mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmMM H9j33, i ti ll I I i lllKI In I i COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONKY, Editor mid I Pub. DAN R. MALONEY, Xw Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entered st the Postofflce at Mann M.i.4 nnn for transmission lirough the malls ai lecond-clan j, U matter. P1CEE0K OF GODOT COURT Continued from Wednesday. O. J. Huff, Labor 20.00 I '.V. C. Ramsey, Labor -tr,.uo R. Renham. labor 1.23 w. 11. nun, wiDor v.v . --I .. .-. p, OS I. R. Renham, team i.2o Krazcr tionman, uaoor ,2,50 J. F. Strong, Labor TLT, TIT, .MR. HAKER v "Public ownership of public utilities.' says Mayor Baker of Cleveland, "has been proved efficient and economic In .our city, but the large corporations have twisted the figures and facts' In such a way as to prove their own arguments." V. M. Laird,- labor James DeVauIt, labor J. H. Laird, labor 5.00 L. E .Ross, Labor E. N. Harry, supvr ".50 j Q. A. Huff, Labor M. C. Miller, labor 2o. A. Hoyt. Labor 51.25 30.00 L. Oland, labor 2C.25 E. P. S. Abernathy, labor ....17.50 M. C. Miller, team 2.50 I. E. Oland, labor "."0 Ed Marcy, labor L25 .5.00 H. Darklow, Labor 35.00 2.50 2.50 6.25, . 10.00 . 12.50 6.25 Clarence Strong, Labor .... Thomas Knight, Labor .... T. M. Stover, Labor Road District No. 21. C. J. Haagensen, Road Plank Ed Marcy, team 125''nandon Hardware Co., Stip- L. Harry, team 1-25 Rond DM. So. VI. T ... ...n- ,.4iuiua i(ip nnlv to Dre- Oeo, 6.70 0.0" ., T-t-T it.ii iinv con Maror .,.. '....'.rti,iii n harsh John Fabry, supvr 57.50 as .that? Doesn't he know that John tabry labor 3i.oo , w n 1Iaynes Iabor 26.25 piles R. R. Davis, Supvr 62.50 I. Davis. Labor 26.25 Coos Bay Farmers Exchange J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND tfEADY FOR BUSINESS. We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY AND GRAIN. Make delivery to any part of Marshfleld. All we ask Is a trial order to convince you that we are here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone 370. Waterfront, foot of Central avenue. FOR III Abstracts OLIAHCE ARSTRACTS OF TIT,,, Allmm, " rt'M) IUw COOS BAY REAL ESTATF . TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT f , MAHSIIFIELD AND COOfill v .1 ' W.i flT GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE A) si-v,'' 0,,f;H AGENTS FOR CANADIAN' PACIKI O X'YL, 11. ... -v JIlll.Dm ,""1 H'-N8TACKi-, MAN n"; " Slgsby, labor 33.75 own utilities? HATING THE PRESIDENCY t W. F. Sllngsby, Team 3.7 R. Bartlott. Labor 3.75 i C. R. R. & E. R. R. & Nov. Co.. Freight 20.00 51.25 HE man who seeks the prel- arry Tozlor Driving Team dency Is a rooi ror ms Vutu. Chag strongi gpvr ss. . t . A IIMIanh PAttlO rlf rt IAftt . . j'resiueui ti n ..... : , v. G. Rogers, Grading .... &a.u week. Other Presidents have folt Hcnry Carvo DrvIng Team 40.00 the same way. wnen jo.. . wu...w J j IJurng( ara,ng 53.73 40.00 2.50 Adams was elected I'f&sldent, hl . E'. F. DaVenport. Team . . . . . . .- u'n.ii ninn' fattier. Jonn uuijid, " - v.... u'.vic Tm successor, said: ".So man who ever Rock held the OiriCO OI rresiuem uu.u congratulate a friend on obtaining . tr. in miiV. itno man unerate- M and a hundred ;" lea v.nTwe. Dritiw'Tm for every offlco h, can bettow. tU) ,)Is,rJct Xo ,- COLl'.MRIA IIIRinV.lV. Dump 2.50 J. Ocheltree, Work on Rock i 2.50 2.50 2L25 Alva Lee, Cedar logs Sugar Loaf Lumber Co., - Great Scenic Route from Pendleton ' PlanklnR 1 2.C0 U, Arl I- AMUrtvl. ' Hullftg. Lnndjr & Co.. Hdw. 12.35 Ray Devault, Scraper 12.50 2S.That W. A. Bright. Scraper 15.00 J. F. Alunibaugli, Labor . . . 3.75 ( Hcuiil DMrlct No. 25. J Isaac Rarklow, Hauling gra- vel 51.25 V. J. Hammond. Shoveling I gravel 14.37 Leander Rarklow, Shoveling j gravel 10.00 ( E. V. Jones, Shoveling gra- j vel 3.75 ! J. E. Stone. Shoveling gravel 16.25 John Rarklow, Shoveling gra- j vel 7.50 ' A. .AI. Snyder, Hauling gravel 20.00 Rond District No. 27. Hullng, Lundy & Sons, Hard ware 4.75 P. L. Phelan, Lumber 50.25 E. E. Johnson, Lumber .... 61.17; Geo. Haughton, Team Work. 41.S5 V. R. Haughton, Labor 23.121 R. W. Haughton, Labor 23.12 i V. S. Riley. Labor C.25 ' R. O. Green, Labor 29,05 A. J. Radabaugh, Labor . . . 30.90 A. J. Radabaugh, Team .... 22'.20 W. R. Haughton, Team .... 12.50 Rond District. No. 2X. F HA & BffllET T OLDEST HANK IN CObS COUNTV Established 1880. TO BEAT THE BUILDINGGiETI inn v mm ! .. . lit. .. a ' has been a hobby with us for our customers will toll von whiLgi?A.Inany yean durnblo framing material at the rlcht tl wtliaM ik ncss. Just toll what you want to 2 pr!ce ho, .N to spoad and we'll got bus'with 0buUrnpdeaacD. "" .StS? ,. .uuu vim uu, iry ui. j,l,, , ""Ontn.V C A. bmith Lumber &Mfp! RETAIL DEPARTMENT ' i GOT THE FUEL UJLL 1 P1IONR inn. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on Titno Deposits Officers: J. V. Ilcnnctt, President. J, II. Flnnngnn, Vice-President. R. F. Wllllmnf, Cnnlilcr. Geo. F. Winchester, ArsI. Cnslilcr. To Portland every Thursday t r vi u,Hrl(a . every MonU THE FAST AND COMKOItTABLR S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. 3ICGEORGE AGENT Phono 44, MarBhfloId 72.50, 25.00 ! 3C.25 47.501 ASTORIA, Or., Nov. the Columbia Highway will be open-Jobn n0KarIi Pow 16.001 . . ,. !,.... . Anrlfl Illlf 1. .. .. . n i. on' ea irum ruiu.. i .... --., -. ,u Ui naicner. scraper iu.uu , eirftn clmiliin. an toir. t- .r..t hv Stat Enclneer . ,.... o. . 0 L. Strong, Suppllos 4.30 V. . "... :..'., ,.i. r.n,,i ..:."-' .:..: :.; I O. T. Hermann, Team uowiuy, wnu m j.ic,-....f, ... . scBiner rninips, look .... 8.iiP r UBr.nnn t .. report. Figure, show that a vast W. T. Rrady, Rock Work .. . l'O.OO . ?' ,, , '"" 'ihor nmount of work wa done under the , F arklow, Toam 12.5o J.,vl" """J" ,)0r i.i mi, i,i,iiS.ini. .. .. . T- Doment, Team . mission during the pant year. ThU A M ArnoW Toam 5.00 JJ n -7.-0 work was done In the countl- of Frank nyer9. -.,. .... 260 I " ". Team C..50 Jackson, Clatsop, Columbia, Mult- Caud MuMen TeaB1 -00;o rrv i aior V 00 ' T&l!.Tr-v'rmn:?i'"i M",,en: n?a.,r8 :- johnTeLkbo;-:;:::: S:?Bi A total of 1930.000 was spent thli.Marry , IlonaIr8 lO.OOl ' ,! 'i U vr nn n,n liliehwav be- ....... o...... p. a " T Hermann, Labor .tween Wasco and Seaside, and there Hw . nNtrct Xo. . B.Andcrion. Labor c,u rninips, i.nuor Road DUtrlct No. 20. 31.25, 52.50. 10.00 i;l!l be available to be spent before K. E weekly, Groceries .... 78.70 , ffirovfdeV if !lV0,J 97TmTJ'ol Lundy & Sons, Caps 1.50 ' A , 3d constructed graded f ranK im, aimi """.C. C. Johnson, Supvr. 37.50 I Imum grade of five , J; O. Houser. Il.or ... ... . 23.12 p , abop 00 I of roadbed, 24 feet. E. E. Weekly, Team Work. . 5, .50 I g Ubor u QQ ' We Can Help You Tho esrvlce of this Bank will help you. Wo aro always pleased when wo can render any servlco In connection with tho handling of money or tho transaction of any financial business. Wo accept deposits In any amount, cither checking or Interest bearing, and assuro absoluto safoty for all funds entrusted to our care. W.JLMm.'l ftOMHUlfthl UNDKIt THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. F 1ST NIT L A Mercer, Labor newly located an road of a maxl o'er cent: width and fcurves with a minimum radius of 'nes Housor. uiuor zz.n - . ... ,ahnian ,.,, . . . . ifi.nn PRnPFRSinMAI niRFP.TnR 200 feet The work In Clatsop coun-'Kd ca'. 'abor 22.00 John Manfolk Labor 1000' ty. Is eighty per cont completed and W'- Crlbblns. Labor IS.BOi H(m nu,rjct Xo sw ( JTT ri that In Columbia Is 75 per cent corn-Manly Crlbblns. Ubor is,50icoaullle Hardware Co' Hard- t L0Uiartl MCUlUre , Floyd Iloleu. Labor 17.60 ...i aiivm.i.x at u.iw .. . . . ... re uon .eison, i.aoor J.hv OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLKW, Steamship Breakwat ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD DOCK, MAIIKIIPIKML DCPJUii 9IO.NTH OF NOVEMRER, ON THE 7TII AT 11 A. M-Uln MTII AT 7 A. .M.; ON THE 2IST AT t P. M.j O.V TUP Sin to Tst'O A. .M. ' ; TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFntlj AND OAK STREETS, POItTMXD. Phono 35-J. o. n. iasiieiiI pitted. WEYERHAL'KERS SEEK .MILIa 1 Oscar Lundherg, Labor John R. Relleu, Labor 1S.50 i W. T. Culbortson, Labor P. L. Usswell, Ubor 8.10 Practices In all rnnrtn. 53.10 Room 12, FInungnn & llciiuott Riink 56.25 AJIVntrr Outlet fir WlUtc tVnn1ut4.r ltll In Pitiwt 20.00 , ,,nnn ; . ; on'nn H. H. HarDer Pine of oe Relleu, Cook 18.001 . ...... . . . ..,, HOUSE IJUILDER rt. Russell Yoakarn. Ubor ... . 19.501,' .' ,;.'.' .' .' ' T ! General Repairing and Cabinet ....... . .. . I ' u' JOMIlBOHt ASTORIA, Or, Nov. 2C The K- M- ""drnan. Ubor . . .. 31.00 Wcyerhauur Interests, owning 20 " c- K'""0". Team Work. 35.00 billion feet of fine white pine Urn- A- '" ,tko- Tfcam Work 2-2B her In tho Clearwater district of Ida- " ,,orr'- TMirn WorK ho, aro looking for a mill site either fJoo MKlH. Ubor ,8-12 at tho mouth of the Snako Rlrr In Sam Oholtree. Ubor 10.50 Washington or on the Clearwater M- J- Scorborough, Ubor . . . 2.60 River In Idaho, now that all ywr ,'"itr '"K. Ubor 14.00' transportation fucllltlen on too Snake tl Maglll, Lalr 10.00 : nnt Columbia Itlvuri. In uuuntil l.v C- Mellfio, Ubor IC.SSi J-auor 7.00 MnVlnir. A. L. Jackson, Labor 49.35 Phono 349-J. A. L. Brown, Labor C.25 ' Sarn Stout, Supvr . 11 1.25 ' W. T. TOmpKlnS, D. S. T. !- 5.00 C2.50 20.00 i 8.7 42.C0 23.75 SO.OO the work of the Columbia and Snake u"n Hardnwu. Labor River Waterways Association. ,t"0,, I-Ic-t So. liO. Tliia fuels vsero made known In a " J'mjIoIww, Toujh lettr received by Walkico It. fitru , " Lvmloltton, Hpvr. b'le, fcearetury and tnmMiiror of tlw 8UM,,,y Ouroy, LaUjr asuoclatloii, written by S. V. Win- (Jl't lKrd. Ubor low, captain of tho drdgii ('inmilla. i Jo,,M Amr' ''"' which In i.muiL'wi in i.Iu.m.. ,u.('- ItunUihfOn. Tmm mructlons from th ColiiHibla and Rond DMrlct No. 'JJ. Suuke rlrorx. Ouptaln WlnIow nlito V,'. W. Klgbt. Ral. tlao im stated that tho HpMkl mnn roads PIMhk 100.00 and dockx ooiiimlttwj of tho umiohIm- CotmHIo Httrdwaro CmHny, Hon, with Mumiiol Hill bh ehalniiaw. Rope tr, wa eoiutldorlfiK wrliiis kiln at ; W. W. Klgbt. Twm S0.00 BIbkh, nour tho Colllo Canal. Au, HarrluKtoM. UMr .... S0.00 enter from wlikb to beKln tho mih.i Ckw. UMl. Ubr 10.00 etriiallon of a trunk highway t tbo itufua .11. Ubor 7.0 rich wheat country of tho iMlorlor. Frdd Ml. Ubor 7.60 I HIIC.I hf).N IH FREED A (, K1t ( W W. Klgbt. Supvr J3.7S Rom DMrlct No. '-"J. &0. Mason Wilcox, Labor Rouil DMrlct So. l. Coqulllc Hardware Co., Hard- waro Claud Waters, Hauling Rock Roy Stout, Shoveling C. Waters, Spreading rock . . 2 50 ' tweiiiuer .ticuioan) Every known dlsoaso troated I without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 tnd 2, 237 South Broadway. 1.25 Phono 132-L. Marsbflold, Or 3G-00 ; i m u,u io.oo ; "' iiuih 32.50! 5.00 75.Q0 15.00 2.15 0.75 Gunlliicr Mini Hupi. led of GHiIng IMlll l.nkn Mi.i,...' ... I ,. CmjmUIh Hnlwar Co., Hdw. m RoHohurg News w,ys: -Ja.H, ,.. . rw. (Jravol FWKUMn who wa. uuuw by Ray Ur1HL (JraV(i, .... XJL "K .'l tU '"""- " H. JrtK.. Lumber .... .v . ...., ,,.,,.. i mnn niiiiuna, w8 M ,,. .iM,,. tiut,uu ... roloH.,l by tho iur.1 offlcors uu. M" ' ' '""' 'UW,,HK ("' ,ft ftn dnv aViuiIiil' 1f lii..i, ui,.ir hU.UU wm very N,,,,,,,, ., ' , J- C"TTm m h .. firmly couvlu f Mrrm. fact (hut ForgUHon Im tho ,M,y. Ufw CtM "Mm Gr. ArruiiKiiinunlH hud huou h.uiIh lor ,, . ' '. " ' ' hit) reload Hatunlny nlht HI fa., " A . UmHuniu wa bo Informed but he Uu1IhJ to th'brid"r "" lfHllmj louvo the Jull until ftuudtty wUht. rw;k Tho htunio HtMt with tho iouui,IUlu ""' i1. Hkilliig Gra- liniKlHtr'ttto ut (lurdluor who knw r v,rf tho reputation of Forgiiimn nd A" llHtim,tt- mjvH"K gruvol uliould nuvor huvn plud him lu 'W' "rlttwH, Mbuvolliig gra vol ihurgo of Ilunt'h." J- W. Ilrk, H(mvIIhk gravol F. Annul, Mbjvwllug gravel. RLOODliD GOATS IIOt'GRT. Myt, IIiovhRiik grovol Dvlrt limit, Mbovullux gruvol Tiiosday J. Koij, j,-., W!UiVii iu,uil Dlmilit Ni. itif. 1.00 13.30 5.11 10.09 33.75 27.50 H.76 I. Chandler, Hauling rock . . Waltor MyerH, Hauling rock. J. S. Clinton, Shoveling . , . . Cly Ryors, Shovollng 15.00 Frank Ryors, Shoveling .... Robert Ryom, Shovollng . . . CMo Hmuerlln, Hhovollug . . Carl Hurftort, Sliovellng .... I!iut .Miu-hlif It-Ill Ferry. Atox Hull, Master H. C. Stockol, Knglneor , . . Goorgo Rhoda, Dakhaud . . Frank L. Lowe, Mutorlul . . . M. L. Curry, Ropalrn Union Oil Co. of Calif., Oil and DlNt 21.75 I'loninr Hurdwuro Co., Hanl- I waro 10.72 Ren Wright, Ubor 1.00 H. H. KhloldM, HullardM For- I rymon 90.00 , R. J. Holvorxtott, Automobllo ! Illro for ltd. MaHtor 1 1.00 John F. Hull, Viewing Roudu und uxp , 4.95 Henry ProMiudoiiH, Axmuu j with Co. Surveyor 17.50 I toy R. WlggliiH, Axman with I (Jo. Hurvoyor 13.75 Albert K. Wyinuii, Axmuu 1 with Co. Hurvoyor 13.75 Tho Wostoni World, Pub. No- Phono 188-R. BUILDING CONTRACTOR 30,00 . Estimates furnished on request 5.00 NO BAW EDGHfl OB YOUR COUiAllS U you IiTfl Uiem lundore4 At TAVIN CITY BTEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North 'Bend, for Fanoy and Domestic CHINA 1 1.25 ; Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noo nnd Throat. 11.25, GliASSEH FITTED 10,00 DU. MATTTE II. SHAW ....I Diseases of Women ami Clilldrcu lo.uo lofflco Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Ulock. 75.00 j Ben ijamin ONSUII Ostlind CONSUITINO ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 200 Irving DIock ?hono 103-1, or 207-J. Marsbflold, OregoL W. 6. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Dulldlnj Uarshflold, Oregon tlcou of Com. G.52 Wm. S. Turpen . ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MED ICAL GYMNASTICS FOIt ALL DISEASES 137 Commercial ave. Phono 2-12-J loci Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Loare crdors at W. R. Haines" Mus lie Company. 115 S. Sixth Street. Phone 103-L IC. A. Smith Tlmhor Co.,, ""' ' oto., changing road through (J llukor place 32C.34 n2' 11. R. Davis, Labor 20.00 7.50 12.50 fi.OO two fluo blooded Angoru goutv whleh L UroNg, Kuppll 8.65 J ho will ttlco to Tsllluios l.ukw. wbr HuIIuk. Lly U thiuu, Hard- "" """ " "u, "( houu. Tiiwn wurn Kouu iook uiiiuf ribbons ut the I H. J. WIIhou, Labor 10.00 I). E. Wlltion, Labor 8.75 G. W. Wlllouuhby. Luhor ... 10.00 50,) PAGE TWENTY-ONE 1800 Donation Woik, It. D. No. tit. 10.00 willoiiBhby, Labor 0,25 W. W. Cox. Luhor 17.50 Geo. W. Moore Lbr. Co., Linn- ! her, R. I). No. 19 87. 1G o.wu llaxor A Hon. lldw. R. D. I .,-. II , ..L., ..... . . " .m.w, I .B..W I. I. .'HUIH II 1 .MIMUUP llbl & . .a... r'niiiilr l.'iilr tlila full im ... .--... .r.. ' '" 7W. iJ.tiU ' riuiuuwu j'i- iimry MttuiK. Xwwvr 101.00 Jot, (llvrwuu JourpU, Luhor ,,,, 40.26 j To bo coutiuuod, Perl Riley Ballinner PIANIST AND TEACHER Residence Studio, 217 No. Third 8t Phone 3C8-U K00NTZ GARAGE Rxcvlslor Motpryyclo Agescy LEE TIRES AUTOMOniLES STORED OB COUNTY'S MOST COlPLKT MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOR1U1 HEPtVIRINO GASOLINE FOR SALE SOUTH FRONT ST. PHONE !8-J UATTERIE8 REPAIRED AND OUAHGEU PARISIAN CLEANINO AND j DYEING WORKS j 200 West Market Avo., coroor j Second St root. j Under now mnuagomont. Prices j low, and all work satisfactory. j Ladles' work u specialty. j Phono 17C-J. I J. S. STEVENS, I Prop. 5 E HOMEY by ordering the fnmous IWTFR-nRFAM TRflWRPRRTflTniilHII uuuiiii I inimui uiimi U UUl Semi-weekly service Coos Bay nnd San $nim STEAMSHIP El HAILS I'ROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY v WEDNESDAY DKClLMIlKIt 2, ATSr.Kl Equipped with wireless nnd submarine bell Passengers and freight. STEAMSHIP ill 111 Equipped with wireless and submnrino bell Passoncera and freight. HA IKS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, SATURDAY. NOV. 28, AT f. I Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier Kill aim ouu jjne uunuiug. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeorge, Phone . I PASSENGERS FREIGHT ARROW LIME STE1 ERS -SAHi FROM- San Francisco Pier No. 2C. Every WedneBdnjr 3 P.M. Plione 27ft. Coos Rar Evory Friday To Portland And Tuesduy To San Francisco TnOMAS II. JAMES, Agcot Ocean Dock PortUjJ Albert Dx'' Etcry & 9A.H Hkk Nut coal, per ton 94.00 Lumu Coal, nor ton 8(1.00 Or, halt tou of both $5,00' 1). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18.J. or leave orders all Hlllyer's Cigar Store. SOUTH COOS RIVER 110AT j SERVICE j LAUNCH KXPRESS j loaves Mnt-bhfloUl every day ' 8 ii. in. leaves head of" river at 3: ID p. m, STEAMER RAINROW j leaves head of river dally ut 7 j j n. in. Leaves Marshfleld at 2 n j j in. For charter apply oij board. ROGERS A SMITH, Proprietors. I .4 TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold m JJU ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwoofl, neniiiv mi I r n..!iL I n:iU n.xmini' f tf TP.m Of B" uuver, l. u. amiin, anu oiiiiin ncnuci, -.- jubwj CTeanlng, repairing or now platens, work 1Kr"n' j, 0i4 carbo paper delivered. Phone us your order, mono . TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ANUurn. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. Wo nevor blajno tho tailor wheu our pants wo have to pin, Wo nevor blame tho shoo man when our soles grow old and thin, Wo novor blame tho hatter when our lids wo hava to flout, Rut wo always blame the laun dry when our shirts wear out. COOS RAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J. M 11 -AT- niuPQPlL'S WOP """".. .. LVftt W , ;. Nortli I'ho"6 ' I MA u rommutati? Tickets W Low Rates for Handling Trunks . ItV ", j-i,iMd.North WiIalH - n,r. rerr ten into"s- (o 12 p. "'! '"-" ,. We haul trunks between any polnti In Marshfleld and do geueral hauling tor reasonable rates. iinv. leavlns at 11 lrrTmso.J I " T. h BOAIFB g A.: ROOFING REn!5!HS CONTRACTING, startransfer i storage co , nuurilMU MA I tIAL5, Ivl Helsner. Proprietor FELTS AND CEMENT I Pl,""" g- -10-1" 08-R b. us. ' L BR,CE p. 89JC00S BAY TIMES WANT ADS (JET 3.,M! Marshfleld jfrgf TCimatel FOT, a . ... no.J. Ut: I'knnn - .llrV-SMsfwtaMiiM, . -im.Hf 'ti&v ' j liiM&fo.!!iiMfr '