,OVawt awl msnwrmHmmmmmmummmmmm tstti mmmmmmm. lYrLiiarBP&mEmiirt "Tff m YET AFTER YOU HAVE PAID A GAS BILL YOU NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO SHOW EOR IT The Reader Wxmm "A Silk Purse of The Coos Buy Times Is entitled to tho first consideration. Wo have n sorvlco to render to him, an obligation that Is ever present with 113 Vo will wolcomo nny suggestion that he may have regarding this uervlco. It Is our aim to mako this a newspaper which FULLY SATISFIES mm from a sow's ear" is what somo men expect frrtm their advertising. The sound minded business man, however, knows that his advertising must bo backed by real salesmanship, honest values and courteous service And this advertising Is as Important as any of the other three. I MEMBER OF THIS A8SOCLVTEI) Pliitna (fara 101. NO. XXXVIII. PORT GERMANS AID AUSTINS LOST HEAVILY IN LODZ BATTLES ivnofrh Prnm I Pinhnrn An. nounces Upwards of 33,000 LOSl in i ill uu uctya riyiu IUCH ARTILLERY AND MACHINE GUNS TAKEN lussian Military Observers Claim German Campaign a Failure and Disaster Likely 0 Anoclt4 TrfM to Oow w7 Tim,. LEMUERO, Gallcln, via Petrograd, ov. 28. In operations lnstlng three days In tho vicinity of Stryliow, fif teen miles northeast of Lodz and Tu- Lhln, an canal dlstanco south of this tlty, tho QorniaitB lost upwnrdB of 17,000 mon, a heavy battery of urtll- tery and 28 machlno guns. In the imo fighting tho Austrlaus loBt 10,- C00 men and 20 machine guns. The German operations In this locality ttro declarod by Uusslnn 'military ob servers to bo an absoluto falluro and kho chances of escaping further dls- iitor nro regarded as slight. IS Rnnris Rfilnnsn Men on Kid- naping Charge Preliminary txaminaiion imuxi wuuk Ilouds of $1500 each wcru put up with Judgo Sinister Inst evening In S'orth Bond for tho Instant release Irca custody of Dotoctivo V. J. Hltclioll and U. T. Noslor, who woro irreated In Snlom Into Thursday on tho cliargo of kidnaping Lollta nnd Ruiy Simpson. Tho mon woro ro- K;tl ' al lto sob u r g aird" together Kith Joo Coach and John Ilorron iro slated to appear boforo Judgo Bhucter next Friday afternoon for preliminary examination to dotor- nine whothor or not tho four men cau bo bound over to tho Krand ury tho following Monday on tho barge of kidnaping. Loo J. Cary, brother-in-law of Joo ach and secretary and treasurer W the Coach Lumber Company, put up tho bonds for all of tho party lth tho exception of tho Joo Couch bond which was put up by Huh tatddou. Wuntctl ImiucHllnto Trial. Coin and Kondall. with P. J. Poo rer of Handon, havo beon retained l counsel for tho defense on the kMuapInc charKO wntcn is uuaer- K6od to bo but tho oponlng wedgo for disclosures thnt nro to follow tn both Mdos. The attorneys for tho dofense yes- kfrdav afternoon demanded Instant Mai at North Bond, declnrlng they "ere readv and In a hum to clear phelr clients of tho chargo. Attorney Oeorgo Wfttklns, representing Pros- utlngr Attornoy Llljenvlst, who was Must itartlng to Salom on a case, disputed tho rlcht of Judgo Shustor fo allow bonds to bo Issuod in North Uend for tho release of MltohoU nd Nosier In Rowjburg. His oh- Action was overruled. Mr. WntKinsi ileclared ho win not rnadv to have pe caso como to trial and examina tion was set forward until Decern- Mr 4 whon Mr. Llljoqvlst will be present. Cun nt ITiilil nirls. As there aro no warrants out for arrest op llin holdlnir of tho Blmpson clrln nntlilni? can bo done Fhold thorn and It'was stated here Fway that they aro at liberty to do tuey nlease. Thhv are not nameu witnesses In tho kidnaping chargo mst tho four men. Tho persons ho are so named are Mr, and Mrs. ' A. Simpson, the parents and Mae "oipson, a daughter. Je uoaeh today declared tnai no l InnOPAnt nt t.A ol.n-rrrt. lnl1 HlTalnSt "'Ja and that yesterday ho came ""r on tho train not knowing tnai warrant hn,i Jnon lusued for His prrest nn.i 1.0. ..., i,i, nr iiencr I.- - .. ,, eUID ,111,10 U. . larges that will bo filed and are be heard nt th errand Jury la- litigation, Classes Arrest Slullgmuit. His arresf nmi im nr tho other 'thfee men ho classed as tho first ttve mado by O. T. Treadgold, city 'torney t Dandon, to "get the Cmn nn - -. i... 1- l...lnilillll- -r . UU UQUCU IU Ulll ,"S him with tho Simpson girls. ne origin of tuo entire case is ClarAl n ,t..i. 1...1. . (... time -- M -41UIIV UUUIW iU " w the Dandon diamond theft when LAIS EST COUNTER WOE Established 1878 n Tho Cnant Mall. II1S FROM Y 20 TO Government Officials and Mil itary Officers Witness Great Game in Philnrlnlnhin tUj AM,ltm im to Coo llr Time. I SCOKKS TODAV. At Now York Washington and Jefferson 20; Ilutgers 13. I At llostou All Stars 1.1 j Car- I lisle C. Mf AuorUI.1 Ttrtt to Coo. tttf Timtt J PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28. Tho Army defeated tho Navy In u spec tacular football clash today, 20 to 0 Threo touchdowns and n safoty gavo tho Army Its scores. Tho Navy was unablo to break up tho Army's opon formations. Tho forward pass was, twice responsible for touchdowns.1 Tho Navy was unablo to plerco tho I Army lino for consistent gains. Itlr AiKxUleJ rrtai to iron tur 7tmM,i PHILAniM.lMtlA ln.. Vnv oo l "" -"' ' Hastorn football closed today with tho oyes of gridiron followers turned toward Philadelphia, where on the Pranklln field and with many prom Inont government officials among tho spectators, tho Army and Navy elev ens hold their annual clash, Tho soldiers entered tho gnmo n slight Ifnvorlte. 35,000 persons haw tho gnmo. 'Special trains carrying thousands enmo rolling In from Now York and Washington. Tho Washington con tingent was unusunlly largo, sovoral mombors of President Wilson's cabi net being Included In tho crowd. Most of tho genoral staff of tho Army nud virtually nil tho ranking offlcors of the Navy woro present. Tho day was Ideal. a.UlKH IN KAST. ID AuUt4 rnn la Coot til 7 TtmM.1 I XEW YORK, Nov. 2S. Tho foot ball season In Now York ended with ono of tho most Important games of tho year tho specially arranged, mutch which brought togothor Wash ington and Jefferson, tho conquorors of Yale, and Itutgors. At lloston tho Carlisle Indians played nu cloven composed of Harvard, Yalo, Prince ton, Dartmouth, and Williams players. Tho funds from this contest nro to be devoted to charity. Ruby Simpson, tho older of the two I ..I.I.. iv nanism! n- (aklllB loWolrV ! of a friend whllo at a party. 1 ho ' girl was later cleared of thp charge by Treadgold and tho defendants now claim that tho attorney thus secured his first acquaintance with tho girls and the dorondnnts clnlm they havo ovldenco to prove ho later UB.d them In charges against prom-1 Inent Dandon men and It was inti mated today thnt Treadgold might I ba arrested before tho meeting of the grand Jury on n serious charge, Jn this connection. M. A. Simpson, lae father of tho girls, left yesterday morning for, ,... ...,., In natulan. It Is not bo-1 Ilia lliiiuw """--v lloved that the girls will return to their parents for whllo hero they were asked by Constablo Cox why they would not return to their mime and to IMs Lollta. tho youngest re plied' "Wo wouldn't daro show our fac-M there again." and further de clared that tho physical condition of Ruby the older daughter, prueaided any chance of their return homo. Mr. Simpson praised the efficient work of Constable Cox on the case. Because of the allegod attempt of O T Treadgold's agents to meet with 'the girls In efforts to change i. .. .,.. f what their testimony Is expected to he before the grand jury is the reason given by the de fendants for the detectives taking Simpson girls from this section the attorneys, for oom ui --, Lolng voluntarily and also that Portland and not a point outside fhe "rate wmJMi rJ-tlMtlon. PD HANSON, chief engineer on tho E tug Gleaner and daughter. M.ss Edna Hanson, of Gardiner spent Thanksgiving with relative- and friends on the Day MARSHFIELD, OREGON, nffiaxia jjpy fr' ji ru ENG. TLEET SAILS NEAR SO. AMERICA ' ,n,Auu,o.irr.tucoo.D.rT.mM.) IMIBNOS AYIIKS. Nov. 2S.-AI dispatch from Montevideo says a, I Ufitil.itt .f iti llflttuli i.i..- was sighted 100 miles from Monte- WIirnllipH video. Tho direction In which the ships continued was not given WAItSIMI'S HA IL NOItTII (11 AMorltlKl I'm to ( lit; TlniM. LIMA. Peru, Nov. 28. A tolo grnm from Itiuliiuc, Chile, says four wnrahlps, nationality unknown, were seen off tho Chilean const steaming north. Jap Steamer Reports at Taco- ma That Base is Now Aleu tian Islands tnr AKllJ rrru tu Cooi Itr Tlrau. I TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 28. News 1 that throe (lormnn cruisers nro un- oxpectedly clvanglng their lmso from tho west const of South 'America to tho Aleutian Islands and aro lurking! In tho tradu routo between Puget, Sound and tho Orient, Is brought by t!,o Jnpaneso stenmor Tncomn Mnru, In port from Yokohama. Tho Taco ma Marti received tho Information in a wiroioss irom mo uiiicuko ."urn. .! M il.. t.t .. I Tho Chicago Maru altered her course to avoid capture. Tho Tacoma Man. , rrtn for throo nlKhts without lights. If STE Force of 76,000 Starts March Toward Suez Canal District' . -Bedouin Forces Tt AMUt! m to Coo Bt TIidm.1 AMSTKRDAM, Nov. 28. Dorlln "IT"B1 l?,.i . KlTiJTl ' ,u,uu ,u... ,. u.i v. . !!?" "Tf " ,Lt,0,n8nUnn' '" , ,,, T "n. I, Dedoulns with C00 camels. Ho rond nm? T.nnBIftr!l9 ' Drltlsh with a lino of trenches. I Zapata Troops Said to Be Maintaining Order in Mexico City Bt Auol4l4 rmt lo Coo Vt Tlme.J , WASHINOTON, D. C, Nov. 28. No mention of outrages upon Span iards In Mexico City by itaputu troops, suoii as was reported to the TSZX Drazlllan minister there. Ho report- ed the Zapata forces keeping good order and made no reference to tho position of Villa or his troops. MOIIP MOMV IV HWKS MORI. JIOMA I. ILl.Mih I-'eleral Itescrvo Itesourccs Iiicrvmso $SI,000,000 Tlila Week (Or AUitff Pre. to Coo IUr Time.) WASHINOTON. Nov. 28 A state-' ment of the condition of twelve Foderal rcservo banks was issued today, showing tho operations up to the close of bUBluess yosterday, dls- closes that tho resources of the banks Increased In ono weok 23, QOO.000. I' E! S FC H TOR I MOVES AGAIN mm OUTRAGES MEXICO REPORTER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, Resiles Million Me l n r ir Tri mi u irmaini Lord Kitnhnnnp Snvs Hn Hns 1,aKWB 2T rp8 Ready for Field STATEMENT MADE AT LORD. MAYOR'S BANQUET1 Hundreds of Ships and Trans ports Rushing Territorial ' Forces Into Havre TROOPS TO KKVIT ,- ,., .,..., r-.,.v .,. I . WINNIPEG, Can., Nov. 28.- a n.iini?rnin rnrmvoii nv rnn I " ' I I vc "uru from an officer with I l Lianuuinn coniingnnt nt sai ! Isbtiry plain coutulned the stnte ' ment that tho Canadian troops j are going to Kgypt almost Im- j I mediately. j tnt AmhhUIM l'rt to Co llr Tlnm. IIAVItlC. Now 28. Directly follow Ing Lord Kitchener's speeoh. at the i.ora Mayor s banquet In London. In which he said ho had 1.2C0.000 men ready to land In Prance, thero hns been n stonily stronm of transports from Kuglnnd to Havre. As many ns o"o hundred ships hnvo been lying outside tho harbor at ono time. Tho troops aro mostly territorials. DnAi n,i. n..niinnn on "Gport Defeat Of AllStdanS 30 Miles from- Cracow Take Many Prisoners PKTUOGUAD, Nov. 28. Tho u nNSCLAl GREATV TO says: troops havo won Important succcs 8n9 nin,1L, ,j. iPn,1,iln..i,ai, t,i,n IJOohmi v,HIlUgch front ( ()nlom) ,, fr0 tr,y ,0 sU(y , B0,th. east of Cracow. In this locality on , Novombor 2C wo routed tho Austrian nrmy, taking more than 7000 prls-j onors, 30 cannon, ton of which woro outfitted with homos nnd more than i 20 machlno guns." i IE , , Cnnllnl, Dnnnn n..,i,i u.. Dn English Press Puzzled by Re- port Negotiations Which May ReSUlt '" a neVOlt ,B,AiM,uwnw.i.fiu,-n.w.i 'NDON, Nov. 28.-Tho v.slt of sr Ileor Cnsomont who beenmo fa- mom aa q r atrocities, to tho Derlln Q(fkQ )romnoiUy featured by tho London i.nnors. nnmmoiit Imwnvnp. I. rntl.nr rA. Served. On tho whole tho Dress press i sueniK frankly nuzzlo.l hv thn mil. i sode, which indicates that direct o - Kotlatlons. between narmnn. an.l ox. tremo sootlon of tho Irish National- "a lmvbeen Jol - on ists hao been boln on. MOR BATTLE E Heavy Firing Heard in That Vicinity and Allies' Aviators . an(J Navy Ar(J D, .u. n. wCoo.iu, n-.! LONDON, Nov. 28. A nowspupor dispatch from Rotterdam, dated yoa-j I t0raay 6aya ' aCaVy f,rlnB WUS hara I... .- , tho .Hreetlon of! this afternoon In tho direction of ' i Zeebruggo and allies' aeroplanes I wero seon circling over Flanders. The Drltlsh destroyers continue scouting off the coast." PRHSIDH.VT WILSON IIOMK Ur AuotUIl I'rru to Coo l!x TlniM. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Prosl- dent Wilson returned today from Wllllainstowu, Mass.. where ho 'spent Thanksgiving with his dauglt- tor, Mrs Suyre. flelal ro.nin.inlrnlloi. nv. "ni.r,'B t plans ior u long propuncu GE I 0 MT NTOiLISTS NURZEEB GG - fi ' t h 'tail i"i'i' ' 'Tfffwware;rgraiu r rfi 1914 EVENING EDITION. n ranee: '" btKMANS SAY LITTLE NEW IN SITUATION , m, ai.m vm, to cm n., TiM HKIIMN, Nov. BS.-An official 8ttomont th, n,lorI100B W! n.t ...,w,tP - i. ..(.... tt.. "" wunnjltl (II Villi, illU DllUlllWM u I dlly B unchanged. French nUnckB In tho Argonno forests have boon ..... , ... ..... , . ,, IUMIIOVU. Ill illlJ tUIC'BlH llUlllinUBl of Apremout nud In Vosgos, wo oc cupied some French taMiciien after obstinate resistance. Only unim portant -engngomenttt nro roportcd frit.1 t.riaf t'rllDaln At l.ntulnv niltl troops liavo recommenced attacks and fighting still continues. Heavy Ull,nn ttllnckg W08t of Mowo ,, ' Un,,om woro rppil0l. j,, Bouth Pol nnd tla,ro ,,nB ,JC(,n 110 cinllK0. . Line Through Boise and Lake view Could Be Swung to Coos Bay, Belief BOOSED 0 OPENS COUNTRY Hack from llolso, Idaho, wnoro ho 01. ot 10,700 v tons displace wont to qualify as executor In tho "' crrlc ,l crow of Cr'8' Ouy C. llnriium CBtato, Clatido Nns- lti.r.y .li.nlnrna Mint wMlft (llfim III! I Of-I,n")octod ln amtt ,nnm n,ul dfuw I railroad through from lluttu, Mont, to Itolso and from thero southwest 'to Lakovlow, In Lako County and thonco to San Kranclsco Though tho ruuu lln uuuii iiujjumrii iui huvuim lyonra Mr. NaHburg states that Kn-j jglncor Leonard declares now tho necessary capital has been socurod December 1st tho votcrH of Marsh for, going ahead with tho work. I flold will voto on an amendment to With such a road tapping Lako-1 the City Charter. view it was polntod nut that n much quicker routo to tho const could bo reached by way of Coos Day. To ex tend tho lino to (Ira nts Pnss and thonco wost to strike tho Smith-1 oouglns, Senator 1. a. Biultli and Ar Powers logging road on tho ltoguoi10 Moroon. Tim proposed amend River and then through .Myrtle roiiii, to Coos Day. That' lu this untouched country thero nro millions of dollars of val- ,.,., ,ntrn,a nnw wnrlh, tnr ir.miuff bocnuso of no existing way of oU,"e t!l oro ,0 r"n,10r,e8 (,H lh0. statement or tho engineers wno imvot, k, , ()f , t mtvmm ,,. th.tr survey ana , ready to , wlWl ,, ,,ll8. T1H ()f ltt" wor- no8o Is now on a branch lino of the Oregon Short Lino and long has looked forward to n.m .cumtod on f'o coming of n rallroud. Tho nil- VOIICO Of tllO TOUlO from DllttO Is .Iflmilnnil 4 k Im n(nitirli lirtntrtiil III . .. . . ' . . .'.'form of navement entered tho field. WallO capital. TllO gOII lerai uonei "''o, says Mr. Nasburg Is i that the J OTOa could bo profitably mined Olid i Bont to refineries and In return could " bought back as part of tho Pan-! , Whllo In Dolso tho Hill Intorosts H"""' u",,ur imo """ u,uo u" u" ' son next Wednesduy. It has lioou doflnltoly nnuounced that they had . 8t'luK of lavoinent wero called for ' gaW tmt Van Dyko wl discuss Kuro bought tho Pittsburgh and Ollmour nt tho "oglnnlug of tho season and ! ,)ea ,,eaco w, tho irosdent. but branch lino of 200 miles lu Idaho of tl,c',0 bl(la was udoptod "ten-' thoro Is no confirmation lu official which has for many yoara been with- tutlvoly" for nil contracts lt during Crcea (o B,,ll0rt thu vtow. out a known owner, mourns Dlx-I tho season. Tho most evident oh-, son, of tho Willamette Pacific, was i JucUons to this plan nro: first, that It ' niUUtlCK QUl'l PAULS superintendent of tho construction work on that lino when it was build mg and declared thou that ho never could find out to whom It belonged, j Doth Mr. Nasburg and It. J. Wal- i rath woro appointed exeoutors In tho, estate of Ouy O. Durnum, who died - Ju'- . TO WITHDIt.VW TROOPH Kov. Aiiiiiioiix of (.'oloradii WuiiIh V, K. SoIdlerM to Iouvo. fit Aatuutlftfivl Pfu tm CV n TlAM.t WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. A re- Marshfleld; a hotter method will bo factory nnd cun levy the assessment (juest from (lovornor Ammgns of Provided. Under tho plan provided n nccordunco with this figure, thus Colorado that I'edoral troops bolb' tbo amendment tholcounoll cnnleovlng no residue or deficit to. bo withdrawn from somo of tho coal strlko districts was rocolved today by President WHson and referred to Secretary Garrison who will dls- cuss tho question with tho President next week i A Consolidation of Times, Const MnU nil Co. Hnv AilvnWIwr iSITUATIDfy lll POLAND CONTINUES ! MYCTFmniii! nFQPfTF RFPnRTQ mniiv i,iiuiLuuLgi SHOT 001 TODAY 'GERMAN AIRSHIP ' French Report Indicates Fcw'C Vital Developments in Cam- , F,eIe nninn ArMllory flunk ment W tngiisn Navy t; AMuciiiM i mi to Co.. nt Tltnm.1 PARIS, Nov. 28. An orflclnl nMnlcMlon till, nficriioon iwya: I '' "' , ,u nrmlo";f ""hanges SLt &.iu.u o umv " ,l,r"nlrjr' lo th" "'"i'1'1 ' 7VTW' w' .i-w r " troops "our nrtniory nrougnt i ory brought down n (Ionium biplane, carrying threo av iators. Onu of tho mon wuh Killed and tho other two wore made pris oners. In Chnmpngno, our honvy I nrllllnrv lurilrlml mirloiiH Iushom on ,ho m 'WM IS S mm is REPORTED ' nod calm. Tho Ilrltlsh fleet Ib said Russian Dispatch Claims Big!'" ''ftV0 nmm u, mbanimont tnoonl Hfoo O.mu m Dnllln 0f 0mBn POlltlOIW Oil tllO llolglntl VbOObl HO JUI In III UUIIIU by Mine MM lrma to CM 1 I nr AuadtIM fm ta CM nr TlmM.) PAULS, Nov. 28. A dispatch to Lo Matin from Petrograd states it Is reported there Unit tho (lermau bnttlcshlp Wllhelm der Orosso struck n mlno and sank In tho llaltlc, but adds thoro Id no official conflrma- Hon of tho rumor. Slio was built - E At tho city election to ho hold on Tho nmondiuont submitted Is sub- stantlally tho ono prepared by u com mlttcu of tho Chumher of Commerce composed of Dr. K. K. 8trnw, W. V. ....., ..,. ..... ,.y (hu ..nnnlmoiiH vote of tho city council. Tho nmoiidmoiit Is mudo nocossary by cortalu dofects lu tho present city charter lu tho sections governing --- -- w street paving. Tho present charter Hiatus that tho Council shall declare. course limits competition to t! e makers of tho olio kind of pavement stipulated. Tho objecitlouahlenoss of this method of limiting competition be cnino nioro obvious when n pntuiitod . ... .,., , , , . ,., ' in uruur in gel cuiiiiuiuiru iiiun iimi J""", , """ -""'". ' - ? vlco was adopted by tho City Council called tho tentative bidding ii . gives no prlvllugo of oluyislng a pave ment to tho property owners on a streot; second, that It precludes till reduction lu prices of puvoiuent duo to reduction lu cost of materials oc- currlng tho season for which tho pavement Is adopted; and third, that dr,V?,8 0,,tf0' ,b,""r(a T a eaf time all contmctors but tho success- fill bidder. If tho proposed amendment Is nd- opted by voto of tho citizens oti, Marshfleld. It will not bo necessary iu iuouii iu tun itiiiiuiiru uiililillB ui m "" r U'U8 " several miuis of sat - '"factory pavements foruny slnglo contract, tnus getting tl maximum competition. Tho Council can tlienlaccopt the bid that lu all way hfJiiuru walls URGE ME FOR ER ijH-n ' Mir i?j kv ct!w!ppi No. 110 "-'' ui,,u ,uun Private Dispatches From Pet rograd Tell of Russian Vic tories But Not Confirmed DECISIVE BLOW IS NOT CLAIMED I I'ltXKMYHL HAPK j Illy uKllrJ Prru lo Cool lit TlmM.) I I VIKNNA, Nov. 28. A carrier I pigeon yestordny brought ,thop I following uicssngo froip tho bo- j I uleged city of Przemysl, (lall- j j fin 1 "Wo nro doing vory woll. J I Do not bo dlsqulutod." , LONDON, Nov. 27. Tho situation In Hur.slnn Poland Is as much of n mystery ns over. Prlvntu dispatches from Petrograd mnko further state ments thnt IttiBsta has overwhelmed 1 tho (lerinnns, but theso nro not con- firmed officially. Grand Duko Nlch olns, I lie Iliisslan commnudor, roport cd successes In suvernl engagements, but nny s that nothing Mko n doclslvo blow has been struck, On tho wes tern bnttleflolds thero was a contln- I pnn-t A trim' Mm frnttt Mm ttnttt 1 : "" ;."". " ni 1 is apparently iimiiva to small Hklr uilshes. An official cominuulcntlon from the Hussion army of the Cau casus tells of further heavy fight ing by thu IlusHtnn forces which In- """" T"r,(0'' b,lt lvo In'orma- ,,on or ,no l"como. Tradinn Restriotod to Bonds With Minimum Prices Fixed Exclude Foreign Selling !lr AiMKltt! 1'rru l Coo II. y Tlm.i.J NKW YORK, Nov. 28. Thu Now York Stock Hxchango resuinod opera tlonu this morning In a tentative way for tho first (lino since July 30, whou. tho foreign situation, alrendy toiiso, cnusod n ccosatton of buslnoss In all tho leading financial markets of the ' world. Trading was restricted to bonds for which In nil Instances mini- mum prices wuio established. All transnctlouu were for cash and overy effort was mudu to oxcludo foreign, selling. RUMOFUTO DISCUSS PEACE Report Dr. Van Dyke Will Take Question up With President Next Wednesday (Br Auotltt I'rtM tu VuM lu; TlmM. J ' wahiiinutun, w. U., Nov. 28. , llenry Vfln 1)yke, , to tho .Netherlands, will sou President WIL WASHINOTON, D. 0., Nov. 28.- UHui-iiliig American Amnaitiuidor Kins to Irfiinloii TimImv. iir Auvuti rrvs to cooi ur tium. PARIS, Nov. 28. Myron T. Hor- . '.' '" ',..' ", . ,Q .7wW toTri "'k ad members of tho fa .. . ,. , , ., ... 117, iuii jaiin jur nw lortt (lis morning. Among those who uc compauled thorn to tho railway sta- tlnti unu Wllllnnt flrnvau oit.iw.. who BUCce0d8 orrIck( 1 handled by a rebate or an extra as- sessmont as under tho present cbar- tor. Voto 300 X Yes. MARSHFIBliD CUAMBKR, OF COMMKRCK. (Paid. Adv.) , jLii-fcat STOCK EXCHANGE RESUMES BUSINESS