inducement j I when two or more persona occu- I py same room. IP III j j Semi-wcnkly service Coos Bay nnd San J?ran' ""MllSHIPBEOIB . SAIUS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SOOS DAY Sunday, Di:cEMin:n lst- Equipped with wireless nnd submarine ton. jnssongors auu livw" ST EIMSH ii sin bell. Equipped, wth wireless nnd submarine Pnfisnnfrfll'B nild frOlRUt. -'--"" r SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR ' , p t SL'iXDAY, di:ci:miu.i u j. iV " Ban Frnncisco of fioo,' Greenwich btrcct pier and 600 lmo duikuub. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. HcOnoRQE PASSENGERS ' ii SlUPwv FREIGHT -SAIL FROM- Snn Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. I1IM LISE STUB . port!"1.., , a. Mirtil Coos Day Evory Friday Tn Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent rworV "V. l 9A." I I i-i nma rtonnn I)OC)C -"it iiiuuo o. v - M-o ROOFING ' ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. - P. 89.; , .MATT L. MAY Western Oregon RepresontaUvo of . HAAS RROTHERrf Importers and Wholesale Grocers ' M.ual. field, Oregon I ' ' Tel. 30 1-R. Ria. Mjitlo Arms Abstracts i.nfuiu M-lf05 1 IVII ..,. ...... ....,, .icnii trr.v; ()E 'IH''1' i'Uli JW'.l.l.llHii'i in - AHOIT n COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec riTir. niADAWTFF A ARSTRAfI tU.i"lu 1 1 1 LL uurtimn u -.;- .f ou npI MARSHFIELD W "; ' "....(jsTAfKI '. -A-pj gi:ni:ralag:nts, FsTSiiH";AN;NfuU1oU) i- AGENTS FOR CNDlVN I l M vS V0K" -jf HENRY SENGST(IvlN.JVVS