WW 4 wsm totuniatt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX kp AT THE jZAr A. A. A i . . SOUTH MAItSIIFIKLI) SClIOOli , , '11113 KCltll'lTMCS. ( I , I I I Kljjlith Crnite. in IIIO YCOKiy BjioiunK u wiu bc)st grades woro matlo by Until . ,3 honrt nIU, K,VOi, flrI, Golden. 98; Clara Forguson, 100; hg convlcl,on8iogc,. l'or tlio Christian It Is the Hlblo which touchos a chord In rimless to Ohnrlos Donno, OS; Lcona Post, 100; Wilma Honglnml, OS: Eugene' Kollcy, 0C; Ernst Whoroat, 9C. Tho two host original designs for mottoes chosen from this grauo by1 .Allss Volz, drawing supervisor, woro. WIST UAI'TIST CHURCH Albert 1 Uassford, M. A. Itealdcnco CC3 So. 11th strcot C9-X Illblo School nt 10 a. m., wit XOIIWHOIAX liL'TIIKHAN. Hov. It. O. Thorpe Services will bo hold In tho Nor weglan Lutheran church at Maish- field Sunday at 11 a. in. Sunday school meets nt 10 a. in. I Services will be hold In tho !nr- weglan Lutheran Chapel at North 4.' 4 Demi Sunday at 7Hn p. in. Sunday scbobl at 10 n. 111 : , I CIIKISTIAV ClllHtCII .. Snnitiel Gieccr. Minister. .. I Itcsliloilco, 230 North Eleventh Phono 4 01!. Services as follows at tho Church, comer Sixth and Central: Hegular services every Sunday. Hlblo School at 10:00 a. m. Prenchlng service 1 1 a. m. and 7:. '10 p. in. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Wobb will ! sing nt t.o morning service. . . r 1 1 SWEDISH EVANOKMCATi I I LLTIIKItAX ClIUltOH. I Hev. U. F. llonctson. Pastor. Hcsldcnro 2!) I Highland nvonuo. Phono JU-Jl. Morning service, 1 1 a. m. Sunday School nt 9: 15 a. 111. Services In North Ilond nt 7:!I0 p. in. METHODIST CHUltCII Ilov. A. S. Illsoy, Pastor. North Ire ml Golden, Ait Departniciit. I SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. , l.1" orvico auminy win uo a. I Local Elder, J. E. Qunlls. follows: Rf.vf.nfli nnv Aflvenflnt Rnrvlre nrn Sunday School at 10 a. m. thoBo of Valerian Vascy and Itutli grnded classes and competent teach-1 conducted every Saturday as follows: Vospor Clrclo and Epworth Lenguc ors. Sabbath School nt 10 a. m. uiir.ni. ! Worship nt 11 u.m. nnd7:30 p.m. i3H,c gtmiy ntll n. m. Sermons by tho Pastor at 11 n. m. .villi snrmnns lir PfiRlnr llnRsfiirtl. -v'm.n.. unnnin.. cnlnf.. nt n ... and 8 1). in. .For tho art work In tho grndes Young Pcoplo's sorvlco at 0:30 for; prayer Meeting Wednesday" at : Miss volz lias unci tno various cinss-jono nour. a special invunuon ib 7.30 () m cs. working on original designs for "tended to all young men and wo- ' post cards, book marks, calendars, ' "' at both gcrvIccs by ,aw I ""!"S;ioon:.N; mottoes, etc. The two best oneschorus cholr umlor Professor George ' 237 Third Stroot North from each grauo 10 uo sent nwny .ijrq. Services nt 11 a. in.. Sunday and MI 0 and have cuts mado from which1 A cordial wclcomo Is extended to J s () nK Wo(lncslIny. .it 1 I 1. .,..11... ..... I.nnli. "" CilTUH, tlllUlllllllB, lliuiiui-o u.i.i iuun marks may bo mado for salo for' 1 UNITED IlUKTHItEN OIIUItOH Xmas nrcEents. Tho salo will prob- NOHTH II1SND ably bo hold In n down-town build ing. Tho money procured to aid In paying expenses. Tho ones chosen from tho various grades follows: Eighth grade, Valerian Vasoy nnd Itutli Golden; Sovcnth grndo, Ed ward Ellorbcck and Tliclma Tabor; Sixth grade, ltudolph Johnson, Bor onlco Mlrrasoul; Fifth grade, Ilcti- ben Lyon, Edward Payno. Third Oindo. Tho following had perfect spell ing lessons for tho pnst week: Wm. McArthur, Gordon Noff, Jnrl Nord runi, Mark lioono, Gcorgo Scott, Augustus Hoffmnu, Floydo Scott, Josophlno Savngo. Jarl Nordrum nnd Gordon Noff had 100 In nrlthmotlc all tho otK. 1'oiiHIi (irailc Thoso having 100 per cunt In tho weekly written tost In spelling were Virgil I.0 Clair, Dick Walters, Grace McElroy, Gcorgo Murphy, Walter Sneddon, Adrnlno Gardner, Holon Merchant, Tholmn Illnck, Italph Ilnnson, Emerson Noff, Wnllnco Lnngworthy, Nelta Gnllaughor. Chil dren present nil tho month are Tholmn Illack, Duncan Dashncy, Ce cil Doll, Vernon Furn, Kalpn Mnn son, Fredorlc llongland, Kva Jnr venon, Lillian Johnson, Alton Knr doll, Lauren co ICoontz, Virgil Lo Clair, Steon Mngnus, Helen Mer chant, Alfred McElroy, Goorgo Mur phy, John Nordstrom, I.ostor Post, non Lorenicii, Cnllstn Wnltors, Dick Walters, Alice McKlnnon, Wnltor Sneddon. Thoso having porfoct spoiling nro Holon .Merchant, Dun can Dashcney, Cucll Doll, Dick Wnl tors, Goorgo Murphy. Klftli (ii-mle. Tho liuplls mnklng 110 mistakes In spoiling this wook wore: Donald Alton, Arnold Sampson, Cloiiionco Wright, Forrest .Meyer, Krvln Storm, Edward Piiyno and Mnybello McLaughlin. Mrs. R. N. Lewis. Pastor Sabbath School nt 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. in. Preaching at 11 n. ni. nnd S p.m. Prnyor Meeting Wednesday ovo nlng at 8 o'clock. NOHTH IJKNI) CHRISTIAN CHUHCJI -Mrs. S. Gregg, Mlnlstor- Subjcct: "Adnm and Fallen Mnti." Sunday School at 12 Sundny. Keadlng room open every day except Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. 111, J ' EPISCOPAL CHUltCII. J ' I 'I th nnI .Market. I 1 It. E. llrownlng, Hector S n. 111. .Holy Communion., 9:30 n. m. Sundny School. 3 p. 111., Sorvlco In St. Mary's MHS. JESSIE 31. KAOAX, Councllmnn, thrcc-yenr torm,. ANDHEW LOWLAND, I Councilman, thrcc-yenr torm. W. J. HIT, I Councllmnn, One-year torm. CHAULES P. MASON, Itccordcr. I Next Tuesday, December 1, occurs the annual city elec-, !., i ,.,u:i, :..,. n Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. nintrrh. North Ilond. uu" rtl vviiion IIIIIL till CU Dlblo School. 10 a. in. i 1( . on-,..,,,, i... n,., nn.tnr nnimnilmpn nnrl n PAhi Rn. Evangelical meeting continued ,. ' . ," . . , . , , , J wor today. , t,,u Advent topic, "Tho Church corrjCr are Q JfJ elected. nTlirnr! Sorlo '"1 " . TllCJ S0Cial,'St PaPty 13S thG prone s tho human being to ioe Km above-named candidates in nnd ombrnco comfort and self nnprov- 4 wuvi immuu uunuiucuco 111 nl rather than truth, that ho finds 1 I CATHOLIC CHUltCII the field fOI' SCfCCtiOtl for tllC I .MAHSHI'IKLD Mass will bo colobrntod at 10 OlllCeS. It an easy mutter to porsuado hlni-i run iiu.t nu mi reuny mn.uicua in 0.cIoc, anniay morning by thought and method whon ho has t'other McDovltt. boon told by 1:1s friends that ho Is n eapltnl fellow and lucnpublo of cr nov The Socialists, as the pol-. - mnn! nrirfw nf fho unrlinn ! I CATHOLIC ClIUltOH I ',"" ''"' VJ .... ,. .. '. U ', 1 NOHTH HENi) I class, respectfully solicit the Ttov. Fathor McDovltt ..... . . ' , . . rnr "n inntlnr lin.v limfriilanf Hin Judgment of thoso friends on the Mass will bo colobratod Sundny VOtCS Ol WOrKinfJ ITIGn an CI subject In hand may be, tho nvorngo ""l" nt S by lho Itov Fathor Women tllOSC WllO are Cn- mnn or woman lings tho belief that . . : ,,nt,, nnn,,nnr.nr, because the persons honored by being f mtoiioIHBT 1T1SCOPAL f ?age.d '" USe,Ul 0C0 !Patl0nS- his friends nro his frlondB, thoy must .'osoph Knotts, Pastor. lOr tllCSC .QUI' Candidates. posjosa good Jiidgniont on nny sub- Sundny school nt 10 n. ni. i. 1 Morning Sorvlco nt 1 1 n. m. Sor- Tho porson thus receiving criti cism, naked or unnskod, of thoso w!.0 111011: "Thanksgiving." All nro cordially Invited. Epworth Longtio nt C:30 p. in. They have pledged them selves to the principles and progressive policies of the So- speak only pleasant things, koob Junior Lcnguo Sorvlco Thursday ninli5r nnrtu qiip.Ii nc nnhlin nbout his work feollng very right-' afternoon nt 3:15. ' " nr.innnTin chub In the npprovnl of those whoso I'raor Meeting Thursday oven- OWIlCrShip and DEMOCRATIC advlco ho receive, and ho really;11"- p! m.Evonlng Sermon: "Do- MANAGEMENT Of pilbliC and! iv.t 7 1 TT: i,?'0,v,or T votlon Wor,h W",I-" semi-public utilities and the flclont, to ho a bulwark to his work. Tbo chorus will stuff an anthem nt m nPUIMCDV ntr DDnniiPTinM oven though In his own mind ho the inornlng sorvlco nnd Mr. H. Von lv'WOrllrVfcl1T U- rnUUUO I IUIM knows nnd winks nt wonknossos that siilpninn will hIiik 11 solo In tho ovo- AND DISTRIBUTION, and a '"..SIE'Z'St . .,.-.. ,. '""" . vote for them ragbtm cnoour- - I'"-" W lo be met who ronlly caros for trut.v I NOHTH HEM) PHESHYTEHIAN I agemdlt fOf pi'OgreSS in ifldUS- Hev. Frederick Shlinlau, Pnstor . nv nnri nnlitinc sundny schnoi, 10 n. in. "J MMV' i'u""uv" SCHOOL BUT- m I. 2 To tho Editor of Tho Tlnios: Tho honest person feaw not crltl cIhiii, bo Hint crltklsni fair or false, opportune or Inopportune Tho value or any criticism Ilea In tho nblllty of the i-rillc u oxprom hluiHolf on lho iwrlliMiUr subject which ho criticises. To lllimtrnte: a liiwyer, however able In I.Ih own sub ject 0f law, would make poor cri tic ns to tho valuo of a qU claw In modicliio. A bankor, however uim bio In money matters, would not by of Judging . merlt of those moro than ho enros for his own per sonol comfort or his own personal gain. Ilnforo such n eunractor the portion of mnul! mid solflsh worth Is a coward. Ho Is always iincomfort able ln'caugQ ho foohi himself to be on trial. In his own mind ho knows that ho Is In clangor of boconilng known oven ns ho knows himself. Ho knows thnt his possibility of "do calving nil tho pooplo all tho time" is Rotting smallor. Ho knows that hU work clooi not rlnjc sound in the presanco of honost and Intolllxeiit criticism, so he bonlns dofonse by xs mIHiik tho weak points or his critic. Ho doe this usually In ways so small and sunve that no one guecwM what, lio Is about. Ho seoks to dlwrodlt In ' t!:o minds of the public nil kooiI from aiiyono wlui sbows up tlio weaknesses of his own work. I In history 110 othor cnllliiK uutMlilc or th church has lwu so )ow to uc crpt and profit by criticism as has education. All comnetent (.(liiontir admit this rct and Its corollary, that the public) school do not turn out' persona In Houeral who are capable Prenchlng, 11 n. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. Prnnrlilncr. 8 n. m. m. (Pnld adv. by tho English, Swedish Mid Finnish Soclnllst Locals.) New Telephone Directory Tho Now Directory covorlng nil tho oxchangos of this Com pany la being distributed. PatroiiB nro requested to consult tho directory and CALL I1V NU.MHEU. Subscrlhors not roeolvlng their directory prnmpily will please notify our local office. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. KIHS'L' NATIONAL HAXIi IIL'ILDINC. Hint vlrtuo bo the right person t uilvlvw the H'lontirie fnrnmr. Again, h man mlKht be worth seveial thoiis- .....1 U.M..UH 11 yoar to iwnille the In schools. Thoso are rrts In educa tional history admitted by everyone who has a full vw of the situation ! So It follows that li it.li.. -..v... ..1 V. .at. ......... ..... " l"w wi , ,B "l n "'" ''lorntlon. but Jfc.vateiii. be It of a stale, a countv or useless as the advUer of the handling j cty. U at th mercy of Us .upcr- Of a ?000 Shoo atiM-k. A liuruni , llltuuilnnl- u)uil. i... i. . . . , v-.Hui , n mnn or Xmas Cards & Stationeay Engraved Cards Fountain Pens mim.t bo an expert bridge player, honor or tho cheapest aort of a poll- nut wholly without ability to judge tl-Uu. who looks first to bulwarklim PRCi: TH VMLJIIV QIQTCD good music or competent method. In Ms own p,m0 and ho.,,i to till "fct '" YUU M' ,fcH Coos Bay Stationery Co Phone 430. 93 Csntral Avenue. Liiu nifTU 1'iifiiii nt i. ........ ... . .1,.,,.. . r i V " Wl,n a'BOOl "r ," tfl''- N other pro- "ot o Judgment on salads and foulon offers such opportunity for cake ,k ,,K ,ght be ,, K)refct ,n4..onipotBnt crIllrfin fw Hoit0rac,tIt.foracookl.iK,l4ai.d uianagomuut In sheep's clothing no absolutely gnonillt of le mmUt Qr ,(M(- vM c,0"- "" JauBt Ko. So murl, does tl,0 vhIu. of the fathe.a were to be visited up- " ;;;i'0";i.H,theb..,tyof the vWitm. W.B t0 .,. . the critic In the subject under oougld. ud fourth generation." j, , ,"". this alii t becomos either mere product, for no where oum in life fa,trn,,l; onipty 8,,w Qr ap,t.,r th .. ot the f.th b'e" . The human being I. born to ov me. . , 5 17 10 mmr nooui ins ruiiHs. The aver-' nKo man or woman In asking; for i-rltl- school as the basis of t nam umxM mil ior iriiiu, nut ror ap- hroo to You nnd Every Olstor Sut Bring from Woman's Ailments. 1 nin a woman. i knew woiunn's suffering. J Ijavu found tho euro. I will mall, f rco ot nny charge, inv hjaj Iriil not with full Instnicitonatoaiiy inttcwlroln j oinan's albnenU. I aut to tell ill onu n alJout V1?1."''"' n,r.,HiiU:r. tor loui-ueif. your (InutfuU-r, your juotlur. or jour&ur. I nut m ... .OUi ".ow ; ,n yuuryc-lvc at homo tth- I uoim-nsiiuttorbisK. Vliatwuoiut-n knou Irw isolmcj, wo know lictttir th.in nny doctor. 1 l.uuw that iiiY'honi tn utmt'iit I- tat,' and sure curoforliueontoeior MllUhdiichiiin, Uiciriikjn.cn- . ii..iii.iui sff.uiri 01 ini riMsg, rrcilltt, iCItll CI Till J nrlodi. Uttilci ciOiifUo Ueori, t( Ctcathi; tlio pilmla Yni, tack d ti't. ta:nrj cd liillati.micmnit, critplnf l.ilirj ug lh ,n, rilnicVcl-,. dltiit to (if, lot IIiisuj, viiiiom, lidati. tnO tliddir lie nun thtro cined t; (tikniiiii (jcjl.ar toourviz. I wu.it to vend Jo.; a cooeliti In d)'i btitoial attrtti' trc to provo to you tliut you can cure yourx if ni uomo. aHiy qutricly and Miiruly. rimi:nl.r, tluit.it t'll roil jju rglt'xito t'lTOtho trw.tiiinit.aPom-,)lftit!iiil, fiidffyou whh to continue, It will coat youonraoont liofiitiit v.h-jc o.' bwd tlmu Iwuci-mHuitnj-. It will not InturfiTo with your -rls or ooouiwtl n. Jut tied tat w met tai tiiittt, toll nu huv, you F III THOUGH T llilDfiF? u u ' The names and occupations of those who sinned thP nnmi petitions of Messrs. Kimball. Telander and Evertsen and tCatl!a signed for Messrs. Cook, Baines and Painter are printed slS !S below in order that every Marshfield voter may IZ w t cs eft lists of local citizezns and "business" men. e tWo AIM HMltKbSIIIMU PARALLEL! KKJXKIt.H 1'OIt anCSSKH. KIMHALIi, TKIjAX- DKIt AM) HVKUTSIJX: J. A. MAT80N, Morclmnt. JOHN KHON1IOLM, Clerk. CLAY ItOHBItTS, Unrtoitdor. CIIAItLISS lCUONHOUl, Liquor Dealer. OTTO 12DLUNI), I.lquor Denier. HD STltONO, l'nlntor. V. MIItUASOHL, Snloon Keopor. A. K. JOHNSON, ClKnr Stand. K A. LA1SI3, Liquor Doalor. A. J. M13NDKL, Merchant and ijiquor Dcalgr. A. J. FBNSLKIt, Cloflc. ). W. HILDUNDUAND, Hardwnro. r. S. HAHVBV, Furniture. A. O. PBTBUSON, Clerk. L. T. DBNNINO, Snloon Keopor. f..r . O. ItOQBKS. rnrmor. t'BHT A. DOltBMUS, Bniploymont. 'AUDB DOItBMl'S, Clork. ' W. H. KENNEDY, Sodn Works. KltED LARSON, Drfcdgor. It. C. DILLAItD, Clerk. JAR. E. DBItlNG, Liquor Dealer. i:o. D-AXTEH, Dartondor. IlUOir SNEDDON, Snloon Keopor. W. N. BKHLAD, Hnrdwnre. AUG. FltlZBEN, News Store. KUETHIOP MAGNUSSON, Architect. SHBU.MAN PINE, (Occupation Unknown.) W. L. PHILIPS, IJutchor. WM. S. TUItPBN, Architect. . . ' E. II. TltllUlBY, Lnboror. N. II. 8TBHLIN, (Occiipfttlon Unknown. V. M. PAItSONS, DniRBlBt. W. O. HONES, (Occupation Unknown.) WALTER H. UAIRD. I5nrtondor. ERNEST I1ALLBTTE, Gnrbagd. IJEIIT M. LOnBN, (Occupation Unknown.) O. W. TKinilBY, llulldlnB Inspector. V. M. IRELAND, Snloon Keeper. G. W. KERREY, Lnboror. C. W. HICKOX, liar Tender. WALTER CONDRON, Lnliorer. MEL G. DUNCAN, Clork. IVY CONDRON. Grocer. A. 13. NEI-'F. Hardwnro. WM. JOHNSTONE, Stable Mini. ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Clork, ireiinott Trust Co. II. J. M'KEOWN. Hotel nnd Uar. HERT IIAIRD, Unr Tondor. 3ICHSKIIH FOR MESSRS. n,oK, ,WlNTs ., PAIXTl'lt. "'llhS AND J. A. COPPLE, Merchrint W. A. RBI D, Rem EsUto Klc A. F. UASSFORD, Allnistur WM-. F. IRISH, Clerk IDA PATBRSON, Clerk. . ' ii' Jtvi:VI8' Confectioner. L. H. HEISNBR, Mcr. Trnnnfor IIKMttV OBMO-n.intVll. 1" n"t0r E. II. CAMP11ELI. ir .,..-' l' LVI a Co. "talc. A. SIMMONS, Carpontor. a. i. uiiuuu, Alln'etar. wan K, MALONEY. Coos'lhiv Tlm. FRED C. WBAVER.'nrn' , Irnrw.i. u .. Tk 7 "-v.( u. -ij. uuuu, investor, S. J. 1MMEL, Shoomnkcr. w. ii. uua, constnble. JOHN II. STADDEN, Pliolosrnnlinr WILL E. HOAGLANI), Irocer' J.. WRIGHT WILSON investor CHAS. D. M'PHERSON, Minis of H. M. SHAW. Physician. JENS HANSEN, Nows Store. JOHN C. MERCHANT, Real Kstato G. W. KAUFMAN, Ileal Estate G, W. LESLIE, Doctor. CARL L. AL11RECHT, Surveyor. A. II. HODGINS, Painter. HARRY WINKLER, Drui;Rlst. W. O. OGREN. MKr. Norton & Hansen ELLEN A. OGREN, Clerk. ' J. Q. JARVIS, DriiBRlst. 0. II. WILSON, Jowolor. .ISRAEL LANDO, (Irocer. J. L. HRICE. Rooror. C. C. TAGGART, PliyBlclnn. JOHN P. MAXTON, Gnrdonor. AUG. OLSON, Shoo Store C. E. POWERS. Grocer. F. M. FLYE. Plnnormnn. If. 15. FOLSOM, Salesman. C. A. PENNOCK, Plumbor. A. O. HAAS. Mnll Cnrrlor. UII.I.IAM GRIMES, Ranker. M. C. MALONEY, Publisher and Kdltor. II. QHCAR OULOVSEN, Furniture. M. P. OULOVSEN, Furniture. .1. W. HUNT. Cnrpontcr. L. M. NODLE, Investor.O. II. NAY. Curpfiiltr 1. 8. SMITH, Eonntor. J. D. CULVER, Clerk. COMPARE THESE LISTS, THEN THINK OVER THESE FACTS: .MI.'S.HltS. KI.MHALL, TELAXDI3U mill KvertHonV pelltloiw were circulate sml tc'itlflccl to by .Mr. (J. W. Trlltbcy; tliocc cr MICHSRH. COOK, IIAIXEH mid l'.U.NTCIt by .Senator I. K. Kmltli nnd .Mr. It. A. Copplc. Why did KIITEKX (15) KAI.OOV MI3.V lpi MI3KSIIK. KIMIUI.L, TKLAXMai mill EVHItTHKX'H PKTITIOXH? Did thcHe FIITKIJX (15) HA1)()X MI3X Klpi Hielr petitions lioriuiw (hey tlioiij;lit llicso men would protect tlio'ircoplo'tc lntcicstH or llu HAI.OO.V MK.V8 l.NTBItKSTS? ' Pnld Ad. Citizen's Ticket Committee. V A Voto Next Tncscliiy for COOK, IIAIXEH mid PAINTER, N n Vote for the Tchvii'm Rest Intcuv.M. VQTI3 THE CITIZEXK' TICKET Bright Handsome Useful i Special $1.60. All Desirable Gift Elements Are Found In Electric toasters HERE IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN YOU CAN IMAGINE IN AN ARTICLE ALTO GETHER SUITABLE FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Co-operatlvQ effort places this famous Wostlnghouso radiant toastor in W hands for $1.60 an unheard of low price nearly as low as factory cost. You can't make a mistake In giving electrical gifts, They are bound to please. This is only one of a long list of Christmas bargains in electrical ware. INEXPENSIVE SHOP now: BUY ELECTRICAL GIFTS. ' CHARMING PRACTICAL See them at OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178. Second and Central f NO 9AW EI)qES OH YOUR COLLARS if you liHve them luuudore At TWIN CITT HTHAM LAIJNDUY ivoui 1 1 wl 'Ph.. f..i...... .... ... iu ii c ui cue) puuiK iulTwrif you wUb. until will MKlvni lliuflrtfiitnimif Cir v.mro i Hir r iltr trn- in ulainu rue deutocrac x Vr.Uy ruturii mull I will alw -iityoufiMclcul. w Iik-"W0K1N'$ 0'.1 WfPICU 10IISW" nil , . . ewiiuiHj- ittuatniuuni n.)t.r.(f VI)t .-oi:ita viUi r. nutl how ilw nuiiinaliypurt 111. ui.-.lvt-s MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for" Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y JIOTEfi DOTbU' Now open under new A home '""" .,,& J i and room,. D-"" " trap-nitlj M 111 rllu atua ,.l II.... 1I0III in Hint WHICH ll IK dollltr or Iiik bonorablv nn.l ...,.. u. ,..i,..n... "'""t'v,nc,riliu.,'yi'Uca.ili-oldi.furjim.-elf Ti.m-iimU..f wnmrn Imwcimtt UbOtlt to do. Tliurefiue lu ih nut ln,l i . Oi)clll iickliow- t j,om.- vwinlitiiiiy hnm-r i.i.iW Jt .-ur.a h.l !d cr nitf. U MjIKo. c) Ourhhti.I nl .uiilalnn wuuui cu nu. inuiirnii, nc h apt lOdKOd and set i !;hi ,i!(l m.t In ll.f.p?!".'1'Jg.,",m."tr,u,u" "'' wJiiobHwrtlily anilrT.iuaIwiir.l-i.fi.r.li.j.M.clr.viS.fkmtuctl to nKk orltlcInni not ..f tl.,,w .-,. .11. 1........ . .. . . " ' l '" ,u,r lluf"lcr Irrivnlar Jltu-ttruatl.,uiiytuii IjitUtvt.l li.ii.iaicnnah.ul.liDinuart'dultsfruo w "'" ... uviiik ten 10 ic.ir r.ntc .......... ...,. luuie. - SPIRELLA CORSETS v - a - may competent to orlll. Isc. but of t loan lilt maiuiLni. .... 1 . . . . 11Vur""r.0F0"1llvI,nnryoutolidlwcr yotirotvntm!ilyvb'ilnmvanilwlHrlBillr W. u.m .,...1,.. .... 1 . . manamn,. i.f M, inponipotnit WlnnyHurtmrtlmt .lilt llcrn Ttulout rtlW csiiiullw Mrti'u wm r.itlnak.woni .nrll. WllO Will lllllkc) 1)1111 c plr iH.iut Si cllisni if. .. iiliiiimaiilrilmiit J.-lMi4triftr.i,iiulthafYi'fU may ti-.lmc.it U yours, ca-u nn offlclonl nn.l tint mini.... - ' ' Kl1 rlUtluy. u yvuiuayu.it a. iili jff.r u-la, AiUltt' 4 nnomclwiiaiiatiul MiauMiu Vo VERITAS. MRS. M. OUMrrlSS, r.K - - Wot0 Dumo, nU U, e.A ,35 SEWING AIACmNBS SIVni.M? AVh UMTi?pr 1.1 1 VI. 0)6 Obtained in Marshfield VlI.SOX Sowing MncUUccs for sale f rnm or rent. SRCOXIMIAND .MACHINES Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier, of nil kinds. Cleaning nnd rcimlrlne all iimcIiliicK. W. J, RITK, olioiie liHti-X. lilt l..rlc Avo. ... I Kn- llest llcduw - ., IIIXOIUTINQ j 30il. No. I'on' x,JZL--de rsM 352 So. 5th st. Phono 2.00-X. ' TtaM want Ada Mr" Time, w bf,osrJ -.iuflMwt.vifctuai, SmSSi-FtS!!mmkiWt iwrriii R'.-.PHgy MBaiS