mLMitrAainrnv "" ' rrm"ft "rr iLa!mRi i . , .' ' ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, T914. EVENING EDITION. THREE MFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 Lothard McClure ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices 111 all courts. oom l-i l'l'"nB"n Ilciinelt Dank eel Ostlind fci0 TUNER AND REPAIRER feiro orderB at W. it. liaines' Mui- u Company. fj S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L H. Harper General Repairing nnd Cablnot lUUHUlfc. bone 349-J. K88 x.vrr!t T. 7ompkins, D. S. T. ' (Wcltmor Method) vvfTV Known uiseuso ireaiea llthout drugs or Btirgory. Rooms 1 hd l " Qulu uiuauwujr, bone 13Z-ii. Aiurnuuoia, ur M. Wright rhono 188-R. Eitlmatca furnished on request r. H. M. Shaw GLASSES FITTED It JIATTIE . SHAW hitniKPM of Women nnd Children Idee Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201, zuz, irviuc U10CK. Keniamin Ostlind I CONSUMING ENGINEER AND AIiuiiithux' Offices. 200 Irving Dlock Ihono 103-1 or 2C7-J. warsuiioiu, Oregon If. G. Chandler ARCHITECT looms 301 and 302, Coko RulMIng Marsh field, Oregon Ifm. S. Turpen AIlUlllTKIr Marshflold, Oregon. Irs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. KVEMSII MASSAGE AND MED. ICAIi GYMNASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 1)7 Coiimicrclnl live. Phono 2 1 2-J S& iC:.:.7?r-.-:-.' : :::.:::. ::: ::.: v.:::.::: riMKafT :-y?Kv- :.::..::::: ;;v& K: :M F-?a. CWl- "N ' VWiTf;-, I.hsS;,, &: P. A. for smoke grouches! EVERYBODY'S mighty strong for Prince Albert, because it's tobacco with a smile! Sort of turns on the sun shine it's so delightful. And there never was a tobacco that rolls up such ::. "'S:":?:::. a high-top-thoroughbred $:&.. Jil mQkin's cigarette. It just :::W::::S??SSiSi' UCaiS U1C DUna IOr DUliy Men throughout the nation smoke Prince Albert jammed in a jimmy pipo or rolled in a cigarette. Sort of natural, at that, because you nor any other man ever did hit the trail of a tobacco like Framice to Keep Prisoners i!:: i?A Albert. NO HAW EDGES -on YOUR COLLARS If you hnvo tlicm laundered IrwiN city stkam laundry the national joy smoke . jS Get this hunch : P. A. is made by an exclusive patented pro cess that cuts out the bite and the rankness. "Why, you can smoke and smoke P. A. and it will not even tingle your tongue ! Put it up against any old brand you ever smoked, or heard of, no matter what the price P. A. will win in a walk. You need your happy days smoke fun now ! Just get going right off the bat. Buy Prince Albett in the firtt than you hit. Jutt toy, natural likai "P. A, . tormina." Theft tha past word, oil right, all right I Toppyrtdbagt, 5c; tidy red tint, JOcf alto fiandtomo pound and half-pound humidors. IDr AwocltlM rrnt it. wxn St? TlmM. PARIS, Nov. I The American ' Embassy, under Its obligations to re present Gormnn nnd Austrian Inter ests In France, Is looking after nliout SO, 000 persons who nro detained as nlteu enemies In cloven localities In Franco. These were Germans nnd Austrlnns living In the country at the outbreak of the war. The French government provided special trains going to neutral frontiers for two f days after hostilities had begun, nnd nil UioBC remaining wltmn Franco af ter those two dny& woro obliged to re port themselves to the pollco nnd go to those towns In Franco to which they had been assigned. ThVi Stnto Department nt Wash ington has nttnehed II. Perclval Dodge, formorly minister to Pana ma, to the Embassy hero as special agent to hnvo charge of Gormnn nnd Austrian affairs. The third floor of tho Embassy building Is taken en tirely for this work nnd a consld- ciahlo stuff of secretaries and Inter preters nro at work. Tho reason Hint Franco holds 80,- 000 civilians ob prisoners of war ap pears to be as hostages for the propor treatment of French citizens who nro similarly hold In Germany nnd Avis trlrt, nnd to hnvo In hand n means or reprisal Bh'ould thoro bo any 111 trcntment of French soldiers enptur od by Gormnn or Austrian nrmlci. Tho most distinguished prisoner Is probably Count Pejacsowlch, member of tho Ilungnrlnn cabinet for Croatia, Slnvontn nnd Dnlmntln. Ho happen ed to ho nt Vichy taking a euro when tho war bogau. Mo Is nllowed to re main In his hotel nnd hns entire free dom of movement within tho town. A good mnny hundreds of Gorman nnd Austrian subjects have been al lowed to remain Where they woro, ench becauso of special reasons; other hundreds upon tho roprosonta- ( tlon of tho American Embassy hnvo been allowed to lcRve tho country. In each enso also for special reasons, usually those of 111 health. Dut thoro aro still about 80,000 who had to go to tho detention camps. Thesb' nro usually In barrncka formerly oc cupied by troops, Thoro Is n 'good deal of crowding nnd tho food" Is probably about what Fronch soldlors receive. Thero apponrs to b& 'every Intention on tho part of tho Frdnch government to treat theso Jnyolun tary hostages as woll as they can, un der tho necessities of war, Thorer In in Franco a great deal of suffering anion French people. It Is likely Hint millions nro loss well fed than the Gorman and Austrian prisoners. Nevertheless, theso prisoners, being forced to llvo awny from their own homes, find llfo difficult nnd full of Inconvonlencos, Thoy nro nllowed to rccolvo money nnd spend It as thoy plenso. Thy also wrlto nnd rccolvo letters freoly, except Hint thoy nro nil road by consors. Switzerland hns undertaken to conduct tho exchanges of prisoners nnd nmong tho first that aro being exchanged nro French people caught In Germany nnd Austria by tho war, and Gernmiirt and AtiBtrlnns detnlnod In Franco. Germnus and Austrlanx nro taken by French pollco to tho Swiss border nnd turned over thViro to Swiss agents, who In turn trans fer Fronch citizens to tho Fronch representatives. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS cum.ingh ok coguiMii: SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C I. J, BOAIFB $ A. II. HODGINfl larshficfd K , ISI..IMIIIIUVI .V.U. l.'stliimtes Furnished lone 30P-J. JfarshaeU, OrccoM U. ! CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIGHT HKRVICB For taxi, phono 103, Ideal Cafo. For touring cars, phono 20. Chnndlor Hotel LYNN TjAMHHTH, Prop. New CiiIm : : New Cars TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many roars nnd a lot of our customers will toll you whon it enmos to getting good, sound, durable framing matorlal at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spcid and we'll get busy with our poncll uud figure out tho best your uoney can buy. Try us. u, u 4 . , C. A. Smith Lumber St RC Ut 1VX1 Of. o' Co. CUT tub piioni: loo. RBTAIIj DKPARTMBNT IfUKIj RHifc 1 TWO RY USING OUR WOOD 182 KOUT1I HROADWAY THE COOS HOTEL Formorly of Marshflold WASHINGTON AVENUK HTADDBN STRKBT NORTH IH'.NI) O. A. Mi'lllu, l'rop. OF ELECTION witnrj'" . - - -- nrirtfi n hi"'- - K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOniLES STORED PX)3 COUNTY'S MOST COMPLETI MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOniLB REPAIRING GASOLINE) FOR SALE 0RTII FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J DArrERIES REPAIRED AND CHARGED P. L. ADAMS & SON Dealers in NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. i"2 No. Front St. Phono 340-L PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Ebtilhllshcd 188U. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interest Paid on TImo Deposits " Offlcors: J. W. Rcnnclt. PrcMdcnt. J. II, Flanugniii Vlrt'-PiPsldent. It. V, Williams Cashier. Geo. l Winchester, Asst. Cashier. I l)r AuotltlM lint lu Coot hJ Tlrnn. llOSTON, Mass. Nov. 4. Tho first Mnssnohusettu town to bo heard from lu tho statu election was Norwell, which gnvo for govornar, McCull, ro- SOUTH COOS RIVER HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS Icavos MarMiflohl even day H ii. in. Lciivfh head if rler I i publican, 81; Wnlker, progressive, 17,! noWH Monday ovonlng of tho death Coin County Kent Nchh iih Told ly The Kenllnel The Sentinel Is lu recept of n clip ping' from tho Port Dover, Ontario, Maple Leaf, telling of tho mnrrlngu of Miss IloHsId Wlnfred Perry, daugh ter of Mrs. W. B. Porry, to J. (1. PutorHon,' o fthut place. Tho brldo was born In CJoqiilllu nnd liv ed liuro Hoveral yeart Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry L. (Irnff, of Hoiixor Hill, ur tho hnppy parunU tif n' baby boy born yesterday miirii-Iuk. Richard L. D(vonport was rclons j oil from Jail Wednesday, nftor hav. , lug M'rod n thirty-day senteiicn for Ignmhllng nt LnkcHldo. Mr. and MrM. 'Frank Ray, of Mnrshfleld, hnvo been visiting Alvn Warren nnd wife during tho past jwook. Mr. Warren Is tholr nophow I Councilman D. D. Plorco stnrted last Thursday for California, hut did not got off until Saturday owing to tho Elizabeth being delayed. Ho plans to spond somo tlmo In San Francisco nnd vicinity. J. P. Michaels, of tho Oregon Power Company, recolvod tho sad got his faco punched," All went' well for n time until Cnndy Is declare to hnvo accompanied tho young' lady out shortly after Biippor Inst' eve ning. Down tho streot thoy met young Trlbhoy, who Immodlatel ho gnu to mako good hlo word, -Ciindy rocolvcsl n blackened oyo and,, both men were plncod under arrest for fighting. ."V PORTiaND WANTS, MICIIIIJ. nt ;i::ii p, in. STEAMER HAINllOW leave head of river dally nt 7 a, in, LcAes Marshflelil tit " l in. For charter apply on board. ROGIMtS At SMITH, Proprietors. Walsh democrat, 50. Samu town lu 1013 gnvo Itlrd, progressive, 03; Gar dner, republican, 71; Walsh, demo crat, C7. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED l10W Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171. I 1 I'AT Jr$i iJtxA THE niSOTElLS Pictures & Framing Walker Studio CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES Apr J. N. BAYLISS A7 Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Right And ull Work Gunrnnteod ,wil at "Tho Flresldo," Johnson 43lfj 137 Socond 8t phono fnch Ranges. Boiler Work MERCHANT'S CAFE ropuiar place tor Good Meals. Commercial & B'dw'y THE ALICE H. kAm.9AIj EXCURSION TO ARLESTOX IIKAOII KITNM1AY es Slartlifield at 8 A. M. HUUND TRIP 50c RAINY SEASON IS COMING ARE YOU READY? THE BEST PREPARATION IN THE WORLD IS IS A BANK ACCOUNT Open one in our Savings Department. Interest paid on time certificates of deposits also in the savings de partment where deposits are accepted for any amount. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS EAY Safety Deposit Buxes For Bent. LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co.. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS four good cars with careful drivers. Fot day service, phono 111-J, HIhiico Rllluril Parlors. For night service, Pliouo 260-Ii Right Cafo. D. L. F00TE. ' SUITH CLEANED AND PRESS EDSUITS .MADE TO ORDER GIVE ITS A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE & O. O DAGGETT 256 Central Ave. Phono 2G0-X. Kie, Connection with nutn tnr Hiin- rnng ray TIMES WANT ADS GET RESU1 I MATT L. .MAY , Western Oregon Reprehcntatlvo of I HAAS HHOTHEKS Importers and AVIlolosnlu Grocer Marsiiueiu, uregon ,11ps. Mvrtlo Arms. Tel. 3.0 Chandler Hold. I Walter Culln, Coqulllo; fi, Frnnkllu, Gardiner; Charles Denver; R. L. Hnttlo, Randon; Chnrlos E. Marsh, Portland; C. J. Smith, Portlnml; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dronnor, Whoolor; M.lss R. Seat, j Portlnml; James A. Millars, Port I land; C. E. I.oinou, Hood River; JK. E. Lnraway, Portland; J. M. Angus, Portland; II. Wllllngliam, I Portlnml; II, (I. Ilolton. St. Louis; J. J. Stownrt, Portland; Jack Gould, Myrtlo Point; I). Uarten, Portland. St. Lawrence Hotel. J. II. Dyer, St. Louis; Charles C. Drown mid wlfo, Port Orford; Mrs, A. II. Mnnwnring, Langlols; Bon Uoyd, Portland; Jack A, 'Jeffors, Portland; Arthur Hryson, E. J. Simon, Sawyor, Wis.; Fred M. Stora und wlfo, Daniels Creek; Wllllum Scott, South Inlet; W. Robinson, Floronce; Frank Boutin, Bayfield, Wis.; A. II .Moore, Seattle, Ll)d Hotel. J. Roborson, Tncomn; F. Sohafer, Sonttlo; C. M. Morrlck and wlfo Gold Beach; D. E. Plorco nnd wife, Portland; Mrs. C. W. Soiling and daughter, Rosoburg; Frank Talbot, Coqulllo; F. A. NoUon, North Bond; F. Langano, Chicago. Itlaiiro Hotel J. Bonson, Gardiner; Frank L. Holding, Duluth; M. J. Mess, San Antonio; Claronco A. Wallaeo. Myr tle Point; Ray Noel, Bluo Ridge; P Dolan, Bluo Rldgo; P. L. Pierce, Lalslde, Harry Luttroll, Myrtlo Point, Churles McCray. Coqullle; Claud Wyland, yoauillo; Andrew of a sister nt Oregon City nnd lort that night to rntch tho Rosoburg stngo. P E. McKonna and S, E, Henderson ncrompanlod him as far us Myrtlo Point. NEW RANDON OASIPH Tho productive ond of tho tlo bus flnosB received a marked Impetus ,thls wook whon Mr. McNnughton, a ro- cont arrival from Washington, start od a camp on tho Doylo ranch above tho Soeloy & Anderson logging w camps Ho states that ho intonds Sldlo tn employ from 25 to 30 mon during Uio ontlro winter Bonson. J, O. Wrmor nnd family havo movod to tho camp whoro they will conduct tho boarding houso. Randon World. MYRTLE POINT MAN WED8 A pretty wedding took plnco at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs, C, M. Hor maun, of Myrtlo Creek, nt which two well-known pooplo woro united In mnrrlago. Tho contracting parties woro Mlbs Nota Hermann, of Myrtlo Creek, nd Fred Bryant, of Myrtlo Point, Tho ceremony was perform .' by Rov. G. A, Tnggart, lu tho pres ence of only immodlnto relatives. Af ter a few days spent hero, tho !m -py coupln will Ienvo for Myrtlo I'jIiU where tho groom has a position lu a mill. Rosoburg Review. ALLEGED SUITORS FIGHT Tho Men Arrestee! Olio Claimed tho Other Hud Ills Girl uud Fight Started on tho Street. Ahnor Trlbhoy nnd a waiter at tho Palaco Hotel by tho namo of Candy, woro nrrestod Monday eve ning on tho streot, tho ond of a foud alleged to havo been cuused through persistent attentions of Can dy Jto tho young lady of Trlbboy'B affections. According to tho story told tho officers Trlbboy had warned Candy not to appear on tho street with the said lady at any tlmo after five Port CoiiiiiiIhmIou Thoro Would ICro (Nmw Ray Mar Dmlgo for Work, Tho Portland Orognnlnn says:. Port of Portland Commissioners tiuvo agreed with M. Talbot, general man agor, as to tho udvlsablllty of enter ing Into nn arrangement with Major Morrow for tho employment of tho now dredge Col, P. 8. Mlchlo In tho liurlior during tho winter. Tho dig ger Is now undergoing official tests nt Astoria that aro oxpocted to cover a period of two or throu weeks. Af ter that she will bo ordered out of commission, ponding tho rccolpt of authority for making certain change's calculated to Incronso hor efficiency. "Becauso the port of Portland hUs not sufficient spneo avallablo lu which to doposlt material dredged from tho main harbor, It is Impracti cable to attempt to start a project recently ndopted for a unlforpi depth of ut lease thirty feot between har bor lines with the Port's dredges. With tho Mlchlo It Is said tl-o plan, could bo carried out ridvantagoously, oven If the Mlchlo doposltcil.dredg Iiirh Just bolow tho harbor and ono of tho pipeline dredges trad to pump It ashore." ti' GARDINER-MARSjIFlELD STAGE Lv. Gnr, p.m. a.m. n,m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 3:00. 0:00. 0j00. c:30. C:30. 7:00. 7:30. 8:30. Tuos. 3 Wod. 4 Thur, G Frl. C . 8at. 7 . Sun, 8 Mon, 9 Tuos, 10 I 10:00.. Wed, 11 a.m. 111:00 .. Thur. 12 a.m.12:00.. Frl. 13 p.m. 1 :00. . Sat. 14 p.m.j 2:00. . Sun. 15 p.m. 3:00,, Mon, 1C p.m.j 3:00.. Tuos 17 p.m.j 3;00. . Wod. 18 a. in. C:00.. Thur 10 n.m.j C;00.. Frl. 20 it.pi. 7:00., Sat. 21, u.m. 8:00.. Sun 22 a.m. j 0 : 0 0 j . . Mon. 23 a.m.jl0;00J,. Tuos 24 n.m.j U:00J.. Wod. 25 ml2:00.. Thur 20 p.m. 1:00J.. Frl. 27 p.m.j 2:00J.. Sat. 28 p.m.j 3:00J.. Sun, 20 p.m.j 3:00J.. Mon. 30 Lv. Mfld. j ljOOjp.rii. j 4:00a.m. j 4:30&.tB. r.:00a.m. 5:30Ja.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.pi. PV p.m. P.fa. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.til, a.m. a.m. a.m. 12:00lm l;00Jp.ip. j l;00p.iri, C:30 8:00 0:00 1 1 o : o o jll:00 (12:00 1:00 1:00 .. l:oo ..I 4:00 . .h4:00 .,HG)oo . . li'.OO ..j 7:oo .. 8:00 ..j 9:00 .-110:00 ..111:00 If You Want the WAR NEWS i Read ," U i t Ray and Shore Acres or appointment. ihi.iji