lilAi wmLsmmm rii wvrr u Te D termination yn'11" rprrlvrd In mhcrri in-; iinj snlrly w;Mi Shop Early rc.ulto secured. Try the columns of The rows cs they arc clean and dependable. The iad- Ily bo doing you not only got tlio best Eods and tho best assortment to chooso from, but you aro kind to yoursolf and tho sales-pooplo. Christmas Is drawing very near. Start now! of The Times lnivo confidence in the ads np- therein. MKMllElt OP THIS ASSOCIATED I'IIKks H"W Itnr m (II Bvlil u NO. XXXVIII. ICE FIGHTING HstjililUhci 1878 n Tho Cwut Malt MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FFENSIVE HARKS ALL IFS Mfixirjms Nfisiir Naco Shnnt ar -m a ti a nr -.u,ui n. . umuLiiu Anotner Aiae A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnl) nil Coo llnv Ailvprflm'r No. 121 tans Meet Advance of French and English With Terrific jry and Hurl Advancing Army Back and Gain Ground in One Place, Says Report Today. , JCH CLAIM PROGRESS AT MANY POINTS BUT ! ADMIT GERMAN ONSLAUGHT ON ALLIES' TRENCHES licting Claims Made by French and Germans Regarding Sighting in Arcjonne New Developments in France and Belgian Theaters of War Today. (Dy Associated Tress to Coos Ilay Times. INDON, Dec, 11 , Both the1 French and German official (news tociay mciicato tno new attempt of the allies to' urn; uiu uuniiuiiD mi dui&iuih nas ueen CH6CKCCI and rosion of Yores tlio Germans nnt nnlv hm-lnd hnri i-comiiifi forces, but made an advance themselves, j Mans announcement stales that several German at- Wfilfi mnillsodi bllt at 0110' nolllf ihf (Wmjinc innrlmd ' in of the first trenches of tlip nllips. Flsrulirm In Fhn liowovu'i continued progress was reported, 3 uemian statement merely says that gains have been in Flanders. FiGhlinc in tho Arcrnnnp tn hn subject of "conflicting claims, ' GH CLAIM GERMAN ATTACKS WERE J mcam Jiroper KG E S OPPOSED TO 5 TRUCE i f fir Aim UttM 1N. to Ckw War TiniM WASHINGTON. I). C. Dor. 11. Andiew Carnegie, wlm was a White House waller today, expressed a de cided opposition to a truce In tlu European war during thu holidays Ho declared It would he unchristian lllio nnd liniuoral to stop fighting and then begin It again. When Car noglo spoke of the horrors of war his voice (tilvered and tears nppeared In his eyes. TEXAS WILL SELL TO 1 1 STATE MILITIA 1 Second Bullet from Conflicting Forces Across Border Per forates Officer's Tent CASUALTY USTTODAY REACHESFIFTY MEN General Bliss Arrives and Awaits Formal Orders Says U.'S. is Not Bluffing tllr AModnlcl Prr to Cool ltr Tloyi.l NACO, Dee. 11. Another Atner Ican trooper was wounded today by a Mexican bullet fired across tho border and a second bullet perfor- ;. . : ... '.;...,,.';...:..;, Germany by way of Italy, aro tin v ...till oiliivn ;u .i.j uniivt. viuiiuiiti Iillss, who rnmo hero yesterday. Is uutiltliiK orders, which It Is pre sumed have be mi sent by mall. Thu casualty list on tho American side today reached 50. HHsm said ho l-upcd hostilities with tho Mexicans could be avoided but that the Unit ed StntcB government wn not bluffing. (Ily .mh IiIivI I'ith lo Ohm Itujr Time I DALLAS. Tex.. Dec. 1 1 Negotia tions fur the purchase of 30.000 horses and 12.000 mules, to bo sent der wry In Texas, according to nu announcement today. iG I o BID emn S LIKELY TO ME itR I WTHN SHORT Til REPORT Berlin Simply Announces That Advance in Poland Continues While Petrograd Intimates That Russians Will Evacuate Warsaw for Strategical Reasons. GERMAN ADVANCE ARMY WITHIN FIFTEEN MILES OF CAPITAL OF POLAND TODAY 00 STATE LAW REPULSED B COilTl LIES IDE (Dy Associated Press to Coos flay Times.) IRIS, Dec, 1 1 , Tho official statement this afternoon "Tho enemy yesterday showed certain activity in tho i nf Ihn Ynrns. Iln rlirpp.fprl snvp.rnl nttnnks neainst our tln-nn nf uliinli worn innnlspfl. At nnn slnffln nninf nn ront. the Germans succeeded in reaching one of our first enches, Un our side, we continued to maKo progress direction of tlio enemy's lines, In the region of Arras i the vicinity of Juvincourt there have been artillery on- rnents, In Argonne, wo pushed forward in several Bics and have driven back two German attacks, In tho of Varonnes we consolidated our gains of preceding Thn Rnrmnii nrtillnrv WAR Vfirv active, but WG Suffered issps, Our progress continued in tlio Lopreto, Forest. I oi iiiann we orcupieu mu ictmuau mcuium ui nojwn. : the remainder of tlio front in the Vosges there have been sry engagements," K General Mills in Report Says That Citizen Soldiery is Not Kept Up Properly ' tnr Amwlitrt Trm t Con. lur Time. I U'AUIIIVfJTnV Tl.w. 11 "III nn state Is tho prescribed minimum penc streiiKth of nil orKnulxed mi litia maintained and In many In stances the deficiency has reached such a flguro as to leave tho cor responding organization such In iihuio only orKnulxatloiiR of no value as a military asset to the IVderal Kovernmonl." This Is the way IlrlRiuller (leneral Mills, chief of tho division of military affairs of tho War Department, character izes tho cltlon soldiery of tho coun try In his mutual report. -WILL STOP BATTLE ATNAGDFDHU.S. (Ilr Awiu UIM l'rr lo Jim I)y Tlmm. WASIIINHTO.V, Ijhc. 1 1. l'rovls lonal President (lutlerrox has or dered Covernor Maytoreua, com maudliiK tlio forces tit Naco, lo avoid operations altogether If ho cannot confine his flro within the Mexican border. Consul Kllllinan, at Mexico t'lty reported Outlerrez's action today, which undoubtedly was In response to yesterday's urgent representations from Washington. IRE U.S. TROOPS I C. A. SMITH DUE ! HEHE THIS EVENING- REACH AGO TODAY IS GUM EREI il ATTACKS REPULSED KAISER'S FORGES GAINING (Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) RUN, Dec, 11, (By Wireless,) The official commun- n ililr. nftnnmAil COWd "W Minfld, limmSS 10 h HIIC 6I'S, ill II 110 CUIUIIIUUII ocijro, ii w " r- -o - . e East and West of the Argonne (in France) the enemy s ,,-,. .,o!4!.-,o ..,n.n nHolnrl with OTIflH IftSllllS. rr.f!.,!. 4,i,o I.-. 4h I nnrAfn FnrAst and Wost of Poilt lusson were repulsed, There is no change in the situa lEast of Mazurin Lakes, East Prussia, Our attacks in lern Poland aro progressing, There is no news trom pern Poland, , VIAS Oil GLAIi B I IG VICTOR IOSTRIINS IES PAST IEEK (ny Associated Press to the Coo Hay Times.) .... , Ifiit I PNDON, Dec, 11, -A dispatch from Nish .gives i aaan onai Is of the recent victory overine musiiwi j ans In Northwest Soma, ru mi o, ,-.- pnaong lie wioie ima i"j ?--" ii, tha total m lett and center," i ne &ww"w..i r; ;;;--n:flnVhnr Bor -of prisoners WM!iXKl u at :,uuu anci enumciaico v. tment of war materials captured. SER MUCH IMPROVED AFTER SEIEBE ILLiySU BEPiBTTDBIT (Dy Associated Press to The Coo Bay Times.) h HAGUE,. Deo. 11 .-Aocorcfe to informal rrfng tnnuaii private sources tmiwyi "' -.-- -ihi5 morn- ed maiked improvement. His tempe rature his mo rn vas normal, His physicians allowed him to sit up tor a Will Arrive on Nann Smith i Gets Many Logs from Coos River Coquille Freshet , (. A. SMITH CO.MINfi. I C. A. Smith, hoHd or tho Smith comiiftiileM, in oxpwtod In thU ovonliiK on the Adeline Smith I from Sau Kranclsco. He ha ; J nit returned from n Rovurnl I weeks' stay In Chlcao. It ha heen tieveral iiionth alme ho I was on the Hay. I f . More than S. 000. 000 feot of log caniH out nf Coos River In the lut freahet and moit of them cuino yos terday and were caught tn the boom of the Smlth-Powora connmny near the mouth of Coo Itlver. Many of them were taken In raft direct to the mill, which lmve hen a Uttlo short on fir logs the last few day. With this aiiiily available nnd many floated out on the Co.jnlHe, it 1 expected that thore will be plenty until the new camp on the line be yond Myrtle Point aro able to fur nish all that will bo required. There were lot of logs now. but the mills have been cutting principally fir and cedar, owing to the demand beliiK, poor for spruce and homlmk and thl was a handicap to the logging com pauy which has to take out the log as they come, regardless of the kind. There have been koi bad slides on the new line of the Smith-Powers company beyond Myrtle Point, but most of them are beyond the first camps opened. The day before yes terday they were unable to get a train through, but the slides were cleared yesterday and one train came through. Tl e local railroad has also been having some trouble with slides the past few days, some being In places where slides never bolliered bofore. Doth the big mill and the Kastalde mill are now working eight-hour shifts iustead of ten hours. The shingle mill will eloa down tonight for a while. Coiliilllo lllftli Walr. The Coquille Itlver Is falling rap- Idly at Mrtle Point today but on Four Special Trains Arrive at Border Town Firing from Mexicans Still Continues (llf AmwUIM piro lo Toai H7 TlrnM.J NACO. Ariz., l)tc. 11. -A train In four sections honrliiK I'nltod Statu artillery, which was ordorod here from 1CI Paso to on force thu border trnps, arrived today. The soldiers of (ieueral Hill and Muytoroun wore unusually nrtlvo nil lnt tilKht. Suv oral hIiuIIh burst on thl aldu of tho from both factions, GERMANS CLAIM FLEET DID WELL Say Ships Lost off Falkland Islands Were Out Four j Months Without Repairs I (Uf Auorll4 PrtM H Con Hl TlmM J IIUUM.V. Dec. 11. The following tutement was Issued by tho (lermau i admiralty today: "Tho Uiltlsh admir alty does not say In Its stntumunt of the battle off the Falkland IslaudH that our squadron had been on tho j high seas for four mouths without I means of communication, either cnblu or otherwise, and had been without any port whero It could put In for j coal or sujipllos. Despite this, It al ways obtained coal." In a previous statement tho admiralty reprodueod the communication of the Ilrltlsh ad miralty regarding tho sinking of the German cruisers and added: "Our ' losses seem to huvo been great. Concerning the strength of tho eno my, whoso losses are roported small, the Kngllsh dispatchos say notliliiB." Wednesday the rise at Myrtle Point was about fifteen feet. The water was up to tho Ilea on the local rail road at Schroeder's Crossing, but it did no damage. Quite a fow logri ere floated out of the N'ortli Fork but only a few have come nut of tho Middle Fork. Thero Is a big jam on , tv.e Middle Fork and It will probably be necessary for A. II. Powers to build dams to get out his big supply there. He has about $45,000 worth 'of logs laying In tho upper waters of the Middle Fork which were cut over year ago by tho former Daahney camp near Ilrldge, Judge Coke Holds Federal Law Regarding Migratory Birds is Unconstitutional . t Special to Tho Tlmos.) COQIMIX!-:. Or.. Doc. 11.- Judge Colto this morning rendered n de cision for the first time in the United State on thu Hiibjuct of thu consti tutionality of tho Fedural law which baa been hitherto held miprenio to tho Htnto law regarding tho taking and killing of migratory blrdn with in the limits of u slate. Tho Judge held that thu Htnto law Is Hiipromu; tl'ut tho government has no Jurisdic tion over game within tho boundiirlus of u stnto nnd therefore a giimo war den of tho government Iiiih no right to enforce the federal law within thu stntu of Oregon. Tho duclHlnn was brought up In connection with tho enso of tlio Htnto of Oregon vs. 1 1 111 Ih Short, who was arrested by (litmo Warden Thomas acting under Instructions from Pros ecuting Attorney Mljoqvlst last your for killing ducks from n giiKolIno boat In Ten Mile l-ako. Short was In dicted by a previous grand Jury about twelve months ago. Argued l-Vilernl Iuvh. Attorueya for Short pleaded that tho Federal law, passud within tho last two years, has In hand thn pro tection of migratory birds; ostubllsh oh u game -ouo and admlulsturH pun ishment for any Infraction of thu law. And furthermore tho attorneys for Short declared that tho Federal law has no Htntutu making It uulaw- l fill to kill duckH from a gasoline I boat and therefore Short wus Inno cent nf uuy crime. They uIho brought up tho question as to whether Ton Mile I.uko Is publicly or privately owned. Government Xo Authority. It was from this nrgumont that Jiidjto Coke handed down his do- clslou, overruling a demurrer to tho Indictment. Ho declared that tho 1 L'ulted States has no authority ovor ,stuto game lawn and therefore their statute aro unconstitutional mid Short Ih amenable to tho statu of Oregon for shooting ducka from n , power boat. Ills decision In part whs as fol- lows: "The Con gross of tho United 1 Status Iibb no logul right to regulate or attempt to regulate tho taking or killing of migratory game bird with in tho stntu of Oregon. " Thl was n j test case, .May (in lit Supienie Court. i The decision of Judge Coke will bo taken bu'fnro the Htnto Supreme ' Court for their action and will prob ably eventually bo decided by tho 1 Supromo Court of tho United Status. Judge Coke loaned heavily on do clalnus In the Arkansas state laws that have been somewhat similar to I hla decision this morning. Tho do ! clslou upholds the contention of j Prosecuting Attorney MlJuqvUt that , tho state Maine laws aro supromo to , those of tho United Sta'tes. Situation in East Prussia, Which Russians Invaded, Reported 1 Unchanged and No News Has Been Given Out Con cerning Developments Near Cracow. (Ily Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) BERLIN, Dec, 11, The Berlin war office statos Petrograd ilrtually concedes tho German advance in Poland is contin uing, A statement from Petrograd says that if Warsaw Is evacuated by tlio Russians it will bo for strategical reasons, Tho Russian official statement admits that tho German Gen eral Mackoiison is striking forward rapidly and Is now within 15 miles of Warsaw, Tho situation in East Prussia where tho Russians invaded Gorman territory is unchanged and no fur ther news from the battlo front for possession of Cracow, Ga licia, lias been received, TURKS AI01GE RUSSIANS IDE DEFEATED IN BATTLE EAR GOUOIEH (Ily Associated PrcBa to tho Coos liny Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Doc, 11, Tho official statement to day says: "Under tho cover of warships, tlio Russians at tempted to embark Thursday noar Gourioh, South of Batum, trans-Caucasia, in ordor to outflank our troops, Thoy woro compelled to rotreat with heavy losses," WANTS II YARD TO BUILD WARSHIPS Secretary Daniels bays Pa cific Coast Should Be So Provided (Ilr AwmIiIM ITm Is Coo ltjr TlniM. WASHINGTON, Dec. II. Socro tary Daniels continued today before tho Iioiiho naval committee, npcalt Ing on tho naval construction pro gram. Ho mild nil navy yards should bo equipped to build wnr Hhlpa nnd that thero should bo a plnco on tho Pacific coast to build battleships. Ho Hald too ninny wnr shlps aro hnlug built by contract and too fow by tho navy yards, s E PltOTKCT PACIFIC COAST Secretary Daniels agrood that tho Pacific Coast was not so well pro tected as the Atlantic. He said tlrat the general opinion In tho navy was against dividing tho Atlantic floet now but later ho hoped there would ho battleship protection for the Pacific. T WEEK SET TODAY i Thirteen up Next Monday Bandon Liquor Cases First on Next Week's Docket (Speclul to Tho Tlmos) COQUlUAt, Oro., Dec. 11. Judge Coko this morning sot the casern that will como up for trial next wook. Thoro wore 111 ciiboh sot. First on tho docket next Mon day morning will ho tho caso of tho City of Ilaudau versus John Horroii' and Immediately following this will bo tho caso of IFundnu ver sus Joo Couch, both of those origi nating out of tho liquor trouble In which tho defendants aro alleged to have sold liquor to I.ollta and Ituby Simpson. Tho third cuso on tho docket will bo that of A. S. Hammond and Fred erick Ilollltiter vursus tho Coos Day .Manufacturing Company; uuxt, Anna Husk versus tho City of MarshfloUl mid It. It. Montgomery as an action nt law. Tlio following nro the other cases a thoy will follow on tho docket udoptod this morning: Horbart Lockhart, plain tiff, vs. tho Simpson Lumber Com pany; (irafflu Habor vs. K. 0. Al ton; Tom Hrown vs. Ouh Domes; Poter Scott and rSmmu Scott vs. tho Port of Coos Ilay; Hobert K. Tay lor vs. John Nollson; O. K. Smith vs. A. I). Perdue; Stanley Oldlaud vs. John II. Anderson; George Krd man vs. A. S. Gilbert; National Sales Compuny vs. I. II, Manclut. SERi S IS STRICKEN 01 III AMO.Ittr.1 I'rtM la Cxx lf Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 11. Funeral sorvlcos for late Jloprosenta tlvo Sereno H, Pnyna of Now York will bo held Sunday In tho llouno of HoproBuiitntlvuH, No such ser vices have been held thoro nlnco tho death of Kuprcseiitatlvo Nelson W. Dlugloy. Payne died maidenly In Ms apartment lust night of heart failure while ulono. Ills death has removed a notable figure from the House. Ho has served In that body for moro than a quarter of a century, during which time ho has tnltun a conspicu ous part in thu framing of tnrlft moustircs. i M C J I (Speclul to Tho Times.) COQUIl.U:, Or., Doc. U. Judgo Coke toduy flood Fred Oroya of Huu don 150 for contempt of court and sentenced him to sixty days In' Jail for failure to comply with aiy order of the court ordering Uross to pr,' alimony to his divorced wife. Gross' uttornoyB Informed thu court that tho alimony had ulnco boon settled out of court and Judge Coko suspended tho Jail Houtonro ponding Orosa In tho future compiled with tho ordor. Mrs. JosbIo Qulgley nnd Wm, It. Hodgors and hur elght-tfenr-old daughter aro In Jnll bore. Thoy woro brought back last night from Tho Dalles. Tho couplo eloped tho first of tho month and woro living at Tho Dalles under assumed names. Qulg ley, who liven In tlio southern part of tho county, preferred charges against them. Kule Is PostX)iic(l. The receivership sale of tho Seo ley & Anderson Logging company sot for thl afternoon, was again post poned until next Wednesday at 3:30, (ii'timl Jury In Slow, Thoro has boon no further roport from tho grand Jury. It was unof ficially stated this afternoon that tho woman In tho Myrtlo Point bank caso( whoso identity has been kept soorot, failed to substantiate tho now cluo'lu that case nnd It Is not likely that uny Indictments will ho returned. pours, i 1 ..-teSst, .t.jLL.- - . mammmmmmu mmmmmmammsmimmmmmamMMmmtm -. .-M'KVWB