m immvt IP WMSMim iMIMM! f'-i5i wrmmmmmmmm ; mwm RfflmHH m.mam, m -mrjmrA . i UH THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914-EVENING EDITION f THREE THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of MarBhfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE l STAHRKN STREET NORTH REND 0. A. Mctlln, Prop. ' ' TWWinrm.m. ' "" '" : '" ' '' ! SOUTH COOS RIVER IIOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves MnrMiflcld every 6 a day lit. jajuvit iicau 01 river at ::i(0 p. in, STEAMER. RAINHOW lonvcs head of river dally nt 7 a. in. Leaves Mnrshflcld 116 2 p in For charter upnly on board. PrbpTIofdrs. 'HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NUW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. R.Y WOOD AT KCAMPBELL'S WOODYARD Norm Front uiroot, Phono 1170. i THE ALICE H. V SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON REACH SUNDAY Leaves AlurMiifeiu nt H A. M. ROUND TRIP 50c Kkc connection with auto for Run nel liny nnd Shoro Acres writing for, appointment. i .iinrMincid, urctfna New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HflSF S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend AIN'T IT THE TUUTir. Wo never blame the tailor when our prints wo lmvo to pin, Wo never blamo' tho shoo in fin wlion our soles grow old and thin, Wo novcr blamo tlio liattor when our lids wo lmvo to flout, Hut wo always blamo tlio laun dry wlion our fililrts woar out. i COOS IIAV KTHAM LAUNDRY l'liouo .T7-.I. t SAVE MONEY by ordering tlio famous Henryv.Kc Coal IM coal, per ton $1.00 wmp Coal, por ton 60.00 yr, nait ton of both 83,o 1). Ml'SSO.Y, Piop. irbono 18-J, or loavo orders nt lllllycr'H Cigar Rtnrn. I LowRates for V v IV1 Vf If 4 i muuimg 1 1 untia Wo haul trunks lintwmm nnv nnlnti Marshflold nnd do sonoral hauling r reaBonauie rates. Alt TRANSFER- & STOKAGE CO. Levi Holsncr, I'roprletor Phones: 1U0-.1, -lO-L, D8-R Commutation Tickets $2.00 iifleld-North nend Auto Lint every ten minutes from a . in It M II. Ul. ""WA M ,., UF. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS four Kood cars with careful driven Oi dar sorvlrn. rilinnn 144.J. IS liluHrn Itllluwl i,iipa '""r lght service, Phone 280-1, mgnt Unfe. D. L. FOOTE. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Make Your Home Cozy and Comfortable with Beautiful Furniture Enjoy HOME. i. mmm M mm f dmm ,1'iurit,. , i iviafiMi z?n ms8m mJUKmwJiMtmKf, r yiyxUJ'li'kv PARLOR RUGS From $1.75 to $12.00 ROOM SIZE PARLOR RUGS $12 to $60.00 . LIBRARY TABLES From $8 to $25.00 We have one . or .the finest stocks of Fine Fur niture that we have ever shown here and that means the largest and best on Coos Bay. We are now showing an cs pecially nice line of ROCKING CHAIRS From $3.00 to $45.00 J-ADIES' DESKS $10.50 to $25.00 JAPANESE BASKETSA beautiful line of these from ' 75c to $3.50. AND REMEMBER, "WE SELL IT FOR LESS." Going & Harvey Co COA1PLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS 'I Sleep Is Just As Good Now As In The Summer That extra half hour is desir able in the morning. The GAS RANGE enabled you to secure.it all summer and fall. The KITCHEN HEATER will en able you to continue all winter. Preliminary firing up of solid fuel ranges to get breakfast is nev er a pleasant task. The GAS RANGE needs no fir ing up it is always ready for in stant use. Kitchen heaters arc attachments for the gas range enabling those whose house-heating systems do not provide heal for the kitchon to continue the use of the CLEAN, CONVENIENT, ECONOMICAL GAS RANGE in cold weather. Kitchen heaters are inexpensive to buy and inexpensive to operate. See them on display at Second and Central. Priced within the means of everyone. ' PERSONAL ATTENTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER 0REG0NP0WER COMPANY Second and Central Phone 178. ,i BUY THE r VERY BEST Ed BUTTER MAnn UNDER 8 ANITA RV CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTOR!'. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE livery, 8 a. bi. ana p. Phone 78 QUALITY FIRST Always TmSmioiHtuMpyriirMHy uamm or mc . H x tun ttu. m. (jc. w ito .- World's Greatest War From Day To Day GURRY COUNTY TO EXHIBIT UNITED STATES SEH VES MEALS ;,.. DAILY TQSTARVED BELGIUM 'V 3. A. Ward Back from Two Weeks' Trip After Displays For Exposition Curry county will cdntrlbuto op- ! liroxfiijtitob- ($7)0 to tlio Cqos nnd ' Ourry, colinty exl'ilblt fq; tlio, Pnnnmn- PnclMc Exposition, declares J. A. Wnrd, who 1)M Just rojulrnod from a RELIEF PLANS .INCLUDE SENDING SUPPLIES TO' ALL fV'T?M PARTS OF IWTFRinR Al I PAY WHfl HAVF PIlMnRj lh? h-..K"f ,or,ne .?J&n"d PARTS. OF INTERIOR-ALL W WHO HAVE FUNQS 'IZXZ OFFICIALS DESCRIBE SITUATION ' r tlio one of tlio beBt dl8pays of tlio ontlfa citato. 'J scniltnR ,to ?nn Frnnclsco tpwrtrd-' :o of' o'l I tnr AxvUtrJ rrrt to Com ntr TlmM I ttnlirtmii wno nt 11m nntnt nf fn'.,. LONDON. Nov. 12-rrovlBlonsIJno nnd tl.nt fear of dlsntor was ,IlH,t ,to "r0"80 onlliu.lnBni Mr. sent to UrUBscls by the American K011ori , V0w or thh terrible dnya i Wnrtl '0Mni1 ?1xccodln,y f 'U,V commission for tho relief of Hoi- they l.nd endured. TlmnkH to tho "onio plnceB. t.o peoplo stating Uiat Rluin are .upplyliiR 100.000 meals , Americans, lie snld. they had over-' tnxe nro l0 h,f ,or l 'f, l, 'H dally. Plans are now complete for come, nt least for tho tlmo belllK( !!' H'or oxpcndltures, while at other carryhiB on a similar work throtiRli- the terrible position In which tho p"lnta n,0"B ,,,B r.ol.,to ,m .fou"'1 BO,no. out that part of Ilo18liim occupied country had been placed and the 0; l" mo" ,Pa,"cnl uo08lor8 0I ' by aermnns. i Cuturo now looked moro favorable. cU ' ?,0"' , i' ,. , , .. ,,, , .., Tho Dutch steamer .Tnn-Dlock has ' Hmo Huffoivd Ruddy i " IlroukltiRR, said Mr. Ward, I sailed loaded with 2000 tons of, jOB0h lloloRn0i I)ol(,lnn ' llolllty UMn't uvon luivo to qxplaln tho cause wheat, rlro. noa,,. heans and flour !.... ........ i... Ji ... v I ot "'V vIbII before tho people wero and It is expected tt.at tho Dutch counci nna- A jouron!! ,,,, nnt, " OVor " rn,,' t0 ,'0,I,1 ,n .Innmnr T.,11n will Innv mnrrnu- . . " f mT ..:'".." I VOr Wy ,OBlblo." TllO UrOOklllBS with 1700 ions ot wheat. I.oth B a 8ll?nctl fltn(pmont B0Ilt to lho ! ' n,'t , " 0 exhlb tlon ships will proceed to Koltorilnni.lcominlHlon. say: . . contr,,Hod t0 ,1", c,xIVHU!?n where their caries will bo taken I Wo have rudely suffered. After " n.nrt ?.rd. BJ? B0"d.,n".'!!'B.1...': m-nr t.v rniir.0n..t..llvm ..r Mm ' ,. . .... ..... "" "r III" lHOB 1111(1 Ulirrj V.OUIIIJ American commlsHlon, Rich nnd Poor ,lu T.lnV. i n I s S ' X llf llll... .,.., ... M. ...... !...... I... ... I I m A l,"u""",i;V "' V"-! pnco in thirOroRon bulldlntr. . . """""" "" ,'""'! In Bomo plnces where ho found , -Jtuu iivuiiiiiiiik ui mu iiiYimiuu unvu .. !.. ... ..... i- tt..i .....! Herbert Clark Hoover, elinlrmaiffllved on our soil by rouulalHonliiK tliaconiiiiliMoiioM ready to make tho of tho American commission, recolv- victuals of nil nnture; Our pro- IIPCi,mnry npproprintlons provldlnc od the folloWhiK tclcKntm'from Unp- dhctlon or i;niln normally Is luirdly , nx.my'orB wehi wIIIIiik to baclf tain T. l- Lucey, tlio.cofiimlBslon'aJHufflolont for a fifth of U19 ,'c,on- nuim ml. To sottlo this dirfloulty. rprwc'ntaUvo Ot ttp;tor(lnpii A itaiiiIIAl(n. Tho niarHlino roulo' ""-, pottltlnntt oro Rotten out and frooly , 'LaiiKhorne, Wymnij and Jo)l.lnK closed for tlio Import of Rrnln, ' lr,,,i,fttl((, wUh-u . 0 (1 0Hrud ofrect nnd (MorrJs Jt. LhiiRliorne, seCrolnrvjorfour, finitry -would bo ifaiulqliud lal thn money Was secured, the American leRntlon to Tho Neth-fii short 'tlnlo. Sololy f(ir LIoru audi AltoRothor Mr. Wnrd'travolcd 240 erlands and LuxomburRi W. II. Wy-lts environs 1000 tons ' of Rraln m0B 1,1,, (rip, n Rood portion" of man, member of tho relief com- j are necessary each day. At tlio whIoli was made on horseback on mission, and Kdwnrd Hell, second .moment of writing wo lmvo t"tl BtnKu nml on foot. Ilelow I-uirIoIb secretary of tho American Kinlmssy Rraln oiiourIi for a few days. , 1 1,0 nrrUiRed for wool Hnmplcs and at nt London) lmvo returned from 1 General AhnIMiiiico Hhm ' many or the mlnliiK centers various l,lniBwln .wlioro 400,000 meals nj "Without tho Roncrous assistance, Bl)ra 0f nilnornl exhibits wero secur day are I10J11K Issued. Thoso people! or tho United States It would mean ,,,( uapeclnl anioiiR which aro tho who aro nblo to pay aro beliiRfor us famine, -with Its unavoidable' rou and copper ores ot Oold Hdach. charRcd 5 cents for tho meals. Tho,coiiBocuoncea of riot and plunder-1 North of HrookliiRS wore.Rnthored meals cost 15 conts nnd Roll says Iiir. Wo lmvo suffered enough. At samples of bonix In tho valuable do that rich and poor stand In lluolenst lot this misfortune be sparod posits IicIoiirIiir to tlw "20 Mulo for Ibesq monls, as It Is tho only, us.. , Wo nrq convinced , that you , Team Horns Company." IliUnt.nll way hoy can, Rot! food. ? , ('l)l inpntiro with our jindvorvd tho oxhllilta Rnthored Mr. Wrird Is l To Riuli All llelitliiiii , miseries; j ' ' ) most Interested In tlio nRnto dlspjay, "They state that complete nlnn V" tho province of LloK) tljo, tho.iioUmtlon of J. II. Htowart at have been entered Into by tfio ceni1'ol'y ,ins flrBt ,,et, coiJipolUd jojPprt Qrord IioIiir, nqcordliiR to his (mi riiiiimliien for rerntvliu' nml !"' a war contribution of iao.OllO, 000 belief, tho host of any on tho entire '1 .. . .. .. .. .1 . . ..ifrnl,iM. f tit nin.fm'J .,,1.11.. 11. iJ..i i..in ........ ... .,. .., I.. '.... (IIHinilUlllllT SUtpilCS llimilRIIOUI all ("'"-" .tiwiv"vj h nm iir( rutiue ruiini. Ml OKI luuuuur III huh IIuIrIuiu. Tba rountry linn bfon 'ulrftjtms whh ImvO been ntnilo, Ojroimt,rJy, (Mr. Stowurt bus for years divided Inlq provlncqs, caoh prov- far ipwoed JIJ.nOO.OQOfrancs' T(io colocted his nRatos, making this n Inco hnniUliiR Its own distribution I ty of LIoro lips n poijulrttfim1 bf (holiby. nnd bolnjr jepresontnd by two moiii-l ,"'uu "" ,,B "r"nry nnupi . a iuio atn.umo uo lias aortod ov-. born op the central committee. All bll,1'?l!t hnrdly reaohod JH, 000,000 or those stones until only tho best requisitions 'on this offlco will como rrancB." ; ', Aro Iqft.'nKd silll ho han on hand mora from tho central commltteo hroHtfl I 'n"0 HlRncfft nnd l?nul fjtaes, than n biishol nnd 11 hnlf ot utonen tho Amerlcnn and Spanish Minis-members of the J.Ioko toyn council,-J'ot Uneiil. Collections nro also bo ters. A subcommittee In turn will hi a' ntntomont' to tho coinii)Jssloi4 Iur aubmlted by P. IJ, Woodcock and sell' rood to thq communes. whlch,,Hiiy: 1 MrB. Knapp of Port Orford. will roBoll or dlstrlbuto " frco ' to f "To sum up 4ho situation, nn In-1 IlnvlriR comploted his work for tho those In need. !liintrlul population of high off!- tlmo beliiR In tho south, Mr. Ward "Tho subcommlttooH nro formed clnoy Is out of work nnd vannot ! will rosumo his work of making a gcnornlly by momhors of tho town onrn "8 fa"'1' H has no rcsorvo collection of tho OroRon soa foods as pmmritH n imt Mm wimio orirnn. any moro In food or MnvltiRS and Ihoy grow along the nolRhborlng hntlon has an ofriclal and unuuos- roscuo in moro urgontly neodod for shoros. Klthor today or tomorrow I'. . ... ,... M il... t i i u..l. .. .......tt . tlA nviinAlfiil in Inn vn tn I ltn Imnnlt tlcnnblo standing. Tlioy nro nil in ," i iuu.buuimio woum uu 1-.. .- .... i.... nnni n,i nr i.ni.iin mnntinn broiiKlit ahoiit by Imponillnir stnr- ospcclally for his collection of rock r.nm ii.,,n tn Hmn nf iir,.RnlR nn.i vatlon; and food for rollof Is only oysterB which ho oxpecta to cnn. compiling data as to tho needs or11'0 heRlnnlng or nil kinds or roller fery district, rognrdloss or how re1"" t I'"10 wIlu "" population moto. Tho peoplo nro elated at the H "'lowed to organlzo Kb work shipments nnd tho practical results again," ( given. t'lieasy Regaiillii Kupplles. ( ( "Somo uneasiness' Is fqlt hor,o by Ilglglaus ns the roslilt ot nuotatfqns from th6 American press to tho ef fect that supplies would bo sol KIIHAIW'KL OLD INVKNTIO.V ( KiirIUIi C'oiiiiiIuihIci- Iiiteutcd It Over (Vntiiry Aro. , IDr AhUim1 I'lrtt (0 L'uu. HtJ Tlmo.. : LONDON, Nov. II. (Correspon- R00FING REPAIRING, - CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, ' FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. ed by tho mllltnry authorltios. They djmco of tlio Associated I'rosn.) TUT I FOP fill TUT are afraid that this will stop ASatftSZ LH Ltdd flfltA shlpiuont of supplloa. I have Uh-' , rjf0 nr0i (a u nrltlsh Invontlon mi-iii surod them that tho suppllos would over a century old. Its Inventor come rogardloss or thoso unfounded was Oonornl Shrapnel, an Kngllsh luuirur wiiu wiih uuru 111 iiui linn suppositious. I glvon n commission In tho roynl ar- HURTS "Whltlock (Drnnd Whltlock, tho tlllury In 177U. Tho thought canio, Amerlcnn Minister to Dolglum) Is to him during tho wnr In Flanders, ' personally Biiporvlslng nnd compll-1 WJ' " WR8 Impressed by U10 , Tk a OIiikn of Siilts to I'luMi KM. lug tho dotallod reciulromontB of ' "' "K ,T .,n ii7...T ....;? I oy If IHmMt IIoCIuth Voa , II I I i 1 l"uii Mt fcW HHHV1 M((1J H 1110 viinoiiH oiBinuio 10 uo iuum- Brn,,0. His uuell, filled with balls cd to you." Kiiti-CRcneles Am l'Virestiilled. Drink IrfiU of Witter Katlng meat rogulnrly ovontual- X?Sv CWffO.T J , Ue and powder nnd Ignited by n tlmo fiiso, was adopted by tho urltlsh nntitr in 1KOS fitlil nlnvflfl nti Imlirtr. I Iv iirrwliinnu ll.lnnv trfi.iltln I.. un.n That nil emergencies nro being tll.,t part In tho Peninsular war un.form or otllori Baya a woll-known fores nl od s oWdont from a nolo Is-1 dor Wellington and also nt Wntor- ,.,,,.., ,.'. . .... ,, . sued by tho central committee In I loo. Tho secret of Its action was authority, because tho urle acid In Slum I which VZ aal" tht U,,kl,0WB ouUI,, of ,,rUn,n Ul,t" " XC,U)S U' k,d"0yB' U,Uy b elRlum, in which it ib sam tiini como overworked; get alugglsh: cIok the commission will lmvo a dole- wuu , cutomnry Jngralltudo H1 nn causo B hBortB 07 d;tr, gate In each province who will wo of govornmont, (lenornl Shrapnel ,,.,,, . ,.,.,.,. ,..,, ,...'1 ,U cy iNvnxnou MCMBCROr L- - 1 & 1 w Ti NvC-4rV V fi(jK IMA V U. the Daimce 1 The VICTR0LA is always j ready with the music A new shipment just received 1 All the later records. ( Wiley B Allen Corapamy L. L. Thomas, Mfjr. WHY PAY MORE? Johnson-Gulovsen Co. I L. ADAMS & SON Dealers In NEW AND SKCOXIMIAXD GOODS. MAN WANTED To Tuko riiargo of n Restuunuit $IUr.0() PKR MONTH TO Till: RKJHT IMRTV Must Have )! !(( to Put In (ho Husl Hess uh Assurance. of (lood 1'llltll. Prosont Ownor I(as Other Rusl ness Which iluniandii his atten tion. "SKU Ri:iD AROUT IT" OTIIHR OOOD Ill'SI.MSS PROPOSITIONS STOP PAVIXO ri:nt nold has a flno now Uungalow which can bo bought on small Monthly payments, "See ItchI Alwut It." W. A. REID 150 F icntSt. 3C2 No. Front Et. Pbopo 340-L ,, lj . -. ,. . ..,., ... 9 1 .ttnu u'fia twtvAr rnlnilinranil rni tn,i im r,M l4,M w.w.vnu ...iu iidvij 111. I Ul II U ISIIIIIIIIUIII. ui mini nillljiliun " .... .....-.--.. .-. ,..- ."".,,,. . . .. . . i -u i..i.n .n.i wim mmi'iH hi. IWW ' ,1J oxperJmentB. All ho ! tho kldnuy region; rheumatlo twInJ u...... ...- -w ... rw.evi.ii wnu ivnn iifiiiiifiH fprmed normaii , m ,,. eA, Wll ,aoo ,,, ft Bo headaches, acid BtqniJ of any lufractloj, by thec0(10) ftIld tho offor of baron-.' , cmilUl)allon. torD ,, 1Ivo, 8 ?nh ijormau troops or mo guarantees oioy lie count poi unoru to nccopi. . o - ., ' .. . ,,' given by Flold Marshal Ilaron Von I Ho dlJii In 1812 a bitter old jimn. . WnUdor and urinary lrr- iinr nnit? miiltarv covomor of tho ,)r- I'oum Koamon, tho American tatlon. ,, ;- Dor Ooltz, ml Itary govern r of tlio, wJ(j bM vlBle U0 ,08., I)loJ110llt youp bai.k hlr or occupied portion or Uogllum. , ,,,tftlB of tho nle8 nt tho front. ktl0yB ...,., ttrtlll .,,., 4r if If M,la ,1n!irnn nriitiu-tnil llV i,.a ,!.. !. ri..m,inn ul.nlla l.rnW " Ureil I, BCIIIt rlgllt, Or If . . ..... liln.lifi... l.r.(ltw.. .... ..n, .!..... . ... oupecu ot Jnd Salts from any Rood tho Japaneso against Russia, which pharmacy; tnko n tubleapoonful In WSH!. "rn,,.,".r,0,,...'. ! of water before breakfast America will make proper reproson- muko ragged wounds and also carry Ior u I0W "liy8 n,,, your kidneys tnfnnu in thn finrmaii nuthorllloH. inreenng maiermiH wuu iiioiu, i-uuit- ui umii uti uiiu. iiim lamoiitt tUT"i l'Tt L S ln-li .'l.....'eo ot l-th-.-H- 'a made from 4h. add of I. commTtieo: Krnest Soivay. t0"--""' . Il7,!0?..f!l,l ,wno 3u,cu' C0,blQa . t i wuu iiiiiiu, uiiu huh uoen used ror tho American flag. JoariiB of auy , Into largo pieces and do llttio nam-' such Infraction, ho will verify It and ' eoinparcd wUli .those i used by Immodlntoly call ottentlon to It, , when tho Ministers of Spain and Iral llolL'lan manufacturer, who Is u member of this committee. In thank-1 Ing tho American nnd Spanish Mln- Inters and tho American commission for tho sorvlco rendered to Hoi-! glum said ,lhat tho population of WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS TIIHV ARK ALWAYS PLHASINO QUATERMASS STUDIO Sf.'SSSflSr1 generations to flush clogged kldneya ami stimulate thorn to normal activ ity; also to neutralize tho acids in tho urlno so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; tnnhoa a delightful ofrervescopt Uth-la-wntor drink wftlch millions of men uud women take how and then to keep the kldneyg and, urinary organs clean, thus avoiding Moua kidney dhwas. jcsr WU by Urn UrqwH Ormt CouMMuy, Tlmc3 aut Ads bring results. '' Hl'-MA IIH " fcU "l "1 ' ' ' iff Ti