vmmfsmmmm f Ww vmym tg.--fv7 !uiiRiiyH,iiruv,fiDdnwiiTiL9V rjTWPBDyH GREETINGS To-day we celebrate our Twenty-fifth An niversary, To our friends, old and new; we extend greetings. We thank you for your support. With out your assistance we could not have attained our present success. The management of the bank has been in the same hands since its organization; something un usual in the annals of banking. The loyalty of those who have been with us for a quarter of a century we highly appreciate; our continued growth is the best evidence that the de mands of a wide patronage have at all times been met promptly and in a spirit of wide co-operation. Old in years and experience, but not in spirit we are still ready to serve the community, extending to it our banking facilities, insuring every courtesy and offering every accomodation consistent with con servative banking. Flanagan & Bennett Bank STORE CLOSED BLOCK V i2 Sale Starts. Fridav. Nov. 13th. 9 A. M. -i a iiiafl xj mtvf7rsaaiiX3iosairTJajrTywnnz.virfi-cs ssxc The Store Will be closed all day Thursday, in order that we may have time to remark and rearrange the entire stock for one of the Greatest Unloading Sales ever held in Marshfield, Watch for Thursday evening full page ad. Wanted 12 Extra Sales People. 6 Ladies and 6 Men Apply Thursday at 4 p. m. M ri .-..mmiMiwi iiiiwnro-TiTMiiiiM i iwraraimiri Clams, Crabs Crawfish Oysters ,f joii nro iailuilat iiliout tho lIelI fish j(M, t.at, get acquainted "li II!,. COOS IJ.VV OYSTBH CO. at I'nlnce Meat Market, HroacHvay. Roya! Theatre TONIGHT I imyne ami Fredericks, slug'nit popular ballads ami ragtime mg. Ingles and duets. I -Tbe Great Northern Film Co.. urawmtf "A Daughter of Kve in UirtTrUls. A drama of today -io Mrrlae. Divorce and He awakened love. For Old Time1 Sake." a Mr .n drama proou-ed TlKnm Hub Leonard :.n I Ha'-I 1 '' '" 'In Tin) Huby rir.l. a t ,...r 'drama If you picked up a ring on tlio street that was valuable, the chances nro that you would wear It, no matter how strange its design was. Hut see tiio strange adven ture lu the finding of a ring. Six reels of all new and standard films. Admission, lowor floor, 15o; bal cony. 10c. Here tomorrow night: "A Pris oner of the Owl (Jang." Special four-part fouture. , i WW, fl hi BREVITIES WORTH BEND NEWS rally 'lonluht. liny Lawlinrnn . will entertain tlio "Council of Four"' I at a mulligan supper nt his homo ' i, K" they" woro nJioSK tIio" ' ' no to' riroka members tiro 1. X. Miller, Prof, whoro ho will spend some llnic. Htchnrds and K. 11. MoCrea. 1 Tho North lk'iul SI. 15. Lndlos Aid MIMvS Mill .M1M-.MIJKH Klislitonn nf thn lilrila nr nnnvnu HeW Is glvcu tho tlmo and hacks. height of high and low water nt Mn1,fl.c,1!1' , ' Pile Driver Stops Cars Traffic Tho tides nro placed In tho order between North Hond and Mnrshflold of occurrence, with tholr times on was interrupted this morning by tho , tho first lino and heights on tho .pile driver at work north of tho aocond lino of oach day: ix compnr-' stave mill. The motor car and the (son of consecutive heights will ln tago lino autos wore held up but dlcato whether It Is high or low tho latter transferred passengers wntcr. For high water on tho bar inrnuml tho aunt. i ...i.i . i ,. ... ...;.,... i -,.-.. i ni.uu iiL-i iwo uuurs .w nunuics. ('ot l-'lno Ducks. Dr. Tower nnd .lay Tower nro nhowlng todny 2(i big ducks that they bruticht hack from their hunting trip up North ' unn,.M,T .V1.,q ,rf nn. .,. ,nom Inlet at the Glasgow Gnu Club. I uol,hKT "HA hS left on me morn nig irnm mr me coumy scai, nuv lug lteon called there on business. DonU pity "erects" ,WO U STO ITT M KN usually fool that you havo .to pay extra money for a fit ,in olotlfey. You don't, liave to. I Hart Scliaffncr & Marx make clothes thai will fit you; and we've got them hero. Don't b o skeptical about- it; como and see. For $215 we'll fit you In a nult that your tailor can't duplleato under $10, and wo'll provo It. llliirs Ft.. 12llrs. Ft.. t.ljltrs. Ft.. Mjllrs. IFt.. I n 1 1 1 r a . 13.18 Ft... -I.I) 3 08 o.r, :i.or 0.7 :i.5s 0.') 1.5 1 i.i o. a i 1.7 10.11 n.i lo.r.c r..c 11.110 c.i r..ii i.n a. i.i 2.6 1.00 2.1 n.oa i.r. n.r.s o.r, la.ao C.j ..3.1 1.7 Onuoislilp luvohod. Ownorshln 'of mining machinery now nt South l.tlnl I.. I I.....1 I.. H ...I, 1...!... '"B hoard this nfternoon In tho .lusllco'a fofflce. Claim Is made by .1, F. To ll. 13! lander, who Is suing A. Cook and iL'iinrioH i.asli for tho machinery. No 1 decision wns rendered this aftur I noon. l.S 0.0 0.0 15.. Ill -0.2 U. T. KAUF.MAN nnd Dr. Taggnrt left on tho Hnlnbow this afternoon for tho Yonkatn ranch, where thoy expect' to HliOot siilpo, having gOno well equipped for both, the woathor nnd tho snlpo ns well. A. T. I.AOKItSTHO.M nnd wlfo havo returned front a weok'H outliiK nonr Wngner. Mr. I.ngrtHronl suf foreil n sovoro nttnek of poison oak from which ho has not fully tocrvcred yet. FltlWll APPliK CIIIKK ilollvorotl In uny tpiantlly to your lioiiio. Cnpo Arago Hoda Wuckx. Pliom 2KI-T. WKATIIMU I'OUHCAHT inr AMorUtni rn in obm nf -ntnf.i OltKtlON - - Parlly cloudy; in I n, Houtherly wIiiiIm. j LOCAIi TH.MPKItATUUK 1 ui:coitii 1 For tho 21 hours ending nt 1: 13 n. 111., Nov. 11, by Hon J. Ostllnd, Hlieclal government mu- torolnglst: j Miwlimini OH I Minimum . ' 37 At 1:13 a. m 11 j Precipitation 00 j Precipitation Blnco Sept. l, !1 I 17.18 I Preclpltutloti sniuo period Inst year ll.ofi wind: Northwest, parlly cloudy. Cliango Mall. Tho mnll aorvlro to North irond nnd l-JinpIro will havo to be changed somewhat when tho new train schedule gooa Into , effect next week. In order to innko ; (onnetrtloiiK, It will bo necessary ' Tlinoa Want Ads bring rcniiltn. for tho carrier lo start from Km- 1 , .- plio with tho outgoing until about ! br H) In tho morning and bring North Hem! outgoing mall hero and then return with the Incoming mult. UulcHtt ho doeH this, ho would not ho able to mntto couucc.IIoiih with Uio outgoing mall hero. Tho Kin-j pi 10 route Is being udvortlHcd ugiiln. 1 I flASSint AD RWWINd HAOlirNPJS. KINUKIt AND WllKKIiKtt AN1 SiiKn piircliaseil al this hloro will bo kept iivhm1 free of oliarge. MOHN. I Horn To Mr. nnd .lohuson, a daughter. I Mrs. Ilarvo mCKWOUTH To Mr. nnd Mr. , Will :ickworth nt tholr homo nt Mllllcomn, n daughter. Mr. Kick worth Is n brother of August HKlor Weds. c. (1. llockott lina rocolved formnl uuiioiiucomoutH of tho marriage of bin niftier, MIhh Wnyfo llockott, to Jny lluwurtunii wilMCIN Seli.K Macli'.iioH for aalo at Portlnnd last week. Tho hrlilu r ,.0I,,, skcoXII-IIAM) MACIIINKH Is mtto well known on Cmm liny of ,, klN ,.,,.,,, am, repalrlntt having spent several wuukH hero nillcllm.H. w. .1. KIT, pliono with her brother 11 year ago. 8li"!.,Kn.y ):ti i,.k avo him been ndmitted to tlio Oregon 7'orXD llnml truck. Ownoo rail bur and recently hn been acting ns ,... ,.,,,., hv i,imtifVllir 1, A. m prlvutu secretary for her uncle, It. A. Ilooth. Mr. llowermnii has vIh Ited the liny a few tlmeii nnd a couple of years ago was a candidate for Coventor. Ilntiies, PERSONAL MENTION Klokvrortli, whoso homo In Ban I ls ,,, ,4AU80N nil(1 bn,,y Wo Irnuclsco wns visited by tho jro todny from Allegany. WANTICII Plain mowIiik by tlio day. Phono 30U-X. WAXTKI) I'lvo or slv room Iioiino. Unfurnished, with burn, close In. nnt, uloso lu. Apply O., enro of TIlllCH. Btork tho other day. Iliiukor IIIII Service. Thorn will bo preaching at Ifunker Hill school l houso tonight nt 7:30 by Ilov. llass- IfT 9V.T1 -, . I IIOUS0 Woolen Mill olorelfor,, of lli ,,,,pt,"t c"r(,i "i 1 11 11 11 in: in 1110HI counaiij- niviiou 10 TWO STpilKS: Morahflold ,. Dnndon nttend. This store Is tho homo or Mart St-linffnor & Mnrx good clothos. The iiFS-MCl liulurgcH Shop. Workmen today were Imwy tearing nut part of tho I partition botweeu the old location or 1 W. J, ItiiHt at 17.1 Front street North. -rrr.ThlH Is to extend the room hiuuo of William Ilunry'H shoo shop about two feet larger than It now U.' C. 1. ltKKlAIll) went up to Coiiulllo todny on mutters or court business. 0. A. HHOWN hns como In from Wag ner to spend a few days lu town. I). U HOOD loft on tho train this morning for Conulllo on IhirIihjhs. Ii. I). 8M1TI1, or Coos Hlvor, was a Marshfleld husliicss visitor to dny. CAItli BMICDIimtO. or Catching In let, wns umong tho visitors in the olty today, AXTI:D SecomMinuil truck cart. Must bo cheap. X, enro Times. WANTED To liny iiioIiisncm miiiii. Address Times. l'OH HAM flood n-lioi-we-imwor , giiBolluo engine. Used but llttld. Beo J. h, Koontz. I'Oll IIIJXT KiirnUlioil lioiiNokerp. Ing rooms. C20 Central. Phono lsn-j. I. IIAOKIOIt. of Coqulllo, was In tlio olty attending to some mnttom of husluesa. Solitary Culprit. Out or all Mnrshrield there was but onn man iCIilFFOUD OAHI.HON wuh umong T-Niffht who got drunk Inst night and get caught at It. C. O. Lotting fell by tho wnysldo nnd thin morning ap peared boforo the Police .lodge to mako his apologies, lie was as- i; unwed $r, for the (rouble nnd bur- rlotl on IiIh way. A Fine Pro? the vlsltora lu tho olty today from Allegany, I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WANTKD ." or O loom liotixo, un furnished, with barn. Steady ten ant, cloxo lu. Apply O, euro TIiiich. FOR SALE M. CAUMICIIAHIi was lu the olty o-; .TT ilnv nn IiiihIihmui frnm lilu linim, ill 1 "'1( .South Inlet. MII.TON IiA'ITIN wiir iiiuong the .vmltoiH in tlio olty today from B011C1 Inlet. HAIili Tliiou lioio itoivcr elnctrlo moior for salo cheap If taken nt once. Apply Motor, care Tlmeii. .inilN V. ANIlhiltSON, or Bouth In- lot, wns up today on a short IiiihI now trip. grain To-nkht Appointed AduiliilHlraloi'. (loirn WelHtoad waa lodny appointed nd mlulstrnlor of tho iMtalo of Paul KpkiMlin llttHHoll, diKtMiKed, and gave " 1 1. nnn i.onda for thn f niriil mhii t nriMKH, A. W. COOK wns a visitor In hm .liilv. Ilinumll Ih rniii.ii.l,..rn.l "- '''".f1 .,n,,,,' f,"m ,,nr 1,01" nl ., , , , , , Noriii iniot. tho mnu who Jumped overboard from tho llicHkwntnr last April while ho- .1. W. KINO, of Catching Inlet, wuh lug taken north to the Imtansu asylum. ! wi-wi....i.i.1 Woik Hihiii I. (I. Mould, or Cooa- ton, was u IiumIikmim vlnltor -here yea- ...n Tur"pi(ii 'u-rday, lie wys that Itolmrtaon & I AIVIONG THE SICK iFlmnlng, who have taken over tho " ICrnwroid Point Townslto havo piotn- Mr. Olo PoleiiMin of Kustxldo, who lpd to como to Cooston within a htm Iii-oii niilto Rlcli, Ih ruporled Iiu-Jeouplo of weohs and start a crow proving, ntuoji to the Jttatlfleutlon of r men oloarlng tlio tract. Cooston tholr fi lends. lis n!to pliiiinlng to hold n eaueiiK MIsh Adolio llcudeiium. of North naxt Monday night to neloot tholr llend, Ih initoh lieUor todny at Meroy .two eandldatoH ror Couiicllmon lu the icounolldnteil city or Kastsldo and lllllltnl fllfkliuli II fu n.it unt i.u.. I ...... ,. b.. ..,,.. ,t ,n .i.iv vi w,' tain she is out or danger. hero todny looking after some mat' torn or liuplnow. MltK. FltANK TANNICIt onmo tin Hiipiug lodav and on' IiiiiIiiimw from Houiii inlet, MltR. NKD OAM.OWAV r-nino down on the limit thin moruliiK shopping from North Inlet. MH8. JHNNIK CI,AW80N. or llmi dou, left this moruliiK ror bur homo at Hold 'Hooch. MVItTMJ POINT POIXTKIIS Cooston. flaw lleie. Sharirr W. W. flago has boon horv from Coiiulllo ror tho jlimt row, days on various inattnrH. j I lo was somowiat nurprlsod at tho ' roault or tho election, Marnhfleld, North Hnnd and Coiiulllo goliu Xohh of Upper Co(ulllo Valley as Told by the Kuteriirlxe, Mrs, (. W, Stowart, who has boon ailing ror 101110 time, was ta ken to Mercy Hospital, North Hond, tuc, TlloDiln.. n...l ....InMI.... .....I.... I'" :::, r' :l : ' :"?-: :u. j" wen ami hoped u.at i. "vhi 1111 wiut Wltuii. il, iiiunuii. who returned yesterday afternoon, t-ays the operation was sugcoMfiil and tho patlout Is gettlnu on nkoly. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. IS. Itoso loft Wodnosday via tho MddloFork road and Itosoburg, for Needlos, Cnllfor- IIAUUV THOMAS, or Allegany, wns hero today attending to hoiiio matters or IiukIiiojw. MII.TON CHHHCII. or Coos Hlvor, ciiino down on tho boat this morn lug on n short buslnesa trip, ailAHIiKS MAIIAFFKV nnd son f'lmrlw. camo down this morning from Coon Hlvor on business. POIt HA I, H -Shaft lug, pulley, i,.(. lugs nnd hangera lu flrst-claaM condition, Koontz (inrago, Marsli fluhl, Oregon. I'OU HAIil'J Throe lioi-ho-ioor kui olluu engine, upright, In first elasn condition, complete with water lank. Phono or call nt Koontz Oarage, Mnrshrield, Or, l'OH K,M Tlmioiigliluvil Import Ul bronze turkey gobbler. Phono 3031, Fnrmerri. will meet Wednesday nfternoon for church work. WANTED I WAXTMD Sewing by 1111 ok:Iciuv oil ilruNsiiiakiir. Tel. atia-L. ! WANTKIl SoooniMianil ackn. liA" ueer Hardware Co. WAXTKD fllrl for gonoral liousoi work; must bo comiietent cook. Apply CIO H. Uth street. I FOR RENT i!i I'D It HUNT Well funiHiol fliUtf Fourth and Central. Phono -H3-J W. M. IIAI.L, of KiipGno, Is a via- iTZT'.TTTTr, 7. 7. s" llnr In (the city having como hero,'"" "0 iirnihiioti noiisoKvei. to lojil more about Coos Hay. ,'ngnliiht him being tho blgmwt Hiir' prises. Ho said that ho wlsjiod Mr. j Mil. AND MHS. J. T. CIHiVUH and Ing rooms. Tel. 230-J. 0U5 First nnd HIrclU would glvo tho offlro tlio aame ' r..lil.r,.l aM,.l..r. M...1 li I... rtMi..,. " '"V i.u , ...., U1, MH AN) MUS 8AM AIMIM.:T0X was nothing now In criminal mat- mj .inngi'tor onmo down this tors. , morning ukopplng from North In- I lot. their son, Clarence, woro hero to- mm uilXV Hair Moro m.aro. Art day shopping from Catching lulot. N(10(,e 8h0f c,flUlra, To Itim 3IIII. Capt. C. B. Bd- nln. whoro thoy win nask In tho f Alleguny, who rocontly retired seulnl liont or that southorn ellmo rrom boating, has gono back to IiIh during the winter months. 1 J. h. IHMOICAIIV roturnod to his 1 home In Woodburp today after Bpeuiiing tiovoral days on tlio nay FOIt HI-JXT tl-ioom hoiiku wltl'i pantry and bath, modern. 12th and Commercial. Phono 55-1.,. 'old businoas, running a sawmill, Ho1 IooWiik ovor tho country. 158R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY l'OH HI-'.XT Oa county mad Hunk or IIIH, now rive-room bungalow, also G room rint. both with mnu em ImprovomontH. Imiulro on promlsoa or Phono Hi, North Hond. W. M. Whitman tamo rrom Hural wa engaged In It on tho uppor Co-, "" ; tho roro part or the week and went uulllo many years nua. Now hu ls,DH. HQKSFAM, loft on thn noon. . r. . . ..... .....,.. ...,.,.... .. ii. if.n...i.Mi train for Haudnu. whoro ho wont. w Lugiuiiu ip uroer t 11111 ui mmugr mums vuuih u .. hivwouhiu n jn. n O.,oratlon Ho wII bo ' '" ' for some now bulklliini that I10 and portable mill to out lumber for (in-1 mrk tomorrow noon. ' POIt ItKXT Doslraldo ruruli.hoO or !ilb uncle. A. I,. Humplirey. will' proving the ronds lu that ctlnn, ADOMMl W1TTK . wno has rositrno-l J unrurnlHhed Iiousoh. I. S. Knuf--r-(t on their place 011 the South Supervisor II. B. Hnkor huvlng run-Is, his position at the Cooh Hay 'llak-I mnu and Co, l,'.,rV M....r. IV 1, 1 1 in n ii nnil I Tom- nn Imml In iiliink a ciiinildorulilo dlst. ry, and llH MlHtni, Mrs. Hairy ' muuii'Mii, or" iiiiiiiiiuiK ici uiavn ..... .... " Saturday for KitchiUan. Alaska. , "'" niio ioK with boh tall. 1. In-, v li iv- ri'io.iily piirc'liascd a tan-o of (ho Loon I.alco district 1 tr.iU of the Morrlu ranch. highway, to visit their sister. J V. caro of Titnoa, Jtm- J! AMI 1 -.ff l flf m I I .jm.x,