i-'rHTWwwwSWi aSl'a'SJtrw.ifswiaAsn.. L.4. ii...w"rr;i-'" .. -v.w- -- - -r.vr77XtiAiMitillwuwUiWAMUi.sii' : :' ' s nr s s : r . r .. liAiii'ST rniw niMjji.k,.:.,.,..,,,, ,h mmfmMmmi v... . . . ,. 4 infwHj"t:w:';s& mmnM ---aiua; M 7 j iajjrAJiJ. ' i '.Si TOE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATUKUAY, NUVEMPtn i, mT-u,inH ""ZT , i -rf' ' TWO vs'S.mffiiSs . - x 'i.. .....r . 'iv.'ii. kiir a. . ? itua... r. u. -m. r - V !"" JWH7i ,. JJfUMr . . v . Jtr H? I . Am.&gY Y OW.V IIAHMXG. Willi, nil thy faults I loe thee In many Ilttlo ways, Thou nrt the dearest, sweetest, Who In my memory stays; I nover can forget thee, l'nrt of my life thou art. My heart would soon be breaking If I from thee should part. I cannot live without thee, For Oh I I love theo so, Tho Jo.y of my existence JJut When with thee, I know. Life scorns so sad and lonely When thou art nowhere near And I nm filled with longing Thy gentle voice to hear. My soul cries out In yearnlNK For one I love so well The Joy that thou ennst bring me. My heart can never ton. No ono can he so precious Or half so dear to me For thou art my beloved And I belong to tneo ;.... lit in v crJS puW'.catloa la the """JL rocnt of Tb Tta " " than 6 J!iJ?T$ allowed tmkr V (CI events octwrrwl time wentl . vm wt's beautifully tlecoraU l with junk Cosmos. A dejlc ins hnchevn followed .m aftiinoin spent la sewing and a general so ilal time. Mesdamos George 1. Mandlgo, 1- F. Falkonstoln, . .itemle, U. A Stnith, Geo. Roo and RobL Mr Ctm were Hie hostesses. The others present were MesJames Geo V!ar. V. K. Winters, Grout, E Ueorre Smith, V. E. Wat.son, Rleh- - ..... .. ...Ti.- r rs. Sells. Wnnn. F. Slilmlan, rr Titori. !". Miller, J. Dlers, Helnso. W tt in wur on. teeiBtsr Wow is me ii itti o? oril lrs, are c4br recem I Un l de- )iuml TrYwe ,SL,.N: 5rV H rt Ktg will N vtftdir inw t"i Mtac- ttleaor Russoll and R. C. Holmes, Itev. Fredtirlok Shimlan, .AUss Jen nie Tate, Misses Louise Watson, I.Mdle and Esther, Vernon, Mildred and Helen nussoll and Master Hob ert McCann Smith. vu - mU UmWm. CirrH-' . . w .. .var Aianc Y tW rtotrer nd rhef- i fore. One w" "" ,. .iA-wAUe. Mr WwwIckV ..nUllw, MM "O W eonld er mr XKW CAItll t'lil'll ! it ly I 4rAUc4L Mt. PtMMlckV v - SKi,, irsrsi"5rL' ch -u aa ,nforial mceUn nt l ,o Select Y our H me to eater IJ BMP UT VK rw '' MfMlini M .Hir? I WI. ." ... ... ... il. irr"- -I.U -v-. r- Wut tfc i Mrs- rcii Mrs. iniiiie of .Airs. w. u. uiaiiaugn ui .no m n"7 Vf KM Tntw. ttN of lb mom- .other day, plans were made for brwlctac off ir!t " ' aiifi Mr. , orjmnltlnR a new card dub. The 4o ot r fc M; .nr. Mr. H.l. Mr. Flko- ImMmittm,hln ,,na . ,,.. comilot- ' Kr?"SrtM wid Mr-rwMlek. Th' ed. but tho arrangomenU will bo nt ktM -il) be Mr. Klk- perfected at another meeting to be Mei- . . held within a week or so. " ' CATHOUC ALTAI: SOOKn'. nAY CITY Al f " u u MMd wko !: . hur of t. Aad tW elte bUr . w.r ir! t vbooi yo are . . ili -m Uft Cttll TVii -nlir moBtfclr btJMne9 SHU - inffvaaBKWS an w . -- iv - - - .- k .. . - . . " . . jl .slm mJ IkA I A11A U Aliar -Tl lint rlr I fli nd' A III ItlMII t tbe tl of tbe nrrt eet ?. 5fcM of vortb Bead took place at .i.,,. ,.i" thin wwk nt tho ,Krt be dowoorted orer wu of M Robftn ,aks on , .. -. , .,.. Aid bold Anon. . ... j i .-. r tkt- ;?" " -"-- -. ---..',.. iiraUHi JiiwiiiiK i w TT ."" .r. . " - tbe boe or Mr, nooen , horan of M ,, A. rlm., Klow , A poor bpiiP svr p--( Teiir. wtik iter, i-aiaer .Mruenu, - - 1 tevorablT. "Wbre5. tbe Flri Mr. Georpe Tmrnaa. Mr, C. 5. KaU-ers and reons were used effectlve- toslH pos ?r raMtap U.e w. Mr. R- F. Gebbart. Mr. John Jy in the decorations. Needlework 25 SSUr'Tl. ve beo. -&iS iJUSSSi, S V tt 'T"to? a" nWW" eZ. ... . v. .- win Mb- tbe tV' r". .;i".iS" -. . enlorable few hours, a delicious Z i . l.,,1,. L mm. nkelr to be OBtemlalai: other joeeUac 1 called for the fir: lanoheon was served. Mr. Urlnk- t -ass.? s "" r, ei t a - - - tsrys "sn. l As i SrilrtTTi 2i .H wo2 Sk SLIS. bat ree. The Kpl?cop1 omt Maloaey. Mn, II. R. Iirlnlclr. Mrs. ?v Bii? bor UoWadape. to which I add a M.Ujonar, Sodoty of NoTth Rend A L. Foster. Mrs. Geo. Lee, Mm. lotoaiiKO. tbrfaif pardoa of the poet net Tharidar with Mr. William Joha HemmlnRway, Mrs. Steward, Whore one girl I a 1ovIhc. teas- pr , ..,, ij" .. -!,! Nellsoa. The proRram was in charge M ... E ., k Mr3 Chn8 Uon. Ing sprite, another may he eqaaHr far aae: "If yoa do not saeceed . i yrSwm and was tak- Mr- - h" -1 ""' f1' t'1"- uo" as bashful. ' wlaalag oae heart, try elsewhere -f ,he M-dy tj. ..,n Hw. job. Mre. A. C. Allard, Mrs. Jns. Whore one Is a flirt, anothar mlcht and aamla. aad yet apaia. .mii man i una. -Mrs. .ciiMn a ... .h.vs. .u.. r..m . .v,, ....n. noreonejsaiiir , aHowi.rwisai . .". .. .. Vm , ,, ., ,.., Mntrlbtite to the subject Wm ni .ml Mr, n. E. MaJor. I.. 4A ..1...I an a ama itAUaw BMMI waail wmi. wt " - - - - , - n . ,- .. .. . . --. v ue omj iuu s.-u ,u ... c --- readlncs on "What the Home ihhd . . A man tho A, '" ' from the H Largest Line J8iii rt i iMi SLver 5h Coos County owe in ne one a .a -"- -J-"- - y , d , -,-j (0r,kU(, t0 tBe .nbject w only too glad to have one yoaB that ds wall. J " ",, ,,k . r"dnps on "What the Home Mission nn all her own. never giving a a the ooe woaaa whose lov is like "P doJnK n India." This ought to another. no otherjove, meeting will be supplemented by a .. nn. rirt miht i, x-ntuhlA ! ix. meeting of the Women rorolgn HALU)WirKX 1'AltTY. One girl might be voluble In ex pressing her sentiments toward blm and anothor girl might be quite as ' fond of him her eyes eloquontly ex- n.hry Albee. the 12-year-old son oraialni, Hint tftilnti linr II iu n-nrn (no f II 'l Oh no nt TlHnVor Hill, on- maidenly to utter, saya Laura Jean tortained a number of ' J"dB NAME DAUGHTER MlMlonary Society on Thursday, ue- . oemher third. Those present were .. ,. , p k f , aiikoIoh Mrs. W. K. Lnlrd. Mrs. R. Holm, Mrs. " J- Cof' or '8 A 'cl0' F. W. Stevens, Mrs. ii. retorson n rr uh mu .v vvu.vi.i., i Mrs. Wm. Neliton. visit her mother, Mrs. Rcttyu, of Falrviiw, wlio has been seriously 111 n tUa linnin nf III mill Mm i.mripi. linn i?ipi inieni ill immune- "T " : .... t . . .. .... . ''HI' " ' ..'",,.. ii. n Pht. The atiair was grenuy u- ()ITH IlK.li M. i .un, i ,.., , ..,.,,. ,.,., - u0. f-1 1n hie tinnltlnn. veorlni! tlkn thn . V . . .. .i. ,.... .... . v,., .....it Vimt . ' A Hurtle, III S 01 111 HOIUI, .'irn. Jioi- Mhbey. Ono elrl might be influonc- nt h Jolly IlRlkiwe'en arty .Saturday f.1 by his position, veering like the jroj by the fact that the small host. o: : "Brno, m .-sonii o.h.. .um. nui- wlnd with his rise and fall In the while collecting autumn leaves for , work meeting of tho JTorth Rend tyu U nbout eighty yenra old nntl worlj, hw decorations, fell from a log, ytt jj, Ladloa' Aid will bo held nt owln-; to her ndvnncod yenra, much i .,, miriit .n- t 1,1m. iM. breaking both bono In his right arm. tj,e ci,urch next Thursday. nnnrohinslon is felt concornliiL' tho Another might cling to him, hold- I1IH llfl-'UIWHUII, IV,, iimiii .. n .1,, li, I.HIJIU0 41IU n,(, 11 breaking both bono In his right arm. tj1(, church next Thursday. a t... . .. ... n m .. A .nnlltiinijl . ,-i- J. However, iiu wn kiiiiiu aiiu i.uu.,,..iv. v. r -r ....uw.v, ......... v....n "" "- However, he was enmo and continued ing ins ioo auove nu eurimj kih. lnc pr0aratlons for tiie party. &ev- 4.. There Is as much difference In the oral of the parents accompanied the , invn nt nm..., n ihnrA nr iifrmtit rhlldreii flii'd cnioycd the evening at A. women on the face of tho onrth. It "ve Hunilrod. At l!2nour a The No.rwcgln.i Lutheran iiivnMV oTiiiiinw 1 X. I y A. niiprehcuslon Is felt concerning tho . highly esteomod pioneer. Mrs. ! Coko Vroitght word that her flrat nrnml i lillil liiul bemi lllinuul 111 We have heaters for any service required and at prices that will fit any pocket book LARGE HEATERS, SMALL HEATERS, COAL HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, COAL AND WOOD HEATERS Cole's HoL Blast Heaters The Fuel Savers v Heaters for a Palace - - Heaters for a Cottage Don't buy a heater until you see this line- -and remember WE SELL IT FOR LESS" Going & Harvey Co. . , .. m iiii'j- 1 1111,11. '.. v.., ........... ovoiiiiiir in nuiuriiuj. wuiumuui . 1 r tciidqr emotions. -..,1 n.uu orr Mr and Mrs. A. U uu,""h ,' ' ., . Ray. . .. .t... .. ... ... .. , . "". V""" urr. :! ?"'! 'Jr..' .' 1 Another nicotine to continue the ""' a man nuu. in ospeci eery gin 7 ;j,rwiunon am Kwn Y'K"""" work will bo held again next iiiucia i. uu Jv me opiiosno irom . '? """ - ' " ' TlliiriidBV with ilph Coke. R.-..T. Coko In nlons fine lit Los Angeles, "iigs occntildiially for Coos 1 I II I !. -tl I II l- ' ' . VOtWfi MATRONS. tho ono he courted last No two girls havo uxiictly the some , trsto In all matters: why. then. ' stould they be supposed to regard Th YounR Matrou. and a few ad love through the saiuo rny light? ' dlllonul gitotiU were entertained A fflrl'u InmnanniAiit !. uvcr.- Wailrifwila liv Mm It. W. MnrrOW .. ... .viHiiniMiiiuiiL a.nn .s..a- ....... v".t" mj .-... ... ... .-. . thing to do with hr heart affair. hf now "ldn5" 0!,lr"L'!Vf, MHirr TIIURSDAV Thursday with Miss Hannah Sunne. ontirtalnliig at tne rnorpo .1101110. 1 and Mra. Thorpo. Mrs. C. (J. Mng- v . ,....,,. apWillir club ..... Mr .ml StrM. I II. Jaco IROll. T"'J '-8tHlll0 bOWIIIh lillil will IlllH. .MT. nu .lir. I". l, .mwunnwn, - ti.. nn...,at. o,,...,.. Miuunu Mniml iiiont Thursdnv wltli Mrs. I', (ill1 qim llUI.Unil .JI.I.MW. ,...rrn.. ......., - . Cora and Allco Mftthlson, MIsh Klnia ,0rt n t KiiBtslde. 1,'nliiuil Minn Pluln l.nrmin. MIkjiih ... .... .t. thing to do with hr heart affair at hor now residence on Coutral ave- K,,m nndJnnnla Johnson, MIhs Sen-i A Her envlronmentH have their Influ- rf,, tho wliitor with er sister, steon Magiiu,. ' KNTKKT.I.V.VKyKHAV. J ence as have also the Influence of Mm. Morrow, was prosont und asalst- a a .;. ' - ; r herfrlinds. i the hoatess. Mrs. A. II. (Jldley . 1 Mrs. Raymond has Issued Invltn- The lint sweetheart I. not always " o. St f M' (. w M T. tl0ntt fr "fy """. ..... . ' .inrvU. ww vlcltlni! uiKMita nrosoiit . I V. ' " Ii V V V tuo last, a young man may bellove thti roa..i,.r t.illb ,0m- . , ,., , .,4. that ho Is dbtnod to be a lwehelor bars. Mrs. .McMillan, Mrs. Malonoy, , Tho C. W. H. M. mot .Monday in-, ( x. L. Y.'IVS. I If ono whom he thlnka he like proruB Mrs. JarvU and Mrs. Reld. Tho stoad of on Its rpgular mooting day. ' , fulso to him when ho ImucliitMi that !"' w'" "n0' " wt!k 'r01" ",xt 7'ie,"1,a"' "L1. ,ho 'j0'"" .L.. '.. ' ' ' Tho Xnrwoglun Rutlioran Young Si heart Saiol , 1? ?. Wwinwday with Mrs. W. A. Rold. Copp o. The aubjoct 'Chlnn" was. Po ,o8 society-meets next Friday his heart has gono out to hor. He ' a A , : nndled ably by Mrs. W. II. Cox und, nlflt ut tll0 0,roj,v with Miss .IXiro maV rely upon time to heal the Mrs. I). C. McCarty. A piano aolo t,,y j0,nH0 nii pter Thorpo on wound, which will be found by no i OKTii IHtVD'At'tTIO.V ' '' M"o Inn "lloweil tho htial- torta,n,,,K ' ' '"""ll IMM" v "'' nuu in unt 1 11 ir 11ml nrnifrniii. Thn ... 1 nieaiia ucep, scarcely more than a I IIRIIKUv ('LIU. L next monthly mooting will bo held - i.n 'njiii. in innamiinr m Mr. !...! IHmiMloV ni.l..rtnlnl "'"" "'"S '"- "J "'"?"' ".' . ...... . -. .- - .,....... ... ., ,. iiron(.n.t tins weoK rw - - - ...... n. am.. im.Hi.i. iii.. t'liiii itt.w unriiii .--.. .-...-. ,.-- -.- -- rlrU ll.A.... til l.l - - ",'..',".l"'." "; vium l !. MW...W .. ,, ... ' "v " iinr uiii HHiiiiriiis ui in Xorti tcratch In luoklng hack ut old love af- ' "" - - in .m tho vintage of u iIkriIh nf eurs be-tarda. PRICE OUR UNIQUE ORNAMENTS FOR PARTY WEAR mswiir.ifiwftte is RkMFf jfWGtVAAffl& mmm zivpsiiit- mffltwa vssir iffl.mJafflM ST !Lti' Ll'7 NORWKdl.V.V LADII1S' All. I indlou' McC'artv. Mm. B. J. . ...m . . .. n-i...-.,.i.,.. ... i. linniul. Mrs. J. C. Jones. Rov. Biimuel i....i. i.u ----- .. I'll 11 1:11 null. (Iregg, Mrs. K. L. Ilophon, Miss Ma bel Iiumol, Misses l.aviun nnu unro .tlon llrldge Club at her home -" .J-". ,.'a "tor Mr7AV A V fi Shlrh M "j"" C ' Hornwon Sld. MftMaUta Watt? mS Si a Tho Xorw.K'l.n Lutheran L at which Mra. J (,. Horn won n.C. McCarty. Mw. S. J. A(, w, wcot. noxl Thursdn- thy Ralntor nnd MIsROH.Ruth Hopsun and Rlniirhe Copplo. rliurch hall. AAA HKWIXO I'.UtTY. I TO CIVK I'ARTIKS. Mm. J. Q. JurvU has luvltutloiiH out for Thursday und Friday res pectively of noxt woek ut oarda. AAA RAITIST laiHRS' AID. I Mra. II. 11. I'atchott will bo hoHtoa to the ladlua of tho Ruptlst Aid next Woiluesdny, , . Mrs. I. II. Condron ontertnliied sev eral f 1 lends nt sowing Tuesday nf turnooii, niiinliorlrij,' ninong her guests Mrs, John A. Rlatt, Mrs. I). C. McArtlutr. Mrs. Win. Ross Smith, Mrs. K. L. Sunnier. Mr. Wulter n. Foley. Mrs. F. M. Flyo nud Mrs. Ar thur Rlnnuhmd. The hostess was aHHltitoil In Bui-ting hpr guests lv' Mrs. Sumner. . 4 I NORTH RKXI) ALTAR GUILD. I ; to onch one present. A grcnt deal of fun wftH crentod by dressing witches, at which sport MrH. Ros Smith won the first and Mrs. Wulter Foley the consolation prize. Uhostly cobwebs cornorH, spooky ghouts with litinip kin heads glared from dark stair ways, a mist of vinos nud greens do-; corated. walls nnd callings, nniJ ' wltchos, black cuts, bnts nud pump-, kins In original eloign and Jippllou-, tlon formed n myrltvi of artful deep-' iittlous. Piuuili wnn servod from tho wlHhlug well, BujipOr wna ' served from 0110 big table loaded with Hal lowe'en dainties and fnvora. Hand painted witch place cards ludlcntedi the places. Included In ''o list nf In-, vltod guestH wore Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Rlnncliard, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fo loy,' Mr. and Mrs. Chns, II. Fonslor, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Donning. Mr. and Mrs. T."S. llnrvoy. Mr. and Mih. A. O. HanH, Mr. und Mrs. Win. "Ross Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Wolls,, Miss Loin Montgomery, Mrs. Lydln McDonald, Mrs. J. W, Davis. Mrs. Paulino Jones and Messrs II. 11 Fer guson, Harold and Cuy Stutsman, ll, Jonoa and 1. Jonos. KVi:i)ISII LADIF.S Tho Lndloa' Aid of tho SwodU'tj Lutliornu Church hold Its monthly ; mooUiig last Wednesday. Mis. Win, Hngiiilst and Miss Houna i.awnrds woro liostosses, It wns planned to hold n bazanr Saturday in Decom-M ber V-'tli. Tie commltteo In charge Is Mrs. Otto Oron, Wm. ABpluud, Mrs. Slorgard and Miss Edwnrds. i Those who were present woro Mrs., K. Wlttlck, Mrs. Wm, .Strang, Mrs., August Tyborg nnd 'Mrs. Rerglan.l, of North Uoncl; Ohnay Bnegren of' Coos Rlvor, Mrs. Thorwa)d,t of Hunker Hill, Mrs. Otto Orrcji)i' Mr3. 1 Herninn Anderson, Mrs." 'Ludwlg- $200.00 per Month Income Held Iiiih it business proposition piiying) heller limn Hint anil H taken nl oiii'o nm luv liiimllcil Tor .V I DO. (II) casli, II IU rM jou jioililng to Investigate. $15.00 per Month Wlmt you now pay for ioiiI will HUV Hie new four nwun I'"" low n nl offei'liiK m n special iiitliKOiuciil (o people wlw (lied of inlying rent. W. A. REID I no I'RONT STHKIvT OFKIOH OI'K.V nVH.MXOS 7 TO 8. , J P, i mi iiM.iiiiiii ! i ii ii I !! ! aMMMnraiMM-imr issssaBissssssBBtaBSEaHaBiBaaaaMaeuaHBBiaHaBiMMaaaKaBiaaBfKaaagaaHBaxiSBHyBBHUisSBiaiBBiBBBaaRPvi i i ' f r ' ' MMMM.B H Hll-l ! I ' " ' ' ' w. c. t. r. I Hull nt Guild sowing and lunch, . sni'vlnii Mrs. ('. M. llvler. Mrs. John ! Tho W C. T. lT. meeting cnllod, Lonnon, Mrs. (loorgo Stophonson, l for Mouduy wus postponed on nc- Sirs. Carl Jacobson, .Mrs. A. t. .Mor ' - .. ! . . .! inn Mm 'Vnr PmvAll. Mrs Linn. . .. w w. .' - . m The Altar Guild -was ontert.Uned re .Mrs j. acK....,n .Mrs.-u-, Tburaduy afternoon by Mrs. Dennis ,K-st JcBephson, Mrs. K. Johnson, .ira. .iiit'QugQii, .ttrs. iiiiiiurisuu, count of the added work neoossltat ed by tuo oioctions, iinui n.i .moh day. : ! ; Ion Mru 'l.'nrl Pnivnll. Mrs I. (mi. vlllo, Mrs. Raul Dlnunlck nntl Mys. I n llnin At Din unvr innntlnc In two woks Mrs. Dlinmlckwlll bo tho i hosteas. HALLOWK'KX PARTY. tobe'the ai:u.m uil bul be adornkd with our BEAUTIFUL JEWELS, ONE'S NAlVKALCUAKMhARF. ENHANC ED BY APPROPRIATE ORNAMENT AVION. TIIE JEWELS WHICH SUIT ONE MA Y NOT SUIT ANOTHER. WE OFFER OUR EgPERWNGE to 'Those who may wish to be guided in 'making harmonizing selections of thier ornaments. H. S. TOWER K THE RELIABLE JEWELER. I CHRISTIAN MISTKRHOOR. I A called mooting of tho Christian I Sisterhood took pinto at mo nonio of Mrs. W A. Reld Tuosday for tho On or the moat original and quaint purpose of tacking it comforter. Tho Hnllowo'cn parties of tho season, women of tho society dropped In nf- ijntl ono entailing tho greatest maze pllshed a groat deal oT work. Among of wlord Hnllowo'cn decorations, was those taking part woro Mrs. Cox, Mrs. that given last Saturday ovenlng by MaCurty, Mrs. Painter, Mru. Hopsou, Mr. and" Mrs. F. M.. Mnrhofror at Mrs. MfDurfy, Mrs. Ininiel. ' Mrs. tholr homo In Hunker Hill. Tho en Matthews. Mis. Rlaln and Mrs. Cop-' tortnlnmont lusted from 7:30 until plo. long after midnight, grent was tuo Tho regular wookly meeting of the I oujoyment ot tho guests In the house slHtfirlinnil will tako nlnco noxt Tuos- of mystery among wlordor and very div i It to o no or MrS ll W. Pain- Hfo-llko guests, such as ghosts, gob tor Hn reallstle witches In Hallow a a .;. ' e'on Varnphornnlla. A great dlvorsl- . iy oi uiituiiiiiiiiiiuiu B uiiuiuu, iii- I .NORTH IU-:XI AID I .eluding (living for walnuts ton- I " a 1 talnlng dinner partner names in tho Tin. PrnHlivtnrlnii Indies' Aid ot ' wishing well nnd matching thoin t lite jresutoiinn uuines aiu oi , .. ,.,,. Mn ,111,1 tin ont hit North Rond, hold a social ut tho at ti,0 witch's nle. cut Into Individual church parlors Wednesday, Tho J pieces contains the witch's commund Mrs. Robert Myron, Mrs; J, Stor( gnrd, Mrs. Juth, Mrs. Win, As-i plund, Mrs. A. Fljork, Mrs. II, As-1 pluud, Mrs. nishop, Mrs. Rudnas, Mrs. Sandqulst, Mrs. Jnckniun nnd tho Misses Mno Myron. Annie, Stor-, gard, Edith Johnson, Swonson, Lo na Lund, Agnos Saudiiuis.t nud Ros slo Sandqulst nnd Rov. Mr. Ilongt Bon. ' Tho liOHtossoa nt tho uo.t ' mooting will bo Mrs. Ogrpn nnd Mrs. Rudnas. The Telephone Saves Time nnd stopH for you. Possibly It Is not saving 0" tl.o time ta hlt-ps It could. An oxtomtton 'pbo:i puts your caller 1 w Ijliicfls at the 8mo tluo and you wm ausv-tr tho one "ust voulont. Kxt'unslon ratos: dosli or wall InatrumonU: 'IluBlnoss .'. . . $1.00 n month, only ' 1-3 fl1"t8 tt r Resldonco COc n month, only 2 cents a M l-'OK'PAltTirriiAItH CALL Ril COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. FIRST XATIOXVL RAXlv Ill'lURVO. . "1 JOLLY DOZKX. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: ... . has boon a hobby with us for a good" many years and a 4 our customors will toll you when It conies to getting goou, durable framing material at tho right "price we know uu. ncss. Just tell what you want to build and tho amount "h t to spead and we'll get busy with our poncll and figure ouv a your uouoy can buy. Try ub. . i: . ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. I odl RUTAIL DEPARl-MUNT Mrs. A. L. Ohrlsteuson entortaluod ' tho Piisclllas Wodueadqy, having as uuaici in nutting iuo. u. iif ui;nniiiiu-( lor, .Mrs. KricKson, .Mrs. u. joiinsou, Mrs. Henry Olson. Mrs. 11. M. Albeo, Mrs. Otr. Mrs. Phillips nnd Mrs. Rob.' orison, with Mrs. William Ingram of XpVtli Hond ns speelnl guost. Tho af toruoon comprised tho usual social hour, without tho usual business mooting, followed by n dainty lunc.i. Mrs. Krlcksou will bo hostess ugain In ' two wooks. CUT TIIE FUEL RILL 1 TWO RY USIXG OUR """mY PIIOXE 100. 182 SOUTH HKO.WHW ... 7-zr w i - V. L. ADAJIS SON Dealers In NEW AND SECOXIMLVND 1 GOODS. 302 No. Front St. Phono 340-L (Continued on Pago Six.) 1 Times Want Ads bring results. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio laMH,M.-raiaSie &i&Hm. feKimuM. fffN9iWMiMMrrltW