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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1914)
!-uw,Mlll, yl,,v,l"JMi-4"'f omuuii ....j n.ii.iiiuMjjiiiiiT.i,i.iuiiiiiM?uuniuiin Get the latest! N war news and clothing you things. Now is your chance to get the newest fall styles direct from the front Hart Schaff tier & Marx have sent us some beautiful fancy blues and browns for fall suits with plenty of snap and style in them; the fdnd that young busi ness men want. Look in our windows. They arc bulletins of the latest styles in men's clothes lg"5e1l ySiir WRVtfJ'J "a r If You Want to furnish a room or a home, or to buy a chair, or a bed, or any piece of furniture, and pay for it by the week or month, remember we make very lib eral terms. E HE! , uy ordering tho famous HEHHYVILLE GflilL t coal, per ton $1.00 I uaP r3l. Per ton $0.00 I " "aif ton of both 3.00 j L II. MUSSOX, Pi op. ' "no 18.J, or leave orders nt "iiljer's Clgur Store. , -W. in .riMiMth iifii,i-- ' ,-t--t- want to be sure of the latest CwrfcU Clothes Purchased at this Store will be kept pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store This store is the homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Marshficld Two Stores North Bend Furniture Facts Worth Knowing Please read this very carefully and think twice before buying furniture for your home. Our very low-priced furniture has a double value, in the first place, it is hard wood, thoroughly well made, and in the second place it has a beauty value. To those desiring a bed-room set at low cost, that has real quality value, and a charm in appearance that can not be equaled on this entire coast for the same low price, we have a surprise for you. If You Want to furnish a dining-room or living-room and you want the cost to be low, very low if you like, and at the same time you want good quality and a style that stands right out in its beauty, do not fail to see what we are snowing. PERRY & NICHOL Broadway and Market - . . SOUTH COOS WVEIt I10AT SERVICE launch lai'itnss leaves JIai-bhfleld eery day 8 a. in. Lcacs head of ihcr nt !::to p. in. STEA.MKIt ItAIXHOW leaves head of rhor dally at 7 ii. in. Leases JIarslifield at U p in For charter apply on board. " ROGERS & SMITH, Proprietors. I I 1,1 l i ,i lUit&Mfncr & Mu Every Piece of Furniture We Sell is worth every cent you pay for it. From this store you (jet all your money's worth, or all your money back. SON -MililMMMMtBMMIV W " AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. Wo nevor blame tho tailor when our pants wo havo to pin, Wo nover blamo tho shoo man when our solos grow old and thin, Wo never blarao tho hatter when our lids wo have to flout, Hut wo always blamo tho laun dry when our shirts wear out, t'OOH HAY STEAM L.U'XDKY Phono 37-J. brevity TIDF.S FOR XOVEMREU Holow Is given the tlmo nud height of high and low water at Murshfleld. , Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their tlmea on tlie flrat lino and heights on the second lino of. each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will ln dlcate whether It Is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar subtract two heurs 34 minutes. 13lllrs.. 3.58 10,50 5.02 11.13 , Ft.. 0.0 14IIrs. . 4.51 CO JL39 C.l 5..41 liil 1.3 5.58 0.3 12.20 4.S 0.0 0.0 0,4'.) Ft... 1.1 15Hrs. 12.18 Ft. . . 4.9 C.5 0.2 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours cndlnir at i 4:13 n. ni Nov. 13, by UonJ. j Oatllnd, Hpoclnl Kovorninont mo- turologlst: I Maximum 58 I .Minimum .-.45 I At 4.13 n. m 10 Precipitation 1.02 1!M4 18.03 Prnolpltntlon snmo porlod liiBt year 11.17 Wind: Southwest! cloudy nnd rainy. Sunday Service. Thoro will bo a Holy Communion Survlco .In St. Mury's Church, North Hcnd (Simp sou building) nn Sunday at 3 p. m. Tho Sunday School con voncs at 2:30. Out AkIm. Matt L. May, repre sentative of Haas llrotliera In thU section, Is able to bo out again after a ruthor sovoro slogo of iilckness. Ho linn not fully recupornted, but snyH that tuklnjr good, largo orders Is the best tonic for n traveling man any time. Goeso on Houch.- F. V. Cattorlln roturned yesterday from a trip to Florence and Gnrdlnor. He inyj I that geeso worn thick along tho beach. Ho also saw a couplo of flocks of , white Hwatin. Tho mill at Gardiner Is being repaired. Tho Lily Is In port there. Hero to Iirntc. Clydu l'attco, a 191 1 graduntu of tho Department of Electrlcnl KiiKl'ieurlng lit. tho Univer sity of Oregon, arrived on tho Hronk water yesterday from Portland and today took up his duties In tho Wlro Chief's department of tho Coos and Curry County Telophono Company. I Want l,iiinglng Plnc Thnl they may havo a lounging, placo, during thu liours thoy aro off work employees , of thu dredgo Seattle, havo made np ' plication for tho uhci of tho North ' Ilond Cliamlior of Comlimco rooms. Superintendent Miller took tho mat ter tip with Secretary Smith nnd the men will now havo soma plnco to go I -I Saturday SPECIAL ON SALE SAf URDAY, NOV. H i 10-inch Imported China, ex-! tra deep, beautiful floral pat- i terns. Salad Bowl 15c Only one sold to each adult1 attending. j See Our Window ' . PEOOLESs STORE' The UNDERPRICE ECONOMY SALES. ' TIIHEE DAYH' OITHIU.NO, TO.MOHItOW, MONDAY AND TUICH DAY. Keep thU iidvertlseineiit for ivferencc. Thrifty Iiiiyt-rn Mill thiong our store and Mipply tho.'r perseim! nVd during lliln thm-duy nuk .Many prices liuvo be'Si reduced to the luwest point, enabling all to sliaro lu tho most pronounced economl'V llio I Fair store has yet announced. Ladles wool Hoso, full seam- less Now Wero 35c. iru . ut Men's Flue Qress ShlrU, beau tiful stripes nnd figures. Ab solutely fast colors. Wore 11.25 to 1.75. On sala at ..,,.,. .87c Ladles Tan Silk Llslo Hose, double boIo. Tho 25c , and Hose, c and .15c 35c kinds. Only, per pair . . . . Children's all wool capos, with or without hoods; reds and blues; excellent materials. Real 5.00 values. fln f) Only ij)Zi3J Kutlhfuctloii or .Money Refunded "rheFair", , In the Qvenlngs when thoy tiro, through work. Thoro nro moro than eighty men now employed on tho Se attle, being arranged lu two shifts. Remodel ltnlldlng. The Hortou building on Hrondway, formerly oc cupied by The Times office, Is being overhauled nnd romodelled. A. II, I.owlg will occupy tho major portion of It with his confectionery nnd tho Mnrshfleld Electric Wiring Company will havo a small room In the south sldo of the building. (Jo to Coqulllo. Tho following mcmbeis of tho Marshfleld High schol football team left this morning for Coqulllo: Coach ltoyal Nllos, Har vey Walters, ltalph Chrlstenson, Leo La Chapell, Ralph Dresser, Sam Hun ter, Clarence llurrows, 1. Chapman, EJ Holt, Wllllain .McDonald, Hack nnd Storgard. Caused Alann TJltq s reflection from the big rofuso birrnowuttho C. A. Smith mill Inst ov?n1ng cnliscd considerable alarm owing tot" many thinking It Indicated ri,bnd1flrc'Tlio reflection was In thu fog and mist nnd was plain to view. Parties nt Sumner bbw It and phoned to Fred Wilson Inquiring nbout tho fire. .May Quit. Tho, Kagle. llruwlug' company Is figuring on closing out thu business now Instead of waiting fourteen moutliH allowed by tho pro hibition law. It Is said that It has, nover pnld and tho corporation may wind up Its affairs without wait-, lug longer. Kill Gotvw. Parties from Empire,, yesterday reported that two Empire ( inert had killed thirteen geesu near thoro, A member of tho life Having crow went out and In an hour or, sol bagged nil that hu wanted, Others secured quite a few of the birds. Old leslilonts say that It was ono of thei largest flights of geeso lu years. IlulhN TeniKrary Home. -That hc and his wlfu may havo n homo, Johni Mntson ban erected n temporary) house on his farm at Catching Inlet! to tnko tho place during tho rainy season of his largo olght-rooin homo that was burned to tho ground a few dnys ago. Mr. Mntson Is preparing j to put up u now. building after tho rnlny mouths luivo passod. I Makes (ileo Club. Alex Martin, III., better known ns "Jorrx" Mar tin, who Is well known on Coos Day, ' luivlng spont last spring and thu sum-1 nor horo In tho employ of tho Ore-! gon Power Company, has been suc cessful In mnklng tho Gleo Club of! thu Huston School of Technology, nc-j cording to n letter Just received from I thoro. Mr. Martin is tho son of Alex: Martin, Jr., tho prominent bank man j and president of tho Eugcno Commor- clnl club. Interesting Trip. George ltotnor, who returned lust evening from n business visit to Portland, whoro ho; iiiui ma reprucuiiiniivun ut buvuiiii largo eastern manufacturers, says that business Is quiet In Portland, hut Improving slightly. Ho returned by way of tho now lino to Mupleton, tlienco to Floronco nnd up tho beuch. Thoro Wero twenty Incoming passen gers on tho snmo autos. On the trip out ho went by way of Gardiner nnd tho northern chain of Ton Mile lakes nnd mndo vlxtoon changes of differ ent inotbodH of trnvol botweou Marsh rield and Portland union station, PERSONAL MENTION I JOHN WATEI18 was horo today on business from North Inlet. JESSE SMITH came In from hi South Coos lllver ranch today. OTTO HILL, of Coos Illvor, wns a business visitor In the city today. MltS. J. It. JOHNSON canio down from Allegany shopping today. VERNE HUEL was hero today on n short business trip from Allegan. OUS WICKS wan up todny on busl- uens from his homo at North Inlot MltS. IUA METCALF, of South Inlet, wns lu the city shopping today. ' MltS. NEIL RAGGETT was h visitor lu the city todny from Allegany? JOHN KEIF was uniong tho North Inlet visitors lu tho city today. J, A. (lOODWILL of South Coos Rlv- er Is a Marshflold business visi tor. ERNEST SMITH, of Catching Inlot, wns here today on a short business trip. CHAS. ORAM, factory Inspector nud deputy labor commissioner. Is mak FAIR Great reductions In Laco Cur tains 1n whjto or ecru; vurloty of choice pattoriiB. Vnluo to $2.50. On sale (J"J QC at per pair M iZd Fleischer Host Gormnntown Yum. Tweuty-fivo different shades. On alo, 7l at per skein I "u Glycerine Soaps, largo cakes; host 10c grade, Only, per cako . . Ub Men's Whlto Handkerchiefs; flno quality, hemstitched cam bric. Wero 15c. Cn Now only . , ub Standard Tablo Oilcloth, 4A Only jw yard iHli 72x'J0 Bed Sheets. Extra if special prlco HOb 'eiitrul Aveuiit) Next Door to uindler Hotel ing ono of his regular trips through ' this torrltory, MUS. J. E. GARDINER was In tills morning from her homo nt .Lake side. MRS. J. C. M'CULIX)CII. with her son Arthur and dnughter Ellza botn, wero visitors In tho city to dny. HARRY THOMAS, of Allegany, wns n business visitor In Mnrshfleld todny. MRS. ALICE COACH of Handon Is In Mnrshfleld on business and pleas tire. i C. R. HODSON, of South Coos River I Is a Marshficld business visitor todny. V. K. ROOD vas In tho city today; from Allegany on n short business trip. E. C. DARKER AND WIFE wore shopping visitors hero todny from Allogtuiy. . JOE RHODES, of South Inlot wns among tho business visitors lu tho city today. MISS LEAH WEIR enmo up this morning on n shopping trip from South Inlet. MRS. NORMAN 8AVAC1E enmo down on tho bont this morning shopping ' nud visiting. II. HIGOINS, enmo down on tho boat thin morning on business from Coos River. MRS. R. L. HEAP was down shopping ' this morning from her homo nt Allegany. MRS. MAIIEL MALDE, of North In let, wns In tho city today shopping nnd visiting. MltS. CLIFFORD HOUTIN wns nmoug tho South Inlet vlsltura lu tho city todny. LESTER K, HARRISON of Myrtlo I Point wan a Mnrshfleld buslnBi visitor yesterday. Hit. J. R. WETHERHEE of the Star Ranch was hero from Curry county Inst night on business. II. E. J1BSSEY, of tho Coon Hay Creamery, wns hero today on busi ness from Coon River. W. A. (1AOE wnn among tlin vlsltorn hero today from his homo nt Al legany nu hiisluesn, ATTORNEY M'INTUltFF left on tho morning trnln for Coqulllo, whoro ho wont on huulnesB. MR8. J. C. OISCII wan nmong tho shopping visitors In tho city today from Catching Inlet. ALIIERT CULVER wns wmong tho visitors In thu city todny from his homo nt Catching Inlot. I ANDREW ANDERSON and wife wero I up todny on n nhopplng nud busi ness trip from South Inlet. MRS. WESLEY NOAH wns nmong tho shopping visitors horo today from her homo nt Allegnhy. WILLIAM ROUNDTllEE or Liikosltle was In the city todny looking nf ter soino mnttors of business. SEC. SMITH of tho North ' Ilond Chamber of Commerce wbh a Mnrshfleld visitor last evening. MRS. John Hnydon, with hor mother nnd son Charles wero visitors In tho city today from Catchliiir Inlot. FRANK ROOERS, tho woll known Sduth 'Coos River rancher, Is n Marithflold business visitor today, MRS. 8CARPELLI nud child nro In from Lakoslde, whoro Mr, Scarpol-, II Is ono of tho subcontractors on tho railroad work. ' WILLIAM URIMES left on tho Naiiii Smith HUB morning with Ills friend, lion. T. I). Flynu, of Oklahoma City, who In now on his way homo, II. M. HONNEY nnd wlfo left ynstor day for Portland and other nortli- cm points, where they will visit. Ho Is tuklng a vacation from hlsiW'W." 8eoiid-hnd truck rt. duties nt tho Smith shingle mill. Wedgewood The Most Popular Stove Line itv Goos County WHY? They are Perfect Bakers, Fuel Savers Absolutely Guaranteed MT 5 VMr 11IIMI Hffi . SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY Mrs. J, Q. Jarvls ontortalns nt sewing. N. L. Y, P. S. nt church pnrlor. Junior Promenade nt tho tho Eagles Hnll. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. 'A. 8. Hlanchnrd. ' Thlmblo Ohio with Mrs. ti.'i E. Durnicator. russiriE JA A B & I H (fak.s' Sw. r T- TOO LATE TO CLASS)FY.v j FOIt HALE iXcelylono tank .nad outfit comploto. 1fr. - IfKbtink Iioubo and barn. Also good piano Addrtma l, enro aMihen. " f I.OST A belt pin, with n jrclloW-iwf. r Il euro of Tlnioit. JXJST Ijulles' ,hIIC'. IiohF .pitrsV," ' containing somu chnngo nnd card hi of owner. Kownrd for ro.turn, tp- TIiiioh office i4' YOU IIKXT A mimll, fo'uj.rV0Hi " ' 'tr . ...iii....i iitu.ii!r.;tii' ."? I1UIIHU, lll.SIDIII.1li J IIU11U mw-k. t - Li. r ,.:m t roUXI Head of MtJckpIn, hotvicri''-'' ' AnderBon nnd Curtis' Avo. A., ckVo' of Tlmos. FOH-HALE Two K'd rr?am 4 i CJS nrntors. It. I. Red and Whlto-Log- horn; puro-brod roostor. Phono 3148.. FOR SALE l.'Olt HALE A brnsn IhmI. OlO 8. 5th, phono 1D7. i I'Olt HMM Tlimv horse . over electric motor for sal6 cheap 'if ' tnkou nt onco. Apply Motoi, enro "TlniOB. .--'' r i . l FOIt HALE Hlmftlng, pulley, lxilt IngH nnd. hungora in flrut-clasn. condition, KbonU Qarago, Marsh fluid;1 Oregon. " , -..r, ift.. FOIt HALE Three IioHsiowerKM' ollno englno, upright, In flrat claas condition, compliito wtUt wntor tank. Phono or call ' at Kootlti (larage, Mnroliflold, yOr. WANTED VAXTEI Plain bcwIiik by the day. Phono 300-X. ( WANTED Five or six room liou. Unfurnished, with burn, clone iti. Apply O., caro of Times. Must be cheap, X, caro Thued. WA.NTKD T buy inolnwteH ipiuup. Address Times. - -I -77T , WANTED Girl or hoiiiaIi for,foi) ; ernl houcowork, Apply, E., coa.j, Tim oh, , ,, i ' i i i ' I. . I j n , I WANTED Hewing by an etperieac ed dressinnkor. Tol, 292-L. I 'WANTED Recond-liund sacks. I'Io '. neer Hardware Co. ' (WANTED Girl for general house. work; must bo competent coqk. Apply 01 'J H. 11th streot. I FOR RENT '""j lOlt KENT U-room houso with pantry nud bath, modorn, 12th . uud Commercial. Phono 55.U FOR KENT Doxlmble furnished or unfurnished housos. I. S. Kauf man and Co. . FOIt KENT FiirnUhcd houw)kept Ing rooiuH. C20 Central. Phono 1S5-J. mii iIi.'vt vi..-1.. i..i. . ir at 170 Curtis Ave., Tel, 10-Xt" ' ' ' ' ' ' u1 FOR ItKXT Xkfly fuvnlshed nxHiis -oyery convenience; close hi. ,321i,f4 8. Hroadwuy, phono 21G-L." j lOUNl" Hiind truck. y, ,4 Ownr eaji, , have sauio by idoutlfyjng It. A, T. Hnlnes. -4 -' MERCHANT'S CAFE ropular place for Good Meals. -Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commerctar& B'dw'y PHONE 1 0 Cent 15M Messenger Service ' MARSHFIELD CYCLERY ii -It 'K o u it if o Jl a ; i -tr it ' o h it '( a I) 't t ( 4. ( 14 n p. :' A1 .0. 10 "1 t