J-M( JM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX mk if- DOINGS OF CITYCOUNCIL CI1T PRISONERS II MBS II FIRE I WORRY GRUB PARK: TRAP EWDAMGERED, ON 52 MILL LEVY Cliamber of Commerce to Fur : nish' Overseer for Free 1 Boarders (Nint-flio-Glininlier or Commerco will ngrco to furnish n proper over City Fathers Declare Marsh flcltl Needs New City Mall , Vaults Arc Necessary Jnfoi'mnlly t!io City Council Inst evening lironchcil tho subject Of n scrlptlons," said A. T. Hnlnc3, pres ent with tho Clinmbcr of Comtncrco committee. "Well, tho school hoard Bhouhl not hnvo raised Biilnrlcs," reiterated .Mr. Copplo. "If tho public doesn't like their present Bchool board they) can set nnotlicr one," reiterated 'Mr. llalnoa. I Live llyond ''ciui. That tho city Is living beyond Us sI,o was tho declaration of Mr. Cop-, plo. "Hut oven so," said Hugh Me-1 Lulu. "Lot's llvo decently whllo Financial Budget for Next woTo about it," and thero was 8on- YPfir Fnntnik HPflVV Fv- u,nl Inughtor for through It all tho pense Much Talk unni in iriint'ft flm ritv tirltt.nnnra If thoV are allowed to work cutting out cvory ",?,!,"r of lho 8vonilii body .,. ,. .... , , ... ,, ,,,. ....,. expressed ihh nppruvai 01 biicii a WV liui,,, ...... ..vw..0... l.. ., .... In New Ucdfoul Addition, was tho do clarntlon of Henry SengsTnckon to tho City' Fathers last evening. Tlio question nrofo for lho 'stoonth tlmo of cutting down tho city's ox pensos by curtailing tho .Q-cout fends of tho free bonrdors In the Jail. "Put thotn to work on the streets with a broom," said Councilman Doll after tho Council had debated long on the need of nnother street sweepor, thoro hy entailing nti additional cxponao on tho Already bursting budget. "Let them work In tho park," do clnrcd Mr. Songstnckon. "Jf tho Chambor of Conitnorco will make lho prlsonors work, why Mr. IJutlor, Chief Carter and myself will guarnn too to furnish tho convlctn," roltorut cd Mr. Gobs and tho proposition was accepted. .'And hereafter when John Doo and bis friend Hlchard Hoo taku It Into their heads to got on a "spree" thoy such measure. This would entail an ex pense of at least $25,000 was tho de claration and that It was favorably re ceived after tho "cloud of gloom" that greeted tho annual tax levy was taken I by those- present to presage a now homo for tho city officers. "Too much to tho band," was the visiting commltteo In no wise lost trnck of tholr purpose. "Mr. Copplo As a mighty ogro appeared tho stated that tho city had not tried much needed city hall and practically , '"' ,M,,1ut ,,uforo lho dty fathers I to llvo too cheaply last year mill ihbc evening unci inongu u was . mat tnis was tno cuubo nir mo closely scrutinized for very small raising 'of tho tax levy this year, corners not yet rubbed off, but III- "Wo aro losing tho tsnloon licenses," tie substructions could bo madu nud , bo said, "and this new levy must tho bitter p'll was swallowed with- mako up tho difference." out further discussion. Mnrshfield'H1 Tho ordinance providing for a tax elty tax lovy for tho coming year levy of 13',$ mills was carrlod un wlll bo J'l',& mills nud adding to nnlmously. Following Is tho bud this tho ncliool lovy of 1 2.0 mills, got n reported by tho flnanco eom tho Port levy of four mills and then ' mltteo though tho 'final cstlmnto lho Impending county and utute tax does not Include a later -mlll levies, nud It Is highly probablo ralBo: that tho clty'n tax levy for tho com- Itccorder'H 1011 office. ..$ 2.S7I.20 mi Hin .Inline ltilu vntii If nnu .1 T. i fpnnm ,...., I.nn.l., .,.,....,.1, Ir. 1...II.1 .. ..ln.t..l " "" " '"" ' " """ "" I "" ,. ,' .. . . . """"',u mills, declared tho councllmon. offlco ... city hall on tho lots owned by the Wq ,mvo (1()no onr ,,)Cflt ,, nmk. , . municipality on Fourth street. n ths blu, t ,,, Coil,lltnnn1 offro "How long before wo can bo ro- c , of , fnB1IC0 col)imlltcn. , ,,oIlco I)ult. leased from this city band expense?" Wo ,mvo CBtmatC(1 n8 nonrly p, t quelled Councilman Albrecht, and ' ,, pxncy lll0 IlC0llg 0, Ul0 Health Dcpt City Attorney Ooss declared his opln-1 rllv fnp ,. rnmr VMr. it .in r.ii,i- 1(11 (lint 1w nlitivn ttt tti (Hn-nniiHii I ... ii. ..iLuniuuii,ui..i.Uiiil,iiuligiiijIHIt BOom j)088ii,0 (a rcduco thorn Water I.L'fiO.OO tor music can bo chopped off nt any i iiolow tho point that wo havo." Printing, Sta. UUfi.OO Ulnn'0nt- , , Ask Fund for Fnlr. Flections . . . r.00.00 Anlimblo RcroriN In Danger. Ti,oso roinarks woro occasioned Mayor and "Well, then," continued tho conn- i... tM0 ror,n8t. f a Chambor of rm.,.ii c.nu son nn 'tvit uwwuo iv MUfc uii ih aiilU'U IIIUJ nii ., . . . . - . . " -ww-titi.! v.-.j ..- l.nd best botako thon.selvos to somoi "" . ' , , V, , . . ' . Coimnorco commlttoo headed by Labor and far distant In an unnav tho cornorato HmltK of MnriliHnlil I . "."' "l. -""-'""" u- " for tlio Uoon-Uurry cxnu.itM hi tlio Btroot8 .... 1,038.80 almost unniilmoiis verdict of tlio City Fathers, who pointed out that $1800 1 (i flflt tl-ll Itilt tt tlC trnnii If 4 It I ti i " '""' """; "" -"- i '"- " IHR year will bo close to fil! mills! miiiiiii ii.iy iiiiuric'si on Hiiiiiu f.ni,uuui 200.00 1,200.00 ii,207.fi.,l C.017.7'. ti2:i.7i ri.aB3.oo BIBKO inoniseiVOS to BOtllOL,., . . .,, , , , , ".. .u.......v.v .....v.. .... i.uuur mill mountain top, for capture I "tr"lot- In thlB B1lmctilof wootlon u,B,, McLnln asking a $G0D appro- lBppiles .... 2,78 1.B ivlgablo romlltloii within I Vrcirni Ur rccordB of tho clt' rccr-' prlntlon at tho rate of $60 a month ' cleaning ... ii a , .,..,... "or worth at leaBt $20,000 locked In, for tho Coon-Curry cxnu.itH hi tho Ri,.notR .... i.fiss.s will moan manual labor with Br.ib ' ?" '"V1 ll0 HCC, loor- 1Jll Pnuama-Paclflc Kxnmon. TIiIb Inspector .. 000.00 ' "' i III t lift It V itlif.vlinatU nff nil nfn mnnu ' a . .i tt i 11)15 $ 2,871.20 200.00 I i.non.oo ri,27.r3 0,l!)0.2r. i r.oo.oo cnoo.oo 2,000.00 22',.00 r.oo.oo t son.oo ' 0 2,7Sl.r.0 Calling Gowns and Dancing Frock .U'ST OIM'IXKI) A new slilpmeul or (licxo dirssos, illivd t Ymk, arrived jeslerday. Tliey comprhti tlio i'Vy (,.fll N,.lo ,,',"". Xc" in Unique, llolero, It-Mllngolcs mid oilier crfoctN; dinpcl ulnll"' 7" or Willi wish end; (iliiiiueil collars mid cuffs, Mioit slccs anl' i' " less. Very icasonnbly priced. ' Mcec Exceptional Values in WomeE? Suits an,d Coat' - All Siills mid Coats linvc been slmrply mliiceil In pi,.,., Kmnr llgliirul styles In Imported Poplins, Fino llroadc'lnlli, nlimdiu, V'J els mid Soigcs. A1m fmiclful inodcs mid plain tailor madiw uhi i .'.., I r.... ...I.. ....I...... ! i . .. """ 'l'l " HiiMii.iiisii .u L-ii iii-ii i,i riiiiniiciKi iih'iii io jour allenil ft t i 4 CHILDREN'S SHOES From the small booties worn by baby to the big boy or girl at school. The youngsters are properly fitted here "COUSINS" SHOES FOR WOMEN ' $5.00 and $6.00 KRIPPPMnnne DITTMAN SHOES FOR WOMEN $3.00 to $4.50, ART CRET0NS ART TICKINGS NEW SHIPMENT 5c VAL LACES DERBY GLOVES "N0TASEME" SILK HOSE. All colors, 50c. "D. M. C." COTTONS DR. DENTON SLEEPING GARMENTS' FOR CHILDREN 1.G3S.S0 1)00.00 hook ond nxo, boautlfyliiff the city's now park. Accept IlrtMiduiiy Paving. Tho Warren Construction Com pany's work In paving llrondway otrcot between Curtis nud I lull ave nues was accepted by the Council Tho totnl cost of this project will bo approximately 125,805. SO, which In cludes $2880.81, the cost of tho curb ing, which Is not yet nccopled, ami $1025.09 for tho sower. Tho Hhnro going to tho Wnnon Construction Company at this tlmo will bo $21, 000.30 and City nnglnuor Hucklng ham announced that there will prob ably bo a rebate of about $1100 on tho estimate of tho project. Modify And Ion Ordinance. C. A. Howard appeared before tlio iln tho tlty eiiglnoor'B office nro mnpslwns granted by tho Council nftor street Com- and plats that couldn't bo duplicated, they had mado a full exposition to mlssloner tho citizens present of tho utntc iini. unu Int. of tho city's finances. , Fund 500.00 "Hilt It would bo unjust to col- jnn, 1.S00.00 led money from tho business men Funding llond of Mnrshfield through prlvato sub- int. fund .. '2,100.00 scrlpllon," declared Presldont Mc- jjis 1,007.90 Lain. "This advertising of Coos i Hay at tho fair will bo a public $118,07 l.-IS boneflt and It seems no moro than uov. other tliiln taxes r!ght that tho cxnoiihu hnuuiu ho ' nl tissual. .Mayor Allen pointed out, met through n general tax." Hoi Hint n $25,000 city hall could he so Kftvo then In detail an account of i.-or gonoral expenses. . .1 1.875 mills built that In the futuro additions l"o work already dono toward tlio i.or R,kng Fund 50 mill could bo added un, either In the way oxlillilt and how tho displays will i.'0r Llbrury Kunil .,.,.. ..502 mllla .. I .... .t.l.... . lift n ttn ii. .1.1 It, tli Ofnirnn 1m 11.1 till. ' ui u buvuiiii ur iuiii iiuui or umuiii "v ....n. w..)f,.. ...........n. the sldua nud that thoso eiuorgoucloa Adveill-c Coos Hay. , tould bo propei I cured for at tlio! Toin Hounelt, 01 hid i.immnor (lino uf butldlug. Ir Cominorco commltteo, doclared "Wo ought to have n big vault oii!tlmt tno clt' Hll0UItl '" " wlHU ro01 und these ure worth at least $12,000 more. All of these valuable papers ate being kept In such a structure as this. And then downstairs we lock men In Hlucl cages. Ju tlmo of a sudden flio that would bo a death trap to them. It Is time that we havo u city hall." ' Council Assents. To these rumarka there was goner 1,200.00 1,200.00 500.00 1.S00.00 2.700.00 2,505.00 $10,017.28 .$12,000.00 $28,017.28 vu.mM, ..n. mK uuii. moy moony mo i , . f. f . ....., that this money la being donated auction onl nanrii whleh muk.ui , i ,uu ,0UI", llom l ori(i I'"Ioh. I. ... . ,.' . " ..... auctioneers pay a dally $5 license. Ho explained that hi bualutws will bo legitimate auctioned Iiik, tho dis posal of sholf worn goods of local moroliautH and shinned In hero from City Attorney Oo. doclared th or- lu lUt l,1 "mltor wI" ''0 ru"' " cllnniiro Is n protection to tho city CUM'11 n,1 ,lllotllor I1IUU""K from fnli lira mul .ii.u.T.i i.ni i... ,,,ii '1'' lU'dcck ItioudiMiy. KNIGHT 6TE JHPLAB LljMEN GUEST TOWELS PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS THANKSGIVING LINENS STAMPED READY FOS civmnuiUhRT PILLOW TOPS TURKISH TOWELS CHILDREN'S DRESSES PILLOW CASES o . ROYAL SOCIETY PACKAGES. Modart "Front Laced" and American Lady Corsets "SMART.WEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner Broadway and Central Avenue. Phone 361 duulored Councilman Ferguson," and l,n ,ho Chambor of Commerco, but j other momhoi-H declared they thougut ,1",, ll h KolllK for ,no k",m1 of ,,u It about lime tho band Is on a paying ('on "' ,,onr' Songstackon atat- buuls. No definite action was taken ! oil bis bollef that the monoy flhould ;r.' .s, , n rx " " i ",r i !:; '!:' t "i'r 'z:zt" Pa,ci,io , commandcry hows ivc unices r-ineu Later SELECT OFFICERS GIlilOflTESTfl BE IMNTD from fakers and should not be modi fied, but nuggoMtud that tho city ro Oiud tho $5 dally license fee to Mr. Howard providing his IiusIiiohs Is an be stnted It will be. Tills was panned by tho Council. AIn Imprmcmciit Civdl). That llrondway from Hall to Kruso nvuuuoH U widly lu need of redeuklute wait the declaration of Councilman Ferguson, and City Kiiglnuor IluuU luxhani was given Instructions to draw up plans and specifications for For making a fill In front of hi i u,u worlc' property on ICIghlh street south of Hemlock uvonuo, Oliver Uirwin p poured before tho Council asking that ho ho given credit for $5S.S7 for Hu "Now that llioadway Iuih beon pnv- od a fur as Hall uvonuo," continued Mr. FuruiiHou, "most of the Hunker Hill truffle Imih been thrown on this work. Tlio matter was referred to , ",m'1 """ i""t t on tho tho oily engineer, who will make a j l,l'kt',l ll of lho street beyond lho iueasiiremont of tlio dirt fill xml lut. lavement. " or report bad; to the Council. Moid Hydrant;.. Two more bydi-nnlH havo beou found sticking above tlio surl'ncu In tho mlddlo or the sidewalk at the corners of Tenth and Klrod itroots snd Hlghth mid Hliod. Thoso will bo removed at once. CIjAI.MS von SKIIVICICS. Mrs, Sjirali VoaKiiiu Seeks About $'.!,. (Ml( fiii Ivstato of ieorgt 1 lllood. Declining that fcho kept (loo rue A. lllood, an old soldier who dlud somo tlmo ngo, for a period of six years. and that sho should bo rocomponsed for hor trouble, Mrs. Sarah A. Yoa- huiu has filed n suit for about $2000. To this Councilman Doll opronsed hid opinion that (he streot bud better bo paved, but this miBKHHtlon was uieiuberH of tho commltleo. Copplo i:plaliiH Hiidget. "Well, gentlemen," wild Council man Copplo, "tho $000 you ask tacks Just ouo-iiinrter of a mill more on this tax lovy. And now that you aro hero It booiiih tho bust tlmo to explain this budget. This matter of tnxoti Is getting ovory year to be n more serious ouo. Wo hnvo now lost $15,000 that for merly mum to im through Xh tm loon llconw'H. This next month wo collect half, or $7500 of this tax. I At a meeting of tho Pacific Com- NOI'lll BCIUl Will Holt! PllUliC t y&tn J .THE . iHIUTlEIUS HANKS JL I MARKS mandery No. 10, KulghtH Templar, ! last evening, tho following of fleers1 were elected for tho ousulng year: Kmlneut Commauder K. L. Uob liison. (lenerallsulmo C. F. MeKnlght. Captain Ceneral A. P. Davis. Trous. Dorsoy Kroltzer. Itecordor U. II. Walter. Caucus to Name Office Aspirants Tomorrow Tlii Clmndlcr Hotel. F. .1. Fecuey, llaudnu; .1, I). San- At a caucus held In tho city hull at Kastsido last ovoiilug six cnndl- I dittos wore nominated for tho three Council positions, two for recorder and two for Marshal. Thoro were H. L. ItoliliiKon, the now Kmlnuiit ' uiiuiy votorn present, Inoludlm; a Coninuinder, Is out of town and in ' ronthiKinit of about 15 that '-amo I ...... ...r. I .. i.. 1 1 nnr Ti'mi fttul n fM .iovl , MM.Ij timtii.Li llir.l . UUllMMMUMiru U IlllUIUUr III IUI IMHIIIIVl' "'" "" "1m, in i i-. i jimmi nun uniiiin nun m i ., ., . . . . . t 1015 wo shall receive but $7500. 1 ''"" not filled last evening. I' mill Kitsl.lo at llio. election iln Tho other like sum must bo met by " announce hl appoiutmeuU, n-ceniber 8 thero will bo oleetod ,, heavier lav. tw. 'P C,,"1,fcI,,,",n' J- -HIrk-l ...id . - .. ! MTll IF tl It Uldliniit'lilinH i,i..Hn ikit.iil.i.. Ii..l "I raullxo that with a high levy " nvvt orncers win no formally """ " ! ""''"'" wo ran drive luvoHioni away from , Installed Christmas morning. lost when the city engineer slated hero, but this levy wo have found that most of the street thero Is two 1 ,l0 nbsoluloly nocowmry." ; feet below grade and would have to bu rilled. To Improve by plunking tho alley lu llloek 50 of Itailroad Addition 150 The budget as submitted by tho finance commltteo consisting of Conn cllmon Copplo, Albrocht and Wil Mpi calls for a levy of 1 1 7-8 mills s s luet north of Johnson numuo and to to ",cot Kenernl oxponses, 1-2 n mill IiWrholl avenue was consented to by for n nlnklUK f""l nud 5-8 mills for the Council and tho ordinance passed. tho M1,,,lc 1""W tnat iwltim bo AuowinuiitH for the work will bo lov-,,W(H, n0 1U"1 i:, ,no,l,n ltd on tho abutting property. ",01t- Ouo milt raises about $1500. w-ru--ru-u-r-u-u-u-u-u-u-rr I TllOBQ WOltr tllO lOVloS 118 rOpOrtOll (Iwlnlon. by the flnanco cominlttoo and this Mrs. Yoakum lu her suit states that was finally raised to i:iV4 mills, IS SAFE III BELGIUM I'lom Constou the four enmlhlutcti jiini L. (!. MoekB, Mr. Mercer, Oregg I llulluy and Mr. Ivoraon. i C. P. Keating, tho prosout City H.'cordor of Kastsido, wns again nr.iii Imitod and will bo opposed at the polls by W. C. Woavor and Marshall F. Mcflrlff will sook tho offico against It. K. Uobertson. Tho tliroo Councllmon win nro .going out this yoar aro J. L. .lohn- Miss Louise Blatt of Marsh- son, l. f. wiia nnd joim oison field, Gets Reassuring Ad vices From War Zone she charged lllood sums ranging from ' this to Include tho $G00 npproprlu $." n month when he was not at homo tlou and also to provide for a lioav up to $.'0 and $00 a month when ho'ior iiilseollanooiis oxponse. Tho en was, tlm heavier chargo coming for 'glnoorlng dopartnumt. with an nil- This was heard today before Judg- attendance when the old soldier was"l exponso of practically $6000 Jphn Ha)l and will probably bo np ; sick. The deceased had lived wltn'wns removo'd from tho city budget pealed to tho circuit com t for final the Yonkum fnnilly since about 1SS3. 'nud will ho dlschnrgod as n five Miss Louise Illntt, daushter or J, A. i Hlatt, 1 as just recelvod a letter from I u friend In Loudon to whom she wroto concornliiK tho sufoty 0f her uncle, Aruinnd IVatt, a big manufactuior In Holglum with whom sho spout a sea- ST FBON THE SOUTH yes Scientifically Examined Glasses Fitted WE HAVE A LENS-GRINDING PLANT AND CAN DUP LICATE YOUR BROKEN LENSES. Red Cross Optical Dept Hed C Io Opem RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Phone 122. ton a fow yoars ago, which is roas-, percent levy against all public Im- url"K' was written lu London on BrillflS PaSSCIlt3r List Of 20 ."ih-Kaji,,,,, po,ii.,g , "1 wroto ' t'10 19' .. mm - Persons and Licjht Cargo And Into tho gonoral atmosphoro havo 8,nco trlo(l to ot BOmo ows 0 0f Freinht f ,,i. nnv Aiinmnv nnc ,1,,. your uuclo, my old friend M, Armand ' ' ,,v"y"1 nod another black cloud when he nintt-Duoolm. through tho Amorlcnn ' '"''J8lB twenty piiBSongors, and a ders, San Francisco; William firant, San Frnnclsco; Mr. and Mrs. .1. Or niond, Sau Francisco; lien McMullun, Myrtle Point; .lohu Ilelkunp, Van couver, II. C; C. A. Oago, San Fran cisco; S. L. Larson, Portland; Mrs. It. II. Stevens, Portland; II. K. lllun den, Portlnnd; It. K. Neal, Portland; W. F. Sergeant, Port laud; Swan Hon son mul wlfo, Portlnnd; A; O. Peter miii, Lnkesldo; .1. Ilarrett, Sail Fran cisco; K. I). Ilausor, St. Paul. Tim Lloyd HotelT P. Lagonivest, San Francisco; Mrs. (Jeills McLoruo, San Francisco; F Hi-mulls, Heaver Hill; W. Illitiflfl, Co qulllo; William Wators, North Inlot; W. M. Wakomnii, linker Creek; Chns. Hubbard, Portland; -Frnnk Kimball, Poitlnud; Ida Newman, Portland; Frank arnustrom, Portland. Tlio St. liiiwrcueo Hotel. HonJ. F. Clark, Senttlo; Oust Al len, Iloavor Hill; Joo Larson nnd wlfo, Kastsido; Clara Hagoii, Pondlo ton; Klmor Moore, Pendleton; Miss .T. Slostroom, Lnkosldo; W. O. Perkins and wlfo, Danlols Crook; K. K. Oakos, Ilandon; P. Mnthlson, Portlnnd; Low F. Price. Sumnor. The lllanco Hotel. II. Marquotto, Myrtle Point; Krlck Olsan, Myrtle Point; L. L. Cunning ham, Coqulllo; H. Lltlo, Coqulllo; W. n. Myers,, Myrtle Point; Ed Yoakum. Tn Hold Union Helsji Episcopalian Church nuirsaay mnm Union scrvlco on ThitflW" bo nt II o'clock In the noniJ v.,111. ..mi over In nlenty of ta n ,..nv .. lmniQ to thelrtirt!1 till o i-,iJ ...., .w.riinL. Io Iter DN1 liUlD. .... ...,.n - .111 the KpUcoiml church, m "! duct the service In mp-- . .!. l...r.hl6ttM many oi i w,"""VikiI Plans are being P4','!rt:i ...i.... ,.f ivi churtl ii lU'COIillnmo ... I rrnllA Will bC 0WJ1" i iho fommUW (luanuius mm - ajl tholr efforts of former jfj J Ml Dl-vw... - . . .,,i.., Mfl- Horsfnll, Jr.. IsoWB4' n,i. ..nml mi rltofTW Ih verywhoreevldent Is ixpresseil w '" ,,, Will CUIUU ." -" ...VulP mi.-linnEehM( o morning instwl', WUTTIIS WlMl Sl't'X1) WISTBB IS "" Two youthful orjUjJ'j r,M.nmo and Jar '":. ,. old grey Jbx: tltA -. .. n r , , ..hCIULC ' iB uoquiuo; u. u. Jiaruing. coos niver; . . traPa artd Brui": itrst i . ... .- . . . -w . . i " - i i.it ins a1" to th 01 ' ' ...mroItH '' "avo.1. TZm. homo wliu u".- . . ,PrlUl nine as 01 ion-" . l....n.. ll.n L3..,l. T.JIr... Trtll fl ..;.,. .uuo, uuw. i.iiuv, ."" take tnem " ,,., sW ' Xlolson, Dandon; R. "W. Harrington, I k' for tn0 head tn .vyrtio point; J. West, .North Jienir Drrln Lattln, South Inlot. . ' ! . 1 .IJI nientlonod impending lawsuits Hurt ambassador and nlso through tho UeJ- Sht cargo of freight, the Rodondo , tTKllKllOVP ' ' f f ls '0",' ln 1 ' ,1110 llablo to cost tho city cold cash Sinn legation, but without success. orossed In this morning from Saul1 i""M lllhMAn.llHBjM I uu of Curry 1M 'for damngoB. "This report niakos Today, howovor. I rocolvod a letter Francisco. Sho will loavo ngaln fori At b0Vim Ociock this morning the lover of the wods rf, no fund for allegations and suits." fl0 a friend In Haarlem giving the tll st Wednesday afternoon at bar hnd calmed down enough to ol-' finds him at his MK l-i loft take them . "' where tney expect to J ter folIoUiK-uu-- , noone. Al JWU '.'y H' " HI llfDUi r- .t. b " ' .... ... n i .. ho doclarod. "There aro six suits following nows, which no doubt you " eiocu. now pending against tho city nnd w"l be ploasod to hear: -.Mr. Armand Thoso who arrlvod from San Fran- anotber In sight." Hlatt cnllod' upon mo (28 Ruo do (,sc0 this morning were: "Wo havo nddod $8000 to tho' Adustlquos, Uruxolloe), whllo I was W l- Crant, V. Kuch, Mrs. V. UceJIaiioaiis fund for just such ' t. bt ho loft a mossago with Mr. Kuch, J. Kuch, T. L; .agerqulst.' Gertie low tho Nairn Smith nnd tho Spood woll to clear for San Francisco, af ter having belug barbound for two days. Lato last ovonlng, tho Pnralso, of "-"H ... i.i pnnie aau ... i iiii' uik d-' . inn ad other feller 'li He usually cuu- , , valuable furs and jj bounties "- - ' rfil' UM"V- . - nt" M omergonolos," doclarod Councilman' van dor Voort thnt ho was as woll as Hrown, Gaby Moro. C. 13. Kssolstyle, ! tho Swnyno & Hoyt lino, nrrlvod In j This time he n tW uf e"l Copplo. "and wo havo rahsod no snl- a 'fish In water.'" J. I). Snudlls, Ray Drown, A. Clark- from Portland and today at 3 o'clock wm bo Initiated ,0 i nrlos. Tho school hoard I think. "No doubt you will be relieved to nn, L. L. Futhoy, G. W. Phllbrlck, has actod a trlflo imwlsoly at this hoar this, and If I got tiny furthor, K- Carroll. t)r. J. R. Wothorbeo, J. A. time." ' nows I will lot you know. Ormond. Mrs. J. A. Ormond, Mrs. F, persons, "Rut In splto of this, wo must Yours slncereb, J Wendllng. Mrs. L. M Stenborn, R. loft out for San Francisco. Sho Is nature. duo to carry a passenger list of 35 Arbaugh. After m Mi ........ - .. .,- iu - the boys win r i- he, for more suppi" j fall, as tno ir- y V , sable The -" , Mlj Jftxri h.ivo SG00. nllhor thi-nimh the iltv or Ia hounding on men to death .. uriT, lirVTIW - , h OU" T,, ,dml and seven fr " .. . I'll. II. Ii.. IV 1 l.l'l, ill'.N IIST IT.WAV! I'SIli-n llinm 72 Pacific "" ,i on tho outsldo with private sub-. mlollo 112J. , ', r,. ,?.,, , . . :,AV8.V?KD ' ,iono '" ' nwiilon WorW. taazjuxaa-- ,-. --..vw,..& , unjea want, aus oring reaulta. iiivci-y nmi Tiansrei-loiiipauy. I 4 TM - - '--I, i ,