wmsmiimmmmmmmm MMttt rnvmrnmrnau FOUff - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EPITIOltf. fi COOS BAY TIMES M.r O. MALONKY. Kdltor and Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY, News Editor OttloUl Taper of Coos County EntoroJ at tho PoBtofflco at Marah Mairi nrncron. for tranBmlnsIon through tho malls iscond-clflii nut when It sounds In tho evening city jail wns crowded one night recently. JIOW IT SOUNDS. When the whistle blows In tho morning It has tho knoll of doom Coos Bay Aid For Belgium nail matter. t AllSUltl) PUKTEN8E OP BECKKCV. It tlrhes away all gloom. DEL IJEXGTSON'. WOMEN MID EVERY day England and Franco contlnuo their absurd policy of suppressing Information for the benefit of American readers they prejudice their cause with Intelligent men. Wover In tho history of warfare has tho enemy known bettor what was in preparation timn during this , chamber of Commerce Invites war, becauso of the scouting value BOOSTERS of tho aeroplane. And yet never lias there been such an absurd and shortsighted pretense of secrecy. The aeroplano has mado It possible to locnto evory army, detect ovory Them to JoinSeek Carne gie Medal for Bravery Admissions of women Into tho Chamber of Commerco was offlcfal- movement, oven to get tho rango of'iy nuthorlzczd last night when nt every battory, says an exchange. War j a meeting of tho organization tho Is today conducted as though tho or- members unanimously expressed mips woro on a checkor board In full their bollef that women, with equnl IeW. I voting rights with the men, should And yet, for tho first tlmo slnco tho also havo their chanco to boost From the glory of forest, from tho splendor of tho city, From th0 richness of tho nowly garnered grain, Coos Uny Is stretching out her arms In endless pity To a nation sick with war nnd faint with pnln. i Coos Day Is thinking In her plnco of peace and gladness How that other land was once as fair as bIio Held securo by thrift and plenty, till a flood of greed and madness Swept her helpless on to grief and poverty. Here, whero Peace still hovers o'or us, here, whero Faith and Hope nro living, Hero, whero Plenty dally spills her golden horn Coos Bay rojolcos In tho glory of hor giving To the helpless in that stricken land forlorn. Anon. COOS BAY TIMES READERS SEND $85.05 TO BELGIANS printing press was inventod, has pub licity boon completely suppressed. What havo England nnd Franco to gain by keeping the world In Ignor lanco of what overy German com mander knows? -J. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST M'-ST WH FOHflET. When tho mists llo low and the sun slants up And tho cast Is nn nuroato lip; When tho roll lies frco to tho morn ing cup And tho air has a chilly nip; When tho stood champs foam with Its nostrils wldo, For tho master's mottlo rlfo, And the gay song fits to tho strong, long strldo There uro still some things In Hfot Coos Day. They will bo taken In as honorary members with annual dues of CO cents a year. For saving tho llfo of a baby loft helpless In tho path of a runaway team, Miss Jeanetto Estcott de serves a Carncgto medal, Is tho be lief of tho Chamber. Namoa of those who witnessed tho accident nro oxtromoly necessary and nn ur gont appoal Is mado that tho two women, -who arc supposed to havo been present, will communicate with John Motley, secretary of tho Cham ber of Commerco nnd descrlbo tho rcscuo as they saw it. With tholr names nnd testimony It will bo possible to send tho facts back East and securo action toward awarding tho medal. Pres ident McLnln declared It will bo decmod a great favor If tho wit nesses will roport tho mattor. Miss Eotcott was on hor way to work ono noon threo weeks ngo when on Fourth Btroot a toam broko loose land clattered dowh In front of nn When tho pool lies still, or tho cur-j Infant In a baby cnrrlago. Miss rent slides Estcott grabbod ono of tho horses Llko oil round tho far-flung lino; by tho hit and saved tho child's i wo. tho second uorso crashed Into a stanchion nnd wna killed. Entertain Coiigreji.siimn. With Congrcs8innn-olect McAr- l thtir duo In town for n wook, appro Whon tho salmon deep in tho shad ows glides j And nibbles tho fly that's mine; When tho reel saya "C-r-r-r-r-k" nnd tho wrist (eels jnr, And tho first leap marks tho strife, prlato ontortatnmont for tho guost And tho play boglns nnd tho foam'nt bo provided. A commlttoo, files Ah! In chnrgo of Honry Songstackon, will Thpro aro still sotno things In llfo! Beo that tho Congressman Is shown Tho Coos Day Times today for warded a draft Jor JSG.05 which, has been contributed by people of this vicinity to nld tho homeless Dolglans, to Henry CIcwb, tho well known Now York banker and financier who Is head of tho "Dollar Christmas Fund for Homeless Delglnns." Tho response of tho pcoplo of Coos Dny to tho greatest charity of tho century has been most magnificent, In addition to tho fund that Tho Times forwarded today, a. number of churches and organizations In this section havo forwarded cash dona tions direct besides the contributions of foodstuffs and clothing being mado under tho auspices of tho Prog ress Club. Tho Times fund will rench Now York In tlmo to bo cabled across and tho benefits distributed among tho unhappy victims of tho Euro pean wnr on or bufore Christmas Day nnd ovory donor's own Christ mas should ho n little happier for tho cheer and nld they havo spread whero It was most needed, Tho full list of contributors was as follows: A friend ? l.CO Young mon of Mnrshflold High School 4.50 St. Mary's Episcopal Church A 13 Ij ltUU Jas. Watt 1.00 Chas. Elford 1.00 A Friend 1.00 Joo Stoll 2.2D E. M. KrlckBon 1.00 Dr. II. M. Shaw R.OO Ellf. Evonson 10.00 Olo Evcnson 2.00 E. A. D 2.00 F. J. Vormejir 1.00 A Friend from DanlelB Creek . 1.00 North Dond Library Ass'n . . . n.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Dennett . . . 2.00 Mrs. Harry Nasburg 1.00 Harry Nasburg ". 1.00 W. O. Lnwhorno 2.00 Mrs. Geo. Hennessey 1.00 A. I, 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A. E. Qagnon ; 2.00 Edwin Lnbowltch $1.00 A Frlond n.00 Mrs. II . 1.00 F. C. Milton" ...'. 70 W. II. McDroom 1.00 J. A. ttlntt 3.00 Coos Day Times . COO CooiW Arc Forwarded. i Tho Progress Club, today forward ed thlrtoon largo boxes of clothing and provisions which tho pcoplo of about tho liny. I( Is probnblo that MrB.K. .'.' at Gardiner G. 10 Coos Dny contributed for tho rellot Miss J 1.00 of tho Delglnns. It was sont to Port Doris and Willie I'hlllli l.OOjInnd on tho Drenkwater and there' Dy mall 2.00 will bo forwarded with other similar H. OJerdrum 1.00 j donations from tho northwest. In A Frlond 2.00 addition to tho Hat of tho donors pro- W. G l.OOiVlously printed, contributions wore' fiitf t 1 t( ! rntnK'A.l frftm flirt Wfirnnr Clmnnrv T. G. ., 1.00 Sumner Hnrdwaro Co., h, L. Thomas, I D. K l.OOiSporry Flour Co., Hanson Transfer 1.00 When tho. big buck sniffs by tho for- publlo rocoptlon will bo glvon In esta odgo, his honor at tho Chamber of Com- ,owlllB thlB No uoi0gnto will bo Ajiii man wim n angry snort; ,'w.v. 'choson until tho appropriation dol- Company and David Mussen. When thp hunter crawls through tho ruatlog sodgo, .mij jiupuu. .ogatlpn Is soloctod and ono of theso On his noxt trip to Portland Cap- mnmhon. win iin.inn.i.iiv i oiinH- apu -tho noart boats thick tind l,l wcgonn ueciarea no would seo'en t0 roprcsont Mnrshflold. 'rt; ;MiP Morrow regarding tho Jetty! 8cnrcIl f0P nc,,reheiittlvo. Wbentjio flngor crpoks on tho trig-1 ro,ort B00l to u ont East. Tho For n ropresontntlvo nt tho Na- tholr railroad, then tho Chamber of Commerco will bocomo onorgotlo on this ond townrd 'securing support nnd finances, declared Hugh Mc ! Lain. A' wolcoino commlttoo composed fit fily wnninn in wnlrnmn nil wmnnti . ,' Mil A..1. ........... ... I... ..-.. .----- K.ers cup-o; wur .whuuhuhubii io mo ron tlonal Rivera and nnrbors Con-1 who como to Mnrs-rlold to llvo will . Whon-tho ey0 cuta llkb a kulfo, Lommlsslon that a . dolognto or dol-Kro8H( convening In Washington' bo appointed noxt wook by tho am ine, ruio crapku witli a vlcloiw "" , uu """'' 1",Bl "l U,Q. "0Xl noxt wook, tho Chamber was nt n President. . yorvo . Thpro tire wtlll some things In llfo! Xfhan thp dlnner'e o'or und tho plio burns froo, And tho dog curls by tho chnlr; When your trail Is good (uu u ought to be) And tho light glints on Hor luilr; When tho. drowsy thoughts of tho past como back, 'And you smile, "That's alio tho , wife!" Whon you'ro qulto prepared for tho morrow's track . Thoro'a a lot or good In llfo. Anon. DnDuliiH n 0 "I n .. A .. i .. 1 M . -w.UI, ui v.o 1KrUB iu orK ior mo Io88 A lftWyor of tho southorn Pa- Pilw.ncrs on link. jou appropriauons. icIfo Con,imn.( on 8Uggcstlon of Still bollovlng that enough prls- JlClOgaUl t CnillU'll. IPniltnln ArnPLfllll nr Mia flllnf rlnrlrUnnro nnloi. JliA nlw (nil Jr. nlnnr Marahfiold Is ontltlod to a rop-of Senator Chnmliorlaln will lio! all nf tlin flvn-nern nllv imrk In fhn rosontntlvo at tho Natlonnl Coun cil of tho Chamber of Commorco of Amorlcu, thnt moots In Washington nskod to do duty. No woman Is one-half as dangor ous as her threats. It Is bust not to try to get tho best of yuur friend. ' t-Kloptomanla can't b0 cured by taking things for It. Adam got tho original rib roost whan yo scolded htm. ,'- . Moat people pay too much for tho things they got for nothing. WIbo Is tho man who doesn't nl low hs running expenses to run away with him. Now Dcdford addition, Mr. Songs- , Itallrond Committee. tnckon will seo that tho mon nro put WflAn T)nonlillfi. n.. aam.a ...Itl. tn ..tnH1r H.t.1.1 .f An M .n..4 ...III Hnl.. i-ourunry J, a and 0, nnd also at tt ucflnlto proposition stating how, ably bo under tho chargo of Streot tho meeting of tho larger body fol- whon ,, whoro tlloy wl, bud Comjn,8flIonoP Lawhorno. Fortunate Is tho inun who acnulres hlB knowledgQ from tho exporienco of tho other fellow. FIND 1J.VA.MPMC. An Oregon hen, bo It Is said, , Nor do wo doubt tho Baying, Threo hundred goodly eggs has laid In a year nnd keops on laying. Thfe hundred eggs with! na year Wero furnished by this biddy. Sbo'has no tlmo, 'tis very clear ' For' being gay or giddy. If ovory worker did as woll, Such strict attention giving. Wo'd havo no further causo to yoll About (ho cqst of living, J. M. CULLY. HOW ONE ADVERTISER DESTROYED A POPULAR TRADITION In J'ow York City tho "Up-town Movement" cominencod about flfteon years ngo, Tho Impulso northward seized upon many a business houso; and It Influenced, with special strength, tho big ro tall morchunts. Thoso who held long lonsea so far down as Fourteenth street began to havo visions of slow decay, of ruin. It Boomod as though tho "law of population" had decreed thnt tho business center had shifted; and that no big store could hope to oxlst unless It followed tho current which hud bo strongly sot In. , Ono merchant was asked by a friend why ho had run away from Fourteenth street, tho old Bhopplng center. Ho replied: "For tho smiio renspn thnt tho Union boldlers ran away at tho -battlo of Dull Hun thoso who did not nro thoro yet." While this "Up-town Movement was at Its height, John Wnnamakor decldod to start a store, In Now York. Ho didn't soloct a location up toward Fourteenth Btroot ho wont down to Eight street and took ovor tho old Stewart store, which was earning very lnrgo deficits nt tho tlmo. Gotham merchants concluded that Wnnamakor had lost his cunning that ho had attomptcd u mlraclo In nn ngo whoro miracles woro not commonly enacted. bsv. Hut tho Phllndolphla merchant had not blundered not vory'hadly. Ho nt once took his placo ns tho lending ndvortlaor of Now York, nnd what had been a doserted plnco of business soon becamo ono of tho busiest utorea on earth. Eighth street and Uroadwuy becamo ono of tho Bhopplng conters of Now York. Nowspapor advertising probably tho fullest and best nowspnper advertising evtlr, given a storo destroyed tho tradition, reclaimed a wbolo business section from dullness, nnd 'has mado It ne cessary for Wanamaker to doublo his store capacity, A storo, ndvertUod us effectively as Is this Btore In question, would prosper IN ANY PART OF THE CITY. It would bo a groat storo If located at tho Dattory. It would bo a great storo If located on the Dowory. . l. ' Tho moi chant who fools that he is handicapped In his location should know by heart this plain Btory of Wnnamakor and his Now York store; and learn that LOCATION Is but one of the things to bo considered In tho making of a great enterprise nnd that tho right kind and amount of newspaper advertising will mako ANY LOCATION whatever seom to bo tho best ono In tho city. AT THE JIOTIXS. The Chandler Hotel. T. J. O'Keofo, Portland; Lloyd Cooper, Florence; A. J. Groff, Port land; D. 13. Ireland, Portland; J. W. Coach and wlfo, Unndon; 13. L. Nosier nnd wlfo, Dnndon; L. A. Illjcqvlst, Coqulllc; II. G. llludmnrsh,. North Horn!; A. Hreymnn, Portland; D. Vnnco, Portland; W. N. Shciieflold. Dakor Creek; W. 13. Hutchinson, Co qulllo; A. II. Plntchloy, Coqulllc. The 1.1 ojd Hotel. H. Klein, Myrtlo Point; A. D. Prentiss, Portland; 11. Cook, Port land; D. L. Itoonoy, Myrtlo Point; j, T. Conloguo, Unndon; II. T. llaxloy, Arago; Frank Stovonson, Myrtle Point; E. L. Smith, Myrtlo Point; T M. llussey, Wngnor. Tho llliuicii Hotel. Edmund Croft, Tnc'oinn; It. n. Unit, llorkoley; Charles Uauor, Port lnnd; M. A. Simpson, Dandoii; Loll ta and Mao Simpson, Dnndon; G. J. Armstrong, Dnndon; C. Keenoy, Myr tlo Point; Claud Donovan, Myrtlo ii,oi"i; ii. ijTSZrr 5. n o .. -"-.lur. m. :':r"n"r mil... .. ,0,SafahHt...u .t ::.' ,:,,cstxi'Whinr ;z..I',v,rB.coo,i,l'''w ",l1110; William niM.berSiC "'. Lakdd,, r.5 rv-W.tta. CUT TO CLEAN Up THE GOLDEN RULE NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL PUT ON A FAKf NEAR THE CLOSE OF EACH SEASON WE CUT DEEP INTO THE PRICES OF nn DIES' SUITS AND COATS THAT WE MAY NOT CARRY OVER A SINGLE GAM INTO THE NEXT SEASON. 1 LAST SPRING WE DID NOT HAVE ONE LADIES' COAT LEFT WE HAVE TEN LEFT AT THIS TIME. THESE WE OFFER AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES $ 6.50 Coats cut to $ 4.50 $16.50 Coats cut to 5 oca $ 7.75 Coats cut to $ 4.75 $18.50 Coats cut to o $11.75 Coats cut to $ 7.50 $25.00 Coats cut to t WE HAVE FORTY-SIX LADIES' SUITS LEFT. A FEW OF THESE WEREC KltU UVEK FROM LAST SPRING. THE NEW ONES WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS: $15.00 New Suits cut to $ 9.50 $17.50 New Suits cut to $10.50 $19.50 New Suits cut to $11.50 $22.50 New Suits cut to $12.50 $25.00 New Suits cut to $1350' $27.50 New Suits cut to "$450 .$28.50 New Suits cut to. ""$14 50 THE FOLLOWING WERE CARRIED OVER FROM LAST SEASON. THESE OFFER AT FROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF PRICE. NOTICE THESE PRICES. $15.00 Last Season Suts cut to.$ 6.50 $18.00 Last Season Suits cut to$ 8.50 $20.00 Last Season Suits cut to.$ 8.50 $?fvfin t ncr Qnncmi Quit i,l u t er. -; zz r. X"" hw inn w..im di;ov Last season suits cut to $a $35.00 Last Season Suits cut to.$ ftj- IF YOU GET ONE OF THESE YOU WILL HAV TO COME AT ONCE The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Hundreds of Gift Things in Johnson "Giriovsesvs Display of Furniture ... . Tnerc ls, Inspiration here for hundreds of Gift Seekers ideas of things that a different and more annmnrintn nnrl enruinn nhln thnn firn fnnnrl in mnst sfnrtS. M when you gat it here you know that it alwavs carries the stamo.of quality, j We ye prepared extensive selections 0 f small and novel pieces especially sum for gift giving, and there are the usual impressive displays of quality furnishings of m .j,-- ,w. w.u iihuvji iiuiiioo vi luiiiiuiiiuiu ur a iiuiiiuiu uimayi;. Vnciiiim rhiiiu'r SmokliiK Cnlilni'ls Telojiliono Tultli's CliltforolicH WrltliiK icU Itlliriiry (nliles Scctlmml lincik rnsos v. Music ciililnol.s MiikuIiio nicks Divsslnjr liUH l''oot flloH IWiok ensos Houses We are specialists in ive furniture of quality, offer many advantages 'V- rid in m l'orlulilu liiini'S lilies CIiIIiIivii'h rockers Monis rlmlrs Clilnii cIosi-U Huffcls Ihucnnoitt ('uu lici Scllw-J TuikMi rtnUew IMcIiiich fixtm an iciils to $5.50. M I ! tfSrYfr;ki rninnleK the business of fitting homes complete with g'usM uur uxiunaea experience aim juji;iiu. . in service, in variety of stocks and in prices. HPH ' i II M . . .... : Iturkei-h fnim $1.00 V. Vnciiiim tlwmcis and C.unct Mcoi.-UiilioWcml ItoAcr eis from $2.7r to $35,00, Let us submit estimates on an outfit to suit your requirements. Time payments may be arranged on any purchase if desired. . .. uooas inienoed for gifts will be held for delivery whenever you u" Johnson-Gulovsen Compflw THE QUALITY NAME WITH THE SERVICE FAMt Business Is picking up evoi i jlil.rnTifl mnii .-. &' 'I JII A , K I