v t THfe-COOsiAY-TIMSr KlAri -sriCTgrTE'Bftffi "i Allow us to remind you gently .... now that a good downpouring storm has soaked the fact in that a raincoat or gabardine, a Pair of Rubber Boots, Rubbers and an umbrella are mighty handy articles ho have on hand. As usual The Fixup leads in its selection of these goods the size and variety of our stock is probably greater than any other store on Coos Bay. Of course prices are the lowest . . . quality the highest. FIXUP ra BREVITIES gago which ho gave to each of tho t parties for two 40-acro tincts of land on tho grounds that tho busi ness of tho hotel was misrepresent ed to hint and Is not a paying proposition. from Allegany, whero ho nto his ThnnkBglvIng dinner with friends i J. W. HOWAltD was down this morn ing from North Inlet attending to, some matters of business. Political Kpciiso.- -U cost Asmus' CAPTAIN CORNWALL, of Onrdlner. was heio today looking after the i making out of n stage schedule for j his boat lino. Adolphscn of Denmark $G7 to make TIDES KOIt NOVICMUKIt i '''8 ''''successful campnlgn against S. nolow 1b given' tho ' tlmo and . p 1clrco for Jolnt representative height of high nnd low water al from Coos and Curry counties, ac- Marshflold. ...... . I cording to tho statement that Mr. P. N. FLAGCI and wife moved down ! of oumn'With their ttaw on Ado.phsen has Just filed with the) tho first lino and holghts on tho secretary of state. Candidates who, Becoad line of each dnyj n compar- have not filed their expense accounts, Se0a0eCrUt,,Vt0.i,0,hth T -f.cd that they will boj wator. For high wator on tho hr ilura uins mcy promptly All the Comforts of Home Is foutid In our coal and wood HKATKItS. Prlco from ijU.-W to 9IH.no. As nifty a lino as you will seo VLStiWIIKIlK. Perdition Oil Stove for offlco nnd housohold uso. ltcpntr shop In connection Schroeder & Hildenbrand llnrdwiirc nnd Plumbing. from Coos ltlvcr this morning, whero they hnvo been farming for severnl months. They brougU their household goods with them. subtract two hears 34 minutes. 28 lira. . COG It. 37 6.1'! 0.0 Ft. . . 1.8 5.8 O.C 0.0 29 lira. . 0.3G C.r.3 12.11 0.CG Ft... 4.1 2.1 6.1 0.1 30 lira.. 1.26... 6. 38 12. HO 7.35 Ft... 4.6 2.2 6.0 0.1 -TWO ST0RES- Murshficld North Bend WI'ATIIKK FOIIKOAST IHr AmuhlMM rmi to Cm tikt Time.) , om:aoN- Ualn In west nnd I rain or snow In cast; cooler in j I cast; southerly winds. j 1 LOCAL TliMI'liKATUIU. I nicconi) j For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 a. in., Nov. 28, by llcnj. j Oatllnd, special government mo j tcrologlst: I Maximum G2 ! Minimum 39 At 4:13 a. m 46 Precipitation 1.40 Precipitation fllnco Sopt. 1, I 1914 21.06 Precipitation samo period Inst year 15.30 Wind: southwest; rain. comply. riorku Damages. Suit has been brought In tho Justlco court of Jutlgo Stnnley of Coqulllo "by Mrs. Slvorono Footo nnd her husband, W. It, Footc as two separate actions of law, each Involving 250 damages nnd ngnlnst Peter Thurston who but a short tlmo ago bought tho Footo ranch and It Is nllcgcd by tho plain tiffs rofiiBcd to allow them to take pcrsonnl property and belongings from their homo. Attorneys Graves and Mclnturff liavo been retained by tho plnlntlffs. LKO CAKBY, brother-in-law of .loo Coach, ret in tied to his homo In Coqulllo this morning. Ho camu over jesterday on tho noon train. MltS. J. C. M'CULLOCH, of HnyiiM Inlet, was hero this morning on a short chopping trip. Sho Is ac companied by her dniigbtcr, Bllzn both, nnd son, Arthur McCulloch. DU. U. II. WALTBU and family yes tcrday motored to Sunset liny ov er tho now plnnlk road which has Just been completed. Lnter they enjoyed their ThnnkBglvIng dlnnor there. iMAIL TO GOME BY llOUN Will Leno. -Win. Ilelchors, who' line represented Mnrshnll-Wolls i Ilardwaro Company In this section j for tho pnBt'fow yenrs, has resigned nnd will lcavo about tho mlddlo of December for KniiRaB whero ho will i tnko chnrgo of a big retail hardware I business of his father. Ills departure i from this territory will bo greatly re-' grottod by tho many frlonds ho Iim pDS Qfflpn npmrtmnnt An mado hero and tho "Crab Cub" will TL! ' PhnSSl?11" probably havo nn extraordinary ecs-1 l"u,lt viia uyi rium myi - IftAY OF MAPLETDM STBVBNS To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I. Stevens at their homo at Camp One on South Coos Hlvor, a seven and one-half pound son. -; sloti to bid him ndlou. tic Point Route Along the Waterfront. ' I On Monday morning tho Yellow stone Is expected In from Portland ' and the Daisy Putnam from San Francisco with cargoes for UiIh port, i Tho Hroakwatcr Is expected In! Monday morning from Portland after having boon delayed In the north on account of boiler repairs. Tho Hustler crossed In yesterday morning from tho Hoguo ltlvcr. In pens on her decks she brought thlrty slx hogs for local butcher nliopn. Hecauso of broken mnchlnory tho Unlnbow wns picked up by tho Alert estorduy morning and towed to her dock. Sho was out again that after noon. Kor n fov days tho gasollno boat Iluffnlo Illll la taking tho place ot tho Woh-ta-WaBo, which Is undergoing repairs. . . Ho v. Samuel Oregg will deliver his unlitio lecture, Tho JowlaU Taber nacle, In tho U. 11. Church In North Hend next Monday night. In this sorvlco a representation of tho old Jewish Tabermiclo la built on tho plntforni, In which two young men enter nnd perform tho part of prlesta, lighting tho lamps and burning tho nncrlflco. Two Binnll glrlB will por form tho part of Cherubim over tho Mercy Seat. fLASSIrlE AD KOIt HALK. Household goods, bar gain. Phono 50-J. First I-osh In Years. -Having writ- Coos liny mall via tho Mnplolon i ton flro Insurnnco for tho Phoenix1 ro"l uecanio n coriniuty when )os of Hartford Compnnj for thlrtoon I rdny aftenioon JunSo John Unit years and having written close to i received word from the PoBt Offlco Samuel' ..fin nnn ,..-) in i,i timr. t t. Department that bucIi a chance him -vw.vvv ,.v..w ... ....a u. u. u.(. " .-- AMONG THE SICK M,rs. Henry Hlshop, nccoinpnnlod by her husband, is expected to lcavo 1 Now (Jreonliousc. Hcv. I Oregg has erected a vcgotablo green- ,,,, ,,, f,rBt ,0 rc,,brtcd to- bcon ni'U'orl-od and will bo put Into , In tho morning for Portland, whoro notiso on ns nroncrir in remain .i . i. .i operation nt onro when tim mnii i. ...m . . . . . . . . uuj miiuii ii luiiui iium tiiw cuiiifiui) i - , ---- . i miu mil gu iu u bmiiuuh nun iui jriiu 'I'm"". I ili.Mnrn.l flinv rnfllllflril 17 to lm -orv'co ' MnplotOIl nild FlorOllCO IB ! innllt on nrnimt nf nnruniia Irnnl.ln .. , . T. . ... . ... .,.. ...,... transferred GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD auto syi'PLii's ron all MAKK8 OF CAH8 017 Centrnl At. Phono 073-L Stirling topic of tho Day "Till: ciiritcu AND TDK A(li:M i I 'lNeouil Church tomorron' nt 11 n. in. j Wnnliin MI1U Rtorn for ho nmnll flro iurrei lo 1110 IVIIIIimOUO l'n- , amngcMPIaco. 13. A. neckot, ono(or two wcok( nR0 who ,,6fccUro clflc route, of tho Coqulllo naloon proprietors wlrlni? .. i.oiinvoii tn lmvn ntiirin.i tin. ' wllon th,s wl" uo ' "'"I a matter who wbb put out of business last July (rouui0i Is converting his plnco Into n billiard i ' hall and soft drink establishment. i I Catching Inlet Service Oco. Wobb STAl'lT'S OIIOCKIIV in now lo- and wlfo will conduct sorvlccs in the rated In Km NI'W QUAHTIMtH, to Unity Ohnpcl on Catching Inlet next: ilooii from Hlll)er'H comet on Sunday night. Tho storcoptlcon will wmmsS) i. Trout hticet. PIIONII 102. bo used, Illustrating tho Life of j Christ in Childhood. HOU'T M'CANN wbb n visitor In Mnrshflold on Friday. PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY -Messrs. Adolph- 158-R Llliliy COAL. Tho kind YOU have ' . " JI.U'AVD TTUIMt I'l. .... to ll,,lrin NC'W AlltO LlltlV iimiii.'.i vr...r, . .....itj . , . ..va.fv .... , son una unnmnoriain nnvo smrioti ' tho MnrHliflold-rcrndnlo nuto lino I.I very and Transfer Company. nil. II. i:. KKITV DKNTIST Tno cnr8 w'." ,cnvo tho Lloyd Hotel In Phono 112-J. Kootn 204, Coko Dldg l''(.(iS. giiarnittiMM, only lOc I UN.. PI o IOII..I. COOS DAY OYS- TKU CO. Marshflold nt fifteen minutes before ench hour and Ferndnlo on ench hour DO.- i mnklng hourly trlim fro'm 7: IG n. in. until 10 p. m. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS Tlll'Y AIM' ALWAYS PLKAHINO QUATERMASS STUDIO QUALITY IMIOl'O.S I'll I-'KOXTHT. ItAY WIHTTKD, of Allegnny, wns n lniHltioRR vlftltnr In thn ilt tmlnv. .. . .. . .. tr o r.i iiht - ' IHMI iipeniuoii, v. a. wiuuuiiui nnd wlfo havo gono to Vnncouvor, 1). j WILLIAM ItJOIlQUIHT waH among of supposition but with tho lino completed and opened into Mnplo ton slnco N'ovomhor 1 nnd tho knowl edge thnt n government mail con tract cnn bo countormnndod mi ilio 'giving of botweon 30 to 00 days' Jnotlco to tho coutrnatoru tho gen oral bollef hero Is that the Christ mas mail will bo brought In from up tho bench. HAltrtY WATI3HS was n visitor In That ho can bo ready on n dny'B tho city today from North Inlet, jnotlco to tuko euro of u mull ron- , , . t , I tract down tho bench Is tho doeln- M. 'D. OKIIKAIU) of Ilnndon whb a ration of .lorry Kinney of tho (lorst visitor In Marshflold tills week. and Kinney Auto Stage Compnity, i When tho mnttor was flrwt broached , J. II. STltHTCII or North Inlet, was j to him three wooIch ngo Mr. Kinney' horo today on n slintr huslnc8s trip, then stntod that his company IstnndH roady nny tlmo to put up a Sho will make tho trip out by stage. Mrs. Wallop has been III for several days. Mls Kunlco Klunlcutt underwent nn oporntlon for appendicitis nt the Mercy Hospltul. MIbh Klunlcutt Is from Myrtlo Point nnd until lately had been visiting with her sister 0 Mnrkot street. WALL PAPER Seo VIERS About it, C, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Har ry Tremnlno, who underwent an op eration for appendicitis u few days ago. Mrs. Chaudlor reached thorn prior to tho operation and wired thntf It had been vory successful. BUY NOW AND OTHERS BUY AROUND YOU. LATER AND YOU BUY AROUND THEM. BUY BUDZIEN PARK $5 per Lot per Month, $1 0 per Month takes a large 1 homesite. R. VON SHIPMAN, Owner 150 Front St. Phone 264-J. Marshflold, Ore. I , 1 I lea ii Divorce Chm-lloforo Jtidgo ' Coko llils 'morning was threshed out , tho dlvorco enso In which Ohm a Mc- Olnnls seeks n legal soparntlon from her husband, Thomas Mcnintils. This Is a en bo that has npponred several times before. No decision Iibh bcon . rendered. tho visitors Inlet. today from Catching MIU AND MltS. C. YOUNO nro horo today from their homo nt Myrtlo Point. Take a Walk Tomorrow Out Commercial Ao. ns far as Htli Street mid seo tho big- Mcnin ohoel working on Klghth Terrace. It l a sight well worth boclng. Wo aro preparing your new Home lto for j ou unil ir j on delect n lot now right now ou may wcuro tho new bunga Ibw vo propose to erect free on ono of Ilio net twenty lots sold - v & f' v $ L ' W. A. J Ibid SI.VIo. Some bad slldeH nro reported on tho Stulth-PowerH lino beyond Myrtlo Point and parties In i from Coalodo yestordny Elated that this might result In dolaylng tho ' moving ot tho Coalodo camps for a fow months. Two stenniBhovcla are 1 working In it. KIOHTH TI'IIItACi: Is lo- rated In Pel ham Park ivltlilu fiio inlnuteV walk of tho bufiiess center, Ono of tho most nttractlte building biles on Coos Day. Lots hold on ea-y terms. Perham Park Ls tho Only Itcfctrlctcd Itesldemo proeity on Cms Day. llefore llu) log clseiiliere let in. bhoiv jou projieiiy. 'Si:i: IIKII) AHOl'T IT' Reid, 150 Front St. Office Open K filings, Hum Oierntloii, A. P. Owen, who has been at Mercy Hospital tho, past week underwent nn oporatlon yester day for the relief ot an old affliction. The operation was highly successful and tho many friends ot tho wall bond for tho delivering of tho mall hero on tlmo. Homo days or tho month It will ho posslblo to hnvo mall on Coos liny thn Hamo day that It leaves Portland. This would bo possible when tho mall catches thn midnight train from tho Koko City reaching Hugeuo nt 0:30 n. m. nnd leaving on thn Willamette Pacific to Maple ton at 8:30 whero It would arrive Bluntly 4ioforo noon, ronny lu Do transferred down tho river by boat. Hetweon Florence and Onrdlner tho illnngs Livery Company of I'ugono MASON NOAH, or Cooh Itlver, wns In. hnvo two nlx-horm bIiikoh that con tho city attending to uomo matters ne; t with tho (loml mid King lino at of biiBlncsH. Winchester liny. ' Tho trip could no mndo clear ItoniCHT IKONS was a visitor In thn .through from Muplotou to Cooh liny - QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposlto Blanco Hotel. MAUHHKIKLD, OltiCOON HOY LANDIUTH caiun down from his homo on Cooh Itlver this morn-lug. IIOMU IIOTCL opened under New Mnimgoiuciit. Itnton reasonable. IleHt of mod- oru ui'cnmmodatloiiB. To tic I iunlul tho public with our ser j vlco nnd hotel, wo 'Will give ro- diired rates during our opening week. 3lfi South Fourth St. WANTI'.D Purchaser for tiro most deslrnblo residence lots In .best district, worth 1800, Bnlo prlco $1200. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTKD Purchaser for n snap lit a complete homo In best location, forced Bnlo prlco of $2050.00. I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTI'D To plnco two first clasn apartment Iioiibo Bites nt'l 1700.00 nnd K'000.00. I. S. Kaufmnn & Co. j WANTUD Dressmaking. Imiulro G87. Second 8t North. Mrs. Lash. WANTKD Janitor work, wlntlow ctoanlngj also renewing nnd rolny- lnylng-your enrpcts ntl linoleum. Tolophono 137-J. Andrew Landlcs. WANTED I WANTI2D Position iim iiiiiso girl, or to do gonornl housoworK. Ad dross K., caro Times. FOR SALE FOR SALIC Oil HXCHANOI Slny pullets mid cockerols, full blood barred ItockH', want Whlto Log horn pullotB; will nlao buy. V. IL Oxcnrldor, Phono 303X-2. FOIt KALI': lllnlc MlnomiN nnd Plymouth Hock lions. Mrs. Hen Wright, KnBtBldo. Tel. 302-H. FOIt HALK 1'hrco liorno power electric motor for Bnlo cheap If tnkon nt onco. Apply Motor, enro TlmcD. I'OH HALK-Hliafnng, pulloy, bclt lugs and bangers in flrst-clasa condition, KoonU Garage, Marsbv flolil, Orogon. TDK HALK lil-gniigi Iteiiilngton ro pouting Bhotgun. Apply ltohfeht Ilros., Phono 27G-J. . I FOR RENT I - FOIt HMN'ft Nowly furnlsliwl froHt roomii, hot nnd cold wator, bath, $2. Gil per week, cIomi In, Phone 3G5-J. KOIt HUNT -Nicely ftirnlHlied froHt rooms with bath. $3 per week, Close III. 239 So. 4th St. I'OH HUNT l'lirnlHlied apartment. Phono D3-L, The Grand city this morning from Ills homo at Allegany. DAN STHINNO'N of Allegany, horo this morning ou u short bus! ness trip. THOM HALVOSKN Is n visitor In tho city this nfternoon from Myr tlo Point. on days when tho tldo Is running; right. At other tlmos tho mall would ho delayed for about VI was 'hours, yot oven nt tho longest time' It Is pointed out that a saving of botweon 12 nnd 20 hours would tt , mndo ovor tho nrosent Mvrilo Point i KOMI 'DY route. Whon this change Is mado nnd tho second assistant postmaster gen eral has this Jurisdiction nnd To-Nigh t KOIt "HKNT IMriitNHt, wcILfuniMi. ed housekeeping apurtmout, reas onable. V., caro of Times. jWANTKI) HoomcrN mid Iloanlera. ' Snyder llolol, cor. Hull avo, and i llroadwny, KOIt HUNT (l-rooni house with I pantry nnd bath, modern. 12th l and Commercial, Phono G5-L. IN moiit a mo laroni ijvintY hi:i:l ok pic- TUHKS TONIOHT. ' 1110 DANCl'l) HIMSKLF TOi LOST LOST A gold bar pin ciigravtil oh back, "From O. to K." Hoturn to Times offlco and receive reward. , promised It, only tho Coos Day mall ' romody hnsl DKATII" A two part VITA-LAUOH A warning to nil those who MISS MAV III tin.' . .Inurn ,,. i.nt .hi- .nnm.n,. i, ,P,,A bo nffoctca w"" " Coqullle got tho tango crazo. It's a sad btory I iiimu; JIWllllO win L'uiiiiuua lu KUl from Allegany. known Coos Hay plonoor will hope' 0. W. STAHH of Coqulllo enmo over! U'",,'Ur'''' that ho will rapidly recuperato their letters ovor tho road on tho noon train to attend to some nmttora of buslnoss. LOUIS ST. DBNNI8 was tho bont this morning homo at North Inlot. down from o hi I Dislocates Wrist. Martin Luthor I en omplo)co of Hausor & Hauser dis located his wrist at camp yesterday ! when he fell from a horse which he ' was riding. The Injured man was brought to North Hend and given' CHAULKS MAHAFFBY, of Coos Iliv medical treatment. He will bo laldj er, was among tho vlstora in the up for several daja on account of city this morning, his accident. . wni'i'Dm itAi iftct n n Tl. wn! was In tho city today attending to some matters of business. THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE randies .Vutloiinlly Adver tised goods. Calln Officer. A policeman called Wednesday and again yester day to the Frank Lapp homo In Forn ,dale to quell a domestic trouble that Is claimed to be a long standing dis pute between husband and wife. It is stated that Mrs. Lapp expects to leave for the home of her mother In Helllngham, No arrests were made. MPS. HKN M'MULLKN came over on th6 noon train from Myrtlo Point to Join her husband, who Is hero. C. It. SWANSON left this morning for his home In Handon after a three months' .tay In North Hend 8 H E O W L "THE OWL" terytlTJig tlio" highest htaudanl. " . tir fceriiro Is ' tho best, fo handle Sqtiihb'H chemicals. et its fill your piesrilptleus. hut as full of laughs as hash Is of from I meat. Tho story Is by "ltubo" Oold j burg tho cartoonist, and Kalph Is the ' '. I dancer seo this tonight. It'ti as j good iih "Too Much Undo" that was shown laBt Saturday. I HUAItST-SHLKl WKBKI.Y. No. 55 i latest war news direct from tho front In Buropo nows that Is nows lu motion pictures. I "FAHLB OF TUB TWO MANDO I LIN PLAYBItS AND TUB WILLINO PBHFOItMBR" This Is ono of the i famous Ueorgo Ado comedies Bvorv ono of this coinody series nro great don't miss any of thorn. "WHAT- HBCAMB OF JANB" A real side-splitting Sellg comedy a Saturday night laugh lu tho picture. Anyone that onjoya comedy will cor talnly get their money's worth to night. CHILDItB.V, 5c. ADULTS, 15c. Tomorrow matlneo wo will repoat tho first Installment of tho Arthur Johnson "Heloved Adventurer" sor- Royal Theatre TONIGHT Would Cancel Mortgages. p. A. McNabb who some time ago bought tho Hotel Esther of North Hend from Mj-b. Uelle Spong and T. S. MR. AND MltS. B. L. MUHPHY were visitors In Coqullle today attend ing to some matters or business. Till J IIOUSH OK UK! FKATUItlifl Special Powers-Universal 3 reol drama featuring Miss Cloo Msdlsoii nnd Hay Gallagher. "TUB MY8 TBItY OF WICKHAM HALL." A strange story of heredity and the resurrecting or family skeletons, in which family history repeats Itself. Years ago a girl sacrificed horself In marriage to Bavo her fathor'n for tune, hut tho descendant ot this girl refused. She married tho maa ska lovod. Threo othor good reels, making 8 roels of tho beat pictures for ADMISSION; ' Lower floor, 15c. Italcotiy, lOo On account of the "Breakwater be ing delayed tho Million Dollar Mys tery will not bo ahown tonight, but will be ahown In tho now theater next PlcuMt cull mid tliilm u gusit blit lea. All the oilier pictures will bo Wednesday night. Imu of Pugsle'H Cundles fm If your new OltCHBSTKA IN THB BVB- Don't forget tlwt tho OjwiIhk name iipjieui-H on the Xuuis trcu lu NINO. ' Nlgfit of Lenutiwkl's Tkwtter our window at 1.10 Front btreet. .It. Mouday nlisht "MY riUENll will Ih the Mgxest Herr-Huute noRRR now Heekn to ctco n mort-Kn fiTERI-R roturnod thl morning i Vu, Khlmuiiit Owner Huilleii VtuU-. PIIOM INniOA" In motion nlcturos In tliocity, I -I Hltl-tli-uI,--1A--b- iiiL.-ri---- -----