The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 28, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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3 "Sii-iifKJ.Srrsp"
KJWJW351" ger
iar niKtsnf - . $ss5r
I HlBL""- JjKx:MW m ' . Hn.lrtlil.k uni ntwl I
. HnnlitK1.t wn n twl
line was spent i ouumuiv j
.. .iin- ...1
Mr and Mrs. May. Mr. nnd Mrs.' lor, Mr. mid Mrs. ic. .. .Minor ..u
C. t Dr. and Mrs. Derby. Ml, Mr. nnd Mrs. A C. Veatn , Mr. and
Ithoda Scat. Carl Abcndrpth. Jr.. I Mrs. D. B. Keating and Mr nn M.
Dr It. V. Morrow and Mrs. Ilallln- W. J. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ma-
loney and dnugnter i.ouisu.
a A 4
? ::: 7
. ' a
. .
m " . , w
i . ...... ..!...... 1ffrt .. ......I . . . .. ..II..1.. F..1 nilii1
inn crjoyeu a turkey uimmi .... ra ji( (j0rr is cnierminini one or inc hiobi uohbi" ","1"
whr were present were Mr. and mm. t,j8 nIternoon t sowing and cards events of the season was tho Thnnlis
J. W. Flanagan, Mr. and Ir8'' complimentary to Mr. Oorr's moth- giving dinner and ball tendered at
Clnudo Nnsbnrg, Mr. and 'Mr8- or wno ja hero from California for a The Chandler by II. J. McKeown.
-. o.....n. Mr ntu! Mr8. . .. . .. i t.. l,.i i .... ....... .. 1 ,,..... nllumtnni'n frnlll
Continued From Page Two,
Georgo Stevenson, Mr,
VI nnu i" ..u. .... - ...v.
visit. The dorr homo lins been There was a largo nttondnneo from
i UL'uruu anjiutouiii " t t.iait 'run inrr iiumu iiud uw. i iiuru who
.Kobcrt Uooth. Mr. and Mrs. Jolnr . . . . n i,ower of beau-' Marshficld and North lleml nnd It
- ... a. f t . . - .4 . ... .1 .!
Kendall, to in jieniiuu, i. ". ."-. tv n ,iCCOrntlon scliomo or yeuow,wa8 declared to uo aim 01 mu mum
Dr. Lloyd Mott, Ward MtCIIll, .lames n'1(, Kroen being effectively cnrrled B,1Ccessful and highly enjoyable func
' 'Montgomery and Hon FUher . tlona of thu fall.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ford enter-'
talned at a delightful dinner party .
. AIh ax. It f I Itt ll 1
. r IinlllO 111 SOUlll .ilillouMU'" A .
TiinnkBulvlnK. Flowers and greens! LaBt evUnlng. the moinboru 01 the m,., anj Mrs. II. M. Albee had ns sociAii
' t
mi... iM..i.rf..l.i 1.ti'mHi I.nniFiif)
Thanksgiving. riueiu uu h...w L.asi evuiunii. wm iumuui .mi-, nuu .ir. n. u. '" . " i nic .imiauuuiu .i. .. .o--woro
used In the decorations andjSumny school clnsscs of Miss Alice Thanksgiving guests at their homo'wlll hold Its regular business meot-
i- .....-,. ...Iiilntnrn tur- mii,i n.t ninm II. Qinltli rn In veil a ... n....i,n. mil riua lllin Avri i.,.. ., i.'nl.i,.v nvnulnir.
the PIOCu Curu "; i iitiui mu ....o. -- -...--- , UUum:i 1111. ....o ....... .- ,s uuai, . nuuj ... r.
box soclnl nt the cinircn panors. a- wyman Albee and uaipn uoiwny. i v t t
-Ions games were Indulged In prior, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. UrockinueHer ,. ,
to the serving of refresh .1 . 0ntortalned Capt. and Mrs. Christen- r ,T.' h. .MKKTIXtJ
Tho'o prpsoLt were: Miss Tlckcll, Bon and family nt Thnnlcsglvlng din- :
m,nu ti !.,,iii. Vi.lm.1 Itoss. MvrU' ... Thu 1.. T. L. will moot a weuk
keys. Their guests were: Mr. nnd
Mrs. 0. A. nonebrako, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wm. Phillips. Mr. nnd Mrs.
v i. Hnldwell. Mrs. Wllla Ilone-
brake, Mr. Culvcrlson, Mr. Harry
Kohm Mr.'w. II. Dungey, Mr. John Cox Annn Uovns. Wllma Hoagland. Mr, nn,i Mrs. A. I.. Huts enter- from Tuesday when tlio Berles of de-
Niillaon. Koss Ilouebrake, Cleon ! May church, Mary McArthur. .o i mined Hcury O'Mara and family mid bates will ho resumeu.
Caldwell and Vernon Ford.
Mrs. I. I'. Denning was imatess
Tuesday at a delightful and beauti
fully appointed card party and
luncheon, numbering ninuiig her
Kuests many of thoso who are devot
ed to tho popular game or Flvo-Hun-ilrnd.
The hotiBO whs decorated with
an abuudanco of chrysanthemums In
.J v...., .--"-rf ' ......M ..-ww -
iiolnn. Francis Lang. Lorenn Hoff- prnuU Aekirnian nun tatnlly at
man, Mnrjorlo Fulmor, Howard Kel-1 rrlianltBBVI1B jni,or.
i.. Tnnan Vrnnv Ratumul fllossoil. i - mi. I Mt-ii Win N'nllunn if N'nrlli
J " , ..... .u . .
Herman Olossop, Ouy Clausen, Lo- Uomj nn,j as Thanksgiving dinner Mr aml Mra c. H. howroy entor
ren Davis, Will Mc.Mahon, Harold KUUSt8 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sclmfftur, i mined a dollghtful dinner party
llnines, ueioresi uuu u .u.w ,,., aua nrB, rosier r.aion, uex miu Thnnksglvlng nt tho pretty homo in
..... ....u ..... .....v. .- I linilKSKIVIHK II V Hi" I'lBiW iiuiiiu
I Dorothy Schaffter, Ida nnd Qoorgo iSoutll Mnrshfluld. Their guests In
Nellson nnd Miss Elln Weiss. eluded Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. MeCarty,
"""". I M ...1 Mn. V..II II MnnMlllnil ' .... ... . . II r M. l.'
i Mr. aim .irs. .eu n. .uucuuiuu P nllli ir8- j n, jj0x, .Mrs. I'-upn-
Aworo guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. m,, McCiillouuh and Allco nnd
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlldenbrand j Curtis Thursday. Myrl(, Cox.
i.nvn invitnilniiit out for Tuesday eve- . A'
.. ...-1. I.... n nl.nrf.1. ' . . lv .
wh to anu yonow, ihukuib ... Mlng at carus. ' i HIIjVKK Tlil t
bo banished from Oregon nftcr Juno
1st. lnill, In accordance with, tho do(
slro of the voters. It Is highly es-
Bontlal that Counclhuen nru elected
on December 1st, 19M, to servo tho
City of Mnrshflold tuiit nro In sym
nathy wltht ho wishes of tho pooplu
nB expressed at tho polls on Novem
ber 3rd, 10U.
It Is no Idlo rumor, but u fact, that
tho saloon Interests of Mnrshflold aro
organized nnd aro making a liorcu-.
lean effort t0 elect certain nominees, '
so that In tho administration of fu-j
turo affairs things will bo run to tholr i
liking, nnd tho law of t',.o people din-1
credited, thoreby making It appear i
that the abolition of tho Baloon wnH'
n mlstako.
It is tho purposo of this letter to
Inform you of tho absolute necessity
of your support of Geo. A. Haines,
Geo. y. Cook nnd II. W. I'nlntar, to
circumvent the snloon interests from
encompassing their dcBlrcs. '
It is not nnd never has been tho
desire of theso candidates to elosoj
tho saloon lustnntcr. Thoy favor the
nllowanco of fourteen months forj
theso men to closu out their business i
ns was understood In tho Into olec-'
Let us add that thoso uforosald ,
gentlemen rank among Mnruhflold's
most progrcsslvo citizens nnd liuvoj
nchlovcd high buccobs In thu conduct
of thulr private business uffalrs.
Wo fliereforo beg your careful con
sideration of their candidacy.
lnit floral display. A two-courso .j. ,
luncheon followed tho- hours ntl.
carda. Jlrfl. T. 8. Harvey carried
off tho high honors. Included . ,i08to8S ;8llvor tCtt Te8day afternoon at the
Mrs. C. II. Walters' class of tho
I'rnsbyterlan Sunday School held a
Kunnolli Housor was host at a
most delightful Iioubo party nnd ball
.. . l l. .,..1.1,1 tliln lunnlr WmlnnmlnV
. ....nM... .Mn Tra .mo ......... .. ..-- . . . HL WlftVBIUU V...O ...w. ,,.. .
among tno iiit.u bu . " ' e" " Wednesday to tlio girls of tho Nor- church. Tho class Is composed or Mmlagt a douKhtful danco was on
jiuiw " - ' riiB rinli 'Six IIUIO gins, uccoruuons were oi
, I:: ,, 'nnnblf. Mr.. J. O. Kin- CISSUS Club.
.1IIO, ... v."....".-.."-, . I J.
noy, Mrs. II. L. Crawford. Mrs. Norls
Jensen, Mrs. It. N. Fonton, Mrs. T.' ,
six llttlo girls. Decorations -were of , j0yotl. ' Martin's orchestra from
, Autumn loaves and chrysnnthomums. ..,.,,...., ....... ii,i... ,i... mimic.
1 illlllBIIIIUlU lUIIIIDIiillh --
lllcfroshmcnts of pie and coffeo wero Thursday noon ,n big turkey dinner
H. Harvey. Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, Mrs
l u. Rlnddon. Mr. J. W. Hllden-
I 12ASTICR.V HTAK SOCIAL. I served. Those tendering tho tea
i wero Helen Kees, Wllma Houglund,
wnB served. In addition to n num-
,wero Helen Kees. Wllma Hoaglund, bop of ,,8 Ton Mllo frlonds. ho had
j Dl"uu";t;"; " ''. , "" MKornwarBUTinwru...)Inino Fourier. Mildred Ingram aim MVornl from Mr8flohl nnd North j
oruuu, ... .-... --'"---'-v. monuiiy social oveniiiB luuauuy wu.ij.omra Kerguson. tiiobo presoiu ... ,, Including Dr. und
Win. Schrocdor. Mn. C D. Wells. , d dunc)n nntl a ro-lworu. M,83c8 olcn Landrltli. Hollo ",". 8 ?. ' '" m. La
Mrs. E. P. Lomoulx. Mrs. F. E. Kay-1 , whch Mrg K L Iloblnson, O'Connor. Elizabeth Mooro, Miss ' ' . c . of'Mlir8hfi0ld, Miss
mond. Mrs. J. Q. Jarvls. Mrs. Fran- . ., . . , J rs. I .. D. Cohan or ; mu rsni iom, i
. E. P. Lomoulx. Mrs. F. E. Kny-1 am n whch Mrg K L IlobnBon, 0'Connor,
"..'"-"""" " .Mrs. F. E. Conwny. .MIbs ueBsie Ayro, 'Hnrknoss, Miss Kees, Mrs. K. F. ,,,,, Ml(ta orh0m nnd MIbs
MacLeod Mrs Lewis Gore . M.jMi- Uog8 Q. u . t00k part J W111Inins. Miss Mario Malonoy. Mr., o : mSl who
:Ious,nnd Mrs. C, II. Walter, Mrs. D. J. . . ., , t of Mr8
Kobt. Marsdon, Mrs. F. A. Sacclil. wUh BonR nnd rcndnfff A .jollclou
Mm II. O'Mnra and Mrs. Churles ,., . ,,,,. ,. ,,
i nu'it:i o duiiuu i
llnxtor. , I KupHtB were present
with song and rending. A dollclous,nnd Mrs. C, H. Walter, Mrs. u. J.;,. ,,0G., Ul0 10UB0 BUe8t of Mrs,
supper wob served following the en- Hoes, Mra. Sneddon, Miss Isabollo Coj,n( jjr8 j, r, Honnelt, who
i Ferguson, .mihh aiico iianagnn, ir. JmB )QQn BII0ldllB tho wcok nt Ten
'and Mrs. I). A. Jones and bnby, IIIbu ,,,... ..., ,. , .,iaa n.,,,,.
J11IU. 1LII11 liui kuunvoa !
Elizabeth Jones. Mrs. C. L. Davis,' BonMtackon nnd Frances Gol-
Record Breaking in All Parts of
Country is Demand for the
New Automobile
.Mrs. I. a. hinun. ir. i. .'.; (loi. wcr0 iB0 guests.
.Mrs. J. l-ourior, ueorgo mm iwur- . .j.
. .. .. . . ... V '
Airs. .MCWilliy wm mn.i-.nn ..i u-. rnliim wim lmnlrB.1 nt .
.u ir.M, ntJmuinncoof! MrB- h' "' t0,ia ' B" " ..c . . . . . garot Fourier. John Ferguson. Mrs
iuui numiih t..0 ""--" . i. i i.a nn r ii iiviii rui ..
i... rhrUtlnn Slatorhood Tuesday, ' W1U ""L . . . Chas. Stauff. Margarot Stauff. Mrs. It
tho Cliriatian hisiornoou iuuuu,, partes Monday at her homo iPnwiIr nK Union Snrniruo a
st rs zt'Z : ' w-'"'""" ' "7'",yi s&sxsrsi.
.niii iiuxt. Thursday and Friday. As " ' virginin uinrxo, .-uiss runn , uBou.......h . -n
So' Ss "ZiJrl S:Z'- jn-on. .Ml- Ca.lstal for tho Helglans have b.o , very busy
will not bo vacated by that time, """"""'" "' ""'" ', Wa tor and Fostus Walter. ior mo pi i u, n., v,.w.
!', 1 ?w J! Lmy .rl11 r :ta Hcda or vlolds d ; South Hroadway. V
"Tho domnnd for tho now Dodgo i
automobile lins been ovon greater
than tho mnnufneturora untlclpated,"
remarked Georgo Goourum toduy in
dlscuslng thu outlook for thu sen
bou'h buGlucBS. "I liavo been ad
vised already that tho entire output
of tho factory has '..eon sold .cforo i
tho dealers hnvo been ublo to even
get n enr for demonstrating. Tho,
rnnnnn for tills lias boon tllO WOI1-
I derful vnluo of tho car and tho con- j
fl.l.incn nt Mill lionillll 111 IlllV OUtllUt !
....W..V . ..w ,.w B..V ... ...-r , --,
ho Indies of tho l'rogross Club
ho nro conducting a bureau for tho
assembling of supplies and clothing
'"" ' ' . . . i i... which wero sent from Portland rori
HIIUI Oil lUIUIUI uiuill.y MU...WU..
Second nnd Third Btrcets. It will
tho occasion. Tho recipients weraj
4 Tl.n.r ni.lfiinu'lmlL-n with IlimilcH ron-
. ..v t.v....u...-n .-
I trlbutlons from tho nowspapers and
tho following firms:
Second nnd Third streets, u w... Harrlgnn. Mrs. C. I, Da-
.... .. I ft Tliurmliiv llinrll. " - "
; ., mmr..,, n.n both dav,. Ilo-! vJ"'..Mrf: V - cllnndlo.r " MrB ,, ,, Cohan wa. hostess at I Olllvant & Weaver.
t wten tho hours of 1 1 and cloatng " ' T'uTJTlirZ w. , ot charming afternoon at bridge , l-ndo's.
rtA tn -jnf vn ' WUHt,H B "w ' n( riin..l..iliu nnm il Imnntfi rv tn hnr AllUIi & liOWiB.
.... Aiiiau auuwiiumy
the ladies win no prepare,, io ,,,, j- Mr8 K. K. nBU0 Mrs.
a innch of hoi eiiocoiaie. cane co - ljlKorilroln, Mra. Olivia Ed
foo. chlll-con-cnrncr. or hot tomalos, M Chandler. Mrs. W.
at Binnll tab os. or In any nuantl-L, .'.... ,.. . m .,., ....
Allen & Lewis.
Marshflold Hnrdwnro Co.
last Tuesday complimentary to hor
liouso guest, Miss Dorothy Chantlor
of Spnknno. It was one of tho pret
tiest nffnlra or tho Benson. A foa
turo was tho prcsonnuion of hand-
unnin linlllllllllR tlH tllO lirlZOS nt OdC'll
tnblo. Tho bouquets woro of vlo- The Auctlou Hrldgo Club will bo
ii- n...i pnii TirmiAP rmum which I nntortnlncd Wednosday attornoon by
I A II Powers. Mrs. Carl L. Davis, 1ort,and Tho ro. Mr8. Cur, Dayls at hor npartments In
r .n . t A !..! I-"'"' Jri -,"B ."uu. a "" .,... , ,,. ,-- ,..Pft Mra A. i Hi.. Mvrtln Arum.
It. J, ItWllIJi .tlio. I. ... ...-.! ... r. 1 fl LM.,,..n VIIIIUItlD Ul lliu ,.. .-v.w .. . w -... ....... ..., -.
Dfc JrcCarty. Mrs. W. A. H.!! m787g ral o Sto . P lorenco i clplonts of tho prizes wero Mrs. A.
Mrs. 8. J. immol, Mrs. L. E. Hen-j "JJ " "Jj ' tchlson ml Adelsporger, Mrs. H. M. Klch
Oryx. Mrs. It. A. Copple. Mrs. Ivhr. "l,""" cEler I, sorv . g, dson, Mrs. G. A. Hennott. Mrs. W.
Motley, Mrs. W. II. Cox. Mra. K. C. i " ' y , ni ", " " 0. Chandler, MIbs Geneva Wilcox
T ., ,. ... I.1IID, 1.UIIIIII mm UPIIDIVU l ....O"
lyOX, Hir, J. V. JUIIVB, .M in. II, .1 J
Painter, Mrs. J. C. Eggleston, Mrs.j'UKon' .
Hone Qregg and Mrs. C. B. I'nwois. L a
Tho North Hond Neat of Owls on-
77 .. .. .. . 'tertlnnod nt a dollghtful Thanksglv
r. ami .Mrs. uo..,. m , ... hnr ncnibor8 nnd
tora.nea wun aii.nneron i ..... Koklij)ff , Norl
giving. Tho dinner table wns dot- ,.., Wll i
orated with smllax and fuohlas.
Hond. About 100 couples woro In
orated wm, sm.iax aim " n0IlUftIle, Tho all was prettily
Those present were Capt. and Mrs. . .. . mturo boI1K .... ..
Iiluin of tho order effectively worked
J- $ 4-
E. (Icorgo Smith. Mrs. E. It. Hod
hoii, Miss Ernta and Irene Hodson,
Mlijrt Flusslo Hnyos, Kobt. McCnun.
G. Chandler, MIbs Geneva Wilcox
and Mrs. E. G. Porhnm. At tho
conclusion of tho nftornoon'a play, fAfrnalmiiinlR u'nrn RnrVOll.
UVIIUIUl.B .u..- w...- ..-.- . --
r.. n' n Plimulliir Mliiu Vlnrnnco nun nlirht nt IiirI week in honor of
..ilo. I.. .. v.. ........, .-..-.. - .-. , w..w ...D... --
Aiken nnd MIbs Dorothy Chantlor their first anniversary, having ns
nsBlstlng tho hostess. TIiobo enjoy- j guests Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Tnylor, Mr.
Ing Mrs. uonan s iiuspuuiuy nuu and .Mrs. win .Mcisuy, .iir. mm Aim
nf tho DoiIko nros. That this con
ridonco Is well placed I hnvo ample
proor for on my trip to Dotrolt Inst
summer I visited tho Dodgo HroK,
"I had heard of Dodgo Hrothcrs
nB tho largeHt makers of motor enrs
In tho country but I had no Idua of
tho ulzp of tholr works until I went,
through them.
"Out In ono building that thoy call
tho forgo shop nro 40 big stoam
liammors. Whon they're nil pound-!
Ing away nt once, ym couldn't hopo,
to hoar tho guldo ovon through n,
niogaphono. Thoso hammers havol
falling weights as high ub 0000 1
pounds, nnd tho foundations nlona.
weigh ns much as 100,000 pounds.
They woro moving boiho of thorn
around while I was thcro, nnd I saw
tho kind of foundations thoy must
have concroto beds about 20 foot
deop. .
"In another department I saw
noarly 1C0 automauu near cutting
1 machines. Thoso machines aro nl
Aid, Society will meet next Wm,!
iifBdny, Mrs. Ogruu and Mr. Kud
una will bo hostesses.
, ,
Thn Coos Hay Alumni Chapter of
tho Sigma Chi fraternity held forth
as tho guests of Mr. und Mrs. J.
W. Flanagan at thulr reldonco last
given at Tho Chandler Thanksgiv
ing nnd proved ono of tho Jolllest
of tho many happy gatherings thore.
Mr. Hrower presided as master of
evening. There wero elovon mom-1 coromonles nnd thoso nssomuiou
bow of tho order prosont, flvo of woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrowor, Mr, anu
thorn with tholr wives. Tho ovon- Mrs. Dunlnu. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harris,
Mrs. N. KasnuiBson, Mrs. A. E. Adel
sporgor, Mrs. F. K. Gottlns, Mrs.
T. H. James, Mrs. 11. M. Klchardsou,
Mrs. D. V. Stafford. Mrs. C. K. Por
rv. Mrs. L. L. Thomas. Mrs. G. A.
Honnett. Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mrs. ton
. .. r. ..- Mill
W. u. unanuior, nuns ucuoiu i n
cox, Mrs. B. I. Chandler, Mrs. It.
N. Kellogg. Mrs. O. Schetter, Mrs.
J. C. Kendall, Mrs. F. V. Cnttorlln,
Mrs. C. W. Cumbors, Mrs. B. G.
Porhnm, Mrs. Ward M. Hlako, Mrs.
V. 11. Kennedy, Mrs. . K. Jones,
Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. Von Shlpman.
MIbs Hudzlon, Miss Halir, Miss Flor
ence Aiken nnd tho guest of honor,
MlBa Chantlor.
A Mvrllo Arms dlnnor narty wnsiA '
y " imaciiumn. iiiubu iiiuviiinun mu -
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Arms of North m08t ,unmn, Thoy take n plain
Hond ontortnlnod at iiiubIc and cardsjb,nnk of 8te0i( nnd turn It Into n
fin shed gear. Tim gumo 10m mo
thnt thoy turned out C00.000 goarsi
Inst year.
"Tho wholo proposition Is on tho
Bnmo scnlo and that's why thoy aro.
C. W. Perkins, Miss Etta Taylor, MIbs
high prlzo nml Mr. Porklns consoln-
Swedlbh Lutheran Church, The Jolly Dozen will be enter
tallied by Mrs. Koss at her homo In
Huiikur Hill, December I).
It Is our policy to keep abreast of tho times, Now and ad
vanced oyegloBB featuros aro continually added to our stock.
Whether you need or are now wonrlng glusses, you will surely bo
Interested In the eyeglass progress displayed In our storo.
Our glassos aro fitted by an experienced stuto licensed optician.
Red Cross Optical Dept.
Phones 122.
Mrs. C. 11. Lowrey was hoste.s nt
n charming nftornoon at sowing last
Monday at hor homo In South
Marshflold. Tho rooms wero pret
tily decorated with groeiiB and flow
ers. Kofroshments wero sorved nt
Mm pinsn of tho nftornoon. Hor
I guests woro Mrs. Wm. Schroodor,
Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Mrs. A. s. uiaucn
nrd, Mrs. Jus. Rolandson, Mrs. D.
O. McCarthy, Mrs. J. II. Cox ami
Mrs. Euphomla McCulloch.
Among thoso dining at tho Chand
ler Thursday evening wero; Mr. and
Mrs. llerbort Loekhart and little
daughter Louise, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Y.
Stufford, Mr. und Mrs. E. I. Chnnd
ler and Mr. aud Mrs. W. O. Ohand-
Norma Chaso, Miss Eva McFnrland, , ni,i0 to put out such a car nt n prlco
Earl Hrown nnd Earl Hutchlns, utithat has created a sonsatlon nil
Progressive nook. Mrs. Tnylor won.0vor tho country.
"In tholr last lotter to mo Dodgo
Hrothcrs stnto that thoy aro not cor
taln that thoy will to able to glvo
mo oven tho small ulottment thnt I
havo bcon able to havo asslgnod to
Coos County and I would advlso
any ono who Is thinking of a Dodgo ,
enr for noxt senson that thoy seo
mo Immediately or they will not bo
able to socuro ono. Tho demonstrat
ing enr will not reach horo until
somo tlmo In January but I havo'
tho completo specifications nnd pho-i
tographB that mny bo seen by nny-
ono Interested. j
Eight Cylinder Cadillac.
"I havo received word from tho
factory that a shipment of tlio now
olght cylinder Cadillacs has been
mado to tho Pacific Coast and tho
demonstrating car will probably
reach Coos Day In a fow weeks now."
To tho Voters:
Economy Is tho watchword In Na
tion, Stnto and County. Reasons
multiply that muulclpal affairs
should bo carefully safeguarded nlong
theso lines, and that tho Bamo re
trenchment practiced In your own
porsoual affairs, should bo adhored
to In .tho City of Marshflold.
As you aro awaro, tho saloon Is to
Havo you been In our store lately? If not, you drop In and look
us over nnd see what wo ..avo. Some people are still under the Im
pression that wo are selling Coffees andTeas only, but a look nt
our stock will convince you that wo aro carrying a full lino of
Staplo Groceries and that our prices aro tho best to bo found, qual
ity considered.
Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House
fecortt Lao.fti
"-,,-. ,. j
MOD ART Corsets havo a reputation
that is both deserved and enviolk, j
They fit perfcctly-and are so comfortoMe,
Health is improved when they aro constant.
Iyworn. Wo have the exclusive rights to
MODART Front Lace Corsets in this city
and carry a completo line of the latest
MODART designs in our Corset Section,
Hub Dry Goods Co.
"Smart Wear for Women"
Cor.Broadway and Central Ave. Phone 341
Get those XMAS PHOTOS taken now before Xma
shopping worries put wrinkles in your brow. For the bl
est anu nesi in pnoioyraDiiy ssi
Front Street
Cannot Make a
Success of a
. . 1.I.1. Imie
timrTPio riirr ...i uiilion f
anun I ciyo i nc tho capacity n mi-- ," ,
AAY tblnir. K-U mlvcrtW.B "
way inul briiiRX ' luln wIvitIIw m ' w
more rapidly tlum ! """ w,,lfh '
GOOD WILL MAY hlMirl.ct rr ..y ut I bH
BE GAINED v.-we publicity. "JJwrf
will f the urrl.iihlii8 P" ,',r,,1 Lj
In .inlliuv and rtMilH. It U obvlouslj a R
opportunity' ssssa-H:
YOU -w nr i " ?r-
imrhiK nn iuIvvHIhIiir iihIHB"-I,r ""
.... .. .., i. ..Hiiro illscrlilneiyf
CAUSES MANY . 1 distinctly to your d3
WMIIK Ilivn. .. r. I11..fllllte. ' ,
lnessc. It Is IntaiiBlMo '"1 in ytt
i m-iiiv rmiM.11 . .
been i.u.y miccw-h and i.n "
rnllures hnvo been tho wult or tT
nro Kunided nfiiiliiht this when yo
.1.... p ...... ...iv..i(lsliiir tlepiutmeui.
FOR QUICKER knon- about; w f .' ""!.
SALES- -huh thoy --i 1-5
cxpectntions tliey become . hv- cert'
prejudices. Thero b no ? Z T "
ml of pW....otl,.K nalc of ayll. '"
along coiroci um-a.
APPnMPI IQW ...i... .... tbo matter oi Mli&i'
y. If ou ro m '..
you. H you ""proflU
vlnctMl that wo can show you rfjUKlB tfcrf J"
tlsing campaign for w.iaur ; ,,e F- ,
oven coiitomplnted "I'on Vtuu
, .,