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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1914)
iimumu-miUHUH in Wt ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914 -EVENING EDITION. " SIX "1 Li EIS HELD -ST. That Distinctive NEM ROUTE1 TOE BAR DIB SWAMP-FILL Tl MEN PATRO REGISTRY BOOKS SUB II SMITH T WOK . -- CLOSE TDMOHHDW CAUSING T I HI f But One More Day to Register "''ftjaffi W J-fc Masters i Indhpiant Returns to North Bend Kept Open for Stages for General City Election nf December 1. ' . I Two men to constantly pntrol tlio By tJio tlmo travels around to R , nm, rolt(j r0l, lllrolgh Ulu M(ltlk, o'clock tomorrow evening, every vot- ,,,()rk miyo1 fr0J tho 01IK,nB coun. er within t!o city limits of " iy no to tlio Enchanted Prnlrlo la Hold, who nas i"""- ''"""V" th order of tho county court. With liavo lost ins insi cnniicu wiu mu uu deprived of his vote In tlio general city election of December 1 unless nt that tipic ho call get six freeholders to Bwenr him In at tho polls. This latter procedure Is ono that takes tlmo and patience. Exactly flfteon daya hoforo tho election tlio registration boohs nro closed,' according to tho chnrtor of tho city, to allow tho Itecorder n hufflclciit amount of time to havo alio books properly posted at tho olcctlon tlmo. That but half of tho voters nro registered Is tho declaration of City Itecorder Hutler. This means a num ber under 800, as thoro woro 1C75 voters who cast their ballots at tho poll In tho recant general election. With' tlio bringing of seven now nion Into'tho raco for tho Council nnd Ite corder positions tho chances nro that thord will bo a heavy fight on De comber 1, and men who now appear no tho high, favorites, It Is pointed out; may losu In tho election through the); failure of their, ninny friends to register li'ltl later to vote. Over Erroneous Reports Rumor of Blackmai Leave Out Tomorrow Morn ing With 46 Passengers Gradinq on Swamp Beyond Saunders Lake is Started ; Bridge Work Progressing Thnt tho Sumner cscnpndo, In' At C:30 this morning tho Nnnn which charges wora filed In .luntlco Smith left tlio dock With -IG pas I'onnock'B court tuny dovolop Into a ' sengora nud a cargo of. lumber for inoro serious matter was Indicated San Francisco. Arriving at tho todny. ' Lnr tho captain thought it unsufo Mrfl. T. f!. Mnninra lnnMmt nf .Tnv in crnRn nut ntiil llm nhln rntnrtiml Richards, who has been accused In I again to North Bond and will wait m" ,onB.nillLit'B. 08l,m.llle,L l!l morning nt seven the coming of tho heavy winter rnliiH travel on tho road 1ms become most 'illffliMilt Vnrv nflnn tlinrn nrn wnuli hiiUntiil tniiirupp.tlniii. iiinito nnl niilv!1"" l,l80 returned insi iiigni irom i uimi tomorrow Work Btnrted yestorday on tho fill ncross tho big swamp tho othor sldo of Saunders' Lake for tho right of way of tho Cook Pay-Eugene Itnllroad. This fill is about half it will require., 78,000 yards of dirt ouis aim long sections inane noi oniy , . ... ' . . - - - - -- -- i1P,lir n rrrmln Ttnwnvor nw. Impassable to traffic but also dniet00"10; r "cnt with nor, o'clock boforo attempting to mako " b J ' ' " tt V0J f ous, and it will bo tho duty of UlesV on ttnd t6(;;tho " with, over tho bar. Is II olv to ottlo c,il 1 Ably ' me, to keep track of thin ton ,,!, IToreciitlnR AldW Llljcr.vlst.. A Those who left this morning for ' ls "k to ! ?. cn '" Xfiu h(,.p1, result of tlio visit to tlio District San Francisco woro: in"a. l" n"'B re'iuhod foi It will J (IS (Hffip ii-w'-coSBflHw Appearance That distinctive .i drcttcd man nlway l2T02" wearing clothes thnt fit ex e ,, nnU ,nal,Hr thnt havo a smartness of sty ?y : do not havo and llmt J, "iH iiess and good taslo ns well. i Ub Tn nil thoso things thl, ... ' nnd Its lino of really .ltatlnct"J lte equipped to give-every ,,. , clolht U of distinctiveness as a result of if "lle dressed. l ot le'njvmn strotch. Orders to this effect linvo . l.ocn given to E. E. Weekly, road super visor In that district, and tho two watchmen wil ho employed through LN) rainy months up to April 1. Thoy will ditch off all puddling wat tor nnd whoro It Is necessary will rebuild sections of tho road with the Idea of having nt all times right-of-way for tho malls with no delays. Undor tlio old mall contract which I V muvJi' SUIT FOIl HUPPOKT Jlijjt (HiiJS; It, Wheeler Charge Cap ttUi Wheeler wllli Cruel ami lu ff Jiuiiutit Treatment. Suit was filed In tho circuit court today by .Mrs. Clara II. Wheeler, charging her husband, dipt. Wheeler, with "cruel and Inhuman" treatment mid non-support and asking that ho bo forced to pay liar a monthly stip end of $50, which ho Is financially able to do, dcclnrcs tho plaintiff, who states tho defendant hns property worth nt least $15,000. Captain Whueler In St yearn of ago and was married In 1!M0 to his present wife, who Is morn than -0 yearn his Junior. Sho declitron ulso that tho Captain wiih wont to "tell yllo storloH1' and nt ono tlmo "tossed a rat on a pitchfork" and caused his wife to live In nu "uiiHiiultury habitation." Attorney, It Is announced that thoro I V. M. Frledhofer, Mrs. 1. M. vroimmy exceed nun anion.... cuu wllfbo no prollnitnnry hearing be-1 Frlodhofcr, J. M. Chamborlln, Ilnr-; 'lrnbly. , j ; foio'.Tustlco Pennock, but tho mnU.irl ry Alooro, A. W. Urown, Mrs. M Contractor Swan Ilonsbn and hn vlll bo tnkon direct boforo tho grand I Hohorts, -Airs. A. It. MeNoll, U. Val- B'ncor v fS- iniulniniHli camo 'In Jury nt tho next Bosslon. Itlchards Uno. Mrs. II. Valllno, Wlnnio Jones, yostordny from tho work. Thoy wan allowed to go aftor bolng served , Mro. E. L. Jones, K. L. Jones, C. lmvo boon making flno progress dur- with n subpoena to wppcar boforo the A. Frltsclt C L ltowoll S It ,MB tho flno woathor. Mr. llonson KrMd8JMastorB la l.irhiv ln,llnn NoVoM- p- rraoul. Grace Mirra-Bnltl ho thouulit that tho fill would i n.o !i i . . K" ldlB"nnl soul Mrs l Mlrrnmul Dr I It probably tako about 100,000 yards, over tho stories that havo boon'BOUI' '"" 1 -"'rroBoui, ur, .i. '. ... , , ,, circulated about tho matter nnd says 'Wothorboo. J. It. Smith, II. W. ut Engineer IindmnrHl, would not ilmt dm innonnnnn f u ,in ..,. ! Puliitor. W. C. Fisher. Win. aTlmoB. i nrc0 wlth Mm Mr "nldmnrsli went out of effect November 1, tho fully established when It comes up I"0"- P. ly"". Win. Kinney, J. i8nltI ll0 thought It might tako a lit- man was uroiignt to coos nay down tho North Fork canyon and hero nl wnys ono mnn was stationed. Judgo Hall bellovcs thnt tho two nion will ho able to kcop the road open, but nt tho samo tlmo adds: "I hopo wo won't need thorn after a llttlo whllo, for thoro Is still a chance of our gut ting mall through by way of Maple-ton." mo iianci: KATimn.w nioiit at i:.(.'i,i:h,. mautin'm ok- ClIICKTItA. YOU CO.MK. To tho doclaratlon of (iorst & Klii-ISlio says that at this tlmo sho can n oy that they can bring tlio malt In not inula, n full statement of tho caxa hero between 12 and 20 bonis cur-nn it would not bu right to do bo bo iler than It Is belli gbrought over i foro the grand Jury considers it. tho Myrtlo l'olnt route, thoro havo Thoro aro rumum of otnor pnrllea been ninny who declnro tho high tldenl being involved In It mid also of al ii f tho winter mouths will mako thn ' leged blackmail which will probably beach routo linposslble. Jerry Kin- como out buforo tho grand Jury. Fiithormorn rim nv ilmi hnr m, .ii.t ! S Jeffors, Hon Hold. G. chichi..'"0 n" " eatlinnto. not run away. No officers over np-'A' Warronlko, A. Pconinlonl, C J Englncor J. E. Giuiinor, in chargo ponrod at their homo n.or did Mr. I Hniiottl, Frank Ilorolln, A. and, of tho work ,lcnr Gnrdlncr, rnmo in Catching over go to their homo. She Will Oloske, Herman Strobol, 13. i wtlH thorn. Mrs. Gnrdnor and Mrs. said that Constablo Cox spoko to Mr. Almor, Jack Johnson, H. llustomnn, HIntlinarali nccompnnlcd thorn In nnd Masters nnd tho next day sho and the 1 John Iomano, O. Nolson, Geo. Kos- U1 'nill0S win pronaniy remain a Vornor, S. ro" ,ln'8 on l,l ,,n'i altliougli tlio Wilcox. llum started homo thin nftcrnooii. Work on ItrldgeK. Good progrosn Is being inndo on tho Coob Uny brldgo by Euglneor '"""'" " iiwj iiuxi uny biiu aim inu '" "".".nui j "ii boy answered tho summons. Thoonjlli Victor llnrpo, 1. Vor ly othor tlmo tho mnttor camo up was Swatison, J. Ilachln, I. K. when Mr. Catching camo to her on tho boat and spoko about tho mnttor. ' KM)i:it HAH COni) LIST uey states ho Is ready to post a guarantee that tho mall could hu de livered hero according to his first agreement. Jay Richards, tho old youth uharged Carries Fair Passenger 1,1st for I'm ! C. It. llroughton's crow. lmiil, Kalllng yesterday Artcriiooii I It Is expected that work will ho When tho Georgo W. Elder Balled started on tho Umpoua brldgo beforo Into yesterday afternoon for Port- long nnd also on tho Sluslaw brldgo. land, sho cnrrlcd n fair jmsuontjrtr Tho Uinpiiua brldgo draw Is to havo list nnd a mlscollaneous enrgj of a cloaranco of eighty feet on ono fre.'glil. cliaiinol nnd forty feot on tho tithor. Thoso who loft for Portland woio: Tho will bo twolvo or fouteen Teot 20-yenr-' Jolm Wong, Wnnltn. Ilonuey, C. abovo tho high Bingo or tide, yestorday, M. IJonnoy, Mrs. C. M. llonnoy, Mrs. Oscnr Frank, H. with a serious crime, gavo himself Vayt jlr8i poaryi os up to Justice Pennock this morning1 McCormack, W. ' A'. Many New Clothes Id Here at $17, $20, $25 "Money Talks" ca!j anown.: 'J I ilubgc Bandon posed to bu tho worst along tho const, It ncoins strange that tho phono Hues should bu up hero whllo tho tel egraph and long dlsluueo linen east ft om hero nro both down. Tho lat ter howovor aro not bb well construc ted and aro not protoctud ns woll against "troiiblo" and conuctiuoiitly aro down much moro of tlio tlmo. IIIO 1ANCK HATl'ltDAy XICJIIT at i:.(;i,i:s' ham,, mahti.n's oit. (in:sTitA. you come. MmsMMA Myrtle Point Royal Theatre a TONIGHT -i Pnynonnd Prcdrltlti latefc. of pleasing and popular lorVt ,0Jrll,flH'"l of a mlnblpMiLiJ "Million Dollar Mystery" m i J Blown hero tonight nnd it. !? o llonrtB tonight ami tit nZ 4 (IIUMIIA. l 1 i -" uiiiwiiun BIDL n. 1 CllltlKTIAX Church Indies' COOK El FOOD SALE HATl'ltDAl nt W. ,A. JIEID'H OFFICE, 150 Front St. Mh episode of tlio "Mlllfoa Doto' Mystery." entitled "Tho wffl Woman,' In two reds. wiallT ThoiiBand. 1 "Swede Larson." wrlnn .. mJ .Master Pen,' featuring Dob U' uovui i nui( ai m n I II B IP p r m r M m A A If nrr n I? I M I I I I A I I PT rn I I M H 11 P " '" ' - riSsj:3'! auuwta tn nuiiriu Toloiihoiio couumny, nud J. E. i.. ....... . . ... ... . gorty, Mrs. Haggorty, P. Puckctt, K:r5..,?r,n:,,r:,l, ?":: .. the warrant had bcon t..U ?fin,,," 2"2 ? UW Ml H C MM., rOAI. UUrtXOVUT?, Mil l!NliU riiLLd,'"'V8 I'SKI). Plmne 72. Pacific 'with Geo? IklaTowuffi l.hery uiiil Triinsfer Couipany. "Trey o' Hearts,' Dotty Btliiiul oiliitendoiit, luft on tho morning train for Myillo Point, whoio they went to liiHpoct the exchange at that place, having Just returned from a trip through tho southern end of the company's Jurisdiction. (!. O. TUItCK ami wife and his par ents, J. Tiinik nnd wife, woro here MKa. ltKUT STANLEY Mik roturned !::::;i vi m ww v,:, A..;rt i...y; Ella Voss, Mrs. Uuhy Wliiklemau, Allco 1 1 own id, Mrs. Anna Vnrton, ard and Hazel Huckham. Altai' blinds, which hu raised, and bound over to the action or tho De cember grand Jury. PEItKO.VAr. OVEHFM)W CllltlKTIAX Church ladles' COOK Kl FOOD HAI,E SATl'ltDAy nt W. A. IMMD'H OFFICE, 150 Front St. eu route lo Poitlaud with tho body of tho foriuur'H little child who died a few days ago. The father was In San Franelvco nt the time tho child was suddenly slilekeu with :i sort of ptomaine poisoning caused by eating dried, condensed milk from a can that It wiih playing with. homo from a visit with her par ents In the Willamette Valley Iler sister, Miss Pearl Miller, ac compaiiled her for a visit hero A. Hutchinson, Orvlllo Baldwin, E. (0n2 SCVGIlty-SCCOtld Of All Overtoil, n. k. Mnstors, ii. connoii, nual Rainfall Came Down Chan, nicliardn, Henry Hodges, , Last Nifjlir M. Tiicrck, J. G. Tiierck, Itobt. f y Tnerek, C. G. Tuorck, Mrs. C. (1. V.'hon thousands of goeso flowt Tuorclc, Otto Johnson, Emma John- "'Kkn!5. l, . v . i,0",tllWHr'1 ,two Bon, LoilwoUd JolniBon, Mrs. Eva ' weather prophots declared n Btorni. JohiiHon, II. '(Is Jonos, Mrs. M. Dun- was browing. Mow correct they were DP. J. II. WETHEItHEE. of the hlir . Frnnk'Mnrtln, E. It. Holseger, was evidenced by tho heavy north- .r ... ,". St J O. OcM-r. A. U ll-f-j... ffi SftfSLBRliS&S HE turned from thoro last evening nnd' Mr. A. h. Huttorwln, W. G. Oor-, nlKht and nt IntorvalB today. On !Ss Grand zz z JO-Miorhf I i Frank I, ami lug. hix reels of all ncv and olej pendent pictures. I Admission, lower floor, Ik; Ufl yitny, iuc. ri Hero tomorrow night: Tfci tf eplsoilo of "Tiey o' llurU," utkle "Dead Iteckoiilng." Hire i to and boo "Trey o' Hoarti. Hero Monday iiIbIU, "DufWo B. war pictures" In nix rttU, - !P Srtayi ill's mm Ii MUrV " friRpM I ' n M I ImW I ' Ifvi I H 1 k T IV v SffiX y Now Arrives The Last Day of This - Remarkable nailed today on the Nauu Smith for San Francisco. CIIAS. SIESTHEEM of Ton Mllo ro turnod yostordny from Hot Lnko Springs, whoro he has boon receiv ing treatment for a complication of Ills. Ho Is greatly improved and has gained rapidly In flesh. JlltS. M. ItOIlEItTS rnmo hnck to Marshfleld today after visiting with her sister. Mrs. C. E. Ed- waids at Allogany, and expects to hnni, It, E. McCnlllster, Scllm Ham- the bar a monstrous sen has beou Iko, A. CoBorlll, O. Viet, I.. Onmor- llc'""l I'H" motion nnd this ufternoon , nnsn TiiIIiih oiHnn Mm ii fi ori,,, , two vossols woro stuiidliig off, afraid insa, Jul us Olson, Mrs. 1). O. Scott, I, ontor w;lu tho B09 nro h'mMn Dick Scott, -W. C. Hall. cloar ncrosH. Thoy are tho two boats' - of tho Swayne & Hoyt lino, tho Par- FEW I'ASSEXOEItS "Ibo nnd tho Hardy, both bound In Hero from Snn Francisco. , Truffle Becomes Light at This Time BVo? l,n8Z of vuv Iteilondo ItrlngH Few bound to Snn Francisco with a lioavy That traffic nt this tlmo of tho uecKionti ami rorty-six passongorfl. A Fine ram Nisht Prog 10- HAVE THAT ROOF FJXEO NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. i Now Models "HENDERSON 80RSEW also principal dlitrlbstM "ONYX" and "CADA" HOSE S.S. JENNINGS, No. M LJ l La JLi i BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS IT WINDS UP AS BRIGHT AND FRESH AS WHEN IT STARTED. NO "LET UP" IN BARGAIN-GIVING FROM EARLY MORN TILL NIGHT year Is falling bolow whnt It was JfiV!?J,,1lM1,11l,,0,b" 80." conv,.ccd hor tnvrtMMJ i 141111 UA MUVin LU . . ... . . " Mini, iv tttin IWIJ 1II11C1I llllfl III leave on the next boat for her h' eoK ago is pointou out in was forcod to turn back, iloeinrinu home In California. tho fact that tlio Ilcdondo, which i thnt ho would chance It again In the I,. A. PIKE, chief clerk Of tlio Port- . dockml hem Into vnntnnlnv nftnrnnnn lllorillllg. Gales BWeonlllir 111 finm ill.. land customs Office, arrived hero .from Son Francisco nrought In but !"..',.,.. ar". Ul worat lBBlblo for tlireo pusoongors. This atntemont Itnlnfall diirlni th nlih wn- 1.9 ROOFING l& truo to 11 greater extent In ro- Inchos. declares Weatherman Ostllnil. REPAIRING nOIMTRAnTIMG , , . i,.f....fiM nam to tho passengers from the IJown It poured In great kub.Ib, .mi:nffiing Kft' M atcd Ta VS ' - 1 WifflS jiuiuB iMiuuiiiig as uioiigii mo wholo ,IUUI "w iimiuunuo, bottom had dropped from tho hoav- FELTS AND CEMENT ens. The heaviest fnllwna registered1 rcu'f I'nYnc ' early this morning nud with tho haro- J bnlot motor low It Is bollovod thnt thla will R. 118 P 8Q agan bo ropoatod will in the noxt r og' " I hours. I -y ' - - - :s I 5so rar as can bo ascertained no yesterday to complete tl.o cheeking up of, the affairs of the local branch' office, so that II. J. Kim ball has a clear start. FKANIC HEATH loft yesterday via "Just for Saturday" One lot Ladies' Coats, all good styles, including Ani this season's best models. Regular $6.50 to Ipo.UU $26.50. Now offered at . to $17.00 One Lot Ladies Suits. All styles and Colors.' $3.00 Regular $12.50 to $28.50 Suits at to $12.45 One lot Discontinued numbers, American Lady o9c Corsets. Regular $1.25 to $3.50 models, pr. to $2.59 Ono lot Ladies' Tailored and Lingerie Waists, All Styles. White only. - Ladies' and Misses' White Sweaters Price I South, thoso from tho north not hnvlni; diminished to such an ex. Myitio point ror Portland on busl-ijct, ness and will bo absent a wcolc or i Thoso who arrlvod on tlio Itodon- bo. While he Is away Mrs. Uoath,do wore: C. Hubbard, S. Stupas and will bo tho guost of Mrs. F. C. -p. Jarvls. Illicit. I ' Mil. AND MRS. JOHN MATSON of Catching Inlet worn in tho today shopping. Their homo ed down n few days ago and with It most of tbolr clothes and this morning thoy camo down to pur chase now outfits. GEOItGE M'INTOSH nnd wife camo down this morning from Catching Inlet, whoro thoy havo beon visit ing with Mrs. Wnltor8, sister of Mr. Mcintosh, who has lotumed to woik nt the McDonald & Vaughan camp on Coos Itlver, LowRates for Handling Tru W ttm.l .rnnlra liatwftaK UTNM In Marshfleld nnd do Keoerilfcrf,! for reasonable- ratoi, STAIt TKANSFKH A STOIUGI Levi Helsncr, I'roprkf Phone: 120.J, 0-U W ON of o city I burn- I I with it , Ii5 001 TO OUTSIDE POINTS tlnttinirn linn l.m . .. 1 Muuitihu hub iiuuii (1OI10 uy 11)0 Btorni! with tho exception thnt shipping is being delayod and this In Itsolf Is n mntter thnt soon foots Into heavy costs. I Fresh hblpmeut of Foster .Vi Or I'liv'H Candles received on Hedomlo at Leu Is' Confectionery. D 100 20 Commutation Tickets' $2.00- AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Vliftiio R70 Urshflcld-North Bead At J, to 12t 0 P. . GOR8T & KINO. Pre 1IKJ DANCE SATUItDAV XlfillT at HAtiKKS IIAI.I. MAHTIN'S OU CIIICSTHA, YOU COME. Telegraph and Long-Distance Phone Line Out of Commis sionLocal Toll Lines Up . 4 SEUVICE ItESTOHED. 77 ' " - m wm TmmmmvmrmWaimiWcmLmm m b - - ' MoiHiBiHBHiaaaairBBBKiR&jrvcLcusjaiHHBaiaKjnBiois n i niiiiiinii tH H 1Vs.1i slilpiiieut of Fttster .V Or ear's Candles ieeelMl on itcdoudo at Lewis' Coiiftvtloiiery, HALF PRICE TOMORROW BUYS ANY TRIMMED HAT IN THIS STORE ADMIItATION AND RTVI.KS THAT HAVE CAl'SED KVKItV LADV ON COOS HAV. $:t.l)0 Trlmmetl lints ...iSl.riO $n.(M Trimmed Mats 1 0.00 Trliniiieil Hats . .yn.oo THE OF I iSI.OO Tiimiued lints . ..$',.(IO IS7.50 Ti'iiiiiui'il Hats ...!!:.75 ii! Tiiiiinuu Huts . .! , Table Linens and Q Q Tannmrro N Bedding Reduced & & JcliniligS B ortn end Be Weatherwise Whvn you woik in the urn wear ihe FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKE1R Watriproof tlirougli and through. Cannot lotk up water and get heavy. Out patented A f ex EJeet ttoD water doni lunmng in wheic the fionli ocrlap and button. Ihe lxt wet weather coat your money can buy. $3.00 EVERYWHERE CfWER& sAnsrAcnox cuARmtD 4 l3rZ A. J. TOWER CO. WINK BOSTON Wl) I jp i V I I This afternoon tho long dls I tiiuco phono sorvlco was roes I tabllshod and The Tlmos was on- nblod to get a part of its regular i telegraph roport by phono. Tho ) Western Union wns not able to I reestablish sorvlco until later. I . i. Coos Hay Is Isolated from tho lest of Co world agnln today, both the, Western Union and tho long distance phono linos being down. Just when' sorvlco will bo restored was uncortaln at noon, . , Managor Scholter said that ho did not know Just how bad his Uno was as ho could not oven got Sunnier. A lineman was working towards Marsh fleld on it and whon ho would bo able to reach hero would bo uncertain un til communication was reestablished with Sniunor. Tho troublo on tho long distance phono lino Is uotween Mjrtlo Point and ltosoburg, Tho local toll lines of tho Coos nnd Curry telephone company along tho coa3t avo working all right. The ser vice was all right to Coqullle, Myr tlo Point and IUtudon and also to Gardiner. Aa tho storm was sup ( Country Club Coffee i ,mt ftii-rn PAI I IUU HUIU unw..,. .Ti FOR FOOTfc'5 aui" at rour good cars with re,B,,ff I For day semcc, r .y-j-IlUnco iWtarf PVj For night service, Vbm "" 35c Per Can i Use half a can and if not perfectly satisfied bring it back and get your money back. That's how much con fidence we have that it will please you. NORTH YAKIMA, HOOD RIVER AND COOS RIVER APPLES Nasburg'sGrocery THE GOOD -HOUSEKEEPING STORE Itlght 0fe. D. L FOOIL Pictures & Pramjns Walker Studio j : rz.rMM Telephone Service 213. flaWM " , riSlt If you are Vgi tho shell fish you eat, i (liialntod with "s.w-n CO. nt raiiicu .i-" ". ..HAMS " ' ' Dealers m nfj, ,m ct Pbote " 1L I m-TunTEL THb uuuo r Formerly of M! WASHINGTON ggDgI ..,S UF.XU 0.7.MetlMrt ""aVMHHaHHaaaWNBKMHIWHHtaiOi HilWUlllllUliTiliiilil I '''iTT"lriTMrTi"Timp- TMnrmHwmi m . immi - i .- . 'r mmmmmm MkmwAmwtkmWkmmmy&--&&&em ' mmmZiSmiJLmmmJLaAmm.'rZ, mmm-mmmmmmilmmmmmwMJkmkLm mmmmmmmWmmmTTrWk,-X ' 'aaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWal