l5flW WL liiHBilll wmmn ftii tiiu i ,M, jiirgttoli ITIS A COMMON AND ALWAYS DANGEROUS MISTAKE TO DO YOUR THINKING H EARS STIRRING TIMES Aro tlicso days of wnr and blood shed. It Is Important that you hnvo full Knowledge of tho latest authentic nows. Subscrlbo for Tho Times, and read tho events of tho day each ovenlng. (Emu HKsaap mm mmm MEMIWIt OP Till ASSOCIATED VUKR9 i -wryjojjfl EVERY DAY Thcro appears somo Item of nows In tlio advertising columns of Tho Tlinos nows of tho day's "Dost Buys" to bo found In tho various stores. Tho woman who reads and heeds these "nows ltonis" Is tho ono who conducts hor housohold economically. mmmmmmmmmammMmmmmm I VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Kstnbllshed 1878 no Tho Cont Mali. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mill Coot Itnr Artvorllwr No. 88. RUSSIA REFUSES 10 ACCEPT I APOLOGY AID WILL PUSH c rt yrrrm i Jl Mrice j 5ttairt Large A Agaimst Egypt amid Epssi CDNTHDL CARRANZA WILL OPEN MEX. REVOLT CAIIIIAXZA IIKVOI.TS Apology of Porte for Assaults on Black Sea Ports and Fleet' Not Accepted and Czar Will Now Settle Old Problem , ' uwaeumg upening to rviecnteranean Sea. EMPEROR WILLIAM AND LORD KITCHENER ARE REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN AT FRONT SUNDAY Germans Alleged to Have Been Thwarted in Desperate Effort; tnori io upen r.ouie io uunKirK and Calais Along Coast and Are Seeking More Southerly Route Now. (I)y Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) LONDON, Nov, 3, The apology of the Turk for the assaults of his fleet on the Russian ports in the Black Sea has not ac complished its purpose, Both Russia and Great Britain have undertaken active military measure against him and hostilities have begun on the Red Sea, In France, the troops of Emperor William, frustrated in per sistent endeavors to advance along the coast, are now seek ing a route moro to the south, and fighting is going on with de termination In Flanders, Flffhllng is reported between the Russians and Turks near Trcblzezncl, Tho Turkish ambassador left the Russian capital, The Russian foreign minister replied to the Porto that nego- iirilinns rim now mnnssihlfi nnr nn imrwinl mnnifpgin snvR that Russan confidence is firm that the intervention of Turkey I o w., deeded . th0 supremo' SSrS'.S JZ' S will only hasten the fatal issue to that empire and Russia will , ' ' f"r ;' " ttiiAlZilSlll ,l umw 4 cndln li Rlool, Qrto m-hln, t tllO WlwMllKtOII Dredging Bllll Illl-, , .. ,r "rUI IIUW IIIIU Cl WY IU OUUIU UIU Ull VJUCl JIUUIUIII Lord Kitchener was in Dunkirk Sunday night, doubtless for tho purpose of supervising operations against the allied armies, The news dispatches say that lives without number wero sacrificed in the last German attempt to capture Ypres Sunday, Emperor William himself was reported present, llr AwttUtnt 1'rtM to (.'out liar TlniM. WASHINGTON' ,Xov. 3. Tho la tott official dispatches from Mux j Ico City Hnld Carrnuzn threaten od civil war unless the convention compiled with bin demand to ro- tiro Villa and Zopata with his resignation. , Tim: liANII CASIJ Report From Athens That the Porte Has Forced Invading English Possessions Now RUMOR REVOLT OF NATIVES IN EGYPT Russia Denies That Persia Is Aligned With TurkeyTry to Keep Italy Out of It j UHUUN, Nov. n Reports reach- lug Berlin from Athens declare that , lR.OOO Turkish troops aro already lu j Hgypt and that Turkish soldlors aro (mulching against Russia number .1, ; 00,000. Mnttlno published la Rome today says It has received Informa tion from Kgypt that tho sympathy ! oi tho local imputation Is strongly , nutl-Brltlsh and Indian troops In Hicypt sympathise .with tho native. OREGON TO CAST LARGE VOTE TODAY WILSON TO VOTH dins itirrntNS iiomh Wr Aworlat! I'rm Io Coon Ilr Time. WASI1INOTO.V, Nov. 3. President Wilson left this iiinr- nlng for Princeton to voto. Ho I FRENCH CLAIM ALLIES iS'FI CROSSINGS BELOW Announce That Germans Were Compelled to Abandon oft Bank of Stream, Where Large Area Was Inundated Allies Assume New Positions. DUE CLAIM FRENCH AND ALLIES HAVE MADE MARKED ADVANCES TO THE SOUTH OF DIXMUDE LATELY ro-to- Dr AMOflttfeJ 1'itm in fool tut TlmM.l WASIlINdTON. Nov. 3. TIiu'Ioiir llllKatlou over tho tldolandM lu Soat- ti'kkuv nici'Aixs i'om:if.'.Kit.s. rmmim nnismr mrnmni in I I BB OE GERMANY BADLY 1UBDED; j provemout Company. XI-JW MKXK'A.V IMtKSIIIKNT . lllr Am Utftl IT to I imm) IU)r TIihw.1 Kli I'ASO, Nov. II Tho poiiforunp I of revolutionary chiefs nt Akimh Cal ! luiitoH hns dlsroKarded Carraura's ! protest and elected Kulallo Outlorrcz provisional piOHlilcnt of Mexico, no cordltiK to official reports roachlui; hero today. (Ilr Anmlilnt ltHi Io CnM lr TlmM. WASHINnTON, I). C, Nov. :i Tho Turkish inlnlstor of war ordered llrlt- urkcy. au had nrraiiKcd on Sunday to leave Coustnn. tluoplo. The wnr minister declnred that until Turkish subjects lu Russia as woll as KiikIiiiuI and Franco wero Klvou assuranceti of protection and i permitted to leavothose countries, nil j llrltlsh and French subjects will be held lu Turkoy. WII.SO.V IX IIIKI. (Ilr AmacIUM I'rni Io Coo. liar TlniM. WASHINGTON, Nov. a. It bo cnuia known today that men oloso to President Wllmm are working 'on the underittandliiK that he will ho u can GENEVA, (ny Associated I'ross to Coos nay Times.) Switzerland, Nov, 3, Travelers from Strassburg 'ln ' 10lc ',8i,l,, i ono. on Crarlnr nU W Jim nt KnrmnnV WAR uw ihuj nnu iiiu) un, i pnrntlong for tho enmpalKii ITALIAN CABINET CRISIS. (Dy Associated I'ross to Coos IJay Times.) ...... i.. n'...., D.J Cr,Ulnl Allllfim nf Rormnnu vvnQ the subjoct and tboy havo lioKtin pro seriously although not mortally wounded in tho fighting in France, and that he has been taken to tho palace at Strass burg and placed under the care of specialists from Berlin, INDICT XICW HAVKX HICAHS li:.V IMIRSIA SIAV .IOI.V. I'HTROtlRAD, Nov. n Tho Per sian loKUtlnuulioro- dielariri that iiio alliance oxlsliii between Turkey tiiid Persia. All rumors of such at llaiieo,' It Is stated, uro without foun-dntlon. Report Violent Artillery Encounters Between Rhcims and Mouse Rivers and That Germans Were Checked in Forest of 1 Argonne Battles Along Seille. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS. Nov. 3. Tho official communication this aftomoon says: "On our loft wing tho enemy seems to havo complotoly , abandoned tho left bank of tho Ysor, down' stream from Dix- mudo, and reconaissances by tho troops of tho allies undor tnknn nn tlin hlchwavs in tho Inundated recions wero success- mi lor i-riuceion io voie. no I , , , " " T f ii. !.. ...!il,A..i will return this afternoon lu or- j f U I ill OCClipVlllg pOllltS of paSSagO aCrOSS tllO MVOr WltllOUt great ditticulty, r ni , "To tlio south of Dlxmudo and in tho diroctlon of jGhelvult our advanco was particularly porcoptiblo, To tho north of tho Lys River our front was everywhere maintained or ro-os-tablishod by tho ond of tho day, Dospito tho Gorman at tacks in tho region of tho Aisno, wo made somo progross, To tho north of Chavonno and Souhir, our troops woro compollod to draw back, , , . . lt "Thdro was violent cannonading botweon Rhoims and tho "Thcro was violont cannonading botweon Rhoims and tho Mouse River as woll as on tho Heights of tho Meuso, Further offorts on tho part of tho Gormans in tho forest of Argonno Imvo boon checked, Wo havo continued to make progross not th of Pont A Mousson, On our right wing ; thorc i hnvo ; boon somo ongagomonts favoiablo to us along tho River Soillo, dor to receive tho election j turns at the White lluuso I nlulu. RUSSIANS A'lTAtJIC TURK'S. (Ilr AiM?UIt 'nm Io Owm lk)r TIwm. CONSTANTINO PLH, Nov. 3. An .rinir.i .. I....I 1..- I . uuikiiii iiiiiiiiiiiuii'iiiioii inoiiuu euro today sayH: "AocordhiK to offlolal ro port from tho CaueailHii froutle uiimihu iroops navo nttnuKed 011 Rains Will Interfere Some Women Vote Early in Cities All Claim Victory lllr Amwktrt l'n Io Von Uiy Tlmn,. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. Rains In Western Oi'okoii thlealened to curtnll tho voto today especially In tho rur al districts. It was expected, how ever, that nhout SO per cent of those registered would no to tho polls. Tho women of Oregon, who were par ticipating In their first ncuornl elec tion, made up n majority of those votliiK early In the cKIoh and towns. The principal Interest centered In the prohibition (nuwtlon and tho flht for Unltiid'States Senator. Partlslaiia of tlio "Drys' and "Wet" eanipH each Mmado positive elalnia of victory. It was conceded thnt the "Dry" voto would ho proportionally fjreater out side of Portland. The main ele ment of uncertainty lay hi tho wo mens' vote. Ohnmherlalu, democrat, Ilooth, re publican, nud Ilnulny, progressive, ouch confidently prodlcted his own election as Ronator, orUC M 3 Qiannr RnlniiHrn. nrnmifir nf ihfi fiabiliot. I illotmontH returned today by the whic resigned" be'eauso of differences am9ng the mJSSS. recardne auestons of imanciai poncy, imvn uhbii aumrui-iof th0 Now Vork Xoyf Unyon nIlll -i-,,.. i ...i.. i... i .4m ummaniia nun Trtrm nir n npi Mlllliiuulii's liidiided In l.lhl of Ac Ciisi'd Men lu (lie KiM. (nr AhwMIxI Vrrtt io Coo lly TltKft.J NKW YORK, Nov. 3. Criminal In- frontier forces at several points, but Un- woro compelled to retire. Th Rus- fitans suffored Iossor throiiKh the en orKetle roslstnnoo of tho Turkish troops." HEAVY VOTE IN ALL PRECINCTS ltA I lt..l . . I.w.ltiillti.. iiciaiiy enirusieu uy i& viiui umiiikuiuoi ..m & naiuuiu nmiv m...,.,...,, ..... cabinet, snent the whoo of last light in consultation wtin hislwiniam Rookefoiior, Theodore n. S ica rends las lie wlstato Jive the crisis In shortest; ';, f-t ' wi w - ..,..,. - TUIIKKV XOT l'K.'IITIXt; ITAIA'. possible time, Dlllard. Tho Indlctmonts oharKo con splrsoy in vlolntlon of tho anti-trust law to monopollzo conimorce. Thoj mn.Ntmiim penalty Is n yonr iinprls c.nmont and 5.000 flue. XO AMERICANS lll'RT TiiikUli Did At Little lloinbaiiliiieiit Harm Io V. S. Odessa. Or AMMltffcl r-reo u Cooa Pi J Tlirn.) ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. No Am- orlcnns were Injured lu tho Turkish BELGIANS SAY GERMANS RETREATING. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HAVRE, France, Nov, 3, An official communication given out by the Belgian general staff ,says: "The enemy has fallen back toward the east, abandoning their dead and wounded, Our troops aro holding tho positions they occupied yesterday. Our advance forces, which moved toward the Yser, are finding everywhere signs of a precipitate retreat, BRITISH SINK GREEK BOAT.' niv Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) bombardment of Odessa nnd tho dn v .1 n a i!., InfniTOoiinn inaao to Amorlcan nroperty was In- , BERLIN (By Wireless; gov, d-Mwo.umM iu m ,u "?-;,,,, accordlnBlollwportfroi piven out to tne pross in Berlin today, British ciuiseis nave Uio Anierlcan ConBU, at oiom. sent a Greek torpedo boat 10 me uuuum, uhoicimhk w ., . Tuikish vessel. FRENCH AND BELGIANS UNITE (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) . i PARIS, Nov, 3,-The bombardment of Fumes, Belgium, 26 miles southwest of Bruges, by the Germans, did I not prevent the review" yesterday of the French and Belgmn troops by, President Potaire of I ance. King A e B etaum and rrencn war vnmsxer lyimmaiiu. . ""'.:, :fitu nf Qei. and his party paid their respects to Queen Elizabeth oi uei riUm' RELEASE MORE AMERICAN SHIPS (ny Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) A WASHINGTON, D, C Nov, 3,-An o Ambassador Page ,at Lender .today, ca tes ha he vessels, aan biovani anu nog ma u. wv.v' - Ai::;unr mve copper and dotainedl by S,.affalittn,.ta?t uft-ii permiuea io piuucou iu u,, - At 3 o'clock this afternoon tho total voio cnsi in uio lour precincts wni GERMAN FLEET SIS ENGLISH SUPS II BATTLE OFF CHILI (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) VALPARAISO, Chile, Nov, 3 Tho Gorman warships Gnolso nau, Schamhorst, Nurnlporg, Lelpzic and Dresden today at tacked tlio British fleet off Coronol, Chile, Tho British cruiser Monmouth was sunk, Tho cruiser Good Hopo was very badly damaged and as sho was on firo is supposed to havo boon lost, Tho British cruiser Glasgow took rofugo In tho harbor of Coro nol and is now bottled up, Tho Gorman warships Schamhorst, Numbers and Gneisonau anchoied at midday today in Valpar aiso harbor uninjured, , (Ilr AMttl I'm la Omm Ur TImm. Bhilll.IX. Nov. 3. Mlv W'trnlaaa) Turkoy. aeoordliiB to nn official an-11" norul ,,rocl,,cl Ul total wns noiiiieoinent made Imro today, has! l30, 'loi'- from North Bond state nledk'od hor word not to uttumnt nn.t,lnt tl10 votl t,loro ' heavier than Islamic movement lu Mhya mid there. ut ""' Pvlou olootlon In tho city. PLAN ATTACK ON TURKS. u LONDON, Nov, 3, A dispatch from Tiflls, tho capital of w Russian covommont of tho samo namo In Trans-Caucasia, 9oa. in south precinct 20 tho voto saysi It is announced that tne tmporor nas oruorou mo uiur was ioi, iii control nrocinct io, 2io,. Caslan army to cross tho frontier nnd attack tho Turks,'1 j NO SCORE IN L FOOTBAL E foro thero Is no cause for Italian un enslnoss roKardlntr Tripoli. SLLESE FRAUDS IN WASHINGTON ! from destinations, laie spouillaiijri rrVDT TURKISH TROOPS NEAR EGYPT (By Associated Press to Coos flay Times.) Tlio Marehflold Ulgh School and Coaulllo Indonondont foothall twuns playsd a tie game at the depot grounds this afternoon, nelthor side hoing able to scoro. It was hard fought throughout and lu the last fow minutes of play, Marshfiold held Co qulllo for downs on tho two-yard lino. There wag a good crowd out. OlliSIIll' IS ItKIiiaSHI) inr auii1 vn to " n ti,j .WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. The Stan da rd Oil gtoamor Platiiria, which was Throiighout the four precincts of tho elly voting was extra heavy today nud at 3 o'clock at least one of tho products, Central No. 18, had almost as many vol oh cast as thero woro In tho outlro city on Saturday. All day long people flocked Into tho office of Justice of tho Pence I'ouuool; and thoro had tholr votos sworn lu with six freoholdors na wltnesaos. At loast 70 had boon takon In this way at 3 o'- lock this afternoon and this not counting thoio who reglstoied tholr oto In a similar manner tit tho vari ous polls. Sharply nt 8 o'clock voting nil ov er tho stato will coiuo to n oloso and tho counting will heglu. With n long Dr AracKltte rrm to Co4 Htjr Tlm (it. unmt .!. . .. . ni. A 1 i iii'.. iov. 3. 'run riiinv .....i..ui ...,n ., ... ... .w.j. .... . , loniK'ii win cicuri iiiuiuuiu uiu iruu wiMiiuer nuu mo enoimous vote, ' 0f victory. iu,,Km on ,,y inionwis in proposed at Ttl0 Tlmos 'office and bulletined proamnion law, are fgrcnstml today ' tlironicti tho evonlng from over tho In Washington. In cities poll wore cltyi countyt 8tnto nlu, nat0I1, open from 8 to 8, In country dls- Tho CmintlnK of tho voto In this trlcta they will oloso at 7. In Scmt- county wlM ,, B,ow, ,. tlo. where It is allegod thousands of lll0llh OVOrv moans of mossauo con- . , .. -. ... ... i " w 'iruuuenuy regisierou io vote Many Watchers at Polls in Se attle As Result of Claims of Bogus Registrations SUBMARINE SI s 1 AND RETURNS SAFELY TO PORT- (By Associated I'ross to Coos Bay Times.) Klnu 0 Tim rSnimnn cliliin i-tnn liiltlrtli pol il UUVl o, I IIU VJUIIIIUII QUUHIUI IIIU MIVll OCllll BERLIN, Nov, 3, Tho Gorman submarino which sank tho British cm sor Hermes off Dover last Saturday has roturned safoly to port, according to an official announcement, Tho namo of the submarino was not givon, men against prohibition, thoro will many watehors at the polls. be HOOKICI'KMiKIt TO All) Um'I (o (By Associated I'ross to Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Nov, 3, Tho fortified town of Akabah in Arabia. baiiot it is doubtful if the returns ofon an arm of the Red Sea lias been sholled and occupiqd by tho cieariy jnciicato mo treii grjtish CTUISer MlllOrva, I llOrO W3S SOITIO lOSS tO U00PS Il0l(l- !SVV7n,Zle:!i ing tho positions, but no Britisli casualties, Akabah is 150 miles east ot buoz, Tho Admiralty announced this occurronco as follows! "Upon arriving at Akabah, tho cruiser Minerva, Captain Warloigh, found tho placo occupied by soldiers and armed nativos, Ono of tho soldiers had the appearance of a Gorman officer, Tho Minerva then sholled tho nort, Tho town was evacuated and 'n. j .. i i"-i'" - ., , , ... , ,- . ........ Company will bring looal results and lanaing parilCS H0I1J IVIII1UIVU piUUUUllUtl 10 UOSUOy 1110 lOriS, the Assoelatod I'ress nud Western barracks, pOSt Office arid StorOS, union win sonii siaio anu nauonni re- veyanco will bo brought Into uso. Tlio Cw and (miry County Tolophouo suits. Tho moasuro iinssed und tho men put Into office will prnbubly not bo known boforo Weduenday evoulnx whoro tho count Is ut all clone. NKW VOHK, Nov. 3. Oil Kind's .Millions Io Imi Assist Hiiiokiiiim. IIr imt-.ltti hn, Coat Bar lim. To loso no coitlll'.V KOIICKI) TO VITIIIIl,V 18 Ami total I'kh Ut Cm Itar Tlaw. I'KTHOOUAI), Nov. 3. A dispatch frnm QnlinvlnnrJn uiih "Tlin fnrmnr the State Department that this had .., luuuuuuon was cierman rruUor Ooeben h bombard- Lecn dono afttr to Danis'i govern :"ro" ' a tai iay ,lh ,la"8 ' Kp mont of the Illutk Sea fort was put1 ment had given as-irano that lier ' " '" D,,,i' uu una to un end by tho C1ontuntlnowu)wa ..,,..., ... a.,nw.v. sn,iBr.d. has t,mo '" oarrylng out tho decision an. been released and proceeded to Copen ' ,.,u"cod to ,l8lI' tlio non-combatants . hagen Tho British embassy notified " roi' with, Itockefollor'H mil-1 RUSSIA CLAIMS TO OCCUPY PART OF EAST PRUSSIA NOW LONDON, (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) Nov, 3,- Tho Stai today publishes n CARIO, Egypt, Nov. 3. Turkish troops are reportec I near ? borde'r, vyfilch they have not crossed, T he Br, tsh a.e ful ni nW JaK 1 1 fire ussian rupture, Press "of 'lunilnatlnK 0,i would u1'; forced the warships dispatch saying that the Russians are' Si?Aa1d' " 0t'H V! iS SchpH tomorrow. I Hporle4 to Uermauy. 8,oa t0 turo rt 1) rther work. to withdraw after b,lnB damaged. JnsklMl? R? PfJIH') frflnllfirlM' censorship will be established wm2mmmimi -:MwiBffliwyinwiiirTMiaiiP "TviiTyyg.lfi ';i ':; i-';: -Mf ';:u ,..;: j,.:ur.:. SXWl nQeoi(feiy estajf, wU .