m . ,:!,;; ,.,;;V::fe-f.ittiafe;,'!i!i I -&.vmiwiiimtim)timmiiJKmmimiiuti& JHWWffr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ' Zfive We D No Cutting 1 In the quality of our Merch andise Whether it is A SUIT OF CLOTHES AN OVERCOAT A RAINCOAT A PAIR OF SHOES ' . A HAT Or anything; that men wear vmi the BEST HERE and THE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST THE TWO MARSHFIELD Just Before Christmas Bargains There is nothing nicer for a man or a boy than a good sweater. In order to accommodate early Christmas shoppers, we have decided to hold a special sale for. three days only. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY of our line, making marked reductions in the prices. They will not only be most acceptable Christmas pres ents but they will be serviceable. Here are a few of the prices: Men's pure wool, Shaker Knit Coat Sweater, in Oxford, Cardinal and Brown; regularly priced, $6.00, now only $4.95 Men's pure wool, Shaker Knit Coat Sweaters; regularly 1 priced, $5.00, now only 54.15 Men's -Shaker Knit Coat Sweaters, dark and Oxfords; regularly, $3.50, now only $2.60 Men's Shaker Knit Coat Sweaters, the regular $2.75 values, now for only $2.10 Men's heavy Coat Sweaters, in Gray and Cardinal col ors, the regular $2.50 kind for only $1.95 Men's heavy Coat Sweaters, the $1.50 kind, now only $1.15 'Men's Jersey Sweaters, in ularly $3.00, now only Boys' regular $2.00 Coat Boys' regular $1.50 Cijat Boys' regular $1.50 Jersey These are all remarkable values, un sale at reduced prices only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. W. H. DINDINGEH b CO. BUNKER HILL DEPT. STORE. ACTIVITY! A-C-T-I-V-I-T-Y solls success In Ronl Estnto Circles There Ih mora activity and actual development work going on In Porham Park than any othor rosldonco district on Coos Day nnd this work will continue nit wlntor. An Investment ham Park will pay than any similar Invostinont onool Hay for n homcslto thero Is none hotter. Close InIota sold on easy,, payments, "SEE HKIB ABOUT IT." HE IE IE E HOME Of BIG ffATURES AND VAUDEVILLE. Madge Do Witt, dramatic soprano, slug all new songs. Ilurbank and Danforth, high class auslcal urtlHts In nn.entlre change. rho Syndtcuto Film Corporation fesents the eleventh eplsodo of bio Million Dollar Mystery" entlt- "1N TUB PATH OV TDK FAST f I HESS" by Harold McClrath in ' reels, Keystono Comedy ontltled "Ma- s New Job." featuring ilanei rman. I'SOPHIK OP THE FILMS," a fat serial comedy with Victoria rue. Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran I'A TOUCH OF HIGH LIFE." foa- ng Charlie Do Forrest. HKKLS OF ALL NO. 1 PIC- itki:s a ma vaudeville ICTS CAN VOL' HEAT IT FOH U.MLSSlOX: Ixiwer floor, 13o; llulcony, 10c. Ilere tomorrow night, Tho Mutual No, 3 ITeuiptatlon" Special Ithreo-reel MB ftTRE TONIGHT ima. FIXUP stores: NORTH ItlSXI) Navy and Dark Oxford: rea- S2.45 Sweaters for only $1.60 Sweaters for only $1.20 Sweaters for only $1.20 t mndo now In Per- I pay bigger dividends ,1 r Invostinont on Qpool W. A..Reid-150 Front st. Office Open Evenings, 7 to 8. ' AMONG THE SICK 1 Mrs. W. S. Doxby, who has boon suffering from a sevoro attack of throat trouble, Is much Improved. A. E, Neff was able to out yester day nftor being confined to his homo by u threatened attack of la grippe. Mrs. J. P. Maloney of Day City Is recuperating after a wook's blego of la grippe. Abol Engstrom of Bunker Hill !who has been confined at Morey Hospital with an attack of porlto nitis following appendicitis, Is get ting along nicely and will bo taken homo sobn. Noah Ulack of Gardiner Is re cuperating rapidly at Moroy Hos pital nnd tomorrow will bo tnken ,to tho homo of his undo, Henry Hlack. on South Fifth street-where ho will remain whlla qpnvalosclng. I Charles Slestrom of Ten Mile U nsaln aiding and will leave soon for California In hopes that a change of cllmato will benefit his health. lj-fe,BSffll&DinKU Surgery and Dlsoasos of Women a Specialty. . Office 307 Coko Bldg Phono 229-J Ites. Myrtle Arms. Phono 301-L ' Dig DANCE KUJLE.V hall HAT IKD.YY night. KKVZKIl orchestra. BREVITIES weather forecast I I III, AmocUIM Prn to foot Hr TlmM.l OREGON Probably rain In west; rain or snow In east; with j southeast winds. - LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD j For tho 21 liour8 ending nt 1: 13 n. in., Dec, -1, by BonJ. Ostllnd,' special government me- tcorologlst: j Maximum 17 Minimum 31 At 1:13 n. ni 38 Precipitation OC Precipitation since Sept. 1, I 1911 25.71 Precipitation samo porlod j Inst year 1C.07 j Wind: Southwest; cloudy and j rainy. I born. QU HHK To Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Queer nt their homo In Hnugor, a nine : pound son, Mother mid child nro I doing nicely. Ho In their second child, tho first being n daughter. Will llulld Fireplace J. N. Rny- llss has secured n contract for build ing a flroploco In tho Chnrles Sehroo der homo nt Norway. Sou Ih III. Ilobert Marsdcn, Sr., left today for OrlomiB, Calif., In re sponse to a telegram announcing that his sou, Sam, who Is conducting n thorter there, wus critically III. Had No Light. Iiecauso ho lind no light on his bicycle and It was dark Nick Stambono has appeared be fore tho pollco Judge nnd dropped ?u Into Uio city treasury. i Richard-1 In Smilimiiini. Wnlter son mid Henry Illschop returned ycs- terdny from Portland, where thoy placed Mrs. Illschop In n sanitarium. ner condition Is rnthor serious, hut they are hopeful that she will lin-l provo soon. Admit led to .Society Two mem bers liavo loen voted Into tho Coos and Curry County Medical Society which held Its annual meeting on Thursday. They wero Dr. II. M. shaw and Mrs. Dr. Mnttlo Shaw. CIom) K.t house. J. II. Bridges has decided to forocloso on tho Or phciim moving plcturo houso mid tho jilnco will bo kopt closod until It can be disposed of nt sheriff's sale, as Tower Brothers are unablo to pay tho claims. Arc Partners. Messrs. J. F. To- ' lander nnd O. Hlbnrgor, woll known Mnrsi.fleld contractors, aro forming a partnership, and will mako a strong ' combination In tho building business, Thoy will bo prepared to do nil kinds of genornl contracting. . .Iiiht Plain "Soiisoh." Jim Aknrs ' and Bill Bates canio boforo tho Po llco Court this morning with but vague answers In defense of their I condition of early last evening whon they wero picked up from tho streots wuter-logged mid placed behind tho ' bnrs. Neither ono ot them had any money to pay fines. Special Sermon. At the olovou o'clock sorvlco in tho Episcopal Church tomorrow, tho Hector will deliver tho second In tho series of special advent bormons, which nro attracting many strangors and others outsldo tho regular congregation. Tho subject tomorrow will bo: "Tho Christ of Experience." Go (o Convention Judge Hall nnd County Commissioner Armstrong loft today for Portland, whoro thoy will attend tho stnto mooting of tho county commissioners and county Judges which will tako up road ' building and county government. Commissioner Dement nnd Engineer- ' elect McCuUooh of Bandon expect al so to bo In attendance. 1 Buy Biihliiovs. A. P. Beheld has purchosed Chos, G. Itehfeld's Inter est in Itohfeld Brothers' store ou ( Central avenuo and will continue It as U.o sole proprietor nnd will change the name to Itehfeld's. Chna. Kelt feld will go to California, whoro he , will spend tho winter and may locate permanently. A. P. It eh fold has long been associated In tho business ' and his future success In It Is as sured. r Sent to Poor I'linii. Charles Brown, aggl CO, liiimun derelict, was Ring with friends. roninndod to tVo county poor farm1 WILLIAM RICHARDS, of Coos Rlv- jesterday following his examination, or, was among tho business vUl- as to sanity yostorday afternoon In tors In tho city today. j tho office of Judge Hall by Dr. Mln- WILLIAM BEATTIE roturned homo giis. Brown was In a broken phys-l UiIb monilng aftor n visit with his leal condition and enrae In "tatters brother on Coos River. and rags." Ho had at oije time been ' MRS. CHARLES SCHROEDER of J a cook around North Bend. , Norway Is In tlio city visiting her Mother Dangeaxmsly HI. Dr. j frlond, Mrs. Charles Baxter. Everott Mlngus recolvod a telegram CHARLES MAHAFFEY and daugh tbls morning calling him at once to ter were In tho city from Coos tho bedside of his mother in Ash-1 River on a shopping trip today, land Sho Is 111 with cane or and Is G. J. ARMSTRONG, County Commls- not expected to Jlvo Dr Mlngus left on the Dreakwater for Ashland and expects to be gone for several das. Elected Principal Word is rc- colvcil hero that ex-Prlnclpat A. L. ! Marker ot tho Mnrshfleld High' School, has Just been elected head of tho big high school at Paso Ro blos, Cat., nnd rocs thero Monday fo tako tip his now duties at nn nn nual salary of $1750. Mr. Barker loft hero last Juno nnd spout tho .Summer doing special woik In tho University of California nnd this Fall has been In substitute work In tho Oakland High School. Circuit Court Convenes. The December term of Circuit Court'wlll bo convened In Coaulllo Monday morning. At 'tho samo time tho Brand Jury will begin Its work. The first few days of the court, It is ex pected, will bo devoted, to hearing 1 complaints nnd getting tho machin mMIn, it, ..... I ery of tho law In working order for' tho work coming inter. To Discuss Coffro Club. Thlr-j teen representatives of thirteen or- gnnlznllons of tho city will meet Mon dny afternoon at 1 o'clock In tho of-j fico of W. A. Kohl to discuss tho I CoBfc'o Club plans, investigate tho financial support and dccldo per haps definitely whether or not thero' will bo a coffee club organised In the city. Tho organizations that will ho' represented nro tho Chamber of1 commerce, Fellowship Club, tho flv0 churches, Labor Council, Civic Club, ' Progress Club, W. C. T. U., College I Women's Club, Library Hoard. A letter was addressed to nil these bod ies a week ago by Ilonnott Swnuton, i following tho first meeting held. ' PERCY GIBBS wns a visitor today from North Inlet, HAHUY WATERS of North Inlet wns hero todqy ou lntslnesH. TOM HALL went to North Ifuntl on huslnesH today, (1. A. MILLER wns a buslncBS visitor from Cntchlng Inlet today. NICK SHEETS, of tt.o Coos Day Creamery, was in tho city today. CHARLES HEAR, of North Inlet, came down today on htislnosR. MH. AND MHS. W. A. CULVER wore hero today from Catching Inlet. almihi) muismjll wnH n liuslncss visitor today from Cntchlng Inlet A. E. KAItDIOLL was a business .vis itor In tho city today from Cutis Itlvor. NOEL NOAH, of Coos Itlvor, enmo down this morning ou n business tlmo for additional touches to tho trip. effort mid says It will not bo given E. D. MYEItS wiib n visitor In tho to tho public until nfler tho original jejty on business today from Lnko- has boon forwarded to tho man Into sldo. I whoso keeping has boon entrusted MBS. F, 11. HOOD, of Coos Itlvor, 'tho fighting strength of England's was a business visitor In tho city forces. Orogonlnn. today. W. J. KING and his mothor ennio FltEEJ FltEKI FltKKI A largo down this morning from Cntchug!loll given frco to the customer pur- Inlet. dinning Hio most from Monday, Do. II. G. HINDMAIISII, engineer of the comber 7 until Cliilslnum Eve. Call Willamette Pacific, was In tho city ovornlght. F. G. MESSEULB enmo down from Catching Inlet ou tho Wuh-tn-Wnso this morning. Mlt. AND MllS. W. N. MOBLEY wero, down shopping today from Catch lug Inlet, MItS. J. A. WAUD and her mothor wero visitors In tho city today from Mllllcotnn. AUGUST CAHLSON, of Coos Itlvor, enmo down on tho Mllllcomu this morning. DICIC PBTE11SON, of Allogany. was' among tho business visitors In the city today. OTTO HILL wns hero attending to soma matters from Coos Itlvor this morning. JOHN POUTEH cuino down on tho boat this morning from Lis homo ut Allegany, MISS ESTHER HOLMES, of Coos Itlvor, was hero today shopping and visiting. JOE NOBLE, of Lakeside, was down today attending to soma mutters of business. IVY NOAH, of Coos Hlvor, came down on tho .Mllllcomu this morn ing ou business. UOY LANDIHTH was among tho business visitors in tho city today from Coos Hlvor. GEORGE STEPHENSON of North Bend wns a Marshfield business visitor today. MR. AND MRS. W. I. BONEBRAKE, of Ross Inlet, wero shopping visi tors hero today. ENGINEER II. a. HINDMAIISII re turned this morning to tho Wlllnm otto Pacific works. JAMES PYBURN, of Coos River, was down today shopping and vls- sloner, was In the city on business today from his tome at Bandon MRS. LANDO la expected homo next Monday from a tour of the; state during which sho has In spected tho Hebeknh lodges. ARCHIE KRUSE, tho shlnglo mill nuignnto of tho lower Coqulllo, wns here yesterday on business. Ho snys that the shingle lttntket, as well as tho lumhor market contin ues very bad. Ho has kept his mill In operation and is hopeful of a ohango for the better soon. STR. BREAKWATER OFF TO PORTLAND 1 ,,, i in nii. unit. UUrtVU5 Ul IU U UIUUK Willi Passenger List of 41 -Fair Miscellaneous Cargo With forty-ono passengers nnd a fair miscellaneous cargo 'tho steam ship llrcakwater left this morning at 10 o'clock for Portland. Thoso who left hero for tho north wore: P. Armstrong, Chus. McCullough. Judge J. l Hall, C. llatier, It. Mars don, Sr., P. Hanoy, Violet llnnoy, John Stewart, Mrs. Stowart, Dr. E. Mlngus, Mrs. Ed Huff, Cody Huff, W. (1. ltnmsoy, II. Joseph, Mrs. Jo seph, S. II, Kellnr, C. A. Pendloton, P. P. Slrnng, W. J. Atkins, Fred Trn orso, Arthur Powell, (1. W. Moore Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. llatchelor, It Leonard, 1). llrnyton, H. S. Wills, W. E. HutchluHou, Calllu Huff, CMoo luff, C. Keenoy mid ten Chlnnmen. SUA. UAltD DWELLS O.V WAIt Captain Margolin CnniMWcl Tribute to England mid Her Men. Hard at work ou an ode to "Hrlt nunla" Is Captain Mncgoun, master , of tho Htenmer llronkwator nnd who enjoys tho sobriquet of poet of tho Pacific mid when completed It Is to ho forwmded to Karl Kitchener, secretary for war for (Ireat llrlt- ' nln. Kx-Presldont ltoosovelt mid ! others of national noto have j celved complimentary copies Captain Mncgcnn's poetry, but ro of tho composition now minor way was lusnlrod says tho skinner bv thn stuutioriinocs of tho British forces nt (ilu frot,i. nnij ti,0 response by men from all purls of tho kingdom to tmllot. Ah tho Breakwater has been hold In port slnco Sunday for certain ropnlrs, Captain Macgonn has found mill M't for joiii-M-lf at the Shmiirmk Cnicery. 12.1.1 NorCi Front htieot. FltEKI FltEEI FIIKKI A largo doll gltcu fivo to tho customer piu- timslug (lie most front .Monday, De- comber 7 until Christmas Ko. Cull mill mh for )oiirolr at the Shmumck Grocery, lti.1.1 North Front htreet. , NOTICE. iMI momlioifl of tho Hrothorhood of Yeomen aro roiiueated to bo pros- out nt tho lodge mooting Thursday at Owls' Hall. Election of officers wllUtuko placo. I SPECIAL VOTICS at Siirter'n front now UNTIL CllltlST.MAS to nil cmi- rtiilnlcN luinglng In onloiN for CliiisliuaN CANDV. Ask tho Cam. palgn Mniiugcr. Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USED. Phono TJL, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. Now Is the (lino to arrange for ChiislJimK photographs. Telephone Kladdca Studio, UI-.J, for appoint ments. IMI. II. E. KEII'Y, DENTIST, Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coko Bldg. CALLING CARDS printed at THE TIMES office Best WILLAMETTE VALLEY Hl'TTEH, IM'OUND SQUAHE only 7.1c. COOS HAY Oyster Co. Phono 10C-J. KJC4 Should' Be L z Your Druggist Piano Contest Candidates Wo nro making a special Bale of IT, S. Oranlte Ware at 1G per cent discount until December 1C, nnd will glvo 200 VOTES ou ev ery pleco of ware sold In that time. T'o CANDIDATE receiving most votes on this ennmol ware will receive n beautiful prize. ASK US. - . Schroeder & Hildenbrand Ilurihvnro nnd Plumbing. Itritnlr sltoi In rontiectlon 15T BURN ALL Marshfield Firm Receives In structions on New Govern ment Ruling F. S. Westorborg or tho People's fi, 10 and IB-cent store, la In ro colpt of tho following letter which, relntcs to tho rigid and strenuous efforts bolng madu by tho govern ment to check tho foot and mouth dlsense. Tho lettor which Is solf oxplnuatory Is as follows: "In compliance with un order of November 10, 111 1-1, Issued by tho Bureau of Animal Industry, IT. S. Department of Agriculture, wo have guaranteed to the department that tho straw or hay In which tho mer chandise enclosed In thu casn, or cases, covered by nttnehod blll-of-ladlng, wan shipped to you Intact ns received from foreign country mid that wo would secure mi affi davit from you stating that thu packing material In these cases, has been burned Immediately upon tho merchmidlse being unpacked nt your city. Thu order was Issued by tho Secretary ot tho I). r. Department of Agriculture nt Washington ou nrcouut of foot and mouth dhionso to cattle, sheep mid other rumin ants mid swlno, "This ordor must positively ho compiled with nnd wo must have your nffldnvlt stntlng that tho pack ing material waB burned Just as soon as tho merchandise wns tin packod. Tho Department ot Agri culture Is chocking up nil ship ments forwarded from Now York nnd Now Jorsoy, nnd will exact a penalty unless (IiIh order Is com piled with, "It Is In tho Interest of ovory In dividual In thn United States that this awful disease bu stamped out, us It Is not only harmful to nnlmalfl, but ulso to human beings. .Wo, throforo, npponl to you to co-opor-nto with tho U. S, Department of Agriculture by complying .promptly with above mentioned order. "Yours truly, "GEO. BOUGFELDT & CO." HKME.MBKU light LUNCHES nt SAHTEH'S. Big DANCE EAGLES' hall HAT UltDAV night. KEYEU orchestra. Big DANCE EA.GLKS' hall SAT UltDAV night. KEY.EU orcliostra. The Grand To-Nigh t ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM THE BEST IN PHOTOPLAYS SIX REELS ALL NEW- LICENSED PROGRAM ONLY. Vltngrnph'H latest Dunnygrnpli on tltled "HEARTS AND DIAMONDS." Flora Fluch mid old Bunny In a now und pleasing comedy showing how Bunny won u baseball game by put ting tho ball over tho fence for u homo run a tworeol picture mndo to laugh at. IIEAR8T-8ELIG WEEKLY No. 57. Interesting events mid happen ings of tho entire world photograph ed tho latest war news us caught hy tho camera. "THE GERMAN HAND". Fnrco comedy by tho Lublu comedy com pany. "PINS ARE LUCKY" Anothor good comedy a plcturo Uiat will stick with you. MARC McDERMOTT in Edison's grout serial story, "Tho Man Who Disappeared," entitled "A MATTER OF MINUTES." This story Is shown every othor Saturday night to a pack ed houso and has proved to bu ono of tho very best stories wo huvo over sliown nt this theater see this In stallment tonight. "THE MYSTERY OF THE OOTA GONAL ROOM" Ono of tho Chron icles of Clock stories as thoy appear ed In the "Short Stories Magazine." AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD PROGRAM. C It Idreii .1c. Adults, 15c TOMORROW AFTERNOON Wo will show tl o second Installment of "THE BELOVED ADVENTURER," tho Arthur Johnson serial story. Tho Venetian orchestra plulng a, splen- rmm mm - j did niuslcul nrogram In the ovcnlHS. J 7 '''''- ;H (TJOTIE AUS FOU KENT Furnished two-room housekeeping suite. Apply 413 2 nil' stroet. .. FOU ilKNT-i'lnt ititrt furnished rooms over Shamrock grocory. FOU KENT Two lionses In Bunker Hill, bungalow $18; Flat $15 per month. Phono 111 North Bond. FOU HUNT Seven loom house on South Hit St., In good condition for $18 per. month. I. 8. Kauf man & Co., 177 Front St. FOH HUNT House.H mid, apartments furulshed mid tinftirulshod. I. S. Kniifman & Co. 177 Front street FOU TltADE MotP'rn house, hIx rooms nnd bath, In v Colorado Springs, Col., (a world-famous health resort for property In Marshfield or North Bond. 8eo I. S. Kuufmmi & Co. FOU HENT Flve.ivoin fiiriilNhotl cottage. Enqulru 70K S. 5th ut. I LOST I I.OHT Hit) Ion bicycle, tnken front In front ot our store. Howard for return to Wnrnor Orocory. LOST MiikoiiIo emblem ruff button. Howard If ruturncd to Times of fice. FOR RENT FOU UENT IJirgo front rtKtni, heated. Private family. Address 11, caro of Times. FOH HENT -Ton-room houso' com. pletoly furnished. Phono 432-X. FOH HENT Three itHmm furitlNliotl tor housekeeping, rloso In, hat and cold water. Phono '305-J. FOH UENT PleitMiint, well furnish ed housekeeping apartments, roa suiinblo. h Caro ot Times. FOU HUNT Housekeeping roonw. 005 1st mid Birch. FOU HENT Nicely funi'lnfied front rooms with bath. $2 per wook, Closa In. 23!) So. 4th St.' '' ' ' " ' ' " IV)it HENT nirnlslirtl nimrtiucnt. Phono C3-L. FOH HENT (l.roont houso with pantry and bath, ntodorn. 12th and Commercial Phono r.fi.L. Pictures & framing Walker Studio PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Make Your Home Comfortable have a COAL HEATERS WOOD HEATERS OIL HEATERS t or wo can Install i Heating Plant Tho light kind nt tho right price. Vfo Lot us figure with you. 'Maif BhHJUaMB .. JL BVB A i n I I I mm tffH jg Jit tH mww WkBl 1 58-R W 11 inm.li.lwM WW JSH1 sl big lino 0f MM a. iBsr. 1 laftS fcyB&Ljjjjjg m 'MMnmiiiiniiiiilii iimiiwi sMiaiiw 'lis "- "'""imili1i w "Wf rwfT Jifc'WfcET! Ek