limrr r 'WIPW 1 1. .:. ..A THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN , (i VfllWlv'1 n nr on v V 'i I l. at. r UJ t . KUk A - II IITI .. I j- ( .- v Vurcles NORTH IJKXII MMtAltV. n I- Tlic North, nctul Public Library has licen moved Into rooms 11 nntl 15 of tho Simpson building. These rooms nro donated rent froo by tho mnnwon liUiubor Company. Tho LI- i.rnrv mniincomcnt crontlv nutirnci- ntcs this recognition of their efforts J 1'.,!,lST. "'U'TIST CHURCH to cstab'lsh ii growing public lib- ncildnniyfion ni 5 ti.1, ..;- Lorv In Wirth I lend. , r.n.v Fl ui; , I m- Tho llbrnry Is open every nftcr-, Ululo School nt 10 n. noon from SOUTH .MAR.SHFIKM) SCIIOOI.( : KIOIITH (IRAIIK In nn nrithmotlc test given tho first of tho week tho best grades were- mado by Tholmn Lyon, 100; Clara Ferguson, 97; Wllnin Hoag land, 9C; Qoorgo Hanson, 91; Au gusta Mlcklcm, 90. Josephine Thorn hns been obliged to close her school work for the . .. . ...! suiuuBier un luuuuui ui v)v uuu- 3&ia4UUif& &&$i!$fflfi3&& IRVING BLOCK See THE PARISIAN always for high grade merchandise at moderate prices. Tho pupils of tho grade had tho, .i.L .. j in ujiuii uvuij llliur-i -'.. uv.iuui ui. ij ii. in., Willi uie. :30 to B o'clock for tho I ?ucu clnssus nnd compotent teach ftnmtiimnilnf Inn tt linrumirt tit.- ....... -- . tilnnititfn nt llufrmfiitr n Hln P.llllfll uiu v.m...... -.. ... ,...-.-.. ,...- tvot'snin nt 11 ii. m. niiil7:30 n.m. i "" - - Knhln to visit tho library duriug the with sermons- bv Pastor nnasfnr.i Iniulo concert given Friday morn-i tneck n Saturday evening service 'astor Enssford will glvo the first Ing nt ifrolll T 10 a ociock IS UOlllg main- "' " '" "i Burinuii aunuay even rfnlnri . It is Iionofl tint In tie near "' " mo ion (mm Hut llbrarv mnv bo ononei! , WI1 to Date." ' - ' ...i... s a rending room overy evening In "iiu sermons. lithe wcok. I i, Miss .Marvin, mo state i.inrnnan. ...l.n wna (n hnvn linon Iinrn t Ilia wrnl? niiu " " ...-. .-..-... - ...u .. ...... to hell) with llbrnry organization written to say that stnto library tics will keep her in saiom until nt-1 sabbath School nt 10 a. m. unrisunn Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Preaching nt 11 n. m. and S p.m. l'rnvor Meetlnn Weilnenil.iv nvn. nlng at 8 o'clock. tho High School building. In tho weokly spelling test given ftntiliinMftr.irttilu Wlrlnv mnrnltic- tlin Imat prmlntt I VUHIIIIUIIUIIIVIlia ......j ...w....n, .. ... a. ........ They nro worth , woro made by Clnra Ferguson, 100; Plmntni. T1 n n t. r. 1 ft ft A .. tl n C(nla iiiiu ruilliuua. uiliiiiua UUIII1U, AUU, W&lllllk kJkW. i A cordial wclcomo Is extonded to gnrd, 100; Ituth Golden, 100; Wll nin iionginiid, iuu. wcok 4 n hit UXITKI) llUITTIIItKN' CIIUUCH "' ' ,8 ' j KOHTH HKNI) y du- Mrs. 11. N. Lowls. Tastor tcr tlin Leglslnturo meets In January. Then alio will visit Coos county In tho IntorostB nf public llbrnry work. Miss Mnrvcn nlso writes Hint In her report to tho Stnto Legislature she will mention tho North Ilcnd library from Information which alio has gathered from local pross clippings. Tho following now books hnvo boon pitrchnscd and placed on tho llbrnry shelves this week: "Their Yostor- clnys," "Tho Secret Qnrdon," "Told In tho Hills," "At tho Foot of the ltalnbow," nnd"Tompcst and 8un- shlno." A year's subscription to tho JA. L. A. enhiloguo liaH been donntcd. Tho A. L. A. Cntnloguo Is n mnga rlnu .Issued nionthly, descriptive of current books, so that through It tho library will be In constant touch with tho best rending matter Just as It comes from tho press. Through tho nusplcos of tho North Ilcnd Llbrnry Association twenty dol lars hits been contributed In money, and sovornl bundles and boxes of clothing, bedding nnd canned goods havo been collected for tho llolglan suffercrfl. Tho food nnd clothing nro to bo forwarded with tho Marsh-Hold collection to Portland. Tho North ncml school children alone, through tho Inspiration of their teachers, con tributed thirteen dollars for tho llol glan children. This monoy will ho sent directly to tho nolglnn Uellof Committee In Now York. I NOHT Mrs. SIXTH OltADi: Pupils who have mado 100 per cent In spelling lessons nnd test, nro Marcarot Powors. Jonnotto Wll son nnd Herschel CInuson, Glndys Kerrey nnd uvoiyn l-ouncr. FIFTH OUADIO I William Krcltzor and nnd Ervln Storm had 100 In tho nrithmotlc tost this month nnd Forrest Meyer nnd Ervln Storm In tho geography tost. Francis Sacchl, Lorena Iloffmnu, Jnck Collins, Ilolon Perkins, Her bert Murphy, Elwln Church, Qlndys Durrows, Ethol Dnvis, "My, How Good 'They Tasted" You remember those buckwheat cakes and maple syrup that made chilly mornings a dalighf and filled them with the joy of living. Well, we can give you the same thing over again if you will order "KLINGER'S PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR." "ADIRONDACK PURE MAPLE SYRUP" TOWLE'S VERMONT MAID MAPLE SYRUP" A fresh new stock of these appetizing breakfast dishes have just arrived. Remember, we always have tho best in the market and at the LOWEST PRICES. Phone 326 your first order and, you, will never regret it. Let us prove it to you. ' '. .' CONNOR & H0AGLAND South Broadway :::::: Phono 326 aAwT r x vvsvJSw jvlr'" X Artistic Jewelry for Women llroochcB, Pondnntfl, Ear nings, Tollot Sots, Diamond Itlngs, llracolots, Lockets, Chnlns, Watches, Fancy Huck les nnd Hatpins. BERTRAM'S Wo welcome you to nn exhi bition of nil that Is beautiful and prnctlcal , for gift, giving. Early shopping nsaurcg n bottor chnnco to see, nioro lolsuro to 8eleit, tfmo foV engrnvlhg and rli6lco of what U most "desir able OUR DISPLAY OP GIFT IDEAS Is roniarkablo Jn variety and beauty. Useful Jewelry for Men Cold Foljs, Traveling Sptfl, Cnft Links, Stick Pins, Em blem Charms nnd Pins. Wo carry n largo lino of Mnsonlc, Elk, Englc, Mooso Charms and Rings. k Itollnblo Wntclies nt Moderate Cost or as Kino ni nmy Ik? iIchIiwI. Purchase will bo held for"loHv.cry' subject tj yoijr order nrtlslld engraving ' free of charge. .. F. W. BER.TRAM Flno FltON'11 HTHKHT j Til llEN'I) CHIUSTIAN CIIUHCH Q flpiifit tlnlatiM A Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. jiiuio scuooi, i a. m. Evangelical meeting continued ivor today. : 4 XOUWEfilA.V LUTHHKAN'. I Hov. It. O. Thorpe Sorvlroa will tin linl.l In Ihn 'nr. woginn Lutiiornu cliurch at Maish flold Sundny. Sunday school meets nt 10 a. m. Sorvlcos will ho held lu the Mor woglan Lutheran Chapel at North Ilcnd Sunday nt 11 n. m. Sundny school nt 10 n. m, SEVICXTH DAY ADVEXTISTS. I t ...I l.'l.ln.. T 17 rinnlla I IJUIUI 14IUVI, u. .. m1"" iii.i ..... Rovntitli Hnv Ailvnntlaf anrvlrna nrn . t.i ...... xr v.w..... ...v ............. .... ..-..'- I iniui nun nun, - coiiductcd ovory Satirt-day as follows: tIiobo having porfoct test paporsll23",f0 01"o than tho appropriation Snbbnth School at J.0 a. in. L ,. nrn Vii..i,. .Tni....nn for 1814. U bio Study nt 11 u. m. '" "" " "'" '" -....-., mS sninoii, ixsphctio.v and cox- TACIOl'S DIHKASIuS. Tho inpld lnarne In tho cost "(if school lusnectlnn throuahout the Ite- I, uiuuo .,..!. i. tiullo Is nlnrmliiR many cltlsuiis who iiurrowB, r..wiui uhhb, juijiuhu - MeUuRlilln, Krvln Storm, Arnold I vlow wllh 8(,,na c",c,,,n tho e,,,m Sampson, nnd Fred Knight mndo no off,,rt "' oriinll mwl'ml In mistakes in spelling this week. lor08'8 lo r,,'l,0" n ovor-lnrrewliiK I'OUHTH' fJHADIi nrmy of snlnrlod officials on mini Thow hnvlng commendable Wrlt-I0,iml, itnto nml iiatlonal ovormnpiit lug In tho monthly test nro Ail- Be'10"1 InHpoctlnn. nfconlliiK to Hkh. ralno aardner, Nolta anllnughor,1 1'coplo, nffordH n cno In point, nnd nennlo Soronson, Grnco McKlroy, nttontlon Is cnllud to the furl thut Kro Jnrvonon, Virginia Johnson, , "' health nuthorltlos of Now York ii .. nni.,. Mt,., ifnr,inii i nro nskltiK for S6BI.G7U for school t. Ml 11.41 M MJHaHiVJ i 4IU ttavf inspecuon ror tno next yonr, which is TWENTY DAYS TO CHRISTMAS lUMFOHM HOOKKKKPIXC FOK 'PHOXIJ CO.MIA-Nir.rt ICdiiiiiiIksIoii Pi-cscrllios HyMom for C'lnss V, KCfectlVo Jnn. 1. WASHINOTON, Doc. R. A uni form accounting system ror unss O tclephono compnnlos thoso do ing nn- nnnunl business of from $10,000 to ir.0,000 wns today prrsonted by tho Intorstnto Com mcreo rommlsston. Tho now sys tem goes into effect on Jnnuary 1. Tho commission polntod out that, Young People's Society at 3 p. in. Prayor Mooting Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. . I chhistiax scihxci: I rMirlntlnn Srlnnro Hall. 37 Third Street North Virgil LeClnlr, Myrtlo Conklln, , School inspection is said to no in , i.Mi.rnn Knout. Lester Post. Co- Its liunncy. Jts introduction was so- ell Doll, (leorgo Murphy, Wnltor cured In most liistuncim nn tb-s plea Sneddon, Holon Merchant, Steon that It would onnblo tho iiunlth mith Mngnus, Their, k lllnck, Frcdorlc orltloH to stnmp out or rodueo to n ii,.nu,i inmnrimi, r:nfr iiiinrnn iiiliilmum common contnKlous dl- .01 lllllll OliL-Ut, "UIIH I IIUHh'l'"l '"' .,.., .. , Services nt 11 n. m.. Sunday nnd mn.hnnv. Dnnnld rililluv. Kro Jar-isoasos Which wore nnnually cainliiK S p. m. Wednesday. ' ;,,,,,, thu uoodluss death nf n great uiimiier Mrs. W. T. Merchant .visltod tho of ohlldrcit. It wnu pUuillily nrgsd room ono. day this week. ! that the schools woro tho cantors for Til Mil) (iltADi: ' tho sprond of coutiiHlon, nnd thut Tho following hnvo had 100 In mcdlrnl oxnmluntlnii would probably spelling nil tho wcok: Mary Me-jdotoet thso dlsoo nnd reduce them Klnnon, Harry Walp, Gordon Noff, ' to n minimum. Jnrl Nordrum, Mnrk Iloono, Knr-I Accepting theie cUlms. uroat rltlos 'Ino Soronioii, Paul Johnson, An- llko Now York und.CJIcKo Introduc- leustus Iloffmnu. IMItST m.l)K Tho following child roii woro neither nbsont or tardy during tho Abbott, Orllo V Ite WoEC. 5) Coos Bay Stationery Co. Phone 43. , 93 Central Avenue. Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, Foun tain Pens, Stationary, Xmas Cards. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C, Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. donning, rcplrlnK or ncir pUteiw, work Kii.iriuitccd. ";'n CJirbom pnper ilcllvcird. I'lmiio us yonr order. IMiono 1 . Alllanco oHlce. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO, BubleJet: "(!od. tho Only Cause and Crontor." Sunday School nt 12 Sunday. Itoadlng room open every day except .Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. m, I HPiscoi'Aii cmmcii. I tth mid Murket. $ It. B. Urownlng, Hector 8 u. in. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 3 p. in., Service In St. Mary's .. ,. ,t.ll. tlA.1,1 LiUUrCII, OUIIII lion, i. i , . .. . i nnst month:. Glundn o. . tr '" T iiuny wriKiii. Time Is Getting Short. Buy Those Christmas Things Now. i Nineteen Days (o Christmas Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or accident Insurance. You not only iioo.l tho liisurnnco, but you want to bo sure and havo tho correct policy In the bot and moot rollablo company In ' Sco mo or' phono mo nt onco nnd I will oipln'ln It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent MnrHhtlold.300 Coko Ilulltllng. "FT c.vTiHiiTiocnuitcii i xifhlll'IKMI r ...ill iln nlnl,rfllf,M nt 10 lalthough tho linos of a company , ' "' " rnin- by ft0v. 'may ho entlrdly within ono stnto, ytiim McDovltt. ' Nollco 11 ll liaillllClR llliorsilliu jiiuooiih. " , 9 z 1 limiiii - oiiliuiiiuuiiuuni in i.ii, . long dlstunco compnnlos on n com- I CAVSr3 Sl'Sl! !ty" 0ri,K"' w,n ho1'1 ll, rKU,a mission basis or otherwise It U1' nov Father McDovltt 4 nmlnatlon of Tippllonnts for I subject to tho act to roguinio com TILW'IIUHSi4..MI.VA.TI(XK. Is horoby given that the County Superintendent of Coos Coun- r ox- Stnto - n0Vi father McDovltt nmiiiauou u 7iiuio"m im nnu '" Mass will bo colebratod Sunday Certificates at Coqullle, iib follow: mo'rnlng nt S by tho Hov. Fatborj comnionclng Wednosduy, Deeeui- !-'MoDevltt. !... 11! I 'III fit 'I n' n in., anil rmir(n. Tho notlco to tho compnnlos, no- MoDevltt. fconipnnylng tho outline- of tho now f 1w.,iiibt KiiKrniAli. I bystem, btntcs: . 1 I ' jogon, Knotts, I'astor. "Accounting pfflcqrs nro Invitou Suminy school at 10 a. in. lo rnrrnaimn.l with til S OlllCO MnrillllK SefVlCO ni 1 I . ' otit- sliouhl question nrlso with regard ,,. ..A json from Hohoboam." to tho correct Interprotntion of any An nt0 cordially Invited. .account or rule proscribed ... no '-'"0 Thursday system of accounts, n ordor that .Jn'0.r r"u0b.u,r uniformity may bo secured In tho, prayer Meeting Thursday oven- ibr Hi. 1911. at ti o'clock a. in., nnd noiitlnuliiK until Snturdny, Dacoinbor 111, 101 1, nt I o'clock p. in. ItAY.MO.Nl) K. IIAKHIt. od compulsory Insiiootlon; yet the vl tnl tatlstlca or tlios cities, during rccont yonrs, since tho Introduction of this Innovation, soem tu sustain , tho charge that Inspection bus slg-; nnlly failed In acpompllnh tho proiu- lsl rosults. In .New York, for ox-j nmplo, official table for diphtburln. ' scarlet fovor. BiimlluoN. whooplmr, eoimh, croup nnd mumps, from l'JOU to 1912 Incluslvo, how (bnt In t.'e' first iruuiwl yar theeo ce ngre- atd 19,071. 13vry iirPfK-diiiK 04ir hIiows an liioonse over thetM fliiinw, until 1918, when the totul HU.ulmr of ohsob ww SI. 11 0. I In ChlenKQ. weordliiK to the of ficial tablet for th dlKiiMS dur-, Ins; the past Ix erii, th In ' , 190ft nwicifHtcd 80418. Bvwry am icmidlni! vcar shows atondy and' marlod liionmsv In thww flxHrt's. un , " til 1918, whon tho cKiflU xinR4tu , HAIXTV ANM) IIIFKRItliNT Xmas Greeting Cards nlso STK'KlflltS. HUAI.H, TAUS. OII.-I'AINTKI) CAMiiNOAItH 01' I.OCAIi VIHW8, 1 nW- R.ehf eld's Ulid (Vulml Ave. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotol. MAUKIIl'IKIil), OlUtfJO.N I IMPORTANT EVENTS I 'CHIME lOl.lrf AT ! THE COOS HOTEL' I lformorly of Mnrshflold WAHHI.NGTO.N AVKNI'H I KTAHOKN rSTKKKT I SOUTH IJKSH O. A. .Mclllii, Prop. SO HAV KDOKfl . on i- VOlJIt COLIiAlW If you have them Uundcre4 M TWIN CITY HTIUM IjAtJVT)Il SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA WINTF.R SHORT COURSE JAN. l'30 Agriculture Includlne ARronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dnlrylng. Horti culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insect. Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream ery Management, Marketing, etc. Hq no HcoiiOMilc.i, Including Cook- . Inc. Home Nursing, Sanitation, Se Ing. Dressmaking nnd Millinery. Commerce, mcludliiK Business Mart ocement, Rural l:conomcs, Builnesj Law, Office TralnlnR. I'nrm Acotint Inc. etc. HiiRlnccrliiK. Ineludlnp C.?J .1. I fJH.IUi.H.IIni , aiDIVDIit illlU UUilUKUIIUIIIK. I PARMBRS WKUK-FEUKUARY 1-6 A Reneral clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas os the most pressing problems nf the times. I.eCtilres by le.idlne authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, t stltutes and numerous corresponuenn iNtmiCASK ix run us :tS,039. j I., Illicit nlllna. not wlLhataillllUK the , I "" mniiinl niinrniirlntlou fr lHHUtI(in, I A rovtalon of tho Mnrshflold Mlilii. ,.,-,, wara llol raiilimi I o..i.Ani Aonoiia nliniVB n tntnl nf OCO . I GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOMK OF THE wliool oensus shows n total or juo i ,nHmi,Wi u promised. mUior' pflnil I AO nrul POnn here, an Increase of f.fty-two over J """"" ' r0Bler CADILLAU HHU I UKU AUTO HWl'UUH FOIt A Mi MAKICS OF CAHH .117 Criltral A v. Phono :I7!-I ROOFING ' REPAIRING. CONTRACTING. RflOF NG MATERIALS. I courses on request. "V-ri to ,,n SnicMT MUSIC: Piano, StrlnR, Band, -Vplce. rULIO MIMU UUIIIUIVI J. L. BRICE B. 110. P. 89. Np tuition. Reduced rates on all rslh roads. Por further Infi rma Ion address, The Oregon Acrlcullural Collejce, (twIMlol-l) COUVAUJd. ORUOOIl othod oi auiviu.u... consus ronenps mo ono unimwiiu . ,h sururlnliiK In Ilol)1sou wll .in. at ,. ,ho Mnrshflold district will u Jf-, '"i, ,. Mrs. Itohlnsou wu sihk . ,niarK. tiio .Mnrsuiioiu wsinoi. ".",.,.. in.rtri.voil sanl morning service nnd Mrs. Uullman ' Be ona ol the flr6t clas8, r,l of llj-uw 1 1 . I at tho ovonlns sorvlco . ........IHIWIMH A V I VOHTII IlK.M' l'IU" "'" Itev Frederick Shlmlan. Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching. 1 1 fl. n- , Christian Bndoavor, 1 p. ta. Proachlng, S p. in. CHRISTIAN CIIITHCH Samuel Gregg. Minister, . . Residence, 280 Norm Kievenin l'none i". -! quiring flvo directors " I WHEN SANTA WAS A DQY, tnry condltlrns f f clinnge. nnniirntinii nf tin nrovlslons. I inr nt 7:30 o'clock. i Inst year. It Is bollovod that thoue a.,,i,u. l "As nn aid to tho smaller tele-, 7:aB . m., Kvenlng s": JflRuro. are final When tho school ge of ,.auUtlon; nnd nhono romnanlM In tho kooplng of TH Method of Solvation. coniU, roaches tho ono thousand ' "' " ' r ' ..,.,., ... I " . at.. .. .. mil ulmr Cthclr nccounta (hero is contninou m tho nppendlx n bookkeeping sys tem for smnll tolophono companies. fThls form of bookkeeping is sug- igestlvo only, and It Is not roquirod 'that tho companies innko uso of it (Cither In wholo or In part. The ! comnanles mnv for tho prosont I mlinf n.... LAnlrlAAnlnl. RVftfnTll tlieV deslro. so long as tho ono adopted win product) tho results heroin pre- i scribed." BUY THE VERY BEST : .Marshfield BUTTER i LlCUIIICiy crr.- b- WALL PAPER See VIERS About jt- lb TAKKX TO COQUIIJ.K CoiiBtablo Cox left this aftornoon for Coqulllo with a man named nrown, who was sentenced by Jus- t tiro Pennock to ten days In Jail I for stealing a roll of blankets. An- ! other man named Scott who got away -with tho blankets has not been found vet. Tho blankets were taken from tho rear room of Chas. i User's saloon. .- - fniiows at the Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular services every Sunday. Bible School at 10:00 n. m. Preaching service II a. ,m. and 7:30 p. m. - SWKIHSH nVAXOHMCAIt I.LTIIKKA.V CIIUUCH. - r. rfanrrronn. I'lihLtJi , I Residence '204 Highland avenue Phone 91-R. Morning service. " " Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. No Evening Service. - MirriiomsT church Rev. A. S. Hisey. Pastor. Norm Menu The services Sunday vH he as rt'lIK?.' Santa was a llttla boy. ' ' Ttie ame aa nn or you, 1 vondr whero dIJ b'ania ll And what did Santa doT J wonder wat hla home up north, Clot by tho jcoid north ikII Old Santa have to chop llio wood And carry all tha coalT Did Santa have to clean the pa'ha And tote thing, frorn the atorc? Hid Santa have to mind tho UW And aoothe the bab)- roar? DM Santa have to atay Indoora And work on hontd auro. Jndead of Kotnc OUt to alcato Or coaitlnu with hit chumaT No matur what ho said or did, I ild crown folk ilwnly ay, "Urnare. nd tm a Leller hoy; Twill won be ChrUtmaa day? jCo wonder, then, wlto lugK like this, That lo a Mint he isrew Aiid knowa at Chrlitinaa lime Jut what MERCHANT'S CAFE Unnn aw nlnna TOf I . .. r ii iiiifii iiii.r iui i rnnnuH' V . ii-,!-. Sunday School at 10 a. m. n0y like lo have and do. GOOCl MealS. Clrcj0 nnd Epworth League : , Prlnoc RnnRnnnhlfi. . i n m (. Pnr PnmmorMfil . R'dw'V I Sermons by the P-or at nam. i B Individuality ul tMj-WKKQQyKMHI Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between nny polnti n Marshfield nnd do goaoral hauling 'or reuronnble rates, ' 4TII THANSI'KIt K RTOIIAOR CO Levi Helsner, Proprlefiir Phones: 1UO-.1. 40-1., "H-It . MA 1)17 IJNDKIt HA.VITAHV COMHTIONH IN A CI.I.AN AMI MODKHN F.VOTOltV. &TKItIl.l7.ltll Ml I.K .. ANII CRKA.M. PURE ICE IS'bw Sfodvls "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET"- HOSE , S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend 1 -, . r- COQS UAV TMI' v I WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS IIUV AN UP-TO-TIHWIINUTB . WAU MAP WII1I.K Tlia SUPPLY IaSTS j Tficy Are. doing Fast 1 i ti n nri u; Commutalion Tickets $2.00 Hirahfleld-Nortlf Hcnd Aoto Lint nr. mvit) ten iiiIiiiiK-n frtim 1 m to 12 p. in.? to Smith HU tigli onto a iLiy, loaflni; it 11 it. ni.s to Kiiilllrj' llir. InjiH ii day. ( (itJItHT 4 KIN'O. Propa. r. i. RCAU'l. C A. II. HODQINP Marshfield" KAr, t0 latliiiiiim ruriilshrd Itione nilD-J. Mjtrdlifuld, Orrgun Firo delivery, K n. in. mid ti p, Phono 7:1. AIN'T IT Till: TRUTH. Wo novor blniue the tailor when our pants wo havo to pin, W never blamo tho shoo man when our soloa grow old and thlu, Wo never blame tho hatter when our lids tvo have to flout. Hut wo always blamo tho latin- dry when our shirts woar out. COOS HV HTKAM I.AUMIRV i Phone fi7-J. .- I nf.' i 1 0U AUTO CALL ! t FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS rour good cars with careful driver I'm- dnr service, phono 14-t-J. IIImiii'ii ItllUrd Parlors. Kor lKit service, Phone 3-l Itlgttt CWe. D. L F00TE. . CITY AUTO & TAXI C04 HA AMI XSJjUIIL' bUIIVIUM I For taxi, phone l3, Ideal Cafe. For touring cars, pbona Chandler Hotel I.VNN MMUKTir, Vt9. New Cabs t t Nftif Out 1 015 It! 4 'I .1 I WWK WUIIIIIIWIW.vs. - . j g p m, w i n i . i 1 1 iii i iii i i I "ir miiiiiiiw ;imnjiij ' j . 1 J " lJi' TI :ifn r-J."M::j d'uilliyiiitUi ..iii, .ii.....;.! in i ,i . iMjgy- isiii' :it?i. mi41ll rf :i jt ?ii' i