IffiilPffiiBei M FOUR 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHHtLU, UHtUUN, 3A I UKUAT, IMUVfclYlBtn cn lai'i cvcwmw cumum. mm h COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. MAL0NJ3Y, Editor nnd Piib. DAN K. MALONEV, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh tleld, Oregon, for transmission Ihrough tbe malls a second-class nail matter. THE CITV EJECTION. 1 0 GROWS DAILY! CHRISTMAS MESSAGE AT NIGHT By ALICE E. ALLEN. (Copyright. IMS, by American rrei As clntlon 1 Tht following nro tilth contrlbu tlons received thus far: II. Gjerdrum 1.00 A Friend 2.00 W. G 1.00 irs tit jtUu t. a 1.00 D. K ' 1.00 Mrs. K 1.00 Jns. Watt 1.00 Clins. Elford 1.00 A Friend 100 Joo Stoll 2.25 E. M". Erlckson 1.00 M. Shaw 5.00 I IT JUKES n grcnt deal ofdlffor enco the stamp of men who nro elected to servo tlio city nB Its ad ministrative officials. Tho honest straightforward, lovcl-hcndcd man of affaire who has tho stamp of success upon" his own undertakings Is a snfo man to entrust with tho public busi ness. Ho will not uso his office to further his own enterprises, and the enforcement of law will not await his. tilonsuro or bo dictated by his pre judice. Tho Individual voters Bliould Dr. II i . i t . i...f .....l Im ' tMI T.-...nfM .A Art cxorciso ineir own ui. juuKiuu. ... ntw-uu '"""land relentless. Ilut ns she cntno away tho election of officials. Especially , Olo Evcnson 2.00 ' and gat down , hcr cimr by tuo win. Is this true In city politics. Who fill tE. A. D 2.00 &oxr ncr eyes wero wistful. tho municipal offices of Marshflold F. J. Vermchr 1.00 "it will novor do for tho proprietor u of more direct moment and con-1 A Friend from Daniels Creek . 1.00 to call npon his stenographer," sho T scrmed to Ruth ns sue new for tho dozenth time to her telephone that dreary afternoon of the day before Christmas that sho had i. .. .!. .1.. .ti1 tt if tlili.h iril'HU3 III IIIU hill" um v.sr . ......... , n.-.-r, he bad never known until then-truo , sho hnd waited what seemed a long, a t ' I il I. J 1. .11 .1 In.l linn friends, even if they wero numuio ana ioiib who ncr m-nu um iuuimiu ..-.. too noor to do moro than telcphono "Why, of course," bIio said slowly, iholr rood wishes. ' "ho will bo up country today. I heart has" monf control1 over ono thnn j tho head. Anyhow, when Ituth sat up and looked out of her window nt tho alrcnily busy streets far below her, her ' heart was doing tho talking. ' "Jack Is walling for you-some-where," It said. "And he belongs to you. Why not claim your own?" After a minute ltuth's heart spoko again. "What If you nro poor? What If bo Is not rich? Can't two work to gether better than apart? Why not give Jack a Christmas gift? Tho only ono ho wants?" Ituth did not give her bend time to argue with her heart As soon ns sho was dressed sho was at tho telcphono Blvlnc Jack's business number. After ThU initial messaro was from ltuth's proprietor. Could ho call that evening? ltuth's "Of course not, Mr. Mayne," was firm. Could he tnko hcr out, then a dinner somewhere, tho theater? Just this once, for Christ mas' sake? ltuth's refusals ns trans- Sho was Just about to hang up tho receiver. "Walt a minute," cried her heart Hearts do know things, especially nt Christmas. And then "Hellol" said n big, hearty volco out of tho distance. "Oh. Jack!" cried Ituth. "Is It yo'u. mltted by tho telephone wore nil Arm really you?" "ICS, IUIIII, saiu ino vuicv. ituu clso? You wanted" "To wish you a merry Christmas, Jack," Ruth foltered. "Thanks. Thnt all?" cern to you than who Is governor of tho stato. Tho Times hopes that boforo many mora elections the voters of this city will adopt tho commission form of government and In this way secure economy and efficiency In city nffairs that Is not posslblo under tho present cumbersome and out-of-dato methods. t 15 POINTED OUT Deadly Fumes From Silo End Life of Humans and Ani malsPrecautions The Journal of tho American Medi cal Association reports a very Inter esting and Instructive case of silo poisoning and wo reprint tho Import ant parts of it for tho benefit of those who work around silos. "At the Athens (Mo.) Stnto Hospl tal at about North Ucnd Library Ass'n . . . G.OO Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Dennett . . . 2.00 Mrs. Harry Nasburg 1.00 Harry Nasburg 1.00 W. G. Lawhorno 2.00 Mrs. Geo. Hennessey 1.00 A. L 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A. E. Gagnon 2.00 Edwin Lnbowltch $1.00 A Friend COO Mrs. D 1.00 F. C. Milton 70 W. II. McDroom 1.00 J. A. Rlatt 3.00 l Coos Day Times fi.00 Total $08.95 snld. with n sorry little smile "To bo sure, there was a time" when ho was her father's clerk "but times hare changed." Perhaps because It was Cbrlstmns etc. when, memories, no matter how well behaved nt other times and sen- "Yes," said Ruth, listening to hcr head. Then: "No-not quite. 1-1 want ed to hear your voice: that's nil." "Is It?" asked tho volco Ruth wanted to hear. "You sec, Jack," Ruth hurried on, "I 1 dreamed about you last night I I LEW PRICE was down totlny from his homo nt Sunnier attending to somo matters of business. sons, will walk abroad; perhaps bo-1 thought you called mo up, nnd-nnd It cause other things such as love, Joy, was only a dream." peace nnd good will were thronging "I came so near It," said tho volco, heaven and enrth below: perhaps ontj ' "that I stood here by my phono for an because Rath was tired and perplex- , hour. But It was late, nnd well, Ruth, r ...M..ft.1 At in in inn nn tlila Minn" "You're not in the country?" "Not yet Wo go tonight" "We?" "Mother nnd I. Sho's spending part of Christmas In tho city, nut wo miss the snow nnd tho slclglibclla nnd tho homo folks." "It sounds lovely." cried Ruth, "nnd so Chrlstmnsy. Glvo your mother my love. Jack, nnd wish her tho merriest Christmas." "Sho'll be gJad to hear from you, I J. O. LANGWORTHY came down from Allegany this morning nfter visiting over Thanksgiving with Captain and Mrs, Hormnn Ed wards. Mrs. Langworthy Is still at Allegany. Jst. asn itP.rusALB WKiiK l'insi and nr.r.c.sr- LESS. ed nnd lonely whntover tho renson fitting thero in hor llttlo window, looking down upon tho street, with it until all tho free oxygen In tho nlr o'clock In the morning I 8pnce8 ,s consumed by tho rcsplrn- an,, io ioi i .... ,,.. i., n tory processes of tho plant. This dl- sqund of six men ascended tho ladder rcct "Bntlon of oxygon Is nearly I on tho outsldo of tho silo In question but not "ulte' counterbalanced by to an open door about twelve foot111'0 0vItlon of enrbon dloxld, ns n from tho top, nnd Jumped In, ono af-,,,ortlon of tho 0J(un comlilncs to ter tho other, on tho silage, tho level I form othcr by-products. Analysis of of which was about six feet below tho tho n,r evcn wUh,n '"'only-four hours' doorway. Within five minutes, ns ro- oftcn BnoWB no fro oxywn. Within) nortod. tho next two mrn who imfcml. n flhort t,n,0 Kn hcglns to bo given ed shouted down thnt tho first four!off aml contl"CH nt nn Increasing! throng of gay, good untured shoppers. men looked ns ihoiieh ihov wnr rnt0 tor ft In' or 80 then gradually Ruth did what who had sternly forbid dead. A largo force of workers who m diminishes. Tho gas so evolved Is, wore at hand Immediately ascended ; mrfi0, caruon "'""'d "l " mlxca tho silo nnd opening a lower door w,th tho "csldunl nitrogen of tho which was Just about tho level of contained nlr. tho silage, hurriedly removed tho un-j u ,B tl10 ""sonco of this enrbon conscious forms, nnd In splto of tho cllox,(1 saB wh,cn '" tno Principal pre serving ngent in tno sllngo. Tho es capo of this gns from tho silo will Immediately start decay. "Danger exists In every silo nnd precautions should ho taken. These consist In keeping tho doorH Immo Immediate arrival of four or flvo phy sicians from tho Institution nil at tempts nt resuscitation fulled." "Tho sllngo consisted of fresh, rather finely cut Immature corn. Ex periments were performed next day with tho following results. A guinea i(,,atoly ftbovo tho lovo1 ' tho sllngo pig was dropped In and within thlrty0,,on or '" having unhinged doors seconds toppled over unconscious nf- wI,lc" fn" ,n ns tno Hngo settles bo tor n brief exhibit of respiratory dlf-j low t,lom' whll tll nbsonco of n flculty. A rabbit was next dropped j roo( wou,d ')0nn,t availing winds In on tho sllngo. It took u few to ,lraw ofr KnHC8 b' auction iictlon. slcps, allowed somo difficulty In I Tno K"8 cnn bo "Irlvon out easily by breathing mid dropped over on It ' )8,K n open umbrella, bunch of sldo unconscious at the end of thirty liny or "'o leafy branches of a treo. kcconds. Next a largo, slendor colllo When nn' 'Joubt exists lower a light dog was lowored down and In Just!0'1 '"ntorn to tho level of tho sllngo two or threo minutes It llkowlso foil nncl watch tho action of tho flnmo. loyal heart, tho tendor eyes nnd volco. over unconscious, Tho oncomo of," ""' "r goes out, ventllnto tho How had sho ever let him go? den herself to do-slio went bnck over the years which had mudo such changes In her life. Thero was her father's business disgrace, tho lois of every thing, followed by his death. Then chiiio her own beginning In business. In splto of herself, Ruth smiled to think of whnt her old frlonds would say could they know what n capable little btisliiejs womnn necessity had iniulo of hcr. Hut not one of thorn all know whoro sho was. .Npt ono hnd traced her to this great city that Is. except Jack. Jack? As soon ns Ruth admit ted that name Into hor thoughts, It dominated nil else. It brought bnck Its owner htrong. mnnly, Insistent ono of the won't-tnke-no-for-nn-nnswor kind. Ruth found herself wondering almost -that Jack had tnkeu hor no ns llnal. Apparently he had. It had surely bcon as strong as she could mako It. And bo had gone nway and had not come back. With tho many friends who had ruug up to nsk how sho was and to uy "Merry Christmas" there had beeu I do Jack Jack of tho strong face, tho siBflHj SSSMPBHpflB vE BBB9BAhrBxflLnBBSpjBBJBS3 unconsciousness In all cases was very '"" ucforo ontorlng. Biiddon. Tho guinea pig was dead In ' ten minutes, tho rabbit nt tho end of, forty-two minutes while tho dog wns removed nt tho end of thlrty-throa minutes, when nbdomlnnl and chest' movements had ceased, although drawing hack of tho corners of tho cheoks was still present. Within n few minutes. DO IT NOW Do what? Why, buy thnt "Somo tlmo you will want mo, Ruth," b had said. Above tho rush nnd roar of the great city Ruth hoard the words kguln Just as she had heard thorn cv try day and every night slnco Jack Qad gone nway. "I could urge you now, but 1 wnnt you of your own freo will, dear. And you will come some day. I ilo nnt nvnn nooil to nsl: n nrotnlso I It now. What Is ours does come to us, ( ' hut I must SITTINO IN IllUt MTTLF. WINDOW. Ruth: wo've been talking of you. Any thing clso?" "No." "Sure, dear?" Ruth's eyes were so full of tenrs that. as sho said afterward, she couldn't sco i to tnlk, "Sure, dear?" asked the volco again, i "That's nlC" sho bnld bravely, "only i -are you well?" j "Perfectly. And you?" "Oh. yes! Wasn't It strango I hoard the boll when you didn't really ring up last night. Jack?" "No," said Jack firmly. "Your heart heard mine, little girl. If only you would listen to It oftcner." "I can't nlwnys hear It," laughed Ruth, "My head Is such a good talker." "Time's up," said a strango voice , somewhere. "Goodby, Jack, dear!" cried Ruth. Hut thero was no nnswer. The next mluuto alio ngnln took down tho receiver. j "Get S80U ngnln; quick!" sho said. ' "Hello!" snld Jack's volco. "Is that you, Jack?" , "Of course. Something you forgot dear?" "No; I didn't forget I wouldn't say Don t look nt me, Jack, If wo wait. 1 fun wnlt" OUtsIdO, ntiriatmna nrnannt "Win n rwr-.t.w fii.n ...no ,l,m.. ..unn. nn At flrat 4t A .III , . . w... ". ...wuw..,. kvu iiiu liv.iik ..i,l- ,.. i.i.-v k,v,. .itif. ... ..u. Muwb, im;ii nan ueen icmown by 4. , .. ,. , ., . , Ituth hnd half expected his return. .. " "- "" i . , .. . , . ,, (nun will nun c it-lieu ma luwnu. tho tall, showed signs of reviving; l t0 bl1 " Bomo t,me nml tl,cro 3 i llut lie never enmo, Apd lie never sent whilo thoro nro scores of reasons for acting nt onco. Chief among tho reasons tho fact that you now linvo 13 til IhA nnil i.r uv ...l..i.... i, . . ... ..... ...... , . .Hiiiiuia ii uppeareu i no renson tor uoiny, ,-....., wucLiuuu uiiu iiieronuer rapid ly recovered without any efforts at resuscitation being tried. "Next a bunch of matches, lowor ed on n pitchfork, snuffed out at n lovol of about 18 Inches above tho I lurgor stocks from which to nmko Si! ;ovlT,,1t;rn1l,0,mVe,l :,.m.,,Br,jr; wlom, ns well ns tho fact that iinu mo ioei of tho gas could bo es-1 , tlmntod within a half Inch by means' J'ou w''' hnvo moro tinio to mnUo 01 tno effect minn llu, 1,.(... i -. ... ,. ,vlu iiuiiiu. iiijih oi mo Bas covering the miuBo io mo depth of is Inches showed tho presence of 3S per cent of carbon dloxld, gonorully spoken of as carbonic acid gas. The pres onco of 5 to 8 per cent of carbon dl oxld In tho nlr will causa distressed breathing and ten por cent will cause asphyxia, which Is usually sudden. "Tho following explanation Is of fered: Immediately after tho fodder is onslled, absorption of oxygen by tho plant tlBsiio8 begins nnd continues, presents. your choice ami tho clorks will have more timo to wait on you. A further roason is noted in tho comfort early Christinas shopping inonns to clorks and dolivory hoys. They havo heavy burdens during the holiday season. Don't mako tho burdens heavior by waiting un til tho last minuto to buy vour her n word. Ruth was tired of watch lug the malls now. Ami her proud lit lie head told her eager little heart that It was not fair to call Jack buck Just beenuse life was hard nnd louely nnd dlmoxt unbearable sometimes. So she tolled nwny until toll became work work that sho enjoyed. She hud her little moms by herself, hor books, her j plrttires. enough to ent tnd wear. Whnt moro need any ono ask? Noth- I Inc-except at Christmas. At Christ mas, to u woman, lovo Is a necessity. Thnt night. In tho mlddlo or tho but listen. I'm listening to my heart now. There Is something I wnnt, j Juctf." "Yes." "It's a big something. Guess. No; don't guess. Walt It's you.''' Ruth hung up tho receiver and ran to the chair by tho window qulto tho other sldo of tho room. I It was not qulto a minuto when tbo tntnnlmmt lull rniicr Hhrlllv. ) "Isithis Miss Hnzcu?" said tho oper ator's voice. "Yes," said Ruth. "Message wasn't finished wnlt" ! Hello!" camo Jacks voice, bbj, darkest hour,' Ruth sat up straight In ' strong, vibrant with happiness. "That bed. Sho was absolutely sure that tho i you. Hutu? ' CRISTMAS PHOTOS THEY AUK ALWAYS l'LEASI.NG QUARTERMASS STUDIO ?SS telcphono bell over her desk bad Just rung. All was still, so, after a min uto of waiting, sho lay down ngaln. laughing to herself. Tho telcphono had been so busy all day bringing her messages that sho had heard It In hor dream. It could not really havo rung. After a little sho drowsed off, only to bear Its shrill Jingle ngnlu and ngaln. It no longer wakened her. Rut In her dream she went to tho tele phone, took down tho receiver and lis tened. Out of tbo darkness and dls tnnco a voice spoke Jack's voice. "Merry Christmas" was Its only mes- sago. Rut so strong and clear wero tho words that when Ruth finally awoke to n sunny Christmas mora- ! Ing, sho still tingled to their memory. Perhaps, whenpnefjrst nwnkc8vJhe Yes." "Coming." said tho voice, "mother nnd 1. to take you up stnto with us. Can you lo rendy in nn hour?" "Yes," said Ruth, "I'vo beeu rendy always, Jnek." Whnt camo next must have surprised ' even that long suffering, much endur ing wire. Sure It is that Ruth's cheeks flamed like red holly berries. ' And even before sho ran to put her clothes In tier suit case, to do her hnlr and to put on her one good gown, from above her bookcase she took u sprig , of scarlet holly. With a red ribbon she tied It over the telephone. "If ever anything deserved a merry ! Christmas," she cried, "you do!" t V r-- -A , VjJ .1 1 1 ft v Wonderful! The most nourishing beverage is, noy the cheapest! Ghirardelli's Cocoa is now sold everywhere at 20c per 121b. tin. A food and a drink costing half a cent a cup it is your fault if you complain of high cost of living. D. Ghirardelli Co. since 1852 San Francisco. i-.f I No reduction ti Ohlrirddll'i 0 round ChocoUd Quality Stoves Sterling Ranges I Iff 3jl! V if i 111 MW i ill I V Cat Guaranteed for 15 Years The new Mission all Cast Heater. A Fuel Saver and a Money Saver Mission Heaters They Make A Dreary Room Cheerful The careful buyers in mak ing a selection' of a stove nat urally desires to get the very best, whether it be a Heating Stove or a Steel Range. In offering the Mission Heaters and Sterling Ranges, we do so with the assurance that there is nothing better made in the Stove line. Sterling Ranges are Perfect Bakers "WHY PAY MORE" Johnson-Gulovsen Comhany TUN QUATiITV XAMK WITH THK SERVICE FAME - mm " ' - - - ii i ,mm , m . I " Pictures & framing Walker Studio THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marahfleld WAS1IINGTOX AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH REND O. A. Mctlin, Prop. V.ttC.a, lll'TTKK and CHEESE nt , YOU AUTO CALL SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Foar good cars with careful drtren Po day service, phone 144J, ISlaaco RUIard Parlors. for algbt service, Phono MeVb Right Cato. D. L. F00TE. DEVELOPING nnlMTlWfi PICTURE FW j AND SUPPLI REHPELD BROS Russell BuildW Central Avefl i ! . i .Ml J l Pons Ray Oyster Co,