yavsj wmMsm MM mam wmm iwmimmmiM THE COOS BAY TIME.S, MApS,HFIELD,,OREGON,i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1914 EVENING-EDITION. Fpiiri"--" COOS SAY TIMES M. f MALONEV.. Editor nnd Tub. DAN E. MALONEY...News Editor COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV, Killtor nml Puli.k WAN E. MALONEV, News Editor World's Greatest War From Day To Day rifc.Trrs Ma VQ2;y SOCIETY WOMEN All). WAR IIEIil'S CHUHCIIEti. Entered at tho Postoffico at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall 'mattor. Dedicated to tho scrvlco of Iho people, that no good cause shall lask a champion',, nnd that ovll shall not tbrlv unopposed. i Official Paper of Coos County. An' Independent Ilcpubllcan now papof; published every craning oxcopt Bundny, nnd Wcokly by I7io Coos liny Times Publishing Co. 8UHSCHIPTION HATES. DAILY. On6 yJir JG.00 Por month &n WEEKLY. One year $1.50 1 When pritd strictly In ndvnnco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times' Is 5,00 por year or 12. CO fjr ilx months. Increased Attendance) In France Pleml to lie (.'Iven Places In Army, since Hnttlo Hiwin. As Nurses Dining War. ' tr amocukhI rrc to c.oo Uur Time. LONDON, Nov. in. society wo- j,AKIS Nov. i9.Tho cathedrals men nro bogging tho authorities for'of j,arlB nro cf.0W,jC(l cncll Sunday permission to go to tno irom as w,th llcr8ong who hnvo boon nwnken- nurscs. In many enses mo quniiiicn-t . . dovotttness by the war tlons of the applicant nro small, but ( ,,,VlJry (lny i:.cro ,s cont,,M0HB ni0 sue regards uoiug n ucu ross ""04jafjnlthful In the churches of every as romnntic ana inscinnung n"4,ari8h In Paris, burning candles to would go without thinning or t.ie ,, , .., 8nl(B Tnoy nr, Illost. serious side or tno mnucr. ... ...,,,. . i,n men urn In far ' "Affcctlonnl and omotlonnl nurs-, Kraitt,,. proportion tlinn 1ms been lug" Is tho way Sir .Tamos Crlchton- 8CL,n , l)l0 c,rrno8 mny ycftr8 llrowno described It in nn nddrcsj ' Am0I, t; C80 mo nro nmny wounded before tho Kensington District Nurs- who lnnko thelr wny painfully to the Ing Assooliitlon. Thcro Is n nmr 0n Improvised crutches In or good deal of spurious nursing ,,,,,. t0 pcrfurm ti10ir devotions, about this time." ho went on to say. ' , tll0 mprovlsud ehnpolat the Pas "1 hoard tho othor day of a fashion- tmp Lyccum building, where tho Am able lady who called on a matron nt t orcnn Military Hospital Is located, ke Your Home and Comfortable Beautiful Furniture with a provincial Hospital ami sain: 'i 1 wIbIi to hnvo a week's training as a ntirso on any terms you like, nut 1 I cannot give moro tlinn a week to It, i for I want to go to tho front.' I "That sort of thing," snld Sir - Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Official Paper of Coos County i Jnmes, "Is highly reprehensible, for " ' ' 1 '" M0 branch of nursing Is consum mate skill required moro than In the management of wounds nnd the wounded. Por hnlf-bakcd amateurs to meddle In such matters 1b to en danger life and limb," WEICOM E, SENATORS t OOS I1AY nnd Coos County to day unlto In a cordlnt greeting and' hearty wulcomo to tliolr distinguished guests, Senator Cham berlain and Senator Lnuo. Doth theso'gcntlemcn have been here pre viously; 'Senator Lnno residing on Coob Day, a young nnd struggling student nt tho time, and a Sena torial toga seemed farther nway than n million dollars appropriation for for tho Coos Day Jotty. Sonntor Chamborlnln visited Coos Day when Governor nnd both tho distinguished gentlemen hnvo many warm pcrsonnl friends whoso welcome will ndd to tho plcasuros of tliolr visit. Coos Day Is pleased nt tho oppor tunity to provo thnt her growth In commerce, Industry, manufacturers nnd population warrant that hIio Bhould receive moro consideration nn nltar was provided at ono end for tho Catholics and nt the othor" end for members of tho Church of Knglnnd, while n plnco was made In tho ccntor for tho Protestant Non conformist services. .1AP-ENGLISH PACT. FRENCH STILL PASSIVE. Citizens Do Not. .Seem Evelled. Over Progress of Vni (nr AiocltJ I'rm to Cooi Ilr Tlmtn.l PARIS, Nov. 19. Parisians nro becoming stolid under tho trials of war. Romb-throwlnB aeroplanes hnvo been unable to disturb them, nnd the long campaign In tho north bus not exhausted tliolr patience They nro glad If tho allies gain but a mile a day, and scorn satisfied even If no ground Is lost. Instead of tho expected offorvea conco of lmprcsslonnblo people inr Alio? lit) I'rfM lo Coot Ilir Tlraei.l TOKIO, Nov. 10 Japan and Great Hrltaln have signed an ngrcoment concerning utonmerH seized during tho wnr. Doth governments under take to communicate to each other tho names of steamers captured or detained 'nnd to tnko lmuiedinto stops for tho reciprocal rolcaso of such goods as tho other may be Interested In. It Is, however, understood, that tho cargo In question shall not bo contraband of wnr. fKfUk We K&V8 LEATHER' ONES t00"i 001.1. Wc have w one oi? lie finest stocks of. Fine Fur niture that vve have ever shown here and that means the largest and' best on .Coos Bay. We are now showing an es pecially nice' line of.' 1C. IT. E. KELTV, DENTIST Phono 112-J, Room 201, Coko Hide, PARLOR RUGS From $1.75 to $12.00' threatened by such n rcdoiibtnblo as- from tho SoIoiib In Congress tlinn n mtllant ns tho (lormnn nrmy, com moro flBhlng vlllngo on tho South- picto tranquillity provnlls. Tho west Oregon const. It should bo BflCmB to ,, t,nUro ronridoneo In one ai noiiio nssistunco wnen tno Sonu :ors can curry with thorn back to Washington tho oxnet facts of tho SURPRISES MANY IN MARSHFIELD Tho QUICK action of slmplo buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., ns mixed In Adler-l-kn, tho remedy which bo en mo famous by curing appendicitis, Is surprising Mnrshflold pcoplo. Many innn Inffro nml If Ir n iitrlWIne ,l,,' l"- " lo runiuuj man jorrre nnu it is a strikiiif, ,lrnln8 H0 mudl foul ,nttor from tho systom thnt A SINOLH DOSK ro- exemplification of iho forco of chnr actnr nf Ihn mnii thnt lin lmu ninilnMloveH roiiRtliintlnn. snur atomnch nml Coos Iray situation backed by ussur-; mnp HtudontH of people who woro pre- pn .t,1(5 ",?,inht nlm0Bt, IMMI2D nco of personal investigation and , ...i.....i.. , ...',. IATKhY. Adlor-l-ka Is hto most U"N,""")""1"U uiiniiii. thorough bowel clonnsor ovor sold. Appealing In no wny to romnntlo Thn Lorkhnrt-Tarsoiis Drug Co. fancy, ho tnkes himself entirely out' "' "" pf thn category of tho popular Idol. Tho sale nf jiostcnrdH which Is taken In Franco ns u hiii-q baromotor nf popularity, show that while most pcoplo want tho photograph nf this great general In tliolr collection, he has done for her nnd nsk' 0,',r"" '" 1r;!or h u f11'', consideration thnt n hnr-lt,, mlm HO,,llor 0ortoraI v"ttvi.' "Tommy aikiiis" ami the Ttirco. personal invcstlgittlou and nowJocJgo obtained nt first nund. Coos Day has no deslro to partlcl pato In nny "po'rlc bnrrol" orgies. All Coob Hay doslron nt tho hands tf CongrosH Ih nssistunco In Just proportions to ligrviiiorlWiinil In a mantior commen'RiiVnto with her commerce nnd Its Importance. Ooos Day linn dono more for herself tlinn Congress only tho bor of this linportiinco dosorvo. Aside from busluess (nnd poli tics, too) howover, wo nro glad to meet and greet you, gcntlonion; glnd to welcome you to Coos Day, tho hospitality of whoso pcoplo Is ns bouudloHH ns tho waters that have Its sea-hcaten shores. Welcome! Thrice woleomo! To our homos mid our hearts. Wulk right In nnd tnke possession. If you don't sco what you want, ask for It. Coo Day is yours today. V-i ROOM SIZE PARLOR RUGS $12 to $60.00 LIBRARY TABLES From $8 to $25.00 ' ' u- ROCKING CHAIRS From $3.00 to $45.00 LADIES' DESKS $10.50 to $25.00 JAPANESE BASKETS A beautiful line of these from 75c to $3.50. AND REMEMBER, "WE SELL IT FOR LESS." Qoin & Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Why buy inferior flour which is claimed to be just as good when for a few cents more you can buy i IITEHCEm TRANSPORTATIDW CO, Semi-weekly sorvico Coos Bay and San Francisco. xo miKitTiiKiti:. 1'iviicli Prisoner of Win I.uiuent All M'lico of Siio'nl (Jhiss. AMSTBRDAM. Nov. 10 Tho Krench prisoners In tho coucon I ra tion camp of Zohhoii nenr I tori In nro publishing u weekly paper In tyie "I.o Horaut" (Tho Herald). "I.o Ilernut" boasts of bolng the only papor which Is In connection with the I whole world by telopnthy. The I nlm of tho papor Is "to overcome th OM.MUNITIBS nro like humans, nrdont longing for their country by Sperry Drifted Snow or Sperry Best Family Floor which are guaranteed to be COMMUNITY IIAIUTS. Th e 1 thoy get habits. lOcioti commuii' lty niiiktw Its own eollectlon, so Hl tho partluular kind It likes. This iwikoH It n "pecullnr place" iib the phrase goes gives It Indlvl. the reaction of a sound, amiable, In- j offensive and salutory humor." The Inst page Is roserved for nd- vnrtlsonmiiu. Here tho chief editor, the proprietor of a once flourishing tisxm) Best duality, really makes It different r,u' "iislness. recomiuends to all his from the rest. Now the character 0"",',ioa lil lrgo stock In furs and of a community--whether It Is ood I"'0111'11" H" Ids most careful at or bad depends on the kind or stuff, ,0I1,,()n- T"0 "i",l't report" for It packs Into Hb linblt trunk. Km--! oUl. contains a pious lament thormore, rniumunltliw sometimes tl,at ,n tluj fontry of (lambrlniis get chronic. Thoy eni -sot In iholrl ,1,oro ls l,t !V ,,I'01 f l"fioi' boori I STEAMSHIP nHo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY MONDAY, NOVBMIIBR 1W, AT it P. M. Equipped with wireless and subrnarlflb boll. Passengers and freight. STEISHIFIIIII Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passometers and freight. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY WHDNF.SRAY, NOVBMHBIt 18 AT : P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. P. McGeorge, Phone 44 ways," Tho Jiablt ruts got deep. Judgments about things get twisted. Ambition grows tired and units. Whatever the com m tin lty Is It stays, untU It begins to slip back back, porhnps to the condition of tnnt New UiiBlaml rural community which fl- nnlly raised only two crops n year "hue for the war prisoners. the defeated political candidates? Truth Is stranger to some Coos Hay people than fiction. UVIRA! BATRA! GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the timo, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Arc Our Business Principles. Conner (i& Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 71)7 SOUTH HROADWAY PHONBS 318-J AND 3.20 In w All Olwl.lt I..X kloberrl.08 In s,umninr and hell ' lw,,TI, siawlllTKll ntor,"-Tuiburbnn Llfo. ! WITP THE TEA I AND THE TOAST 7 J uit six weeks more To,' lay In utoru Yojir CliilHtjnus glfta Donr girlie. So start out now Hoforo tho row And do your Shopping ourly. , OF TUB Tl'RKS 10(1,000 Doomed to Die to Make An ('' Aiiieileiiii Holiday, Novemliei i.. -o 4 Tho system of somo candidates, 4 l.lko loving, loyal brothers, Is to extol their own virtue i)y bawling out the others. Voter o I -Why argue about tho superiority' i Of candidates when each Is pcrfectlv willing to admit his own? To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday PASSENGERS FREIGHT ARRDW LINE STEAMERS dan Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Phono U7ft. IAIL FR05I Coos Bay Kvory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco THOMAS n. JAM12S, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albors Dock No, 3 Evory Saturday 0 A.M. Mnrshfleld. THE FAST AND COMFORTAllLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED EQUIPPED Wlin WIRELESS. I PROFESSIONAL E- LotharTMccJirT ATrni v,u,,.lu.rB n Practice,' in 5? Wy -CTt By H. H. Harner Phone 349-J.Mak W-T. 7ompkinslD.s,T, Every fnownrjf,h)' ' without drugs or .url?0 L2V South ' LN zmw. i Uttwl c ii ii i ii i n vr . , Mari . M. Wrmht " J Or. HTMTshaw "il Eye, Ear, NOSo ,nd u ' Oil. MATTIB II. 8,J5rhD ' Office Phoni fioTn,to1ta( Benjamin Ostlind 1 CONSULTING KNGlNEElUvJ rt, ARCHITECT m , . Offices, 20G Irvln. nt. t i hono 103-i. or 207- DIotk fi Marh'fleld,.cfrti j W. G. Chandler " aooma 301 nnd 302, Col. BiBJ ! MnrahfiaM. n;:." ,B"1 1 Marahfleld, Orejoa Wm. S. TurnHn ARCHITECT " '$ Marahfleld, Crept, Mrs. Olivia Edman. &T 3WEDISH MABBAfJE' fi'ii ICAL GYM.VA6xK;g ' ... FOIt AM, DI8KASE8 837 Commcrclnl arc. ITioaa H Joel OStlind --J PIANO TUNER AND RErAiw! "Ul,'u .uurn nl w. U. IWStf U lie Company. m 8. sixth Street Thoni j Perl Riley Ballinnef "1; .PIANIST ANHTliAfilW I uoaiaeoco studio, 217 No;7WtjR,; fnnnp .tftK-l. i K00NTZ GARAfi Ercclsior Motorc;cle Afe( LEE TIRES I AUTOMOIIILES 8T0RED ' COOS COUNTY'S SI0ST CtiMPlHI MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOJIOBM ' Ri:r.miNo GASOLINE FORflAU VORTII FRONT ST. PIIO.YB 1M J DATTERIES REPAIRED A( CHAIlflRP . M NO SAW ED0H8 , OB YOUR COLLARS If you hnvo them hks&tni -TWIN CTTi" STEAM LAPWB - '--- STORAGE SMITH'S VARIETY STOftE, North Bend, for Fancy and DM CHINA f. J. BCAEFE tC A. II. tfODdl PAINT AND Marshfield &r.a Estimates FurtilW J PhoBB 80-J. MarsliQeM, ' Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIra. NORTH O. F. McGEORGE Phono 1 1, Marshflold Santa In eplto of wooks of arumont Tho voting signifies That all tho wots will still be wot And nil tho dries be dries. o In connection with the- i.lipf fund for nclgmi ih not stun one for ST. LAWRICNOIC HOTEL j (Foriuorly tho Coos Ilotol) j Stoam boat, hot and cold vator.. No liquor. j Wo Invito you to Invostlgato our winter rates. Special Inducement j v. hen two or moro persons occu- l') noiuu luuuii i PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. AGENT w. n. PAINTER Phono 42 1, North Bend gmT7rvg77r.-TOre,Ttwnab SAILS FROM. RAILRQAP VOCE, MARSHFIELD, DURING THE MONTH OF SOVEMHER, ON .THIS 7TH AT 11 A. M.; ON THE MTH AT 7 A. M.; ON THE lilST AT 1 P. M.; ON THE 2T1I -VT 7jt'0 A. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFIGE. OTII "ll" win STltKlviH, l'OKTLAND. Phono 35-J, O. 11, liANDERS, Attent CITY AUTO & TAXI CO, I ittYAxnwanTBERpar I For taxi, phone 193f Idtil C For touring cars, p-OM P I Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMUETH, IT New Cabs i KeS .MATT Ij. MAi Western Oregon nepreww" una nrtryrilER Importers nnd WhoMW'lj .Marsiuieiu, w'-" . Tel. 301-R. nes. JlfrtM . LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust C..AW3 thoroughly dependrt le. jj dlate ""vice, prompt tU to all Interests of "71 MINIMUM u i o vmikmhn a VI I. o. fnj TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easv Dav rli",w,,n u S" i,u"l,,j X ! ,VUUI :vuuu nemmgwn, Koyai, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchan'ne. ClMnliiK. repnlrlii8 or new pUtens, wink KuarautctMl. IHhlwn, aud rrbou pper Uellvorwl. Phono us your onler. Pimno 41. Alliance office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO riii i. hi... COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO EVERY TEN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO 'X)CIC UNION STREET NO. L. PIER 11). Telephouo Doug, 2070. E. J. LINDEN, Frt. .Igent. S3 n TTZTZn B i.AHISIAN CLE." m - dyeixo woinvs 200 West .Market Ave., Second Street. Under now manage meat. ' low, and all work rtj' j Ladles' work n sP"" , Phono 176-J. ynqff0MJfi STEVENS GOLDSWU Mnnage" TV i -?- iBPAei, CHIMNEYS flRBI Itiia t ..A SSi.. "7 Second . 434-J. . noller"! ! Want Ads Bring Results imes . lvauBv" t tettZSMM 'jja?1 i. ,it ymT&"j'm