tFM SILVER ' IlNlNGWiTHODT STIRRING TIMES Are these Jays of war and blood shed. I is Important that you liavo full knowledge of tho latest authentic news. Subscribe for Tho Times, and read tho events of tho EVERY DAY Thoro appears somo Item of news In tho advertising columns of Tho Times news of tho dny'a "Best Buys" to bo found In tho various storos. The woman who roads and heeds those "nowB Items" Is tho ono who conducts her household economically. mm$& day eacn evening. MEMBER OP TI115 ASSOCIATED PKESS ntHfj VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established J87fl w TIiw Cot Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, IUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Coiuolldntlon of Tlincs, Const Mali iwtl Cw tlnr AdveHlwr No. 94- GERMANS REPORT R USSI1S BADLY DEFEATED ON EAST RRUSSUNrUHE mcuen 80 REPULSED 10 ALLIES Gill GROUND Am Aus&afian '. B. irW0ULDJBE Qkitf la B n r n ri iiii iii n inn iirnnriMii i tit imm . lkmilh i.i luiiii uhKiwiimuii ini'KU m w? D croyed MiLiuuii ulmiihi uLiimnin flUMJIUJ IFOHTf P, SMiW Announce That Struggle Near North Seacoast Continued Yes- terday With Same Intensity as Has Marked Previous Engagements There BRITISH TROOPS ARE SAID TO HAVE HELD GERMANS GERMAN FORCES CHECKED Claim French Have Made Sure Advances of Previous Days Near Labasse Canal Claim Additional Progress Between Rheims and Berry-au-Bac ' (Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) PARIS, Nov. 10, An official communication this afternoon SAY-JMAN RETREAT IS fa (nr AMOclitecl rr to Co Ptjr(Tlina.1 I nunnti M-.. Jrt't.M.I LUINUUIN INUVi IU, lt!W' X AiERICIS says: "Action continued all day yesterday with the same In tensity that characterized the previous fighting between the sea and the region of Armonleres, The encounters were of particular violence, for tho reason that the opposing forces alternately took the offensive, The day was marked by the checking of a German attack in considerable force to the 6buth ofYpfes and by perceptible progress on tho part of the Fronch 'forces' In tho vicinity of Bixschoote and between Ypres and Armeritleres, Fntmllv on the front of the British troons all German at tacks wero repulsed, Along tho major part of tho front from Ambassador Morgenthau Re Labasse Canal as far as Woovre disrict, our troops made se- ports Porte Trying to be Le- cure the results obtained during tho last few days, We also , 1 1 Non Combalanls made progress between Rheims and Borry-au-Bac, In Vos- mAmtlMVnloCM.Utr7lmn, ges, fresh Gorman attacks against tho heights to tho south, Washington, i. c, nov. io.- of Mount Sainte Mane all have been repulsed," officially announced today that tho Gorman cruiser Em den lias been driven ashore 'i iMrrn ! anc' turned, The Emden was UlNUtK WAY,destroyed bV tlle Australian I cruiser Sydney, She was driven ashore on tho Island of Cocos of the Keeling (Group, southwest of Java, in the Indian Ocean, RUMOR OE h SEA BATTLE OEf CHILE Wr AiiocIMfJ Vnu In Coot iut TIjtim LONDON, Nov. 10. A llottcrdnm dispatch to tho HxcIuuiko Telegraph says tho inovomcnt of the (lermnn re treat continues. .10,000 inennnd 100 i;uuh left Thlult In the direction or Uhcnt. TURKEY I tllf Amo.IiJ I'm, to Com nT TlmM.J LIMA, rem, Nov. 10. Heavy can nonadhiR was heard tit son yesterday off tho Chilean seaport of Coronet, nc- TIlC Syd- ,'or,""K '" rt,Porls received hero from I I . i . Wi.i.U. ney sighted tho tmdon yes terday morning, With su perior speed she at once clos- ed in and gave battle, The , aorman boat could not escape, Thoro was a running fight, at tho end of which"tho Em- don, burning from the shells I sJVs That He Prefers to Let f ILSOM SJLEN General Von Morgen's Army Reported. to, Lave Driven Czar's Troops Back Across Border Near Wliere Russia Jllet Reverses Early in War ,., ' .S' OLD BATTLE GROUND HAS BEEN SCENE OF REPEATED ENGAGEMENTS DURING PRESENT WAR ELECTIONS DESPERATE FIGHTING ON ALL SIDES WITHOUT ANY DE RESULTS Americans In Turkey havo not been molested In any way since tho out I break of tho war and are In no dnn 1 gor, Ambassador Morgenthnu report 1 ed today. Tho Turkish minister of ' wnr Informed Morgonthau that Tur I key was anxtuos to conduct the wur with evory. posslblo consideration and ot tno Australian boat, was reached, Tho casualties on tho Sydney are said to be slight, EMDEN'S CREW SAVED JETTIES NEEDED (Ily Associated Press to tho Coon Ilay Times.) LONDON, Nov, 10, Fighting on land proceeds with sav age intensity, bat without definite result on any field of bat tlo, In Belgium Germany's renewed attempt to break through to the English Channel has brought on a fearful struggle, still Jo bo decided, Along the eastern front of Prussia, both Ger mans and Russians lay claim to successes, In the-near East, the Russians aro meeting unexpectedly stiff resistance from the Turks, , . t it ,, , ,, I Today's Fronch official statement reports that the fighting captain Campbell Declares the has been especially violent and the Gorman advance south of, Mchc Dj(J UUQ Goo(J to Ypres has been checked, and further to tho south that tho French had made some progress, The troops are fighting In Bar-Improve Jetties o c fn- fmm nno ennd HlinQ tO ailOthOI, SOmetllTlOS I To 1080 tho Mlchlcyls rather a creeping through tho thick grass to win a few additional,-.. -J-- yards, The Russian forces which invaded Armenia meeting ou-; Llf0 Savlng nuroa, wh0 yesterday ITtr AriarUta rrtm lo Cooa nr Tlmn. TOKIO, Nov, 10, Accord ing to reports reaching1 Tokio, he Captain and most of the courtesy to tho non-combatants, lint CI'OW Of tllO Ellldoil WOrO SaV- If Hngland nnil (ireoco attacked any ,, n,,.,,!,,.,- i. 4,, -unfortified towns, reprisals would fol-, d 0US tO tllO OngagC low In tho dutontlon of their subjects. ITient With tllO Sydney, tllO Emden cut the Britisli cable i connecting Cocos Islands with the outsldo world, Actions During Next Two Years Do the lalking tllf AnoflilM I'm to Com ij Tlmn WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 10. Commenting on last wook'a elections, President Wilson said today ho was more Interested In action than In talk and declared that ho liopcd his best comment would bo tho actions of his administration during tho next two years. Ho added that tho Democrats wero still In control of tho novorn moiit and that was tho main factor to bo seen In tho results. No Intimation Given of Strength of Armies Involved, But Kai ' scr Claims Over 4000 Prisoners Were Taken Struggle on East Front (Ily Associated Press to tho Coos liny Times.) BERLIN, Nov, 10, Another Russian repulso on blood drenched and trench-scarred hills of the eastern fronlor east of Prussia has been reported from Gumbinnon. Simultan eously operations against tho main Gormniiarrny urtdor.G'qn eral Von Hlndonburg on tho line of the'Rfvor'Wanhd Vvlien tho Russians attempted to break Into East Prussia south of Wirballon, but wore mot at the frontier by Gone'ral Von Mor ten's army and after vory heavy fighting :jvord drivo'n 'ba'ck across tno trontior, No Intimation regarding tho strength of tho forcos ongtfged has been published here, but It must have, boon considerable, as tho Russians aro reported to havo lost 4000 prisoners, Tho fighting was on tho old battle ground whore tho Gorroins mot tho Russians In tho early days of tho war and which since has boon tho acono ot ropoatod ongogomonts, AUSTRIANS DEFEAT SERVIANS WILSON DOUBTS 0 REPOfl T (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Hay Tlmos.) . . BERLIN, Nov, 10, (By wireless,) An Austrian official announcement says tho Auslrians In a throo-day battlo defeat ed 120,000 Servians, who retreated on Valicvo, TSING TAU HELD BY JAPS (Ily Associated Presa to tho Coos Hay 'Times.) '' ' LONDON, Nov, 10, Tho Gorman stronghold of Tsing Tau, according to a dispatch from Shanghai, was unconditionally handed ovor to tho Japanoso this morning, FOR THE BAY-EHDENS CAREER IT NOTE and more n than sorrowing, according to Captain Campwoll ot tho German Cruiser, Sunk Yes terday, Has Had Few Equals in Military History llf AuocUt Prti to roi Ui, TIium. NBW YORK, Nov. 10. Tho Km- President Does Not Think U. S. Marines Have Been Land ed at Acapulco (Mr Au UtM I'ffM lo Com lUjr Tlmra,) WARIIINdTON, I). C, Nov. 10.- PreHldeut WIImoii today uxpresHud doubt of tho reports that Amorlcnu marlmm had been lauded at Acapulco, Mexico. Ho declined to comment on tho recont dovolopments In tho Mexi can situation, o.vmtANz.v ACiiti;i:s IIIU HUVJOIMII lww- ..,..-.. ... , - - . , qlnntn rasktance. Tho Turks, apparently oinceieu uy ,ofl for Ku.oka after inspects tno , sunato resistance uio UI ... nD.r cnr,.m.,HHm Ilnv ,lfn nnvlnv ,. Tlll'forhoopmniuo Germans, have missed large iorcB& iu ua r y,rww" '. ; . 'Ztow Praiioii- end it was onlv bv hard fighting that the riuss ans were nuie, p.-. - - - -' ,th. " . . i .C t- f nnlc ju, iim iwuhi uirvnunv n- Vnm wuibimii, lo defeat an attempt to onveiopuimuij, 1 acqualnlmJ wltta tho baJa n.rd bar- svwwNr- T . (Rr AMOiItt) I'retl to Cooi n7 TIbim.) WASMINfSTON. IV n.. Nov. 10 don contributed to tho history of war i)H,mtoho from Cordoba to tho romnrKuuio cnnpiors.iCoilHUtutouollst tiKoncy hero, says Ity and auccoBHlt has,tlmt camm. nt u conforonco with cortalnly none lnco'0oMoruiB oi,roKOI1. villarenl. liny tho famous old Confed- ,, nonuvldes, ngrcod to recoKnlzo 1 ) ' r Fred Wilson Returns From In vestigation of Death of Bandon Homesteader "Killed by Rimshnt wounds Inflict ed by a party or parties unknown" was tho coroner's Jury verdict ren dered at mldnlKbt of yesterday us tho oaiiao of tho doatli of Matthew West, a lonely uoiuostondor of llandon, whoso body was found lyltiK ncross a I oj; on tho hlllsldo above bis cabin. i From tho condition of tho body It Is flvo years of no nntl for sovoral years had lived on IiIh homestead, When his nelKlibors found him Kono nnd be came anxious thoy Immediately gath ered as n soarrhliiR party find tor flvo days scoured tho mouiitalns before tho body wns found. Tho momberc of tho coroner's Jury wero II. Tyler, a. I), (lardlnor, A. J. Albertson, C. A. Swift, Floyd Cox, A. W. Potorsou liitd tliu wltnesaeB worn Dr. Houston, David Drow, J. II. West. Cnrl BwvIrIii, Chnrloa rislc, P.. A. Mathowu, C. M. Doyln, II. h. An- RFRMflM PIRATE EMU WIHtLta SHIP LOCKED Hi, roaniQU IIIO Boas. ,i. iin..a ,. (I.,. na n.,lli.,iinu ... . . ili.rann mtil .1. fl. Knllitr. "" '" . """""""i uoi ovoil Hint wost, was Killed nitoui " ; " ii, . i'uuuuiiu.. wan huiiiu i fnyrviuiuiiH. STATION FOUND iLSDS V L 'POLICY IS FIRM Cruissr Koenigsberg Blocked in East Africa River by British Cruiser Or AwocUteJ Prtu lo Coo lltr TIbm. LONDON,- Nov- 10, The American Investigators Find It Located Across Boun dary in Mexico DJ AuocltlfcJ FrM C004 DI Time. WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 10. German cruiser Koenigsberg, 'Sejrot Borvuo men and navy radio- riknhlRH ihfi Brit Sh experts, seeking hidden wiroioas ..l..- n , tnnolc ninna suniiosod to bo violating WUOUI rUitSUS bUIIIU vyooco Uac l,aan KMfaH un nt Ainoncuii uw..w ago found a hlth- 6u, ., guou uuuwu up j uBknown 8,atlon at Knsonndnt Mafia Island On the COaSt OT nnfornla. not far across tho German East Africa,- by the Unlttd stnt03 b0Undary. blockading of the channel to( . - . Ihe harbor, 1 M-wcr i:c-w. h. nindingor Tho Koenlgsborg was discovered yesterday recajyed a telegram 'an- y tho nrltlsh cruiser Chatham hid-; nounclng tho death of his Illir In alinal nroln. nlnnl Klv ITlllOS'.,. -.1.1 l.nmn nnnr PlttSblirg. TllO a ... .mm nuisi uuuu Uiu ulu ,....- up the ItnfHi rivpr nnnnslto M'afla i i.o .lontli while a great Itland, German East Africa. Owing' wnc 0t unexpected as she had1 thus will carry the sediment far out, to Northwest to be Inspect to tho greater draught the Chat-, bU0CK- ;;as , ,., nn(1 for to boa, deepening tho water across tho bar despite tho fact that tho CU at pOKanC. Twenty-two hlps, mostly Urltlsh, bom of tho ontlro Pacific Coast and ,,nvo " "" "" " " uon pI , . , .,..,,,, , , turod, by tho Kniden. Tho most dar- honco Is acquainted wlth'MioIr needs K f(jat w8 whon B,1Q a)oiro nt nnd their shortcomings. Ponang, disguised with a frfurth "In my mind the Mlchlo did hut smokestack and sank a KusBlan I llttlo of valuo on tho bar,1' declared cruiser und Kronch dostroyer. Tho Captain Campwoll yesterday. I bo-:vof8el Ooftroyod by tho Kmden had "0V l'"" "8 8h 8COO,,0U Ul or Ul0lr crK08- Th0 s,d' wrrlos , acrosfmpr almost tho Bamo innln battory of olBht bIx Inch Biin. PrGSidnnt SnvS ConnreSS Will amount oTsand was blown across the against tho Umden's ten 4.1 Inch guns r " ' U.L : A,7 L n "HLV? flJ uu Haruu iu riuviuu iui 1 Two Warships Only nf tlm ix.t ...nk... !.!.. I ll,.n., V Inttv In noor condition Is worse' . W",D""'0 ' "iwnny , mr amocIiW r, 10 woi n ttn.-.J A Jetty in poor condition is worse eqiml( t0 Kmdon proljabJy WM fou, WABII,N(JT0N c Nov ,0 than none at all, according to tho and her engines badly racked from TJl0 two-battleshlp program will bo Life Saving Uureau man, for tho rea- three months' almost constant cruls- ccntlnuotl during tho coming sos- son that without tho Jetty tho cur-',nB. The Kmdon had a complement Hlon of congress. Piesldont Wilson rentof water washing out of tho Ilay fr 3C1 "'on' a d,8,,accn'0,u of 3C00 said today that no changes wero Inno nill Imp onnail iitno UM f. Irtinlu .... . . . .. ,.. ,,wu r -T.U ,w,uk. contemplated in tno pinna ouuinou ' last year, nnd added thoro would i be no Increaso In tho naval estl- mi.n, I l In.nnlliln lA l...l .J.MA October U, according to Coronorl i v v m,,.. lu ,, ,vv I.Vn.1 Wll.nn. who rtrnn,l till, noon Of tllO porSOU or persons wh.0 did tllO . . ,,.. - from the Inquest. broken down Jotty. filling the ohan- tluis giving her a heavy advantage ov nl n nuinh n it had been l.ofoio , er tho Qernian ship. While tho speed, dood Is tho bOllof of fir. Wilson', yluj P. Wltnossos oxaiulnod dcclnrcd that!"ul",,u, l"" "'" J'YP thoy had last soon West on October lr" m '"c" "nia r n ir i.iuinn, tw mii. im., ninn Bouichlng part as to loavo no OVU I miles out of llandon, but few people ''"'J ' othor tracks to or from the I .... . limit' ntnl llint llila will tin n iinrilllnl over saw tho man wno, i,y tnoso MW"" " " - knowing him, wns declarod to havo0 tuo 'lrol,or K0B0' boon eccentric. A brother and nephew nrrlvod from Arago and today tho funeral of West was hold on Uonr Creek. It Is believed that those rolutlvcs will con duct an Investigation In an effort to find tho murderer or murderers. Bo far as can bo ascertained It Is be lieved that West had no enemies and uo cause can bo given for tho death. POSTPONE TRIAL OFJ.S. BARTON OS 1ST and striking with tho ocean would cause an eddy of tho ontranco and would deposit tho sediment carried through tho channel. .1 Tho best bonefjtjtd Shipping and to tho bar will result Ijitp two Jetties, long and eloso together, are liullt,' said Captain CanTpwoH. This done, the current through the channel Shpment of Eastem Livestock WOUIU UO UlUrUUBUU L'UIIBIUUIUU! UIIU Ovor a steep and almost Impassablo jj-jj-,- Uamjton Grants Motion inntnln road Coroner Wilson wont JUUUt' nailllllUII UldlUb mUUOH for Continuanoc of Case mntos. LIVESTOCK ILLS WHITE HDLOS ' WELCH ID OKI mnuntnl after dark last evening to tliu scene of tho murder. Thero by lantorn light tho examination waa carried on and 'witnesses examined and tho Jury se lected that lutor gavo out tho verdict. tli Ilccauso of tho condition of tho body tho coroner found It difficult to Until February According to word recolved toro today from Iloseburg, Judgo Hamil ton grantod tho motion for a contln- t. . ,. niifnir rnr suuiu nw .. -- nam could not reach tho Koenigs- j ""-" - "urg. Part of tho crew of the the past Koenlcsbere lnmToii nnd wero en- ly an Inv lfAnnl..1 .. . .. 11.. ..I.'n. ' .mnra nlfl -.v..tllcu on U1Q oaKB ol UIU ,,,.. ,. - i.ii,, rsl,lo re haV0 been. 8U"k !!!i!r:i.r.V:H.DTdtaor.nd! "" io prevent mo ivoenmsucib " "- " escaping. The Koenigsberg, two years had been Poetical- heayy rMh of wator mBht at tnle8 avalld. She was about 7 J makQ th0 cross)ng wth Bh,)g danger. I QLYMpiA Wngh Noy j d. Her husband, aged SlJOU8atthoonanglnBofthotId08 Agricultural" Co'mu ' TlniM ) 10. Act- " ' firnvfiH. for tlin Sltlcum Suffer.. J C. KIngsley of it ,ilrntA,i rallmuda liaulintr $2.000, It was announced tor Aiuif1 l rM lo Com Uif TlmM ) MlhWAUKKK. Nov. 10. Tho ro (elpts of tho 10-round contest be tween Freddie Welsh, lightweight Commlbslonor'ohatnplon of tho world, and Charllo stato of Washing- Whlto of Chicago last night wore today. llko Geo. L. Dlndlngerof Dunlceriuiiam,SI(kum waB a jiarshfleld business ..,,, ,, . .., frnm .im.Tho champion, who was l.old to a the Emden i,nR nrvo,i ,mon British I Mrs. Hyde of Hall &liU"-'J., i visitor today, coming In via Coqulllo , t . , ,d ahinmonta at I draw, was nursing a discolored oyelhla way to tho log. was fired upon dipping since tho beginning of tho Dlndlngor, cashier of tue ,0" " ' Ho says Sltkum gots mall only threo'gpoknno for ajJ oxamlnat0. Ti,0 as the result of an old wound which from Iu front nnd ell dead across tho ar, sho disabled the British crul- road ouicu, ..-..- -- - - umes a wbbk ov lUw ., or(Jor ro8uUa from an opiaomlc of was opened y wimo in jno leuwiiiog. er Peeasi.B in T' harbor on ceased, 'ino ,uubi - -- has ueen cnangcu lo me aiyruo roim .... nnil niou.h diie..B0 thu ea8t. round. Whlto was uumurkoa, sPtember 20. old home yesterday. I route, j traco tho course of tho bullets, but . unnco of (ho trial pt J. 8. llartou qf It was conclusively found that ono ... .. . pierced the right breast, plowing Co'lu,Mo' " tUo chttr of ""uUIbk through nnd coming out ncross on tho MB8 Mu,,K0 Yoakam, until tho Fob loft of tho back, and tho second bill- ruary term of court, let mado Its way through tho verta-j C. P. McKnlght, who went to Hose brao of tho neck and Is supposed to burg to try tho caso for Mr Darton havo boon fired from tho sldo. J In caso that It was decided to try It Tho fact that tho .303 Savago rlflo now, loft Itosoburg today for Port of West was found bosldo tho log ' land and will return tho last of tho whero his body lay was not takon as , week. assuranco that tho wounds woro self Inflicted. It Is bollovcd that West, on f It was sot forth that Miss Edna McDonald, or rather, Mrs, Walls. waa tho principal witness and could npt bo present, and It was also sot forth that llartou wbh not physically able West waa a bachelor ubout forty- to stand trial now, ijkii.. VtiA