lllalll mmmimmimm, mmimmmm TffffMki THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MOVEMBER 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE " k FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD Why We Help the Belgians The distress of the llalnlnn people I cnlllnK forth the Konorousjns slslnneo of nil Amorlcnns. It- Is not nluna the tliatmht Hint Jllolglmir loss Is undosorvod that npponls to our sympmhlos, but the known fact that the Holglniis nre n thrifty, hard-working pooplo' and thorafur'ontltlod to security from want. Bvory Amerlcnn who KKNT8 his homo can loam from thb lloliclniis the lesson of thrlfj. Uolglnm Is nn old world country with : congested populntlon nnd rosourcos stretched taut to neeommodnto It people, and still the llolglan wW fairly prosperous. How Ions would a Dalgtnn ro stdo In the favored conditions of Amorlcn nnd not own land, ut least his home? Holp tho Uolglans nov! Ilut also help younolf by oimilntlug their thrift nnd getting a home. Soo FIRST ADDITION, tho growing soutliBldo addition. Lnrjw, lot's, oily conveniences of water service, telephones and unto atngo service. TcrniB to suit. ' ; Reynolds Development CoJ3 (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. X. il. Christmas Terms for the Man Who Wants a Piano Get a Piano by Paying One Cent Down T-fT-pt L '4--;p Double the amount each day for 1 6 days and the Piano Is yours and we will give you $2.68 change.. Try this on your arithmetic. We have a carload of Christmas Pianos' in trans it for Coos County. s "TALK TO THOPIAS ABOUT IT" i & r,iv H --u icHs W'QS mL JSm """ r pl Victrola for perfect dance music J'MJrMd L. L. THOMAS, MANAGER. Plays all llicncw dances, loud and clear and in per fect rhythm. Always ready when you want it. Keeps on playing as lone as you want it. Obliffinfi: enough to xc peat any dance music. Docs away with the trouble and expense of hir ing musicians. Takes up little room- tlocsn't crpwd the dancers. We II. gladly play the man Ixe. hesitation, one-stcn. tano or any other dance music yen wish to hear stop In any time. And wc'JI tell you all dbout our cay terms. The instrument shown above is the Victrola VIII, $10. Otlur Styles of the Victor and Victrola, $10 to S200. g, Phone 134-J or 15-L 218 Central Ave. Why buy inferior flour which is claimed to be just as good when for a few cents more you can buy Sperry Drifted Snow or Sperry Best Family Flour which are gua'anteed to be the lidBmi Best I "My, How Good 'They Tasted" You remember those buckwheat cakes and maple syrup that made chilly mornings a dslight and fil ed them with the joy of living. Well, we can give you the same thing over again if you will order "HUNGER'S PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR." "ADIRONDACK PURE MAPLE SYRUP" TOWLE'S VERMONT MAID MAPLE SYRUP" A fresh new stock of these appetizing breakfast dishes have just arrived. . Remember, we always have the best in the market and at the LOWEST PRICES. Phone 326 your first order and you will never regret it. Let us prove it to you. CONNOR & HOAGLAND South Broadway MUSIC AND 'r MUSICIANS Large Audience Attends Belgian Benefit Concert A splbndld nudleuce wna on hiiud nnd oi time at thp Masonic Oporn House lust evening to hear tho eon tort given for tho benefit of the Hed ' CrosB fund. To glvo to n good cnuso la gratifying, but seldom nre givers, bo doubly rewarded. Artists nnd au dience somod Inspired by the good cause they were aiding, and good' music and good listeners mado the' evening Ideal. Mr. llonrlk OJordrum, under whoso direction tho program wns! prepared, played two piano numbers, tho Hoothpvon Minuet In 0 nnd "He-1 cosnlsa" (Ileuthoven-l)usenl), nnd played thorn well. Wo haven't had enough Heothoven hereabouts of Into, ! and, In slang phrase, these number , "hit the spot." Mr. Ojerdrum haw nlrcndy taken rnuk as a capable ar tist. Thorough nmstery of tho tech nical difficulties of his numbers' leaves their performance to the sub conscious tiroccssos, and he Ih loft frco to "feel" tho music ho plays Is unhampered In his attention to aes thetic considerations. Although by no means lacking In originality, he adhored closoly to accepted tradi tions In his Interpretations. , Mr. ItenJ. Ostllnd sang a Romance from "Carmen" and "lloljohy Wnltt" (l'etorson-llerger). It Isn't every town of fiOOO that can boast of a good tenor, and Mr. Ostllnd Is always lis toned to with pride and pleasure Ml singing mis especially pleasing las! night. The Cluuntnado Club, under tin skillful direction of Mrs. William Ilorsfnll, Jr., next rendered three numbers "A Song of Seasons' , (llnwley); "Tenting on tho Old Cam) Ground" (Klttredgo); and "Cnrmo na" (Wilson). Tho return of tin fhnmlnado Club Is most welcome There nre few such organizations on tie Pacific coast, and nolle bettor Tho club has been Htrengthened by tho addition of new members and dooH boter work than over. It wat admirably supported by Miss Clarn Myron at tho piano. "At Dawning" (Cadmnn), "If 1 Iltillt a World for You" (Lehnmnn) and "Tho Way of Juno" (Wllloby). wero charmingly sung by Mrs. liny Kvorltt Miller. Mrs. Mlllor was In splendid voice nnd her singing war quite up to tho high standard of ex cellence which she ostnhllsheil for her work on previous occasions. Mlsa Kdna I.arson'8 piano solo. "Kujawmk, Polish Danco" (Wlonn waskt), was played with flue dash and spirit, and tho comforting free dom from technical Inaccuracies that always1 marks lior playing. A dis ci Imlnntlng uso of tho podnl vyiu noticeable, a much neglected brnnoh of piano plajlng. Three songs, "Confession" (Smith) "Autumn Song" (Salter) nnd "A Lit tie Pink Hose" (.lacobs-Hond), wen Bung by Mrs. Mayino Stanley Uldley Just na wo should have oxpotccd Mrs Oldley to slug them. It Is quite enough to shy that her ninny admir ers wero not disappointed In their an ticipations of her singing, A novo! Milliliter was the Slndlliu "Variations" for two pianos, playeu by Mr. OJerdruht nnd Mls,s Larson This lit a great ulg composition, full of harmonic benutles and technical problems. All Us requirements wen adequately met, and, although long It was listened to with undiminished attention. Tho Chnnilundo Club closed tin program with "Chanson Provenenlo' (Acqun-S'..olley), tho soprano part ho lug daintily sung by Mrs. ltoy Mil ler. The accompaniments for tin vocal soloists worn played, capabl; and sympathetically, by Mr. (IJor drum. During tho evening ltcv. Uobor' Drowning thanked tho audience and the performers on behalf of the com mltteo, for their nld and Interest. ?o encores woro given. This hai ong been the prnctlco In eastern and foreign muslcnl egnlors, nnd, desplti the desire to hear favorites a hccoik' Hue, the custom lias much to re.com mend It. A splendid sum was real ized for the purpose In view, nnd thoso who labored ho well to mnlu tho affair a hucccsh are to he congratulated. Tho following program of mush will bo sung at tho Hplseopal ehurcl Sunday morning: I'rocosstounl, Hymn fiOOi "Soldiers of Christ, Arise" l-:ivo Voulto In A Huek (llorla I'atrl Mornlngtot., Ileitedlelto . , Matthewt ileuedlutUH i Chain Hymn -138, "Sing My Soul ...Dyke Hymn -18, "Como, Thou Long Kx- pocted Jesus" Couko) Offertory, Sontenco, "(llvo Alum of Thy Moods" (luut Duet, "Hark! Hark, My Bniil!".. Shelley Mrs. Stnufr and Mrs. Hall. Presentation of Alms . . . Ilourgeolt Itecosstounl, Hymn 30, "l.o, Ho Comes with Clouds Descending" ri'homar Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr., Organ ist nnd choir director. COOS JBAY USICAL DIRECTORY s Phone 326 HENRJK GJERDRUM Piaimo Hnsfcracfciion KTUDIO Myrtle Arms Phone 356-J irs FiraokHo E. Conway i.NKnsurroK in voici: With llriiiirht' In Kur Tnilniinr, Sight Heading, Kmmclatloii Spoilal work for clillriicu in Kr Trailing, Hlght IteatllnK, Knuiui- iiCIoii. ItatcM for clMw.e of four, ITALIAN SIKHIOIKS UKKI) WwluuMluy'H anil KatunlajH rjuino f.-L Myrtle Anus Miss Edna Louise Larson Pianist and Teacher Ktudlo Cfimcr Central ami Nlt Kt. Teloplioiio 1.17-It loel Ostlind I'lANO TUNKIt AND ItIMAIIU3R Loaye crdera at W. It. Haines Mu lc Company, (15 S. Sixth Street. Thono Ip3-L U your ioe PR,NT,N6 to the coos bay times COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS GET RESULTS t ,. i--- Li Perl Riley Ballinger l'lANIHT AND TKACIIEIt rtesldenco Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Phono 3C8-L. wiiMlilAti'i Harry E. Leppert Piano Instruction IVKg HVUCl.Ut A'lTHNTlON TO INKTltl'l'r-IO.N TO ClIILDUKN I'lione U7D..I. JlarjJiflehl, Ore, Tho follovj'Ins front a Salem paper, will he qf Interest to tnnny Marsh field people who will watch with In terest tho Oarebr c?f Miss Mlllor, who (it ono time sang nt one of tho local theaters, being thq first to sins the, local song, "That Coos Hay Smllo," tho words of Which woro wrltton by It. O. Craves and ,he accpmpunlmont by Mr. llnrry Lepport. Through the kindness of a friend, permission Is given for tho publica tion of excerpts from a letter from Mrs. Mlllor, dated at Chicago, Octo ber 28. Mrs. Miller's daughter, Miss Ada, Is ;aklug advanced musical work In that city, leaving for thoro recently. Tho lotter wjll bo of Inter- st to her host of friends hero: "Ada has settled down to hard ivork," sho writes. "She puts In two hours t day on vocnl study, then .villi harmony, composition, Italian ind working up sblos for her Sunday hnrch work she is kopt busy. Mrs. Kox, her teaohor hns only words of munuendnttnn and encouragement for Ada nnd seams to think hor capa ble of the most difficult work, as sho nlves hor selections of this collbor. She ilms had "Summortltno," hy Ward-Stephens; "Possession," by ((luollnc) II. Clough-Lolghtor, and thu French song, 'llcclt et atr do Lin,' ind tho orntorlo, "Isaiah." Wo have had a number of pleasant social at "alrn given Id our honor, nnd ovory .vhere ieoplo nre wild over Ada'n ilugtni;, and have planned so many hlugs for us ditrlhg tho wlntor. Ada, 'ias been Ksked'to slug In ono of tho nrgost' ehurchcH, beginning tho first if the year. Sho Is still singing out it La Orange, nnd they, nro ploased villi her, fhr thoy want hor to stay "Lnst week we wero taken to a ccnptlon and banquet- Ada was on 'he program and had tp respond to n .er.v enthusiastic encore. After hor Inst number' 'tho tonstmnstcr nrosn mil said, "What music! What won lerful miislet nnd from such n llttlo mdy. It makrs us wonder whom t comes from!' And then he told of tie wonderful singing of n beautiful ilrd that had Its home In his yard, ind suld Adn reminded him of that bird. The minister of the North Side ihureh referred to her In nn original poem, In his responso to a toast, nnd one other called her a nightingale ind ono of tho ladles presented hor with n hoquot of lingo yollow chry lanthomituut. At tho oloso of tho irogrnm n churcli. musical committee mine to hor asking for her nddress, and If sho won engaged, and tho North Side pastor did tho name "Ada Is to sing ut tho nmial 0. A. It. banquet thu Oth of Novomuor. They want hor to sing "Tho Star Spangled Ilnnuer," and so mo othor army songs. "Ada Is to slug nt tho annual 0. A. at thn college nnd llkos Iter tenchora very much. President 'clgfeld Is lovely to her, itskB how nhu Is gottlni; nlonji and nskn hor to como nnd sing1 for him. Wo usually attend tho Sat urday morulni; lectures nnd concerts. Wo have not attended any of tho big 'ittrnctlous In tho city, but hopo to when tho oporn sonson opens In No vember. Wo Intend to soo "Madam lluttorfly," nnd hopo It will ho so wo can attend most of tho othors. Tho Century Oporn Company will opon an eight-weeks season Novoinbor 23; will glvo "Aldn," "Madama lluttor fly," "Cannon," "William Toll," "II Trovatore," "Pagllaccl" and "Hnnsol and arotol." "The MeBsJah" Is to ho given Christinas day u tho Apollo club. "Thoro will t9 plenty of wonder ful things to soo and hoar nn edu cation In Itself and I'm sura wo shall both enjoy our wlntor horo very much." Tho onmmltteo In charge of tho Hlks' Memorial Service to bo hold tho first Sunday In Decombor nre making arrangements for a muslcnl program of unusual Interest. . Plans aro under way for the organ ization of a symphony orchestra, in Mars! field. Mr. It. N. Kenton, dl- I lector of tho Coos Hay Hand, will ho i director and It Is thought that tliero will he ut least twenty presont at tho 1 Initial meeting at tho band hall next H it ltd f. 7 afternoon. Tho orchestra I will be composed mostly of stringed Instruments. Director It. N. Koliton of tho Coos Day Concert Hand has announced a public concert Sunday, Decombor G, ut tho Masonic opera house. ! Tho Chnnilnade CluU mot Friday morning for their regular wookly .chorus practice, tho lime being spent In roliearsals of concert work for tho lied Cross Deuoflt. r m.i4A-ia kj SOUTH COOS mVKIt UOAX SF.ItVIOK LAUNCH UXlMtKaS Ienv6s Marshflelil very day H n. in, Leaves head of river at 3: IB p. m. HTISAMKIt ltAINHOW leiucs head of river (hilly at 7 n, in. LcAVt-s Murslifleld at a p j in, For charter npply qh board, J ., I.OOKIIS .Vi SMITH, Troprlotcrs. iL 419 fi n'Tiiillkrmfi 'Kitimt1- fScBQPWM