wawmmm BfCTkfeBnMJilftflBWBBlHIl i - fftrftrvpi iqnq i-w vwnW-TrwWf "JTWJP"II WflfM PPfH' ' 't-" wwUf 3Loiuidl r a Maim Talks th ds Us of a Drum r nun STIRRING TIMES ...- itnvB of war nnd blood- M H ro ""' , ,. . J It IS l,lliui"in. mm. jilll ' fu KtlUWIUiiBU ui uiu iiiiusi Ubentlc news, auuscnuo lor tho rimes and renu uiu utuius ui wio C,y Cach evening 000 lau States MHMIIEIt OP Tills ASSOCIATED PRESS r EVERY DAY Tlioro appcara some Item of nows In tho advertising columns of Tho Tlmos nows of tho day's "Dost Buys" to bo found In tho various stores. Tho woninn who rends nnd heeds theso "nows Items" Is tho ono who conducts her household economically. )L NO. XXXVIII. Kh(ji1i11s1iC,i 1878 nw Tho Conit Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nml Cmix ltnv Atlvrrllinr No. 86. BENCH CLAIM BS SWING e L 8 G lll ffmaims uiaim jb ACK ID FORTH TR f m u aim IHEPORTS TODAY INDICATE ITALY bi District Around Verdium' H SOON JOIN IN STRUGGLE Lis Announcement Claims Allies Are Making Gains in Many piaccs uiu L.u&i uiuuiiu io uiu jjoiun oi rpres Many Violent Attacks Made by Germans. LAIM KAISER'S ATTACKS BETWEEN LABASSEE AND ARRAS WERE REPULSED WITH HEAVY GERMAN LOSS SAYS ENGLAND MUST FREE U.S. CARGOES bounce Allies Were Compelled to Withdraw from Vicinity of I Wnillw Utti Uniin Arliinnnl ? IUm t f !.! !1. . f n vumy, uiu iiuvu huvciiiuuu ill uiu yiumiiy OF dOUaill j uiiu hi uiu vvuuvre District. .Official Statement from Berlin 1 Claims Developments There ! of Greatest Importance. SILENT ABOUT BATTLE NEAR NORTH SEA COAST Says Austria Holds Nearly 75, 000 Russian Prisoners the French Attack St. CARRANZA AND VILLA ARE OUSTED I Scmi-Official Announcement from Rome That Definite Stand I In .,..... f Jlt-.l 111!,, n l-l J iii cuiujuuii ouiiinui win ooon dg Hnnouncuu Clash with Greece Over Sascno Island. FRENCH ADMIT GERMANS HAVE MADE GAINS AT ,' ' POINTS NEAR NORTH SEA COAST SINCE YESTERDAY Illy Awm ltot I'm. to Cn lUjr Tlmfn J i WASHINGTON, I). V., Oct. 31.- i tllr Ann ktctl I'mi In Coo. liar TlmM I iHEHMX, Oct. 31. Information given out In official nunrtcrs todny Tho United Stntes Stnto Department says ".Military exports consider yestor- PARIS. fid. 31. TIlR fnllnwlnn- nffinlnl nnnminrtomfinfctiinc Into today directed Ambassador Pago day's developments around Verdun I I I II 1 11 w w. w . . . . . . . w,,w . w io wiiiwihi hi IIIVUI UU I IVjII LV CIO . .. I...IH.I . , . - , i . , . . . . - UIU v linn ado this afternoon: "Yesterday was inaikod by an attempt at, IZt 0 " mwwITa there VZIo '! ,ZZ "' r.ranear.y settlement fo.io-j pass tho consols indicated that along tho North Son it was I L'CnCI'al UllOllSIVO mOVeillCIU Oil tIG Dai'! -Ot tin hfiimflllR l.nn rnimnr mi Ui Hnllim Ktnn.il.,.-,. u-ltl. ronnWo.1 alrnmrlh. In Mm flt.1.1. Inn Mm nrtl.iii rif Mm A.ri.nu f..ll.,l., J St a Datt 0 01 UIVO nllfl tflkO. long the entire front from Nieuport to Arras, and by violent sanuiovnnnnanditeginnd'jtniia, do-1 ing south of voniun, tho French nn coiiforonco yesterday in minptiiiK n Of immcdlato interest was tho .semi-official an Hacks delivered at other points of the line of battle, From ,n,nc1 nt (I,,rUnr' n' Rnmniis straining every effort to crush nndiorreo iIohobiiir imth carrnnm nmi nounccmont from Rome indicating that Italy might tako a moro uini mo cnrRoes arc tiesuneii io iiaiy. arivo oui tno army which in Hopiom- viiui irom omciai posiuoiia. irlpfinitn Qtnnrl In Ihn clmrm n unc rnnnrlnr 1 hoi Qncnnn No confirmation of Report of Evacuation of Ostcnd by Germans t-rcnen claim Some Gams No Definite News in? a im I' m cm iir TimN. ' to Indicate Trend of Battle of rVlillions. ' . El, PASO, Oct. 31.- Leaders of tho ! (Uy ABSOclntctl l" Coos Uny Times.) - rival Carrniiisii iiiut Villa factions of LONDON, Oct. 31, TIlO StOI'Y of tllC EUTOpOail War Was tho Constitutionalist party today' slow ill tllO tolling today, but SUCll HOWS as Was PUriTllttod to a neutral country. W ieiiDort to the Labassee Canal, there were alternate move- nents of advance and retirement. .To the south of Niounort. le Germans, who had taken possession of Ramoikapelle, were riven out of the town bv a counter attack. To tho soutli of pros we lost somo points of support, Hollebecke and Znd ordc. but we progressed to the oast of Yores in the direction f Paschendaele, Between Labassee and Arras the Germans ere renulsed with heavy losses for them, In tho region of kulnes, wo advanced beyond Lihons and took possession of cauesnov, in tno region or no Aisno, wo made nroeross on heheieh s of the riglit bank clown stream rom Soissons, but ewerecomnollcd to withdraw from tho vicinitv of Vaillv. Wo Renortcd fn Hnvn Pniri SRn. lavo advanced in tho region of Souain and tlioro havo been , 000 for Tract Which Thnv ill .. i (.. A I .. il 111 . . .. Ili I i . . ."w J iioieni engagemeius m Aigonnc, in ino vvoevre ciisinci wo lavo again won ground in tho forest of Lepretre," pi. TRACT IS SOLD S hor penotrated as far as St. Mlllilel. Tim (lormniiH vvo now- enptured tho main poHltlon nnd their forces nro operatlnif from thu direction of Toul. Tho Kronoli nttark from Pont A Moiishou also was without results." n official announcement Riven out I o mi a tnilny says tho total uumlier Itusslau ltrlsonors Interned In trla and lluncnry Ort, USth. wan (19 nfflcers nnd 73,1 il!) men, not IGH I VOTE AT CITI PRIMARY countluR those In transit In this date. p0i, 0nc. ijnji o ryrlnpk Tn Koporls say stroiiR Itusslan f.ircos V,:"ui ' d-i.. .U?I0CK ' Will Commence Clearing crossod tlm'rlver San South of NIs- Icin hut they -weio reiiulsed after i hard fighting. Crnwford Point Addition, hotwoen CooMtou and Portsmouth Addition, was sold thin" week ftir f S,000 hy tho Crawford Point I.nml ('ompaiiy to Itoherlsou & KleiiilnR, Portland cupltallHts, who am preparing plans for the rapid uphulldliiR of tho tract inrosH. tho.Hay, according to Claudo NnsliurR, iiKout of tho former owners, who returned yestordny from Port- laud and Hosohurg. i Inimodlnte stops toward oponlng tho section will ho taken hy tho ffflHlllltlil onlillnllniia .1 t ..I .. -. .. VI n,.l OI Tl. ff!!-l ..,4 ,.m ,v,n,U '",l " imiii, uui'inrua .ur. i will oil UIU uiiuiiiwtu niiiiuuiiuuiiiuiii ttio iiuiiiu MMliurfr. Clearing of tho land will he eonimoncod nt onco. With tho Rht ocloelc this morning first of tho your n Inunoh sorvlco will I '"th to San Frnnolsco. ho (ipsiiud hotwoon Crawford Point I 0 i IS BACK TO PARIS III N mm- STB.. NANN SMITH 1 SAILS FOR SOUTH i I Piled hlifh with a deck lime! nf night Returns at Times Of- ice Shortly Afterward. dofinlto stand in tho struccle, It was reported that Sasono island, tno ownership of which has long boon disputed bolweon Greeco and Italy, was seized by tho Italians, Tho -French war office acknowledges that tho fiorcost Gor man onslaught, shifted a few milos to tho east and south from tho coast, has met with success at points, Further east, it is said, somo ground lias boon won by tho allies. Along tho on tiro Wostorn front tho Germans havo resumed a gonoral of fonsivo movement, but, according to tho French war offico, without definite result, No word Is spoken to confirm tho unofficial statomonts of last night that tho Germans had ovacuatod Ostond. In tho oast tho battle of millions continues without advan tage, An Austrian dofeat on tho East Prussian frontior is re- lly Associated Prosa to Coos Day Tlmos.) "day thai tho Government would return to Paris from Bor leaiix on Nov. 20, and that Parliament wduld meet on De lember 1ft to pass emergency laws, Little by liltlo Paris mns to uo roturmng to .normal conditions, South Precinct No. 20, ac j votes. Iteglstored, lfil!. i Contral Precinct No. Ill, 30 . votes. IloglHlerotl, 110. Con (nil Precinct No. I, 28 I votes. Iteglstored, 222. . North Precinct No. 17, 31 I votes, Itoglsterod, !)3. ! Havo you volod? If not thoro Is luiuhor and cnrrjlng n passenger list hU" t,,uo 0 cast '01lr ,mllot ,'ofr' of 07 porsons, 31 of whom wore In O0,o,, ,MI8 ovoninK. Tiirougiiout tho rahln, tho Nann Smith loft out at'1 ,0 ,,ny ,ltUo intoroat was shown In hound ,0 ,,,y Priiries aim jungos anil olorks In tho precincts spent most of Tho following passongors loft on V" ''"l0 ('Iia,t,l"T nml V'"IH"R "'"" vTi cost iu'to a o'ci,ocic ported irom retrograd, word horn tno Austrian government is s that reverses have been sufford bv tho Russians at various points in balicia, Turkey's hostile acts against Russia .soon may placo hor at war with all tho allied powors, It was said at tho Stato Do partmont in Washington that tho diplomatic roprosontativos of theso powors aro preparing to loavo Turkey, Berlin roports that Turkey's action was a naluial sequonco to Russian at tacks on Tuikoy's integrity, tho Nairn Smith: thumsolvoH, In practically ovory pro- If FLEET OF BOMBARDS FORTS i i i . i . . i min i.' i vm-niii... i' ii mm " eiooK when comploto returns will Jid Industrlos may ho In- OJIn, 1;. It. Novating, !. P. Jlurr, , TURKEY BLAMES GERMANS ON WARSHIPS FOB RUSSIAN RAID M S AT TSING TAB (Hy Associated Press to Coos Ray Tlmos.) TOKIO, Oct. 31. Tim Navv Danartmont announcos that a apancse squadron, assisted by English warships, masked by.l,',,l'l,'0 ' !tori. w I m cl nnX i.-Ij j ..!....j.V l.n,l,nU 4l,a fnrle ot made with tho Portsmouth I.ai L " j ii u u UclU Ull UIU VISdUIUUSIV UU UllllGU HID IUIIO Ul .i,l..i. ....,,. .1.,. .. .1.11. i.. .1 , r, T ' A 1 A n J r , r I niiivii wiiiiB iiiu iiuiiiiiiiii uu uiu uttui vma. 11 on URinnor vu. Nninn or i no aomiso wuiks wuiu esiroyra and on tho next dav the bombardment was repented w mo Kaiser's northeast tort replied to tno nomoaramoni. mul .Mnrshfluld; n dock Is proposod i for GO foot nnd a 1000- Hii1in.il linnl.- factories nnd Industrlos mnv ho In-'Olln, K. It. Novating. V. P. Murr. ? "" wlionconMilot. returns will (By Associated Prosa to Coos Day Times.! duced to ostnhllsh themselves on Mrs. V. P. Murr, S. J. Hob.rU. A. B0 fj "J " I WASHINGTON, D, C Oct, 3 1, -TllO Turkish mlnlstor of t.mt side of ti,8 y free sito win "Xf' yioU ?n WbJ1'. " " 2 niy c, Saos finance Informod the Fioiich ambassador at Constantinople L?Z ?: r SSrSi "L TLX "StZ:. ;-- .-.-.li . yesterday that the raid of tho Turkish warships on tho Russian of water along tho 3700 foot front- K. Heath, John J. Vogoll, A. I, Ueng- ""' 'hn wl" nnouc0 tlioiiwolvoE seaports took plaCO WltllOllt tllO knOWlodgO Of tllO Ottoman ago ownod hy tho oompnny nnd tho "t". J- Daklgrnn. Win. Ollnln, J. A. , , hy. ,inon,1B " I,otM(,' nor u" gOVOrnmOIlt, aild WaS prOSUITlbaly Ulldor tllO inflUOnCO Of Gor- owners declare that .hoy win imvo mrmoii. k. s. croighton, Mrs. k. s. J ri;:,'0,";","0 man officors and crow, Tliis information was convoyed In a a dredso at work on the channel hy Cro gh.on Tom Noss, C Freeman C. ' J J r ,", " t n dispatch tOtiay fl'Om Ambassador MorgOllthaU tO tllO AtTlOrican ::z oTtsrr to the 8,ntoi 2!tt Jis?i.rui!:: 5- ? cit; rr ' "ri m orgenlh?u .add?d !hat Rra,nn ambapador For the oponlng of tho dook n'Coro Hrwln, 1). O. 1)11, Sadlo Nlyrp, -"""'- - ' " " ..,,.. ,BUUIVOU IllbUUUllUIIS yoMUluuy iu uuiiiuiiu ilia Jcioa;uiia unu iii bo vr shun, siiir somen, i. stropen- "" " "v '". made an otiort to see tno uraiiu vizier, wiio pioaocd riinoss oghk, snk ifnum so,,,, jof, v on'' ZiZmZZ and did not receive him, Adam. All Musto. AIIII Osier, It. Os- ,"J '"'..'. !?!,. .!q?",V".?!5 Tlin Riicelnn. Prnnrli nnrl Rrilkli nmbnR?nrlnrs. nr.r.nrilnir I MV IIMWUIUH I IUHUII MUM MIIHVH HI liHVUHMW W W W W I I -j and Co., Ill SEIZES ISL AND WNI GO 1 I . Tt 1 it 111 f.vt.a. O.xn ....... t .. 1 Vl W ! IIIIM U 1 1 1 t f J (1 in 1'1IIIII I ,iu..Dii.i mill iiuiiiiiiK uiu uiu lliuu .'., u"..M u-.w.pw,,, niuwi, wirun, .i , n , . , ,. .... .,... i i . -, , nn nh n,n nrnnnfnrl in nnlln I'nnc nhl nnn n ln . , who reoontly openml tho town of Al- Olion, .(leo. NIcols, All Morka. I). "Z i J tu Tnlr. T mt l u ' i. ' n '" " I ' ' u" ,u ' l" ,r'U. wuiiauiiiiiiiuMiU iu- vadore about eleven mllos out of Mufll. Asln Demlro, Orlf Slln, Jack ZVtil, Wo , gOthor tonight, Oil rOCOlovillK illStrUCt OIlS to lOHVO Constanti- cugene on th new iino of tho port- shoionm. ounoii Mefta, Agu oviiu, 1 . .,'. fill1nntlII , nVA , nnn poplo, tho Russian ambassador immediately placod tho intor- Usnd, IJugene & Kas.orn road from Oil Olno, Oh, minor. I), niyron, Hot pIog0 wllnS, 1"", '3 CStS of Russia in tllO liailds of tllO Italian ambassador, Mor- portiami. Ti.oro they imvo laid out itofa. s. s.iiihnon. Mun siio, sit oar- ovonl ail), t0 ..,,,.. ,IBV0 ,l0Oll gonthau's dispatch made no mention of any declaration of war Sr'ev r""' ?t orJi .ndV" tZ'd Vol ?"' ' . wet 0,t"or at k",nI 80"ft fot"18 nor of internal conditions Iii Turkey, Ho probably will tako "?eAocrni.8'ore8 """ " Bt"00! .r.0.1'. " .""if: or via tho North Horn! route. How- mm.- ll,n rnrJ, anA R.illcli nmlmcc nc - w-v . - w w w-w - -wwwww iryw w w I VI. IIII1 I I i: Hill fj f 111 IJIlllilll lilllllllilUIUkll GREECE RAS LONG CLAIMED CANADA PLACES EMBARGO BN TO AIO El RfJME, Oct, 31, A semi-official dispatch issued here stat l3! wat tho island of Sasono was occupied yesterday by Ad wal Patiis nf ihr. itniinn nnu. whn disembarked ono battory N a enmnanw f infnnirw TiiA fiwuflrsliiD of this island,' f'llCh ffimmnnrlo Iiq nnfrnnnn In llm hnrhor of AvIOIlfli Al- ?.naj has long been a mattor of dispute between Groece and lluania, UIS MS FIFTY MBRE RESCBED FROM P v I RUSSIA CAPTURES MANY AUSTRIANS. (Hy Associated Press to Coos flay 1 linos.) WASrllMnTOM n o nni Q1 .Qinhhnrn fiehtine contilHIOS ln the East Prussian frontier between the Russians and Gar- CT' I he Austrians suffered heavy losses near lanuw on WobrrP.q nt ii,n hnnio nf iho Ruccinns. who took a thousand 'f'sonpn, nnrnrm'nfr tn p Riiccifln forcien office dispatcli ro- ;c,'"d hrro inrlnv at tho Russian RinbaSSV. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlmos.) OTTAWA, Can., Oct. 31, The Canadian government today placed an embargo on the exportation to any country at wai with Great Britain of any articles which will bo of uso to them iii prosecuting the war, Tho order forbids tho exportation of contraband to any neutral country which would in turn re-export the materials to Groat Britain's enemies, U. S. PROTESTS ENGLISH ACTION. - (Hy Associated Pross to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C Oct, 31, Formal protest to tho Brit ish government against the detention of .the American coppor laden steamer Kroonland at Gibraltar was made today by tho State Department through Ambassador Page at London, The British authorities were asked to explain why the Kroon- U. S. TO REPRESENT ALLIES. (By Associated Press to Ceos Bay Times.) WASHlMrrrrui n n rw qi Wnrrl mached the State partrnp-it today that the diplomatic representatives of the ancj iaci not been either leleased or sent to the prize court over Mayor Allon doolnros tho sal oons mny open their doors nt 8 o'olock nnd romnlii upon until mid night. Hnd this hcon n stnto oler tlon such procedure would havo boon ' ImiioHslhlo, hut tho city charter pro vides for tho saloons closing only (luring tho hours tho polls aro open. S i WHITBY, Eneland, Oct. 31. Fiftv moro mon woro snvnrl this morning from tho wreck of tho British Hospital ship Rbhjlla which ran on the rocks off tho Yorkshiro coast, Tho total numbor on board tho ill-fatod ship is not definitely khowni uiu u ib usuiiimuu ui uuu. iiiuiu uiu suiu iu uu sun sixty persons on tho vessel, Several mon this morning, In response Over 40,000 Witness Battle to signals from shore, decided to take tho risk of swimming, Between Michigan and Har- A few of them reached land safely, but tho others woro drown- vard at Cambridge Today. , od, Bodios aro washing up on tho beach, (Or AmwIiM l'n rxni U Tim. I - g cAMimii;i). Mass.. Oct. si.-' FRENCH REFUGEE SHIP TORPEDOED. Footbuii as pinyod in tho west was LQNDON, Oct. 31. It was officially announcod that tho re matehod imiut tho eastom nmo fuge() s,p Admiral Ganteaumo, says a Bordeaux dispatch to when Michigan and Harvard mot to- .. D . '' Tin,, p.,rt,,, ,., ,i 1 i u,ul-'"lVi" lu day. Noany t o.ooo onthusiastie foi- the Routers Telegram Company, was torpedoed by a Gorman ioer of tho sport iuw tho content. ' submarino and did not strike a mine as was at first thought, ii;"lf,i tooay mat tne oipinmauu 'nJ1C0.c,Mr.l,,"r Th lrt,,u "au "Ul uuc" c,lMCI ,clcaocu Ul ooni lu lMO iJI,co wu'lt Mr. (vnin TruviH iuih (h-iuii , GERMAN CRUISERS CAPTURED S ?re, making preparations to leave Constantinople. ine Tie pi0test aso stated that theie seenis to be no warrant for himitv vxnum ..t n.o lamiw . nNnnN Ort V - A disnatch from SvdnBv M s w says . . 1 . .. . la I I rl I - m Eover VMZTSl gonroftenons.G.eece, It, Is ProbaMeJhat p..te.t aga.thtentlon Lfe ifjou need your root.snau have been captured asjrgj .m j. n - "lr"i'- "-' i ., .-umujtmiMtimnm-ammmmmmma' ...t Tn