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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1914)
!tt2WJWBS5S iwwjummnm K9..mVii 'JST" ' 'l J s - i i3Sfc3UfS (tttiMIM, FOUIf, (fVSff THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOH. EKIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914-EVENIMG EDITION SrriMES T'wiTH THE TEA W, n. MALONEY. .Editor nnd 1 Pub. DAN E. MALONBV...NCIW Editor .. . . it,- tinotnfflrn nt MarBh Md OrVgonT for transmission ffioigh th walls as .econd-claa. ttkll niattor. An Independent Republican newi olper published dvcry craning except Bunday, And Weekly by jp Cooa lUy Times Publishing Co - Dedicated to tho orvlco of tho teoplo, that no good causo aba Utk A champion, and that otlt shall Rdt thjlvd unoppoBQd. biricui Taper of Coos County SUBSCRIPTION HATES. One ywir 'to ?er month " W WEEKLY. One rear ll.oO 'When paid strictly In advance, the wbdcrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day titnes Is $6.90 por year or J2.G0 fjr J months. Address Ml communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. I E BEWARE! UROPH la uttering n Bolcmn warning to America. Tho Old World Is. speaking to tho now. Ancient monarchies nro offering counsol to our young republic. "Beware, of gunal Hnnlah tho Im plements of' halo fronTboforo your cjyea. Take your mind off tho ma chinery of slaughter. Ceaso to d,Q light in tho engines of destruction, rilst In reason. Havq faith lu broth eriood. Bol'loro In lovo." nulld your civilization on tho, principle or good $111. ' Bind all tho nations of tho "estera hotnlspherc- into a federa tion, wjitch by. ItB fidelity to tho law of,, kindness nnd Its dqvotlon to tho Princaof I'.caco, shall becomo nt onco tno Inspiration nnd hopa of tho TTorld." HELP THE BELGIANS AND THE TOAST GOOD EVENING. I I i Ho ntmroachcB nearest tho I gods who knows how to keep silence, oven though lip is in mo i rlcht. Cato. DISTANCED. Dear Mngglo, wo nro growing old: At least to mo It sconiB that way. Your hnlr still has tno glint of gold, WhatB icit oi nunc is wuimuk gray. I know that I ntn growing fnt, And lovo my easy chair nnd oca;,, You'ro Bllm and lively how 1b thatt Our ages matched when wo woro wed. Wo promised, Maggie, you nnd I, When you became my gentle bride, Thnt wq. would loyal bp on,d try To mnko life's Journey Bluo uy side. I'vo nlwny'o kept tho bargain, dear, nut now It Bccms It cannot bo. That you have speeded up Ib clear Your pneo Is much too BWlft ror mot You tango nnd you turkey trot; I'm proud to havo you for my wife, Hut such performances nro not Becoming at my tlmo of, life, I lovo to Bit nnd take my ease, I'vo had my day, my fillip Ib flung! Bo Just nB youthful ns you, Out do not nsk mo to bo young. SomctlmcB half tho truth Ib worso than none. It keeps soino Coos Day people busy trying to look Innocent. . .? U f B l e nouem i "1 dLSnk yyzs y& i'.-"v v jzsr. v, 2y j. I r-. rlSTS. U m 5J fiSBE 'I mm I Fnr FlMmf 11 Mil T HR Impulse to help tho Holglnns Is spontaneoua nnd corapolllng. In tho midst of all tho horror ojt. tho cataclysm, tho, plight of thin, unoffending people stands Biipromo In Kb pathos. Driven frpm tholr homes, tholr crops destroyed, tholr occupatlpns, taken nwny, tholr dwol Il'ngs burned by tho ruthless destroy crj or bjattorcd by cannon, tho. Bel gians nro In n state of misery and want perhaps npvor boforo experienc ed by a civilized pooplo In these Christian tlmos. Thomsolvcs starv ing and. rpoflcBB on tho approach of' winter, they aro mourning tholr uwiu Ana uio inouBanua woo nru dyjng pf privation; nnd to th,ls des pcrato pass they hnvo hcon brought through no fault of thalrs. Thoy ha,vo fought, to ho suro, nnd brave ly, for tholr homes nnd for thplr national llfo, but thoy nro tho Inno cent victims of n great nntlonal disaster. An4 bo ft groat outburst of sym pathy for tho women nnd children, tbp bcrpiivod nnd fatherless, gentle fo(k nnd peasants, nllka ovurrltlon by tho militaristic Juggornatit, in spires tho Aniork'tiu iH'oplo to huli. Tlcn Is no lacking sympathy for the hundrodn of tliournindu of men wqunded or slain on tho bnttlq fronts or for thosa who mourn In countless homos lu Kranra, In Eng land, In Germany, In Iluasla Inno cent victims too. Hut theuo peo ple, nrt children of rich and pow erful governments which aro under obligation to do all they can for their pwji, Belgium lies prostrntq. Ovor (t Hwnnn hostllo troops. Tho government exists but It tins no land to govern; It him no moaim of rcltevlng distress; Its pooplo depend for, their vory lives on tho mercy of strangers, Tho Times nppoals to tho son orous pcoplo of Coos. Hay to glvo as thqy can llttlo or much, to toop theso Htrlckou pooplo. Every contribution will bq ucknowledgod and forwarded to tho proper au thorities for Touching tho Uulglum P9PK Homo Cooh Bay men nro llko um brollas thoy havo so innny ups nnd dovns. Most Coos Bay men who say thoy do tho best they can, don't. All you need to complete die- family circle is a ';'" PERFkTlON oilheater There's cheerinits glow ing warmth. Dealers everywhero Writ for boohUt. "Warmth In cold corner." Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Portland mmmmmlmmmmmmmm'mmmm ml Rtmultt lltt Ptatl Oil Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-wcckly service Cops jfo'yjind Saii.raneiseo. S. S. Redondo HMI.H FltOM MAKSIIKIKW) KOK SAV KltANTISH) AND KAN j.MDIK), SATlltDAV, NOVEMBER J I, AT 7 A. M. Equipped wltU wireless nnd subrnarlnft bcH . 1 1 Passengers and freight. . ; . S. S. N ANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. " ," Passengcraand freight. SAILS WtOM KAItSIU-'HSIill FOB HAX KltANCIHCO, r ' I'ltlDAV, NOVEMBER i:t, 0:!H) San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McClEoiiaE, Phone 14. I When n husband "thinks ho could havo dono bottor nnd n j wlfo thinks sho couldn't havo don,o w,orso, thoro'a a chnnco for soino divorce lawyer to got tho j prlco of n now runabout. j A full line of NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Always to be found at Ekblad (& Son, Also Camp Stoves, Ranges, Etc. PASSENGERS Arrow Son Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Phono 278. FREIGHT STORAGE Line Streamers -HAIfj FltOM- Coab Bay Every Friday To Portland Ami Tuenday To San Francisco THOMAS B. .1AMES, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albora Dock No. 3 Every Saturday 3 A. M. MnrHliflsld. KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL KVEKYTHIXa IN THE I1AKEKY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COaiPANY 1311 NOIITII SECOND ST., NKAK CENTBAL AVENUE. PI10XIJ -VM. KQUIl'PKIf WITH U'lltKLKSH. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FBOM BAILBOAl) DOCK, MAUSHFIELD, DLMIINC THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, ON THE 7TII AT 11 A. M.S ON THE J.ITII AT 7 A. M.; ON rilKUIST AT 1 P. M.J ON THE 1SKTII AT 7i(, A. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTII AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. Phono ns-J. O. II. LANDERS, ARcnt PROFESSIONAL E. Lothartl McClure Perl Riley Bailfnger ' PIANIST ANI) Taiciiw, Rosldonco Studio, 217 W. rhono 368.L. h'rt 8 1 Innl ntlinrl , PIANO TUNICR AND Ul!PAlnPn LoBTe Tders nt W. 11. ii&SKp lie Conipany. inc moi. US S. Sixth Btreot. Phona H. H. Haroer " HOUSE BUIUmil General liopnirhig and Cablwt Sinking. ' ''hone 349-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. s. T (Weltiiicr Jlctlindil ' livery Known dlscnsa tr.ltAi fithout driiKs or aurKery. nZ, ! ind 2, 237 South Broader l Phono 132-L. Manhtirid. Or. I. M. Wrioht " n BUILDINO CONTlSf i Estimates furnished on rqntit Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noie nnd ThrotL OLASSIIS FITTKD OR. MATTIH B. 8IIAW DlncneH of Women and am Orflco Phono 330-.I. Hoomi MUH 202, Irvlug Dlock. ' i . Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTINO KNfllNKER AM) ARCBITKCT Offices, 200 Irving Block ?hono 103-Ji or 2R7-J. Marsbfleld, Ortfoa W. G. Chair ' ARCBlTi:OT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coke Dolldlii Xlarshtlold, Oregon ' Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT , Marshflold, Oregon, Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D, SWEDISH MAKSACi: AND 10, ICAL OVMNASTIC8 FOR ALL DlSBARCg ft.t7 roiiiinciTliil nve. I'lionn SIM I It will probably mnko Bomo Coos Bay men vory unhappy to lenrn that tho larRcst hammer In tho world Is in Italy. Adam was tho first man to throw a raco. Pcoplo bo to extremes In tryliiR to mnko both onds moot. Tho wlso mnn lcuriiH from observation rather than from experience. Every man hna a past, although few euro to use It lu tholr husliicsH. A trickster Ih merely n man who gets tho best of n trade with you. Fools and children can bo rolled on to tell tho truth nt tho wrong time. PnrliniiH hoiiio brides blush ho- cnuso of tho kind of husbands thoy havo rm to cover. Tho Inventor of rubbor tips for ponclls mado n fortune because of other people's mistakes. And many n man could enm $2 with half tho energy ho wastes lu trying to borrow one. When u man comes homo sick, his wlfo expects him to hold tho baby while she, mlxen him a doso of some uasty stuff. If you don't tnko nil tho ndvlco Homo men try to hand you, they tell others that you lack tho braliiH to enable you to luuko good. INFORMATION WANTED. i The Union Market OUR COLD STORAGE SYSTEM IS HUHE'A SUCCESS Our Prlmo Roasts of Beof, Lamb, Mutton, Veal nnd Pork cannot bo cxcollod. Try ono of our Fnt Hens or Fryers for your Sunday dinner, thnt has been properly 'cooled, nnd nolo tho difference. J. E. FORD &. CO. I To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST ANI) COMFOBTABLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McGEORGE AGENT W. H. TAINTER Phono 41, Marshflold Phono 421, North Bend KOONTZ GARAGE Excclnlor Motorcycle Agar; LEE TIRES ' AUTOMOBILES STOKED OOOS COUNTY'S .MOST COlITLVtl MACHINE HII0I' MARINE ANI) AUTOMOMLH REPAIBLVai GASOLINE FOR 8AIK VOKTII FRONT ST. 1'HOX 18M UA1TERIES IlEPAIHEI) AXD OHAllOKI) B NO HAW KDOEfl on YOUR COLWIW If you Iwvo them lnndf nt TWIN CITY BTEA5I L.WSMT 171 Koiith Broiiihvny Pliono .IH I TYPEWRITERSAH standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remlnflton, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanflo. ClonnliiK. rcpalriiiK or notv plateiiH, wirk Ktinrnuteeil. Rttibotis nnd rrlOH paper Oellvercil. Phono us your order. Phnuo II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA ENGINE NEEDED OIL. If weren't so mony hard prob lems to solve., It niny bo rur days would bo glad der; But pleaso won't you answer mo this If you cnti, Hlr In n lnd his step-fathor'H Htop-Iad-dor? Sleceted. CANDY FACTORIES AND BAKERIES IX OREGON- SALEM, Or., Nov. 13. Accord ing to flgurus gnthored by 'tho Ln bor Commissioner, thero nro sevou Eugene Firemen Illumed for Revest Arelilent. KUQKNE. Or.. Nov. 13. That tho raima nf i. Itfinl ttii ulikirtu it i MVW Wt UlU WIMlltt W fcIVVJ ( MM WVIHHIIiWiiV v.v . --..-.- l19 nino or n cuy nro irucK j Ynojosnio cnuay pinnw in uio "u nnvnrnl u'nlra mm wna tt InMf . nnil Mwiln viliinHnti la $107,250. or oil. Is tho atatomout of E. A. iThoy produco 4,524,000 poutSibfqrl WJlkfnson, gonoral manogor of tho i candy oaeh year, nnd pay a total vlfA L'r.l., r,vn,.,n.,,. I,i n I ,!, nt tiii o O T Ilia rwnnla nlRn . VV .IIU 4Mf)IIIU VVilUft.l.J , .It u j Hunt) if. Y.'.IM' i" .--w lo.ttor to E. M. Johnson, chairman show that thero nrq 257 bakery cs of tho flro and wator committee tnbllshments Iiv tho stato, with a of the. City Council. Thn nniinrll vntnH in itnrrhnun nn outlroly now entcino for tho truck 'totals $4,070,635, snutcau oc having tho old ono ro- RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY. Safety Deposit Boxes For Jient. Have You Ever Tried Shilling's Coffee? If not, order a can today and if you are not pleased with it, it will not cost you anything. We have just received another shipment of eggs, two dozen for 65 cents. ' COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE l'hoiio :it)l-J. (We Save You Money) 1 1 M - """ ' C. J. BOAIFE 2 j A. II. H0MIX1 PAINT ANDi Marshfield S5 .ft i EHtlmntcs Furnished I I'hono BOy-J. MrhCe!, CITY AUTO & TAXI CO, 1)AY ANI) NIGHT SKHV1CB For taxi, phono 103, Ideal O I For touring cars, vm " I Chandler Hotel LYNN LAMIIirrH, 1'rPP v... r...i. t t New C"1 4 Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIENTtr BKNG8TACKEN, Unater FAUM, COATi, TIMUER ANI) I'liATTINO LANDS A BP2CIALTY. GENEUAL AGENTS EASTSIDI MARSHFIELD OI-VICE, PHONE MJ, COQUILLE CITY OFFICE I'HONK 101. MATT It. MAI Western Oregon Ilepresentatl" ..... Wholesale l" Rea. Myrtle Arms. TeiJJ ! Z totul payroll of $8U,3SI, and tho vnluo of tholr products each year llf.VH4 ilf.llt Villi Will UHU -i pa'lrod, If a, ultnhlo guarantee can CRA.MTORD AND SON U,l l obtajned. Tho now ono will font PRACTICE IN PORTLAND $850 U a. b. at tho fnptory at Mln-1 neapolls. It wus (ho consopua oft SALEM, Or., Nov. 13. Announeo oplnlon that tho old motor was a ment has been rondo by Attomey "Jemon." The flrcuien say that It General A. M. Crawford that ho never did work llko It bhould hnvo nml his son, Jaiuca Crawford, nt worked. I present his tlrat assistant, will en- ' 'gnHO In tho pruetlco of law In Port- ,.,,, .,,.. , 'laud after his toiiu expires. Ar- .-"WLiV. " '"."irangements havo already been mado . 9if lIMI..I.,J .VI JIIUI IIIIJIIV. Ilflt.' ArKo Boda Works. Pl(ono 210-L." for offlcos. Mr. Crawford has sorv iihI threo terniH ns Attornoy-neneral i nt Oregon Pivor to becoming Attor- J)R. II. E. KELT", DENTIST noy-Gonoral ho was ongnKod In the' rhouo U2-J, Room 2o Coko Uldp;. ipractlco of law nt Rosouurtj. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTY' Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided ' Profits $11 5,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits - Officers: J. W Rennet t, Piohldent. I, II. Flmiaguii, Vice-President. ' H. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F, Winchester, Anst. Cashier. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customors will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durablo framing material at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to spend and wo'll get busy with our pencil and tlguro out the best your uouey can buy. Try us. , .t,........ C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL BILL 1 TWO RV USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY LOT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS mm. -iv Trust Co.. " .-: tuio "' ,,e. WT thorougniy ""i"-"-":; dlnto service, ix "-r: 'attWW ;i T to all interests ol out c MINIMUM u v I. S. KAUFMANjJU I SUITS CLENEJjJAjg JJ$ ED SUITS MAHH TO if E ANTAT?RLf issss:m-ii SOU duh --- -.T"SAJTJi? . HVKMl "' -!- S A ! I corar I S'l LAWRI'.NCE HOTEL j (Formerly tho Coos Hotel) j Steam heat, hot and cold water.. j No liquor. j Wo Invite you to Investigate our j i winter rates Special Inducement when two or moro persons occu- py samo room. CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Aro Right And U Work Gnaranteel Call at "Tho Fireside." Johnson Rldg. 137 Second St. Phono 43I-J. FroncU Ranges. Boiler Work I x .... AvC. , I 200 Wost JiarKBi. - i I second Street ' Undernpwnianasemt j ! ,0w. and all wo m. Ladles' work N I " 7Gnr.nSV0RTT'! STEVENS .v , ,Hlbv- . - . AiCS