"prprv imvmrai mm I K , . jf'M-'fji.'C J; .t-i '' ('!. ! J r. 'MJirlJ twmit t&riijh' v s UtiMiAUttk rii?fcariiMnortrit:t.urunc WMrtma The Central Avenue Booster CT.XTH.VIi AVKXCK, Kill DAY, DKCKMHKK 11, 11)11. No. 10 i Wyiv iuu ovjuj-nm Ivon. 1. " i . The very j Thing! , for Xmaslv ; .Vj ,,1' Vv A Kodak s ?sr r" TUB I te """"1 Priced K,M,,,k,, s,' simmm lilliwilliw, .sil.oil to JjSllMIO 1'rni: it.xth.vii avk.ntk roostkr' I'iiIiIMumI Kvory Krldny In tlu Inter-' eMs r Coos Hay In (lOtioml ntul Central Avenue In Particular. We Apologize Subscription Price Your Rood will. THAT'S WHAT WK IIAVK TO DO ! ami membership in tlio Rooster Club. On; PL.VTKOKM. Olio Street, Oiu Kin. Ono Country, .. ..nml Ono WIfo at a time DURING THE ENTIRE HOLIDAY SEASON You will find at this store the XIw cL$?t? i"nV of skasoxarlk dklicaciks liii'lmlliiR IIcIik Famous Mince Meat mid lMtim IittlilluK. Wo also hnvo tlio entire flfty-wcn varieties. A Full lilne of Kresli YoKetahles mul lViti(x. Sntuulny Is t"o luM day of our M. .1. It. CoDeo Imiwln prices. OHivairait & Weaver PUKK KOOD OHOCT.HS. Corner Central Avenue mid Tlilrd Street Phono 100 simply niH'.vrsi: vvi: didx't (JIVI3 Till: AITIIOH'S X.VMK hkkkaitkr vor hkt wk Wllili DO SO I'Tl.li P.VKTKT li.VIIS AS PKR IIKI.OW. Wo got ourself Into a terrible muss hist week from whitch wo have lint as yet rccoverod anil till because wo failed to ninko mention In Tlio Kulorod at tho Postofflco as strictly om w"" 8 " ",,uu" m ' r irsi-mass matter; there Is nothing, vermin uuuemiwu mm appeared ont RKLH5IOX. To Do Ctooil. on; politics. More Huslnots. Second-Class about Central Avenue. Oflt STA1T. Jtana-KliiK Kdltor. "Nationally Ad vertised" 1'runk I). Colian. Roeivntlnn Kdltor .T. T. llmilu'im. Mimical Kdltor L. lj. Thomas. P'ouoor Kdltor (too. K. Cook. Household Department. Harry Mc- ivoouii. last wk. You may not hnvo noticed tho Horn to whltoh wo refer but It stated In cidentally that lleiirV SongHlnckou, ono of our most prosperous and lib eral minded citizens, had changed KRANK I.AYTOX, the popular druni- PKRSOXAL MKXTIOX 4 DOC TOYH made another trip over to Front street one dny last wk. or tho wk. before, wo forgot whllch. HK.V OSTI.1XI), our necoiuniodntliiK government export weathet man, says It looks to him like rain or snow. KHANK PAIOK. tho well known 1'ortlnnd traveling man, hns been In our midst tho past week. Wo arc always glad to see Frank for ho always treat to tho cigars. Frank Is very generous and liberal heart ed. FKAXK ITClSliKY'S wife presented Frank with a flue baby boy last week the same being a boy wgt. 1 1 pounds on Frank's candy scales. Father and sou are doing well. his mind on the war situation and had come out flatfooted as u sym- I'HHSII K(,(JS Wo hnvo tho producer. If tin, hens aren't tlollv'Yinn the ro.mN now, when ogs mo lilgli, try miy 0f tlio following kgo I'ltonucuu iii:i:f scraps ououxd ouit oystiji; siicLLs wiioli: CORN WlIKAT iiai.axci:d RATIOX 0 HOUND CORX CUACKEI) CORN OATS Wi: .SlIIili TIIH.M Al.fi Cook's Grocery THE OLDEST GROCERY STORE ON CENTRAL AVE. Phone 189. (TXTHAIi Avnxn: SAVIXCS. For Those That Can Afford It TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop CMXTHAIi- AVK. OF COfHSIC. Central nvonuo people arc general ly very nice, lint thoro nre n few who deserve some criticism. There Is said to be only one ronlly good husband on Central nvonuo and his wife Is moan to him. so.mi: tiiixcs wk no. E. I. CHANDLER. Marino Tiro 'Auto Insurance COKE BUILDING Accident IMalo Glass Burglary Marshficld Oregon THIS IS PRFTTY GOOD . A five-room Boml-inodorn cottnge, partly furnlshedlO min utes' walk largo view lot. U'.OUO. Terms. Vacant lots In nny part of tho city Including most of the desirable additions. Wo al so write all kinds or Insurance and bonds. Aug. Frizeen, Mel. G. Duncan 118 Cent nil Ave, l'luino 1HI-.I. Children's Department "Candy Kid"! pnthlxer with the allies and said he it !?",rf,,!,M.' ,:,,"101'' , hoped nonunny would lose In the Dairy l-.dllni' Ivy ( ondron. I 1 Financial Kdltor. Dorxey Ktoifcr. wnr" Henlth mul Heauty lllnt.s." .1. 1. Tor-! It wns J. T. llanigan who gave us .. ,';,l Kdltor. lMl, Hem about Henry changing front Heal Kstnte l.dltor August lVIeen.1 ., i.,..,, ...i,.,,- i T ,- i,.,n ,,, Veterinary Kdltor (!on. (Joodrum. I nml ,,tltU W"B8, ,1, '""nolnto the Cordon Killtot Hay Olllvant. office with tho news Just as wo were ., i..i.M.it I nliout to go to pross and told us about It. Doing as wo knowed .1. T. as well as we did wo didn't doubt It was true, although wo are familiar with Henry's previously expressed sentiments Just the opposite, but as we needed just one Item like this to fill up tho last rolliim we sot It up Into typo uulrk mid printed It In the last Rooster. Well, brlto and early Saturday morning Henry walked Into tho of fice, lie wns red In tho face and breathing hard, but wo didn't think nothing of that as Henry does that way when hit has lien walking fust mid gets exslghtod, so wo says "Clood morning Henry, how nro you this morning?" "Don't you try none of your soft says Henry with clinched fists. "What did you write that piece about me In the last Rooster for?" "We wrote It because llnrrlgan told us It was true," wo says, "but llnrrlgan Is tho author of It." "Well," tmys Henry, .1. T. llarrl gsn's mime wasn't signed to It and I'm going to hold you persona! res- iponslblo for It." Tiieu wo negiii to goi rjiiu or not under tho collar so we says: "Oh! All right then go ahead mid hold us responsible for It If you want to; what In tliuudorRtlnu do we enro?" "Well, wo hadn't linrdly got the words out of our mouth until Henry come for us. Wo happened to be car rying a eolluui of type from the pioss to the Imposing stouu ut the time and hud our hands full ho to speak hut that didn't seem to make any difference to Henry. Whuu lie grabbed us we dropped tlio type whitch wns scattered all over Hie of fice mid we ain't found nil of It yot. Then wo cllnshed and strugglud buck and forth ncrost tho office for quite a spoil trying to throw oueh oilier down. In tlio wiiuimagn wo stcpl Into u keg of printers' Ink half way up to our knee wltli our right foot mid then Henry tripped us up Stationery printed at this offlco Is giving the best satisfaction. Last week wo printed 500 statements for 'a man and by their aid he collected a siuiiii loriuiip. i wo iiiuuius ago a . soap on me man bought of us some note paper and envelopes to use when writing to his sweetheart, mid now ho Is mar- lied, Another man forged a name on a cheek printed lu tills offlco mid Is In Jail. Another stole some paper with whleh to make a cigarette ho Ills dead. A young lady bought some of our paper to curl her hair on and now she has a honu. (Wo have very little of this kind left.) Ry using our statements a porsou cnu collect old accounts, tell fortunofi, cause ra I a, change the color of the hair, have toot li extracted without pain, find out the unme of your future wife I or uusuaiiii, tie siiccusmiui in iiusiuess and got olected to office, (live us a call. FLASH LIGHT Create ami Estate by Insuring yoursolf In tho JKASSACJIl'SKTTS MUTD.VIi LII'IJ IXSI'II.VXCK CO. at SHIPMAN BR.OS. 307-308 Coke. Dulldlii!,'. I'HOXK Ul:-J Tin: i,Ait(;i:sT i.ixi: OX COOS H.VV AT $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 $2.00 and $2.25 i.kt rs nasi! on; nasii Moms ox voir Norton &Hansens TWO STORKS: CKXTR.V h AVK. I-'HOXT ST. luer. was busy on Central nvonuo this week selling our enterprising merchants largo orders and telling the latest yarns. Frank Is a chain plou story toller. I.KW THOMAS returned yesterday from Rnndon, where ho went to talk piano business with a prom inent litlxcu of that hustling city. Lew Is tight there when It comes to making n plant) talk. O. W. CIWIRKRS and Dan MoKlnuon returned yesterday from n busi ness trip to Hold Reach mid they say Hint the trip with slides and trees blown across the road was something like what Sliormnn says wnr. Is. DOC HOUSKWORTII says that Hie recent changes In the wonthor has boon it (lodsend to hint being as a lot of folks hereabout has went mid caught terrible colds on tlielr lungs mid lu their heads and ha: to have his professional services. Doe soys ho hopes these wonthor changes will continue Indefinite. DOC MORROW made a quick trip to North Rend last wk. on busi ness, that Is bo made a quick stnrt hut was delayed on the way and whilst ho was gone three people on Central avenue took sick mill sent for Doe but the offls wns locked and (hoy had to get uloug as best they could mid when Doc got back they was all so Improved Hint tlioy didn't need his services. Doc says Hint's Just his luck. FRANK COHAN Is having a special sale on toothbrushes this wk, hop ing to sell out ut cost or less a dnxzon or so of tooth hrushos he has had on liaiid now for more than twenty years, or about tho time tooth brushes first como nut. Frank says there ain't no cull for tootli brushes on Central avenue and ho was foolish to buy that batch of tliuni from a slick tungiied traveling man who cmuu around selling 'em. I CKXTRAIi AV'KXUK JOTTIXOS. I 4 Are Scarce. Suliserlbora Is very warce. .Money AImi, So Is haul: nitbcrip Hous ut this Wtllllg. Hunt to lluiry. I'ny up for Hid llfinylni mul M , 111 it'..u't I... ..ulr...l land we both fell to tho floor with , " , ' , V" " ' " ! dull ulnLffinfiii llnwl i.hsJIln,, ttin. Itil! " " """"'V I '"J keg lu the contents of whitch we wallowed around on tlio floor trying to get the upper hand of each other. I We always thought we could bun dle Henry Kongslaokuii but wu found him a good deal llko the Her man army n good dual more powor fuller than wo oxpoctud and us it ro- The very latest production l 8"'e lighting. You can try It right lu your own home bofore bujing. The Sunshine Safety Lamp No wick-no chlmney-no dirt-No smoke-no odor-no mantle trouble. Let us show you. MAHSHFIELD IHRE CO. War Prices Have No Terrors FOR THE MAN WHO BUYS FLOUR FEED AND HAY AT- HAINES Waterfront, Central Avenue Before Parting With Your Money IX III VIVO HIIVL KSTATK.SKCTHK A COMl'LKTK ARSTHACT FROM THK I Title Guarantee and i ! Abstract Co. i Which Is prepared to turn out First to catch cold mid die of newinonln Clas. Work. This will savo you an-, A8 We ,iavo ,,,, we npologUed to noyance and expense afterwards. We ,. ... , , , , also look after assessments and pay- Henr Personal and wo also apolo- mant of taxes. ulto herewith, publicly by saying that l Murslifiold offlco in Coke Hiillillue; if what Harrlgan told us about Hon- opjwisito llmiiiller Hotel. l'lione sjstHiken Isn't true then there Sow Is Hid Time to .Subscribe. Siibsorlbo for Thu Roostor (mid pay lu advance) before tlio roal inlny weather setu In. A copy of Tho Rooster each wk. will come lu turrl bio handy to pass thu long winter ovgs. with mid will also liuop you posted Oil what Is coin on In vonr suit ho finally suckseeded lu gottlng . , ul HII(, mirr()1II1(lIIK Btr(l0t- , mi tup ui us una piiueueii usu iuoror )ni maticir, laco with his fists and thorn nil over Ink (loan up to his elbows. All tho time ho kept hollerln for us to apologise mid wo was doing so as loud as wo could but we was mak ing so much noise ho didn't hear us for quite a spell. Then, he lot us up and left the offls In disgust threat- I'lilug to stop his subscription mid advertising. When we took stock of ourselves , we found that oue eyebrow hud come Cniiiu Agnln, Waller Walter Rut lor paid us 7S cents on his back subscription last wk. Of course this Is only a drop lu Hie bucket as you might any being as Walter still owes us the enormous sum of $2.xr on back subscription. Re that us It may however we lire awful glad to get the 7.1 cents which will keep body and sole together for a day or two more bv whllch time nerbaim homid- loose mid that there was a bunch as1)()(1. ,,, wl pay ,, Boni8lh,llg. A, big aa a hen egg over our left oar. for Wauar Ka ,1BVflP ..v,,,.,,,,, , t.a. to say nothing of being smeared with printers Ink from head to heels o peclaly In our hair whitch we can't fceem to get out and will have to eith er let It remain or go to Jesse Ter rell's and get a hair cut mid that's a dangerous thing to do as wo haven't nothing not oven tho 75 cents. 1 1 1-J. , C'oqulllo Offlco uiljoiiiluir Farm 'ers' Rank Hlock. l'lione 1IM. ' llaiulou Office, MiN'uIr Riillding. Phono lH'J. I Henry Sengstacken Sfannger. Auto Ant'deiii. Three of Central avenue's most distinguished citizens wero In an auto aclcdout lasl Satur- .lnl 'iHlftlr ...n.. .. ilii.ln ....... In ... a uvj nniu jii tiiui, . uj ,11) North Rend In Doe Morrow's naw sot the two bits anil beside tho , CMB0 ca. wlleIl tllH. mot n (Iorg, weather being chilly we nre liable, & Kng ,,, tfM (J )(HW( 0 iUf same space In the rad with the re suit that W. J. Conrad had six stitch es taken In his nose and Dr. Kelt? had sixteen studies taken out of his coat and Dim; Morrow had his smllo badly bruised. Con says he has a new mottoalways put up to-ilor-row the auto wreck you want today. U a lot of inure worse things than that which Is. Hereafter when folks brings us news Items lot them be sure what they say about other folks Is truo. We also want them to know that ) . rr-:ifiT wIipii print anything a in it what .iiiImhI a about Un told us so that ir It ain't true then the person who Is wrote about will thrash the party who ought to be tbl'ikhfil Instead of n- HuIim uiic fur the Rooster mul see v.nr wij will a!o print with It sliojUiat, we bay about other folks. He will bo pleased If you got him A Box of Christmas Cigars Tho kind ho smokes every day. Ask us. Wo probably know htn favorite brand. Ninas boxes- nil the Standard Rrnnds. Also a complete- Hue of Pipes. Cigar and Tobacco Jnrs, Ash Trays, etc. Men, hae you tried one of those Now Rarhelor Cigars, Re? THE SMOKEHOUSE kk !lti-loiie fttl4f. ! r SWEET GRASS BASKETS FROM TWENTY CENTS TO $2 APIECE. YOU KNOW STAFFORD'S. Pick Out Vour Raskct Now ntul Hnvo It Killed How about that new piano? Wc have a fine .line of instruments to select from; Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. Wiley B. Allen Co. Ii. Ii. THOMAS, Jlgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. At'CTlOX II.VIKUI.V S.VLK. SATURDAY AT 10 A. M., 8 P. M., AND 7 P. M WK WILL ILVVH TilRKK AUCTION SAL US TO CLOSI0 OUT MY KINK STOCK. THIS WILL UK ONK OK THK ORKATKST RAROAIN OPPORTUNITY'S AND TDK KINKST CILVNCK TOR SKCURINO CHRISTMAS (IIKTS AT LOW PRICKS. The Lntlics' Emporium Mrs. Nellie A Owen Mnrshfield Ore. See our window for the FINEST YAKIMA APPLES that ever came to Coos Bay. Price $1.35 to $1.50 per Box. Remember, wc arc Marshficld agents for CHASE & SANBORN'S TEAS AND COFFEES. PIONEER GROCERY CO. Phono HI. til Central Avenue- A SYSTEMATIC HABIT of saving Is ii liim-iictrr tuDldof anil u good Itiihlnocs iinm'L No ouo Is too pooi' to nnpilro tlio wiilugH habit. $1 will Mart mi account ullli us. A liiccMiin aiToiiut lu tills good bank adds to Hie i-ouieuleuco anil Mifoly el' lining Inihlui'hH mul goes far toiiaiil oMuhlMilug your hlmiiriig lu tin coiiiiiiiiiilly. There Is no iihiish iitltnlird, and jour uecouiil will iiH'elvo cour teous nml I'liiefiil niislilonillon. ilils liauk lut Res jour biihlnoss ami piiiiuKos wifely, llbcml (cmif nml htitlsfactory M'lilce. First Naitloea! Bain Of Coos Bay ' Central Avenue Marshficld, Oregon UUVINCI A TYl'lHWUITEH? If so, liavo Iho following fiiclory rebuilt mach ines on hand: HeuiliiKtoii No. (I ijtit.) h. C. Smiths $. JteuiliiKtoii No. 10 ... ,,.!ji.T5 Uudenvooil Xo. n $00 ijiff.OO cash; ,1,011 jut uioiitli. All nmchliiiw Kuarautved for one year. Also ribbons and carbon paper. CARL L. STOCKIN S3 Contral Avonuo. 'J'olopliono H50. KhIum AkoiR. I'lidorwood Typowrltor Co. Wulos VUIblo AddliiK Machine Amorlcau MuRlcraph Co. PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Cfeaimdlleir Hotel a Good Menu The mil of Central Avenue i t ?iTv lOfea--.,. wwwg