It SIX ' ' KHPP5v " THE COOS .BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1914-EVENING EDITION. 1 (Continue J from Pago Tvyo.) . 4 XOUTII IHCJiU W. C. T. U. V . .. ii. i-.ti j Monday nuornoon mo iuuiuh ui Uio North Bend W, C. T. U. mot nt the Prenbytcrlnn Church and thoro hold an InlcrcatliiK mcotlnR, discussing various phases of tho prohibition movement. Mrs. R Ittnchnuscn submitted nn nrtlclo of tho wot itnd dry question nnil other members responded with pa pers prepared giving their views of tho general topic. Thoso present at tho meeting wcro Mrs. Gcorgo Hn zr, Mrs. "VVIIIInm Ncllson, Mrs. Hob ort MCCann. Mrs. F. W. HusroII, Mm. Jtobert Emory, Mrs. Jones, MVs. L. Itltchlp, Mrs. ltonchnusen and Mrs. E. Putman. 4. KPJBCOPAL OUIM) Mrs. P. A. Golden nnd Mrs. L. Vf. TrAvor. wcro hostesses at tho Episcopal Guild meeting Tuesday, serving; a largo attendanco of mem bers mftor tho hour of business, among thorn Mrs, Mary Browning, Mrs. 13. 0. Porhnm, Mrs. B. P. Le wis, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. Guy Wurnor, Mrs,, Umma Nnshurg, Mrd. Harry Nasburg, Mrs. McCluro, Mrs. J. Forty, Mrs. It. Reed, Mrs. S. 0, Small, Mrs. Lndd, Mrs. Ebbocka, Mrs. J. A, Luso, Mrs. nennett Swnn ton, Mrs, F. A. Sacchl, Mrs. Otto Bchottor, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Miss Kv,elyu Anderson nnd Miss Mnud It cod. Mrs. K. A. Anderson, Mrs. Agnes jlu'tcheson, Mrs. C. M. Ily lof, Mrs. C. II. Walter. Mrs. J. W. Flanagan . nnd Mrs. Chns. Stauff woro present as gunsts of tho Guild. Mr- Law. travpllng for . n Port laud firm", has prosentod tho Guild with 100 pounds of DwIght-EdwnrdB coffco to bo sold at -10 conU por pound, tho receipts to swell tho Guild troasury. a gift very welcome Mrs. C. M. Dylcr, North Hond; Mrs. P. E. Allen, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. A. II. O'Urlon, Mrs. Houseworth, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. H. Songstncken, Mrs. J. H. Flanagan nnd Mrs. H. Lockhart, of Marshflold. Fifty prom inent business and professional men acted ns n reception committee. 4. 4. ,. I A. X. W. CIA11J. I 4 COFFEE CLUB BE I OPENED E this fall tho c'.ub has nindo an np ' for holp en account of tho high expcnBo nccesBltntod by tho 1 moving of their headquarters nto it lfirKor building. 1 ITndor tho mnnngement of C. L. Gnno, formerly of sticn a ciuu at; ffiiyoi li OF io use here; Airoariv n Shoppy in ?Hto lMoi,08to' California, tho orgamizn- mcw prohibition Amendment HV:r?L.,a.?Ui5.J? Le' "oil nt Eugono grow until somo . ... - Wll,t n-M Agitated as Means of Free Employment Bureau With tho exit of tho saloons In tho stnto scheduled for next year cities of Orogon nro nqw facing tho question: What will becomo of tho worklngmcn. and whero are months It furnished freo cmjVoy niont for moro than COO men. Dur ing tho lost year moro than C000 men nnd womgn wcro given work. ExpeiiBcs of tho employment bureau w.oro met with tho small profit re sulting from tho restaurant In con- they to go when ' thoy come to ,'u- "" " ;M"'7 "" town? In Mnrshfleld tho nns-!1' employers soon found thoro n wor to this qucstfon, put repeatedly bearing house, a place whore tioy In tho Inst fow days by tho men I could get In touch with tho men most concerned, Is taking shnpo In! ''"l?' "I0110,11, With the snloons taken awny," 1.1 1 r .... A It. ilitn (iiMftilnrr with n freo employment bureau In' f ' " m"0' """" "m '"","7' connection. Already tho system Is " 10 "cn nu,Bt.b, B'T .V". " 111 operation In this AHrtiinli i ,t AiiinMntnnln tin HtlnnMun U11UUHI1 IU UU1UU1IOUUIU HO OUIBW, . , . , . ..., rrl,n The Coffee Club was Introduced' M, liLB"" "" ,"'" " Does Not Prohibit Distri bution of Liquor ' With tho pnBsIng of prohibition In Oregon, to tnko effect January 1, 191C, much speculation Is rlfo ns to tho legal Btntus of tho amendment to tho stnto constitution In rogard to whether or not It will prohibit tho Importation of liquor Into the state. Many havo claimed that It will nnd quotp tlio Webb-Kenyon lnw as basis of proof. 'As tho amendment reads: "Its pur pose Is to prohibit the sale and mnuu- Wave You Ever Tried - Shillings Coffes? If tint, nrrlnn o nrt i... you are not pleased with it, it will not cost yot unvlhi if Wo have Just received another shipment of S& dozen for 65 cents. ' K- eP?itojo COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOIKF (Wo Save You Money) "" i . . .... ... .. i 1..1- t. ..-.H A. ... ,1.. Ilin r'r.f- ' 1UCIUIU Ul lIllU.MUUMJlh Minium 1UI "'.. ' " foe Club Is ho best answering of "b a beverage No reference Is ,lo ouvoo. . . T,..,mnuo io ino uisiniiuuon or uquor, a Tho A. N. W. Club enjoyed n most nlcnaont afternoon Tliursdny with . .... m... t. . llvlnnn ncn 111 nhntnHAn fTtlflni. rs. w. r. Miirpny. ino uouse wni -. '" .""" ."" . FV" """" ai...i.i i.nvo n Chib." this system headquarters are givon ''" .y... - tho worklngmcn. ... ......... . i... ....u wU..v-u . .... ...... w..... . . i. I .... i0 ,, 0 inci which icbtcb uruguii upeii iu nn- to this state from California, where T .C!r;.... . ' L ,, , I nortntlou .from neighboring stales. """' . - ..... . . . i Abstracts, Real Estate i Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc.. IIENKY BKNGSTACKEN, Uam, ORNKIUIi .GENTS lUSTSIIja IB(5IA,'W FAHM LtSTtilDV MAnfiirFIKIil) OrFICE, PIIOVS M.J. wv"""" vim MKviuK riionv mi. , i work out a solution. prettily decorated for tho occasion. Mrs. Carl Smcdbcrg was elected to Hero thoy are membership, filling tho vacancy caus-, given reading nnd smoking rooms; cd by tho resignation of Mrs. M. C. In need of a Job hoy nro furnished Mnlonoy. In serving, Mrs. Murphy employment through tho buroau i was assisted t Mrs. Hall. Tho noxt' conducted In connection and to pay! mooting will bo held with Mrs. Mc-jtho expenses of tho entlro concern I Knigiu. Titoso preseni uus wcoit.a roBiuurani or coiieo jioubo is run NEWS i.if I if; E 111 woro Mrs. Esther D. Convcrso nnd 'in connection. In this manner tho ' nJ,0 'rcscrvoTto'lncroTsrits's0)- t,lto Thoreforo without this It Is,- Mrs. W. S. Nicholson ns special guests! concern mnkoa Itself paying and ply of Dull Ilun water. j clnlmqd that Oregon has not gone . - and henco tho Wobb-Kchyon lnw, nt i present, will havo no bearing on this state and the now nmundment To bring this lnw would first bo neccssnr stntuto dcciariug it niogai to distri-,, uiiver, u u. omun, ana jmun rremier, tor rentor cxchannV lmtn Honor In ilm state. Havlnir Clonnlng, repairing or new platens, work cnnmntccil. iiim.-.. ' W (done this tho -Webb-Kenyon Inwi P"Pt dHrwl. llifin.iin your order,. Mmm 44. AIIUmoJS i would step in to back up tho sta-i TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO i i t im I . TVnrtimiTCDO All srAA -1 ..i . T . ii rr.vwni rn" un mimiihiii ikjituu cniri m -j u i into operation it1. - V ju 7- n """t " uu easy nnv. yto pass a' iiiBius, nuw itnu luuuiu. ruA, unuuiwooa, hcmington Row! u. i. W. M. ('. Tho Haptlst Women's Missionary Circle met Wodnesdny with Mrs. II. II, Coroy us leader at tho homo of Mrs, Knnnlo wheolor. I'npcra on India wcro read by Mrs. Coroy, Mrs. Ilossford and Mrs. Nnglo, and n. short talk followed by Itov. A. F. Ilassford. (Irecns decorated tho houHo and refrcahmonts followed tho program. Thoso attending woro Mrp. A. P. IJnBHfordt Mrs. E. W. Lewis, Mrs, John Nnglo, Mrs. It. H, Coroy, Mrs. I). II. Pntclvott, MrB. P. II. Dreimor. Mrs. Itay Olllvnnt, Mrs. I). C. McCarty, Mrs. A. Z. Doni8, Mhs Manila Oulovson nnd Mls Frances Frnnso. Tho first Wodnesdny In Decombor la tho next mooting day. DANCING I'AUTV. 4 On Monday evening tho nmusomont linll on tho roof gnrdon of tho Myrtlo Anna npartmont Iioiiho wns tho hcoiio of a delightful (Inuring party whon Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Conway entertain cd thoso who worn to assist at tho public reception on Thursday. Tho hall had been beautifully decorated for tho party by tho ladles living In tho house- nnd splendid music imulo the dnirclng hours most pleasant. Ashlnnd mineral water, punch nnd cldor woro served to tho duncors, who found tho evening alt too short. 4 , 4 I WILLING WfltltCHS. , The Willing WorkorB mot Tuesday with Holon Perkins, much disappoint ed to lenrn that their gifts would bn too Into to Join tho Christmas ship to Europo on which thoy have boon working so hard. Just club members woro presont. - MVHTLK AlOIS OPENING. Tltnt tho Myrtlo Arms npHttment house will bo a prominent factor in tho futuro social llfo of Mnrshfleld was shown by thu brilliant rocoptlou hold there Thursday of this past week. Not qulto fairyland, porhaps. but as near It as could bo attained, was. tho scene In the nmusomont hall on tho roof pnrdon, Exqulslto deco rations of greenery with Blinded lights enhanced tho effect of tho bountiful gowns yorn by the pafonvasoH, wo men of tho reception committed nnd guests, Mm. Conway rocolvod tho guests In tho myrtlo 1 nllway nnd was assisted, by Mrs .Wm. Horsrall. Jr During tho reception hours tho houso wus crowded with. Interested specta tors who mulled thomsolvos of tho cordial Invltutlon of Mr. and Mrs. ConWay to Inspect Marsr field's latest claim to metropolitunlsm. Many of tho guests of the apartment houso kopt open house to their friends and all assisted in extending 'a cordinl wolcomo to tho visitors. An orches tra played on tho roof garden during the evening nnd punch nnd cldor woro dlspcnsod by attendants. Nothing vi as left undone that could add to tho onjoymont of all who called and the ontiro houso, from roof garden to basement, wan open to visitors. Each visitor was presented wltu u sonruiilr postal card and white ami gold print ed ribbons distinguished the patron essoa, wjio vejrp: Mrs. Uolsondorfor, Mrs J. C. HUinmelxHaiHlon, Mrs. A J Rhormnn. C'oquHlrMr Mleminlrr Myrtlo Point, Mrs -d Holllster nnd tho mombcra were Mrs. F. E. Al Ion, Mrs. 0. A. llonnctt, Mrs. P. E. Hague, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mra. J; T. Hnrrlgnn, Mrs. Fnnptc Hazard, Mrs. Jlydo, Mrs. It. T. Irwin, Airs. Geo. P. Murch, Mrs. L. M. Noble, Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll, Mrs. M. It. SnilUi, Mrs. W. p. Squire nnd Mrs. Clms. Stnuff. 4 . IIALlX)WE'liN 1AUTV. 4 A most delightful Hallowo'cn par ty took placo on Catching Inlet last Saturday night at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mcssorlo. Tho llvllig rooms woro artfully decorated In au tumn loaves, corn stalks, Jack-o'-lnn-torns, etc. Many llvoly gamos woro played, among which thoso present woro initiated Into tho lodgo of Witchcraft. A midnight supper was sorved by the hostesses, Mrs. Fred Mosdorlo nnd Mrs. Claronco Collver, after which thur was music and In tho dim light of tho Jack-o'-lanterns Mrs. Albert Collver rotated n thrilling ghost ntory. Thoso presont woro Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Collver, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Collver, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. n. Collver. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. Hnzelton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mcssorlo, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Smith, Mrs. Hormnn Smlthgall nnd Mrs. Anna Coffclt, MIbbob Ruth Dyor, Nolllo Church, Hob slo and Ituby Collver, Alice Church, Idtt MnttBon, Gladys nnd Enid Coll ver, Nettle Smith, Dorothy Coffclt nnd Zoo Dolan, Messrs. Ilobert Hook, C. It. IMckenpnugh, Eugono Dolan, Al FoBter, Harold Mooro, Carl Nolson, Arthur Mooro, Italph Collver, Wilbur Stack, Wnltor Kalno, Georgo Mcssor lo, Chester Collver, Vomon Collvori nnd Gordon, Millard Shepard, Tom1 Coffelt, Fay Collver and Chnrllol Smith, Mnrshal nnd Kolth Collvor.' Ornn Hnzolton, Evorltt nnd Lloyd Mossorlo and Wlllnrd'Spoonor. . I j . , I UltlDGE CLUlt I ' I ! Tho Marshflold Itrldgo Club will moot with Mrs. J. W. Ilonuott noxt Wodnesdny nftornoon. 4 j SPECIAL mei:tjn(j i independent. Mayor Allen declares his belief Lnkovlnw has shinned this season! ontlrolv nroblbltlon. 1.013 hen of cattle, 72,73. head of j . . ... ,,,, lfl ,.. 0,n,n cannot bo seized by law, for uiidoi ' j PM HHBIIIIIM.WJIIIII IMBIIIIII IIISJII Will IMP I I H C3 -Z I !....... ... , ODD AAA iiAHHila rt t.'nnf M.nt M,n Miv inn.t annn ntfn nlona '' ' " 1 ,oo.vv uuiiuo ui "w.. ; , , , "' ...... 1 ;. V i mnklng a total or 002 cars. townrd tho establishment of a Cof- Lakovlow mny bo on tho proposed feo Club in this city. With, tho now railroad lino from Uutto to San saloons gono noxt year,, ho declares, I Francisco. ,, , , , 11 I A now road thirty ml es long will tho men who como hero from tho ,,' ,nlt fron; PrnIo CIty t0 Long enmivs on mo Jiay must uo given Crcok. nt Tiio Englo Valley ows basuoon ..i,!,.,., ,in,i rpnched the ronslL'neu ken over by E. C. Thorp of Dos' That Honor may bo shinned into and tho Coffoo Club Is looked upon other $100,000, 24 classroom school. I n dry stnto C. O. D. Is a dispute long as tho Holutlon of tho problem. Tho school directors of Grcshnml. i.0nlcr to lawyors and thoro have Pirnt mention of tho necessity i Hvo voted or ;a iinion "? o'v J ,.- .loclslons both wnvs. with the JHlIirill IIIII IIMI 1 1I1H JIIII U1I1UIIIU iUl i a nlaco whoro thoy may feel linmrt TIiav rnnnnf lin nYnnMfvl laKCll ' .... .. .. . ... . Molnos. Iown to Bponu tnoir timo on ino siroem p0rtlnnd Is cnlllnc for bids for nn tho Wilson Act of 1800 It Is express ly ntntcd that all Intoxicating liquors, upon their arrival In tho state, nroi subject to tho lnws of tho state," and this Is taken to mean that after tho i wa mndo yestorday when sovoral i)0jKn inborors. Astoria Industries nro bidding fori worklngmcn went to the offices of C. I. Itelgard and placed tholr pond Ing prodlcnmont boforo him, linking what enn bo done In the matter. Thoy must como to town, stnted tho men, nnd onco being hero, thoy must havo some placo to go. At Eugono tho first Coffco Club Tho mnchlnorv for tho now sub- station or tho Eugono municipal light plant hns nrrlvod. Tho $330,000 Jetty at tho ontrnnco to Sluslaw harbor is about completed. Water street, Albany, Is to bo grad ed by tho S. P. Company. Douglas county wants a county high school system. Work on tho Como uinni is etu- of tho stnto has boon n succcsh, ploying 750, men. for moro than a year and n lialf. ' Astoria Is Btartlng u campaign for and d entlroly cent of cost to tho city, though JCCOO. lore man a yvnr uun u nun, ok..... . .,...... ,. w ,........ luring this tlmo It hns boon 1 rtnr'd0c1, ,, , , ,, , . ,, ..,i .,,, I Tho f rst Mnltnomnh county high ly soIf-Biipportlng without a , HCh()or lA t0 1r orccle(1 nC Corbott for propondcrnnco of decisions In fnvor of tho collections C. O. D., on tho boiler thnt tltlo pnsBcs to tho con signee nt tho tlmo tho pnekago Is dollvered at tho station for shipmont by rail or water to tho dry territory. Sllvorton has voted bomU for a now , high school. ' A Jnrgo nnd up-to-dnto theater Is! bring fitted "P 'or Heppnor. i Orogon and Washington portn sent' out sx,K2U,oou root or lumnor tno first hnlf or October. I'ho Coos Hay Womon'a Club lina called n special mooting ror Mou-1 day, November 10 at 8 p. m with Mrs. J. Wright Wllbon on South Second streot when mntlors of lm portanco wlli bo (llHCiinwed, ! r COOS IIIVKIl I'AItTV ' - A dollghtful Hallowoon party was given at tho homo or Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Noah last week by Iloryl Noah and Mra. II. E. Edwards. Tho Iioubo was decorated with corn stalks, yellow grapevines nn.1 witches. Jnck-o'-lantoma nnd thu fireplace furnished tho light. Tho guests woro mot by throo ghosts. I Lntor supper was served, Thoso who were prosont - woro: Mr. and Mrs. JaB. Nowlln, P. 11. Hood. W. H. Purkor, V. K. ltood, Claudo Plpor, E. C, Ilarkor, W. A. Gogo, , J. J. Ott, J. E. Noah. II. E. Ed-1 wards and Mlssoa Elmn Gray, Po ta Ijiwhoruo, Nina Johnson, Lulu ; Hobsou and Messrs. H. Stommor ninn, Mason, Noel, Ivy Noah, Earl Gray, Will Plpor and Loron Hob- son, 4. , , - I ' d. m. a CLU11. ; : Mrs. 11. G. Korn of North Hend wns hostess to tho I). M. C. Club Wednes day. Needle work and social chat woro followed by delicious refresh ments, Mrs, Wm. Vnuglxui assisting In serving. Mrs. L. A Lbomls -will be hostess to tho club November IS. Thoso enjoying Mrs. Kern's gracious hospitality this week were Mrs. Win. Vaughan, Mrs. N. G. Haines, Mrs. L. A, Loonils, .Mrs. A. E. Morten, Mrs. Ira Weltzel, Mis. It. O. Hrntuurd, Mrs. Lostor Eaton and 'Mrs. Edgar McDanlel, tho latter being a s'peclal guest lc. ligHH m U TUmBLm f iHNLW iBvv Lfl umu&Mri? The Kitchen Where We live From In well-equipped kitchens where the choicest foods are prepared, you will always find Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate. The kitchen takes .on a new delight when Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate enters it, for thenyou may look for many new and delightful things to cat. It is easily and quickly made and is extremely economical. Is it in your kitchen? See that it is. hi hermetically scaled ti?is. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is the only original ground chocolate. It has been used in Western homes for over a third of n century and its popularity b crwuig day by day. v J t D. GHIRARDELU CO. Since 1852 S.n Frandico -. J. ..auj.fcrt.i - ft"' Others may chare moro we .-ill not .-: aeriiatj LL GROUND CHOCOLATE Tiu'T1 dw 1 11 r ?lc. v v " 5an Fw-w (Continued on page eight j '"'"' ' A Full Line of Ghirardellis Ground Chocolate and all other iSfationally Advertised Goods at NASBURG'S GROCERY To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THU .FAST AND COMKOKTAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder XKWLY KQUIM'KD KOIITII PACiriO BTUAMSIIII' CO. C. V. .McGKOHOia AGKNT W. II. PAICTEIi Phono U, Marshflold Phono 421, North Bsj PASSENGERS FREIGHT Arrow Line Steamers iSAIL FIIOM- Snn Frnnclsco IMor No. 20. Evory Wodncodnjr 3 V. M. I'hoiio S7. Cooa Dny Bvory Frldny To Portland And Tuoadny To San Frnnclsco THOMAS H. JAMICS, AVcn Occnn DocK Portland AlbcrsDockNo.! Kvcry Saturday 9A.. 1anh(ltl4 , CQOII'l'KU WITH WIHKLI'-Sn. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FHOM ItAILIHnO DOCIC, MAIIHUFIICId), DUIHXO 1I1E month of novi:mih:u, on thi: rni at ii a. m: ox tiik MTII AT 7 A. M.5 ON rilH UIKT AT 1 P. M.; ON THi: SRTIl 7. CO A. M. TICKUTS ON SAM? AT POUTIiAN'I) CITY TICKI3T OFFICE, OTH AND OAK STHKinS, POItTMM'. :.' Phono JJ5-J. O. II. LANDEIIS, Aw Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scmi-wcokly service Coos Pay andnPranto S. S. Redondo SAIIiJ FHO.M SAN FHANC'ISCO FOIl COOS HAY Tl'IAY, NOV. 1, AT 3 1. Equipjjed with wireless nnd Kubrnarlae beli. I'aBsengevs ana xroijjiit. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FHOM SAN FHANOlSCO ,. I'OH IOUS IUV, .nU.MIAl, wiuiin.'i"- n j Ban Francisco of fico, Greenwich street pier W, and 600 Fife building, Coos Boy Agent, O. IT. McGeoiuje, Phone . V SAIL: coo& bay-and-e;ureka steamship line STEAMER HARDY S FROM SAN FRANCISCO KVHRY TKN DAYS a r,ERlI. SAN FJtANCISCO "OCK JUNION STJtKbT 0. -, ,, w....,. ,, . . . nv.1n,J,niiii DOIIC. -w' j. j. liiAUKA, rri. jkoiiii JVH.IMM...W -- GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, ; SERVICE that is satisfactory, . . DELIVERY that is. Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner 8k Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. rtrkVrid 1IH-I A"' riiwn 707 SOI'TII IHtOADWAY gCTBBasna --fcj mm k