timutemmmiMMWi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19M EVENING EDITION. filial TV PflllDT iS&f- V,!W1. v,,,.,or-- jjrfMllKftHHftHHHBMH I nonpccnupc lil 11 II uullu iiuu , , wWWmMwi&sL ISri In 11 la I,,1 w;-&&. Ku I'll lU H K'' -' - viteAra CIGARETTES B : ., , V :fSE5ai4ffl Brands tell their 1 K" ',- SiSSl. fiiends how dood H ; ' IpdiviavKJ ., jW iPTT illWliBllllliiiilll S?', . ft,, IIHHh iWrl-!.i!'''!" ' w , . i ' SEVEN foiitlntiod from yeBtcrilay. V Hurry, nc. Cotit. H. I). V 12 2,000.00 brooder ilios., Gravel, It. D. Vo 25 3fi.0O v Whittliigton, Hepnlr- IngHrldBe, It. D. No. 2S .. 10.00 K H Heller, lid. Iimber, H. 1) No- 30 580.80 M, NoBler, Supplies for M. .1. Hums 20.80 rs. v K. Cotton, Labor niul nursing ut homo of .1. .1. llitrns 4 5.00 tqiilllo Valley Telephone Co.. SwItcliliiR for Court ItOtlhU S'"1"' ins & Curry Telephone Co., Sliurlff offlre tolls Oct., Itt-iit, Nov 1G.40 miililu I.aunilry & Ice Co., Laundry for Court House'. 15.05 img Watson, 1000 postal canls for office 10.00 rl I,. Stockln, lultlgrapli Mnchlno and rlblions .... 309.00 i' Wesl. Meals for MeVey, &nto vs. McVey a.OO rm Aliby, Witness liofore. Dlst. Atty 3.80 I), l'ulford, I'roHficiitliu,' Hover for selllni; liquor . . 5.00 llth Tliorno, ateno. sorvlcos for DiBt. Atty un.oo Ity Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. Wnkofluld 10.05 Ity Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. Noruo 10.00 ty Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. KwIiik 7.50 (y Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs, EwlnR 7.C5 ty Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. Lurson 1-1.00 Ity Grocery Co., Groceries for Mrs. Nokuo 10.00 pty Grocury Co., Groceries for Mrs. llutlcr 5,00 formers Union Store; Gro ceries for Mrs. Davis .... 5.00 rs. J. Ii. Congor, Grocorles for Mrs. I). James 5.00 loqulllo Laundry & Ico Co., Laundry for Poor Form .. 4.25 the Itccord PubllsDInir Co., I'lih. Co. Court Proceedings for Oct 70.00 Product Xo. 1. Mm. l-'urhop, 'JKdRo" ..;... COO lhaa. Norrls, JihIko COO I. M. Wledor, JiidRO 0.00 i. K. JohnBon, Clork COO Ihns. St. DennlB, Clork .... 0.00 lames Cowan, Clerk 0.00 Kins. J Furhop, Making elec tion booths, etc 3.00 ttuii. St. DonntB. Hull Uout. 2.50 i. Sovcrson, Meuls 0.30 Pivclnct Xo. a. eli Monson, First Judgo .. 4.50 eo. ItobortB, 2nd Judge .. 4.50 J. Stolnlechnor, 3rd Judge 4.50 P. Coleman, 1st clork . . . 4.50 I). Walker, 2nd clork .... 4.50 C, Raymond, 3rd clork . . . 4.50 els Monson, Hall rout .... 2,50 fouUa 11, Walker, Meals ... 4.20 Product No. I. rm. lUackmore, 1st JiuIkq . 0.00 ll. II Itflliur. 2nd Juduo .. 0.00 C. McCullocli, 3rd Judgo. . 0,00 . M. wolr, 1st Clerk u.uu p. II. Fulton, 2nd Clork . . . 0.00 fr. J. Colo. 3nl Clork 0.00 ullus Nelson. Hall runt (Hchool House Dint. No. 20) 2.50 I. H. Holher, Munis ....',.. 4.20 Pivoliut Xo. H. olm Porter, 1st Judge .... 0.00 '. i:. Larson, 2nd Juduu . , . 0.00 . K. Nonh, 3rd Judgo 0.00 K. PldKoon, 1st Clork ... 0.00 V- A. Gaso, 2nd Clork . . . w 0.00 I. O Uarkor, 3rd Clerk . . . 0.00 ! V, Marker, Meals 0.30 'Uegany Sehool House, Dlst. No. 45, Hall Hout 3.00 lreelnct Xo. (I. . II. Hrackett. Judge 4.50 lo Uvenson, Judge 4.50 Hicrmnn Smith 4.50 ! G. Wiley, Clerk 4.50 I- II- Miller, Clerk-.,. '."... 4.50 '. S. Nay, Clerk . . . . T 4.50 f. S. Nay, Meals And wal oil 3.10 Precinct Xo. 7, First lloiinl. t- II- McKay, Judgo '. 3.00 C. Wilcox, Judge 3.00 ' A. Sanford, Judge 3.00 ? B. Maybee, Clork 3.00 V- A. Davenport, Clerk .... 3.00 - B Warren. Clo,rk ...... 3.00 1 Product Xo. 7, K'coii(I llond. ' H. Worrel, Judge C00 V- D, Simpson, Judge .... COO '' M Shrlver, Judge 6.00 ?ttel S. Worrell. Clerk ... 0.00 !- E. Maybee. Clerk C00 vllam Strang, Clerk .... 6.00 :- M Shrlver, Meale 1-50 hu R. West, M,oa!s 1.80 'eter Loggle. Meals, Hull 1, etc 20 20 Product Xo. O, First Hoard. hn G. Mullen, Judge and Meals 3.70 ' N Itebere, Judge and luteals 3.70 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard McClure AITOKXPA' AT LAW Practices In all courts. Itooin 111, Flaungun V lleunctt Hwil H. H. Harper IIOUSi: HUILDKIt Qcnoral Ilopalrlng and Cabinet , Making. i iMiono 349-J. ; STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGItAPHIO WOHK, llronililo liilnrglng and KodukKlnUliluK. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. j (Wellmcr Method) Bvory known disease troatod i without drugs or surgory. Itoomi 1 md 2, 237 South Uroadwuy. Phono 132-L. Marahfield, Or I. M. Wright ' rhono 188-H. IlUILDIXa CONTKAOTOK Estimates furnlBhod on requcit K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Mm,,, yrle Agency LEE 1IR ES AUTOMOIULKS STOHKI) COOS COUNTY'S MOST CO.MI'MSTk j MACIUNi: SHOP MAIHXB AND AUTO.MOIULU itiuwiiuxa GASOLINK FOR SALH SOUTH FHONT ST. PHONK 180-J IIATTKIUKS KKPAIHKI) AND , OIIAHGBD Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without hmlth or accident Insurance You not only ncoJ tho Insurance, but you want to bo uuro and havo tho correct policy In tho host and most rullnblo company In tho business. See mo or phono mo at once nnd I will explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Maraliflold.300 Coko Dulldlng. Dr. H. M. Shaw Kye, Hnr, Noso nnd Throat GiaSSHS FI'lTUD )It. MATTIH II. SHAW Diseases of Women and Clillrlrf Office Phono 330'J. Ilooma 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. Rnninmin Ostlind CONSL'LTINO KNGINKKIl AND AHCIUTKCT I Offices, 200 Irving niock . ?hone 103-J. or 207-J. Marsiuiem. uregot ST. LAWHKNCi: IIOTKIi (Formerly tho Coos Hotel) Stoam hoat, hot nnd cold water.. No liquor. Wo Invito you to Investigate our wlutor ratos. Spoclnl Inducomont whon two or moro persons occu py samo room. ' N: G. Chandler AltCHITKCT ttooms 301 and 302, Coke nulldlu. Murshfleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen AitcnrriXT Marshflold, Oreuon. Mrs. Ova Edman, M. T. D. "u'KDISII MASHAGi: AND MUD ICAIi GYMNASTICS FPU ALL DISICA8BH 337 Coiiinierclttl uvo. Phouu &J2-J ROOFING ' REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. CHIMNRyS FIItK PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Ilrlck Work at Prices Thnt Are Illght And nil Work GuimiuletM Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Hldg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Holler Work Coos Bay Farmers Exchange J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivery to any part of Marshflold. All we ask is a trial order to convince you that we arc here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. 4 i LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to nil Interests of our clients. MINIMUM O O 8 T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. - CLAMS, CIIAHS. FISH AND I OYSTKHS If you are particular about 1 the Bholl fish you oat, get nc- j diiiilntnil with I1H COOS DAY OYSTKIt CO. at Palace Meat Mkt., Irroadway L & GEIETT BANK OI.DF.ST DANK IN COOS COUNTY HMuMlMlicd 18811. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 lutcroht Pnlil on Time Deposit Officers; J. W. Dennett, President. J. II, Flaimgiiu, Ylro-PiOKldoiit. It. J WIIII'iniN, ('ashler. Geo. F. Winchester, Anst. C'nlilr. I PARISIAN CLKAMNG AND IIVKIXH WORKS 200 Wast Market Ave., corner I " Second Street. I Under new management. Prices j low, and all work satisfactory, j j Ladles' uork specialty. I Phone 176-J. I J. S. STKVKNS, I Prop. r- HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. -. I " ' nffsir;! i by ordering the famou HENRYVILLEGOAL Nut coal, per ton j-OJ Lump Coal, per ton o-o Or. half ton of both .. .W.on D. MUSSO.V, Prop ,one J8-J, or leave orders ai CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIGHT SHRVICK For taxi, phone 193, Ideal Cafe. For touring cars, phone 20 j Chandler Hotel IiYNN jaMIIITTir, Drop. j New Cubs ; : New Curs j New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" I HOSE I S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend We Can Help You Tho osrvlro of this Rank will help you. Wo nro alwnys pleased when wo can rendor any service In connection with tho handling of money or tho transaction of any financial IiubIiiomi. Wo accept deposits In any amount, either chocking or Interest buarlng, and assuro absolute safety for all funds entrusted o our care. I'NDHR TIIIJ UXITKD STATUS , OOVKRN.MHNT SUPKRVISIOX. ' FIHSTNATIQMALBAWK OF COOS EAY Sc'ety Deposit Boxes For Ttent. . Abstracts FOR HKLLVRLH ARSTRAITH OF TITLK AND INFORMATION AROFT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFItiLD AND COQl'II.I.i: CITY, OHFOON oi:ni:ral agkxts, kastsidk and si:n.staoki:n's addition aoknts for canadian pacific railroad jlands iiiinry sunflstacukn, manaokr TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- lm 8 been a hobby with us for n good many years and a lot of our ciiBtomora will tell you when it comes to getting good, sound, durable framing mntorlal nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build nnd tho amount you want to spoad nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil and figure out tho belt your tionoy can buy. Try us. ta,iu u C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RICTAIL RKPAHT.MKNT CUT TDK FUKIj IHLIj 1 TWO lY USINO OUU WOOD PHONK ton 1HU SODTII DROADWAY To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday TDK FAST AND CO.MFORTADLU S S. Geo. W. Elder NKWIiY KQUIPPKD NORTH PACIFIO STKAMSHIP CO. O. V. MrOICOR(7K AOKNT V. II. PAINTKR Phono 44, Marshflold Phono 42t, North Dond COOS BAY AND E.UREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER. HARDY SAILS FROM HAV FRANCISCO UVMRY TUN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO "OCR UNION STRKKT NO. U, IMKIt 10. K, J. LINDKN, Frt. Jgent. TeIehono Dour. 2070, KQMPPKR WITH WIRKLK8H, Steamship Breakwater AIAVAYH ON TIMK. SAILS FROM RAILROAD DOCK, MARSHFIKLD, DURINO Till? MONTH OF NOVKMHKR, ON TIIIJ 7TII AT J I A. .M.t ON Til 13 MTII AT 7 A. M.l ON 1'IIK UIKT AT 1 P. M.J ON TIIK UHT1I AT 7( A. M. T1CKKTS ON 8ALK AT PORTLAND CITY TICKKT OFFICR, OTli' AND OAK STHHirrS, PORTLAND. Phono as-J. O. II. IiANDKKS, Agent i inwiiirm . n . INT OC TRANSPORTAT DN flcini-wcekly sorvico Coos Bny and Qan Jrancisco. STEAMSHIP iD SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY WICDNRSDAY DKCKMHKH 2, AT ! P. M. Equipped with wircVcss And subinnrlne bott. Passongors and froight. "" mTKMSHIP NMIH .ITH luiiii mill Equipped witli wireless and submarino boll. PnHflnntini'B and froifliL HA I US FIIO.M HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY HATURDAY, NOV. UH, AT 1 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pior No. 23 and GOO Fifo building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. 1 fcGKORQE, Phono 44. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE ARROW LINE STEAMERS HA in FROM rian Francisco Ooos Ray Portland Pier No, ai. Kvory Friday Alhers Dock No. 9 Uvery Wednesday To Pnrtlnud Uvery Saturday 3 P. M. And Tuesday t) A. M. To Han Francisco THOMAS II. JAMF.H, Agent Plmuo U7H. Ocean Dock ' MumtiflolO. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remlnnton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaulng, repairing or umv nUletiH, work guaranteed. Ribbons hb4 rrlK)M paper dcllveitMl. 1'lioiiu us your order. Plume -14, Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. AIN'T IT TIIK TRUTH. Wo never blame the tailor whon our pants wo have to pin, j We never hlauio tho shoo man j whon our soles grow old and j thin, Wo novor blame tho hatter I ( when our lids wo have to j flout, Hut wo always blamo tho laun- j dry whon our shirts wear out. .j COOS HAY KTKAM LAUNDRY j Phone fi7J. D H AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Stret. n Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo buul trunks botwoen any pglnti u Marshflold and do geooral hauling 'or reasonable rates, STAR TRANSFKR & STORAOK CO Commutation Tickets $2.00 larhhflnlil.N'nrtli Ituul Aain 'r. every Inn mlniitex frrnn A k. en. to 1U 1 1. in. j ti Houti Sloutfli once day, IcuWni; nt Jt u, m,; to Kuiplru three trljifc n day. (HIRST A KIVO. lrop. ' r r ' i i 1 1 ' I'. J. SOAIFK e A, II, HODGINS Marshfield' co. Levi llvliucr, ProprUr, I1liuuuii IM 1 ill li "MSIil KtiMMtMi KwrHW4 L jjiiiifrjjLJbL'Ky rvzrz. i . f TajhajpQHtlBUSdli IBt "-'