l "a, m w-t ja,-ln-Mhj WJUn ifT-a'Mrtif JMi'MaOT' lHfM JQLJV JC ' Uniltl't IliU Iclitllnct It Mtt t i E x a m i n e the weaves in these loose, full skirled overcoats Hart Schaffner & Marx ;havc chosen for these, models the most distinctive, liveliest cloths you ever saw. You young men know that often the fabric puts the snap, in the coat. Such "cincciy" patterns and sucl clever fashions make striking gar ments. '$18 to $25 I Wo Keep Your Clothes Pressed I free op charge WnAlnlVMlcSfV W OOieniVllllSJlOre Tho home of I art Sclutfet & Mrx clolhci MARSHFIELD NO nFND Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Artistic Jewelry for Women Brooches, Pendants, Ear Rings, Toilet Sets, Diamond Rings, Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Watches, Fancy Buck lea nnd Hatpins. -ylivttt'yrsN. y" x Rellahlo WiitrlicA nt Moderate Cost or as Fine as may Ih ihttlml. Purclmso will bo hold for dollvery subject to your order. Fine artistic engraving frco of charge. F. W. BERTRAM FRONT STREET " Something New In Addition French Dry Cleaning UNIQUE PANTAOTRIUM Central avenue. JAY DOYLE'S PLACE REVITIE5 WEATHER FORECAST OUEGOX-Rnln In west: I tirnl.nl, I,. . . . ' . U1, ,, or Bnow n cagt. colder with southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE record For the 24 hours emllm? nt I l!43 a. m.. 1)pi I... tt..i i a. in Oatllnd, special government me- I torologlst: J ti ' .-. a., MJ XJU11J. "".Milium eg I Minimum .'.'.37rj At 4 :4a a. m ...'.43 I Precipitation it I Precipitation since Sent. i. 1 Precipitation samn nnrin.t i .. -- i I last year ' ic.or, i ' I Wind: Southwest; cloudy and I rainy. BORN nlanITIto" Mr. ntiil Mru .T.ilm i cniiiiiu nt their homo In Albany, SS; .?.? ,S3 ,l R0' Mrs. Peilland Will hn rmiintiilu'irn.l' o Miss Mabel Tiffany, a former Mnrshfleld high school teacher. ANDERSON' To Mr. nnd Mrs. An drew Anderson, of North Ton Mile. n, Kfrl. This Is their thirteenth child, eleven of whom are living. MATSON. To Mr. nnd Mrs. N. S. siulHon r Fomdalo, a nlno pound Klrl. ThlH Is tliolr second child. Rend Hi per Miss Topping, city librarian, will rend n paper at tho meeting of the Cooa liny Women's Club with Miss Lnraon. liistsldo Meeting Thoro will bo n Socialist debate at tho City Hall nt L'astsldo on Wcdnseday night nt 7:30. .Mr. Weaver will speak for Socialism and Mrs. Wright against it. Motes to New Quarters. Tho Mnre,,f,oW 1JIec'r'cal Company has now completod its moving from tho milltllng nt 172 Broadwnv strnnt ' Nfirth nprnsd ihn atinhl tn ...i ,M0 room formerly occupied by The iiini'n una nuiL'ii nils just uccn re modelled. .Schilling HcIiii-iin. Joseph Schill ing, of Myrtlo Point, who Iras been spending tho past few days at South ern California cities, nrrlvoil Imrn lnol ovenlng. Ho will leavo for his homo Tuesday or Wednesday. Rosoburg, Rovlow. BERTRAM'S Wo wolcomo you to nn exhi bition of all that Is beautiful ami practical for gift giving. Early shopping assures n hotter chanco to see, moro lolsuro to soloct, tlmo for engraving nnd cholco of what Is most desir able. OUR DISPLAY Of GlfT IDEAS Is romnrkablo in variety and beauty. Useful Jewelry for Men (iold Fobs, Traveling SetH, Cuff Links, Stick Plus, Em blem Charms nnd Pins. Wo carry u large lino Of Masonic, Elk, Eagle, Mooso Charms and Rings. to the system which wo recently Instnllod, this establishment Is the only plnco In Coos county whero expert, profes sional cleaners aro employed nnd whero every modem facility Is pro vided for doing tho work thoroughly and satisfactorily. Remember wo dry clean anything from a delicate bit of laco to tho finest evening gowns and guarantee., our work to be thoroughly satisfac tory. The Ladies will no longer find It necessary to send work to San Francisco or Port land. , Phono 1S.10-X Jiijuivl by Cow Oscar Anderson, employed on tho A O. Rogers ranch, came to Mnrshfleld today to secure treatment for an Injury caused by a kick from a cow. Ho was walking along n row of 3C bo- vines In the stanchions when ono lot drive, cutting a bad gash In his leg. Fiuewell l'mty Tho Marsliflold Lodgo of Elks will turn their reg-, ular meeting tonight Into n sort' of I laroweii party for William Reich- ?rl! V'!10 .'," ,lcaVo l" n.b.out ten ''Wt'P. P. DiETZ of North Inlet was a .for Ills old homo In Kuimn. It In' ,.iu.. t i. i... 4...i .r . .for his old home in Knnsa. It Is expected that there will be a largo turnout 01 mo members, Family Wiw 111. Mrs. Nellie Owen haB received a letter from her daugh ter, Mrs. Carrlo Dungnn, saying thnt sne is visiting at tho J. H. Mllner homo In Petaluma. Tho Mllner fam ily Is JusU recovering from a siege .of diphtheria.- , To Visit Daughter Eugene ,0'Connoll left this morning for San ! ' Frnnrlarn nn Mm Mmn c.m, u Francisco on tho Nnnn Smith. Ho expects to visit at Durllngnmo, Ca'h, ifor somo t,mo wlth 1iIb daughter, rMrs. William Ford, who was for merly Stella O'Connell nnd very well known hore. 'I'llkn rhllilron i Untuu.l f hn m... irnrt fni. fnMnf. tu ..1.11.1...... ... i. I now district school now being built Jaliho forks of Coos Hlvor has been awarded. to William BJorquist. who is now onsy winning n boathouso lor a gasonuo boat thnt ho Is expect ing to .build for his purpose. His contract opens January 1 and In tho mcantlmo ho will charter n craft to take tho pupils to school. Cow Still Orpliim. : Without nn owner, completoly cast off and enst dtrwn, la the cow in tho city pound, ono of tho. original soven that wcro herded there by officers some tlmo on Monday night. Yesterday six woro claimed but tho seventh Is still there. Tho ownor, on calling, must first leavo 12.G0 in tho city tronsury. New rHMcnger Cars A now pas senger car with a. seating capacity of 10 porsonB was on tho strcot to dny boing tried out by V. . (Jorst of tho (Jorst nnd King North Hand Btngo lino. Should this ypo of machine provo successful on tho run, Mr. Gorst Is planning on or dering two or three moro of thorn for tho regular run. Tluvntoiied Kx-Wlfe. On tho claims of his former wife that ho. had visited hor homo three times yester day under tho influcuco of liquor nnd threatened her, a wnrrnnt was sworn out in Judgo Shuster's court at North Horn! for tho arrest of Mllo IU Ad ams. Tho man left town beforo the ""leers conic1 rest him. Mrs. Ad- ",,,B "":K';n ,dams camo to her houso under the protensc of scolnc tho children and that sho is afraid , of her life. Tho couplo secured a dl vorco last year and at tho tlmo Judgo Coko warned Adams to stny away. I May Como to MarMiflelil Ono of tho most optimistic men In South ern Oregon lias boon unearthed. IIo Is n man of about GO years of ago i who hns lived In Myrtlo Point for 1 44 years nnd never yet hns been In Marsliflold but declares his bo- Hot still "that some day ho will J como." Tho man was discovered u I fow days ngo by Edward S. Faw , cott who was In Myrtlo Point on n ' visit. When shown photographs of tho city tho ploncor declared In wonderment, "I always heard that you havo quite a city over thoro." I Denies Charges H. R. Fiolds of (lardinor, has writton n strong let ter to the Rp80burg Rovlow, point I Ing out that tho charges against JnH. Ferguson of taking tho money I that Rny Bunch stolp from Kuhp lnro Ill-founded. Mr. Fields says tlut ho has known Ferguson for years and thnt ho is miro It Is not itruo. Furthermore ho points out that $400 of tho money was said ! by Kulin to bo In gold nnd thnt ' it would havo been Impossible for Bunch to havo had this amount of gold on his person nnd escapo detection when ho was searched by I tho officers. 1 Grand To-Nigh t! ' Special Musical Program by tho', -Mrs. Kittson of Eastsldo Is Improv Orand Venetian Orchestra Corn- l,1B nJdly from her recent Illness, posed of Coos Hay's Best Musicians. I Mrs. O. Peterson of Eastsldo, who SVleni?iMMBae,ec tin M0JuPh vSf'VJ?? I haB been '" la improving vqry slowly. WATERS ' W' 8,1"'Van ' t10 I-loyl Hotel, Th ipih vniamin nf "tiip iPR. MB Wnewhat bettor today ufter an llPoV V'AuISe," ?ho great m". tIT th?.UB", l IUtV"T 000 priw serial story featuring d he wl )0 confined to his bed Miss Poarl Vhlto and tho Pat he for80nl "" players I U8 Person, of Ten Mllo, Is ex- Paulino Is tho nucen of tho mov- l'.ec,cU to 'leave Mercy Hospital to- iesi her drawing power is beyond ' description seo her tonight. . "A MIX-UP ATt MURPHY'S" nnd ' "CURING MR. GOODHEAD," two,a ll10 though ho has not yot been good Blograph comedies a laugh "renounced out pf danger. For al- for soveral minutes. "lost two weeks ho was kept alive , "ins rvROTHKii'H ni.oon." i.u- with tho use of stimulants and oxy- bln melodruma In two reels you, can always aenena upon iiieso m.io nt riima rnr i.oinc (.nnii tiiia ifeaturo we can recommend to our, patrons. I HEARST SELIO WEEKLY N0..5C All tho very latest war news is shown In this number several i items of Interest. ' Children 5c Adults IBc TOMORROW NIGHT Tho sec-, . , . ..r.rt -...,.... At-. onu cnupier oi iici.urcw ju- VENTURER," the Arthur Johnson serial story. Tho best bet In pic-! tures. -. - , Wmmm CAUL UOSS camo down this morning on business from his home at North Inlet. MASON NOAH was among tho visi tors In tho city today from Alle gany. visitor In tho city today on a slfort business trip. W LLIAM VINCAMP, of Allegnny, wns down todny looking nfter somo ntters of business. MKS. OSCAR OHM AN was among tho shopping visitors In tho city today from North Inlet. MnS, NED GALLOWAY waB down pn tho North Star today having some dental work dono. MKS. II. E. EDWARDS camo down this morning from Allegany to vis it nnd shop during tho day. W. P. IlEED, of Gardiner, was In tho city today looking after some of his business Interests. MRS. NELLIE STEERL1N left on tho morning train for Coqiillle, whpro oho will visit for somo time. E. LOTIIARD M'CLURE nnd wlfo loft todny for California points . whoro they will visit for n few weoks. REV. W. E. WILLIAMS of Enst- sldo, went to Allcgnuyjjwlth Cnpt. 0. E. Edwnrdfl yestWilSy nnd will conduct Borvices niMliut plnco. waijTIju " iiiuiiARUSCW nccom panlcd Honry Rlsb6irwha took ioVfwl Mrs. Bishop to a Portland sanl tnrlum and will probably visit nt McJriuuvlllo 'beforo his re turn. DAVE RICH was hero from Dnn IoIh Crcok yesterday. IIo says that tho injury to Ills foot a fow montliH ago by n bullot from Dnvo Bunch's rlflo still troubles him. . JUIXJE JOHN HALL wont ovor to Coqulllo on tho morning train. IIo Is holding tho monthly county court thoro today, when somo im portant rond matters aro to bo decldod. MR. AND MR8. J. O. LANQWORTIIY returned to thplr homo this morn ing a.tter visiting Captain nnd Mrs. Hormnu E. Edwards of Allegany. Mrs. Langworthy vycn,t up to hor daughter's before Thnnksglvlng. E. LOTIIARD M'CLURE. accompan led by Mrs. McCluro, left this morn ing on tho Nann Smith for Ftorldn, whoro Mr. McCluro hns an Import o,nt enso coming beforo tho stnto supremo court. They expect to bo gone nhout a month. J. C. SAVAUE nnd wlfo of Coqulllo woro hero -todny. Mr. Savago has just closed out nil his Interests at Coqulllo nnd plans to leavo next wook on tho Nann Smith for San Francisco from whoro they will go to Ponsacola, Florida, whoro ho has purchased nn 80 ncro tract. His brother located at Ponsncola somo tlmo ngo, SYLVESTER JONES 'of Myrtlo Point was A Marsliflold business visitor yosterdny, coming over to closo up ttomo affairs of tho Palace Market, which ho and Mr. aoilrloy recently sold to Mr. Oswald. IIo snys that Myrtlo Point Is coming alieiul In' Kood shnno and thai it is nno of ' u"lhtmi;i. towns Uiat hTw2 ovor In, MAYOR (1EORGE P. TOPPING of linmlon, was a Marsliflold busi ness visitor today. Ho camo over on tho ovenlng train yestordny to sou J ml go Hull. aboutsonitt pro bate i-iiHus, but Judgo Hall H;ft on tho -out y mornliiK train for Coqulllo und ho returned there .tills afternoon to sco him. IIo reports that everything Is going nicely nt Bnndou and with u slight Improvement In tho lum ber market, tho mills will resume und building operutlous bo push ed. Hu says thnt thu Simpson-Mitchell-Coach cusu has not stir red up much Interest thoru us It was thrashed out In Bandou somo tlmo ngo and people thoro wuru long ago famlllu, with It. AMONG THE SICK f t: '"orrow. .Ho has been qonflnod there for several days with an Infected leg. . eaman continues to linproyo Ben. MiiB.uimieii ui . v. i.uuiire, oi i North Bend, aro down with Horlous ' Illnesses. Mrs. Frank Davis of South Marsh-1 field underwent an operation tod,ay ai .-uercy iiospnai aim is reportoa re-, tovormg. Georgo Hennessey returned homo from Mercy Hospital today. Mr. VRhler of Camp 1, a rigging nil. ..a .,..... 1... I. IaI. ..... biiuko, """ biiuir u) u uiikh junici- day and sustained a broken leg and other Injuries. Ho Is now at Mercy Jlospltal. VOTE CAST IN CITY ELECTION TUESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1&14 "' VOW, COt'.VCILM'A.V KOR THREE YI-URS, Tu to IH elected. Geo. A. Barnes ... Geo. E. Cook... Mrs. Jessie M. Eagan.."."."." Harry J. Kimball, Jr. Andrew Lowland J. F. Telander koh ctrxci mia.v roit om: YEAR ',l L' Ono to. l)o Elected. "tvi Carl W. Evertsen lba ri h. w. painter ...i::.:::"" w. j. Ritz : FOR HECOltDKIt. 'John W. Butler Chas. P. Mason AMENDMENT I"OR COM- pirriTivn iiinniNd on STRi:i7l I'AVIXtJ. For ; Against TO John Manning Would Revolu ' tionize Aeroplane Warfare; Fill Air With Bullets LIfo-dcstroylug nnd doath-dollvor-Ing In wholcsalo quantities by tho mere pressing of n. trlggor is tho plan being worked out by John Man ning, who would patent n now aero plane huh that could sweep tho heav ens with a leaden hull In tho fpur main directions of tho compass. Blow ing bullets out of almost countloss muzzleij spreading bullots by thu hundreds Is tho plan. IIo was down today to nco about having sketches of this gun made, To revolutionize aeroplane wnrfnro by making It Impossible for such, ma chines to got within sight of tho earth without being blown to pieces Ir tho object of tho contomplntpd gun. In length it would ho about thnt of an ordinary rlflo barrel, in fact It. Is best described its bolug of n pattorn that would bind In u circular limns Huveral hundred rlflo barrels. These would ho bored from n Uoavy block of steel, though each sopnrato barrel would point in a slightly dif ferent angle from Its neighbor. In this manner ajiot could bo scattered at a greater radius. Bohlnd theso bnrrolH would como a largo breech block containing tho cartridges and n firing pin still further hack. This latter could bo so arranged as to set off (Ho entire charge or only part nt a tlmo. Manning has had sovoral Inventive Ideas, ono of which wns u potato dig ger, though this was never manufac tured. Ho expects to got out plans for tho now gun nnd submit. thoin for approval by authorities. HBMMBW-MHUJI V l .TME 'HOTELS Tho Clmudlcr HoteJ. Abo Moycr. Condon: C. (Hlport, Ptortnco; J. E. Lurwood, Portland: ?f.n.r, W. W. Jo.u, son, Canada; L. E. Jones, Canada; D. Vance, Portland; A. Broyman, Port land; (lunrga P. Topping, Uandon; Ed M. Webb, Mantl, Utah; Mrs. J. Horuuiig, .Mantl, Utah; Mrs. M. O Clarke, Los Angeles;' Frud La n ess, Seattle; F, Bucher and family, North Bend; II. Ill Merry, Portland; W. C. Chase, Coqulllo; l(. A. Se'iroedor and wife, Myrtlo Point; E. E. Blauchard, Grants Puss; Follx M. Wolff," Ban Francisco; F. A. Bpcucor, Myrtlo Point. Tho Blanco Hotel. J. A. Smith, Coos River; E. L. Roblusoti, Myrtlo Point; Charles To ghren, Now York; Andrew Tuesdrom, Lnkesldo; Alvlu Smith, Coos Itlvor; W. B, Rohror, Coqulllo; Henry Bluuk, Benver Hill; Ed Slestreem, Temple ton; William Ferroy, North Bend; Albert Shay, Rlvorton. Tli" Ht. Jturt'iuo Hotel, W. It. Benttte, Lakeside; II. J. Bragg, San Frnuclscei 8ylvslr Jones, Myrtlo Point; C. Fsrslund. Camp ; Godfrry Nelson, Cntnp 4; Nels Swanson, Cn;pp i', W. Ogrsoll, Camn 4; W. HelwriBaHci', Ynncouver, U'null If "! Thq LJiiyii'llotel. C. Ferguson, Allegany; M. C.iIIon-' ry, Norway; T, -George, Beuttlo; Mr. and Mrs. C. Maihloii, Portlaud; Nlvk Pavtch, Lakeside. possess marino llcensos such as pi-1 j0tH tug masters and mates and i i.n.. i.. ni.nr. nt i i.r. ,imiirnu i Iwork In tho canal and tho Jock- operating forces. Tho ordor, among other restrlctlvo provisions, forbids! any canal pilot entering a saloon . whllo In uniform. It Is believed that tho ordor will."" eucourago conifdenco on tho part of tho ship-owners ..... -......... ... using the canal, M PLANNED MAMPEFi AIRSHIPS AT fe and poulbly havo some Ifluenc9'lllin)(er mu ECil0p i,nU8(J nt imnUer toward orovontlpg lnciouso of ma- ..... . A , . . , . , rlno Insuranco rates on vessels pass-:,,,l, at 7i30 clock Wednesday lug through the canal, tiJKxrcs,mm7.lis-41itfmm'm4 l'RKciNcrrs. a t V C) a .I US 63 m w o.?' U XV5 o o o xh'A "4 f 71 91i 39 102 53 265 45 120 64 320 10 1 8 13 10 41 359 34 57 172 62 68 6 6 53 11 11 49 143 59 304 63 36 8 179 88 63 52 74 379 249 73 5 11 9 103 14 33 89 231 122 535 18 27 20 79 87 207 100 138 532 4 27 9 5 45 WEHDINO WAR TAX Tho npoctal war tax which became offectlYu yestordny ad.ds to thu bunion or tho nowly weds nt tho tlmo of tliolr mar rlago as well as afterward. Tho law roqulroa that a 10-cont b tain p shall be affixed to tho mirrlngo certlflcntu issued hy tho officiating clergyman or maglstrato which becomes tho prlvato proporty of thu brldo and groom nfter thn ceremony. Llkowlso thu law requires n. 10 cent Btamp must bQ ntfloxd to every certificate of birth Or l death Issuod to prlvato per sons for prlvato use, I NORTH BEND NEWS : Mrs. C. M. Bylor and daughters Dorothy and AHcp, wcro guests on Saturday a.t tho hpmo of W. S. Tur- pon In Mnrshfleld, Miss Eva Plank who has boon spondlng tho past throo weoks or moro In Portland and Hoqulam, Wash., roturncd on tho Qcorgo W. liiuer. Tho Baptist LadloB' Aid of North Bond will moot noxt Thursday, Do comber 0, All mombors aro urgod to attend. Mrs. Ilobort JlcCnnn spent Satur day In Marsliflold. As nn accommodation tlo North Bond Baptist Ladles' Aid havo giv en tliolr room in tho Simpson build ing to tho North Bond Library As sociation to hold tliolr mootlngs In. Miss Edith Thomas who Is employ ed nt Coqulllo snout Sunday at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, P. Thomas, horo. Captain Dnvo Holdon who now hns tho contract for carrying tho mall botwoon Emplro, North Bond nnd Mnrshfleld, may chango his schedule, providing tho npprovnl of tho government Is secured, so that tho outgoing mall will leavo Em plro about 9 o'clock In the morn ing and North Bond about 10. Un der tho prcsont schedulo, tho out going mall has to lay ovor a day In tho Marsliflold postofflco. Rov. I), A, Molx-od who Is visit ing nt tho C. A. Smith homo horo Is figuring on enlliitlng In tho Rod Cross work In tho European war. "o has been located at Cottage Orovo rocontly. II, O. Wrny has nhout closed a deal for tho enlo of tho Palace Restaurant to P. L, Perdue of Den ver, Colo. Mutorlnl Is on tho ground for a ono-story building to bo erected by J. O. Gullard between thn Palaco Hotel and tho Thorn building. Tho Chamber of Co mm ere o nnd Greg ory Electrlo store aro to occupy It. R, A. AVorulch Is expoctod homo soon from u trip to Portlaud and Tacoma. (Icorgo Parkor and wlfo of Sodro Wooloy, Wash,, uro guests at tho John Nowklrk homo und wll prob ably mnk.o their homo horo. c, if. Hurrltt writes thnt tho op. oration ho rocontly underwent at tho Good Samaritan hospital in Portland wan an entlro success and that ho hopes to return horo soon to rcauipo his plnco in tho Hur rltt and Simpson garage. Tho North Bond High School basketball team will piny tho Gar diner team ut (lardinor Docoiuber 12. gGeorgo Flanagan of Marsh(eld Is oponlng u tlo camp n)QVt tho Tar JI,eo logging camp and will ship tho ties out that way. WELDY TOREITRX SOON. Sec. Smith of tho North Bend Chamber 0f Cnmmcrco has rocolved a lottor from .Mr, Weldy of Montana. w,! WW ' 'p1-'" Il0d rocontly fig- " kiih uny iimr uuiiv. Bavlnir that ho cxiiectod to leave Mon- """ . 10,U Dec. 12. Ho snld his son' would leave tnero soouor. sir. SUth ld that they plunuod to occupy tho oiuii'son uunmng lonueriy occuiueu Y the Davenport real ebtato pfflco, omo tor mo piapi SERVICES WEDNESDAY Rov. Leroy Hall will speak In tlo eveulugi ' flOdlAh CALENDAR. THURSDAY Nortli 'Dend Auction Urldge Club with ira. ,T. Q. Horn. A. N. W. with Mrs. L. Jr. Noble. Christian Sisterhood Bazaar at tho Art Room on Central nvenue. North Bend Christian Sister hood with Jlra. B. MqDanlel, Rainbow Club with' Mrs. Jns. Landrlth. Mlnno-wjs with Mrfl. E. A. Harris. FRIDAY Ladles' Art Club with Jfrs. G. M, Condon, N. L. Young Ladles' Aid with Mss Sunno At tio R. O, Thorpo home. Epworth Lcngiio business I meoting. Cusant I.CST Class pin, O. I H. '07. Ro turn to Times Offlco. liOHT MiiMinlc fob with Initials G. M. D. Itotqrn Myrtlo Arms, Apt, 21 roward. WANTED WANTED airl want place to tako caro of children nfter school hours. Phono 7C-J. WANTED Roopi and board tii prl vntp family by young couplo. Must bo closo In. V, caro of Titties. WANTED DroHKiimklng. Inquire C87. Second St., North. Mrs. Lasb. FOR HALE Black Mltiorctiai nnd Plymouth Rock lions. Mrs. Ben Wright, Eastsldo. Tel. 30E-R. FOR HALE Motrtr bout, !M J. a foot or, bx horso Orny motnr shaped white cedar hull, makes 8 mllon per hour. Address Box 002, Co qulllo. I FOR RENT X FOR RENT Tcnroom Itouso com plotoly furulshod. Phono 432-X FOR KENT Threo rooini fumlslicd for housekeeping, closo In, hot nnd cold water. Phono 3GCJ. FOR RENT Pleasant, well furnlnJi od housekeeping npartmonls, rea ijqn.ablo. F. Carp of Times. FOR RENT FiinilHlied liouektcn Ing rooms. 1024 Elrod. FOR RENT Pleasant, well-funiUli-cd front room for ono or two Kn tlomon, heated, prlynto family. Addross B Curo of Times, i FOR 11ENT Housekeeping: rooriw. OflC 1st and Birch. FOR RENT Ji-rwoin Imngnlow. ,10n nulro John Tollofson., Eastsldo, ' FQR llMVNmvly furnlshr-fl front roomB, Jtot nnd cold wptpr, bath, 3.C0 por wook, closo In. Phono 35C-.I. FOR KENT Nicely furnished front room with bath. 2 per week. Qloso n. 230 So. 4th St. FOJt RENT FiirnUheU apartment. Phono C3-L. FOR RENT Pleasant, ivelLfunUsJi ed hou8ol(coplng apartment, reas onable. F caro of Times. FOR JIENT l.room omq. Wlth pantry and bath, modorn. 12th and Commercial. Phono 6G-L. THE LEMAKSKI lUEenOKIGHI IHE HOMf OP BIG fpTU(lES ND VAUDEVILLE. 'Madge Do Witt, Dramatic Sopra no, singing popular und up to dato bflUk'H. MrB. 1)11 Witt Ulirk nlonoo.l tho larjo nudlonco last night aud la fliU;e to ontl(uo to hor high stand ard of success. Burbank and Dauforth, high class musical novelty artists. Thes two artists nro far hotter than nuy musi cal act that has over boon horo before, Tho 10th oplsodo of "TUB MIL LION DOLLAR MYSTERY" by Har old McGrath In two reels, entltlijd: "SIIANOHAIED." H"u. "A RpWDQAT ROMANCE"-r-A Koystono Comedy up to tho standard. "CAUGHT IN TIQHT8"-Anotlw Koystono Comedy bat Is full of fun. "DUR MUTUAL GIRL WEEKLY" No. 2. Sho awaken to tho luxury of hpr Now York bedroom. Last but far from, least NORTH aW WTOY-Made In Qr&l. All tho latest happenings In our own homo stuto. C reels of tho bost pictures that money can buy. Tho greatest feature of the evening is the TEN pnsoH ORCHESTRA? Mr. Horbert Reanor, dlrecton Tho best iutscal talept In Maraif,leld. ADMISSION; Any ni, l (U 1oh: nc. Tomorrow night tho price or ad mission will bo: i LoA'or flpor, IBo; halcopy, lOcj- tle regular prlco, i j 4. ! M I LOST I 1 M i n i ..iiU ivmmmmM9MmmMiiwmmumm mmi wiin,lt mm j. - i . fALliitali il m i ijjtAtU ,