i' j ? a nmr wwvm HC 3 i TrrrTr--.. " "J: ". r itiwffliraRFWODiHFwmrwED u ! IUA5 T"L T xne ieaaer of Tho Coob Day Times Is entitled to tho tint consldorntlon. Wo hnvo r Borvlco to render to him, nn obllgntlon that Ib ever present with 113 Wo will wolcomo any suggestion that ho may havo regarding this ucrvlco. It Is our aim to make this a newspaper which FULLY SATISFIES OIUOB BfattMl "A Silk Purse from a bow'b car" Is what sonic mon expect from their advertising. The sound minded business mnn, howover, knows that Ills advertising must bo backed by real salesmanship, honest values and courteous service. And this ndvortlslng Is as Important as any of tho other thrco. 4 SIKMHErt OP TIU5 ASSOCIATED PKhhs VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1373 nw Tho Const Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Coiutollrintlon nf Times, Const Mull nnil Ccv llnv Advertiser No. 112 7T Inglkln Ire Raised By GERMAN FIGHTING FUHY SAVES T Tl HI ! Taft n r ;:wvw mm MPEKOR WL LI AD CZAR TODAY RUSH IP BATTL FH POLAND POLAND MY RDM mwihu Monroe Doctrine "llMM Gprpians Take Offensive Along Entire Front. J.AST GERMAN REPORTS ARE THAT MANY RUSSIAN PRISONERS WERE CAPTURED SOUTH OF VISTULA Austrians Reported Swept Back in Galicia to Gates of Cracow But Campaign Has Not Been Decided Germans Reported Advancing on Ypres Again. THREE RULERS AT BATTLE FRONTS. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, DEC. 1. MONARCHS OF THE THREE GREAT POWERS ARE NOW ON THE BATTLE FIELDS AS KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND IS ALREADY AT THE FRONT N FRANCE. AMSTERDAM, DEC. 1. EMPEROR WILLIAM REACHED INSTERBERG, EAST PRUSSIA, YESTERDAY. - HE CON TINUED ON HIS WAY TO THE FRONT, TRAVELING IN AN WTO AMSTERDAM, DEC. 1. LIEUTENANT GENERAL COUNT VON MOLTKE, SAYS A BERLIN DISPATCH, HAS. RECOVERED HIS H.LTH AND IS RETURNING TO THE FRONT. LONDONi Dec, 1, Both Emperor William of Germany and Czar Nicholas of Russia were rushing today to tho Eastern battle front, where chief attention is centered on the outcome of the titanic struggle, Latest information indicates tho Ger mans, whoso position has been described -as desperate, were undertaking a vigorous offensive on the scattered battlo fields of Russian Poland, South of tho Vistula Rivor, the Germans report tho capture of 9500 more prisoners, 1 9 can non and 26 more machine cuns, In East Prussia, the Rus sians havo succeeded in ponotrating 30 miles beyond tho bor der and in Galicia it is reported tho Austrians have been swept back to tho gates of Cracow, In all these regions, , however, the issue still hangs in tho balance, At several points along tho western front, spirited artillery duols are re ported but no infantry attack and practically np change in tho situation. Rumnr camo from Amsterdam -that gonoral re tirement of tho. Germans from but this Is unvorified and in conflict wm -previous reports that 120,000 Germans havo been brought 'Up botoro Ypros to make a last offort to capture tho town, Tho official reports make no mention of another battlo which Is roported taking placo along tho Yser canal, VILLA NTS HEAD OF ARMY OF 25,000 TODAY Rapid Rise to Power and Likelihood That He Will Head Mex ican Government Recalls Romantic Story of Bandit Ruler Sketch of His career. VlIiIiA HAVS 111! wimj iikstom: pi:aci: IB; AMcut4 ITcm lo Com Dr TlmM. MKXICO CITY, Doc. 1. In a statement to tho Associated Press, Gonoral Villa said: "My only mission Is to rostoro order In Mexico and not to take per sonal rovongo on anyone. I promlso that ordor will bo re- I stored at onco. I am acting as a I subordinate of Provisional Pres I Idont Gutlorrer and tho Nation I al Convontlon." TBt AillU4 lent (a Cooa D7 Tlmta. MKXICO CITY, Doc. 1. General I Villa entered tho capital today at tho head of 35,000 troops. That Francisco Villa, tho ono-tlmo ! bandit, .would bo president of Mexico i or dfq In the attempt, was a predic tion made mora than a year ago by j some of his close friends. With Vil la's taking pf Tqrreon, the Huerta ; stronghold, last April, observers of Mexican .affairs discovered that tho "unlettered bandit general" was a ; born genius as a strategist and com- .mander, and from tho time of his first promlnonco as a follower of the J Constitutionalist chief Carranza I there appeared the possibility that he wquid somo day overshadow this mild mannered old lawyer-general a3 a leader in Mexico. Villa arrived in tho afternoon In i the suburbs, where ho remained dur i Ing the evening receiving delegations nd forelFi consuls. Villa will not j enter the capital part of tho city un itll the arrival of Provisional Presl i'lpnt Outlerre. Now that he has entered Mexico before Dlxmudo Is m progress, MFX1 CD CITY T City, tho capital Itself scarcely knows who this man Villa Is. Howovor fa miliar his name, Villa has never cens ed to bo nn onlKinn. Those who havo seen tho worst side of him have noy or pictured him bottor than n primi tive man, still tho red-handed bandit ho was years ago. Othors seo him changed so remarkably as to look seriously to hlin as tho "Saviour of Mexico." llomnutie Story. Sketching what Is most Interest ing about Villa rather than what, per haps, Is tho most veracious, thero Is the romantic story of how he turned bandit. Horn In 18C8 In tho llttlo town of Las Nlevos, In tho stato of Durnngo, ha remalnod theivj until the death of his fathor. Then, as a protector of his mothor and sister, he became a cowboy In wostern Chi huahua. From their parents, who were peons of northern Mexico (some accounts say of a very good family), the children, had Inherited Spanish and Indian "blood nnd traits. The story Is that whon a reglmont of Por flrio Diaz soldlors onco visited the town, tho eyes of a captain alighted 0n Villa's sister. There was an elope ment without marriage. The moBt melodramatic accounts Bay that Villa galloped aftor tho elopors, caught thorn and arranged their marriage Then ho told his newly acquired brother-in-law to sign his death cer tificate, dig his own grave and lie boside It. Villa shot the bridegroom and rolled him Into the grave. Pres ident Diaz, hearing of his officer's death, set a prlco on Villa's head. Whatever tho exnet truth, something of this sort occurred. Villa escaped lo the mountains and became a bandit H's real name had GERMAN BASE ON SCOTTISH ; COAST SOUGHT1 flr AnorltUd I'tiw I. Coot dtp TlroM.1 LONDON, Pec. 1. Suspicion Hint' tho Gennnns havo a baso for sub- marines, a supply station for noro- pianos and wireless apparatus In re- concern,,ff tho Monroo Doctrine, ox-1 moto parts of tho Scottish coast may ,,rcgS0(1 recently at Montclalr, N. J ho founilctl on fncts. Ability of tho ,, particularly his Btntomont that Gcrmniis to scatter mines off tho tho untC(1 gtntcs would not bo corn north' of Irolaiid and to sink tho po0(, b. tho (ormg of tho (ioctrlno , supcrdrendnaught Audacious by ,0 ntorvono f Canada should bo1 mlHo or slibiuntlnc, gave ground for , nltnckC(I u. acrmnny, has this to thlrf theory.; !,, gny. t this Interpretation repro- mei government una circmnieu he, (government has qlrcutii :ariyji:dcpjlan'd offering $5 nrl for-discovery of any s placa row audi I hasp. ' .mi i i '..';.. been .Doreloo. Oranco. but as a unn - dlt . i .. i . m 'i i ' lie :brjMipo x ha .Lccniuo Known as Francisco and ''.'audio' Villa. He gathered togothor n number of despornto men oi mo noriuorn mountain country, , 0U8ly KUnr,ilng for 80 years." and within a few months his namo was tho terror of tho region. Ho was j,, nn nddress at Montclalr Krl Itobln Hood Incarnate. Ho and his ,mjf( Tatt 8(1 t,nt wlillo tho Innd- hnml subsisted by robbery and lll-'nR 0f troops In Cn.imiu by onomlos ago on tho Chlliunhua mountains. '( (jront llrltaln would not constl- lA'iider Analnst Din. tuto a violation of tho Monroo doc- Accordlug to tho nioro goncroiiB trlno, nn uffort to cstnliltsh u now ORtlmntcs of Villa's llfo nt this 1 1 mo. form of govomment In cayo of vie- 1 his outlawry wns rather In tho form , tory would vlolato tho policy. Ho of guerilla warfare than nctunl brl- said that tho United Btntcn would J gamlago, for tho purpose of satisfy- oppoHo (lermany annexing Cannda 'lug hlB rovengo upon tho dlctntnr, but would not object to her exnet Dlax. At tho outbreak of tho Ma- lug Indemnity, doro rovojt ngalnst t)laz In 1010,' Villa, unasked, cast his lot with tho., I MadojistB, and roncdored such valua bio aid that Madoro was forced to .racognUo tho peon commander. When Madoro snnt Clcuornl Huortn Into thn north to combat the Orozcn co robnlllon, Villa nnd Huortn camo' to a clash. Thoy wore much nllko. 'i Innli inntnmnhtnita nf HlA ntlini 'lluorta had Villa arrested and cnu- donined to death by a military, , court for Insubordination, hut Ma dero'n debt to Villa Kiivcd 111 m from this extreme pounlly. He was ta kou to Mexico City as n prUoner. readily escaped, and pushed his ' , way north ngaln, seeking rofuge across tho Texas bordor. Itapld Hlso to 1'ohi'i. I I Villa's rlso to (IiIb prosout power dntes from tho day a llttlo lesi 'than two yearsqgo when . ho. startrd( (cxW tliq Itlo' prnn(Jo( wll.j two 'coiijimnUnsjj du . jii'fiKwi'dl'1 i inx.jnu t i ''in - "i"i " iiimiov nnd n im supply ,f. ilinaiirl (tottyfinfo pygar. '"' """ ' " "" "' ' 'l.tlmnV&j.V.Ur .o Wirf the WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dee. 1. Ihend'o.'n wclll-eqnlpped nrmy of Proslilont Wilson spoke u word of nonrly 20,000 mon, whom ho had warning to tho public today rognrd .porsonally gathored largely tu hla,lK the roportB on tho sltuutlon In own homo roglon; n war chest of Moxloo. At his weokly conference, 'soveral million dollars, which ho, with tho correspondents, tho Pros-: ' . i . t l had accumulated by tho solzuro of 'rich estates, and a full equipment of weapons, Including artillery, i practically all of "wnlch ho had solzed from tho Fedoral forcos. Ills i military Indies continued to ho cd lu giving out falso reports of tho those of n raldor, but they wero1 situation. Dispatches today from emlnontly successful. From Juaroz Consul Sllllman In Mexico City re In tho north, to Varreoii m tlioportcd tho arrival lit portinii of Xapa south, ho had control of moro thnn ta Sunday. General Znpata at onoe half of Mexico, , restored the trnmcnr proportlos. And thoro was doubt abroad that wj,lfh woro confiscated hy the Con thls military genius, .credited with gtimtlonallsts, to tho 0wnlng corpor tho ambition to bocomo President nUoil am, r08tort.(, lho irol,orty 0f of Mexico, could oven rend or an Anierlcan nam'ud ,, whloh ,, write. ilia uimsou is sum u havo owned that ho learned to ' wrlto his name whllo In prison in 'Mexico City. It wns said ho 'could read slowly, but tnat or dinary newspaper paragraph was j about all ho could master at one t'PPV ' ills development, howovor, is 'such' that his friends today main tain that Villa's greatnoss enn In l no wise bo measured by what he 'was fivo years, or oven a year 'ago. On the other hand,, tho antl- Villa estimates declare that It Is only tho "cohesive power of loot- which has held Villa's great army 'together. Ho Is openly the hater of Spaniards, which politically Is a i strong Issue with his peon follow ers. He Is a confirmed cnomy of tobacco and alcohol. ' What his program will be If ho Is acknowledged master of Mexl- ro, Is as much of n enigma as Is his on a personality. Mnulrnnnnn Ploimo Tliof Cnl' i mcr president Would Annul Stand of Nation 'SAID CANADA NOT ' UNDER ITS TERMS Declared United vStates Would Not Oppose German Invasion But Would Its Annexation ' inr AMotlilrt I'ffM to Coot Har TlmM.l MJSLtiOUKNI', Australia, Dec. 1. A Mnlhournn nniior rofuulni: to thn ........ , formcr President Taft .,. .,. vi0W8 of ti. covorniiient UUUInr Din ITnlloil States, nn event of fr8t rnto Importanco to tho ontlro civilized world linn taken placo. If Mm HMIantt irnvnriinmnt nlinrnH 111 sharps Tnf,.. ,, ,. , ...... ,.,,. ti,n ,, ..... ... ,,..... , ., . ,, tho UntC(, gtntcB ,ins nu,c:ll(i ft ,10gt,0n tlmt B,10 i,nB i,ccn jCnr- President SaVS SOITIC MCXi cans and some Americans Stir Up Strife in Mexico' ZAIMTA MAKIIS l'I.i:i(Ji: H; AHKIit I'itw la CM liar 1IUMI. WASIIINOTON, Doc. 1. (Ion. ICmlllamo Zapata whoso force occupy Mexico City, has as sured tho United Hiatus gov ernment that foreigners will ho given every protection mid his troojiH will continue to pronorvo order. - - .. . . !-- dent declared that thero wero many persons In Mexico as well ns lu the United States who found it to tholr advantage to have troublo lu tho southern republic mid wero tnterost- also beon taken. Gpnernl Augelos nrrlvcd the snmo dny with tho ad vance guard of Villa's army mid lat ter Zapata loft for Puebla. Tho city Is qulot and ordorly. FLOW OP BOLD TO Balance of Trade Last Month m FaVOf 01 United States bv About $70,000,000 U AUWMU4 ffrt lu'Vuo Hit TlmM WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. A trade balanco of approximately 170,000. 000 lu favor of tho United Statos will be shown by the November export figures, according to the SGDRES wm TROUBLE MAKERS AMERICA BEG cstimiito exhibited by Seeretnry .Itedfleld today to the Cabinet. I APFN RATTI F UrLll DMA ILL NEAR YSER CANAL TODAY III? AnnorlntM Vntt to Cool tlf TlmM. LONDON, Dec. 1. Violent fight ing Is In progress today along tho Ypres Canal, according to a telegram from Sluls. Tho roaring of heavy guns has been heard nil day and the houses as far away as flluls wore shaken. Inhabitants of all villages within nn hour's march or the Yser bnttlo front have been sunt nwny. BROTHER KILLER IN GERMAN BATTLE Mrs. Krominga receives Word of Death of Relative at Armentierrc Mrs. K. Kromlugn of floldeu avo iiiio yesterdny received a letter an nouncing the death of her brother, ('apt. Helmbert llliuo, In tho bnttlo of Armentlorrcs on October 22, Just a few days prior to his death ho had received the Iron Cross, -which Is conferred by the kaiser for extra ordinary bravery, mid tills wnH bur led with him. Capl. II I iuo was formerly superin tendent of tho postal service In Uer innny, but was called to tho front ns one of (ho heads of tho HoMorvlsts. lie wits leading n charge against thq Allies when n bullet struck him In the head mid killed him. He Is sur vived by a wife mid four children, the youngest nf whom lu foilr nnd u half monthrt old. Mrs, Kromlugn, who rerontly mov ed to Mnrshflold from Mrs. Yonk iiiu'h ranch on Coos Itlvor, him thir teen clone relatives In tho Herman army. In a Ocriumi paper containing n list of tho recent killed and wounded, Mrs. Krominga found (he nninon of many friends with whom she had been reared lu Germany. BEND HOTEL T Architect Arrives and Struc ture May Be Altered to Re duce Cost Below $50,000 Architect Tourtolot of tho pro posed Simpson hotel nt North Ileud arrived In North Hem! yestorduy to confer with Mr. and Mrs. Hammel nnd the stockholders In the roin pany. Tho object or his visit Is to change tho plans of the hotel so that tho cost of construction will bo materially reduced, 1. J, Simpson who wns In Mnrsh flold today said that Chas. Thorn had cancelled his $10,000 subscrip tion when tho state voted "dry.' Mr. Simpson said that tho plan now was to havo the architect chango tho plans to a structure that was nearer the "size of tholr pile" and thon they would determine whether or not thoy would go ahead with tho structure Mr. Simpson snld that It was Ilkoly that tho structure would ho reduced to considerably below $r,0, vW. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hnmmel nro still negotiating for tho Ilandon hotol and they are hopeful that affairs will so Hhapo themselves that their plans for going ahead wttli the Dnudon nnd Simpson hotels will be realized. XOTKI) MAN Kim DHAU. WORTH CHANGES (llr AmatUi4 lrr l I'wat lur Tbit. j WASHINGTON. 1). C Dec. 1, i ,1. Ilordeu llarrlmuu, a promt j I nent New York hnnkor. died hero j after a lingering llluoss. ; Cuts Its Way Through Russian Cordon that Encircled Body and Reinforcements Reach Them, Leaving Great Campaign Still Undecided Ip Critical place; t p LNGLISH ANNOUNCE RUSSIAN CLAIMS OF GREAT VICTORY WERE SOMEWHAT PREMATURE F-mperor William Reported to Bo Personally Directing Groat Onslaught Against Czar's Forces and Outcome is Not Likely to be Known for Many Days Now (I)y Associated Press to tho Coos liny Times.) LONDON, Dec, 1, Though It soems clear now that tho ' Gormnny army in Russian Poland, or that part of it which tho Russians surrounded near Lodz, narrowly escaped annihila tion! tho Germans fought with such fury that 'tho cordon on circling them was broken, and as Gorman rcinforcemonts aro coming up, tho issuo has not yot boon decided, The British press, Interpreting news dispatches from Petro grad, contends that tho Russian success on a colossal scalo is still possible, but in all quarters it Is admitted that tho re cent claims of a complete Russian victory woro premature, Poland, with Emporor William In tio fipld, will likely, coptinuc to overshadow all other war areas filr'spilio days to, dome GERMANY REPORTS QUSET EXCEPT IN NORTHERN POLAND YESTERDAY (Ily Assoelntod Press to Tho Coos Hay TIiiiob.) BERLIN, Doc, 1 . (Wireless) Tho official announcement today says! "Thoro is no nows from tho wostorn arena, In Fast Prussia and South Poland it was gonorally quiot yes terday, In Northom Poland, south of tho Vistula, our war hooty increased still further as a result of tho succossos an nounced yostorday, Tho number of .prisoners takon by us was Increased by 9500 and wo havo takon 19 moro cannon, Twonty-slx machino guns and numorous ammunition carts woro takon, FREWCH RF.PORTLITTLE CHANGE : ALONG ENTIRE BATTLE (Ily Associated l'ross to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS," Doc, 1, A French official communication this tftornoon says! "In Boldum thoio was a rather spritod ar tlllory firo during yesterday, but no attack was mado by tho Gorman infantry, Tho onomy continued to show considor oblo activity north of Arras, In tho region of tho Alsno Rivor ihoro was Intormlttont artillery fire along tho, front, In tho Argonno region figlrllng contlnuos but without bringing any change In tho Woovoro district and tho Vosgos Mountains thoro Is nothing now," 4 . . REP0RT GERMAN- RETREAT. BEGUN. !J S '' (Hy Associuteij Press (q-Up4 Mm! THirtM " l'',u" LONDON, Dec, 1 , Telegraphing from Amstordam, a-cor- icspondont of tho Central Nows allogos that the Gormnlr'foiW' before Dlxmudo has begun a gonoral retirement, STOLE A: P: IS SENT TO JAIL New York Teletjraph Operator Bound Over Under $5000 Bail for Offense NKW YORK, Doc. I. II.. I.. Lin er, 11 tologrnph operator employed by tho Pottal Tologrnph Compnny and stationed lu the office of tho New York Globo wns hold In G000 bull for the action of tho grand Jury whn arraigned tu tho Tombs polluo aourt penal law In revoiillug the contents of certain nova mossngos sont out by tho AB80clntod Press. is Measure Prohibiting Hanging in Oregon Carried by Ma jority of 157 Hr AhkmUIM fro- lo Cuo Hr Tlinr.J Salon ; Oro., Doc. 1. Official re turns '! j ovory p'eolnct In Ore gon show tho amondmont to abolish capital puulshmont passed by n ma jority of 1&7 and tho prohibition niuoiidmout by .16,480. The uipltnl punishment muondmeut voto wns 100,fft2. against 100,305. Prohibition for. 130.S t2; against. 100,302, MEWS An ABOLISHED VOTE .t. i ,, L U FOR DEPORTATION Marshfield Attorney Punished by Supreme Court for Aid ing in Ousting I. W. W's. Ill; Auoltr4 I'nu la Com lUf THM.1 SA1.KM, Or., Doc. 1 Denouncing tho mob that deported J. V. Kilgo- worth, Wesley Hvorott and Fred Ilob erts, Industrial Workors, from Marsh- r fluid on Juno 5, 1913, as a "lawless Muti.ttttliln mi ' lirt Git Hsitnn 'rtllf t- ioirt FRONT GRAVES DISBARRED . BO ,.,... ... ..,.. V...V -V...V .j.- U) nay, -in an, opinion wriiien uy Wm Justice MeHrldo, dlsbaProd Ub'b'ort'o, . Graves, an attorney bf'-tflnt city, lor, B aj t . porlod of three moiltlls'lbV his pr- n01j Itlclpntlon In the doporlUon'.' , .ix-)K I XI'AV MAN TO Tl'lrtrtiY " t'nlteil KlntiM Sends Asslttiint to Aiuluiioiitiloi' Moi'eiitliuu, (lljr Aiotlilot friw Id CM l!j Timet. WASHINGTON. Nov. 110. Goorgo Ariiguu Iiiih boon uppoiuted spoclul to assist Ambassador Morgeuthau In Constantinople. Ho w!l loavo for Turkey in u few days. Honry Mor jgouthuu, Jr.. son of tho umbaasa-. lor, conforred with Acting Secre tary Lansing today, preparatory to leaving for Constantinople to assist tho ombasey there. NAVAh IIXPKUT IH:.I. I (Hy AMMttlM Vm lo rm lui Tlmw. I WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. . i Hear Admiral Alfrod Thayor I Malinn, rotlred, n noted naval es- port nnd writer, died here today. 4 i i J i 1 1 i?H. v