mmt vmam Sara HW NOVEMBER 12, 1914-EVENING EDITION '-n i "rrn 7 SIX NHD S 1 AUTO DAMAGED SLUICE FORTUNE F I T MAM VIA I TAILINGS MPETDI BUI E FIRST AMERICAN BATTLESHIP n , , . Black Sands of Whiskey Run Hupmobilc of Gorst and King yield $800 to H. C. Howell Beach Line Spent Over . anfj sons in Two Weeks Month Below Water 0od nml mimn Blulcod froni Out of tlio dcci sand of Ton Mllo , ti,0 i,inck eimd nt tha mouth of Whls Crcok, where It hncl been burled for jay nn netted II. C. Ilowoll und two boiib $800 for two weeks' work. To mnko tills amount the men secured ono nml one-linlf nouiidH of platinum nml about five ounces of gold. This Is ono of tlio successes nindo In that rcKlon told about today by .1. A. Intact, whlicj' tlio ciibIiio, althoiiRli Wnrd, who has Just returned from n clogged wldi'muid, Iins been cleaned I tw0 weeks' trip through Curry and out and .today Is In perfect rmiiiliiKl Koiithcrti Cooa countloH socking ex hibits for tho Panama Pacific !3xno-hIIIoii. Years ago when the sand was first n month nml tbrco days, tho big lliipmobllo of tho Gorst nml Kinney benci lino wns drawn. Not a thing nbput tho maphlno wns damaged, oven tho Icnllior seats having pro- borved their color nnd tlio top was all order. ThlH' Is tho declaration of Jerry 'Kinney dn his return from up tho bench, whero ho helped In tho op eration. Shortly nftor tho first of October, this mnchlne, loaded with four pas sengers, nttompted tho crossing of Ten Mllo Creek nt tho particular mo ment when nn untiBunlly heavy swell from tho sea met a similar wall of wntor from tho opposite direction, tho two meeting beneath tho nuto mobile, completely killing tho engine nnd wetting tho passengers. Tho machine left stranded, Immediately began sinking Into tho shifting sand, and hofnro a team could bo hooked on, tho nuto became too far Imbedded In tho creek bottom, To tho renr nxlo wns attached a stout ropo nnd n buoy to mark tho sluiced, no attention waa jmlil by tlio miners to tho platinum deposits. It Is over tho tailings of theso first ef forts that .Mr. Ilowoll has secured his "gott-i'Ich-qiilck" results. Fur ther back up tho creek four or flvo miles, 0. II. Bradford, mi export min or Is working on a shaft that will extend through tho top surfneo down to the old bunch formation, wlicro ho Is finding an clght-root layer of black sand, fly means of mi olovn tor ho expects to bring up this sand and slulco It out In the waters of Whiskey Hun, about ton miles north of Hnndon. Down In this district dozens of minors havo sunk fortunes In hopes spot when tho last of tho innchlno 0f taking out bigger ones. For tlio illsnppenrcd from sight. Long tho owners waited for tho stream to shift nnd sovqrnl days ngo when tlio water bcststiltcd thorn tho owners went out wlth'Hotiso-Movor Wnlkor of North Hcrtd. A throe-legged shoors wns erected over tho spot, n block inndo fast to tho buoy ropo nnd slowly tho mnchlno wns lifted from Its sand most part thoy havo been unsuccess ful, but this Is ncociiutcd for to n great extent, bullovcs Mr. Ward, by tho fact that Iho minors sought only tho gold, throwing nwny tho tailings containing the plntlnuni, by fur tho most costly mineral ns It sells for $11 mi ounce Tho $800 of mineral mined by Howell mid his two sous bed. Tho wntor flowing over tho Wns cleaned up Iobb than n week ngo. ' top washed off tho Blind n llttlo nt I n tlmo and In a short tlmo tho nm-,x ' chlno wns completely out on dry! I LOCAL OVI3RFLOW. i land, Not oven n tiro had boon dnmnged. Tho mnchlno hns boon overhauled liml n Inrger body Is now being built for tho trucks that mora passengers may bo taken In tho beach trips. Yesterday for tno first tlmo In I about ten dnys tho bench lino stago wns iinnhlo to connect with tho train at Mnplotnn for Kugono. With their, schedules for this moilth nlrendy out tho proprietors declare they will bo uunblo to follow clone connections until December 1, when their new Bviiviimu win ui u u lino iircoiiiil iiihii , Two ! INmiiIiiiih. At tho moot' lug of the county court In Coiiullle this week tho name of Mrs. Kllen Mc Malion was stricken from tho wi dow's pension list, nn Mr, McMahou, who Is In California, is ablo to again bo at work, mid also tho namo of Mrs, Velltn Daniels, Sho was mar ried hut a short tlmo ngo mid conse quently loses her pension of $17.!i0 per month. Then) wore no new names added to tho list. North Bend Chamber of Com merce Agitates Beach Ser vice for Fast Delivery Agitation In fnvor of bringing mall to Coos Day via the beach rottto, started sovoral weeks ago, has rapidly Increased until senti ment seoms turned strongly In favor of any moans by which mail can bo brought hero In quicker tlmo than tho present delivery over tho Myr tlo l'olnt route. Hoforo tho North Hunt! Chamber of Commorco Inst evening, V. C. Gorst, of tho Gorst & King bench stago, declared that It would bo possible for his com pnny to bring tho mull from M li pid on Into Coos Hay at least by 'Z p. m. of tho second day out of Portland and that on days with favorable tides carrion could ninko It through with tho 3ugcno and Portland mall on tho snmo day. Under tho present railroad scheil clo mall leaves Portland about mid night for tho south, nrrivlng at I3u gene before 7 a. in., giving ono hour for transference to tlio Maple ton train which leaves Hugeno nt K a. in., arriving nt tlio end of the lino shortly after 1 1 o'clock of that morning. Put aboard a waiting boat und brought down tho Bluslaw and at Its mouth put on a south bound bench stage, the mail, It Is bolluvcd could bo delivered nt Coos Hay Postofflres that evening on fnvornble tldo days, nnd In any event could bo brought 'in hero be fore the second afternoon after leaving Portlnnd. Tho present routo from Myrtlo Point tnkes approximately !IG hours either In going or coming from Uosubiirg. Mr. Smith, sccrotnry of tho North Eeml Chamber of Com morro 1iuh taken tho matter up with tho local organization nnd declares they will do nil possible to secure the ro-routlng of the Coos liny mnJl. I.otters put In tho PoBtofflco at Nortli Ilcnd In tlio evening are hold thoro Until tlio next dny when they catch tho 1! )). m. train from Marsh field Tor Myrtlo Point nnd on tho third day reach Hoseburg. F.dltor McDanloIs, of tho North Ilond Har bor, inado arrangements with Post master Curtis this morning for the bringing of first-class mall matter from thoro about noon for delivery hero on tho two o'clock out-going train. With tho coming or Sonntor Chamberlain mid Heprcsontatlvo Hawloy to Coos Hay. possibly this month, tho matter will be taken up with thoni personally, according to Mr. Smith mid strenuous efforts made to have tho mall re-routed. Til UN". Ono hundred and tlilrty-thrco years ago November 5, tho 7-gun llnc-of-battlo ship America was launched at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It tho word had ben la use, this bnttleshlp would havo been known as America s first "dreadnought." It was built under tho direction of Paul Jones, the famous naval hero of the Revolu tion. When Jones returned from lOuropo In 1781 nftor his battle on tho llonhomiuo Hlchnrd with tho Se rapls, Congress tendered lilm a veto of thnnks and authorized him to go alionil and build tho Anieilcn to drive tho Hrltlsli from our waters. Hut It took tlmo then, as well as now, to build a battleship, and before tho America was finished tho war had ended. Congress presented tho ship to Franco to offset the loss of tlio 74-kiiii French ship Magnlflquo which bail been destroyed In Hoston harbor. Ho the first llno-of-battleshlp tho Un ited States over built never had a clianco to show Its fighting strength under the American nag NOW. Todny tho superdrendnougiit Penn sylvania Is to tho battleship Connec ticut ns tho giinshlp America was to nonhoninio Itlchnrd, In which Pnul Jones first nindo tho American navy a power on the sea. When tho Ilon liomino Itlchnrd defeated tho Sorn pls tho American nation numbered less than .1,000.000 people; today It has moro than thirty times that number, but It hns a navy ten thous and times ns strong ns Its llttlo col lection of warships In Revolutionary days. Ono of tho smallest gunboats today could sink a wholo fleet or brigs and schooners of 1770. nnd pos sibly whip the whole Hrltlsn navy or Mint dny. A bnttleshlp llko tho I'onn pylvanla could liiinlhllato all tho nnV Iob of tho world In tho days of tho Revolution. Tim Pennsylvania cos $11,000,000, or enough to build all tho wooden warships of tho world In 1 770. An hour's broadside from this superdrendnougiit would cost morn than It did to build tho first Auiorl ...... I..ilflu1llll N till, iimiivo...ii MAY TALES OF BRAVERY IN TOLD BY ENGLISH SOLBIEB C I in, a..oc..,m rr. ,., ., ir Tim.i I es. lOvcn then the charge did not j LONDON, Nov. 11. - Many narrow KO off and tho men liml to rice, loav- 'rscapcB and deeds of wonderful urnv-J nK tho bridge Intact. If tho charge cry havo been nindo by the Injured, had gono off tho young lieutenant Hrlllsh nml soldiers now recovering would havo disappeared completely, In Kngllsh hospltalB. A young Inuro1 but the approaching Germans would corporal of tho King's Hoyal Rifles, have been robbed or an easy entry In- , who Is recovering from a bullet ' to tho allfos' territory. wound In Ills knee owes his llfo to nj One of tho officers on tho Ill-fated 1 crucifix which, ho picked up In an l Cressy, which wns sunk by tho Ger- enipty houso where ho wns blllotoil. nian submarines, wns soveroly Injnr- A strango Impulse coinpoiicu nun to:od on mo nonu, nan nom pick up the crucifix and put It In broken and his feet crushed as ho his havorsnek. I was thrown Into tho air by tho explo-j M.irimr nn nncncnincnt a fow days1 bIoii. Ills body was sucked under, later ninny or tho corporal's comrades tno wn(0r i,y tho sinking cruiser, but Special Reduction s in price of Ladies Suits Coats and Dresses Hub Dry Goods Go. "Smart Wear for Women" ' Cor. Broadway and Central Ave. a Phonj 36; were killed by bullets wnlch wore almost spent. Tho young corporal wnB hit In tho knee and later round when taken to a hospital that ono ot tho spent ballots had also pnsuod completely through his knapsack, but had lieon loflectod from his body by the crucifix, ono or tho arms or which had been broken off by the bullet. wns picked ui) by olio of the rescuo ' ships. Twenty-four hours nflerwards the injured otflcor regnlned con , scloiiBiiosB and his first words wcro: "Aro wo down-hearted? No!" ' A sorgonnt of tho lino was made , adjutant ior his coolness nnd bravery , In ono or the oiigngonionts In Lor raine. With throe mon tho sergeant ADVERTISED LETTERS List of unclaimed Idlers remain ing In the Marshfleld, Oregon, post ofriro for tho week ending Nov. 10, I'.ill. Persons calling for the same will pleiiBo say advertised und pay ono cent for each letter called for. Avery, M. W. Allsman, Mrs. 13., M. Allsmmi, II. Walter. Allen, John S. Allen, 11. M. Allen, Anna R. Anderson, .losephino. Anderson, Olaf A. Aldorlann, Alex. Harret, C. L. . ., Rally, Geo. II. Harney, J. M. Hncke, Mrs. Julio. Ilnrtnr. fi. K. Heckler, John W. Il.nnl.n Tf.ll. f Jiuimui .mini .,. . Hlnkem, Gunevlve N. 1 Hoillno, Arthur , i'.. U. JWlUlli. .. . -; MmujkiIS .. 'nV.ii. JIOIVOB. 1'. A. Ilnricc. Win." "K':jT'?rlki., W. Lolloy Hum Hail Kail, .lank Sullivan, the well-known traveling shoo milosmitn. r,.ll l.i .. r..l.. !... Ililu iiriiifiinnii nii.1 ., ., ... .... It'll III II llllliv mill imn miuiiiwwn mill the lidos mid the Mnpleton train i tl,nlblcd down the outsldo stairway time and through connections will on Second street lonillng to tho then bo made most evorv dav or tliu Clinndlor kitchen. Ho received a bad mouth. gors from ed In Flntcnro (he same evening of tho day they leave hero. Above the Umpqiia tho Dungs Livery Company of Utigono havo put on sovoral six homo Btages. He Trict o Mnkc Los Angeles Look Like Goiham, "JJTWBiWVfa TiHiu.w1H'WniTO?n' ) made most evory day or the1 Cliiinuior Kitciion. no recoiveti a nan At tho nrosent tlmo naBson-' fnl1' ,Mlt ,l H thoiiKht that nothing ai ino proseni imio passen- Bor8 w result allhoiigh ho Jin Coos Hay nro always land- W HllM llllqplllicmw t 3-30 p. m. , .'hllminn ll.n nnl.i.i ni,..i.l.... ..l 1 I'OOTIIALL AT COI.U'lLLi:. TtMiin or Mnthrielil Itlgli Scliool lo Play C'iHiiillo Independents To j liiori'iiw. Thirteen inetnbers or tho Mnrsli fleld High Scliool football team will leave In tho morning for Coiiullle, whore they will meet the Indepen dents In tho aftoriionu, In the gaiiio tllaycd hero two weeks ago tlio locals, despite tho fact thoy wore outweigh ed, muiingcd to put up 11 strong do. feiiHho game and held their oppon ents to a 0-0 score. Hut few changes have been mailo, In tho lineup, declares Coach Nilos. Harvey will go In at center to take tlio place or McDuffoy, who ban left tho squad, and Hoainnu will bo out of tlio game because of the HiekuoNs or his father, nnd his berth at half-' back will bo rilled by Holt, Cup. tain Lyons Is still out of the gmuo on account of a broken bono In his hhouldor, lecelved early In the soa son. AHRICSTKI) ON KKItKH'S CIIAItGK.' Twentj-.Veiii-.Olil ,ly Itlclmuls v ciiHcd by Sixteen. Ycjir-Old .leiiulo , Cutclilng. j Jay Richards, n twont,y-yonrold boy, step-son or Leonard .Masters, or Siimiier, was taken to Coiiullle today' uiiilor a warrant or arrest elinrglng him with being tho rather or tho child born yesterday to Hi-yonr-old Jonulti Catcnlng. nlsn or Sumner, The boy went to tho county soat ac companied by his mother and a con sultation was hold with Prosocutlng. Attonioy I.IIJeiiviBt. Ulclinrds was sought yosterday bv tho otrici'B who had a warrant for his arrest, but he ried Into tho woods artor Jumping from a window In his homo, when tho fnthor or the girl anio to seo him In rogmd to tho matter. WILL DAILKY, of Gnrdlner. who re cently has been nt Mercy Hospital, wan able to leave mid come to the Chandler last evening. He will return homo soon. K. G. LKSLIIO Is hero from C01111III0, 011 luminous mid pleasure ' ' K.MIL JPDKLL, whoso fame as a ci gar salesman Is being eclipsed by tho lluo of novel catches that he I earrles for his friends, Is back on the Hay. He says that the suc cess of Iho Panama Kxpoaltlou In assured mid that the attendance now averages from liri.OOO to 7.1,-, 000 a day. CAR OI-'K TRACK. Heavy Gravel Cur l,eac Ralls When They Spread r.'oiiiillo Train Delayed. When the oiikIiio of tho Coiiullle train attempted to snitch a heavy loaded gravel ear aerimn tlio switch this morula; near the depot the rails spread mid, tho front trucks of the big car lert the track by about two feet, Tho wheels 011 ono side or the track cut considerably Into the ties before tho car was stopped. Workmen arrived at once 011 tho spot mid boKiui unloading the gravel alongside Iho track, after which tho engliio was again put to use nnd with the further aid of blocks tho trucks of tho gravel car were again run back on tho track. Tho trip to Heaver Hill today was left out 011 this account and the pas seugor train went direct to Coiiullle, a fact which brought the passongura there about on schedule tlmo. ' IlllIIU. Mini Htiuu fc..vt -r 1.l..ol W llllltnn 11 f llln l'lrnt i ....ou ., ...n.. flnlil 111 (it. 1 llliliu i. . " -.. WUO nuill. liviupn mi i..uii .... -- , Uast Laucors poses ns tho lucklost trnct ti,0 frQ f ti10 (leriunns bo tho man In tho army. Ho wns lilt hy ; colonol could toll whero tho onomy'B threo bullets within a minute with-1 trenches woro and wlmt their prob-j out serious Injury. Ono bullet nnl-nblo Btrcngth wns. A hull or htillutR toned rive roumls or aniiniinltlon In 1 WI18 ,rCcted nt tho four men. Thoy! his bolt, nnothiir siniiBliod tho innga-1 mn,0 in0r wny to a Binall fnrm- .ina of his ririo nnd n( third pnsacd i,01BO where they climbed up on n through his cnp. 1 tlio roof and from the shelter of a A letter from one or the Roynl Kii-jcliliunoy began firing at tho Germans, glneora lesr.rlhos the remarkable Angorcd by tho Imprudence of tho , pluck of Lleiifqnnnt R. Pottlnger or , four (,oldlors tho Gonnmis directed Tcdmouth. ijottlngor nnd his section ' nno 0f tholr batterleB on-tho Iioiiho were nttonipU"K to blow up a brldgo nml rnYM t. under tiro. Tjioy laid tho clutrgo nnd ".My 8martost patrol loader Isi tho section retired. Lloutonnnt Pot- gono," the colonel remarked, as he' tlngor mid a sapper remained behind nw tho building crumble. Tho lliroo to ngni iiMi iuho. mo i'iiiiiku ui" privates wero no more, 11111 1110 111110 not explode. The sappor then fired ten rounds of iimmiinttlou at the chnrgo without succoss. Pottlnger then said "I'll make the tlijiig go off." He shook hands with tho sapper mid then walked to tho brldgo. There in) put tho muzzle of his revolver. In to the charge mid fired all six chart- scrgoant was soon soon running across tho field toward his command. Whon tho Horgonnt arrived breathless ut headiiiartors his colonel asked with mock severity why ho did not Ktny to contlnuo the flro, "Sorry, sir, but tho pigs knocked my hoiiBo down," was the reply. ' 4. I CLAMS, CRAHS, FISH AND I OVSTIIRS ! If you nro particular about ! the shell fish you eat, get ac- 1 qualutod with us. I COOS DAV OVSTKIt CO. I at Palaco Moat Mkt., Hroadway I .y-fvc aKvVV RICItnl.'l) 'jIAPiroM DOMIttO MUTUAL ACTOR.-DIRECTOR Rlihard st.inton v TIioiuiih II. Ince'n rii hi hand mill. Iibi trump runl ns It were, lu thi liir: New York-Mutual ktudloH nt Smt.i Monica, California. Actor, dlreotor, proiuuer, author, al wii,ji ready fur anytlduK, Stniiton has iiiuiIh a inline for himself that eiiriix illvideuiU of no menu Hlxo. He Is an athlete, tralm-il to the minute, mid an mimteur put-illst of no ordinary ability. Not long ago lam bad to Impnit two real wrappeiM from San Fmnelsi-o to play ojiimmIIo Stanton in one or the ruinous IMuiluo Muliial IiInIi plnyn be. eauso m iiieuilH-riif the stm-k roiupauy but bore s-niu 01' Staiitim's lighting mill ilctfhvtl no more. Tho pugilists had to he )'.i'lll.-.ln'r. and Stanton, us mi lrl"li pnlrUt. was Hupposed to beat them up. He did. Stanton will yn to iilmost any ex triune to get u went. In 11 play ho re cently prodmed, "In tho Clutches of tho Gnnw," ho was supposed to meet his Hweetheait In Time Siiuniv, Now York. lie went to the lundest corner tu Lett Auaeleri, Ktalleil bis nuto In xvliMi his ohiiiui'ii was null allnictdl iii-li a crowd that ho soon had the e(Te-t he wniitod, The mJI'-o limited bin) ror lilocUndliitc trallle, but the mat' Ixlnite dim luinrcd blm. He said I didn't have it In Ills heart V" tine a man who had tho nerve t try to make ' o Angeles look llko N.nv York. Can Nations be Starved Out Times Want nds bring rosulti. RKCOVIIRS .MACIIIXKRV TORIC LENSES BEST FOR YOUR EYES ' Because the deep curVe toward the eye, correspond ing to the arc of rotation of the eyeball, gives a llargen field of vision, prevents the lashes striking and cuts off annoying reflections. ' Broken lenses quickly duplicated RED CROSS OPTICAL DEPARTMENT RED CROSS DRUGSTORE' Action for Damages l.ot liy .1. F, 'IVIiiihIci- Hlnck Sand Mining Venture- Falls. Suit brought In Justico court yes terday afternoon by J. F. Tolander ror $50 damages from Charles Lash and Addison Cook resulted in n do clslon against the plaintiffs, though he had received back mining machin ery which ho Installed at South In let sovoral mouths ngo for the min ing or tho black Band. According to testimony brought out at tho trial, Mr. Tolander hnd paid $250 tor tho machinery and had gvub-stakod Lash ami Cook supplMng them with several months provisions. There the men worked . .. . . .... ... i...i 11. ..1 Sl.M'H IHO worm nwiiKU Ml iiimi mm war was not only a possibility, , but actually going on, wu have not heard much or tho nulvo nsuor tlou that tho great bankers could pruvont war by Musing to rinanco It. That was very much llko saying 1 that the owners or any other kind of properly, my horses or hay, could prevent war by refusing to lot the Government havo It, Now that It hns been ilomoiistratud that a govern-1 iiient at war can got anything wluVh , exists wltlUu Its roach, the dUciisslou has tiirnod to tho question as to whothor tho necoBsary supplies oxlst or not. Obviously that Is another matter. Kvon a military autocracy cannot got supplies which do not phy sically exist within Its reach. Com pared with this problom, oven that of financing tho war, that Is, of keep ing tho war chest full of the means of buying supplies and paying othor ex penses, Is of minor Importiiuco, and took out some gold, which they sold, none ot tho proceeds however finding Its way to the pocket of Mr, Telaudor, Litter whon ho sought tho recovery of tho niachlnory tho men declared they woro working In part nership mid rofused nt first to give up the mining outfit, but this wns intor recovorod by tho rightful ow 11 or. The suit for $50 dnmngos wns for tho failure of tho mon to dollvor the machinery at tho tlmo Mr. To lander cullod tor It. o I COOS 11AV TIMF.S I WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS j Hl'Y AX UI-TO.TIIK.MI.l,'TK j WAU .MAP Will I.l Tin: 1 j SUPPLY laSTS 1 j They Aro Going Fust Tho question or rood, not only ror tho nriuloM, but ror the non-flghllng population as well, we will admit to be ot equal Importance with that of mon or ammunition. Hut It must I be boriio In mind that the question of food Is not n question of living as well In time or war as In time or pence. It Is rather n question or finding tho hnulc uocosslllos ot llfo. A pooplo who would prefer to be ' whipped rather than undergo a ' change of dlot or give up luxuries will pi ninthly get what It prefors. It Is Iniportnnt, thorofore, that wo study the available supplies of these basic necossnries beroro Jumping to the conclusion that any ot tho war ring countries can he starved Into submission- T. N. Carver In Review ot Rovlows. Cnrr. P. Campbell, F. II. Crnwrord. T. F. Clark, Chas. Carlson, Alma. Cnttlo, II. Coney, Miss Ilattio Collins, Miss Maude Collins, Gottfrld Countryman, C. C. Cumpton, Miss Frances. Davis, Mrs. Syrettn, Detmonty, Abraham. Dlngen, George. DIamlda, Petor. Dougherty, Mary V. Durglu, I), Duncan, Matilda. Hvans, Mrs. Julia M. Kllsworth. R. II. Fassblnder, IV II. Forbos, Sam. dny, Mrs. 1. S. Gantt, John 13. M. GrniiBtroni, John. Glover. W. S. Gnvodlok, Jooj Gebdell, John. Hanson, Axel Guutav lianley, Mr. Harris, 'John 'M. HnrkliiB, Harry. Hanson, C. Y. Hand, Annie, llantol, 13. Hall, MIbs JoiiiiIq (2) Hall, J. D. Hayes, Henjamlno. Harris, Geo. W. Harris, Amelia II. Hiinlon, Hdgiir W. I lick man, Mrs. M. 13. Illnksou, Jlnoy. Hickman, R. L. Holding. C. Holmes, Nettle. Jacobs, Hnrry. Jewell, Alfred. Jones, Owen. Johnson. P. I) Johnson. Ml', Knox, H. W. Kelly. Clifford. Lnpalino, Miss lhtncnle Lee, lllnn. McNutt, J. M. MnW.oy, George P. Mnttlson, Rcnn. Meyers, Geo. Miller, I. J. Mlllegnn, ('. M. Moffett. W. J. Murphy, Denis. Mulbry. J. II. Murphy, L. 13, Murphy, Desla. NoIboii, Laura. Korrls, Myrtlo A. . Owen, T. L. Ponlaud, Oliver. Porter, Chnrles It. (2) Powe, Mary (2) ItnndqulHt. John. Ramsey, Georco. Rein. 13. It. Honwortlit Jnck, Hnllv. Tom. Sanoy, Anna. Smith, Mrs. K. Sherry, M. G. fitiinikovlck, 13. I'. Scott, Peter. Storm, W. A. Sheets, I). W. Stownrd, A. L. Sicli, Joe. This. Kiln. Vreolnnd, Wnrrcn, Wright, Mrs. Andrew, White, James. Walsh, W. L. Walsh, Anna 13. (2) Wnrnock, W. C. Warblrton, A. I.. Wnlson, Joseph W. Wostliind, Gust. Wllllnms. Mrs. (1. I, Wilson, W. L. Wood, W. W. Wiirphlo, Josnpli. k ' W. H. CIMITI8, I'oilnuta I AI.OX THI3 WATrJlFROXT. 1 A The tug Roscoo lias been hU In tlio lower liny with lh brji Lnwronco loaded with toil for Cjfi diner ror u dny or two wiltltjlot tho i;iiiHiin bur to smooth 4o. CHRISTIAN Church Udlei' (W$. I3D I'OOD SAI.I3 SATfmm t A. HUM'S OFFICII, 150 Front SL I.lbby COAL. The Kind VOL' b ALWAYS FSKI). Phone 72. M& Livery nnd Trniikfcr Cominr. MRS. Rl'HY MORUIS0.N'hirtti ed to tho city. Tea Garden Syrup tho children's dolight. Pure, healthful, nutritious. Uso il for hot cakes, for scliool lunches and for candy. Your Qrocor Haa It " I'linu riir.snnvnsi savh oipoxs Qrorer's Nnmt, sil Get a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer Pavo tho i-oupon above and w h 11 you havo ton, take thorn to your Krocor with nn order for a kuIIoii ran of Ten Oarriea Hyrup, anil ha will kIvo you tt Jar or Tea Garden Pro. nerves absolutely FIIKK. Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Porll nd Oregon 5 ce Sr nuftuua,t I HLACK SILIC STOV13 POLISH I For Salo by I SCHROFDKR lllLDKXHRAND Phono 177. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS Til 13V ARK ALWAVS PL13ASINC, QUATERMASS STUDIO SWST8 .. M SYKur BRING US YOUR COUPONS TEA GARDE AND ALL OTHER STANDARD PURE FOODS AT NASBURG'S CROC The Good Housekeeping Store CS1"" jftf-. -r- i x-