,.A,..,.,r n.rrrc-l , HMIMHili , , , jijiii "l! I METIMES A MAN WOULD RATHER ENDORSE ANOTHER MAN'S CANDIDACY THAN HIS NOTE STIRRING TIMES EVERY DAY Thoro nppoars somo ltom of nown In tlio advertising columns of Tho Tlraos nuws of tho day's "Boat Iluys" to bo round in tho various stores. Tho woman who roads and heeds ttaosa "hows Items" Is tho ono who conducts hor hoiiBohold economically. ffmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmam these t1ns of war nml blood- . ... Imi uni'fn . f Hint ..r... . J JS lllliiiiiv V....I. jyiu (Ull KuOWIUUBU " l llUUSl ..h.ntlc news, ouuscnuo icr mo tl anil read tho ovonts of tho each evening. MEMBER OP Tills ASSOCIATED THESS 5,4 OL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ni Tlio Const Mnll, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail ntul f!oo Hnv Advertiser No. 95 BHHir MAKES FIRST DECISIVE 200 Id lala But Officers Air (Earn Qstmw mm j Report f Emden's Crew TURKEY AMD GERMANY CLAIM I NR GAMPAIBN UL Ifi; lie - jlurc of Belgian Town of Dixmudo First Advance of Ger- mans war mciuim.u in Ddifirmy us way loward CalaisAllies Claim Other Victories ENFORCEMENTS AID GERMANS IN FORCING UrtiviiMDui oiuiiiriuHiiot: lb imui Ybl UfcKlAIN m. i rt.. .mm.j rfrMML M... pi .. i m innr mhhuiiiu c un is njuw an nr luinrio m nnno 1 tin trench Ports German Crown Prince in Supreme Com- mailU Ul Huauian aim uuiiiictns Hijamsi missia (Ily Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Nov, 1 1 . The borman war machine has batter- its way into tne Belgian town or uixmuae, loday's of fi ll Fmnch statement admitted the Allies were coniDelled to back from this point, As an offset, tlio Allies forces ad- nced along the Norm sea coast, pusmng uacK the Germans d fnkint; the Boifilan town of Lombaertzvde, northeast of euport, From no other point came reports of any important ange in positions, rhnmntiiro of Dixmudo was the first indication that tho new lack of tlio Germans, described as their supreme effort and probably marKing me turning point in tne war, naa urougnt inito results, uotween uixmuae ana tpies, tne tignting b teen most intense sinco the Germans elected at the open i of the We6k' to begin a new onslaught with the help of re- Ibrccmcnts. Whether tho Gorman victory will exert an im- lant influence on tne outcome is not yet aisciosea, rim Rnrmnn Crown Princo is reported to have been placed supremo command of tho German and Austrian forces in i Foci. Petrograd contradicts the German claim of an important lory along tlio northern uorcier. asserting tne missians nave an invasion oi nasi nussm, POPE WILL TRY TO END f!ant lnn Million nnrl Prinnnl Franz Joseph of Hohenzol- (IFRRtAN FI FFT lern Are Prisoners NEITHER WOUNDED IN BATTLE WITH SYDNEY UbVLAS WAK English Admiralty Announces . Emden's Officers Shall Re tain Their Swords I)r AaaoclateJ Trrtt to Cool I)r Tlmta, COPENHAGEN, Nov. 11. A dls- ti.ltpli frnin Ciilnum. nfflrmn Hint thn t'niut i,M ulwirlli ittwtim vnr in fnltlntn wJi negotiations for peace through tho taill Voil Mullci mouium or a pastoral lotor. i no Ourman vlow of this Is taut any hiicIi action would raise tho question of tho Polo's temporal powor and force Italy Into taking an attitudo against the propositi. (Dr AoclatJ I'rwa to Coot Bar TlmM.1 LONDON, Nov, i SAILS NORTH IN PACIFIC BULGARIA IS OPPOSED TO ALLIES,, Official Statement at Berlin Says Bulgarians Refuse to Fight -Turkey Despite Offer of Adrianople Deny Reports of Rioting in Turkish Armenia TURKS CONTINUE OFFENSIVE MOVEMENTS IN CAUCAUSIA DESPITE HEAVY SNOW STORMS T UHKIGI1 ARK CI S THE ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN FORGES OFFER ANGELL SEATTLE PLAGE Son of President of University of Michigan Tendered Pres idency of Washingon (II; AMOrialhl I'm, In II." 11a; "Him I CIIICAOO, Nov. 11. James How land Augoll, dean of all faculties at tho University of Chicago, has boon offorod tho Presidency of tho University of Washington, It was learned today. Tho dean, who Is a sou of James 1). AukoII, pros Meut emeritus of tho Uulvetulty of .M'ehlgftn, fs sold to ho In Seattle In lonnoctlon w-lth tho offer. man cruiser Emdon, which was attacked by the Austra lian cruiser Sydney, anr! Prince Franz Joseph of Hoh enzollorn, one of his officois, are both prisoners of war and neither wounded) according" to an announcement of the Admiralty this afternoon, The losses on the Emdon are unof ficially reported at 200 kill ed, thirty wounded, The Ad miralty has given orders that all honors of war bo accorded the survivors and that the Captain and officers bo not deprived of their swords, H.MIIKX KTII.fi Ill'UNti. (Dr Aaaoi UtM rrtaa to Coot Hay TlmM.J LIMA. Porn. Nov. 11. A Inlo- 1 1 , Can- Krnm fr0ln Tnltal. Chile, snys that a wvty ulfintnni" nedulinr I Ii ...... r.,.,,,.l II. nt Of tllO GOr- whtMi off Coiiulmho, Chllo, slip slKht- eti ronr iiurtnan warslilps BtoamlnB north. Coiiulmho Is Kid mlleri north of Coronol, off which tho nuval en ItniioiKunt of Nov. 1 was foiiKht. CAN.1)A I'lMMS ATTACK., Clos Clmimcl Xonr Vnnt'otivcr () liiK lo Appioiich of (lYrnmuv. ' tllr AaaoelalM t'lrn In Cnu IUr TIdim, OTTAWA, Can., Nov. 11. It was officially announced that tho wlmtcrn portion of DrotiKlitoti Strait, near Vnucouvor Island, has heen eloRod to navigation for tho purpoHeH of de fense Tho uctlou, It Is hollnved, Is duo to fear of an attaik hy tho (ler intiii Paelfle fleet. VGTOR ES rily Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) BERLIN, Nov, 11. (Via wirelO-Thp IJirksjaro-raoot-, Willi onnciflnmlilh simnpRs, ndfiordiiiir to an official aii- uncemont of the Turkish government, They occupied Shoi- Fort at Elarlsh, Egypt, and tooK tour ueia guns nuin.uiu femy, I lie- Russians in uaucusus imvu wm imoou I in iiioir QAnnnH linn nf defense. El Arish is on tlio Med- tranean near tho boundary of Egypt and Palestine, WIFESET FREE Eugene Couple Arrested for Disappearance of Atlanta . Sisters Released IDr AfaoxlalajflTtu n ton Oar Tltm. SAN ANTONIO. Texas, Nov. 11. nnrUinilftl riHTTI r iliourno saylnn that tho Kunnory ofi MmrRoa 'murder aKalnst yjrtor, In,, 1 . I Mm Mil II I l ' "I" erulHor Kmdoli wan j;ooJ In tho, e nntl wlfo, who wtfo liruiiKlil hero U A MM U HHI II T , boKlunhiR of tho right with tho 8yd-( '" KiiKm. Oroijoiu for tho . lal L.11UIIIS Ull l I t-u I jioy, hut doterloratod lator. The cd deaths of Miss Ileatrlco Nolms and Unidon had two funnolJi shot nwny "hho fauiiim iiuiiiiih, hihiiuh, o Berlin Claims Russian Battalion Near Konkonin Houtctl in. Hard Engagement and Announces Germans Are Taking Offensive Along Eastern Battlefront' I (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlmee.) BERLIN, Nov, 11, (Via Wireless,) An official commun ication today says: "The rout of tho Russian battalion near Konkonin, Russian Poland, by a dotachment of German cav alry, appears to liavo been thorough, and while this engage ment Is without importance, It shows tho offonsivo spirit of tlio Gorman troops, No other news has boon received from tho Eastern area, Constantinople reports a continuation of the Turkish offen sive movements on tlio Caucausian border in spite of tho snow, Tho Turkish govornmont declares with emphasis that tlio report In tho Paris Temps of rioting In Turkish1 Armdnia' is a flat Ho, It Is reported from Athens that Bulgaria has refusod to adopt an anti-Turkish attitudo suggested by tho.trip.le onjontft in return for tlio promise of tlio addition of Adrianople: to Bul garian territory," SINKS JAP TORPEDO BOAT (lly Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) TOKIO, Nov, 11, All official announcement has been mado that tho Japanoso torpedo boat No, 33, was sunk by a(i mine this morning at tho mouth of tho Kino Chow Bay whllo f . '. dragging for mines, ; . (.oniuili CittVi'r Coiuplolely I lest my ci I liy Australian limit, III AuwUlfel rma to Coi Ilijr Tlmm.), LONDON. Nov. U. Tho Central Nuws received n dlspatclv from Mel R EIO T AGO QUELL TURKISH CONSPIRACY (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Nov, 11, A dispatch from Atnens says u ,m,i 4i,t o onnenimrv lins broken out in Constantinople uiivu iiicil W uuiiumiiuwj iivw .... i i r ainst the Germans and Young Turks, Tho chief conspira- s have been arrested and shot, S R ISfilST GAINS E IN WESTERN BATTLEFIELDS IA 1 Forces of General Hills and Gov: Maytorena Shell Each Other for Two Days and cniir.-.t flrd astoru wJtliln an hour uftor tho licglnuliiK of tho on RaKomeut. 8ho l now ashore and continues to burn. A landing imrty from tho Kmdon previous to tho ho-' ginning of tlio fight commandoered two months' 'provisions from tho Co cos UlnniMirs, 'liutjtthu pcoplo wero well trerttod. Atlanta, (leorgla, will ho dlsmlHsod Monday, tho district attorney an nouueud In court today mm EDS V. S. TltOOPK I.KAVK. I (Or AnoilatvJ rm, to Cooa Har Tlmfa.) I WASHINGTON, I). C Nov. I 11. Tho American troops proh- I ably will bo ordered out of Vera I Cruz very soon, leaving tbo Mox- I lean fnctlons to sottlo their own I dlfforoncos, as a rosult of rocont dovolopmonts that have brought I guarantees which tho Washing- I ton govornmont uomamioii, s SAVES BABYS LIFE AUSTRIA REPORTS T OS OVER RUSSIANS IN SEVERAL BATTLES Janet Escott Graps Bridle of , Plunging Runaway Horse Mate is Killed (Ily Associated Press to V.io Cooa Day Times.) orni im m... 1 1 io Airpincc.,i Sien ficance of tne lest official reports concerning tho situation in the western ea of hostilities increased favorably in the opinion o f Go - an critics, by the fact that the wo. , --- - So sea in reierrmg to tne uuuwn i. "-" ,-., j.prju fst tlmn siinh nn Axoresslan has been employed in describ 1 the fighting in this district, ismoT JAPS HILL TIE FMTilPFN PRISDHEH! PMLMM HOI not as an attack, Tl'ltN OX CAHItAXA. blish Labor Party Leaders ptpected to Inject Severe Censure of War Policy tit Auotlithj rreaa to Cooa Uar TlmM-1 -ONDOV, Nov. 11. King George 4 today what nrobably will bo rc'y a war session of parliament. I controversy or political question j II te debated, but this does not a tbat thero will be entire liar- ?n". for tho cabinet membors will asked some uncomfortable nuoa- P" about their conduct on various 8es of the war. Tho labor party ers are especially primed with """is about pay for tho soldiers , visions. Former StipiMifter or Ix-atler Scoivs 11 In An lUiiel, Or AuoclatoJ Pre to Cooa Dr Tlm. r.U PASO. Tex., Nov. 11. A tele gram from Aguas Callontos says that at a meeting of tho convention last nlgM Oenoral Carranza was branded as a rebel by Genoral Natora. vice president of tho convention. Tho an noucoment caused wild applause, as 10 ouo pojopisuoa uooq BUI ujo)tj.s: Carranza's strongest supporters. OXFOIIII MKX TO WAIt. (Ily Associated Press to Cooa Hay Tlmoo.) VIENNA, Nov, 11, All official communication today re garding fighting with the Servians says: "Sovoro fighting at tho foot of a mountain on the lino from Shabato to Losnltzn, continued all day yostorday, Somo strongly fortified posi tions wero stormed, South of Planlna our troops further ad vanced, Numorous prisoners and lioavy guns woro taken," ENGLISH USE DUMDUM BULLETS. (lly Associated PresB to tho Cooa Hay Time.) BERLIN, Nov, 11, (Via Wireless,) Lieutenant Gonoral Holdlngrath is making public exhibitions of dumdum bullots found on British prisonors and also of British rifles equipped with a contrivanco to cut off and porforato tho point of tlip ' bullets, This information was given out officially today, FRENCH ADffGllHPTURED '" DI1U0E BUT CLAIM OTHER GAINS (lly Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Tlraoa.) PARIS, Nov, 11, An official communication this aftornoon says: "On our loft wing tho fighting was resumed yosterday at Nleuport and Lys, with great soverity, Generally speaking, our front was maintained, To tho north of Nleuport wo we:ro oven ablo to ro-occupy Lombaortzyde and aavanco boyond this town, but toward the end of tho day tho Germans cap turnil nixmudo. Wo still hold our positions on tho approaches 3 :frmTntn,un 7.S i ois'Tho'ta'swo.r to? ? to this town. British troops, attacked also at several points, vanco. You-ii rind that it's not KTotiK ovcrywhoro In stopping the onemy. Tlio rest of tho front situation romains uncnangeu, except uuu our lurgos- maao sngni progruss nuim ui ouiaouno. miAVKUV AND HI.FFF1XC1. (fir AaaoclttaJ Trtaa lo Cooa liar Tlmw.) PAIUS, Nov. 11. How an mi iinmod lloutounnt-colouel In tho French nrmy stiffened tho courago of his men ami his own, wlion tliej woro about to chargo tho enemy for tho first ttmo, Is told In tho Figaro. Tho colonol. wounded, but convales cent, Is descrlbod at rotating t'..o an- ' tbo patli. of n frightened run- oc.loto on tho train b follows' , away team, toarlng down Fourtu ecu "to on too train ns ioiiowh. (-.,,. uimr.K. i..rn. ..,.. tn,i,.- - i "It wna In tho course of ono of jnot Kscott sliowod romarltablo . . I tho numorous battleH on our right' horoism and prestmco of mind when tnr Ai.o.Ul.4 rr.a to Co. nT T raw 1 ...... ,.,....., .., . , li irnlil,.i.l thn hits of nun of tho WASHINGTON. I). C, Nov. 11. ,',., tn ,, ,. n,,,,, animals not ti iiiomutit too soon to Kvonts nt Naco luvvo movod with un- was nbout to go undor flro. Tho govo ,t8 crn8nK lt0 ft ,m,. lofl' expected rapidity, according to n ro-' moment waa decisive; tho regiment, holplovH on tho sidewalk, whom It ( port to tho War I)oiartmont today ,,j tucr battlo formation unit now had been forsahon by Us mother. Tho , trom uen. niibH.iijuru ww uuuvy in- ,, necossarv over onon urotind aocond horso p tiugoi nto tlio pro- Ing nil yosterday aftornoon, which,11 WftB "ccossarj, over opon i,rounu, , t rnng, which plorted twenty Col. Hatfield interprets as an effort 'to march itinlR.it and resolutely at Kb ,,to tho anlnVals lungs, Killing .. l.n .in... nf Cinn Illlt'a Tnrrn tn. flin nnninv 'Ttinlt flrn wna lint unit i. , . .... Ull ll. u IU. ... ,,...-.-.--" -.v. ...... . ..v... ...u ....m ..... n lUHlllllll . prevont Jiayiorena irom koihiik i"i",Uroady had producod ravages In our position for an attack. At r,:t.. p. m. rnnk n was scourclnu' I lind tak threo guns firing bhrapnel opened ,"". it was Bto urgini,. J nan tait southwest and continued tho firing " "' position at tho head of t.io until dark on Hill's position. Jlny-i roglmont and given tho ordor 'for torena Informed Hatfield ho was do- warj( j)Ut, separated from tholr base, ing litis as i ii,uui..,u ,..,...,. ,ny n0, hesltatcd. In vain I repeated tin na nn nifQClC. 1 tho comnmnu. Thou roturuItiK to- Governor and 2300 Men From Tsing Tau Accorded Honors of War at Kaio Chow ,, AaUtJ iw c r " 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 11. -Tho hart and Wost News Ilureou received the following today from Toklo: I er mlttod to capitulate. Instead of sur rendering unconditionally, tho for- j mor governor of Tsing Tau and hU officers were. In compliance with the, gracious wish of the Japanese Kmper- or, allowed to wear their swords and maintain their soldier's honor. Iho Governor, with 2300 officers and men, will bo transported to Japan as prisoners on November 12. I ward them I said; " 'What! You flinch? All you will gain out of this turn-about 1st death on tho spot without having been of any uso. Attention! Tnko my arm ono and ad so bad,' "My word! tho Idea doclded thorn, and arm In arm wo started forward. They soon got warmed up and for n little I wks nearly forced to hold them back. Oh! the bravo follows!" ' A lady who was standing near said: : "It was fortunate, colonel, that you ' afraid." "Not Oh, Hy Its mother, whoso namo could not ho lenrnod, tho baby was being Vhoolod south nu Fourth street near tho corner of Honnett avonuo whon tho horses appeared. Facing what seemed certain (loath, tho mother for tho moment scorned to losn hor pros enco of mind and ran, leaving the In fant In tho way of tlio frightened team nH they plunged onto tho side walk. Miss Kscott, an operator for tho Coos and Curry County Tolophouo Company, on hor way to work, bbw tho Impending danger and grabbed tne horso not a moment too soon. .1 1 1 ., 1 ,1... I. ...... ... III! UUU JUKI lllljliuil U' iiiiub, mai-, Ing tho team standing attached t"f nto iiouuioirtios ami uau ruiicuou um for a hook When ono of tho horses, bothered by files, kicked over tho brooch strap. This scared both ani mals, and loose, they ran tearing down Fourth street. J. 1). Mooro, who drlvos a cpalj .. i. fft 1?ftA Mnnflnh mill wlwl linit ' just tinhitrnessetl for noon, ran from! his barn on tho corner of Dennett) IDr Aaiolatd Prwao Ow Jlir rtmaa.1 OXFOIU). England, Nov. 11. Ox ford University harf Oponed with uuput yourself woro not 1280 undorgraduufcoH Instead of abtnil' afraid!" oxcialmed tlio colonol 3000 Tho Nominating Commlttqo madam, If you know what shlyori. avonuo and hold tho uninjured horso ...', i i. ..,,i.iiui,n,i .. I ..,... , i. ,..,i. .., ii.. i ...i i unu until holn arrived. A blanket was III 1116 lllllllUiy UU.I l0 IIHIJIintlw. J.. I l..lJIhl K.Ui If. lb IT..UH i . " , ., , , , ... I n in mo ' .... ii..i- .. .. .... . t. . .... .... thrown over tho dead utiliual and lat JlSt 01 loUU IllciiiuuiD ui ii. v v, ,.- iiiuii. iiuaiiuiu i uuu iu dui a., ua- slty who havo boon recommended for ample. I was bluffing." commissions. This list, however, con- J talnMho names of a groat many mon' AllMV WINTKH DltlvSH. who are already graduates, somo of m AtaotuiM rma to cow oar tiu.i thom irraduatos of several years' I LONDON. Nov. 11. With tho AltMV AH IX COL'KT. XKWH OF FliOUKNOH. storehouses or Georgo McCommlH hauled It out of town. Tho value of tlio doad horse was ostimutod at 1125. I As n small hint of what the vis itor to tho Panama-Pacific Intoruat- OX- tho lonal Exposition In 10 15 may n...Hni? Of hor aetual undergrauu- uuiiuiuk oi "" rio ... i.n- nvr,.r,i l.na cint ir.nn bore. It Is Ioaruod that tho govern .. .......... ..mi., t,tu ...nttv'fl'mont in lavlue In nn immenso stook . poet In Inndscapo gardonlng. land forcos. Of the remnant loft In of furs and sheepskins to bo mado nvforrf a considerable fraction Is into winter coats for tho army. composed of American and Indian Thoso materials are arriving by' . . i ..ii..n.i ii.,. tlm 1riiliilni.il. Alrnnilv thn fihnilt. I stuaems. who aro hui v,,utv .v. w. - : - - ----- ,,,,.,, T,inHO nP(, ,..,, nari The Gorman Hhodes cover acres or grounu, surrounuou ny, of course, cousplcuotii barbed wire fences and guardud by of tho great bchemo that Ih being sotting out of tho grounds of 701, 000 golden flowering plants In tho last three wcoks of October, may bo British army scholars arc. by Ihelr absence. policemen, followed. lr Aaaoclatf.J to Cooa liar Tlmw J LONDON, Nov. 11 Tho announce ment of tho Ixml Chief Justice thut barristers who aro now serving In tho king's nrmy muy appoar In court In tholr uniforms, rather than In tnuir oustomary whlto wigs and gowns, has produced u great chango In tt.o uppoarunco of tho pleaders who at tend tho dally sessions of courts at tho Temple. Scores of young attorneys nio uni versity mon who havo entered tho sorvlco but are still tiuartored In Lou don or Its vicinity. It would ho a groat hardship to thorn to sacrlfloo tlio time necessary to put on conven tional court garb, and tho action of tlio Lord Chlof Juatlco makos It possl hlo for many young uttonoya to look after tholr practice notwithstanding tho demands of their military offices. Tola Kwiits Along tlio HIiihIuw As by Tho West. Tom Hudson was severely hurt by a fall last Friday, Ho was standing on a ladder twolvo or fourtoon foot fiom tho ground gathering apples, whon a cow ran against tho ladder, knocking It from under Mr, HiuIboii ' and letting blm fall to the ground, Ho has not been able to work since. W. P. Hod of Gardiner and Josoph Lyons of Hcedsport passed through town Wednesday on tholr way to Portland. A flno boquot of rhododendrons was picked by Miss Nellie Slomiuona from bushes In tho uppor part of town a few days ago. This Is rathor out of j season for thcso beautiful flowers, as they blossom mostly In May, but tho , fall rains havo given somo of tho bushes a now start. 1 . ., 1 '! .1 i 1. , hi 1 m&g": gfrrLttilat'i J-.ji . ,i,' -.- .1.1 .... ,...