ijggt-gia t:iMilMMl!MrSMSttMlPjlil HHI tHE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,' OREGON,. MONDAY;-DECEMBER-7 19r14 EVENING EDITION. tWO'V COOS BAY TIMES I M. O. MALOXKV, Kdltor niul Pub. DAN K. MALO.VKV, Xctvs ICdltor Official Pnpcr of Coos County Enterod at the PostoHIco nt Marsh tiM nmonn for transmission through the mails as second-class mall matter. A Sul"K Creed. Savo a lfttlo every day; cling to every cent; Spendthrifts only care about tholr environment. Ccaso to long for segues that lIenso, hide yourYejtyvay In a little two -by ?mta that's Whcrprfo bit at .l$auty,vnB over .i. lnnwnto oranDt ' i Any holc-nmy bo ject. homo If lyoti saMi&m i i only fit cheap; iiiuM irii- Thcro are fools who like to dwoll whero the scenes aro fair; "Wlicro lovely lawns stirrotiml thorn nnd sweet odors fill the nlr If thoy might month after month swell their wordly gains Ily getting everything that's cheap nnd scrimping what remains, Thoy aro fools that think thnt cash was made but to buy What brings glndness to tlio heart or may please the eye. Savo a lllllo every day, pinch each penny nam; Turn from beauty ns a thing no ono should regard; Frown on pleasure, scoff nt art) lot no scene bo mndo Falror by n dollar which you liavo, gladly paid; Hunt Bomo dlsmnl corner whero you may cat and sleep, Any liolo Is homo sweet homo If you get It cheap. Anon. f8l rt U ' 0 0 All This &r r 'WWilu SSiSESffKKflRHi Tlll-S TltUH (JOSPKL OK SAVIXO. IN IMS romlulficcncos, Lyman Ab bott tolls thnt ho once got from his fnthcr tho wlso ndvlco: "Always spend loss than you earn." Lyman adds: "Thoro nro two wnyB 0t j carrying this ndvlco out. Ono Is to do-. crease expenditures; tho other Is to I IncrcnBo Income. Wo pursued both courses." It Isn't hard for an active man. to Increase his Income. More work, bet tor work, will usually do It. And even though tho quantity of what you j havo been doing should bo ns much ns your strength permits, thcro is no workor on any Job who can't, If ho will, Improvo tho qunllty. In doing this, If h0 bo rightly cast; ho 'Will not feci conscious of Incrcnsed strain on tho contrary, tho Improvement will bo a source of pleasure, as good work always Is. Hut It Is n dlfforont innttor to enrry out tho second hnlf of tho Abbott program; to rcduco tho outgo whlla tho Incoino Is Increasing. To out down on usoloss nnd fool ish expenditure! Ik, of course, a duty nt nil 1 1 in oh, whntovor tho Income. Hut to crimp n human llfo In ordor Jo htoro away Idlo dollars Is not thrift; It Is parsimony. Wo should live, not for dollnrs, hut for llfo. Monoy is not nn ond but a moans, it may be as Immoral to savo at tho cost of hnpplnosH of thoso dopondont on us ns to spend ox travnguntly without thought of tho morrow. It seems to us thnt tlior0 Is loss i.ood of a Kospol of scrimpy buvIiik than of Intolllgont spending; of en riching llfo lather than starving It. The snmo gospol appHctt to com - munition as woll us to Individuals. Mnrshflold's City Council slioutij bo economical In Its expenditures but It rhould avoid ponurlousuoM and jwr fclmony in Its offort to limit tho tax levy. Tho things we need to add to tho Joy of living should not be throt tled to inuko n record of economy. Tho citizens of .Murnhfleld should bo Known, ns wore tho residents of Carthago, ns "citizens of no mean city." Tho Tlmos Is ns doslrou of nn economical administration of mu nlclpnl nffnlrs ns the most careful and cautious taxpayer in the city, but It does not dcwlro its economy t tho sacrifice of the things that make life worth whllo and add to Its comfort and good ehoor. The Times thinks thnt economy niny be achieved by ef ficiency In oxpondlturo ns woll as ux Tho,,mqitouanca of th Coos liny bund Ja somotbJng u,t Alarshfleld should continue itH contribution to tho culture and cheer of this com munjly la worth many tlmog It cost && Mon ey-Sa vn Prices This. Week Only l-lb. Tins 55' 3-Ib. fins 112 5-lb. finsMSS.. You Take no Cfiances VjT. H i Wt S ,,mi. Packed by Special Process inAirKjjJhl- Tins o Preserve ib Flavor rrotectir YourGrocer will refund lhe full price you paid forhtJ'B'if if does not please your fasfe no rnalterhow much you have used out of She can ff Pit tflt ffgi 1 US VUti t ?&jFkJL our aw. mEsssBBEasmmssmmsssft The Puro Food Clrocory Is tho 1'lnco to Got Your M. J. B. Coffee This Week ' OLUVANT & 'WEAVER A Good Tlnco to Trade chxtiial avkxui: piioxk mi) (let Your M. J. It. Coffco Whero You Got Other Good Things NASBURG'S GROCERY Tlio Good Ilousokeoplng Storo PIIOXK SJIH Good Coffee is Our Specialty M. J. B. All Week at Special Prices COOK'S GROCERY piioxi: iH I Phone four Orders for M. J. B. Coffee WARNER'S GROCERY rw rnoxKS 85 ami mr, " i A Now Proposition In a Now Location Sec Our New Stoic imtl Order 31, .1, U. CofiVo ThU AWIc STAUFF'S GROCERY piioxi: it)u Let Us Fill Your Orders for M. J. B. Coffee This Week C W. Wolcott Phone 97-J TOPICS 01' TUB TIMKS Along with tho Urltlsh lion, tho Russian benr, tho (iHrman nnd Aus trian caglos and tho Turks, thoro will soon bo a few Portuguese. Make Your Home Comfortable Wo Imvu u big ling yf COAL HEATERS WOOD HEATERS OIL HEATERS or wo can Install u Heating Plant Tho right kind nt tho right price. Let us figure with you. fifj Commutation LU Tickets $2.00 vfai-bhflold-Nortli nend Auto Lino K'ar every tcH minute) from rt . m to lii p. in.; to Koutli .Slough onto i I day, IcnvliiK nt 11 n. in.; to Knmlrc thi't'o trliM a day. GOHBT & KING. Props. KOONTZ GARAGE Krcelslor Alotorcyclo Agency LEE TIRES AUTO.MOHILKS STOUKI) 03OS COUNTY'S 3IOST COMPLET 3IACHIX1J 8IIOP MAUIXK AND AUTOMOJHL1J ItlUWIKIXO i GASOLIXR rOH SALfl OItTn KIIOXT ST. P1IOXH 18O-0 HATTKHIKS ItltPAIURl) AND 0 CJ1A1WICI) Coos Bay Fairmers EcSiaimge J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivery to any part of Marshfield. All we ask is a trial order to convince you that we are here to treat you right. ' ; Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. VUa ri!n 14UB.W " "P I0 Tho esrvlco of this Hank will help yo. Wo when wo enn render nny sorvlco In connection hiu &H ,,la "16 ha4,,. of monoy or tho transaction of nnv ri,m...i.. . ... "" uuaincss. .. "o lr,.ii 'rt lcarln deposits In nny amount, cither chocking or Int nsauro nbsoluto snfoty for nil funds pi,ir...i.i . J'"J lv-u io our care. UNDKIl Villi UXITIII. STATL'S V aOVMUNMMNT Hl'PIJHVISIoji. FIRST i III BAN l:i i - OF-COOS BAY , r Safety Deposit Boxes For Itcnt. Thopo battling armies In ruropo ' may think thnt ono good turning inovoinout dosorvoe nnothor, but It tnkea thoni n long tlmo to finish tho ono thoy'vo started. 3Ioro nnturo faking. A Saplupn, ' Okln., papoj unnouupea tho ninrrlago of Miss fialllo Hluo Cow, tho belle of tho Osago tribe, to Mr. Vndo DIack Owl, of tho CUvroItces, ' I ?m When you buy mm mkVuy the bestjfe New SlodcW "HENDERSON CORSETS" aUo principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend Abstracts l-OU IUCL1AIILK AHSTItArrS OP TITLI-J AM) IXl'UUMATIOX AI101T COOS BAY RfAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSllflKU) AXI) COOl'ILLK IITV niiwrnv i Anv li 1 ' I:VSTS,,: VN SKXCiSTACUUX'S ADDITION' AC1..MS l()lt tXAI)l P ( II It' ItAILltOAD LANDS lli:UV SI N(.ST(M:, 31 X UiVH COOS IJAV TIMICS ' WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS j lU'V AX t'P.Td.'l'lUMUXi'TK . WAIt MAP Wllll.i: Tllll I srppi.v i.wrs I Tliev Aio fiolnir l'usf. ,BRNa YfJUR JQB mmm T0 THE coos BAY TMe"s.1 i - iiiiiiiiMiniiim FLHieU & BENHEH BUI OLDKST I1AX1C IX COOS COUXTV Kstabllslicd 1H80, Capita V Surplus and Undivided profits, $11 5,000 Interest Paid on Time Dcpoalta i,tiAr,n,i, uuauio. J. W. Ileiinctt, I'rcHldcnt. J, llAKIiiiuiguii, Vice-President. Jt. 1 Williams, CaMilcr. "& co. I- Winchester, Awt. dstfe. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy dr. ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, r3 Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exM Clonnlng. repnlrlnK or now platens, Work gunrnntccd. Ribbon 2 CMrboR pnpcr delivered. Pliono iiHjour order. Phono -I I, Allksct On TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many yean and i lot it our customers will toll you whon It conies to'gcttlng good, sosH, durnblo framing mntorlnl at tho right prlco wo know cor 14 ncss. Just toll what you want to build anil tho amount ;oa rat to Bpond nnd wo'll got buoy with our pencil nnd figure oat ttita your uonoy can buy. Try ui. xj n,m . , C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg,Co, itrnvWi di:paut.mi:xt CUT TDK KUKIj Ulhh l TWO 11V USING OUR WOOD , PIIONH 100 182 SOUTH IinOiDWJ To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TIIK FAST AND COMFOHTAHIiB S S. Geo. W. Elder nkwijV kquippim) NOUTII PACIFIC BTUAJISHIP CO. o. i f ni:oitnio agisxt w. H. Wivra Phono 11, Mnrahflold Phono 4! I, North Bd KQUII'I'KI) WITH WIHKLKSS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TI3IK. SAILS FltOM ItAILltOAD DOCK, .MAIISIIKIUMN "m:MEa j .VI'll AT JO .1. " TICKCTS OX SALK.AT POUTJiAXO CITV TICKI7T OFFICE Phono R5-J. 'IV JL la. j - ..n,,i.ivn AXI) OAK HTIIMN ;:lsmW U ITER flCFl THJUISPOHT AIION B, Serai-weekly sorvico Coos Bay and San J?ranjg STEAMSHIP BEDDRDH . SAILS FltOM SAX FHAXCISCO FOR SOOS I U si'Niuv, Dix i:Mm:it w, 3 1' Equipped wltL, wirck'ss md subrinrlfle befl. Passengers and freight. - STE11IP IIMU SMITH Equipped with .wireless awl submarine bell. Passengers and freignt ' SAILS FOlt SAX FIIAXCISCO FUO.AI .MAHSHF"; W pjj. WK1.X.:.S.)AV, l.IX'KMHM jj, San Francisco office, Greeuwicli street pi i and GOO Fife building. u Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGmbqPJ STORAGE PASSENGERS FREIGHT kRBDW LI STEAM -SAIEi FKOM- San Francisco Plor No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P. M, Phono Q78. vomLt i vx ':, 9 A.M. Coos nay Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesday Tn San FraiulsPO THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean hock m4i rmmsm l mM rataaaf