EMKar!J!ffiK5?SKH8 FOUR ., TuiiRniY NOVEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1A COOSBAYTME pflODUCTION COST . P. ULOXEY. . Editor . " nnimil PO AIULS DAN K. MALOXEY...XC"? Editor Entered at the Pot lattice at Manh .m nrron. for transmission Urough tbe mall eall matter. mm at iccoad-clasi An Independent Republican ce. p.per JublUted ererr ersnlnc except Sunday, and Weekly T ' Dedicated to tbe aervlce oi lie ot tbrite unopp- OffloUl Fat or Coo Count; subscription iutes. t 1111... Ode Tr 'H pr nontb ;: WfcthLl. Sl.aO "rpa.V strictly in 'advance tbe cojjaty subscription price . . 7,",,' Thaw li $5.00 per year or 12.50 f-tf ilz nrontns. Address ail communications to COOS 11AV DAILY TIMES. FINANCIAL AND IXIHSTR1AL OP- pOirTl'XITIIS FOR THE DITH) STATES. DON after tbe breaking oat of tbe , Sir George Palis, an tag- expert in eeonoaik. predict- SOON: war, ilib County Agriculturist Questions Farmers To Estimate Cost Per Acre Tn potpo-nnt of rr.u,;"t Week at e Orecoa ApricaHtniJ Co -leg aatil tfco Am wk ta Fbraar wis th aaaoaaaieat m to the fanner ber today by Couatj Ari caltarttt ScBltk. no tat afuraoor rtarad ta ada.-artr. la 1 v- tal XoTeaber to lVr--av .. as tbe tlBM- orltfaally ard apon -r d lolloviac clo oa this I t Pri. . Dtlrr Show la Portlaad and t ... .iinxinx toroOir woala kaie drawa aaaar of taV ranor of C-v No raa was pwa iwr w caaaclag of Far . -on has always played an inaportaat it-t la tbe dairy la4alry of t rtav for at CorrallU farawrs floe-K J-? from oTer tbe -aUre Mat. Tare tfcr w la opratioa tbe ami .- era aalriF drlw aad lw-rd : tare by aataoritte oa tb k xiodVra jaK-oa of dairy farit.r? aad tae- car af Use ard- At reat Xr Smith 1 cUri.rc dau treat tbe potato jrodc-re of lie coaaty. artas sJattMlc as u tb oast of arodaettoa. all of vak w latt-r b tabalated iai aablatJHid fvr tbe ate of la Jara-.-f. 20 for 10c Turkish and domestic blend Cigarettes You never smoked a more delightful cigarette than Camels the new 20 for lOc brand of choice quality Turkish and domestic tobaccos. CinA irt tsoath and cvcai tbtr -3l oot btc tat tenu or parch tbe throat. They na leave that d trcttv tatU o anosyxag in other brandv. No premium or coupon in Camel packacea. The cot of the tobacco proiabia their use. If ytMt dteUr can't ttiprfy va. nJ iPc fr fotierr t" St 00 let a crtoM of trn pcr '00 ciJ rrtfM ,potfitpTTpotd. Aflrr "J?j on patkat, o" ' '" CAMELS at rrpnttnlrJ. rtlmrn TrfmnJ font wnoHty. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wiaiton-Stlem. N. C i?& i Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scmi-wockly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redohdo sui.s rito.M s x riuxcisco roit coos u v Tl l-SDAY, NOV. 10, AT :i l. M. Equipped wllb, wirekss nnfl submarine bolt Passengers and freight. & S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine, bell. Passengers and freight. kuls rno.M rAitsiiiiKi.i) koi: sax rnAXt'isco, 4 KltlDAV, XOVK.MMKIt lit, :! n.m. San Frauc'iseo office, Greenwich street pier ISo. 2i and G00 Fife building. Coos Bny Agent, C. F. McGkokor, Phone 44. sinta E. Lothartl McClure AlTJJItXKv at r I'ract cm i ... '' H.."V "1 UV o"m !. na,,, Perl Riley Ballinoer Resldonco Studio 2 n'Wl I'hono aej.il "" Joel Ostlind IMtVi r....... Learo orders at W i f . i AtR$ lc Company. Mhlflflffl H. H. Haraer " " Hamer music iiuiMim 'Uono Mrttln lin i u" "J. ' 1 W.T-. Tompkins,. Dsjk (W.Hini'r .Mel i,Jk' Every kimw.. .w"."01) without ,lriiM i,r, Wj nd 2. m South Uroa,M Hbotio 132-1,. h,,!ft,, "..icig. 1 M. Wright m a a . .. " " - T tfce wao are iateref ia e ed tnat, u me oji"."" - - 5 ef jUlot r. isaMta aa would present to tbe United Statei j JUa .! wok lkt r were selied. It would bring proioer- uvd to aasw- Taee uk t rat 7 -Smbi secretary Gore of taxatioa. tort of vJowiaf. la' rt llr.to American. S"'T1 ot 4 .. kow ce te e4 ww C7Srolth of tbe research departiaest S4Ja,s u proaad. tbe loraaUoa of ibe Alexander Hamilton llaitlt.te. tk feJj j B-k,r of tia Us Without sbutUne bis eyes to tae dU- potato iUM -at ao aad rartan SSiSar factors In ike eeoaoak Mfew aaKow. all of wblch ar most couraglns ."?" ""' J; v,. ralaabte !a foralat; aa lawrt on nnd industrial problem!, aas oe0( proiocUoa .4 tke raiO considering: bow our peopl awy Bsbs- ofctasaed. Imlxe'the'erll effecu and reap tbe d- Vr f fanaor artaally kaow II ,.... t taesr aroflt if aftr tb aaT rantapes. M u erB .. wr Mr Sasltb Among tbe are the sale of eo- tW ju,, iBd xj, u t T.rjr modltles desired by tbe belilseretU vhMt t,ey are ! k U- and needed by tbe Tktlass of tbe de- strrted Maay of tbeaa. aecordlng stated ooontries: increase 1 ""rjTKo perity not only for tbe piyiag ij frfr ta 0. naaJ eot wti- American indastriei. bat for tbe saa- sxi9tt u tbwe U uartbiag left sldlarr industries; enlarged asarkeu ot-af. H-llla? tbe crop aad pajinp .mnnv nM Mitnmon. sacti as boata unr - - r T. ''.r"- UiVM0 v- - -- GROCERIES cf a High Standard of Quality PRICES fat are Right a1! the time SERVICE V at Is salisf actor DELIVERY t' at jS Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH BItOADWAY PHO.VKS 348-J AND 320 PASSENGERS Arrow Snn Francisco Pier No. 2C. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Plionc 27ft. FREIGHT STORAGE Line Streamers -sail ritosi- Coos Uny Kvury Friday To Portland Ami TiR'tuluy To San Francisco THOMAS It. .IA.MKS, Arnt Ocean Dock Portlnnd Albors Dock No. 3 Hvcry Saturday 9 A. M. Mnrwliflcld. rVTi a-JlHiW"0 roNT! """'" iiirniancii on re, Or. H. M. Shaw i.)f, l.itr, Novo nml Thtoil oi,assi:s MTrrn rt Hit. MA'ITIIJ li, HIIAVM ' hlIMIVIM of Wi....n .-.. . Offleo Phono 330-J tonm.V;4?. 20 10 330-j; itoom. i iug uioci, America and the Orient, f tbe war jlnj; countriw; Earepan sales of American foods at bigb priee and Arqerican Mttlemeat of oar oMIga- .tlona at low prices; the practice of economy, and tbe Inereas of tbe fi- ' nanrlal prestige of tbe Vnlted Sutes. 1 The sudden expansion of Americas exports to Europe In contjea ot .war' business has bred a comfortable rati to branded as profit. With tbe ktiag ot aa lteaslrd list of xpas w It Is oatible to detrta what aotoaau aaay be cat dowa aad wbih oat-s are caasiag tbe loas. If there is aar. NEWS OF GAHDI.VKK. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver. L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleanla. m-lri or new platen, work Knarnteel; IMoni anu rarboTpaper dellfered. Ibone us your order. Plione 4-1. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. EQUII'l'KI) WITH WIUELI81. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. S1US FItOM li.H.IUAI HOCK, MAKSIIFIEU), DL'lllXtl 'fUK MONTH OF XOVi:.MIIi:U, OX Till: 7TII AT II A. .M: OX TMK UTII AT 7 A. .M.; ON HIK 1ST AT 1 P. M. OX Till: 28TII AT 7.' A. M. 'IlCKIiTS OX SALE AT POHTliAXD CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTJI AXD OAK STKEKTS, POItTLAND. Phono 35-.T. C. II. laNDKHS, Agent Beniamin flsilinrl ' CUN8UI.TI.V(1 KNfllMaam AIICIIITKCT l Offlcos. 20C Irvln. nu.L ' ?hono 103-1, or 267-J. 9 Marahfleld, Otiw W. G. Chandler Tl aiciiiti:ot (looms .101 and .102, Coke BoD Aiarsimeui, Oregon Eirnt. In anrf Around Caidlner A Tvld br Tlie Courier. Norsaaa Jobatoa. of the JofaaKa Faraltate Coaaptxy. of JTitaM ..am ll latcfe rvf kuifnitsi .t. ,. IVVIlUK u.wwfr .. v - Ullvimi Wimmi v t.wmmirf ' hi en and producers in me i""""' MarsafleJd, jsm1 taraaa utrisr and Jthe east, says an exchange. Er. Jut wwt , Wf vkr tcmt f nm port- e'rywbero appears eridence that Asa- 14. jr. johstoa asarrled a forsner , erfcan"iaerchanU. manufacturers and cardtaer glrL s Beatrle Stella. exporlera are throwing their ener- TBfr f,tiiBoa rm seoaas practically Kltsupon the enlargement of cos- rr. Sare tor aa oecaaaoaal sjaal. inerce with Europe. South Aaserioa Mtb. sce of tbe Wat. 4a ft a'nd Eastern Asia, and even that Aai- WOrfh a bit if ere lay . Tb- e'rican 'capital begins to respoad to .ii0ti cle Not ember tta. afld tbe new demands. As tbe sapplylap tkre mXf )Ht rttJk. bv( jt 1 industries are spurred forward, tbe doabtlal. uiUldiary Industries are stlaialatei. fa oooar Uly. vitb lMgti the salo of shoes heiplag tbe blU ft9m cji PraaeaKo. arrlTd la Mon- The Union Market OCK COIJ STOIUGK SYSTEM IS SCItE A SUCCESS Oar Prise Itotats of Beef, Lamb, be excelled. ilBttoa, Veal aad Pork cannot and leather Interests, taat ef asotor trucks the tire Industry. Aa I ai port ant Indirwt benefit to Aaterieaa In dustry as a wbolo comea froai the tbe Industries that are suHyfK the needs of tbe belligerents. Mr. Smith inakt-s new applleattoH of tbe old fact that Americans bare wasted resource He polats oat that we nroduse forty pr ejt of Ifee world's tar and et bare fet Cwauay day. after aartag osapltd ta '. age la alae days, a try sood in; for taU tia of yoar. Local ai 1 aau are alvays Ktad to vm to Li. aad aaUI so k taafacated by tb railroad ks will cosulaoe to aoM a warsa wo a ta affoessoau of IX4. bastaeos aoaaw. Staaiay XoMaous. to Mawaiiaa Sojjtar Coaaa's ttowitnh. r- rfrd frosa Portlaatd Tkarttaay Try ae of oar Fat Haas or Fryers for yoar Soaday dinner, that bas bs properly eoolad. aad aote tbe difference. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Ilroadway To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOHTAIJLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED PIiujio ."8 I NOUT1I C. F. MeOEORGE Phono 4-1, Mnrshflold PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. AGENT W. II. PAIXTEH Phono 42t, North Bond Wm. S. Turnen AIICIIITKCT MarahflclJ, Oretoa, i Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWEDISH .MAHSAOB AND IA ICAL GYMNASTICS FOIt AM DISDASia t.'t7 Coiiiiimrrlnl inc. l'hnnt m K00NTZ GARAGE Exci'lulor Motorcycle Ipttj , LEE TIRES AUTOMOIIII.ES ST0IU3) X)OS COUNTY'S MOST COHPIW MACHINi: 8II0P ' KfARIXE AND AUT0M0BOI ItCPAIIUKO ') GAHOUNi: FOrtSALB .; VOHTIf FRONT ST. I'llOXB 11 UATU.1W1.M lll'.l'AlllbU SJV OIIAKOKD OBBWiWMaaBaawaii -' 1 -- - , I i NO HAW KD0E8 OB your coLuna If you linvo them UwArtJ at TWIN CITY 8TILUI LiWISl supply tbe products frow coal tar;raK ud Mt far Cooa coaaty potass that e produce copper aad yet ex foUa day, mniasaaalid bj poji It .to (jwmaoy and m Geraiaay make the elertrteal artlelea taat ( largely import aad cow as wmi not make at boaie. We oagbt to asal tiply tbe by-prodact ladaitiKw asaay times 01 er. IIA.N'KH SHE HE1TKH T1MKS. Mios Ytrrlaaa Lvssor kaa rotar4 to sw vorl: U KaraoAtJd. altar aa tag souos a tmr ojotaa ! raeatsoa lsk frteaos aad rotatKM git a sea ialad aa far aa tt Hay sf Xaat Pww. Uaat aad Oauar Mtas Jlwsasot Cornwall, wfe ra ba st wad lav, Ut iai De ax.an.' iadt for aw ttoia Wr. u. Cum-ncy Act HIM-I U)t lu PIrw Crrdlt In All Trd- l.lnr. I yH1 trtiraals iH ....4 .. i. .wfcj.t. witk fa.& lSaaaiT aJs regfaaal beak at Sfea Praaclaoo 1st te adailaUtraisoa of toe M rnl J? l ?"?"? ? re prve ,ate. Portb,! e.a of iL ,b syst, potat out that i o- Jr -J S' tJcn of ta ae carreacy law will 7 7 a . ser"re U, eiiead tbe credit aer ( ooifc- wljo k fca e saad. .or thj? partlaad atesabew auterialiy aad xim u tens lead to make tlnei bettor lav roedlatelV GERMAN WARN TlClkaf.Usttllltf. Under ibe new la tbe logal lat- UMjOK Ko It.--A tUi-u. mum taat wast be held la reerre l rimM UaMuU. to Kowprr bas Uea rfadaced frosa Si to IS per Teiewna Coamjay ; 4 cent, which will relMse about 11.- "7,r Ooraaaa aas laaoad a a- MOM Tbe Uaeflt of tbU are- HoiasaatH. proasUOa aay a vlstou, which Is audo poaalble by a K"1 M Vo boundass of ta rkal oaak af TiMa are vwmod Uuu taw tuay San KraacUco. will begla to be feU t' as soon as tbe aew Me fat iaaagar- " B Uoa aoaotd ated Noveaiber 1C. oa tfca aad daa- aloa W oaat Virtually wttbout eaceptloa. Port- t Qtm to "" land bankers are loas with Use Uootaw. Troac ba ab programme to be oarrfed oat la ta '" araood ea ( organlxatlon of tbe w syateas.- '' Fartar rlfo-saou aa Orego'iJlan. reached toe rauao fihxia Uoe dartg ta pr.eot v.k " UII1K FROM AIR " " MHx.('E iHiviut MARSHFIELD DRUGGIST HAS VALUABLE AGENCY IlatarUn I'uir I'rluu la-llir Allud ing 10 Aerial Attack. Tbe l k -art Parens Drug Go has ta Martie.4 u. for toe IIERLIX, via The HaKUO and I.on- slatple lauture of iMMkibwra bark, don Nov. 12.-A newspaper In An.- JUt bacho. Hivarla. prints u letter frow t.rtj, 4rtu TkU . u.ple the field duted October X8 In vshleh remedy ai jeaJ utU. aud tlo writer meutlons utteudlUK a dlu- dralbs tMb trpnfcU.g fc.uivuu' of 11 V on the previous evening to co- 0$:'Jr, ZtSwrwJ? brftto the rotur of two .viator, who ?&,X?:Z fhjw o the vicinity of Lqndon and almost IMMKWAlKl.y 'Ihe 9HfK dropped bomls near Doyer action of A'r ki i -Hon aulug RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest paid on lime certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS EAY Safety DcjMrit Boies For Jtent. COOS BAY AND E.UFjEKA STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FRANCISCO EVERY SAN FRANCISCO 'HH'IC UNION E, .1. LINDEN, 11K1L TEN HAYS STREET NO. 8, PIER Tvlcpliono lloiitt. 870. SMITH'S VARIETY STOR North Bend, ,, for Fancy and Dpmw CHINA id. 1. I" - --S T. 3. BOAIFE Have You Ever Tried Shilling's Coffee? If not, order a can today and if you are not pleased with it, it will not cost you anything. We have just received another shipment of eggs, two dozen for 65 cents. COOS BAY TEA, COfFEE AND SPICE HOUSE phono noi-J. (We Save You Money) tC A. . HO" Marshfield rJj&& Estimates Furpiw Pbono I10P-J. MJursbM; tr FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OJJil-bT HANK IN COOS COUNTY EUblhhel HHM. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 IuUiftt Paid on Tiuic DejioslU -' "" ' Offbeers: i. Itttiioetl. Prosldeol. J. II. PLtuatfttii, VlcnUrO)liIitt. R. P. WllllnwiN CiuhliT. Geo. P. Winchester, Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENG8TACKKN, Manager FARM. COAL. TIMUEU AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS KASTSIDU MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE IL OOQU1LLK CITY OFKK'H PHON1S 101. CITY AUTO & TAXI Cf, .llv AvF.xmilTKKItnCB For laxl, plione 193, WMlC For touring cars, plow Chuudler Hotel v... r,.i, : t VCW I titu .'-, a -a, O ! Western Oreson nwraeottB" ... .. intoTIIERS . i V!.olelCNCJ lliiMin? ", 0reM3 I Myrtlo Arms. T, Ilea. Myrtlo AsM. Cashier. . TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many yenra nnd a lot of our customers will tell you when It coinos to Rutting good, sound, durable framing material at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want tp build nnd tho amount you wnnt to spoad and we'll get busy with our pencil nnd tlcuro out the best your uoney can buy. Try us. .., C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL DILL 1 TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 188 SOUTH RROADWAY LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS dlute sorvlce, promi to all alpW'"'". r 0 0 8' M I N I M U M - ,. s. kaufmanJlS ismTScrANEnAXS !7,VB V8 i A IS UNIQUEPANlAiunjffif JAY DOYLK . - t -i. n..(.Q AIPi - 3t)0 Liouii". lor ltat ltiuli in PAlN'ilNf'. PAPKRIVG uml DEtORATIVG I V. hi. M1HV aiU l'M'r and Paint Stun SWU No, Iroul St. P"oio llfl-lt ' HOTEL ROTSON O. A. Ilaiison. Proprlutor Sow open under new uianaBetneui A home place with home cook- me aarved In family style. Board I ST. LAWRENCE MOTEL Formerly tho Coos Hotel) I Stoam heat, hot and cold vator,. I No liquor, We Invite you to investigate our j winter rates. Special inducement i when two or luoro nerson occu- ny sanio room, i i aad room, JC.50 cer wejc, 3)fi f CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of llrlck Work at Prices That Are Right Ami nil Work Giiiirniiteed Call nt "Tho Fireside," Johnson Bldg., 137 Socoud St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Rollor Work iS eottf: wnnsATsS 200 West "u Second Streeu Under now mne" tIWtt low. and all VfrW T.llns V,0U ' Phono 17C-J. oV0SiKC STEVENS & COLMa ManaK"" . .... "iue iMinuun-t -wuvmo wa vv. Tj'nij.rigBeg