fcvcssn "rrvaixjwi. w-i ji" i.'it '() ! i imiiittu! till ul2 JECOOmHiMWUa 1914-EVfeHIHG edition, H6 FOUR:,; ! 4 r M" J" PROFESSIONAL -H H COOSBAY TIMES M. r. MALONEY.. Editor" nn.l l'nb. DAN K. MAIiONBY...NcwHlWJtor Tricks ,of Newspaper Volfciimg "Contest amd ' How the Contestants Are Worked Tl rnyrcaaiuwAL DlRECl , E. Lothard MncJurT1 mum 1 1 Scrai-wcckly service Coos Bay and San .Francisco. 1Hi ("A. IHSP TITU "mi mu tklfUIIl lli- Itlnt. . U LI. THE ACID TEST Written by II. II. I-'MS. Herald. NEXT to happy domestic rela tions tho largest factor In thjs llfo Ib to bo found In tho friends n man has, tho good and truo friends who, knowing him for -what ho Is, stand loyal to him In ..! t l ..lin.lnu Tin whn aunsuino uim '"""""".. , Manager Outside Circulation, El Piwo Anna tinf nosaoss thoso frloiHis IS i poor indeed, and it Is largely within iiimnoir whnthcr or not ho can ini. i,m.i fnr his own. To havo 1 1 AM opposed to voting contests, nil it Hiich friends a man must himself 9 for good reasons. im frim lovnl and unsolflsh. Ho B From n money ninkliiK stand must hi fact possess thoso nttrl- point the voting contest Is n big sue- hutes that mnko him a dependable, cess, as rar n8 tno contest manngcr friend. To him then, In turn, is and tho owners or tho nowspnper aro attracted a friendship thai la ono of concerned; hut for tho young and In tho greatest boons m life. J iioccnt contestant, It is tho next thing Tho sclf-scokor has no friends, to business suicide. Tho man who Is not generous In Tho contest manager comes to town thought nnd deed has no friends, mid calls upon tho newspapor which Tho mun who tries to ralso ltlmsolf Is Interested in a voting contest. Tho up pulling others down hns no manager of tho paper nnd tho contcBt friends. The man who is not loyal man como to an agreement as to tho to thoBo about him has no frlonds. amount of money to he put Into prlz Such men nuy liuvo a following for oh and the number of now subscrlb n day, but tomorrow they will ho oro thnt must bo secured. The news followers of, somcono else. No man , paper, of course, is safe, ns the con enn havo truo supporters who is tract calls for tho collection of a cer not hlmBclf truo to thoso support-! tnlu sum of money, crs. No man who Is Inherently ! Tho deal closed, tho contest man selfish enn bo truo to his followers: , hunts up girls to enter tho voting And thoro Is no mnn who is co i-. contest. It Is ensy to got n list of Each Is Made to Think He or She Will Win but Usually the One With the Rich Father or Male Friend Is "Lucky" How the Girls are "Played Against Each Other" and a Stranger, for a Stated Sum, Is Then Often Brought in to "Win." or something similar: "Now, look "nds that he cannot depend upon here, Miss So-nnd-so, you want to '' ' '"? "f ",l "",".' , come across with, at least so much local candidates. Then ho takes an more business to enable you to got ajr ? trip o somo nearby city nnd look-in on this grand prize." Wlthl'l a girl who Is willing to como this lino of talk ho "scares tho llfo, to Ms contest town and enter as a niit.ot them" nnd they.get busy. Kot.coiucwnni iui ..er mvn,y .. .... al,,cf.,Uicm, but most of them, get w;ini,,thoy enn from thnlr friends, and tjicy thomsolves put In n bunch of their porsonnl money Just before the close, bolng led to, hellcvo that she has n chnucc. Thon tho Judgos start counting ngrccd amount of money for tho uso of her nnme. The dcnl Is fixed with this girl who mny bo culled for thoj purposo of this story, Miss Jessyo Jells. Tho "Friiniciip" Workw. The contest ninnager returns to votes. Within a few hours the win- town and to the newspaper office. In n icw nunuics in comes jubh .iuu. She asks for tho contest mnnngor. nors nro nnnouuecd. Miss So-nnd-so ii.l.ici 1i trrnml ut'lvn rPMa la tlln rlrl who had tho father or brother, Sho introduces herself and says alio' with tho money. Tho other girls, who worked dny and night for over, wnnts to enter In tho contest. Tho contest manager takes her name, gives her receipt books nnd report ittrt iintiHiu innntin Mm atilfll I nl'tvna .J itivii iiioi IV.VVI1U mu Diiiiiit i no f ... . .. t 1l i I t- 1r r nnd go homo disappointed, physical ". ."-"'. -- wrecks from constant worry and hard ' flrst for a " nco t"roonu Shfl . ( secures n room In n Ulnnk avenue. In 'somo states, within tho next residence. She starts out soliciting year, laws will be passed prohibiting B'.bBcriptlons for votes and canvmscs voting contests of all kinds. The "u ""' """V. i'i "' " tcrcd in hlmsolf that long possesses , 25 or 30 contestants. loyal friends. And tho possession i all of them about the snnio lino of of thoso frlonds Is tho acid test (talk: "Now, Miss So-nnd-so, thoro Is In the relationship that exists bo twoon ovcry man nn-i his follow mon. i . . ' ;ot n list or " "- l , , , M ss Jessyo Jo s, of such nnd such n ifn cIvob m better classes of newspapers, Instead, " Dn " '" ,u lie giOB ioi ... ' . . . jinmlinr. lllniik nvonne. nntl that she WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST good evening. j To know tho futuro Is no vlr- tub, but It lu tho greatest of virtues to propnro for It. j Snmuol Smiles, j 4 WHEN. When a llttlo chlld lies In your arms at night, Whnt do you enro for enro? "Wlion hor lips shitf In tho ovoiillglrt, And her llttlo nrinn clnsp you thoro; When a little child lies in your arms at rest, And tho Him goes down in tho purpling west, Whnt do you enro for tW toll mid tho fltronm, When n llttlo child lies In, your nrms to dream? When a llttlo'chlld stands nt tho door and slugs, Whnt do you enro for enro? Wlion unto your nrms In tho dusk iiho springs; And' nwny to tho rocking chair; Whon n llttlo child tells of tho dny'H events, Kb lnughtor, Its lilt and ltu saurn ineutH, What do you enro for tho pnln and tho nche, Whon a llttlo child loves you for lovo's Hweet Biiko? When a llttlo child uliimburu In sloop's swcot fold, What do you enro for enro 7 Hugging hor close In your nrms en fold And smoothing hor silken hnlr; When n llttlo child drifts, 'noiith tho lullaby To tho dronmlniul sweet of tho dreamland nky, What do you enro for tho struggle nnd Btrlfo With lovo nt tho nnd of It sweeter thnn life? no possible chnncc for you to loso. I know you will win the grnnd prize. Tho other girls In tho contest nro 'dend ones.' You nrc tho only live ono In tho bunch." If it is not this, It's something similar nnd tho on mo to all. Makes l'n 1 1 Dealing: Impossible. True, ns In every profession or vo cation, thoro nro somo honest contest mnnngors, but tho requirements of tho contest system mako fair dealing almost Impossible. Out of tho 2S or 30 nnmos that appear nu workers In tho contest ndvertlsomont, only eight or nine nro active nftor tho fifth week of tho contest. Tho othcrB, for ono renson or another, have dropped out. Tho schedule of votos Is print number, Ulnnk avenue, and thnt shoi Is out to w tho grnnd prlzo In the voting contest. In tho meantime- tho contest mnn Is plnylng his gnmo with hlo orlglnnl contestants. Ills game. Is to piny ono ngnlnst tho other, "raising the ante" from tlmo to time. Tho Stranger Kiitcrn. When thcBO contestants nslc who of running theso contests arc giving girls varloim prizes for securing a stated number of subscribers. This In strictly n business proposition to them; nobody stnnds to lose, nnd ench is paid In full for all tho work done. Mora TrlchH of the Contwt. It is an unforttinnto fact that not all of thoBo contests nro hnsed on Miss Jessyo JoIIb Ih, the contest nianj faith. Too often It Is a clear enso of Bays: "Why I don't know niucii nuout holdup from start to finish, although J hor. Sho nominated horself and wo tho fraud Ib sometimes concealed ev- J entered her namo a fow days ngo nnd en from tho newspaper publisher, i from tho amount of money sho Is Thoro Ib small chanco for any cnndl-i turning In oach night It looka ob dnto to win tho cnpltnl prlzo logl- though hIio wns going to glvo you a tlmntoly, oven if alio turns In morolgood run for your money." thnn twico tho amount of monoy col-1 Now thnt tho Inst day of tho coti loctcd by any other contestant. The! tost is nenr, tho contest manager is renson for this Is thnt tho contost -calling. on all his contestants, all got mnnngor hns tiBunlly determined tho' ting this Inst flnnl talk or something ed each day, but from tho number of j result far lu advance His common- similar: "Now, Miss Ulank, ns I nm voteB ono cannot got nn Idon. un to est devlco Is to go to tho fnthor or your friend nnd nm personally In tho running, Tho contost man goner-1 brother of ono of tho contestant! nnd J torostod In Booing you win, I will ally ruiiB tho nnmoH of girls who aro, dollb'oratoly Bell out tho grand prlzo j glvo you a llttlo tip. From tho. looks getting discouraged at tho head of I for a lump Hum big enough to covor, of things, MIsb So-nnd-so will surely tho list, and keopa tho winners far, tno coat, wniio no iiopcnus on mo down. To do thla ho Issues "hold other contestants to bring In money back" receipts for votes and lulls thoj enough to pay tho profit, girls who hold tho receipts to put i Falling In UiIb, ho may fix It an them in tho Imllot box on tho last other way. As tho contest drnwB night of tho contest. Tho contest! nenr tho end, ho goes to a cnndldato man tolls thoso hard working girls j who Is fnr down tho list mid Is mak to got theso necrot "hold uncle" ro-. lug no effort. colptH for votes when they turn In "Well, Miss Ulnnk," ho Inquires, their subscriptions. Ho iiIbo Instructa "which prlzo nro you going to win?" enuh ono of theso glrla not to toll "Oh, I nm out of it," Is tho ro unyono how many votos sho Ib hold- sponso. "I havo no tlmo to work nnd lug. Ho iIuob not wish this Inforiun-! nnd not mnklng any of fort." .!.. I, ,.nl tr 1m ..Mwii rtntltiwtillltu. llll IU hl " " v...... - Consequently tho contost lunnager Is tho only ono who known whnt tho ac tual veto Is. Whon tho contest la drawing to a close, If tho contest mnn hns not al ready "rlxed" it with ono of tho con testnnta to win tho grnnd prlzo, ho will pick out tho girl with, tho fnthor, brother or frlond with tho necessary bent you. If you want to got a look lu on thlB contest )'ou had bottor borrow a bunch of money and throw It in tho ballot box tonight. I fool quite Biiro it you will do this you stand a good show of knocking down , tho grand prlzo." This talk proven' convincing and the poor, hard working girls borrow monoy, If posslblo, to "cinch" a con test thoy novor had n chnnco of win ning, i Tho lUg I'nko Knds. Tho contest closes. Tho Judges' count tho voto. Tho winners nro nn iiouiicod. Miss Jossyo Jolla lends with n majority of 207,000 votos. Tho mysterious winner was present whon ' tho votes wero counted, nnd when It wns nnnouuecd thnt alio wns tho win- "Oh, well, Homo of your frlonds might aurprlso you nt the last mo ment. Would you wnut to sell your chnnco for, say 25. I will glvo you that much If you will agrco to glvo mo any prlzo thnt you win." .Manager (iots tlio l'i-ic. , Ab tho girl oxpocts to win no prize nor of tho big touring enr, of courso nt all and doon not Intend to do nny , sho aald that sho would prefer tho work, sho Ih glad to got tho $25 and money Instend of tho cnr. Tho Inno- monvy, and toll him thut tho girl signs tho ngrcement. During tno cent coniestnius, who unci 10 accept Iiiih only ono chanco to win and that! closing dnys of tho popularity shell tho Binallor prizes, went homo worn It takes $000, $700 or $800 to win' gaino hor vote shows a mysterious out from hard work and worry, not tho first prlzo. Tho mnn with tho nnd surprising Inorenso. Whero do knowing thnt tho "grnnd prlzo" wns monoy, If ho la ensy, then nska: "Can thoy como from. Sho novor knows, j a framoup. Thoso who feel themselves you gunraiitoo the first prize tr I put on the iluitrnlglit slio is uociareu that much money In the box on tho1 tho winner of the capital prlzo. Tho closing night?" Tho contest man's' fact that sho Imh nlrouil" sdld hor auswor Ih: "Mr. So-and-bo, If you put ' right to the pr.lzo Ih never inndo pnli lu that money nnd your girl doos not He, and tho only danger to tho pro win. 1 will glvo her an automobile, motor Is that some of tho other candl- wiiuo mko and model aa wo offered , dates, more, suspicious than usual, od amount for all work dono by them, for tho grand prlzo." Thu contost may nsk for proof that thoso inyster- Most all of tho bottor class of nowa mnii now has It all fixed Miss So- ions votes wero all represented by papers are paying a commission on nnd-Bo will win tho grand prlzo. Hut ' bona fide subscriptions. Kven If this . all subscriptions tnkeii Instead of run on the day hoforo the close of the Inquiry Is mndo It Is very hard for nlng thoso voting contests, which, too contost, Mr. Contest Mnnngor looks thu othor candidates to establish tholr often, provo fakes Is splto of tho most enreful supervision by the nows- stuiig cnu only nook satisfaction by bringing n criminal action for ob taining money under fnlso pretenses. Thoro Is only ono fnlr way for girls to secure subscriptions, and that Is for tlio newspaper to pay thorn a stat- .' up ouch of the- glrla In turn, and the rlghta. T, . ' . ..ii i. ... i. iu ' ... . Speaking of warships and J snmo story goes to all, dreaduuughts, Herbert l.ocklmrt fcnyH thu new namo for tho gov- j I eminent bar boat Is tho Drudgo- j not Mlchlo." - , .., It Is this, ' , in somo oases tlio contest manager pnpor publisher. A wise physician sometimes flutters n mnn by telling him ho has bruin fag. I lllley sni's: "If Carl Alhrecht only hnd 1ih Sunken Gardens on j I the ballot nt tho Inst election, j they would hnvo gone dry." j , Man's mission In llfo Is to pay for whnt woman wants. Ml' - - ' j ; ., ii .., hi I If inou worked only half us j hard' whon olectod us for oloo- tlon, thoro would bo no question I nboqt gpod govornmeiit. o-- An eastern mun willed millions of I'KUT 1.HA(IHAIMI.S. Lot her talk nnd alio cnreB not who iIoivh tho thinking.. j Thoro Is ono thing a man never falls to find when ho looks for It1 UUd thnt Is trouble. I It Isn't always safe to Judge news-j papers, cigars and women by their ( wrappors. j Lovo often laughs at locksmiths and subsequently has occasion, to. kcwnly rogrot Its hilarity. D. D. D. In Hospitals; Standard Skin Cure How many hospital patients, suf-nnythliig I havjJ over., found. Soft, ferjng tho frightful itch, tho raw If n mnn knows more than his wife 8l.orcMB ,,, of 8)(U disease, hnvo and soothing, yet n powerful ngont." : To do the. work, I). I). D.. Pre- ' scrlptlon must bo -applied accoidiiig to dlroctlons glvon" Irt tho pamphlot around every bottlo, directions and soo! i (l is up to him to koop hor In lv,,, SOothod to s,leep by a soothing nonuico of tho fact. ttsltiicl washed In. .by tho nurso's A nowl nuirrlod woman Is easily j,nuilH? ontortalued. All ono hn8 to do Is to T,mt nu(, ,g U(0 fani0ll8 D j)( n lot hor talk of hor husband. proscription for eczema. . Some poisons, of course, are bom ,,.,, MI,.,.VSB nu,.0 of ono ot foolish, hut thoro aro others who will our l)rom,,,0lU catholic . Institutions attomnt to argue with a policeman. , , ,,.., of nilrRO an(i ingtn0 ol, n. nut of courso u woman thinks sho pHentlon) wrps rogar(iing m.is applied can play tho piano well onougii io tlout : "Tho dUeaso had eaton hor cnlnunl so thoroughly entertain tho kind of nolghbora sho ovobnnvs nwav ,lor m,so nml lips dollghtfnlly cooled. nas. ' nail become iiisflKurail. S uco tlio And many a girl who thinks sho is of n n n ,Jor ej.e,)roW8 iVn, STEAMSHIP REDDNDO SAILS KllOM SAN l-MtANCLSCO FOR COOH 1UV MOXDAV, NOVKSIUHIt i!5, AT SI V. SI. Equipped with wireless and submarine belt Passengers and freight. STEAMSHIP A SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. PnssnngQiTS and freight. SAILS KItOM SA.V l'KANCISCO 1 OOS HAY WKDMOHAV, xovkmhku ih at : P.M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and O'OO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McQEoitaE, Phono 44. PASSENGERS FREIGHT STORAGE ABBDW LIME STEJUWEHS -SAIL FHOM- San Francisco Tier No. 20. Every Wodnesdny 3 P.M. I'liono 27. Cois Day Every Friday' To Portland And Tuesdny To Snn Francisco THOMAS II. JAMKS, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albors Dock No. 3 Every Saturday 9 A. M. ninrahflcia. H. H. Haroer " "-- o.M,J'SaE'!n , Making. w"ul8 I J. , i?hono 349 Phono 132.L. Mar.1,! I.' M. Wright " Estimates furnlshtj onj Dr. H. M. Shaw Wl-' Kyc, Far, Note nnd Tlitna ' DH. UfATTIM n i 1. tlMiMN of Women 'nnd r.(JL. 1 Office Phono 330J. Iioomon fe -I 202. lrtn n.. "' "I ' ""6 UIDCIi' Benjamin Ostlind "Sh'S1 noneife.af11 MaMh'fleld, 0 W. G. Chandler " AIICHITF.OT UoomB 301 nnd 302, Coks BaUifH. Marshflold, Oregou H KQDIPPiCI) WITH WIUfCLKSH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FKOM HAIIiltOAD DOCK, SIAHSIIFIKLD, DUKINU 1IR MONTH OF NOVKMHKH, ON THU 7TII AT Jl A. M.:'ON TIIK J-ITII AT 7 A. !.; ON TIIK lilHT AT 1 P. M. ON TIIK S8TII AT 7il'() A. M. TICKKTS ON SALE AT PORTLAND C1TV TICKET OFFICE, OTII AND OAK STHEETS, POUTLAND. Phono H5-J. O. II. IiANDEHS, Ajccnt Wm. S. Turoen AnCHITKOT Mnrshflold, Oregoi I Mrs. Olivia Edman, M.T.O ; SWEDISH MASSAOi:' AKD Jffib, 1CAL OYJI.VARTirrt ' FOU ALL DISKABES 87 Conunorcinl nvo. Plions 8jj I Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNKIt AND nEPAlREB Loavo crdors nt W. K. Htlnei' HtC lie Company. HC s. Sixth Strcot. Phone 101-f, Perl Riley Ballinper riAAIST AND TEACI1HH Rosldonco Studio, 217 No. ThKdk PJinn 3K8U . . C00S BAY AND FiUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMfcR HARDY SAILS FHO.M HAN FHANCISCO EVEHV TEN DAYS HAN FHANCISCO H)C1C UNION HTHEET NO. 2, PIEItlO. E. J. lilNDEN, Frt. .lcnt. avicpliono Doiik. 2070. K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agtnej j LEE TIRES AUTOM01HLE8 8T0IKffi COOH COUNTY'S .MOST COJlTtEll MACHINE SHOP HA1UNE AND AUTOM0DU1 IHCPAIIHNO 1 GASOLINE FOll SALH ' HOKTII FHONT ST. MOXE lM DATTEIHES HEPAIRGD 1D CIIA11QKD To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOKTAHLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOUTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. V. McGEOROE AGENT V. II. PAINTER Phono 44, Mnrshflold Phono 421, North Dond NO HAW EDOT8 on YOUR COLLAlta IX you Iiato them UbbiSw!' at TWIN CITY STEAM LAWD8! SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Have You Ever Tried Don't think thnt because wo nro soiling ckrb for 32 cents nor dozon that cost you 45 cents in otbor nluccs, thnt you cannot uso thoin, hccnuBO wo nml o good uny 0r tliein thut you cannot uso. This Is a special with us, tlio namo ns tho Whlto llorax Soap that wo soil six bars for .r cents, "Wo Snvo You Mono," nnd inonn whnt wo sny. COOS BAYT&V, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE Phono ill) I -J. (Wo Save You Money) Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Uoaager FARM, COAL, TIM11ER AND PLATTING LANDS A 8P3CIALTY. GENEHAL AGENTS EASTfHDlB MARSIDJIELD OFFICE, PHONE H4-3, COQUILLE CITY OFI-'ICE PHONV 101. T. J. 80AD7E 4g A. O. I10MW Marshfield'afitt Estimates FunJbl w Phone 809J. BfwhOMi W!" I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT SEmlCri I For taxi, phono 193, Ideal ?' I For touring enrs, pbone I Chandlor Hotel LYNN LAMHETH, l'r Now Cabs t t Nrf0lrt MATT Ia MAY Western Oregon RepretenUti" IIAATmMWHElUf Importers and Wholesale Or 1 Marshfleld, OreM" 1 , Tel. 301-It. es. wn"- Follow thoso tho BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield ?R ITTFR Creamery HiiBJ And It cortnlnly takes nwny Itch nt onco .tho nioniont tho liquid Tho skin Is soothod rofroshoil All drtiKKlsts ot stamllng hnve tho funious specific as well as tho dollurs In 122 woids. Wlvv uso in inarrjing n man uftor hor own heart ..mwi,lir. i,pr Iinkl1 ,i r,.0 hnvo laiiBiingo whun monoy talks so olo- dlscuvors later that j.o was ouij "-,nisiiued tholr natural oxprubion.,6ncioiu u. u. u. &kiii soup. ItrADR UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. quontly? tor hur monoy. 1 jj0w many oczomu sufferers nro' Hut wo aro so confident of tho Often a man wlio tains 10 1111. nnyi m.,,1,. .iocIoi-b for Tho most difficult part of drinking' friends lu a bniwo profunda vol"0 treatment and aro b!ng Dong3 Is tho rufraln. Iswllohos to soft nlto whun Ills who1 wjtn ,hR mm(k soothing, A woman NVho muiTIos a man to'w.iuti to Know whnt L'opt him down f 1 kl t. reform him doesn t find life so mono 'town so late ! ao. T. Klrlmrdsim tonous. I E-uhaugc nvrUo8 . D Di Ui eUperlor to(to Judgo, regular morlts of this prescription that wo t rooted wU refml tl)0 ,,urci,agP ,,r!(.0 or lenlliiR t(jo n fniai-g i.ottlo If it falls frankly t0 roach your enso iui a!. 11. nro STERILIZED MILK AND CREAJI. PURE ICE DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHfELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. At.grtJ. thoroughly dependable, w dlnte service, prompt to nil interests ot or0at MINIM UM u w I. S. KAUFMAN &JL I B17ITS CLEANED ANJ jgg Zgive us a trial--UNIQUE PANTATORJE JAypOVLBUUM--fA 256 uenirai a. II Fioo iTollvery, 8 11. Phono m. nml u p. in. For Rest Result In ! PAINTING, PAPERING aud j DECORATING E. F. liE 31IEUX j Wall Pnpor nnd Paint Store j :i;t N. Front fit. P'one 11 MI Tlwe3 Waut ACs hring rosults, '...niciAV CLEAN0 ASD DYEING WORKS onrt vt Market Av?., Secon4 Street. Under new manage men . r iow. and .11 work mJJJ' Ladies' work a Pecw . 17H-T f LSTENS " GOLDSWORI- Jlillinge" f I I I . ' I , TT.rnUAQ S UUT" :s UpfJUOIlo !;- ollGOX BIAai,""V . sw