vs2tjmmmpMEi fc.Ajy. .j;ii, p iJ4.-ganUgi m ftu'i' trviiivinu cvv,f, nu 'ciJiiriiurt.BBiwff'r"Frg '"" " -"-v ''i1Wl$ftffi?pt -t COUNTY If! I PROCEEDINGS .Continued: from yesterday. Second I)ny Hoard. W. D. Marshall, Judge .... 3.00 S. Mundy, Judge 3.00 A. D. Perdue, Judge 3,00 Ernest Sldwoll, Clerk 3.00 A. Oarfleld, Clerk , . . 3,00 j. W. Mast, Clerk 3,00 City of Dnndon, Hall rent . . c.00 W. D. Marshall, Meals .... lo.CO Precinct No. 40. II. nrown, Judge c.00 F. J. Chatburn, Judgo 3.00 W. K. Mavlty, Judge 9,00 . .Precinct Xo. 40. A. E. Hndsall, Clork 9.00 A. J. uarro, uiork ti.OO A. J. JIartmnn, Clork 9.00 Dorpthy Barre, Clerk 3,00 B. W. Gibson, Judgo 3.00 E. B. Fish, Judgo ....... C.00 Herbert Drown, Meals .... 3. CO Induct Xo. 41, 1st Hoard. W. II. Button, Judgo 3.00 J. H. Shields, Judgo 3,00 A. Barrows, Judgo 3.00 Mrs. C. E. Kopf, Clerk .... 3.00 Louis E. Brown, Clork .... 3.00 J. II. Englomnn, Clerk .... 3.00 W. II. Button, Meals .... 4.20 Thomas Langlols, Janitor work 3,00 Second Hoard F. M. Hutford, Judgo 3,00 C. E. Klopfor, Judgo 3.00 II. B. Stockwoll, Judgo . .. . 3.00 W. W. Elliott, Clork 3.00 W. J. Swcot, Clork 3.00 Otto Nouman, Clerk 3.00 F. A. Hufford, Moals 2.10 I'rcclnct Xo. 42. Gooi' A. Stolz, Judgo 0.00 J. A. Faulds, Judgo 9.00 J. X. Adams, Judgo 9.00 K. J. Peters, Clerk 9.00 J. B. HoBklns, Clerk 9.00 Blancho Faulds, Clork .... 9.00 Hollo Adams, Meals 8.40 J. M, Adams, Hall rent . . . COO Proclnct Xo. 43. Th 03. Dovorous, Judgo and meals C.70 H. Jay Banks, Judgo and meals C.70 J. P. Strang, Judgo and meals G.70 C. d. Saga, Clerk and moals 0.70 Mm. M. J. Flam, Clork and nioala . . ., C.70 Mrs." D, J. Jenkins, Clerk and moals 8.70 Wlllard A. Sloan, Hall ront, otc 3.00 Precinct Xo. II. T. P. Hanly, Judgo C.00 Martin Ilandlomnn, Judgo . C.00 J. II. Bodlngflold, Judgo .. COO J. T. Conloguo, Clork .... COO J. A. Wobb, Clork COO W. J. Whlto, Clerk COO J. L. Bean, Meals, etc 7.G0 Precinct Xo. 4.1. C. T. Blumonrothor, Judgo COO It. H. Hunt, Judgo C.00 S. J. Wilson, Judgo C.00 Jas. P. Alumbaugh, Clork.. COO It. K. Davis, Clork COO Alojc Turnor, Clerk o.OO O. T. Blumonrothor, Moals .7C It. If. Hunt, Meals 7G S. J. Wilson, Meals 7C Jas. F. Alumbaugh, Meals .75 R. It. Davis, Meals 75 Alex Turnor, Meals 75 Now Luko School House Dlst. Xo. 4G, Hall ront, etc .60 I'rcclnct Xo. 40. J. A. Yates, Judgo C.00 J. F. Munford, Judgo COO Br. h, Harrison, Judgo, . . . 3.00 J. II. Schrooder, Clork.... COO L. M. Aasen, Clork 3.00 P. C. Shroedor, Clork ,,.. C.00 A. J. Radabaugh, Judgo .. 3.00 J. P. Carlt Judgo 3.00. f. P. Clinton, Judgo 3.00 t. M. Asson, Clerk 3.00 E. J. Myers, Clerk 3.0J D. F. Potorson, Clerk ..... 3.00 It. E. Buffum, Judgo .... 3.00 Scbroeder Bros., Moals .... 10,15 Precinct Xo. 47. J. D. Bennett, Judgo COO W. E. Blgelow, Judgo .. e.00 Wm. Smith, Judgo C.00 J. L. Crosby, Clork C.00 E. A. Meroen, Clork C.00 W. T. Brady, Clorx C.00 J. D, Bennett, Meals and hall ront COO Precinct Xo. 4b, lt Hoard. E. Schneider, Judgo 3.00 R. A. Annln, Judgo 3.00 J. D. Barklow, Judgo 3.00 tots P. Giles, Clerk 3.00 ri Katherlne Steraroler, Clerk 3.00 I O. o Scbneldor, Clork .... 3.00 I Second Lourd. P. L. Phalan, Judgo 3.00 T. W. McCloskoy, Judge .. 3.00 J. T. Lowellen, JUcgo .... 3.00 J. O. Stemmlor, Clerk .... 3.00 H. A. Guerln, Clerk 3.00 Claud H, Giles, Clerk .... 3.00 First Board, 2nd Day. E. Schneider, Judgo 3.00 T. W. McCloskoy, Judgo.. 3.00 J. D, Barklow, Judgo .... 3.00 Lois P. Giles, Clerk 3.00 Precluct Xo. 48. Kathorlne Stemmler, Clerk. 3.00 9. G. Schneider, Clerk . . .,, . 3.00 City of Myrtle Point, Hall t Rent 2.G0 Ladles' Aid M. E. Church, fMcil'a i.bo W. H. Dancer, Meals .,.,... 2.10 Precinct Xo. 40, 1st Hoard. Chns. Adams, Judgo c.00 R. L. Weekly, Judge n nn Geo. Griffin, Judgo C.oo Thos. D. Guerln, Clerk .... c.00 Xelllo Dement Feamley, Clk COO Ivy Roberts, Clerk c.00 Second Hoard. E. C. RobertB, Judge 3.00 H. M. Fensler, Judge 3.0f H. O. Prey, Judge 3.OO E. E. Bender, Clerk 3. 00 Ed Jenkins. Clerk v. . . 3.00 C C. Carter. Clerk 3.00 R. C. Dement, Hall rent, otc. 3.50 W. H. Dancer, Meals 2. 10 Myrtle Hotel, Meals 2.10 Clias. Adams, Fuel, otc 9.70 Precinct Xo. BO. Albert Barklow, Judgo .... c.00 W. F. Sllngaby, Judgo COO Geo. W. Hlxon, Judgo c.00 I . A. Plerson, Clerk c.00 A. R. Davenport, Clerk .... COO Thos. Root, Clerk c.00 W. F. Sllngsby, Meals, hall rent ,etc 9,30 Precinct Xo. 31. I. E. Arneson, Judgo 9.00 J. It. Dev-ult, Judgo 9.00 S. S. Darnell, Judge 9.00 H. F. McXalr, Clerk 9.00 Rowcna Snyder, Clerk .... 9.00 Maudo R. McCracken, Clerk, 9.00 I. E. Arneson, Hall rent, meals 15.50 Precinct Xo. 31!. C. H. XoBler, Judgo and meals D. E. Weekly, Judgo meals R. A. CrlbblnB, Judgo C.90 and C.D0 and meals G.90 Harry Williams, Clerk and tnen.s . .. C.D0 A, O. Hooton, Clerk and meals C.90 Myrtlo Ostrandcr, Clork and meals C.90 Hill & Murphy, Hall rent... 3.00 Precinct Xo. 3:1. R. P. Carman, Judgo 9.00 W. H. Hayes, Judgo 9.00 Win. H. WIso, Judgo 9.00 V. P. Xeal, Clerk 9.00 J. P. Hayes, Clork 9.00 C. Carman, Clork 9.00 Hill & Murphy, Hall Rent at primary ccctlon, No. 52.. 3,00 Mileage for DclUerlng Election Ho turiiH. C. X. Xorrls, Proclnct No. 1 CB0 L. D. Walker, Precinct No 2 S.00 Oscar Ohmau, Precluct No. 3 C.S0 M. H. Rolhor, Precinct N. 4 5.00 J. E. Noah, Precinct No. '6 7.20 U. S. Nay, Precinct No. C. . . 5.80 E. M. Shrlvor, Precinct No 7 4.20 Potor Loggle, Precinct No. 8 4.20 L. II. Clirlstonsen, Precinct Xo. 9 4.20 W. 8. llutlor, Precinct No. 10 4.20 Chas. Wltto, Precinct Xo. It 4.00 Alpha Pcdorson, Precinct No. 12 5.00 R. A. Nnss, Precinct No. 13. . 4.80 1 L. D. Smith, Precinct No. 14 C20 II. E. Bessoy, Precinct No. 15 4.20 R. T. Whltty, Precinct No. 1G - 4.00 D. L. Rood, Precinct No. 17 3. CO Geo. Wolstcad, Proclnct No. 18 3. CO C. H. Marsh, rreclnct Xo. 19 3.C0 Alva Doll, Precinct No. 20 . 3.00 II. C. Skorrott, Precinct Xo. 21 3.C0 J. E. Fitzgerald, Precinct No. 22 3.80 J. F. Conklln, Precinct No. 23 CS0 Z. T. Slglln, Precinct No. 24 2.80 II. W. Sanford, Precinct No. 25 3.C0 II. V. Ildlverstott, Precinct No. 2G 2.00 F. A. Baker, Precinct Xo. 27 4.20 If. W. Mast, Precinct No. 28 2.80 John Yoakam, Proclnct No. 30 ' .... 1.40 J. B. R. Shelton, Precinct No. 3G 1.S0 C. A. Goodman, Precinct No. 37 4. CO C. B. Zoek, Precinct No. 38 5.20 W. D. Marshall, Precinct No. 39 5.20 A. J. Barre, Precinct Xo. 40 5.20 F. M. Hufford, Precinct No. 41 5.20 Geo. A. Stoltz, Precinct No. 42 5. GO H. J. Banks, Precinct No. 43 4.00 J. T, Conloguo, Precinct No. 44 2.80 C. T. Blumenrother, (Order Out, Precinct No. 45 .... 8.00 J. A. Yates, Precinct No. 40 1.20 J. L. Crosby, Precinct No. 47 2.80 E. Schneider, Precinct No. 48 1.80 D. Guerln, Precinct No. 49 1.80 W. F. Sllngsby, Precinct No. 50 ..... 2.00 I. E. Arneson, Precinct No. 51 '2.00 R. A. Crlbblns. Precinct No. 52 4.00 W. F. Neal, Precinct No. 53. 5.40 E. A. Dodge, Acting on Can vassing Bd., etc 11.10 C. R. Wade, Acting on Can vassing Bd., etc 12.70 Adolph Haberly, Registering Voters ' 20.30 C. F. Blumenrother, Reglster- ' Ing Voters ,,.. 40 John F. Hall, Salary as Co. 2.80 ' Judgo S3.33 G. J. Armstrong-, Att. ut Court (C da. in Oct.) ... 3000, W. T. Dement. Att, at jcoutt (2 da. In Oct.) . ..,., ... 10.00 G. J. Armstrong, Mileage In Oct 7.00 W. T. Dement, Mlleago In Oct 1.00 G. J. Armstrong, Att. at Court (4 da. In Nov.) ... 20.00 W. T. Dement, Att. ut Court (2 da. In November) .... 10.00 G. J. AnnftroiuB, Mileage In November 10.10 W. T. Dement, Mllengo In November 1.S0 Hills Xot Allowed or Continued Tho following warrants not drawn for tho reason that tho persons performing tho work fnlled to sign the payrolls: A. H. Smith, nxmnn witn to. surveyor, $12. no; j. 1. SprlngBtcnd, nxmnn with Co. Sur veyor, $17.50; Bill Wnrd, labor on Myrtlo Polnt-Handon rond In It. D. No. 13, $8.75; R. D. No. 19, A. N. Taylor, $57.50; Dick Hancock, $10.00; Frank Pomoroy, $10.00; Stacy Wnrd, labor In It. D. No. 13, $22.50; claim of Chris Rlchert for damages caused by burning fence, etc., whllo Bnudon Construction Co. wob building Township Lino Road, for $25.00, not allowed; claim of J. W. Barkor for special work In Road District No. 30, extra grad ing, for $10.25, not allowed; claim of E. J. Fry for wood and tics burned by crew In construction of Section Line Road, for $33.40, not allowed; claim of M. H. Rclhor for $30.00, returned to bo Itemized; clnlm of Leonard Bnrtley for lum ber Rd. 20, for $3.25, continued for Information; Thomas Smith, for lumber Rd. 20, for $100.00, con tinued for Information; claim of Fred B. Garrett for labor for $3.75, continued for information. Stnto of Oregon, County of Coos, s. I, James Watson, County Clork of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, ex-offlclo clerk of tho County Court of said County nnil stnto, custodian of tho records, ar chives and flics of sntd county do hereby certify thnt tho foregoing Is n truo nnd correct statement of tho amount of bills nllowcd, continued and not nllowcd, on tho various funds of tho county as audited by tho county court for wild county nnd stnto nt tho regular Novcmbor, 1914, torm, thereof as the. snmo npponr In exhibits of claims of general nnd rond funds and County Court Jour iril of snld court now In my office and custody. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of tho County Court nfflxod this 12th day of Novomber, 1914. JAMES WATSON. " County Clork. D. D. D. for 15 years Tho Standard Skin Romcdy Instant Relief for alt Skin Troubles Tho (iiuniiitoeri Itemed) ItKI) CROSS DRUG STORE HOTEL DOTSON ' O. A. Hanson. Proprietor Now opon under now inanagoniuuc A home placo with homo cook Ing nerved In family stylo. Board and room, SC.50 per weok, 31C LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Irome dlato service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. ' I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I I DAY AND NIGHT SERYICE I For taxi, phone 193, Ideal Cafe, j I For tourln csrs Phono 20 ouandier Hotel LYXN liAMUETH, Prop. j New Cubs : t Now Cars j - New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "flNYY" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend I Wf . ,, , . mm ROOFING ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. Thisisttuv Stove PolistV YOU' Should Use TTS different from I others because more enro 19 taken hi tho maldmr nnd the materials used nro of higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Mnkcn brilliant, GlIkrpolMi t'nt tlecJ not nib ofl oritmt oft.nii Ul1011l.lnol.nn lour times ns lotm n ordinary move pollnli. Uitrtl on Bnmtilo rtnvo nml boid by hnrdwnro nn1 Grocery Onlcr-;. All tr.nafc tan trial. I'm It no our link .tore, your plor ctovo or your pas nnpr, Ir jtoj don't Unit it tho ti.tl to poll.tt yoti crcr vvtl, your V.!cr l ruthorl'M to r fi ml wur num.. in!t in Ilia, k i ilk Store I olisli. Made In liquid or paste ono quality. Black Silk Stovo Polish Works Sterling, lllinott Dm niack Silk Alr-Drln Iron Cntm.t en prate., twrlatrr., MoTe-pIfe. iTcrcnt ruatlfl?. Um Black Silk M.tal Pollih for l.lvrr, nlrlli orvrftM. ununowjuw loruaoon auiicmcDiiol. Wi.VCK SILK STOVE POLISH For Snlo by SCHHOEREH & IIII.DKXItUAXI) Phono 177. . 1 CLAMH, CltAIIS. riSU AM) OVSTHItH It you nro particular nbout tho slioll fish you cat, cot ac quainted with us. CXJOS RAY OYSTICR CO. nt Palnco Moat Mkt., ItTondwny K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcyclo Akcmcj LEE TIRES AUTOMORILE3 STORED COOS COUNTY'S MOST COMPLKTI MACHINE SHOP MARINE AXD AUTOMOIHLU REIWIRIXa GASOLINE 1'OR SALfl VORT1I FRONT ST. PHONE 18(W UATTEHIES REPAIRED AND CIIAItnED ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL (Formerly tho Coos Hotel) Steam heat, hot and cold water.. No liquor. Wo Invito you to Invcstlgnta our winter rates. Spoclnl luducomont when two or moro persons occu py snmo room. CHIMNEYS FillE PLACJEd, J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of llrlrk Work at Prices i That Arq Rliiht And nil (Work (in it rant coil Call at "The Flrosldo," Johnson Rldg., 137 Second St. Phono 4 34 -J. French Ranges. Pollor Work Abstracts FOR RELIARLE AHSTRACTS OF TITLE AND INFORMATION AHOl'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See v TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSHFIELD AND COQl'ILLIJ CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTKIDE AND SE.VGSTACKEN'H ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, .MANAGER M NAG! & OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY EstabliNlied 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Intercut Paid on Tlmo DcioslU Officers: J. W. lU'iinelr, Prchldcnt. J. II. FlaiuiKaii, Ylro-Prchldent. R. F. WilllnniH, Cushlor. Geo. F. Wluchofttcr, Asst, Cushler. We Can Tho osrvlco of this Hank will holp you. Wo nro always pleased when wo can rondor nny sorvlco In connection with tho hutiJIInj; of money or tho transaction of any financial business. Wo accept deposits In any amount, either checking or Interest bearing, Piul assuro nbsoluto safety for all funds entrusted to our eare, UNDER THE UNITED STATICS GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. F ST Till OF COOS BAY Surety Deposit Boxes For Rent. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY E. Lothard McClure ATTOKNKV AT I.AW Practices in all courts. itoom 1, l'lumiKitii .Vi Itonuott Until H. H. Hamer IIOUSK ItUIIiDKR General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono 349-J. I. M. Wright ritono 188-R. ItUITiIIXa COXTRACTOR Estimates furnished on roquest 1 Or. H. M. Shaw . Kyo, lCnr, Xno nnd Throat. 1 GFiASHKS PITTKD DR. MAlTin R. SHAW Diseases of Women nnd Children Office Phono .TS0-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irvine Mock. Benjamin Ostlind I CONSUIiTINO KNOIXKRR AXI) AROIHTUCT 1 Offices, 206 Irving Dlnck hono 103-It or 2C7-J- " 1 Mnrshfleld, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Dulldlni Marshtlold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCIIITKCT Marshflold, Oreeon. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. ' JM'I.MIICII M.icuini.' A VII MI.'IV " ICAIj (lYMXAHTICfl FOR AIiIj RISKAHKS '1.17 Commercial nvo. Phono 2-13-3 loci Ostlind PIANO TUNER AXD REPAIRER Loaro crdors at W. R. Haines' Mui- ilc Company. I1G S. Sixth Stroot. Phono J.0.1-L if ' t i Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER (losldenco Studio, 217 No. Third Bl Plton 3fiR-U E by onlcrltiK tho famous Nut conl, per ton $1.00 Lump Con!, per ton -. 150.(10 Or, hnlt tnu of both $.1,00 11. MUSHON, Prop.' I'liono 1H-.T, or li-no orders nt ' Illllyi'tV CiKttr HKirc. PAUISIAN CLEANING AND DYEING WOltKH 200 West Markot Avo cornor Second Street. Under now inannRoiiieiit. Prices low, nnd nil work satisfactory. l-'iillfV woiK' n Hiiicliilly. Phono 17C-J. J. H. STEVENS, Prop. I T Help You L m MONET HENHYV1LLE GOAL IT B BANK ;; ijji Qojs EgLy ; 1 i h i! Ill ,M !' Ex J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivery to any part of Marshfield. All we ask is a trial order to convince you that we are here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -tV -:- has bcon n hobby with Us foV a good many yetfrs'nnd a: lot of our customers will toll you wlion It comes to getting good, found durnblo framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our bU ness. Just toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you want to spond nnd wo'U got busy with our pencil and flguro out the best your tioney can buy. Try us. ll4l, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RICTAIIj department CUT THE FUEL RILL 1 TWO RY USING OUIt WOOD phone inn. iHa mouth rroadwaV To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COMFORTARLH S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC! STEAMSHIP CO. C, F. McGKOHQF. AGENT W. H. PAINTER Phono U, Marshflold Phono 42t, North Bend KgUIPPUD Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FltOM RAIMtOAD DOCK, M ARSIIFIHLD, DECE.MRER r.TII AX 10 A. M. TICKETS ON BALK AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTJI Phono JI.VJ. IWTEROGEAN TRANSPDRTATIDM CO. Scmi-wcoUly sor,vi(jo Coos Bay and San .Francisco. KAILS I'lMlM SAN IMIANCIKCO ' ( WEDNESDAY DECEMHER U, AT :t P.M. ISquippod wIlU wlrcVess and mibrnarlno befl, ' l-'nssongora STEAMSHIP Equipped with wireless and siibmarino boll. Passongors and f might. BAILS FROM MAIISIiriELD FOIt KAN I'lt.WCIHCO WEDNESDAY, REChMHEH 1!. AT DlJIO A. M. Ban Francisco office, Ureonwich street pier JSo. 2iJ and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. JMcGeqrcie, Phono 44. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE1 AHRDW -SAIL rlan Francisco Plor No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Coos Ilay Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS R. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Phono -7H. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or nor platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons sd corboa paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 44. Alliance offte. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. Wo never blamo tho tailor when our pants wo havo to pin, , Wo never blamo tho shoo mail when our soles grow old and thin, Wo nover blamo tho hatter when our lids wo havo to flout, Hut wo always blamo tho laun dry when our shirts wear out. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY Plionu 57J. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks betwoen any polnti in Marshfield and do general hauling, tor reasonable rates. STAR TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. i I.ovi Hclxucr, Proprietor Phoned! 1UO-J, -tO.L, OH-R Farspprs . ige: ' ' To Eureka every Monday mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm WITH VlRKLfC88. AND OAK STIIEETS, l'ORTLAND. O. R. IiANDERB, Ajjcnt STEISfilP REBOiO " ; . 1'Olf I'OOfl RAY and iroiglit. fts, NANW SMITH 3 .di. r .Jf- Sf r LINE STEAMERS ' FltOM- Portland Albers Dock Xo, S Every Saturday 9 A.M. JUmlJIsld. AT CAMPBELL'S WQ0QYAHD NorUt Front Hue, ' PhonA 87B. Commutation Tickets $2.00 y WOOD :(i 20 vfanOtfleld-North Deed Aste Lto. Dar every ten minute from .. tn 1'J p. in.; to South Slough owe day, leaving ut 11 n. m.j to ICnudre t'trt'o trljw u day. GOIIHT A KING. Pro. r. JT. HOAIFE e A. H. IIODGINI Marshfield'a co. Estimates FHrttiebed lltoae 8W-J. SOrsWUM, Of, iv - -' "-t. - Ay JjfgjgftmM