ismwmmmm am THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. EVENING E&lTMN. FIV ifWJll TO H WIS iKrf rMt m inr Crp!jUHttSc!iiJfoct &M AY a fair price and get something .1 f. ' )re man a xair over it. You will if you jose from this gener- s stocK or Hart Scliaffner & Marx styles lere are the best gar- ents we can offer you. A - Ml D U V anVtning, T 1 . . j I I j I I ,( thPfP : nntntnc nc: ., b od anywhere at near ese prices. $18 to $45 roolen Mill Store This stoio Is tho homo of Hart K liaffner & Jlnrx (IcjIIii'b. 7173 Report of tho 'irst National Bank Of Coos III tho Stnto of Oregon, Mw:'if , I RICSOUUCUS. Ms "lid DHcoiihIh prilrafi , c cured nnd unsocuro'l S Uonds to Becuro circulation. Mr Bonds to socuro Postnl pavings, P. Securities, otc. (Other than n In Federal Rosorvo Rank. $1133.31 . , Pk3nK Hcupn, Furnlturo nnd Flxturos from NaMonnl Ranks (not rosorvo from Ftato and Prlvnto Ranks rompanlcs and Savings from approved Rosorvo Agonts, in other Rosorvo Cltlos, k and other Cnsh Itoms F of other Nntlonal Ranks lcnnl Paper Curronoy, Nlokols, and lui Money Rr servo In Hank, viz: I . . 1ft S9K no al l"dir notes 170.00 I'llf'n fund with U. S. Treasurer, flvo pur iwnt of glr- Fulattou . : r-" Totil ', J. r... $890,175.19 MAMLITIUS. WW for'; paid In .. . .' 'run mild , , , , '"IVd nrnfiiH inco nrnonsno nnl "-"al ihnk Notes outstanding ' r,hcr Nnllnnnl Tlnnks e S'ii nnd Private Ranks anRanksrs 20.422.G5 " (1 -ii d posits, suhloct lo chock wand c rtlflcates of. Deposit 8 CT'lfl ates of donoslt navablo Fie 1 ritrir K ,yn..Aii ..i., ,fs of "0 days or loncar 11 "e1 cV ka blc'8 (hrcks niitBlntKllnp ta Pa.'n5s Deposits .., 1 t ToM t 0' O-frrn. Pniintv nf fnna. erf. 1 DrmT, ivroii7nr. Pnililor of "' I' ,-.t fim ni,t. .i.t.m.n) i P lMrf P 'b -n,r,i .i tnr. lllTlii.n . ntini- n Notary Public. . HiH BREVITIES I 11.1.0 i-wii NOVKMHER , Rclow Is given tho tlmo miiitiM and "uiKiii oi nign nud low water at iuiirBiillow. ' Til II I otTiecu?wfirthA Umeon i tho first lino and heights o" the j second lino of each doy; a conipar- ...... ui luuaui'iiuvo neignis will In- u.nio wnoinor It is high or low water. For high wator on tho bar in iwo nours 3 r"'suteB I 1 1 1 rs . . n.39 S. 10 2.3 0.10 2.0 9.10 2.7 10.10 2.0 10.53 2.8 7.21 1.3 8.21 I.I 11.21 1.7 10.11 5.1 10.50 5.0 11.30 G.l 5.41 1.3 end l.G 2.GI n 39 Ft... 4.8 GJltra. . 1.17 Kt... 1.7 fljllr.. I. fid Ft... l.r, 7Ilrs.. 5.3!) Kt... J.I SHrs. . 0.20 Kt... 1,3 OJllrH.. 0.21 Ft... 0.3 ioiiiB.. i.i i; Ft... 0.4 II (Ill's.. 2 OS Ft... o.r. 12IIr8.. ."I.OR I Ft... 0.7 injurs.. ;i.r,s Ft... 0.0 lljllrs.. i.m Ft... 1.1 lDJlIrs. 12.18 JFt... 4.9 lGjIlru. . 1.17 Ft. . . 5.0 0.1 t 3.23 3.55 0.0 4.32 5.8 5.11 5.0 11.55 3.0 1.17 2.0 2.13 2.0 4.00 2.1 5.02 1.3 5.5S 0.r) 12.20 G.5 1.11 G.l 0,2 10 II 0.1 10.52 0,o 11,31 0, 0 0 0.0 C.05 ' 5.3 7.11 5.0 .S.33 4.7 9.58 1.7 11.13 4,8 ! O.o ' 0,0 0.40 0,2 ! 7.38 9.S WEATHER FORECAST I1r Ao?lt1 PrrM In l i n7 Tlmn.j ORKCION Fair with' wester- winds. j LOCAL TEMPERATURE iti:coiti) j For tho 21 hours cndlrie; at 1:13 n. m., Nov. 3, by IlenJ. Oxtllnd, special government mo- j j turologlBt: j j Maximum 01 j Minimum 53 j j At 1: 13 n. m 51 j Precipitation 1G j Precipitation Slnco Sept. 1, I I 1 'J I 1014 1G.90 I 1 Precipitation Bamo porlod insi year .i .. i .0.05 I Wind Soutlnyoflt cloudy anil rnlny Club liiiiiro. Tho, Mllllcomn Asso ciation Iiuh Issued Invitations for -tho first of a scries of partlog to ho given MK Ar;i) MHS w" uoNIJUUAICK Novombor 0. , cnn)(J (0W, on j,,Bjn0,B yontordny from Catching Inlot. Steal hurk llonl A duck bont ow- p nod by Cordon Smith nnd flnrold y, q, hindMARSII camo down yes Stiitsmnn, of tho flro department, tlodf torday from his homo at North to tho piling In tho ronr of tho flroi inlot. ktatlon, wns stolon souio tlmo Monday morning. jilt. AND' MRS. JOHN MATSON woro : . .. t. Ii.. among- tho visitors In tho city from I'lynii ('dining Dennis T, Flynn1 tho well known Oklahoma hnnkor and republican londor, Is oxpoctod here WAITKIt CHUISTENSON, of Catch soon to visit Win. (Irlmos nnd confer Jug Inlot was horo yostorday look wlth him rolatlvo to tho now build. lug after somo buslnoss matters. Condition of Bay nt tho close of busluowj Oct. 31, $390,222.10 142,19 10Q.000.00 39,206.00 40,854.12 1,133.34 79,200.00 29, 850. GO i i ' "i $89,200.00. Stooks) i. ..... )........... ngonts) and Rankers, Trust J.JhO.ia In Central Roaarvo Cities, $150,001.53 fins,i.v,au 2,239.78 2,705.00 52. 58 Cants ' 47,005.00 ;.. . 5,000.00 $100,000.00 ,vu.uw Inxos. nald ?'' 10,230.28 , ?,?'? H.JU.H sT ' r DUU.UIU.l.l 2.S02.S7 22,7TJ0 81,475.0-j , 1.229.08 S.436.00 27.SC 5.2 9 $SOo!l75.1? '.lthln thirty cloys ... nftnr an iinvs or after ' ho above-named hank, do fcolemn- iriin tn tho host of my knowlodgo noRSEY KREITZICR. Cteshlor. mQ thla 4th day of Novomiior, .!: JOHN S. COKE. l' DOUaLAS. YWILUM GRIMES Directors. i lug which thoy propoao to erect lioro, Mr Flynn reached Portland and said lo would come hero on the first boat. Move Cuinp. Max Roberts, clerk of Smith-Powers Camp at Coaledo, was In today on business. Tho ciimp will finish tho logging at Coal edo In about two week? and then n "Me lo the now Myri'-j I'.fii.'. '.r.c Td A'iKcown Is foreman r.t II Thla will bo tho last camp at Coaledo, ' "u illU 1UOI 1.1111111 " vuniuuu, Uo,,t ,1,cr for ft fow molllM tcnvl,1K "' tMo ol(1 IoSglng road. .Mat i crs of Ouimllimshlp. Ilcforo Judgo Coke Is being hoard this af- tornoon tho matter of Buardlonshlp ' Charles Sneddon, who tho nppol- louts nlloge Is Incapahlo of superln- tending his affairs. Mr. Sneddon Is n',01t 75 years of ago. This Is an np- lcnl from tho county court which dismissed tho gunrdlans. Tho circuit court denied tho motion for dlsmls 81 of tho nppeal which Is bolng mado by Mrs. Charles Sneddon, .Tnck Sned don and Mrs. Hannah Hccs, a daugh ter. Mill Slough Ciiso Up. Ilcforo Judgo Coke, beginning tomorrow morning hero In tho city, will bo heard tho canity case of Hlllstrom and others versus tho City nnd tho Port of Coos liny In which tho for- in or seek a mandatory Injunction compelling tho repair of tho north arm of Mill Slough drain nnd also tho appointment of n roforco to nsscss tho nlleged ifamngo done their pro- porty through fnlluro of tho drain nnd tho subsequent flooding of their property. Attornoy C. It. Peck Is ap pearing for tho Port, John Gobs for tho City and Attorney Stoll for tho plaintiffs. PERSONAL .MENTION, j Mil. AND MltS. (JEORCE ROSS, of Catching Inlot, wuro In tho city on a shopping trip yesterday. J. II. STRETCH, of North Inlot, at tended to boiiio business In tho city yosterdny. MRS. MAHEL MALDE camo down vl I citing and shopping from hor homo , at North Inlot yestorduy.' MRS. FRANK UOSS was nmniiR tho visitors In tho city yesterday from Catching Inlot. Catching Inlot yestordny. AIj MKRCHIt camo down yostorday ! from North Inlot. MHS. 13. A. TYIIKMj, of Coqulllo, Is In Marshflold today. II. K. STRICKLAND wns horo yes tordny from Catching Inlet. CYRUB FHRRKI was visitors today from among South tlio Inlet. eW. RARNIJS AND WIFE pamo up yos ,' torday shopping from South Inlot. '., T, THOMAS enmo down on husl iioas from Allegany this morning. JIRS. J. I. PARKKR was horo yostor day from her homo at Catahlng In let. MltS. II. KAINO and son Walter woro nmong tho Alsltors from Catching Inlet. MltS. T. M. Cl'IA'KU enmo down on tho boat from Catching Inlet yes terday. Royal Theatre TONIGHT IIOYI) AND JEFFRIES, ComotTy rat;-tlmo singing, hard nnd soft shoo dancing. This clover team mado a big hit last night and nro bound to moro than ploaso nil their audiences. "TRAFFIC IN SOULS." or "Whllo New York Sleeps" A powerful pho to drama of today In six reols of 700 gcenosOOO players and 7000 foot In length An everlasting warning to young girls. A picture that overy mother and daughter should sea Showing tho way girls aro lod astray by kind and obliging mon In our larger cities. Tho greatest moral pleturo, teaching one of the most needed lesons to our growing young womanhood. Mothers and daughters Seo this picture and lend a hand In tho groit work to overthrow this great eMl Lower floor, 25c Lower floor, 2jc Ralconj, 10 Ualcony, ljr TRUE SALINO of Allegany wns nmong tho visitors In tl.o city to day. MISS ESTHER HOLMES, of Coos luvcr. wns n visitor stiopping ucroi todny. ItOY LANDRITH catno down on busi ness today from his homo on Coos River. OSCAIt OHMAN camo down this morning on business from North Inlet. MRS. II. SMITHGALL camo down from Catching Inlet shopping yes terday. SAM CONRO cnino'd6wn from his homo at Allegany this morning on business. ' ' DAN MATSON, of Catching Inlet, wns among tho, visitors In tho city yesterday. CHARLES MOUlltS brought In tho election roturus this morning from Lakeside. I). I. PINKERTON Is among tho visitors In tho city todny from North Inlot. D. IF. ' STEWART was hero .South Inlet today on a business trip. from short JOHN PORTER was horo today from Allegany attending to somo mat ters of business, DR. WALTER CULIN camo over from Coqulllo todny on luminous nnd pleasure. MRS. OUS JOHNSON and her daugli. tor Myrtle, woro hero todny shop ping from South Inlot. A. POWERS returned to tho Smlth Powcr enmp this morning after coming down for election. HENRY AND A. A. MILLER nro hero todny attending to sumo hus Inettti from North Inlet. MISS OLADY8 HOWARD was In tho city todny from North Inlet, shopping nud visiting with frlonds. II. MICHEM1RINK of Allegany, wns nmo;ig tho visitors visiting and shopping In tho city today. MR. AND MRS. F. 11. MESSERLE. of Catuhlnj; Inlet, wero lioro shopping nnd visiting friends yestordny. CAPT. EDWARDS, of AllflKCiny, camo down on tho bout thls'innrnliig to get the latest election returns. MR. AND MRS. C. E. LEWIS, of North Ilnnd, weh to Myrtlo Point this morning visiting with friend- DR. RICHARDSON, of Coqullle. re turned from Allognny this morning whoro ho has been visiting his father-in-law, J. Gould. FOY COX, of Cnmp Ono, returned yestordny from a few months' visit nt his old homo In Danville, 111. Ho had a fluo trip, MRS. CHARLES MATSON wont down to Ilandon this morning whoro sho will visit for it fow days with relative. JIIDHE JOHN HALL went to Co qitlllo this morning to meet with tho county commlsslouorH who will make out tho nnniial budget for,nKO from Now Yrk aftor n year of Coos oounty. I rn,:K i,oam,, " - ' ' " ' I Ho leaves a wlfo, n daughter, Mrs. 4 Ouy C. Lnttln, nnd flvo grandchild- I MORTU nCMn MCAC I r'"' Mra- Jo'1" H'Wiks, Albert Soy I NUHIH tibNU IMtWb loro Kon(lnlI an(l aonill, Kon,iH, all Mrs. Geo. D. Mandlgo, Mrs. Robt. ' of Now York City, and Floslo and McCnnn. Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. j, Mondo, Mrs. Stoln and Mrs. lloso ,"'"'". , ,"' ----" vf will ho hostesses AVednosdny after- " o Motlroi at church early In his noon nt the Presbyterian church. f'00;1 "1 throughout hl I fe was I nctlvo in tho church work. Tho bur- , -j -ri . h1 will tako placo from tho Duncan Ss Grand I To-Nigh t Excellent i i C -' Program Tonight PHONE 1 0 Cent 158-R Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY t jiwwwf wwf iWi !HSrai'W113gO'r!gllM'J'112!y't'T!?llH K IS DOWN i WESTERN UNION OUT OK COM MISSION RETAVEE.V MERE AND ROSEUURd ELECTION RE TURNS ARE DELAYED. The Western Union wlro between Cobs liny and Roscburg went out of comihlsslon about noon todny and us n result Into election returns have not been forthcoming. Tho Western Union wlro got cros sed with a telephone wire or some things hut nt any rate tho messages stopped coming nud going. Last tncnlng nud during tho night tho Western Union received tho full bulletin report which. Tho Times hul lutlncd nt tho office, n constant throng listening to the returns. These gnvo only partial returns from var ious precincts In tho different states and estimates of tho majorities. As a result of tho wire troublo to dny, tho fuller nnd more complete returns wero tut off. PROSPER MAX HURT. Warren Pnrker, head sawyer nt tho Prosper mill met with a painful and almost fatal nrcldcnt Just us the mill was shutting down. Ho hi somo manner , bec'nino entangled between tho carriage and a saw log, and hid bend was badly squeezed, his noso broken nnd shoulder dlspjaeijd. ,lt was considered a inlrnciilous oscapo from donth. Ilandon World. WANT HXDOIISEMEXT OK THE MKRCIIAXTS PiiMlnre 1 1 0110 Would Establish Of- flro llcio, hut 1'lrst AUh Sii- jiort of MeiTlinutM. Seeking first tho endorsomunt of llw merchants of tho city before tak ing definite Htepn toward tho Instnl latlou of a wholesnlo prod 11 co house hero, Clnud Thompson, of tho Hood River Produce Exchnngo, h'as writ ton to the Chamber of Commerce Ills communication will bo turned over to tho Riislness Men's Associa tion nt their next mooting.' Having been horo two weeks ago nnd thoroughly investigated tho j ground, Thompson then declared tho torrltory would warrant 11 wholesale hoiiBo to handlo fruits nnd vegetables j but thought tho output nt tho pros- ont not lnrgo enough to warrant tho undertaking. From tho Jono of his lottor It Ih evi dent that ho has partially changed his mind providing ho can recolvo tho hacking of tho merchants Ho tie olearos tho now house would ho 011 tfroly local and n brnnch of no other concern. .1. E. KENDALL DIES AT AN EARLY HOUR TODAY Knlllng In llenllli for Punt Two Years Dentil Within 11 Month of (iohlen Wedding. Lacking exactly ono month from the day ho and his wlfo would have colohratod tholr goldon wedding nn nlveritary, J. E. Kendall, ngoil 79 )enrs, pasKMl away at tho homo of his daughter. Mrs. Ouy C. Lnttln, ut tho cornor of Flanngnn and Tontn streets, this ninrnlug nt 1111 onrly hour. Mr. Kendall camo hero 11 year um Liuun oi win wiy. noon nt 2 o'clock, tho Rov. Knox of ficiating. CYCLIST INJURES (II HI. An nerldoiil that might hnvo prov ' ed fatal to tho llttln daughter of Mr. t and Mrs. Alox Kennedy ocourrcd nt ! tlfu foot of Edison uvenuo hill. Iko Martin, tho lo!!vory boy for tho City I .Moat Markot, was coming down tho ilowlk at a fast clip when ho col- 11(1011 WUtl IIIU llllIU gin, HIIUUKIUK her dqwn nnd sovorely bruising hor about tho hand, Tho young mun was summoned In municipal court and flnod 10. Ilandon World. Llhhy COAL. Tho Kind YOU inv ALWAYS USED. Phono 7S. Puclfle Livery and Transfer fViiiuny. 1 DR. If. E. KELTY, DENTIST I Phono 112-J, Room 201, Coko Rldg. ATTENTION II. P. O, KLIIH, On jioxt Wodnesd(.y, Novombor -I, ono of tho most Important question that ever camo beforo tho lodgo will bo fully discussed. Tlioro Will ho uIho Inflation. Eory member Ib ex pected to attend. THOS. R. JAMES, See ii.-'tiUUHiTiiniUttHR' i IKSikiUiQW' , -Uhti.i All the Comforts of Home Is found In our coal and wood HEATERS. Prleo from 91.115 to $!.. As nifty a lino ns you will sco ELSEWHERE. 1'crfcctlon Oil stmo for office and house hold use. Repair uliop In connection Schroeder & Hildenbrand Hardware, AMONG THE SICK Miss Hnttiu Henderson, of North Ilend Is recuperating after her op eration of a few days ago nt .Mercy uunpiini, . The two-year old daughter of !;.. and Mrs. Oarl Arlandson of raj dale, Is roported on tho sick Rst U' ' i (111'. ( Mrs. Walter Capptous, who w'ns op-f crated o;i at tho Mercy Hospital sev eral days ago, Is now recovering. Mrs. 11. R. Elliott Is rapidly re covering from nn operation she un derwent nt Mercy Hospital the lnttor part of last week for appendicitis. Mrs. Tom McGlnnls, aftor hur op eration of yesterday, Is rapidly re covering today. Mrs. A. C. Jetison of Uny Park was operated on for nppcndleltlH at tho Mercy Hospital this morning. ALOXf THE WATERFRONT. Lnto afternoon tho Hardy arrived In from San Francisco and todny dis charged, about 10 tons of miscellane ous freight. Sho will leave for San . Francisco with lumber tho lnttcr part , of tho week. Shortly aftor 10 o'clock this morn-! flutf tho big Rcssle Dollar swung down tho harbor, being given u rous- Ing gnodbyo by tho whistles nt thdj Smith1 Mill. Sho wns tnklnir 10 feet of witter forward and about 15 as - tern. Opposite tho stave mill sho hit tho mud flat nnd for a fow minutes wns held fast whllo In linn behind her enmu tho Elder nnd tho Adeline, forming 11 plcturo of shipping on Coos liny. Tho Adolluo slowed up after pas sing tho Ilcsslo Dollar nnd Cnptatn Olson led thorn nut, showing tho channel. Tho North Star lu hack ngnln on Urn North Inlet run nftor laying up, for repairs. Tho tloga, temporarily had hcr.placfl, , At noon tho Navajo, of tho Swayno d. Hoyt lino, crossed In from Port hind with tho expectation ,of leaving out later In t)io uf tornoon for .:inJ 1'rnnclHr.o nftor ,i tlBoJjarRlK ,tvix fi eight forbore, Tho. Navajo hi n.ulo those two trips Into Coos liny by way of resuming tho sorvlco ills. rupted by tho Dnlsy Putnam, being barhound two weeks ago. CARL' OK APPRECIATION Wo wish to extend our 'slncoro thanks to tho many frlonds who ninn irostod their kindness nnd sympathy In our horeavemnnt nud In tho pass im; of our beloved liuubnud nnd fa ther. MRS. W. F. JEWETT and fumlly. COURT CASES BEGUN Tho following ensos hnvo boon riled In tho Circuit Court: A. P. Derringer vs. W. (1. Cndby. Action to recover money, A.. J. Sherwood vs. Pulaski Coal & Navigation Co. duo. E. I'lko and Muggln P. Pike, his wife, Henry Med- fJoy nnd C. C. Evjand. Suit to foro- 1 closo mortgage, I Carl Kllno vs. Wlllott & Rurr, n orporntlnn under tho laws of Cal ifornia, Action to rocovor dnmngwi. 1 Twin Cltlos Retail Lumber Co., vs. Fhinngnu Estnto, a corporation, John P. PalrchlldH and Charles Oul- ! motto. pnrtnnrH. Suit to forcloso lion. Coqulllo Sentinel. FALLS IN HOLD Hero for tho first tlmo on a visit, T. R. Hard, sou of T. W. Hard, of this city, full lu tho hold of tho IYoksIo Dollar this morning whllo I helping with tho loading of pulp nud was xuvoruly bruised and n deep j gash cut lu his Jaw. Tho man was i knocked unconscious and for somo tlmo nftor nignlnlng his sonses fail ed to roallzo what hud happened. Ho was at ouco given medical i treatment and removed to his par-i , onts apartments In tho Wlllinius building whoro ho Is now rostlng I easy, though ho will probably bo de tained In bod for sqvoral days Mr. Hard lias chargo of a cattle ranch In Wyoming belonging to his father and a fow days ago camo hero to vltlt. Anxious to do somo thing and so sco things entirely now) to him, tho young man wont tq work on tho BcdbIo Dollar. Ho declares that a hatch gavo way beneath him plunging him Into tho iron hold- Commutation Tickets $2.00 tUrhhfleld.Xortlt Rend Auto Lin f-ra every ten minutes from tt . ui III ISl U i. in. I OOR8T KINQ, Prop. 20 nnd Plumbing. .MYRTLE AR.MS OPENING Evoryhody Is cordially Invited 'te Inspect tho Myrtlo Arms Apnrt incuts tomorrow, Thursday, tfoVcni" bor 5th, from 2 to i o'clock In tho' '.,.. j o .- in tnApf i In Reception, miisle, otc, , Q , , ComQ omj ... conn nil. F. K. CONWAY COMPANY. ' 'KRESH APPLE CIDER delivered hi any quantity to your home. Cnpo Arngo Sodn Work. Phono UIOiL. I COOS RAY TIMES WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS RUY AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE WAR MAP WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS They Aro doing Kant IriAssinE to- A A I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 WANTED Kicrli-cfil girl for Kcn; oral hoiiKOWork. Apply Mrs. Fred Powers, 771 S. Ith St. FURNISHED two-itMMii lioiiwkvilnjt npnrtnient. Apply 113 N. Second St. IJHTHAY NOTICE Ono (leliorneil red cdw, whlto on both flunk's "rind rump. Whlto npot on forohotd. Ono whllo calf with black murft Ings all ovof n"d loft oar' split. Ownof enn Hnvo srtmo by calling nil W. A, Lud, Coon Rlvor. ' WILL RUILD IiuiikuIoh' lo wilt. purT, cbnser, ' on paymentH. 800 ItcUl 1 nbout It. ' , i;OR RENT, Di:C 1 Stor mnv c , "cpplod iiy Lo!yl Ice Cronip .Parlo.r.. , , on llroadway, opposlto Coppio's. , See Jloury Scngstncken, . !" WANTED K 4 -, , r WANTED VuiiiifC limn vhen wfk, on rancli. Wages no object, B. enro of Times. FOR RENT f l'() RENT Dee. 1st, stole, roniii nov occupied as Luwls Ice Cream Par lor on Ilmudwny, opposlto Cop plo'H. Soo Henry Songstncken, I'OR RENT Well furnished house keeping suite, reasonable. Rofor onccs. II., enro of Tlnios. KOK RENT Housekeeping nionw In tho lllnck Apartment IIo'uso. Phone 108-R. ' 1 ..I "''.' FOR RENT Nicely fiirnMirHl fife room bungalow. Modorn convon loncos. PhonolH-X. 25 por mo. 12th nnd Commercial. FOR RENT Lnrgo front rooms, r.owly furnished, with boat. Apjily 205 4th utroot North. ' FOR RENT On county roml Hunk er lilli, now flvo-room hungaln'yv, also G room flat, both with mod orn Improvements. Inquire ou promises or Phono 111, Norh Ileiid. i I'OR RENT Tmo uVely furnlslUHl rooms for light hoiisokeoplug. jCn ply :i5 First street North. 5j FOR RENT it room flat unfurnish ed, $15.00, or will furnish to suit. 1H5 Socond Ht. N., Cull ar.G-Itt I'OR RENT ltnoniH with bath. SIS North 8ocond strcqt, L FOR RENT Deslrnhlo furfilsliedbr unfurnished houses. I. ,8."'KaUf- . r, . I I 1 J iff man and Co. , ' ' t FOR RENT :DesSrnhlo n'n'ci filcSfy furnlshod front rooms $3 woekiy; with board $7. 239 So. Fourth. I FOR SALE u ,.,,,, ,,, ' a ,ou hAU' CHEAP lno-ucio dairy ranch or townslto for orchard traots. Apply Carl L-. AlbrocJt, owner, ! FOR SALE CHEAP A Kecond-lntHd Roo in good shupo. R. Nerdru'rn, 079 5th streot South T , 1 WANTED Rojh to deliver t'Ko Timet. MuBt he ut least In fifth grudo at school ajid twelve yosfra old Apply m 'rimga otflce. 3 i . : j