MmimiimmwMlBMmMmmimimmmtMMimiimkiS? it! mm ii'im ff THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. .SIX THE MIT MILE IB EUROPE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS ,-,. i i - - , ' E. Lothard MoClure attorney at law Practices In nil courts, loom 11!, Flnmiguu & Dennett llnnl. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE Wr AmwHIkI rrrnd In Coo IUjt Tlmp. 1 WASHINGTON, Dec 3--Tho Am erican nriny mulu need liao no fenr for his lnurels becnuso of the great part gasollno motors liavo plnycd In transportation problems tho ordnance bureau Is now content t0 await tlio results or tlu evpcrl tneiits of the iiuarterinaster's de partment In self propelled nrmyj transportation units. Mules and lioisos nro good enough for American of European armies In the present nrtlllormcn as yot. , war. Until American roads generally in connection with tho newest are broiiRht up to the high standard heavy slego pieces designed for tho of the roads of Germany, liclgluin,' American army, It was proposed re Franco and other European conn-gently to experiment with European tries, tho nrmy mule will determine nnsollno traction engines. Arrange- through his capacity for hauling, tho limitation of operations for Ameri can military forces. Only one branch of the American army Is giving serious attention to motor traction. In th0 iiuarterinas ter's department experiments nro be ing made, particularly nloiig tho Tex as border, with handling supplies In motor trucks. Motor trucks nro In pchoral use, of course, about army posts and wherever good roads nro available; but when maneuvers take tho columns Into tho field and the oandy or muddy country roads, wher0 monts were under way for the Impor tatlon of ono of these at tho time tho European war hroko out. Now every englno of that character has been turned to actual usu nbroad nml Instead of Importing automobiles 8enjamin OstHfld H. H. Harper house huildeh Gcnornl Repairing and Cabinet Making. bone 349-J. I. M. Wright Tliono 1H8-H. IJUILDINO CONTItAUTOIt Estimates furnished on request Or. H. M. Shaw 1 Eye, Enr, Noo nml Throat. GLASSHS FITTED OK. MATTIE II. SHAW i Diseases of Women nml Children Office Phono 330-.J. Ilooms 200, 201. ' 202, Irving Block. HROW LINE STEAMERS -SAIL FHOM- rian Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Phono 27. Ooii Hay Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To 8nn Frnnclsco THOMAS It. .IAME.H, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albors Dock No. 3 Evory Saturday 0 A. M. Mnrsliflold. J or motor trucks, tho United States Is shlplpug them abroad for tho use of armies t lie re. In many wnys, army officers bo llove, tho present war will havo little effect on tho development of Ameri can military transportation equip; mont. Tho armies of Germany, Franco, and to bojiio oxtcnt England, mere wheel tracks across tho conn- nro equipped to fight In the highly try aro tho only highways, tho six-, developed territory which Is tho mule team Is master of tho transpor- present theater of war. Transfer thorn tatlon situation. A few years ago It was determined to experiment wlth motor transpor tation as a means to Increase the ra dlus of field artillery. Tho most nvallublo subject for this purposa was tho battery wagon, carrying tho for ges for gun repairs nnd horseshoo Ing and also for saddler's equipment. Ono such wagon accompanies every battery of artillery In tho field. It trails along In tho rear of tho column nnd docs not go Into action. Thus Its activities aro largely confined to roads, although tho battery Itself must go cross lots by Gold nnd ntrcam to tako positions against an approaching hostile force. Foncrnl Crozlor, chief of tho nrmy ordnance bureau, designed n motor battory wagon which was tried out In manouvers. It proved a flat fail ure, for It was so heavy that It hroko to tho United States nnd tho greater part of their motor equipment nnd much of tholr heavy artillery would bo found almost useless, It Is said. They would linvo to ho ro-oiulppcd with horso and mule transportation. Tho difficulties encountered by Gor mnn troops who crossed tho Husslau border, oflfcers sny, wero thoso of transportation. Poor roads mndo It Imposslblo for thorn to move guns nnd supplies as their tactical train ing directed. Several big guns were lost without having fired a shot, It Is reported, hecauso they could not ho wlthdinwn swiftly. Tho United States nrmy employs motorcycles to soino extent for or derlies carrying messnges. Even this Is limited by road conditions, how-1 over, nnd whllo suggestions for a ' motorcyclo corps hnvo hen mndo, sor-1 Ions nttentlon has not been given to CONSULTING ENGINKEU AND ARCHITECT Offices, 206 Irving Block 'hono 103-J or 2C7-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregot W. G. Chandler AHCIIITKOT looms 301 nnd 302, Coko Dulldlni Itarshfiold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen architect Mnrshfleld, Orogon. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MEI ICAIj GYMNASTICS FOIt A Till DISEASES 437 Commercial uve. Phono SM2-J HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. HOTEL DOTSON O. A, Hanson. Proprietor Now open under now uianugomuuL A homo placo with homo cook ing served In family stylo. Hoard m room, ta 50 ner week, 31R through bridges, sunk to the hubs In j tho subjoct as yet. A cavalry horso1 soft roads and generally hampered .still unsworn tho purposes of tho nr-j tho battory to which It wns attached I my hotter than nny other menus of Tho experiment wns abandoned and communication by oniony. A Daring Rider Comes to Grief, SAVE MONEY by onleilng tho famous 1 01 L Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump Coal, por ton 90.00 Bui Pluckily Resumes Her Work!r' ,ia" t0" f Tmusso??,' Phono 1H-.T, or Icavo orders all lllllycr'H Cljrar fitorn. PAHIH1AN CLEANING AND - DVEING WORKS 200 West Markot Avo., corner Second Stroot. Undor now mnnagomont. Prices low, and all work satisfactory. Ladles' Mojk a specialty. Phono 170-J. J. S. STEVENS, Prop. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ( j (Formorly tho Coos Hotel) j Steam heat, hot and cold water.. j No liquor. j Wo Invito you to Invostlgnto our j i j winter rates. Special Inducement j when two or nioro persons occu- j py samo room. j M FLORENCE CRMF0RDSERRIFlC FALL 00 dn"ThE MODEM r1ES5ME' new Reliance -Mutual photoplay i In u vivid story whose t-cenes nro laid nlonjj tho Mexican border Florence Crawfoid plays the role of May, u wealthy rancher's daughter. She Is kid naped by Mexican bandits, who wilte her father that unless a huge ransom Is forthcoming she will bo killed. May Is forced to write this ransom begging letter, Hut she manages to slip n mesxiigo over on them In very clever fashion and thus tells her father when she Is being held. Thnt much Is the basle story of "The Hidden Message." Hut there ne- cured one hi cue In (he Maying of this Reliance-Mutual photo drama that ! wasn't according to Iloyle. The scilpt called for May's capture by the bandits when she leaned over a water pool to get a drink, her horse's reins through her arm. While she was galloping at full speed across tho prairie, eomlng Into camera netlou. the 1 woe's near fore leg lauded on some Mft shale that protected a gully, Instantly the shale gave way and pieclpltated Imtli rider and animal Into tho gully. The camera posted near by got the terrllle fall. Miss Crawford mid her hooe weie stunned for a long time, but the plucky girl, nfter recovering her m-iikcs. Insisted on going through the scene as It was oilglnally planned. And now the director Is wondering whether to use the Mene that Mas written or the scene that occurred, having Miss Crawfoid' capture effected while she Is unconscious. , CHIMNEYS FIHK PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of IJrlok Wonk at Prices Thnt Aro night And all Work Guaranteed Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Uldg.. 137 Bocoud St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Ilollor Work LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. Abstract!, thoroughly dopondabla. Imme diate sorvlco, prompt attention to all intorosts of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Who Said War Prices? Wo are not guilty; as th following will testify: Tomatoos -Standard Pack, No. 2 J-2 tins Now Sloek Guaranteed, per paw of two doun cans $2.00 Can you beat this price? Coffer, a good blend, at 20 cents per pound. Havo )ou tried our eggs at 10 cents por dozen. If not, you nro missing a good thing and not willing to savu money. During tho next week we will soil M. j. H. Coffee, tho kind that you hnvo always paid 10c to 1.1c a pound for, our price 30c per pound In five pound cans. Wo can nlwnys savo you money If you trado with us. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House PHONE SJOI.J, - MATT L. MAY Western Oregon ItoprosontaMvo of HAAS IlltOTHEHS (liipnilets nnd Wholesale Grocers Marshfleld, Oregon Tel. 30 l-lt. lies. Myrtle Arms AND CLAMS, CHADS, FISH OVSTEHS If you aro particular about tho shell fish you oat, get ac quainted with us. COOS HAY OYSTKIl CO. at Palaco Meat Mkt., lfroadway INTER DGEAM THAHSPOHTAT DM Retni-weekly sorvicc Coos Bay and San .Francisco. ISH Ml no SAILS FltO.U MAKKHFIELD KOH SAN 1-'HANCISC) AND SAN PEDHO SUNDAY, DECEMIlEll 0 AT JO A. M. Equipped wltU wirotess and submarine boil. Passengers and freight. We Can Help You Tho esrvlro of this Dank will hob, vm. , when we can render nuy servico i connection " of money or, the transaction of any fnnncIal Lu "" deposits lu nuy nniount, either checkln,. ... . . "' li)l checking or nsfliiro ohsoluto safety for all rumia 'UNDEH THE UNITIID I-. '! ,nicret 1(1,1,1 . J Qlltrimfr.,1 i- 'H'l tu l0 our ear. STATUS CiOVEKNMENT HUPKItVlsiON. NliSI Mill II II OF COOS BAY Svcby Deposit Jloxcs For lient, qTF rap II iT uiLniviui Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passwitrera and freight. SAILS FltOM SAN FIIANOISCO I 'Oil COOS HAY SATt'KDAY, DECEAIHEIt 5, AT !l P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier Ho. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGEonau, Phone 44. KQUIPPKD WITH WIKKLKH4. S!amshjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMB. SAILS FltOM HAILHOAD DOCK, MAHKIiriELD, DECEMIIKIt ."Til AT l A. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT POIITLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTJI AND OAK flTHEETS, 1'OHTLAND. Phono 5IB.J. C. IJ. Ii;NDEItS, Acnt FLHieilKDEMEiril OLDEST HANK IN COOH Ct)U,VTY KstublMicd 1880. Capital, Surplus and Und r,. Profits $115,000 ivi Interest Paid on Tlmo l)iM)lu Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. H. Flanagan, Vlre-Prcildcnr. It. F. Wlllliiiut, CaMilcr. (Jco. 1'. U'lm hestrr, Aut. (9 TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with iib for a good many years and a lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durnblo framing material nt the right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spond and wo'll gut busy with our poucll and flguro out tho best your uonoy can buy. Try us. , ., K C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HKTA I L DEPAI OTMENT CUT THE FUKL HILL I TWO IIY USING OUK WOOD PirONK Kin 182 SOUTH HHOADWAV A Telephone For Xmas" What will a J.ousowlfe appreciate more ns a Ctirlsthiu tlQlk a telephonu? Slut nnd nil the rnmlly will bu truly thinkfilbi ovory day In tho year. Ask Inc .I office for rates to )oo. , DO YOPH SHOPPINU I.'AIM.Y. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO FIHST NATIONAL HANK liril.lllJiO, i COOS BAY AMD EiUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS FIMMI SAN FHANTISCO KVEHY TEN DAYS SAN FIIAXGI.Sro ,vOCK UNIQN STHi:ET N'O. 2, I'IKIt 10. E. .1. LINDEN, Frt. J(eiit. Telephono l)ou. 2070. i-i. . n .' n Li.J iiecrric vorree rercoiaiurs: i For Christmas Gifts Specially Price 1 $5.00 To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TIIK FAST AND COMFOIITAI1LK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOKTII C. V, MiGKOHOE Phono 44, Marshfleld Hfl PACIFIC STEA3I8IIIP CO. AGENT W. H. TAINTEE Phono 421, North Bend Coos Bay Faraneirs ige J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete lino of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivsry to any part of Marshfield. All we ask Is a trial order to convince you that we are here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. The Lowest Prices ever made on electrical p for Christmas have been achieved this yearwj operative effort of electrical supply u '- chants, manufacturers and our company. .INEXPENSIVE SHOP NOW BUY ELECTRICAL GIFTS CHARMING P0ACTK r.,..x!., x . Unrl tn bllV UW? ciuciricai presents uiu uiu '',u 1r0l nrl fentw' I want to make your money go farthest romnmhr-nnna uihinh will Vied tlie UtnlO" ' , I K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Ajjeacjr LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES HTOHED M)OS COUNTY'S .MOST CO.MPI.KT1 MACHINE SHOP &IAHINE AND AUTOMOIHLB UEINMRIXO GASOLINE FOH SAL -IORTH FHOVT ST. PHONE IHW UATTE1UES HEPA1UED AND OUARQKD ure and utility. See Complete Lines at- Abstracts FOH IIELIAIH.E AHSTHA(T.S OF TITLE AMOPT AND INFORMATION COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. .MARSHFIELD AND COQl'lLLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSID'-: AND SKNGSTACKEX'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CAN ) VN PACIFIC RAILROAD LVNDS HENRY SENGSTACREN, MANAGER C. A. Langworthy Marshfield Electric Cont. Oregon Power CW WOOD i ...Ui f Itest ""... Times Want Ads Bring Results F0r " 'ntfUjO n. ft US vU PPer Ae nilinnn i in mnnnvisn i ! -.. iVrnnt "' UMMrtltLU'Ii WUUUIrtnu i :ua norm troBt Htreoi, f Pilose 870. AT- 1