9SB'l'mmmmmm -jiasfc-aarfSSffiPW MPSM warn 'tud!ifl THE COOS BAY' TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ins mbii I it WARSHFIELO MUM i' RECEIVES 11 LETTER FROM SISTER III GERMANY addition t" fit' rcptlrs nculnl Hi people lure wish the Usi of n govern incht tlrcilgcr. "From the promontory at Port Or- ford a jetty, whlc will provo a Ilronlt- tcr.iHne than th.it of the aged King Uar ilrlvm forth lino tlic iotd wind and slonn by the filial Ingratitude of those "to whom his frank heart gave nil." Thure Is no fairer blos som thut springs from tho soul lliiui Interesting Communication Re ceived by George Selig from Wiesbaden. Germany, uiv ing Interesting Information Concerning the CDndtUens During War Times. Tho following Is the translation of n letter rfiTir m-rtitrj by ttoorge and Albert Seell frwn their sister Mr. Xart Kaapt la Wiesbaden. The lattw. at4 Or- CHAMBERLAIN AND water. Is iieoriod, only 300 feot to n .l""t nr Krntiltulo. for ns cicuro sum; rock In tho lmrbor. This Is n beau tiful harbor and needs the protection. LANE PROMISE AID It Is not only tho "greatest virtue, but the piuont of nil the other littles." I shall get tho survey made for thlsi Common doconey and courtesy die as soon ns possible." ',ntot,11,t, wo n.?l,w. 1Y "Tlinn,t you." Wo usunlly do that to our CliniiiN'rlnlu to Muck I'iiikmI, brother man for tame benoflt eon- Vlrtually-tho Fame recommonda- ferred. We forget, however, to car- t.ons are to he made by Senator J t!!.l'Ltt' '", 1 admit the .need of the Improvements retor ,, tIonor cf rI1 g00l, ,,,. j ami promise to work for thoin. The, It may be Interesting to know why first step In each Instance would be w nro found nmong the nine who to introduce a resolution asking tho'"!; il'"' , .?,Y!? "L"nks' for rT SSflatOTS in Portland PrOllliSC lu1 of. Engineers to make survoys. some of us never say "Thank you" InHioc- fnr Pnne Dnu Hon i.esinmui costs ami roport on mem- io hoii ueratise we nave ioo mum. SL La I Dnn nnSJl ' An MiHdmonl to the Riverside ntc nsphpdatod with good llilima. don and Port Orford ,,., i,1.riM,..w,.w.B,ln.. .....i., ..,.. u .' Mf" nnomniy which r mm- " -,.,...... ........ w.0.. not oxpiRlti to you, but It Is true. tobcr is, Jn, is oft ukct-kubf . 0rMnltl. . . ihlrtr-foot be nromHwd, basins this ituon the oa- Those lit innnv mm tii wlmm nuii as giving an authentic ana rrilaM . oW o my fo,r j,,, posel- tliimio of the engineers. . hoop given arc tho least grrita- inrorniniion ot ! t German people toward ta war aaa wlsnst nf innii unlil up wntil.l tin "They have a magnificent harbor." when wo have eaten and are full '",.. ' . aot eotfag ap a new ami rlefcconntrj to Jd Senator Chamberlain, "but vos- "We dony tho Lord." We are told Z M haarrr ! 9 -raft-will be secured "fif, "0.Tt ?. t0Mf0 l0.Htol,, ,artlmt tho people of that, perhaps ut us; no one win go aaagrr .";7 -vmii. ,tal,y ,lM,d,. ,wh,Ie If thoro was bleakest of nil coasts. Labrador. IIvo b. Karl Yolnnterd to go to l,t s sovernmea. a Rreater depth over the bar thoy n continual thoughts of Clod, denth was not aK4, te -" iw v.TO.fct- iuiu n om mm urn iimuB. ij rjiid tnc iieroaftor. because tney Have all means the channel ovor the bar an iinin in n,. ut., snouui ue ueepeneu. tfl Man., H .1.lt. 1. 1(m.. l4..i U by a now Jetty, extensive Im- '.'The requests of-those people are ' way. It onlv shows us hoV poor ii ii i ! i i I Hi i i i i nil f 111 i rf II TsAJlAnalaln.M att Qdliainr Him fl liar. I i nit .i.i i. h. .... .1- j... i.MniliiM- ) lb h. "-"'-''-'. ,.T V.:t:' .."..,", ..";:"r'A "" coniempume a iiung ih inni im- ii.u w""" r t. , rsn nrf CVwinllla rtrar mn. ''". wiore lie leu lor nsillllRluil, inn nntilrn nf niira nf wiri wa torlor of Germany. Tne lotter tmj: tu at . Ma.nat Mtv "? thfy ?.houhI sel w,mt the' nro "on't so much. Wo do what the "It was very forrnnat ut mere " r : .. .;..... ""g 'or. j -. i - . -. - . at ran. wwni an wiir u:e aim oi Was a wouucnn; ..f.c -. .-r .- nil nbout here 4lm unr lint IIIU I.M., " - railroad inanageaent wonM not le - mmmmtnm wnag me nexi e hlm go. The entire railroad force " Congress. If their reeomwen ls being kept at their work, alUMNigk Uom tare any weight, according thousands of them have be assign- to sataonts of the Oregon Sens ed' to Belgium. France and Poland retnrned Sunday from a to run the railroads there. In tne week's tonr of tbe region for which beginning of tho war all ordinary thT propose to seenre government traffic ceased, and nothing but mil- W. Itary goods and soldiers were trane-', "There Is nothing suggestive of ported. You should bar seen the wild-cat schemes in the Improvements soldiers! How proud we aro of desired la thee harbors." declared them and how many of them we Senator Lane , liarol The barracks here In Wiesbad- some time. We shall do all we can ' i('i'.u , i;jit? fir '-t tr. ,"i ... IiU Hub Dry Goods Go. "Smart Wear for Women" Cor. Broadway and Central Ave. .Phone 361 f.f 'AD00MATINTME """NINESWEEpy Wfi hnun ii..-. . ! um,i and in all SZeSi "WhV Pay Mon)J A f Johnson GUovsea 1 Spirit Of Gratitude .MnrMiflold Itcctnr In UN senium Toll- of the Virtue of Tliiiuk-fulnp".. Then thoro others who havo nolli-l ' i ilng to be thankful for, so they toll , us. They nre always syndicating, their troublos and sorrows, whit hi the world la unite nauseated with. There Is nothing good In life fori them. Llko the one of whom the poet spoaks, they "sit by the po!s- onetl aprlngs of llfo waiting for the morrow which shall free them from tho strife" Thoy are too selfish to At the union sorvlco In the UpIs-'Kn t and look Into tho hearts of "Ther must be done copal Church today, the Hector, Itev. f' oiners wnero uiey win per- KOberi m. uro wning, urew me texi "i' mucu uikhui' u .inn . .... .... lrnnlila tlinti lliult nti'ti ...! 41...., cn aro still full and several scboot to seenre surreys and appropriations sr ",,, ; the'Thessalonians: "In ' tlio- will be sent back to their knees houses and other public buildings for the work as soon as It Is practl- erervthltie. aie thanks, for this Is '" KU"ido to Uud. It Is n sort am sheltorlnir more. All men be- cable." the will of Go! In Christ Jusus axiom tiiat everybody else U . ... ., -.--. .. 11. . . LuMirnii,. von , wows off than ourselves. Then let ween iweui) u ""'-"-"-"-- -i or.mi I'ointci uut. ' rVv Urown In. dwelt first upon be thankful for our little I.Iess id for dutv have now beea called Tk rv i hi wtan .hn.,i.i .. ""T-. .urorn'n. "w.eu lni ".K,"fiB, .n. ,i , uta n, - .. . .-w.- . lft8 gpiru or inanKiuineaa in a i-.ai- ;: "" -" " i'" " to the colors. There are between be satiated." aseerted Senator Cham- lonal sense .telling how, as a nation, living: how fit to employ all the ilvo nnd six million regulars and berlaia. "In Coos Bay much work we are the most blessed of all jieo- ll0rt "l 1 ! ' enses rcFcrvos under arms. Almost three has alreadr beea done br wooer se- p,s, t,'n the 'MM,re,t b,nK r,chr .iTf1!!...!1! .y,, . I1 '!r ,IB !'",v? mllllnn morn have volunteered la- 7.v V- . t. . . n t'nn the most giftetl In this much at least to he grateful mil on more hare TinMnl, Ja (C1lrtd uirongh e,, and otMer llinUgf u.u,. they Sr0 born for eluding ono and a naif mlllioa be-!ta gorernmeat eertalalr oueht to In free land, a freedom for which Others aro not thankful because We shall endeavor to get million, upon mill om n other "'" ' wo"" . e ". laims iMiuui willingly sacnuce inoir - u"i lire to bring to their country. "We lt anything Into the world for all TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- hns been n hobby with us for a good m, my years and n lot of our customers will tell you when It conies to getting good, sound, durnblo framing material nt the right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you wnut to build and tho nmounf you wnut to spoad and wo'll got busy with our pancll nnd flguro out tho boat your uonoy can buy. Try us. Sii ,,, t, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. IMCTAIL DKPAItTMIJNT CUT TIII3 FUEL HILL 1 TWO 11 V USIXO OUU WOOD j PHONE 10. 1JW SOUTH HKOADWAY ' .. .- i :- I fV. tsro.rr vym with I the Dassct tweon tho ages of seventeen &nd I e(MOM... . twenty. There Is no man la our BecMary ,nrTyg ,,,, a. ncquaimanco w.o mmrn a-- poeaibie." are KRriln,0Vl by our Constitution they have taken out of It, living as his willingness to, go. e women are The aid suggested for Coos nay the right to life, liberty and tho !rasltea, .vet society must support not Idlo cither. I hare made two would be an extension of the pre- pursuit of happiness, and this makes them on general prlnrlples. Their ilninn warm sblri to far and Kan-1 . -... .- .i.t. - ,li.... vr' man it klnir In n tnml nf hand Is HftOd ngalllHt society, gOV- f X uy 1b busily knitting socks. We alto I ft v ' the bar and lh. ranahr of emucracy. It Is almost too evident fr"me"t .H' , "'"" ' sent a largo chest of clothing to V. L . ' . a truism to dwell upon tho thought ,iaY 'arte through toll nnd effort. 4 iw iipmlta tw. .h! roa.ba 100 fe1 or mor flh i6ity vMch 0 oup national prosperity and great-1 , Spmo re ungrateful bocause they , Last Prussia, whore the Coetacks has been swept away. At the mouth nesu. No land Is more bluwod with don't think nbqut It. It Is JuH nu j raided and dovastated so cruelly of tke Slu,law wn, be a8kftd m,irovo. luxuries. We have more of the oversight of their nature, nnd bo .J dnrlne tho first monlh of tho war. ... . ... . . . .... ...... rriinfnrni. rninnnlimp ami nlnnu. thoy go through life, inking thlllKH I It VOBKIIG VOTERS MItS. JESSIE 51. EAOAX, CouncIImnn, three-yenr term. ANimiJW LOWLAND, ' CouncIImnn, throe-yoar term. W. .J. HIT., Councilman, One-year torm. CIIAIILKS P. MAKO.V, Heconler. during tho first month of tho war. ' nnU nf .,. .... ,, n fo ...., comforts, cotnonlonces and pIonH- tho' through life, takliiB things Kveryono of us Is busj-. sewing. .... " , , -J,, urcs of fo than wo know what to ,0,r nnunei, innii inoio uiings nro j.verjono oi us is ouj, sew ng . Nation reeomraonded. The Umpqua do wUn We ar r,,.h , OVorytlilnK tnkon nwn'- Ihe wor(1 think nnd knitting, nursing Hro both ,,erlvod from thp Ono would not bollove It ail nol- f d d f( ,, fc , SenatorI nu chlldron. " Anglo-Saxon root, nnd Just as M.. Tho war has been .uoeoMf.il ',. X JL "'JilJl J 11 u Jm Yet. with all this, thoro is a dan- fI'H !e ."'" ? "!: ' for us. both oast and west so far. 1. 1 " ... ' ... ' ' car which w havo nnt nntiriv mK"? inanKiioci. no cant uoip . ' . ,, luerocomraonuw. nr il Is nut AnnllniiA . K -m ual i z, ,t:r:::r z:.z coqm. re,Mir8 ad i . .i . ..' . . .. , I will be asked and at Port nm inn ill inu uuiium ui ii nu, iri , ,, . .. devil must have poo.el them. iyjm the promontory Wo have thousands of thorn with,, , , u""RW",ur w'" I remember reading n striking prop nnu- Atom.. ll l.. R..h , "' '"""'' Highlanders In their funny women r ,C",,,S ,ta: , u'irk r,l,"ntv ii(iiii(M urn in niir isnns. rnnra am " -- -....- " .....i... ...i ....! n...i ., ., ... . ... .w . ,, o... . , c iimiuiitt nnu iiuvuii iiivii iiuniiliill .. i, nmnii fitn liiin.iri tknuunn nr... for Coos Hay, senator Lane and Sena-' . .... i. .,... ..... ., ...i ., bar that n.ir, nf ... in r.rm... nU. .i.. tor Chamberlain traveliMl almost con-' mnralimi .hrmiHii lnnrv. ixinn.! "Hack of the lonf la tho snowy ""' we " et flfewee wn aKiut .-...-..-. - ...w..n.. . .... p vns.. t Wtoabailan Unuoutly until yesterday, cover nc gance ami me unrealities or life, Bi,ia,i i u ....i V: ..;.;, t. if lie atands ueforo n Doaullfuli dreilglng 8 u j for an individual to stand tho 'I1' ' V.K'. F.0".0' ."'.?.. J,0.et Promlsioai . GlaSS. .. . . .. .... . i im inni ii iin iiiiiiicM iiiiiiii fin nil v ii orroru n lempiauon wincii pionty nnngs. a :,.:"": ",","",- :"-;; :r Xul imtno f ,.., to a rock, "itlon as well as an Individual, ran ",.""" , ",V,"" .',": .1 vuluo Ul WUI forget Its God. A few yonra ago , 'T,.., .. "., i' .."..., "i . . mnmon tlincn in inu uiuii nnu in iiiuiiii ui rei , iiuiiiun tnuok. Next Tuesday, December 1, occurs the .annual city elec tion, at which time three Councilmcn and a City Re corder are to be elected. The Socialist Party has the above-named candidates in the field for selection for the offices. The Socialists, as the pol itical party of the working respectfully solicit the king men and wno arc en- o o 3 no3s -i2 m . ' S r i rr. ; -amj;"c o 30 o CO -I m -l o m m 72. O o CO C 3 O 2 ?3 c 2 it3 -n T1 mV--WlJ . 5 m JL. - v U V' J- - 3 5 5 H2r -HwpigpS The VICTROLA is ak-l roar v w h in. Jw J ""' 'c music lAnewsliiprncntiustrec, All the later records. Wiey B. m J Comp if-:.wm ea h TJCO -J 5" o- m L. L. Thomas, Mgr. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD Russell Building Central Avenue i H '..1.. "'" "" ?!;; S&',"51tut",l"!r.?ni,o Jir 'of tl'cso four candidates. linlf rtf tli it tit TYiimstlainst a wi ttwiu iiNPwiiia n rwawwwDt ,.. .., r .w....v .. ... , . - .. is very ,.. hut when a victory U - between the district. In- -, - 'rh ra. o? nnnounceil then there Is Jubilation "Pwed by boat, huckhoard, on foot inon. He told how through tho mls Jn the streets, all the ehurcn Polls d hy automobile. use of these national gifts wo possess J nro rung, tho flags are raised and "The peojile about Coos Hay have f l;ndantly, nnd the loss of nat-1 tho people sing "DeuUeUnd, I .P.f t ,methlng Hke ,000.000 of K loVm t'hS' ho'crlSl 4'uuiik'iiihiiii, uHuor aiiua, jiui oo- ""ir uwn inuiis;- an im twoen tlnios every one Is bu', ev-' They are ontltlod to roliof. ory one works and helps. Thoro i try to get It for them nro no foreigners oxceitt Americans , Lane. "They have .uore. iney novo uone a groat lenl i acrfta atid made thorn into valuably civilisation. A prophet Is not n for for us. We read In the papers, too, j waterfront property. With an Im- tune teller. Prqdlctlon Is a small how the Americans in America are inenae lumber mill, with coal mines floi,leilt ' "ehrew prophecy, nnd Is tho They have pledged them selves to the principles and progressive policies of the So cialist party, such as public owncrshin nnd DFMnRRATIH ...in i i ..- .......,, not into the habit of using the ' MANAGEMENT of public and flour, And hack of, tho flour mill, And bark of the mill the seod nnd the shower And the sun and tho Father's LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dapondnhlo. Imino dinto servlco, prompt attention to nil intorests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. GOODRUM'S GARAGE H0MC OP THE CADILLAC and FORD auto si'i'i'uia ion in SIAKI'-S OP CARS a 17 Central Av, 1'honerM BUY THE VERY BEST iiiiiiii n m i;fiii ininniiiui ir w r im nuun ... :':ul BSr rMsS - mfa iLca , SS "5'1 J!?!.?" ," says Senator -liow .oino Clilno.e aililinn nltt nR - ' " ,""-, '- , IVIHOnilMCm Ur mUUUbMUN nehiiM.1 mmr " Z " B," r7 :K:" " ivi Day. AND D STR BUTI0N. nnd a if ii a aiiivi till ) ..--. .. . . - . , w, I Ol'lt 1'IHST XATIOXAIi TIIA.VKSCIVIXC vote for them registers encour agement for progress in Indus- giving to the sufferers of the war. , to be developed and a dairy and frul: Moallngs with His world, can road HP"1 Immediate occasion of the try and politics. o iiojio they will learn how we ap-i region to he benefitted by a better tho future In the nresent. The nro-. first thanksgiving wim tho mir- preciate It here." harbor, thoy should hava u . t)hotn of Israel were groat moral ro- rondor of Oenernl Hiirgoyno to (Paid adv. hy tho English, o "Vearlv 1000 Nm nf n (.ii. i,v. formers who knew and road tho pros-, uonoral dates In the fall of 1 77. and Finnish Socialist Lncnlt.) t Amvr!trmuM,r,..:.. 9 well that they aaw.ln It nil Thursday, the 18th of December, was, ii.iiiiiii'Hiwi, ...i.nmi iui ii an i ii ui ttimiiHHii n nlc.nrn nr Ilia rii.urn. Am ilinra I OSIK latod. ttllil ill com ) 11HI1PM ""- ""' O Swodlsh - , ffcwt ami whirl) aiivu tioarlv Ihlrli- fx-cl nnt tumiu nlmnnnla nf niir llfn nu n tho nnlur nf f'miyrnuu Ilia ninlv nt lite last ovenlng the Adeline has tioun .iMtrnvtui ami ti.u rt.nti.,.J- nation that point to national doend. Valley Forge duly obsorvod the day Hmlth arrived In from San Kranclscu ence If we ullow those things to run tho army that had tracked Its way '"' ""vm ... ..win amn i'inuciM.-u . ,,-,,,,i ,.,,. .,. . , , ,, w.ivu II iiuiiw iiitnu iiiiiikh mere was rejoicing on board that . " , ,' "i,"""'J"'f "''o thejr logical conclusion? Wo In blood. It waa ordered by tho Con- mvy nnu arrived in time lor TlianKs-' " """'"Wi iiuni uinuo aim a au wasto more man it tnuos io ieoii tluoutnl Congress. Kiting, mil ine fact that she will be or -iU foot depth should be given to tlio tuotnlng millions of Uliinn or loaded and ready to put to sea again this harbor. This Is neoeaaarv .f'l"'!'". el twlio our slo. Our STll'I.'K'S f.'ltOClMtv Is mm- in. nt I o-chK-k means that the big dinner ,b .-. i J. i . m ,e?T ,f olvlllzntlon. of which wo so often SI l " ' SJ "" l''" , ,' " ' " ,n' must becut short. The Adeline ar- ' M t0 l0'1 to lhr fMU ctim" '", In making us wiser, makes us ' ' MW QrAHTKllS, tuo nveu in last eenliig about 0 o'clock.! ",l TIIAKIvSUIVI.Vr,' A Dl'AI, HOI.IDAV. wunKer una loss uuio to copo witli ihxhk ikuii iiiiijcis couior l.if.. Khiiinii i., i... .i...,i In stalwart, vigorous race. Inured to i.v,,..i sti.w.t invi,' im "A sliullar need Is found At the hardships nnd tho stornor nocoseltloa mouth of the Sluslnw. lloro tho barl0,,!lf,- ..... ., .,.. .. w. ... ' 5 I A THAXKStJIVIXO WIHII. We wish ovorybody good I clinor, a finely whetted appotlto, I vigorous dlgostlon and a pieaa I tint rounlon of- tho soatterod mombers of tho family. From mo loiionug gramirutner to tae tottering baby, a pleasant Thanksgiving to nil! Pictures & framing Walker Studio Creamery GIIIMNISVS FIRH PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of llrlck Work at Prlcos That Aro Right Anil nil Work Gunruuteeil Call at "Tho FlreBldo," JohtiBon Bldg., 137 Socond 8t. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Roller Work BUT Hi MATT Ti. MAY Western Oregon ReprosentaHvo HAAS HUOTIIKIIS Importers mill Wliolosalu Oroceix Mnrshfleld. Oregon I Tol. 304-R. Rus. Myrtle Arms I ' ' I -! ' sarin I'NDKlt s xit.hv O CO.MMTI0XS e IX A cm:ax OO AM) MODKIIN' PACTOHV. tt STfilHUZCD 6 MILK AND 4 CHKAU. PURE ICE Vveo dellieiy, "' Mj!f Pliono W. M M ' . H i . I1 Thanksgiving is the one ho. iy tlmt t patriotism , should he dune away with and a life our hoarta of tho spirit o , saving station erected. I saw several day that ran load us back, In tli day that combines ruiiuii... ..... . reks alnur ilx- imnr-ii mmr u.. at least, to tho iiutrlo.um u'n .I........ . .1.1 ... ' wore hown." "wm ii u iiiuiiii i fc nun iiih iiiiiiii u ii nu niif ! i.ii.. ... . . ... Mmpross on tho chihi .; ,"" .7: '" '.""." ""' ""vm "Ii1Iop llfo. n llfo of plnliillvng f this thought rook wlionco wo Wo nood to llvo n troni tne noarest station. and high thinking, which will link "With a present depth of IS foet. " o'100 moro with ,tho splondld the bar at the mouth of tho Umpqua ' f'jj i!,0lt"l8t " W,I,CU Ul "" should bo deepened sufficiently to 0iUttV"iS , lint bnro to draw a TTT 4 i allow large vessels to cross. There gloomy picture of our dostlny na n i.iniiy COAL. Tho Kind YOU havo are about in.nnn nnn nnn r.w ., untlnii. I bollovo thoro Is u way out ALWAYS I'SKI). Phono 7L Pacific iln.lr nvnii.i.io t...' ... of ourporlls. nnd I bollovo that Ood --.-- i t ii f v iiivi n iiiiii i in xik i f . . . .. m l. im .. ,. , . , -.. Holds it m his nanus lor us. iiiiuii.a- 1,0,1 Improved. I giving Day "lso eulls us to tho "The mouth of tho ConulllP Ih in n thmiKlit of Individual gratltudo. If Hoio an old Inllv l,n,'0 Uiivp Oliiy one uiaiiKSgiv ng u.y. Thanksgiving both w feeling of uiiwiKiiiiuoss ror his own bless ings and a fuollng of high patri otic prJde. Llicry ami Tiansfur Coinpany. n,'u,,,,h "IMM'I.IIY N now 111- rich vallav. rated , ,,s X.AV giM,THH, tuo be.i decked My "b Tho , Z& J to.ti Mivct , I IIOM-, IOI. roast than nn II... Atin,,n n,,'.. ... Inir How to Please Mother or Father A pair of perfect-fitting glasses gives more solid com fort to those who need them than anything under the sun. We can easily explain how this can he accom plished and be a perfect surprise for Christmas. Red Cross Optical Dept. ASK US ABOUT IT.' Phones 122. I don't know that that can do much t good. 1 don't know tiiat It moans much in Clod's sluht. Thnnksglv- coast than on tho Atlantic nn'd m "K l)fty ls vourosontntlvo of all tho 'CHUB oi uie )ur. in uiiiur wuuib, .gratltudo uhould bo n poronnial Btroam that flows out of tho heart qf man. "(Jiving thanks alwnys," wiitos tho Apostlo Paul. It Is a .hintural, normal fundamental trait of human naturo, lying back of tho ChiiBtinn orn, deoply rooted in tho constitution of man's llfo. Pinto thnnkod the Gods that ho was first of all a num. then a Crook, then nu Athenian, nnd finally, that ho lived ,ln tho ago of Socratos. i If wo don't think gratltudo on thankfulness is an important mat tor, let us consult our own oxper leuco whon some ono has provon ungrnieful Nothing stings us so torrlhly. Tho prlnco of poets said "How sharper than a serpont's tooth Jt is to hnve a thankless child," and wo know it to bo true. Thoro la not moro lmtuotio picturo in all of lit- VJ- -- ss i , QPPor IO conts If iourJtaUr can't mpply you, mf 10c lor on packagt or $1.00 for a carton ofttn pack agt 1200 citartttct), poitago prtpaiJ. After smoking 1 pachaga. if ou don't find CAMELS at rtprttentcd, re. turn the other O paekugtt, anJ wt will refund your money. Don't Look for Premiums '"The cost of th,c A choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos in Camel Cigarettes prohibits the use of premiums or coupons. Here's a cigarette of exquisite flavor that doesn't leave that ct'saretty taste and simply can't bite your tongue nor parch your throat. Isn't that just what you're after? Sold all along the line, 20 For 10c, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. YYiwtan.Silem, N. C, CLAMS, CRAMS. FISH AND OYSTKRS If you nro particular about tho shell fish you cat, got uc quulntod with us. COOS MAY OYSTKR CO. nt Palace Mont Mkt., Broadway HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. QUATERMAS STUp '"'.V. . tv DlMTflS neSSSS1 Inn uMi"0'! ilOTh'lTlKfflflS . if,...Bnn. JW 1 T : vn nnon under oew . CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. "h00 pJaco with fcojig; I DAY AXD NlflllT SKHVICH J; J ,n family itj 5 ! or inxi. i.nnna ti:i i.inni c;nrn. . . , ,...-..v VH, ..VH. wn.. I l-or touring cars, phono Chandler Hotel LYXX LAMMFTH, Prop. Xcw Calis : ' : Now Curs j P I w ... cn rr "'"3 l an., rnnlll. " "' !-. n " 20 i li'"' I" .'-- l 1 1. . --rri ! f 1 New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE j S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend j Fr llest ""-J M PALYTIXfi. r.V'" DiXOiaTI I W.1I IWSSH I I :io:l No. Front St. -1 o THE COOS HOTEL Formorly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AYENUI3 STADDFN STREET NORTH I1KND O. A. Mctllu, Prop. ...!' IIUI c-n I.AUIM.."" .....II (Formerly the Com Stoam heat, hot and co.a , .no nqor ..,..., if i I . tn investlJ"', i, winter rates Si.ec a'n . i i when two er I py gamo room. ' woreperso"1 I b&kw nrtl&'..P i-rni-T laiisasMBMasf