imipumnm B5 w r?&wi l "mTH(ibDS BAY TIMES, .lyiARSHFIEhgfflGpTpflgtqftEMBER 3; 191-EVEW1NG EDITION, ;:rBS: tmmml - 1 BJ . , " ' IM L 1 an H5Hrfl R I -vapcus uuNio 1U jytddd !ale of Jhort Lines t--r Sale of Short Lines J2ffAZ3.. .. .-.. IIWMI VllUII. . , We Are Closing Out All CI03ING OUT. BOYS SlJfTS' A ll)0 beautiful stock Nor.fplkSulls, at nil wool. JwUflttmontn illnl in olr. l from. JiiHt wlmt ,v,.nt. VWKH, i.i.' 00l'' Selling lit vr. MEN'S OVERCOATS CLOSING OUT BOYS OVERCOATS Hoys' overcoat, tho fWt or the long coat, boll Jmik and shawl coU 'lnr": 'all woril, well tall "red. Valuta. f,'.M U Itfi.on. Selling Ht LMM' u T.I).-. FLANNEL SHIRTS ' incy and All Childrenfs Apparel LADJES'"DRESSESS LADIES' DRESSES Lot 1 comprises inos- sallnes, Taffetas. creno 'ile chines, crenoi Beiges.' coniblnoil with tuRIn Viiil '-wftvca. wool trepe. Values Hli ;tT.50 Lot Bergcs ie. Valljos IV $27fto, Your I rliolcV s ' LADIES' SUITS A bwoII assortment of .11 unol. U'l'll-tiillni'Pil n " : ';::.."...,.' :i 111 l VI IIIIUUHIIIP, imh dc-lBii Hlinwi col lars belt imt'K, long or jlinrt leiiKth. Values, ?" 00 to 910.00. Soiling nt ? i.w (o VSI.nii MEN'S $3 FELT HATS (looil naortnioiit of fnev styios; your enoico ipltllil IUkIi Rrmlp shltl nt moderate prhes; two pleated pockrtsf French iiiirc. military collar. Colors, brown, gray, tan, ilrnb, ni-plo green. Val ues, $2.00. Your ibolie M.un DRESS SHIRTS .. Laundered nlitrtH, stiff ' cuffs; for collar. Selling in Lot 1. llrondeloth, sorgo, cheviot ami pop lin, ui to (Into, beauti fully llnud, mostly plain tnlloiutl. Values to I3T.G0. Your cholco $ii:.r(i SUIT CASES A woll-mndo suit-case, leather trlmineil. Sln, " i and SO. Price, .si.on 2. Wool cropo 'and novelty Values to Your cholco 4 1 $i.7 LADIES' SUITS Lot 2. In cropo cloth, chovlot anil serge. Well lined and tailored: most ly small slzos. Values to Your choice SHOPPING BAGS A well mndo shop ping bag, leather trim med, Price- :tl)c wsttftwra wnnaqijfflfetiOTBsif vOjjl 1 Fur-msh'lKiKyj The ' (MtWHVMM At I'Ht'-tM Home yt Tr.i- , t fiome eautiful Furniture iSBi i & W SS!- W women DO Iova - til "zif-&UHJ w i .l3ViAfN 10$ M , W.c havo one ot the finest stocks of Fine Fur niture that we bave ever shown hero and that moans the largest- and best on Coos Bay. Wo "3 are now showlnn an es pccially nice line of a boautlful home 4 PARLOR RUGS From $1.75 to $12.00 ROCKING CHAIRS From $3.00 to $45.00 DINING TABLES $8.00 to $25.00 S.t it 11 f .: iir '. TTj J. Ifc. liTT i T ,) '. ! W. . i, tr' n : 1 LIBRARY TABLES s From $8 to '$25.00''' HlOJIW i IM?2fl' C .i JI I Vt.e LADIES' DESKS $10.50 to $25.00 . j (JAPANESE BASKETS A bCAUjlful lino ih 'vt of these fromu THr,: , ' 75c to $3.50.- 'I u. AND REMEMBER, 1ME.SELL IT FOR LESS." Going & Harvey COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Co. BREVITIES I AVKATHKIl KOHKCAST Ittr Ai.o. Itlnl rrc.t In Cat- liar Tlmra.) ORKtifJN'-Itnfn In wtst and j rain or snow In' east; southorly winds. i , j LOCAL TKMl'UUATUHIJyM j iticcbito . j For tho 2 I hours ending at, I 1:13 a. in., 'Dor. II, by HottJ. Ostllnd, special government me-. I icroiogisi: . .Maxtmuui 17 j Minimum .?. li -10 I At 4: in a. ni 42 1 1 j Precipitation . '. 1.30 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, j 1014 27.17 j Precipitation sumo period j last year . .; 1C.0C I Wind: Southwest; cloudy mid j rainy. ' ,. f : : Homl IMoctlon. The nniiual road election of tho Allegany district will bo held there Saturday, December iwiiiii.miwwww wrt niw m mammum m VeMiy Meeting. There' will bo the regular monthly meeting of the Vestry tomorrow evening nt T:30 In tho Hector's study.' Clitiurcl C3illl Tho regular monthly mooting of tho Chancel (lulld will bo held In Qulld Hall tomorrow at 2:30. Tho members nro cordially Invited to bo present. ' ' ' 'WILLIAM WATliRS cimo down oil) j tho North Star this morning on I business from North Inlet. TIUtE SALINO ot Allegany Was down ! this morning attondlug to some, nintters ot business. I DON GARDNER, of Mnrshfleld, Is1 spending n few days In ltoseburg. looking after business matters. V. O. HUNCH, who camo In from Co qulllo yesterday, loft this morning on tins George W. Elder for Port laud. ANDREW OLSON of North Head re turned homo on tho Messenger II1I3 morning from a duck Hunting trip up ltnyncs Inlet. ' COUNTY AGRICULTURIST SMITH j camo over on business from Co1 qulllo today. Ho expects to liO; hero two or three days. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY- L.'A.i LIUEQVIST returned to.Ooqtilllot this mornliiK, having como down I fiom Mapleton last evening on his1 way homo from Salom. MRS. .1. 13. GARDINER, wlfo ot tho Southern Pacific engineer at Lake side, wns down this morning on a shopping trip and to visit with friends. .MRS. J. E. GARDINER, wllooo hus band Is one ot the dl'vlnlon engl noorH on tho Southern Pacific lino between Coos Ray and tho Unip qua, Ih a Mnrshfleld business visi tor today. GEORGE PRATT of Coos county, passed through hero today en routo to Portland and other north ern cities, whoro ho will spend the wltitor with frlonds and relatives. Rosoburg JlovloW; II, A. UOIUtlNS of Iiaiulon, camp over jbhi cv Piano Contest Candidates We nro making a special salo of IT. S. Granlto Ware at 1G por cent discount until Dcconibor 15, and will glvo 200 VOT,KS o" ov cry plcco of waro sold In that tlm,e, Tl 0 CANDIDATE receiving most votes on this enamel waro will rccclvo a beautiful prize. ASK VS. Schroeder & Hildenbrand ,r ; Hardware anil Plumbing. , Repair shop In roiiiirrtloii BROTHER Polly TlieftN. Tlio police hnyiv not discovered any eluo yot to tho parties committing petty thefts In tho resi dence district ot West Mnrshfleld. Mrs. Robort Krnger, living near Fourth and Commercial, lost consid erable valuablo linen, and T. J. Scnlfo living nearby, lost considerable food-stuff. Iist In Wirck. Mrs. W'm. Cox ban received word of tho death of her friend, Mrs. Flynu In tho H.inalel disaster near tho Galdon Onto, Mrs. riynn, who waB torniorly Mrs. Ira Clmpmnn of MarslitrcliI, and her two ' sisters, Mrs. Qultin iild 'Mrs. Ahcarn, wero en routo to tlu'ilrjioincs in tho Fouth from' l'Jurckn whoro tlioy find attended tho funoraL.0 tholr mothor,, and all wore lost. , , 1. Issmoh l-'lno Culiilogdo. II. S. ToW lor Is loday iflntrllHidK-a owolry ca't flaloguo that is one ohfiio nlttlost over put out by a. Jowulry storo In n town jtho sl?.o ot Murshflolil. It Is pro fusely Illustrated, showing tlio largo stock t'rnt Mr. Towor carries, and Is 1 a rovomtlnn ti many Mnrshfleld poo- I'liil.i t'linlif Mr TniJnf iiinin nntil pllmuiits on his, entorprUo. Plan Memorial. Tho Mnrshfleld Elks last evening coiuplotcd plans for their moniorlal oxerolaes next Sunday. Mr. Uagsdalo was elected to iiiomborHhlp and will bo Initiated soon. Tho farowoll party for Win. Rolchors was postponed until next Wednesday. ' Y BE SENT TO SENATE N. Miller Receives Word His Brother, Former ' Seattle i Mayor, May Receive Post I That his brother, Joltn V. Miller, I Is being prominently mentioned In tho Spokane and PtiRot Sound palters as a likely candidate for the noxt United States Senator from WoRklng ton to Biiccecd Senator Polndoxter, Is tho encouraging word Just received hero by Attorney I. N. Miller. In 1908-00 John F. MIRer was mayor of Seattle. Several years ago an unijlo boarlng tho same namo was elected to the Senato from California. Mr, Miller, of Seattle, Is u prominent attorney there and a Kreat friend of ex-Senator Piles, who preceded Poln doxtcr In the Senate.. ,mnv ji it Roth Miller and lUllfSdiflftnivm-ttpJ PiiKCt Sound on tho snup trilli) fcomiLft' CA renlng nni . roliirned to , - Q .;. J ..r'V.V'V ,' . hla homo today nflor r. vWlfc ''V; . v. WV Z ll ""? I'T V IHIHIU V'flftVVf,. lUIIIHO UVM'IIUII !... nt. G. T, TREADGOi.D. City Xtlorno'y ot Uaiulon, arrived In last even ing by stngo from Saleiii via Gar diner and was mot here by his wlfo who camo on tho evening train from Uandon. They loft this morning on tho train for their homo. ATTORNEY R. O. GRAVES left thin morning on tho Elder for Portland, whoro he goes on a husliiess trip, expecting to bo back within a few days. MAYOR F. H. ALLEN loft on tho noon stage up tho beach for Flor ence, whore ho oxpectH to bo for tllo'noxt four o' Mvo ,,n'a o uusl noss. J. II. GRIFFITH, optician In1 tho ltcd Crossi Drug Store, Is recover ing rapidly front his recent Illness, which many frlonds will bo pleased to luarm Ho left today for As- tho east In LS82. At that time J. F. TOO LATE TO flUSOTJf - FOR HUNT Fiii-iiMhm! tw-Woiii houfeokcopInK stiUtf. Ajtply 413 2nd Btrcet. 1)S, Miiwmli' mililoni onff buttpn. Reward If loturned to Times, otr flco. -. ' ' ' FOR TRADE Modortt houso, (1 ronniB and bath, In Colorftdo Springs, Col. (a world-fnmpua health resort) for property In Marshflotd or North JJond. Boo I. S. Kaufman & Co. i " -LOST I.OHT (flasH pin, O. V. 'turn 1 to Tlntoa Of flco. wont Into a logging camp to run a donkpy engine, Later these two men beennto'riKi'm'matos and great friends. Doth nro Republicans. Polndoxter Is a Progressive nod wRh tho slump ot Roosovolt'u party It Is prophesied that tho noxt, Senator from Washing ton Will be a Republican, WORKING OX PJ.ANH .. i ha "v. - - ' ) .1 lltli.MA M)STr-nsoiilc ftib ufltl! Inlfa. ,M, fl Rrtnru tyrUo.Arun.JpL,i Viroward . - t.'.j,''fft ' WANTED V 4 WANTED Girl want placQ to tak? enro of chlldrpn nttor school lfoutfy Phono TC-J, WANTI2D Room and bonrtl xsltli prU vnte family by yomiK couplo. Must bo close In, V, care ot Tlmos, .," Iiqn,lro Ax1ml.Al n..M.1n. .. 11... ... t3i,,,. iini,i ... u.rih T1.....1 lu WANTED l)roiisiiinkn(f. now workhiK on rovlsed plans nnd ' C87. Second Bt., North. frs. Laak. ostlmates and will probably havo them rendy tomorrow, Hocrotary Smith ot 1)10 North llond Chamber of Commerro will probably onll a mcotlug of tho Htoukholdern thou to rouililer oroctlug thp smallor hotel lnilUlln;f ,uow and lutur. aidlng an annex. j comiuls- "'t Tito etntn" tax commission that hna ' raised' percentages df values 1,1 .wlrarU rill 'l,i'tj,ltf.u Id f '1.A r!ll:m",,0,1,,1hOl,!aboll.l(elt',ttot.o b'Ah will' do thU .,.:,"i'V1"'?ml 'wprk Jiu'caiiiufclloii. with, tho mil- 1'iiAniv iu'.ii.i, who ih iiuiu iriiiii 1 . .... , ..nm . Alaska -visiting hlo-brother. Henry 'W,1., W'.x$Mlc- ui Kern, nt North Ilnlid, ami other friends and relatives, plans to ? leavo soon for Alaska. It hnit been ' utnetoon years slnco ho wn hero before. 1 MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WITT13 havo returned from n wook's visit with their daughter, Mrs. T. II. ' Rood, who entertalnod a party of seventeen on TbiinkHglvIng Day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wltto expect to leavo soon to spend tho winter In Cali fornia, It. At. WIEDER of Ton Mile oxpoctH to leavo eooii for California to spend tho winter thero with. Mrs. Wlcler, who Is sookliiK 11 chnnf?o of cllmato In hopes of benefitting her health. Sho loft last week with Ed' Winder iind .MltH Edna Wlulor. (J. -11. Uurtlii will tako .Mr. Wlediip'B' idaco InivMllii Plor son'a stores" ' t.i ii. 1 J ROlt HAM3Ulnck AIlnorcnH n Plymouth Jlopk lions. Mr. le WrlKht. KnstKldo. Tel. 302-11 FOR SAII' Alotor boat, ,!i.T 1-J foot nr...slx .horso Gray .motor, shaped whlto cedar. hulli makos 8 mllof per ho'irr. qulllo; Address Uox '003, 'Co FOR RENT .. .!- t- No Daiungo (iiiiiiux. It was re ported that Sec. Kdgoworth and some of tho It W. W. Bympatlilzorn wore iplnunhyt to liiHtltutc; ilainogo , suits yignlnst'MnrshfloId men who nro nl- loged to huvo aided In tho doporta Uloil h year ago. However, tho Oro 1 1:011 Hunromo Court. In lis IccIhIoii J dlslmrrliiK It. O. Giuvoh for three j Tayfor lrfo,",oVniflSnTlli? " tilsUrtj '.luontns, unoiarpM thai iiiq uvuiunco m tiuun, wiinu uurnuu, mny u falls to show that tho men wore kick-' rebuilt. ' ed and luiuttm and that they wero I fcubJot'tQtl to no furthor violence than being seized nnd dopqrtcd. J. H. Jessen, M. D. PIIYKIOIAN AND Ht'lldCOX SurKery nnd Dlsoasca of W0111011 Specialty.. Offlro, 30T Coko llldB, Phone 229-J Res. .Myrtle Arms. Phono IIUl-L vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsKiXKjmrt. I Should I ' I Q Z v p o !, 3 Your Druggist .HIT .id Jb a ' L? HHWNHWIHHMPHN -MHMHMHWVIiriMMmB. 'i 1 " T 1 -ntmtrM .aif TTL f " m'1 ("j 1 , urana n l VOH HUNl TenToom liouso conn plfltoly fiirnlshedt Phono, 43E-2&;! 1 'ii 1 1 1 ' ' " 1 ' 1 ' . FOR UfSNTf-iTliivo rooms firnUiol ' for housokooii nB. closo In, hot and co.Id water Phone 3P0-J,; 1 1 1 j i t - liOR lUi.NT l!J5nt., veU .fiirnltUt od housoUeoplnti npartnioiil". rpi souablo. V. Caro ot Times. l-'OIt ItKNI FiimWictl houpkc lug rooms. 4024 J-JIrtuJi 1 KOIt ItEN'XVl.'loJisant, ,!Il'fuwWJ,r ed front room for ono, 0r.tw9.geri- tlomon, boated, prlvnto family; Addroiis II., Caro of Times. -, , 1 - . . FOR RJ;N1 llMUM'kvoplnB. ifHinw. 005 1st and Illrch. FOR (i"N RI'JNT ,t-iiMim liltnKal'wV. JHt' ro'in 'pi P".'d?- ."1 I''Slt JiJJfv'lh-Njmly fnnilslicd fiwiU. rooms, Iiqnml cold water, batli,' I2.ri0 por wcok, closo In, Plwua anr.-.r. iiiiii 1 . i,.iI,,it,ivn vl....!.. ..m.i.i.1 Inb .'ir.V ....... '4., . . ... .,,o..A. ..,.nv 1 l... J...... 1 il. i. .u ...Utl ruoiiiH Willi nain. f- Jior cn, Closo hi. 23P 80. 4th tit. In. fjtrmninmtirrsn!atSSSJiMUKXBZa OEZH!fit1VKZ .b YOUR. EYES Meed Atteribion See Us -Red Cross Optical Dept SlTqiS- ' PIl0nCS 122' ffr.pken Lenses Duplicated at Once W T NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT W H STl'LL of ANouany was Alarshflold today on business. F, E. WESTERUERO loft yesterday for Raudoii to visit Ills store thoro. W, II. 8TULL wuh iiniong tho AIlo- Notlie Is Jioioby glvon that tho gany visitors horo today on busl uiidorslgned, udmlnUtrntor ot tboj noss. oatnto of GeorKo W. Catching, do-M. LEATON wan nmoiiB tho buslnots oeascd, has filed his final account; vlsltois in tho city today from A! II LEMANSKI 1 V , L To-Nigh t FOR RENT l-'nniMu'd mmrttnei rhono B3'L. 'v4 FOR RENT 4lrnoni lipuso , uftli pantry anil hath, modern. l2tl andJ Commercial, Rhono U5-Lj- 'i Vi -f 4- ' V I TONGHT 1 , j -- 1 1. . m- r nmrr .i f iw rr--T-r.-.. osiiuch administrator in tho County ourt of 'Co'da ' County, Stato ot OrigjjnJ P'nnd .(h'o said court has ppoHUW 'Monday the lltlt day of ".January, '11 6,' at tho hour of 10 iei clock a. m, of Bald day at tho dcurt house -atrCoqulllo- City, Coos Oiltnt)'; Oregon, as tho tlmo Picture s&framine Walker Studio Mrs. I. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY Ladles' Art Club with M. Conaron. 1 n L. Young iiaie ami whh I AIIsb Sunne t the It. O. Thorpo , I bKf ortb Ufu bHlnB I mMtinK. ... tiln.n fri. flin. hnnrlnrr. nf. -fil.ini.! IM4MAMMUI -MP. - .--r-.' r tlouB to suliLJinul luccciuuL.and tliiu .eltiemont tuoroor. loga ny, 1 C. P. COLEMAN of Tompleton was down today from Ills home oiu busi ness, CHARLES CROUCH of Haynos Inlet attjmded to business In tho city today. andf-A.-N. CHRI8TENS0N camo down this morninKisdtoppltTfi from-Hsynej Inletv" - - - I -., 130-K HONE 10 Cent Wessenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 1 Savbu vessel loadetl at St. II el-. , eus last wek Ukt. .000,oeo fwt, of lumber. CALLING CAJ1US TUB TIJUSS !. , I. nristed at Datod this 3rd day 1911. JOHN W. CATCHING, Administrator of the Iflstatq of George W. Cateblng, Deceased. First publication. Doeswber 8, 1IM. Last publlcatkin, January 1. 11)15. i SPECIAL VOTFH at Sartor's from pow UNTIL CHRISTMAS to all can jHIMTI&i Vriuging In orders for Cbrlstmful CANDY. AU the Cam palgu Manager. -n JM,I8J.LUIU IIQDSON waa.lj tlip (dty orDocomber, t0(iay visiting and dhophlng from Allogany. MRS. MA DEL MALDE was in the city today shopping from her homo at Norih Inlet. CUHSTJ9R 8ANKORD oanje down on tho MoMiengor on a short business trip this morning. ERNEST PETERSON of Haynos Inlot was horo today attondlnB to Bomo matters of business ' DBTKCTJVH W. J. A1ITCHKLL wa in tho city today from CoqulUe consulting with J. Q. Gpag. SHOWING THE LICENSED PRO-! CRAM OF SELECT PHOTOPLAYS BIX REELS--ALL NEW NO RE PEATERS. The seeoiid chapter of "THE UK LOVED ADVENTUREirtho Ar thur Johnson aerial Htory, ontltlodT THE . UNTARNISHED SHIELD." Qvec 800 peoplo saw t)io first chop. i.ier ot una wonuoriui story nsi; nuy j MADGE DE WITT, dramatic so-iotto-of them If It wasn't thp groatest prano, singing popular and up toj hit In fllmdom. Ra puro mid uttond cato songs. I tiiet Grand tpulght. Durbank and Danfortln blsh class I "IN BHEBP'8 CLOTHING"- LET II that when it comes to OK 'iTHO.HOMC OF BIG FEATURES, AND. VAUDEVILLE. t nj i? .vl it&mm ::; i.i musical novelty artlntm Theso two actSiwill'Blvo an entlro change of program, tonight. Dig special feature "HOME, SWEET HOME" A Blx-rool photo. .dandy two-reel Edison drama aduptod from the' story that apprurod in tho Sunday magazine a short time ago, "JUSTUS KNEW IT WASN'T" A good, olil-tlmo Lubin comedy it anntvc: -Aif 'iiH llj ".'J 1 1 llll . .1 mfaf u K) drama founded on tho song that real rli tickler. moves every human heart. Tho Jin-j "SHE .MADE HERSELF REAU- mortal ballad of Homo, written by'TIFUL" A IiIk laugh fpr seyoral John Howard I'ajno and staged by 1 minutes In tula now and funny 00111 We have the fat gesi line' at the smallest prices on Coos. Ba,y,., DON'T GET SOAK KD- D. W. arlffltll. A full tuU-lioni' hlirnv fpi Jionvr llooo, Jffot ItaU-ony, K'c. ADMISSION: SOut RoruIiiv !!rlv. Oier H(M) Ketn to ClnHmu Fron. Don't forget that tho "TjtljY O' HEARTS In two reels will 1q shown hore tomorrow night. ldy. I (,'Iillilicu. So. AtluItH, tr-i "FATHER'S TIME-PJECE" VRa- grap'i eomedy foaturInK Ullly Quirk, the funny man of tho movJes. AN ALIrFEATl'RE PROGJUM, TOMORROW NIGHT Tho usual t selection of splendid muak by the ' OJUND VENETIAN OKCHUawi us - 4 J 5 FIXUP Two-fltqrra: Marshflolfl. Nprjh, qei fifrfbAiW it v .. .. t .jiAjtny t jfc,. jMiA.aAAYfc,. wKbuAV