mmmmmKmm,mtmm : ?.-.,wxxim,' wmtmsm?- HHmnPMHMMR Miim&iM&ti WMmti THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION FIVE Nearin It Is the Truth I urn really going to quit. I niiist 'close my doors ery m'oii, mill In order to ilo m, It hit iHjfii necessary Tor mo to wuiirito my imiKiililccnt Hun of Ladles' Cloaks, .Suits, Skills, Dicssch and Finnish. Iiigo, Including Underwear, lliislciy, Etc. Everything must go. KXTHA SPECIAL PRICES XOW PREVAIL. g the End fjggUp I Am Positively Quitting Business Did You Get Your's It's hero for you. If you didn't get a complete outfit for fall, jdii nio (ho looser. I loose, unjwn.v, ns my prices lit utility hint nines mo less (linn half, hut (he meivhtiiullso can not renin In In tho house. My loss fs your gain. Re hi on the tw'o big days Friday anil Satmday. 2 Big Days--FRJDAY and SATURDAY BREVITIES THUS FOR NOVE3IHER i Bolow Is given tlio tlmo and i holght of high ana low water at Marshflold. Tlio tides are placod In the order of occurrence, with tholr tlmcB on tlio first lino and holghts on tlio second lino of oaeh day; a compar ison of consccutlvo heights will In dlcato whothor it Is high or tow water. For high water on the bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. llHrs..2 08 9.21 2.13 S.33 IFt. . . 0.5 4.7 2.C 4.7 10.11 5.1 lo.r.c C.G 11.30 G.l 5.41 1.3 12Hrs.. 3.05 Ft... 0.7 13Hrs.. 3.5S Ft. . 0.0 It Mrs. . 4.51 Ft... 1.1 ir,Hrs. 12.18 Ft... 4.9 4.00 2.1 5.02 1.3 5.5 8 0.5 12.20 Co 0.58 4.7 11.13 4.S 0.0 0.0 G.49 0.2 1 HAVE EVEN INCLUDED MY 11EAUTIITL, EXCLUSIVE UNI! OF LADIES' U.VHEH.MUS ,I.V, MOST OF WINCH IS LACE AM) HAM) EMHIUMDUIIUD. A 1,80 MY COMPLITTi: IX- Tllil .MOST INCLUSIVE AM) COMPLETE OX COOS HAY. NOTH. pants' depaht.ment. i. is reserved, h. To !?.".()() Lot Lnd. Emit. 1'ettlcontM $2. II) To fjttMJJJ Lot Lad. Iiico Undid. Gowns SjH.oD To 91.D0 Lot, Lad. Hand Emb. CJowiw 91.01) To $2.50 Lot Lnd. Knibry. Drawers 91.11) To HI. 50 Lot. l-iul. Clicmlso llilc To '-!.no Lot Ltul. Combln atloiis J? 1 . 1 ( Cotton nnd Wool Underwear, Hosiery, Etc., all great- ly Reduced. To $23.00 Lot Lnd. Suits l?l.t)H To $27.50 Ixit Lad, Sult.i $0.8f) To $:i0 Lot Itftl Suits 810.81) To 910 Iot Lad. Suits Slil.OH To 85 Iot I1. CoatH 91. .10 To 9.1.50 Lot Lnd. CoatH J?li.1H To fH JAii Lad. CoatH 81.1)8 To 912.30 Lot Lad Coat 93.80 i have sold my fixtures, show casks am) cash register, except a few stands axi) shelving, .merchants, .make 3113 ax OFFER To $1.1 Iit Lnd. CoatH 97.HI) To 818 Lot Ud. Coals $8.80 To 95.00 I.ot Ladle' Divhsch 92. II) To 910.00 Lot Ladles' Drosses 91.11) To 9H.5() Lot ladies' Ureses 90.10 91.25 Unity llomiels iJDe 91.25 Knitted Nightingales 8D0 To l)()c limb, lnrnnt.s Hon ets nc To 25c InfantK' WikiI .Mitts 1 lo flic Inrants' Hootccs I)c (1.50 Infants White Dresses 5()c F2.50 InrantH' Look Hint). , Flan. Skirts 91.18 9:1.85 InrantH' Hand Kmh. Kimonos 92.80 91.50 Infants' Short Skirts, 91. II) To 920.00 TKit LadloM Dtvsnes 910.10 To 928.30 Irftt IiiidleH' Dresses 913,08 To 92.50 Iit l4id. Skills 9I.M) To 93.70 Lot IjkI. Skirts 9t.t8 To 9L50 Tot 1ml. Skills WKATHL'll FOHKCA8T OltlcaON Cloudy, probably rnln: easterly winds. lll AMOtlttfcl Vtm t uw Df Timw.j I LOCAL TKMPKltATUHB I RKCOHI) j J For tlio 24 hours ondlng nt j I 1:43 a. m., Nov. 12, by IlcnJ. j I Ostllnd, spociai Bovornmont me- I toroloKlst: I I I Mnxtmum . . . . , 57 j I I Minimum 50 j ' I At 4:43 a. 111 53 j I Precipitation 13 I Precipitation Slnco Sept. 1. I 1911 17.01 I I Precipitation samo period I last year 11.17 I Wind: Southwest; cloudy nnd j I rainy. j . Itldos lit Now Machine. Dr. 13. V. Morrow Is proudly rldliiR about town , today In a hip 33 horsepower Cadil lac roadster Hint arrlvod this morn ing from Portland on the Hronlc wnter. Tlio doctor (lectures Hint fio , ban found moro friends today than ho 1 over had before. I SOCIAL CALFNDA1L I I I THUItSDAY I I North Demi Christian Sister- j I hood with Mrs. J. McMurtry. j North Ilcnd Methodist LndloB Aid at tlio church. Mrs, J. Q. Jnrvls entertains j t n Klmonn party. Knstsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. F. Ollbort. Norwegian Lutheran .Ladles' Aid at tlio church. A. N. W. with Mrs. Mary McKnlglit. Minnlo-Wls with Mrs. W. 3. llrown. Conrcrt In Nortlv Ilond by Prof. Honrllc GJcrdrum, FRIDAY Mrs, J. Q. Jnrvls ontortnltia at sowltig. N. L. Y, P. 8. nt church parlor. ' Junior Promenade nt tlio tlio Kagtcs' Hall. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. S. ITlanchnrd. Thlmblo Club with Mrs. II. K. nurmestor. All the Comforts of Home Is found In our coal nnd wood 11KAT13HS. Prlco from 9t&t 918.00. As nifty a lino as you will seo KIBWHKUK. Perfection Oil Ktoo for oftlco nnd housohold use. Itcpalt' shop lit connection Schroeder & Hildenbrand . .r llnrdunro and Plumbing. TiTe Delicatessen Co; 1(5 North Second Street. KOMirilllNd K.Vl'H.V (iOOD Foil I-ntlDAV, HATUHDAY,. AND, Hl'NDAY: iim : Itnt Klllllllthl t'liiu - DC Hot Chicken Pics . Hot Meat Pies for Hot Tea Holla for Hot Snail Hulls . . Hot Coffee Calo SiiJhS 15c 10c I . 1 ()' -J Ji ,,j J tor uk !(..,. , OUR OWN MAKK CANDY. Plnocbn, with, nuts, per pound '.fi Chocolato Fudge, por pound ...'. 1 Coconuut Cream, per pound ,... Clear Almond Taffy por pound Kvcrton Taffy, per pound ... Turkish Delight, pur pound "' At all times n largo variety Hot nnd Cold MentH, Ilcnns, Vego mules nnu sninus... . Cakes, Pics Kverythlng In Pastry all our own mnho nnd frosh. Sl'KClAL WOHK APPHKCIAT KD IX KUtOli OH SMA1,I OllIHillH . THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. - - 5c adfe 30c 30c 30a 30c 30c iti sovornl days' trip to tho exchanges of tho company nt Coqulllo nnd nt Dandon. Mr. Hail ms very much pleased with tho business outlook In tho noiitlt nnd bollcvrs that business Is on tho Increase At present thoro wUl ho no largo Improvements placed in tho Dniidou exchange. This is an Honest Sale STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT -THE- L a dies Emporium Ou ned by 31m. Nellie A. Owen. .MAItSHFII'.LD, OHi:CON. Genuine Values No Pooling-No Junk STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT (iYm Flying. Yostordny nnd last night hundreds of thousands of geese passed over Coos Hay, flying souther ly, Indicating a storm or cold weath er In tho north. It 1ms beon n long I( tlmo slnco so innrty gocso passed ov or Coo llnv. Yesterday thoy woro It flying high, but last evening tholr continual "iionit nonic koiii many lrom going to sloop. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES. ' REHfELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y 1 GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKKS OF CARS 817 Central Av. ' 1 Phono .173-L The Grand Coo! Weather Is Here BUY A SWEATER AND KEEP WARM THE AT JHOTIEIL The St. Lawrence Hotel. V. L. Jones, Senttlo, IMna Miller, liaiinchcs New Iloritv "31. II. Hol hor proudly enmo down from North Inlot this morning In n now 27-foot gnsollno boat that ho hns just Inunehoil nftcr liulldlnu his craft 111 lil wnrolioiiBO this last aummor. Tho cabin on tho boat is not yet complete 1 nnd tho owner brotig'it tho boat hero today to finish outfitting her. .Mr. ' Itolher will uso tho bont for his own personnl uso. For New Itoilit. Tho county com mlsslonorfl havo granted tho petition of J. P. .Morris, L. W. Travor and othors asking for n now county rond to connect up North Eleventh streot with Sherman nvoniio, which will mako a direct routo ovor tho now 1 Wghwuy to Emplro. Tho routo will bn Hiirvoved soon and tho a-loworn will then pass on tho feasibility of tho project. ALL SIZES ALL STYLES . ALL PRICES FIXUP TWO STORES Marshfield North Bend Crew lioaves. Supl. Anility of tho tt,.in fit... 11 n UriiMni nni ifimi. I arrou uoiiHiriiciiuit wuiuiuui hiii linker tltjj H. H. Hognii, Oakland, ' ir ,nv .,.., hn ..... iOMn,i ., fln 1. T. II. .McDonald nnd family. C01111III0; ,;vinB work horo. Ho unid thnt ho W. W. flage, Coqulllo; .Mrs. Nelson,' wns not going to do tho pntchwork Coos Hlvor; R. Sandres nnd wlfo, 011 Central nvonuo and olaowhoro i.,. in,i which, tho Coob Hay Water compnny . u.. ........ na(l to cut , or(jor t0 repair mains. Tho ("handler Hotel. Thcso havo been tho cnuso of much P. Lnmgdoll and wlfo, Iliindan; . (rouble. Part of Mr. AHhby'i 1 crow a. W. Starr. Coqul.lo: C. W. Qllek.l &?0Sdh.V.Srli.Wm San Francisco: C. II. Cram, Port-i Inncl; WJlllaiu Cnndlln, Coiiullloj W. 3lnny Aniilvvmiirlos Today Is tho M. Knlsor, St. Paul; It. Moor, San' birthday nnnlvomirjr of It. F. Wll- 1.' .i...,.n. li-rnnl- Mnrtln I'oriliuul' llam8' cnshlor pf tllO FlailSgail & 1.,,'IicIhco, 1-rnnlv Martin, lortlnim. onn(,tt hank. Yostordny wnH tho 0. Coolbaugh, San FrancUco; J. J. i,irthday of f..o bank nnd tho pio Sullivan, San Franolscoj F. Wot.t, vlous day wus .Mrs. Williams' birth Portland; H. Stownrt, Portland; W.1 '. making qulto n row of annl n n MnPinin t versiirlos for tho family. Last ovo h. Wost, lJnndon; A. 0. Met Iain, j , nnd Mra Williams woro Poithtnd; 0. II. Iloan. Portland; nay Kivon n t0 gurprlso dinner. II. WlKocnrvor. Portland: J. It. Con-! vnran. Portlnnd: Josonhliio Loonils.l Johnson CVIobnttes. Joyful land . , .- , - ,--. . Portlnnd. fM'so IHy South. Overhead nnd flvlnit hltrh. Krent flocks of gceso woro heard lost evening as they quacked nnd flopped their wny south. Hunters, hearing tho nolso, bnc.imo uneasy, nnd many declare thoy woru unnblo to sleep because of tho excitement. This morning thoro wero still n fow flocks visible, .ill headed south. For tho big unlso thoy mado last night, somo huntors advance tho opinion thnt tho ducks, wont to light on tho lakes in tho north, havo boon drlvon out by thp railroad operations, nnd honco were mighty tired whon thoy reached Coos Hay and sadly In need of n light ing place, lit Is not known whothor this Is tho truu theory pr tho. story of tho "nnturo fakers." STR BREAKWATER oAsinc INIHWNINbrrO M lilMi5--" I PERSONAL MENTION I .. DIt. HARTLE, of North Ilcnd, wont to Coqulllo today on business. A. HOYEIt, of Coqulllo, loft todny for his homo nftcr n business trip horo. Brings 56 Passengers From Portland and Fair Miscellan eous Cargo of Freight Early tills morning tho Ilrenk wntOr arrived In from Portland, bringing a passenger list of fifty-six porsonrt nnd a fair cargo of miscel laneous freight. Tho following aro tho passengers from Portland : J. It. Hollmaii, E. Anderson, W. 31. Lognn, 11. II. Wlsccnrvcr, Pearl Park- low, Maudo Van Avery, (lortrudo Har rington, L. A. Plko, E. Saunders, 3Irn. E. Bntindors, I II. EVans, Mrs. Ev ans, O. II. Honn, H. Y. Erlckson, C. W. "Smith, 0. Ourvln, Albort Moris, O, Gnvora, C. E. Slostrcom, Wm. Wol gand, W. II. Strawbrldgo, Annlo Frohm, Clyde Pnvteo, O, D., Wood house, 0. Cabrln, J, It. Convorso, Joo Loomls,, H. C. Ilnnawalt, J. II. llann wait, O. Ff Knjght, 3lrs. 8. if Spring er, Mm. P. J. KlHllfig, 3Irs. L. J. Smith, .Mr. L. J. SmUh, Nopl Smith, Horace Smith. Frank iWho,ojor), IjJd ntond Croft,, ,Mrs. Pearl Mlllor Mrs. Ilort Stanloy, W, (K Dayls, .Mrs. W, (1. 1)uyls, Horbort Lvonard, .Mrs. Sarn)i .conard, T. T. .Maimer, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j! ' i . ii . ' -.. FOlt SALE CHKAP-SH JOjUi. chickens (Whlto. Drown IK" nnd Plymouth ltpcloi): ono ho,rJ. 12 ycnr8 old, weight 1400 Ibrt. AP-f ply 001 Oth St. South. HEN FISHER was a visitor In Co qulllo today, going tiioro on court business. PROFESSOR RICHARDS left this morning on ono of his weekly trips to Ilnndon. J. TO 31 HALL went ovor to Coqulllo todny to attond to soma matters of court business. DEL HENdBTON, of tho Smith Mill. enmo homo yesterday from n visit down south. MltS. L. E. ELLIOTT and little dauglitor loft this morning for Co qulllo on a short visit. Mil. AND MRS. FltANK HEATH havo returned from a two weeks' vacation spout visiting lu San Francisco. GEORGE I ELDER FOR RENTr-Nlcely fimilliol rooHi nt 170 Curtis Ave,, Tol. 1C-X. . FOR HUNT- Nicely furnished rooms ni'iiru nmivpiilnllCO! clOSO ill. 321 B. Ilrondway, phono 210-L. FOlt HALK A brass bed. Cth, phono 307. 010 a WANTED (llrl or woniiui for giro oml housework. ' Apply .. care Times. , FOR T1LVDU rooms and - Modern Itouno, six hath, la Colorado Springs, Colorado (a (world fa mous honlth resort,) for prop-j orty In Marahtlold or North Uond; Hoo.l. S. Kaufman & Co, FOUND- Hand truck. havo same by Identifying It IIuIuch., 0Ver ca A. i. WAN'fEl I'lnlii wowlnit by io ilHy. Phono 300-X. ' HERE FROM SOUTH This morning tho Ooorgo W. Elder nrrlved In from Hurokii bringing flvo puiHongors fioin tho south, and nt 4 o'clock sho sailed again for Portland. Thcso who nrrlved this morning from tho south wore: , Charles Somais, A. L. (leorgo, J. H. Ilorg, J. ICdwards and A, Snuko T I AMONG THE SICK . Miss Ilnxul Cownn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnvo Cowan, who liaH boon (jiilto III following nn op eration for nppandlrltln nt (Iravol Ford, Ik reported much Improved. Mr. w. c. Horrco has returned from Mercy Hospital, whero sho has WANTED Flvo or six room house. Unfurnished, with earn, closo la'. ant, closo In. Apply O., care of Times. WANTED Sociiiid-linnd trurk curt. Must bo ohenp. X, caro Tlmns. WANTED To buy inolniwce pumi). Address Times. FOR KENT Funilshed ltouwken 020 .Qontrnl. rhonfl lng rooniB. 18C-J, ' rfA f " FOR SALE.'" W ; 1 : ( u-i FOR HAJA Thnt hro power electric motor for snlo cheap If taken at onco. Apply M6tr, caro TIiiks. I. Tho Lloyd Hotel F. Cartor, IIIuo Hldgo; C, A. Jubilant that spring would ho horo In four or flvo months "tra-la" God frey Johnson Imbibed qulto frooly Inst ovonlng, but oven nt that more Tl "SkT m 1 ml lo-Jighti Wilson, Wagner: Mr. nnd .Mrs, Kuhn, freely the city gavo him a borth In Portland; Tom Lonko. Now York; C. the station nnd thero ho dozod, nallov, Coaledo; Frod Drant, Coal-i droamlng of bluo waters nnd groon odo; 'it. It. Doamer, Florence; .Mil-, topped hills. This morning ho fork ton Lattin. South Inlet. ! ed ovor t'.io S minus thnt ho pos Tho lllanco Hotel, ' sesKed and departed, but not In tho It. 0. 3!attors, .Myrtle Point; Oeo. Jubilant spirits with which ho had cn T. 3loullon, Coqulllo; 31. J. Carmlch- tored. ael. South Inlet: T. P. Tupper. Co-, qullle; Ernebt Hill, Bluo Ridge; II. J Drop iron In liny. Attempting to V Haywood. Boise; R. G. Lamb.' land a box containing COO ponds of Holso; Ole Paulson, Coqulllo; AIvlnjBcrap Iron onto tbe Willamette Pacl Smlth. Coos River J II. Wood, Rlv- fC dock at North Bend, W. 31. Hals erton; J. Wasson, South Inlot; John!ori 0f tho Hauscr & Hauser company, 11 Andorson, .North ueno: ii. aiKor, and two workmen, barely escaped jni: COACH AND BRIDE left on tho Dolnyir. J. C Smith, South Inlet; faiB to tho Bay yesterday whonl" . . . f nandon where Roy'orls, Roseburg. . f tho boat on which, they wero standing mor ,nlf rul" f),r " a" a"" ' w." -I ' ' N't-' out from tho dock. The heavy! they will mako tholr homo. Thoy IJU U.Uf)IVU Vtiv.-U v t HV(U .I.W...WU ... w..w.. w..w .. i iiniui recelvliii: trcntomont. 1 - Warren Hessoy, a woll-known 3II18. P. A. HODGES and two child-' young South Coos RIvor "anchor, , on.t Mr. i. i. FnrrM inn thin wna Injured yesterday by being FOR aLE Sliafdng, pull7i belt ings nnd hnngorB In flrst-clasn condition, Koonts Garngo, Jlarah flold, Oregon. morning after a short trip ho.o on ""V '" """' l roroVorod from '" HAMWinreo ..omo-wcr -s. business. ua oporntlon at the .Mercy Hospital and today was ablo to como to town. Mies Euntco lunnicuiii 01 tinrKui a n lHAACq nf tho Orccon Coast M'88 JJumco ivmuicuut ui mm A'n- ltt?,-L , l, ,,?T Jlt . Uvon. I? HI H?r homo today and ! v -. " under n uociprscnro. or to Coqulllo this morning to nt- tend to somo matters of business. FRESH APPLE CIDER delluivd -. ! In ituy iinntlty (o iiur home, (ipe WALTER BUTLEIt, nsfllstiint cnslilor Arngn Soda Winks, Phono U10.L. of tho First National Bonk, re- - TJ.U turned homo yesterday afternoon, on tlio Nnnn Smltli nftcr a two, . . . weeks' vacation spent visiting with A VfllH ills parents in California, nJft3nfFABLE OF THEBUSINESS nOYAND THE DROPPERS-IN A George Arte fable in pictures. ''BY WHOSE HAND?" A great kubln drama in two reels. "FACE VALUE" An Ediaon irama In two parts. . 'THE ORDEAL: Lovo clarified by fire A ScJIg drama. Till: (IRANI) ORCIIFSTHA TO MGI1T. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service .MARSHFIELD CYCLERY , luTho COOS HAY OYSTER CO., at ") PViaCE Meat MARKET on Broadway has put In a LINE of FltESH FISH. Orders will bo dfr ered to ANY PART of the Cin. Advance Showing i - OF Large Doils MONEY SAVING PRICES See Our Window "Always Something New PEOPLES 5-10-15c Store Royal Theatre TONIGHT water and probably will not bo ro-j i covered, u contained mostly scrap Iron. lleglu .Mov.lig Hulltllug. Tho first actual steps toward tho erection of tho CO-foot addition to tho Noblo building nt tho corner of Third nd Bayno and Fredericks in an entire' Central was begun today whon work change of program and songs. men commenced moving tho two- OP TWavifffiSXYpSSf. Jtonr frame house now occupying larand thrllllng'feature in four reels., this space. Tho building will be This picture has it wlerd and startling moved around to the corner of story and will keep you on tho front Fourth nnd Anderson streets. It Is of your seat all the time. I (iwnp.i t,v ho 'ouio estate. THE RUBY CIRCLE" In 2 reols ava uy mo .-souiocsiait. will bo shown tonight This feature was delayed last night lnvlljfsitc Telephono (Viiupaiiy. (I Hi:i:US OF ALL FEATURES. I President Charles Hall, of tho Coos ADMISSION: & Curry County Tolophono' Company, fiE.TlVr? Cand Pe BV O b B. C. Drews, tho retiring mana HFMtTH" cery Frldti night er, f ml 'fl E Montgomery, new- Dan t ferret that the Buffalo B.ll commercial superintendent of tho PI turca are shown hero Monday j h Ju3t returm;a from a ,nlght in six big reels. few days ago. 31R. AND MHS. C. M. JOHNSON of Dandon returned yesterday on tho Nann S,mlth from ti visit In Ban Francisco and this morning loft again for their homo. FRANK 8.MITH was down from tho South Coos River Hatcnory yesior- ,1.... ..,! iiUnaal urlHi thn rnln ' UttJ U11U nJ iivmvh n... ,.v savlnir that It would probably re sult In the ralmon going up to the upper waters of Coos Illver and enable mm to securo enoiiKn ss to Insure a good soason for the hatcher next year. NOTICE. Dr. S. L. Masson, Votorlnnry sur geon of Myrtle Point will bo nt tho Chandler Hotel, Marshfield, Satur day and flunda). November 11 and 15. Delays f OT For i3 Vtvg &y Store iO Needs i r i ollno ongluo. upright, in flrBt- class condition, complete ,. WIth water tank. Phono, or pall ' at Koontz Garage, Maruhfleld, Qr. WANTED . ) WANTED Sewing by An ciperlehc od dressmaker, Tol. 292-L. I . .j.-i --!-, .... i .. .. -.. , WANTED Secoud-linnd' atksv5 W6 neor Httrdwaro Co. . -4i ' IHJUbItV i i- ' ilr,, WAN'TIM) Gtt-1 for ueuentlr' Itew work; must bo compote'tib 'coekt Apply 019 U& twX' rt I FOR RENT I FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 695 First and' Birch. Tol. 230-J. m i . i . - - - - . . ... FOR RENT U-room liouse with! pantry and bath, modern. 12th and Commorclul, Phono 55-L. " l - II I .MWI !! I l l I I 1 I I I ill ll H FOR. .IWOT-TVUPtyft Jf Hlshed ej unfurulahed houses. man and Co. r. B. Kaur- tJ CHRISTMAS PHOTOS THEY ARE ALWAYS PLEASING QUATERMASS STUDIO SWSSSBg"" llrlteffTi 4iLU IlliM 111 "'tSlTC