tidtjMmkknmmmm if, i J ' ; ' ' ' "" ' " , i HUgtJEADjNG WILL NOT MAKE A FULL MAN AS QUICKLY AS MUCH PEEDfNG STIRRING TIMES Are theso days of war and blood ihed. It ,B 'mPrtant that you j,avo full knowledge of tho latost authentic news. Subscrlbo for Tho Times, and read tho ovents of tho ffllWfil Qtmm EVERY DAY Thoro appears somo Item of nowa In tho advertising columns of Tho Time nowa of tho day'u "Best Buys" to bo found In tho various stores. Tho woman who roads and heeds these "nows Itoms" Is tho ono who conducts her household economically. day eacn evening. MEMI1EH OP TI115 ASSOCIATE!) PRESS wmmmmmmNnmimm ltt VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 nu Tho Coast MaIL MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali ami Cook Unv Advert I"!" No. 99 6EBMMIS CLAIM DE FHT OF AND CAPTURE OF 23,1 ti Berlin Official Announcement Says Czar's Forces Were Dc- luamu at uirce imponani joints and Many Prisoners and Much Artillery Captured. GERMANS CLAIM AUSTRIA AND TURKEY ARE WINNING iviunc uioiihoi ouoijcoaca HUHIIVdl nUdblMIMd I Claim Austrians Have Repulsed Servians and Captured Import- i nnt Ctrafonlo Pncitinnc Pnrlm'p Girln nt nmnl Ulll UIIHibJIu I UUIIIUIIO UUIIIIIO JIUU UI UMVKl- ' opments in Great European War. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) ' BERLIN, Nov. 16, (By Wireless) An official announce ment this afternoon says tho German attacks in Flanders arc progressing slowly, but in Argonno the Germans have obtained further important successes, The Germans repulsed tho Russians near Stallupcenon and also at Lipnoi The Germans woro successful at Wloclawek, where several Russian army corps woro driven back, In this fighting tho Germans captured 23,000 prisoners and much ar- i ory, i AUSTRIANS DEFEAT RUSSIANS. Diiccmmo ,in-.1 in it mn- iiuddiHiia ireace yearns jui to mmim xac 9 Carraoia to Quit Office (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) rfri IN. Nnv. 16. (Rv Wlrflless The Austrian armv ooer- .1 I 1 ' . ., il. rf!l A. .!.. I...IUI nnlinnni Uc ating in oervia says inu umuui mumiiuu uuuutin, iumiuw no forward movement, Tho retreating Servians rallied in a strong position to tho westward ot vanevotno, out mo Musicians cau- r.imrl tlm lnw In tlilc nnsiilnn nftor hnrrl flffht me. All Unof ficial Buda Pest dispatcli reports that tho Austrians took Obre novac by storm. TURKS AND AUSTRIANS ACTIVE. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Boy Times.) dcdi im Mnu ir fRu VAlmlocO Tlin. Austrian official bul- llatins say that the Austrian garrison at Przemysl are showing ereator enorgy. me mistnuno, u 10 aoaiiui ...u y -ccssful sortie to the north of tho fortress. The official Turkish bulletin claims further Ottoman successes, Tho Russains, it is assorted, sunerea severe losses in muii, aiiimuumuii u..u v FNGLAND TO GIVE OVER A BILLION tllr AmwUtCil t'ms to '.'oo D7 TlmM. LONDON', Nov. 1C Tho greatest slnglo dcmntul over made upon ma terial resources of Great Britain was voiced by Promor Asqulth this nf tcrnoou when In tho 1 louse of Com mous ho moved nn additional credit for war purposes ot $1, 200,000, 000 1 which In addition to millions al-i icady voted In August, Is equivalent to nu Increase of more tlinn r,0 perl cent In untlonnl debt. Premier told the House that tho largest portion, first 9100.000,000 already hud been oxpcmlod In tho conduct of military1 operations, loans to Allies and dis bursements for food supplies for tho1 country. , American Agents at Aguas Ca- lientes Notify Sec. Bryan Settlement Is Final. NEW STRUGGLE OVER CONTROL THERE ENDS I EOT RESERVE BANKS OPEN TODAY PLANS TO THAEE1P5 HIT Claim English Navy Disabled by Fire from Kaiser's Guns on Belgian Coast. ' President Gutierrez Notifies ! President Wilson Will Pro tect All Foreigners. tnr AnotlKlM rnti lo Com IU, Tlm. WASHINGTON, 'Soy. 1G.A com plete settlement of nil dlfforonrco between tho Mexican fnrtlous Is Indi cated' by a dispatch from Ameri can ngontH at Callentes saying Oon oral Carrnnr.a had notified (lutlerroz Hint ho will resign In his fnvor'nt once, , Sccrotnry Bryan said ho received a telegram from tho American eon r.ulnr agent Canovn nt Aguns Callen tes saying: "Everything b'otwoon tho rival Mexican factious has been sat isfactorily arranged." , Two communications from (lutlor rey. woro laid boforo President Wil son todny. Formal notification of his assumption of office added that ho soon would set up his government in Mexico City and seek to bring about peace. Tho other guarantee tiii? protection for forolKuers mndo no request for recognition by tho United Stntes. Oiilterrcr. described In somo detail how ho eamo to bo chosen, llo also asked for the with drawal or tho American forces from Vera Cruz. ENGLAND TO MAKE LOAN FOR GREECE tnr AMocUt! rrrti tw Coo. luj Time, LONDON, Nov. 111. - Tologrnphlng from Athens, n correspondent ot tho Exchange Telegraph Co. sayH It was atiuouuced In the (Ircclau Chamber of Doputlcs today that Great Britain had ndvanced the Oreek (lovornmont $8,000,000 to pay fur war ships for Orceco to liu constructed In English shliiyards, COST OF WAIt i f tnr AmkIii rrrfi to com nr TinK. LONDON. Nov. lit.- Promor As qulth stated war nlroaily was cosl Iiik (Ireat Britain nearly K000,000 dally. GERMAN SYMPATHY FO 0 RDBERTS -i e to icMi-r m:vs sHcm-rr. (Dr AMomtta rn.. to Coot Cir TlmM.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 10. Tho United Stntes Kovern nioiit has known officially for two weeks of tho destruction of the British drcndunuKht Auda cious by a mlno off tho Irish coast, but has kept tho secret at tho roqucst ot tho British I Rovornmout. I L UMBER BUSINESS (11 AmikUIoJ l'rti lo Coot IUr TlmM. BKHLIN, Nov. 10. (By Wireless) An official announcement says: "HoportB received from Uonovu sot forth that tho British torpedo boat destroyer Falcon, tho crulsor Bril liant and tho sloop of war Illnnldo havn bocn disabled by Gorman guns on the Belgian coiiHt." Change in United States Mon etary System Becomes Ef fectiveIs Great Aid. (Dr Auot!ttd TltH 10 Coo. Dr TlmM. WARItlNfiTON. D. C. Nov. 1C. Rcrrrlnrv MnAiInn tndnv Blullcd a lormnl order announcliiK that tho iwcivo red oral resorvo nanKB weru PllnlilUluxl nml rnnilv tnr liustllOSB. It was tho flnnl stop required to DUt In mntlnn llm nntlon'H HOW cur rency system and mnko tho rcRlpnnl pbks reauy ror opornuon. in h mua wro of conRrntulntlqnB to .the Fed frnl Tecrvo nRouts and povornore oi eacniroson'o nanK( oecroiury it Adon kAU T ntn Riirn tlin fodoral resorvo banks will sorvo u Rreat and ucnviicieni purpoBo in mo uuuiu in "ur country nnu i nm Hiiro iuih n- Dartmnti nml llm fmlnrnl rOROrVO lioard may Count on your loyal co- 'perauon in tno imponani worn uu duties which lmvo boon confided to rou. My hoarty good wishes for four success," I'aui m. Warburg, possimy ino CflSt flvnnrlnnnml ImnlrnK nil Ml ft foil ra reserve board, Bald today that Cni'nmtkAH IffH. ll., 1m tinalitnrftrl "V VUUIlll UI JUiy III IIIU BM,UUii Ho of tho United States, making "B lounuation or tno nation a iiuuh lal cmanclnatlon. "Tho now bank- aB system, wlsoly admlnlstorod," 'aid WurburR, will provo to bo tho "oauB noi oi uinaiion, oui oi nuu y, ladopondonco nnd a gradual and lOnltllV nvitnnnlfin Ifill finfin Wfi ttlnV llltinm.-. n ...n1.1 nniiriiH nnltdl 111 p-- ivvuiKU u vvuim iunv, vi. - Itrongth and Independence to thoso pu Kiiom wo nave nan 10 iouii uum ow, wU depond upon our ability lo avail flursolves pf tho opportunity "0w PPen ,(o us." RSHIHGTON WILL HIVE COMMISSION ov. Lister Wants Industrial Insurance Feature Carried Out Despite Defeat. ' IBr AicUl4 Pri to Coo. Bir TlmM. OLYMPIA. Wh.. Nnv. 1G. GOV- aor Lister has nsWn,l tliren nersons 'epresentlng labor organizations, to, "ve witn three members of tne in- ""sinai Insurance Commission to Uraft tho "flot ntA .,.,in..,Imont in he workmen's compensation law. :,"D. proposed initiative law on tnai subject was voted down at the gen eral elOftlnn ilU ,liA unilAratnnlln? Fnt a bodv wmiiii Iib iinmcl to draw !' a new law for tho Legislature '""""E tnose asked' to Servo, ror tno employes ?r6 B, P. Marsh, Everett, 01 J, W. Clark, of Aberdeen. United States. Begins Inquiry to Assist Industry Not For Prosecution IUr AuodtM TftM to Coot Ilr TlmM.l WASHINGTON, Nov. 1C Henry Graves, United States forester, ex plained In n stntoment today that tho Inquiry Into tho lumber IndiiR tiy recently Inaugurated by depart ments of agrlculturo and commerco wns not undertaken with Innulsltnr lal attitude. Ho said Innulry was to bring forward for tho bonoflt of tho public and of Industry Just what prosont conditions nro and what tho causes of depression. Ho said tho throo points to bo covered nro: Kcnoiulc probloms from point of view of tho purchaser; distribution, with, vlow nt finding out ways to benefit both producor and consumer; and ex tension of foreign trade. (JK.V. SCXITT CIIOHIMT tnr Aocitti rr to coo ur -io J WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 Hrlgn- dlor Genoral Scott was Boloctcd by President Wilson as chief staff of army upon retirement Monday of iWYTTIX(l l'LIKS, FALI-S .Mrs. Alfred .MiUmhi HrcukH Iak and DMot-ates HliouliU-r Is et- It'i- Tiiibiy. , , , Standing on a rocking hair I" Bwat at files on tho wall Mrs. Alfred Matson of Flanagan Avonuo liecamo dizzy Saturday ovenjng and foil hea vily to the floor, breaking u leg and dislocating her loft shou dor. A doc tor was Immediately called and o shouldpr was put jnto placo and the leg in splints Tno taci niav -'im. .... ---elderly woman It Is oxpected will LepVr1v,,ahcr,,r,n soverai weoa - ", - known whether or not she will bo per manently lame. Tho leg was bro ken below tho knee, . As to how the accident happened Mrs. Matson can glvo no explanation but that she must have becomo diz zy when she stepped on tho chair and then fell to the floor. COQl'ILK I'ISIIIXfJ John Nellson. secretary of the .Co oulllo Hlvor o-oporatlvo Canning Co reports that this cannery has naeked I 9.000 cases of salmon this eason. which Is the secon largert rack they have ever made, the larg est being a two over i-. -". And ranging from that down to 4.800 JSJ'wffih is the smallest pack In the history oi iu ' 1 Itecorder. HAS Al'I'KXIUC'ITIS Itaynor Gelsendorfer. son ol Mr. .2:' r-niunminrfer. under- Zlt a successful open.t.on .for w, endkltis at the Bandon lf "a '- iiv and la reported to be gettint' along nicely.-Bandon Recorder. F G FLOOD F MEXICO IS ACTIVE Announces Assumption of Of fice and Guarantees Pro tectionPeace Parleys. (Iir AMoclMtd I'm, to Com IUr TlirM.1 WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 1C Kulallo (lutlerroz formally notified tho United Rtntcs today of his u sumptlon of power as provisional president of Moxlco mid gunrautcod protection for Americans and other forolgnors. Hostilities between the wnrrlng factions in Mexico lmvo censed, pond ing tho outcomo of further pearo parleys, according to a dispatch to day from American Consul Sllllmnn In Mexico City. YSER COUNTRY CHAIEHli i 0 Announce Germans Repulssd and Entire Regiment De stroyedBattle Continues. LANE DUE S Oregon Senators Leave Port land Tonight for Coos Bay May Arrive Tomorrow. in, AwocUI4 rif.. lo Coo Or TlmM.) I tnr Auocitf! rm lo Coot IUr Timet PAIUH. Nov. 10. All official com-! POUTLANIl. Or.. Nov. 10 Sonn- munlcatlou this afternoon stated: 'tors Cliamborlalu and Lauo will "Yestorduy along Ysro Canal from 0nvo boro tonight for a few days Nlouport to country up tho rlvor to, vgt to Coos Bay towns nml pos Dlxmudo tho fighting llmltod to tolB,y Gnrdlnor. Thoy will Inspect artillery exchanges, tho country hnv- tho progress nnd learn tho needs lng been furthor Inundated, siibmor- of mr,or mirovomnnt work. I.iino, ged torrltory Btrotches to soutu of wll0 worked as u joung man on Coos Dlxmudo to n point threo miles North jjy Ba,i thll ,on0y HI,0nt for Im of Blxschoots. Tho onouiy, whleli ,rovoinonts thoro was an expcndlturo ondoavorcd to cross tho cannl bo- . morltorlous projoct. in St. Millie, and the Awonno rp HKTrta In md U would iJavo glons, Qennan attacks woro repulsod Kuon tomorrow morning and como via Manlotoii nnd Florunco. Tho YMCA PROPOSED FD MARSHFIELD Meeting at Marshfield Meth odist Church Tonight to Launch Campaign, for It. A mnsn mppllllL' has 1)0011 Called for tonight at tho Marshfield Meth odist church to launrn a campaign for organizing a . ji. u. a. m M?iBhflold. Jt Is oxpected that there will bo a largo attendance and dofl nlto action will bo taken. The movepiont was launchod by tho Methodist Brotherhood somo days ago and slnco then many busi ness men and members of othor de nominations have promised their co operation. A few years ago tho matter was taken up. but wbb not carried out then. At that time. C. A. Smith offered a free site for a V. M. C. A. building, but tho projectors did not consldor tho tlmo propitious and postponed action. Later an athletic club movement stopped tho V. M. C. A. project Tho piao lor ino .uuntimuiu M. C. A. Is said to be an organiza tion along tho lines of the Railroad V. M. C. A. WALLACE CnOI'CII, of Hayneu In-1 ' let. was down this morning on ' business, staying over until to- ' morrow. hour nf thnlr iirrivul hero. Mr. Teal said, would depend on tho tlilo. Ho did not Indlcnto that thoy would stop over at Florence, but thoy may spend tomorrow night thoro or at Gardiner nnd consequently not roach horo until Wednesday. IXiVlTlAX HOLY V.. Ilr AMocltteil lv.i It lt Dr TlmM.) BERLIN, Nov. 1G. (By Wlro less. Iloports from Coustnntl uoplo say tho Khcdlvo of Egypt will leavo tho Turkish capital shortly to nesiuno command of tho Turkish operations against I Egypt. ? IXXKS Alti: 1'HKIi Berlin Press Pays Tribute to Fallen Commandar of Eng lish Forces in France: (Or AmocUOJ rmi to Cool Dr TlmM.) BERLIN, Nov. 10. Tho Loknl Anznlgor, In nu editorial on tho death of Lord RobortB, says: "On tho occnslon of tho death of Lord Roberts, tho wholo Gorman press j alike expresses Itsolf appreciatively i about tho fallen enemy, Evon In I war momenta occur when a fighter salutes tho enemy with his sabre In stead of striking him with It. Such a moment tins arisen with tho de parture of Roberts." Lord Roberts, horo of tho South African war, and retired Hold mnr sbal of tho British forcos, dlod at 8 o'clock Saturday evening In Franco. The Immediate causo ot his loath was 'pneumonia, Tho war bureau Issued an nfflclnl statement announcing tho death of nnglnnd'a anions commander. It was stated that Lord Roberts had contracted chills while visiting tho British tioops In Franco. POPEPLElTOR PEACE IN EUROPE Says Lack of Love, Contempt of Authority, Class Injustice and Materialism Causes. I Ily AworUlM rrH lo I'voa IUr TlmM.l llflMI.' N'.iv IR. -Pmin Ilnniiilli't ! today published his announced ency clical urging peace among tho war 1 ring nations of Europe. In tho doc liimont tho I'oullff attributed the Iwar to four causes: "lack of mutual ' and slncero lovu among men, con , tempt or authority, Injustlco on tho ' part of ono class of people against another and tho consideration of tho material wolfaro as tho solo object 'of human activity." L m I Dlt. KII.WV WINS. I (Iir AwkUixI I'iiu lo uxx Ur Tlmw.) I NASHVILLE. Tenn., Nov. 10. Tli entire administration ticket of tho National American woman sur frago Association, headed by Dr. Anna Howard Sbuw, of Now York for presldont. wnH oiertvt. ut Oin an nual convention of tho association I hero today. ! BRITISH KHIP KIXKH tr All4 Vlt4 to lloot 0r TIum. CHRISTIANA, Nov. 10. Tho Brit ish steamer Wolmnr, on way from Archango! Russln, to Lolth, Scotland, ran nshoro on Borro Island, liff'tho 1 coast of Norway. All hands were ! saved. Among them 1!0 British of ! fleers who recontly brought ovor I tho Canadian Ice breaker for Rus sian Government. WAGES WTH k-ljUul. I BATTLE OF FlAiERSJIECIDOI GREAT I Nothing to Indicate Who Is Gaining Uppdr Hand in truoW Struggle, Although Both Allies and Germans Claim' ' to Be Winning Some Minor Advantages. ENGLAND ALARMED AT WHAT MILLIONS OF MOS LEMS IN COLONIAL POSSESSIONS WILL DO Russians Concentrate Efforts in Attacks on Austrians at Cra cow and Przemysl in Determined Efforts to Crush ' Enemy Country Near Dixmude Flooded. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov, 16, Tho battle in Flanders continued today with tho samo ferocity which lias consistently marked this crucial strugglo since it began mora than a month ago. From French and Gorman sources camo reports of minor advantag es, but tho great issuo thore as.on tho castorn frontier of Ger many still hung In tho balance, . . 1( Borlin announced that throo British warships, a part of tho fleot assisting tho Allies to stem tho Gorman onrush toward tho English channel, had been disabled, Of greater importance lo Groat Britain than any of today's ovents was tho question of tho attitude takon by tho millions of Moslems in nor colonial possessions, Reports emanating from Gormany woro that tho Moslems, in somo instances at least, were siding with Turkey, . ... . . Tho German attack in the extreme wost was shifting slowly southward in Bolgium toward tho French border, The country west of Dixmude has been transformed by tno tapping ot canals and heavy rains Into a vast swamp, Tho Froncn war offico reports that ronowed efforts by tho Germans to cross tho Yser Canal wore beaton back, TLn Rncclonc nro nnnnmnl V mnp.nnirnt IICT tllO 1" OllOrtS Oil tho capture of Cracow and Przomysl In an effort to crush com- lOlOiy mo Aiisiriaiiiumy, CUT POSTAGE IS DROPS IN FAINT IS ASSOCIATION CRY Eugene Couple Accused of Texas .Murder Not (illllty I Dr AuocUKl Trot (s Coot IUr Time. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 1C Upon Instructions of the court, vor ti.tii nt nnt 1'iilHv wprn rnturnoil l)V tlin inrv lii h, inn nt Mr. and Mrs. Victor Innes, oharged with murdor In connection with tho disappearance nt iru i.Mnln VclniK tinunis and her sister. Boatrlce Nelms. The prison ers woro set free They woro arrest ed In Eugene, Oregon. Kl'NSHT OX COOS ll.W JIIHK.1SI-: SPRiailH. (nr AMHUti4 Tim to Cooi Br Timet) WA8HINQTON, I). C, Nov. Connecticut and Montana have been placed under federal quar antine bocauso or tho outbreaks of thl foot and mouth disease. Magiixiuo liniitH l,HNillty Meiitloueil In Paiiiuiui-Pailfli' i:HiNi(oii Xiimbei'. Asking that Coob Bay consent to taking a portion of the spaco allot- ,n,l I., nrnirnn In tllfl hllT nlltllber Of I 11... 1iiin,im.l.llirll IKiinKltlon. ! Malinger Griggs, of tho Sunsot has Just wiltton to J. W. Motley of tho i Caamber of Coniinorco. According to ttio Htatemoni ot air. Orlggs the various tourists routos tbrougli ino state are 10 ue uminiu- sized and Cos Hay Is askod to do her share In getting tho eastern I travelers to mako u side trip Into 1 this section. At this same time oi'nrv nthnr spcllnn nf OrCUOn Will , ho making a bid for tho tourlstB In an effort to show them Wiiat thoy have In the way of farms and towns. ' Tho matter of giving Coos Bay space in tho mnKAxIne w'l ',0 '"l'n "I with the Chamber ot Commerce. National Organization Asks Coos Bay to Boost for One Cent Postage. . "A ono cent lottor rate" Is tho cry of tho Natlonnl Ono Cent Loiter Pos tago Association and this morning at tho Chamber ot Coniinorco was ro colved a copy of Bailout facts for dis tribution to momborH in hopes Hint thoy will scok tho favorable voting effort of tho Oregon momborH of CongroHH whon the ono cent postage bill Is presented for passage at tho noxt session. . ,, Arguments of this Association nro tlwit first class mall matter produ ces a largo annual profit In tho Post Office Department and that this Is used to mako up tho deficit cause od bv tho low postage on second class matter, consisting primarily of periodicals, 7fi porcont of which do claros tlin Association, nro printed and distributed only for tho adver tising rates received. Tho first class mall Inst year produced about f 175, 000,000 morn than 70 per cent or revenue from nil paid mall, but Its wolglit wbh only about ono eighth or the total. Second class mall, periodicals, III craturo, has over 02 per cent of tho tutul mall paid, yet Uh publishers paid lesH than $10,000,000 or n vonuo, bh tho rato Is only 1 cent per pound, or 20 n ton. Iteporta of tho post offlffi show that first-class or letter mall payH ovor 81 cents per pound, equivalent to $1,080 per ton. Tho prorit made from HiIb class Is used to puy tho doflclohcy or the Bocond class. A readjustment or tho postal rates should be mndo at once, believes tnbi Association whleli. declares no re duction has been mado In tho first class rates slnco 1883, save an In crease In tho weight limit to tho Hill ounce. That the liHorH ot tho Hrst class should hu puylng tor tho loss or tho second, mndo, thoy say, bo raiihu or tho low rate, Is unjust nnd to this end the Association seeks thu aid or evory user or tlm'Post Olflco and every member or Congress. HATTIKKIIII' PATItOl'S OFK COAST XHAIl COOS BAV ISIglittfl fiom Bridge ot Killer ut .Midnight Vu-H Heanlillglit In ' rk'iirclilug Bo. From tho brldgo of the (Soorgo W, Wider at midnight last night a bat tleship was sighted about six miles otr tho coast and about thirty miles south of Capp Mcars. For nenrly three-quarters of an hour tho ship wan in sight, bolng followed only by Its two seurchllghts, all other lights having been put out. nt u-imt niitinnnlltv tho essel Is land what her mission can be in thoso i waters Is a matter of supposition. On Saturday It wus roportcd that an American battleship nnd four Eng lishmen woro seen ofr tho coast. That It may bo an English or Japan ese ship Is possible and sho may Ibavo boon north taking on coal In British Columbia. Tho vessel waH going south when sighted rrom tho Kldor. Sovcrnl times hor searoh- ! light was turned about tho compass, which led thQ orricera pf the Elder to bellovo that shn was Keeping an eyo ou some morchunt ship .follow ing within thu three-mile limit. D DR01ED Eric Alio, Fisherman, Viotim ' of Peculiar Accident in Marshfield Today. Eric Aim, a flshormnn ngod about 00, wbb found drownod at his tloat Iiiiiiho nonr North Front Htroot about noon today. Ho had evidently been ovorcomn by a rotating spoil to which ho has been subject, and fell, his hend- hanging over Into tho water. Abo had been ailing ror about n, year. About 10:110 this morning, ho left a couple or comimulons to got somo rishlng genr. Whon ho did not return quickly, they sought him nnd round him dond, ho had boon hero ror soma tlmo nnd nnd no near retatlvos on the Bay. llo was a Flnlapder by birth. A nlecn Is snld to roalilo n Borko ley. Coroner Wilson (decided not to hold nil Inquest. CAPTURED RDQBER IS PLACED IN JAIL Ray S. Bunch, 18-Year-Old Sclf-Confcssed Robber of Frank Cucan, to Roseburg. Ilav H. Bunch, tho 18-year-old youth who conrossod after his cap I turo In (Jnrdlner to thu torturo and robbery of Frank Cuean, a holplosa I old Loon I.nko rancher, was yes 1 (onlay taken to llosubiirg In cus , tody or Hliorirr Qulno. Thoro Bunch will appear lie fore tho grand Jury at I tho December term or court. i It Is claimed that tho tlrst search nt Bunch whon ho wns arrested on Friday evening fullod to rovoal the $100 In bills which ho had stolen and that lator, In his coll, tho youth tore the money Into hits, thereby ncsurlng hlmsoir that It would never bo returnod to Cuean. Bunch had llvod In this county several years ago, having reliuVrf horo but tor tho past throe yeArs bo has llvod In California, return ing to tho 1,0.111 I8.kH'T)iitf. . I row days ago. iu aiiv to:;eii , tlou ror bis ueoimu HJ WM n i committal to tho' qtfodtfons b orncors, . "rt hnr lucjj I AHoV tho roblM)i'ifh TliBr,nlli.T4 ovcnlOK Bundh deh ple,Cliennj)ln' and started In tho direction of Al legany, ovldontly with tho Intention of coming to Marshflold, but lator turned back toward Gardiner, wlioro i ho was captured and turned ovor by Constable A. F. Smith, to Sheriff Qulno. There nro threo charges that can bo pressed against Bunch. Ono Is 1 ror assault wtb Intent to kill, an other tor arson and tho third for robbery. His trial will ovldontly be hoard botoro Circuit Judge Hamil ton or Itosoburg. j I.OltlMIMt NOT OUII.TV ' ln AerUle4 PrtM I Ceoe, pr Tla)e.J I CIIICAQQ. Nov. 10. Formor Swa. tor Lorlmer pleaded Hot guilty to Hip charges of wrcVI of the 1&t I Salle Striet Trust, $h4 Avlnga Hwik, ' of thluh bo w, V ownw. i ; ' "